Science method
Telemetry - Science method
Transmission of the readings of instruments to a remote location by means of wires, radio waves, or other means. (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
Questions related to Telemetry
What is the best 'free of charge' software for extracting GPS data from a video created from a GoPro camera?
I have checked the Telemetry Extractor ( for the GoPro with the hopes to use its free Lite version; however, that is not working for me. It's pushing me to use the premium version but the pricing is offensive.
Any help will be appreciated.
Hi all, I'm about to start a telemetry project but I'm working at a lab that has no equipment in hand already so I need to start at the beginning. I will need to home in on VHF tags on various sized animals. I have used quite a few different receivers from companies over the years but all that equipment is no longer manufactured. Any ideas on who is making the best VHF receivers right now? I'm buying collars from Lotek this year so I can certainly buy their receiver as well but I wanted to see if there were better options. The last receiver I used was the R1000 which were handy for hiking with compared to the old brick style receivers I used to use that required a trap since they were super boxy. Thanks.
Hello all - just joined the community after having found valuable expertise here on several prior occasions. Most of the work you all are doing is notably more involved and rigorous than my projects, but the insight found here has helped broaden my understanding.
So I thought this would be a good resource to turn to with my question. The company i work for is transitioning to a SaaS model for many of their existing and new products. As part of that effort, I am developing "in-app" feedback programs to gain customer insights and sentiment to complement what we can measure from telemetry data.
My question: are there any resources available that go into detail on techniques and best practices for in-app survey methodologies to implement for technical B2B products? Or do just "standard" survey practices apply? Thanks in advance.
I am looking for articles on length of stay related to early mobilization. The entire question could not be placed in the question line. The entire question is:
"To what degree does the implementation of the Bedside Mobility Assessment Tool impact the length of stay among telemetry patients over 65 years old at an acute care hospital in Ohio when compared to not using the BMAT?"
Hi all! Can anyone recommend a robust and not too expensive radio receiver with a good range? We'll be manually tracking radio-collared titi monkeys within a few km range in a dense and very humid Amazon rainforest (148-152 MHz range). ATS R410 receiver seems a good option, but their prices for shipping to Germany are a bit too high, so I'm looking for an alternative. Has anyone had experience with Perdix receiver, for example? Or with Telonics?
I have figured out the connection between the Arduino Nano and PixHawk Flight controller. But I'm struggling with how to send sensor data via telemetry to my local PC that has Mission Planner installed on it. Can you suggest some research articles to point into the right direction?
I am working on biomedical telemetry antennas and I need voxel model to simulate my antenna. Can anyone help me to find the CST 2018 bio model license or data of a 43 year old female with a height of about 163 cm and 51 Kg?
Thanks for helping me.
I am actually studying thermogenesis processes using rectal thermometry. However, I would like to acquire a wireless monitoring system of temperature for measuring internal temperatures of freely moving and conscious mice without opening the cage.
I have searched this question and although there is one in 2019 that asked for advice about lower cost telemetry receivers with one reply mentioning the IC-R30 the answer did not get specific.
So, does anybody have any experience using the ICOM IC-R30 radio receiver for tracking?
I am thinking of purchasing one to track bats fitted with Lotek PicoPip VHF Tags (173 MHz range). The receiver will be connected to a Yagi directional antenna (173 MHz). The receiver has a wide band range which makes me think that sensitivity may not be great. I would like to know how others have found the the ICOM IC-R30 whilst tracking with a directional antenna for tags in the 173 MHz range.
Any thoughts would be welcome and possible comparisons with the dedicated Lotek Biotracker VHF Receiver if anybody has experience using both.
Many thanks
Few Space Rokets has antennas on the board for telemetry and communication. For an example look at this video:
What antennas use on the board of the 1st stage (landing part) of SpaceX FALCON9?
I wonder if anyone has some experience they would share on heat shrinking "stuff" to animal telemetry collars. That could be additional sensors for instance.
I imagine some types of heat shrink would be better suited to withstand UV radiation and wear and tear.
Best regards,
Lars Holst Hansen
Tetrao urogallus, telemetry, reliable and long-lasting (=2 years) tags
I am wondering if there is any published study or anecdotic field observations that show that active howling (human voice, playback) could disturb (even slightly) wolf packs? I am aware that it could be hard to make any sound conclusions even with wolves followed by means of telemetry. I am also interested in studies that show that wolf packs are not disturbed at all. Many thanks in advance. Best wishes Fridolin
Hello, we are exploring the possibility of acoustically marking American shad from the Saint Lawrence River with gastric markers. We know of some studies in the United States that have succeded with this method but since the American shad from the Saint Lawrence spawn multiple years before dying, we would need to know if the markers impede the ability to feed of the fish. If any of you know of studies on this subject, I would be very interested in reading the papers.
Thank you for your time and answers.
Movebank provides a simple yet effective tool for filtering outliers from telemetry data by speed between successive relocations. Is there a similar tool available in any animal movement analysis package? The closest I've been able to find is the 'argosfilter' package, which does have a speed filter that works, but is not very streamlined for processing large datasets.
Usually I record the GPS coordinates of the identified spotted deer individual within a 50 m radius, will it be erroneous to utilise those points and compute a year-long Kernel Density Estimates for the animal
Hi all! Currently I am investigating a hypertensive mouse model and I am planning to use tail cuffs to screen mice, that have undergone recombination, before I proceed with telemetry based blood pressure measurements. As expected, tail cuff measurements are highly variable and I am thinking this may be due to the restraining stress during the measurements. Therefore, I am planning on using anesthetized mice to reduce the stress level. Any help or suggestions with these experiments are highly appreciated.
I'm a PhD student involved in a raptor project in Spain by means of high resolution telemetry tracking and I'm interested in any kind of conservation raptors project. I'd like to know, if it's possible, what kind of initiatives you're planning to carry out
I have a broad range of questions about those systems.
I need to buy a telemetry system and I need help. I want DSI but I have better price offers. My problem is that I do not know if the data provided by other producers are real or not.
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTP) or Pub-Sub Protocol enables resource constrained devices to send or publish information, known as the payload.
We were using foot collars but they malfunction VERY often and also the strap was injuring the rhino's leg, so we had to remove all the collars. My research is dependant on tracking these animals after release (they are rehabilitated orphan white rhino), so unless I find a way, I cannot do my research. Help please!
Thank you all in advance.
In the cochlear implant, the RF link( antennas present in the internal and external unit) are used for DC power supply and data transmission. So, my question is related to the data transmitted. What kind of measurements/ actions are reported through the surgically implanted cochlear aid in patients? Is there some kind of electrochemical analysis performed through the platinum/ gold electrode array channels?
- Is there one regulator device that can supply at least 1.2 Amps @ 5 VDC from a 9.8 - 14.8 VDC battery and also draw below 150uA in quiescent mode? I am currently using two regulators for this requirement. I must completely cut power to the high current regulator to achieve a 150uA sleep current as the quiescent current of any 1.2 Amp device I have seen is well above 150uA.
- The high current regulator is powered on for one minute and off for 9 minutes.
- LM2936 is used for the low quiescent current. 7805 type is used for the high current regulator. The high current regulator is powered on and off by a PVG612 optical relay as this device has very little off state leakage. This designe is from 17 years ago. Surely now there is a single device that can do all this without creating so much heat.
- This regulator system is used to power a microcontroller that charges batteries and controls the telemetry devices for my agricultural research project published here. Thank you in advance.
Number of telemetry and telecommands
Dear all,
I was wondering if anyone of you know of a comparative study between hardwired (cable) sleep measure and telemetry. Specifically, my interest is to know whether sleep stages are affected by being attached to a cable and if then the results are reliable.
I wanted to get some assistance regarding the above topic. I am to design and implement a water leak detector system for home use as part of a water usage management system. The system must
1. Detect a leak
2. Interface with a control system so that the smart meter can be automatically shut down remotely
Please advice on the projects relation to the use of telemetry for implementation and how one should/would go about it.
Thank you
We would like to put collar on foxes in the Arctic. T°c can reach -40°c. We have a very small budget, so Telemetry solution etc... are far beyond what we can spend.
So we need a GPS logger that can resist to those extreme T°c and a drop-off system, and obviously a VHF unit to be able to find the collar again. Foxes are not easily trappable many times. The best, I think would be to have a WiFi tool on the GPS unit that could send the data on an external logger that we could set up on the dens for example, so that most data are safe. Has anyone does that before, or has a suggestion?
Thanks for your help!
I am looking to run a feasibility study that involves the need to collect heart rate information in adult rats. We have considered telemetry setups, but we do not have the equipment, nor the time for extensive surgeries when we are primarily interested in heart rate only (and perhaps breathing). What methods might work that are minimally invasive and also cost effective? Any suggestions would be very helpful- thanks!
Seeking information about any linkage in the use of cardiac telemetry and hospital length of stay.
I haven't found telemetry devices smaller than 1g and the PIT tag systems I've found can only measure one tag at a time. The issue I have is that the mice I am using are very small (7-8g) and fragile.
Does anyone have experience with fish tags (acustic or radio) that detect predation events? Anything published?
If a tagged fish is predated by another fish, for how long time is the tag retained in the stomach of the predator? Are there any published studies? Anything on salmon smolts and in-river predation?
I ask this because I see a variety of different outcomes in experimental studies with high tag burdens having no negative effects on swimming ability and growth to high burdens having detrimental effects. At the same time I'm seeing recently published field studies with tag burdens breaching 10%. I think we are at the point where we can agree that the old 2% rule of thumb is untenable on wild fish (certainly using 69 kHz set ups) but I think the disparity in the literature from the last decade needs resolving.
Edit: Clarified the wording slightly
Hi All,
I have observed for almost 5 years now that t-trop used to be as little as <0.1.
Now it has increased up to < 0.30.
Being mere qualitative essay,
1) How can CVM experts diagnose definitively if the patients have MI, CVM or even arrhythmia maladies considering
a) The range keeps increasing and now is markedly far apart?
b) Physically, the patients are seen to be in "deep" crucial chest pain.
c) NGT helped for some, but others were merely "observed" just because t-trop, CKMB, CE are NSRs and ECGs are T inversion in V - V3?
d) Using telemetry simultaneously - occasional PVCs are dismissed and not rectified owing to same result as c)?
Given c) and d) results - Are the patients good candidates for CVM, MI and even arrhythmia or other heart-related disease?
Else, what could be the definitive gold standard TRO CVM, MI and such-likes besides using the aforementioned protocols?
Thanks and best regards - Mariam
I noticed a telemetry fixed to a patient with 5 electrodes for cardiac monitoring.
The next day she told the nurse that one of the light is on for 3 hours. But the nurse ignored her. She acquired chest pain at 4am but was dismissed as MSK,
The day after, the same thing happen, this time, 4 hrs was lost despite informing the "monitoring" nurse (the patient did not realise that the wires were unhooked because she was hooked with IV and IDCs too). Same chest pain occurred, MSK was diagnosed at 2am.
On the third day, the patient, who lost 7 hrs out of 48 hrs was cleared by the "cardiologist" and discharge immediately.
The patient asked the cardio why despite the lost of 7 hrs and "MSK", she was discharged?
He said only black electrode matters and none other.
The patient queried why then the need to fix another four electrodes?
He walked off pretending the question never existed.
Is his diagnosis correct? Only the black electrode matters and that it is the only electrode that confirm if a patient has or has not acquired heart problems?
Are the other four electrodes for cosmetic reasons only?
Thanks - Mariam
I'm modelling habitat use using radio telemetry and want soil maps that I can overlay on my land use/cover map (Landsat).
I'm especially interested in species for which telemetry is not possible. Grey literature must record recoveries, but I haven't found any review.
Thank you!
Hi all,
I am analysing atrial fibrillation in mouse models equipped with telemetry. Unfortunately from literature I cannot find a good example (picture) or reference to refer to.
How would you define an AF in mouse model? Lenght? Is it an erratic RR interval with loss of P wave and unstable baseline? Is it associated to bradycardias?
Hi, I'm considering using Inertial measurement unit (IMU) like accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer to measure head direction and rotation for animal behavior. This is a small animal and it moves in 3D. Ideally the device will be mounted on the animal's head and needs to be less than 20mm x 20mm x 15mm in size and transfer data by telemetry. Does anyone have any experience on this? Main consideration here is precision, drift, data output rate and whether to use hardware sensor fusion computations.
I know a lot of people use IR tags or LEDs with cameras to do this. But since the animal can run upside down, it seems tricky/costly to build and calibrate a multi-camera system.
Thanks a lot!
We work on a hornet species which predates honeybees. These hornets (the workers) fly for long distances (over few km) several times a day predate bees in front hives and their nests are often located in the top of big tree foliage.
Nests are almost impossible to detect before September/October and these hornets are very agressive home.
To hunsderstand their hunting territory size, but also to locate the nests for management purposes individual tracking could represent an interesting option.
I am looking to buy some vhf transmitters to place on passarine birds. Multiple companies sell a suitable product, but there are no reviews on the quality of the different brands. Does anyone have any recommendations from their own work? (2g max, 3 month life, > 1Km transmission distance)
For telemetry studies we typically take ovarian biopsies to determine sex before implanting the fish. However, for protogynous species and fish outside of the spawning season this method doesn't work. Any suggestions on hormone-based techniques that will work both within and outside of the spawning season?
How can we calculate the total energy of metabolism by using ultrasonic telemetry?
Given only animal relocation data from a telemetry study and no corresponding mark release recapture records is it possible to derive a density estimate using a mark release recapture model. I suspect there is a way to do this treating telemetry encounters as resighting events but I am not certain so I thought I would ask. If some of you can point me toward the relevant papers it would be greatly appreciated.
Distribution RTUs are deployments of large numbers
of units over a broad geographical area. Small number of data
points and complex communication structures are common in
these applications.
Currently, I'm searching for an effective instrument for telemetry in minks. Radio-collars are not very effective due to morphology of mink's neck.
Biotelemetry methods involve equipping wild animals with electronic devices to monitor their movements, behaviour and activity. They can be applied to answer numerous questions (Cooke et al. 2004, for a good review), in part because the variety of technologies available to ecologists is so vast. However, you could argue that these methods are yet to be adopted by the mainstream in ecology, and the proportion of studies utilising these methods in high impact journals is fairly low.
What are the main reasons for this? How can this situation be overcome? If you don't agree with my assertion, I'd love to hear your opinions on why.
The ref for those interested;
Cooke, S. J., Hinch, S. G., Wikelski, M., Andrews, R. D., Kuchel, L. J., Wolcott, T. G. and Butler, P. J. (2004). Biotelemetry: a mechanistic approach to ecology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 19, 334-343.
Does anyone have experience with any drop off tools on small animals (e.g. hare, marten, or even smaller)? We want to collar hares with e-obs-GPS-collars but need an additional drop off mechanism so that they lose the collar after a certain period of time, and we can get it back. Any suggestions?
Is it possible to use the triangulation method to determine a fish position by ultrasonic telemetry, using a network of fixed receivers, without synchronizing them?