Science topics: EconomicsTechnology Transfer
Science topic
Technology Transfer - Science topic
Spread and adoption of inventions and techniques from one geographic area to another, from one discipline to another, or from one sector of the economy to another. For example, improvements in medical equipment may be transferred from industrial countries to developing countries, advances arising from aerospace engineering may be applied to equipment for persons with disabilities, and innovations in science arising from government research are made available to private enterprise.
Questions related to Technology Transfer
Dear Researchers,
As part of my PhD research at Université Cadi Ayyad, I am conducting a study on knowledge transfer among Moroccan researchers in the field of science and technology. The goal of this research is to better understand the dynamics of knowledge transfer and its impact on innovation in Morocco.
I would greatly appreciate your participation in this anonymous questionnaire, which will take only a few minutes of your time. Your insights will be invaluable in contributing to a deeper understanding of the role of knowledge transfer in fostering scientific and technological progress in Morocco.
Thank you very much for your time and collaboration.
which commercial technology is available ?
Probably is not necessary an head set and spirits of priests can be lead and activated with meditation like REIKI
What do you think ? This is an AI topic
Diego Moretti
Dear Participants- Faculty and Researchers from Pakistani Higher Education Institutions,
Thank you for participating in research study that aims to 'Analyze Individual and Institutional Factors in Commercialization of Research in Pakistani Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)'.
Your participation in this research is essential to gain a comprehensive understanding of the various factors that impact research commercialization within academic institutions. The information you provide will be treated with strict confidentiality.
Survey is divided into 2 parts i.e. Part A and Part B, please take your time and fill both the surveys. You are requested to type last 5 digits of your phone number in the forms, as your unique identifier. This unique code will help researcher link your survey Part-A and survey Part-B together.
Survey Link:
Appreciate you take time and fill this survey by August 19, 2024.
Thank you,
Tasneem Ilyas
Our world has many kind of languages. Some languages have important contribution for our lives. For example we can learn a lot of sciences and technologies transfer from that language. But the other ones maybe ourselves don't find any advantages to study that language. Looks like just waste our time. What is your opinion about this topics ?
Nigeria's data on tertiary education attainment, research and development, international technology transfer, and domestic technology investment from 1990 - 2021. Regards
Dear colleagues.
I am thinking about the possibility of developing a predictive model applied to technology transfer processes in healthcare, its main intention in anticipating the success achieved by the parties involved. Computationally, is this possible?
Numerous countries in the global south, particularly in Africa, Latin America, and south Asia, have struggled to grasp the technology transfer process. In these countries, technology conceptions, incubation, and entrepreneurship, as well as startup drafts left on desks prior to initial trial and implementation— Why? Probably. Keeping in your mind the political ecosystem and economic instability are two issues that these countries frequently confront, while other world leading nations' occasionally face, too. What, in your thinking, are the causes behind this failure? And how do they uproot the root causes--either in collaboration or independently?
2. Why?
3. Why?
What lesson left over from Asian tigers catch up development to the rest of the world--herein?
Research has long been evaluated from a scientific quality lens. The technology transfer and associated aspects lens for economic impacts is also in youth. Emergence is in the field of societal impacts. Which is the best journal to publish such work done from a engineering perspective.
I need to identify the KPI's for the technology transfer on the basis of the skill and raw materials. I want to know what are the key performance indicators for shifting any technology from one place to another places by focusing on two main constraints i.e. skills of workers and raw materials.
If a company that produces equipment / technology that used by other companies adopts technology, how can we see the adoption process from the perspective of the company that uses the equipment / technology produced by the company? In other words how does adoption move from one company to another? What methodology is suitable for this view?
In the current climes of digital transformation, cloud adoption, big data and Artificial Intelligence, etc., there is a need for every forward thinking organization to have in place a framework or mechanism for technology transfer. What exactly is a technology transfer framework and how can it help with the advancement of any organization?
This patent (Technological Intellectual Property) is in the process of transferring technology to a private company that will commercialize it on the market.
There is the cash flow method with exponential regression based on cost ....
This approach, I believe, is simple and does not consider other qualitative and quantitative important aspects of technological assets.
I have samples from tumor and adjacent tissue ( NAT) under a variety of conditions. I do not have a lab to do omic analysis .I am seeking suggestions on which commercial research labs or academic institutions would provide such service at the best price possible.Thanks
I am looking for experts in establishing technology transfer offices in Universities / Colleges.
I need help to set the important KPIs to ensure that the TT office is sustainable.
Pls share any information or article with me that is related to the topic.
The examples from Asian and African countries where China has made lots of technological and financial assistance, would be a guideline for countries that are willing to begin cooperation in this area.
Can someone suggest of a university that can accommodate a possible short university attachment (1 - 3 months) for collaborative research in the area of market-oriented R&D commercialization? I've been studying successful cases of public university spin-offs and government research institutes (GRIs) technology transfer in Malaysia for the last 2 years and would be interested to explore research collaboration in similar area with colleagues from other universities. Thank you.
In scaling-up laboratory technologies, what are some of the areas to consider throughout the demonstration stages in order to get the technology to the commercial application?
It is believed that incubators can contribute much in innovation and enterprise creation. however, their impact towards the achievement of these objectives is too variable from country to country and from region to region. So my question is, what is their developmental progress(be it evolutionary or revolutionary in the timeline), the impact on a country social and economic development (may be on empirical investigation basis) and the total number of incubators in the world?
My Institution just applied for a patent based on a finding of my group (we are based in Mexico). I want to promote its licensing to some company that might be interested. Has someone done this? is there any good resource for these matters? I do basic Science.
Hi we are looking for porcine iPSC and MSC lines, does anyone know of a good source of these (either research or commercial lines?)
Can we adaptive the blockchian technologies for transfer the medical information in between hospitals or clinical servers. The goal for this discussion to eliminate the server centerlization towards a decenterlization in telemedicine architecture.
Today the complexity of life and the wide technology why we dont make technology more simple and give more instructions to beginners, Now you tubes and Facebook,and other means ,We expect more programs to help youngers to find more jobs ,and China is leading the world .so how can we make technology more available ?
Technology transfer is big task that make country more successful in industry and applied technology.
is definition of technology transfer has application for rehabilitation science: the biomedical and engineering applications of rehabilitation research can follow some, but not all, of the traditional technology transfer mechanisms. Rehabilitation research does pose a new challenge that requires additional mechanisms for transfer, because much of the research results in therapeutic interventions that are applied in exercise techniques and educational strategies by professionals, not through the use of drugs or equipment.
In traditional pharmaceutical clinical research, ntervention(s) (Pocock, 1987). Most clinical research is funded by private industry (biotechnology or pharmaceutical companies) or the federal government (e.g., the National Institutes of Health [NIH], the National Science Foundation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the National Institute on Disability ,therefore i ask how technology be btransfered?
Metaphors are powerful ways for conveying scientific hypotheses. And we are looking for fresh theoretical and methodological insights to the classic questions of archaeology as we are setting forward to discuss the mechanisms by which inventions and innovations shaped the societies that embraced them during our session Nr. 371 "Trial and error in times of transition"of EAA in Bern [] If you feel willing to contribute to the discussion, please consider submitting an abstract. 10 days left!
I believe for the societal benefit and bigger good the major research outcomes should be made public with selflessness and humbleness. Though there are a few entities who believe that research should be always confidential and should never be shared, even after registering the same. Please share your thoughts on this.
The aim of the present research topic is to gather relevant contributions addressed to improve the characterization and the understanding of commercial lithium-ion battery (LIB) cells and LIB packs, composed of serial-parallel combination of cells.
For reliable and optimum operation of connected cells, an accurate understanding and control of cells behavior is mandatory. LIB packs performance and durability can be severely affected by cell-to-cell variations (CtCV). Identification, quantification, statistical analysis, modeling and simulation of CtCV is a key issue in battery pack performance optimization both prior and after assembly.
Addressing the issue prior assembly will allow proper matching of cells to be placed in series and in parallel and undoubtfully increase pack performance and safety but it will require additional testing and thus time and money. CtCV can relate to the initial performance of the cells but also to their aging pace. Parameters to be considered includes manufacturing and assembly intrinsic variations but also extrinsic variations such as non-uniform thermal conditions.
Addressing the issue after assembly will be the job of the Battery Management Systems (BMS) and should therefore not be calculation intensive and be derivable from information from available voltage, current and temperature sensors. This can be very challenging in large LIB packs, owing to the high number of involved cells and the random nature of battery usage in the field. Furthermore, BMS must take into account the CtCV in the charging algorithm, in the algorithm to keep the battery ready to deliver full power when required, and in the definition strategies to extend the life of the battery pack.
In this research topic, we aim to collect the most relevant research on commercial LIB characterization, diagnosis, prognosis, and performance optimization, from experimental testing, statistical analysis, thermal modeling, to BMS algorithms.
In state agricultural universities , some scientists are entrusted with technology transfer job whereas they are trained in research projects during their masters and doctorate programmes. Contrary to this , in private sector, people are enrolled and trained in either production, marketing, quality control and procurement etc. As a result of which technology is transferred automatically among the users.Hence, is it essential to have a Ph.D for technology transfer purpose.
Original research articles are published by commercial and society journals with a lot of effort and reasonable finances, no doubt. In the end, these organizations earn a decent profit in the first five years of publication and release through internet. Nonetheless, the research organizations also invest a lot of money, effort and intellectual accomplishment for initiating, creating, producing and publication of this new knowledge for their own, country and the world society upliftment. The creators may, however, generate some profit from patents and restrictive transfer of technology. At the same time, a massive research and knowledge is created by a large majority of researchers without much profitability. Such research mostly becomes a basis for development of salable technology, usable basic knowledge, entertainment material, luxury, leisure resources, etc. But the commercial journals would restrict free circulation of this research for at least half-a-century, until the society either forgets about it or treats as obsolete. In this scenario, the society and the original creator of the knowledge suffer the most, for no fault of theirs. Logically, copyright law should have been amended long back to correct this loss of information already generated. What is the view of researchers on this, has never been asked. Please give your views in order to advise the governments on this aspect. Link
I am posing a question to this group to see if someone has a different perspective on BAC libraries that might convince me to keep the libraries in my -80 freezer instead of discarding them as I am presently inclined.
Is there good value in retaining old BAC libraries. In the pre-Pac Bio days, when one wanted to sequence a genome, often a BAC library was prepared and BAC clones sequenced to help provide longer scaffolds than whole genome shotgun libraries or Illumina seqs would provide. Also, if there was a gene of interest, one could probe filter copies of the BAC libraries, isolate a hybridizing clone and primer jump to sequence the entire clone.
I have half a chest freezer filled with plates that contain glycerol stocks from two Rhipicephalus microplus (a cattle tick with genome size greater than human) BAC libraries. It has been at least 5 years since any use has been made of the libraries. As I approach retirement in 2019, I am wondering if these libraries should be disposed of (properly, of course) while I am still present or if they should just be left behind in the old freezer for my replacement to decide upon their value.
Would anyone like the BAC libraries? If someone had a need for them, I could possibly arrange for a transfer, though USDA legal team and technology transfer would have to generate the proper paperwork.
Comments are welcome!
Universities and other public research organizations are increasingly protecting their inventions – from genetic inventions to software – helping raise additional funding for research and spurring new start ups. The rise in university patenting has occurred against a broader policy framework aimed at fostering a greater interaction between public research and industry in order to increase the social and private returns from public support to R&D. The general strengthening of intellectual property protection world-wide as well as the passage of legislation aimed at improving technology transfer are additional factors that have facilitated the expansion of patenting in academia in OECD countries.
Foreign Universities are mostly surviving through patent and technology transfer
for exemple the lack of qualified human ressources can lead the processus of technology transfer projects to an opperational activities instead of a collaborative activities ...Some one can tel me more about negative impacts of the lack of qualified human resources on technology transfer absorption?
I want to compare missile technology transfer policies of various countries.
it is knowing that technology is a set of production, organization and analysis techniques, so why do we dismantle the transfer into technology transfer and organizational transfer?
Thank you in advance!
I am using knowledge transfer – a process model (Liyanage, Elhag, Ballal, & Li, 2009) for knowledge transfer in Chinese context. Could you please guide me, how I can connivance or give arguments that we can use (Liyanage, Elhag, Ballal, & Li, 2009) adopted model in Chinese context.
Is there any theoretical model which support to analyse technology transfer processes (both producer and receiver).
our company looking for cooperation for microsphere form of peptid and we ready for any kind of contarct for technology transfer.
Another important aspect raised by the scholars is that Article 66.2 is not limited to the IPR-related mechanism for promoting technology transfer. Andrew Michaels viewed that “Article 66.2 does not mention IPRs specifically, so developed countries are not limited to IPR-related mechanisms for promoting ITT.
See Andrew Michaels, “International Technology Transfer and TRIPS Article 66.2: Can Global Administrative Law Help Least-Developed Countries Get What They Bargained For”, 41 Geo. J. Int’l L. 223. Georgetown Journal of International Law, 2009.
I am from Indonesia, and interested in doing the research project for my Master degree.
Could anyone please give suggestions on 5W1H related to the topic, If you may help me to share your ideas and to give mutual interest of the research, as well as networking, and experience needed for future works.
It has been necessity to develop some mechanism for technology transfer from developed to developing countries to effectively bring down the rising emissions. In respect to this CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) was seen as a mean to carry it out. But the recent studies of PDDs reveals north-south technology transfer has been negligent, instead south-south technology transfer has been done more in most of the projects. This came to give an idea to strengthen south-south technology transfer. But their has not been any concrete step taken regarding this.
What is the role of agents in the process of technology transfer?
Measuring innovation is cristal clear when a patent, an utility model, a plant variety or a new trade mark is developed by researchers. However, when social or institutional innovations are developed, or technology transfer is done with peasants or small farmers, innovation is very difficult to measure.
Fundamental literature about history and development of innovation and technology transfer (TT), factors affecting innovation and TT and/or any related literature you think might be useful to study to better understand how start up, spin-off, spinout companies could be developed. Thank You all very much!
Recently I found in the IAM patent monetization yearbook 2012 an article about "Patent books as civilzed revolution in patent licensing". The concept of Patent books seems to be compelling.
With a Google search the idea of "Patent books" can only be found at the website of the IP strategy company TAEUS (
Are there other / similar implementations of the "Patent book" approach? What are the shortcomings of the concept of "Patent books"?
Acceptance criteria for related substance
No of innovations and developments are made by agricultural engineers but it is not reached to the end users. More emphasis required for transferring the developed / improved technology in agricultural engineering.
By this I mean the implications of exogenous influences (knowledge spill over/ spin-off/ trickle down) originating from more advanced environments. Examples of this could be the technological implications of colonialism for the colonized, or the impact of NASA’s innovations on everyday technology (i.e. memory foam) etc, or the innovation and diffusion of gunpower and its effects.
I know NASA has a “Spinoff” publication, however I am looking for academic treatments on this phenomenon. I guess this is a form of Technology Transfer, however I think because of the leaps in technology are so large, this particular type of transfer is more akin to superimposition, where consumer / cultural preference matters very little?
Many countries in the southern hemisphere - from the Middle East to South America - have failed in their attempts to master the process of technology transfer. Significant efforts have been made without avail. Astronomical resources have been spent. In your views, what are the reasons for such failure?
Can you point me to literature, results, examples, methodological contributions on analysing and evaluating cluster or network policies? I refer specifically to policies implemented at national, regional or industry level which try to link business enterprises, universities and research organisations, the public sector and intermediaries to support industry or technology development.
Innovation has the capacity to improve performance, solve problems, add value
and create competitive advantage for organizations. Innovation can be broadly described as the implementation of both discoveries - inventions and the process by which new outcomes, whether products, systems, processes or organizational forms, come into being (Williams, 1999).
The process of innovation depends heavily on knowledge, particularly since knowledge
represents a realm far deeper than simply that of data, information and conventional logic......
The conceptualization of KM overlaps to some extent with other literatures, including that of
organization learning (Scarbrough and Swan, 2001) and innovation. Many academics on Bussiness and Economics considere that the potential of Knowledge Management (KM) creates the intellectual capital as sources of innovation and renewal, business strategy should be focusing more on these issues.
For Beckman (1999), KM concerns the formalisation of and access to experience, knowledge, and expertise that create new capabilities, enable superior performance, encourage innovation, and enhance customer value.
Coleman (1999) defines KM as an umbrella term for a wide variety of interdependent and interlocking functions consisting of: knowledge creation; knowledge valuation and metrics; knowledge mapping and indexing; knowledge transport, storage and distribution; and knowledge sharing.
And defining knowledge as “information combined with experience, context, interpretation, and reflection” (Davenport et al., 1998)
Knowledge Management (KM) is a relatively new term that encompasses not only the related notions of knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing (externally from other firms to the small firm and/or internally among firm members), but also the knowledge utilization process (Choo and Bontis, 2002; Takeuchi and Nonaka, 2004).
Innovation Management is the discipline of managing processes in innovation. It can be used to develop product, process and organizational innovation. Innovation Management includes a set of tools that allow managers and engineers to cooperate with a common understanding of goals and processes. The focus of innovation management is to allow the organization to respond to an external or internal opportunity, and use its creative efforts to introduce new ideas, processes or products.
About Organizational Learning Stata (1996, p. 318) explains that organizational learning occurs through shared insights, knowledge, and mental models. Thus organizations can learn only as fast as the slowest link learns. Change is blocked unless all of the major decision makers learn together, come to share beliefs and goals, and are committed to take the actions to change. Second, learning builds on past knowledge and experience – that is, on memory. Organizational memory depends on institutional mechanisms (e.g. policies, strategies, and explicit models) used to retain knowledge.
To make innovations is necessary manage knowledge to generate organizational learning to make innovations...
Biosensors have been popping up in academic papers for some time, and they all cite the same aspect: it's going to be the next big thing, next big thing, etc. Biosensors research focuses mostly on validating the new device against a standard available protocol. I have seen biosensors that validate against HPLC, ELISAs, spectrophotometry etc. However, a lot of biosensors target the same analyte, and they provide different transducers, materials, pathways and recognition techniques to sample those analytes in a complex media. Some 'projects' of biosensors are more attractive than others. Some are more 'novel', others are more 'proven'. If I were to commercialize biosensors on a large scale, let's say in an over-the-counter fashion, my materials would need to be cheap and disposable, environmentally-friendly; if they were to be in a lab, otherwise, the biosensor would have to be able to run multiple times. My question is (and it's a little philosophical), how do you choose, from a entrepreneurial point of view, that a biosensor that just has the 'it's gonna sell a lot' feature among so many available options to sense something? I wish I knew how the guys at the diabetes/glucose biosensor had the idea to put their invention into the market, in an era where no one would expect a little strip with a blood drop to measure their sugar levels. Are there any similar ones on their way?
I am working in a public research institute working on the transfer of technologies emanating from our labs. I need strategies to improve relations with them.
I would like to know about new models for technology licensing
Managing these innovation networks by adopting a network approach can lead to effective coordination, understanding, communication efficiency and innovation outcomes.
Is this an activity that you would engage in?
Would you prefer to take greater control of your inventions to avoid the slow pace of the current process and increase interactions?
Would you spend the time to market your inventions directly to industry for faster collaboration and feedback?
I am looking for people who work in labs for neuroscience (mostly computational neuroscience and probabilistic modeling) and in the same time have relationship at the industrial level, i.e., they contributed in a spin-off or any of the technology transfer actions.
Has anybody studied this? How many there are, how much do they earn, fields, disciplines, types of consulting services? I'm thinking more of selling services rather than selling IP.
What are the main challenges in the commercialization of a product?
Is it better to sell a successful idea or the product itself?
In many areas we have witnessed convergence of technologies to create integrated products and systems. As examples consider the way Google has been merging ideas and technologies to produce integrated solutions. Not so long ago Navigation solutions were the main stay of a number of firms, but with Google Maps (convergence of mapping, navigation and the web) and the Navigation features it has, I wonder who is now willing to pay for such solutions elsewhere? Hence, begging the question, what has happened to the firms and their employees that engaged in developing these systems? If this convergence trend continues, don't we then have a real threat of having sophisticated systems replacing our labor force?
Specifically, as compared with the United States or Britain. Is Japan successful?