Science topic

Textual Criticism - Science topic

Genealogical Textual Critics know little of cladistics. Computer assisted textual critics know nothing of Genealogical Textual Criticism apart few wrong notions. It is time to compare results, methodologies, expenses.
Questions related to Textual Criticism
  • asked a question related to Textual Criticism
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I aspire to NOT take the work-based insults personally because the ridicule means my work has been noticed and may get more attention, and or maybe I should improve somehow.
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أنا لا أتعامل مع الأشخاص السلبيين الذين يحاولون التقليل من شخصي أو عملي، لهذا أحاول تجنبهم قدر الإمكان، وجعل سخريتهم بمثابة تحدي للإبداع في عملي والوصول إلى مراتب أعلى، بهدف إثبات أهميته والتأكيد على قدراتي
  • asked a question related to Textual Criticism
27 answers
As an academic writer, you are expected to be critical of the sources that you use. This essentially means questioning what you read and not necessarily agreeing with it just because the information has been published. Being critical can also mean looking for reasons why we should not just accept something as being correct or true. This can require you to identify problems with a writer's arguments or methods, or perhaps to refer to other people's criticisms of these. Constructive criticism goes beyond this by suggesting ways in which a piece of research or writing could be improved.
So what are the best phrases for constructive criticism?
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Most people are very thin-skinned and easily upset when it comes to receiving criticism. Constructive criticism is achieved when criticism is given in a way that politely instructs the person being criticized on how to better accomplish the goal or task. Constructive criticism's main goal is to better a person or group, not to tear down confidence or self-esteem. Each situation of constructive criticism must be handled on an individual basis, as every person reacts differently and requires a certain level of sensitivity. Before giving constructive criticism, one should make sure to speak to the person about the issue at hand and use methods that benefit his particular personality. A constructive criticism focuses on the situation, not the person. The feedback sandwich method is a popular method of giving constructive criticism. It is often used in Toastmasters and in the corporate environment. Be specific with your feedback. Comment on things that can be actioned upon. Give recommendations on how to improve & at last my final tip for giving constructive criticism is not to make assumptions. Keep in mind that giving criticism is a skill that, like all skills, can be mastered through learning and practice. Always Remember:  Think well, act well, feel well, be well.
  • asked a question related to Textual Criticism
4 answers
I am trying to understand a comment made by somebody with respect to a presentation that dealt with solitude and nature. The comment is " Professor Tison had been struck by the indifferentism expressed in the paper. It reminded him of the English poet mentioned by Emerson whose teaching amount to this- that nothing really mattered very much."
The "indifferentism" here means apathy towards the world and mundane matters. I am aware that Emerson was very much influenced by Wordsworth's various ideas including solitude and nature and he also critiqued him a lot that we can see in his journal entries and works like "English Traits", etc.
But I am wondering, did Emerson ever feel that Wordsworth was indifferent to the human society/problems/ humans?
Many thanks well in advance for your replies !
  • asked a question related to Textual Criticism
6 answers
Analysing my data using template analysis.  Have used apriori themes in initial template, and am describing the process of modifying the template as i go along.  Am getting a bit confused about codes and themes, i am collecting  more codes as i analyse say each batch of 3 interviews, then reviewing these codes,  re-organising and amending the  template and going onto the next 3 etc. I will then go back through all the data with the final template.  Should my final template be my final themes and sub themes? Or  can they be my final codes, which are then subject to further reorganising into final themes?  Many thanks for any advice! (Its for my masters and getting close to panic stage......:)
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Thank you David, didnt have this, perfect!
  • asked a question related to Textual Criticism
12 answers
I need references on this topic for a research article. Empirical analysis would be good.
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Dear Simeon: I do not agree with your idea that Barthes' theory can be used "as long as it is based on textuality." In fact, my favorite essay in Mythologies is about "Plastic", literally, the material thing.
To read literature, we can use anything pertinent to our reading. I use history books, books on science and statistics, psychoanalysis theory, books on fashion or consumer culture, etc. Why not? To reduce reading to "textuality" is probably the fastest way to kill literature. As I said above, literature has no bounds as to writing or reading it. Textuality is a fact, often it is also the content or subject matter of a novel or a poem. But any text is too rich not to open it up and explore it from other disciplines whether present or not present in the book at hand. That is the joy of literature, its openness.
Best regards, Lilliana