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Tax - Science topic
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Publications related to Tax (10,000)
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This study will examine the determinants of income among individuals with Cerebral Palsy (CP) in India, as well as the implications for income tax. People with cerebral palsy may have limitations in their economic and social opportunities, which can be impacted by factors such as age, gender, type of cerebral palsy, education level, social status,...
To understand the system-level interactions between the entities in Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS), an agent-based foundational modeling tool, CCUS-Agent, is developed for a large-scale study of transportation flows and infrastructure in the United States. Key features of the tool include (i) modular design, (ii) multiple transport...
The study aimed to identify the Influence of value-added tax on the financial performance of the Palestinian industrial public shareholding companies listed on the Palestine Exchange. The study population consisted of companies listed on the Palestine Stock Exchange (49) companies, from which a sample of (13) companies were selected that included t...
The objective of this paper is to study the tax revenue and financial deficit of the central and state governments in India. It has found that direct and indirect tax revenues have increased since 1994-95, but direct tax has declined due to the corona pandemic. Indirect tax revenue and total tax revenue of the central government did not decline dur...
In an era characterized by growing globalization and increased fiscal oversight, tax compliance has become a significant concern for governments, businesses, and individuals globally. This study seeks to examine the impact of digital tax administration on tax compliance within the informal sector in the Southwest states of Nigeria. The study employ...
We present a major update of MirGeneDB (3.0), the manually curated animal microRNA gene database. B e y ond mo ving to a ne w serv er and the creation of a computational mirror, we have expanded the database with the addition of 33 invertebrate species, including representatives of 5 previously unsampled phyla, and 6 mammal species. MirGeneDB now c...
This paper comprehensively reviews the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into tax compliance processes within fintech ecosystems. It explores the theoretical foundations of AI technologies, such as machine learning and predictive analytics, and how they can automate tax reporting, auditing, and compliance monitoring. Conceptual models for...
O Movimento Negro, composto por intelectuais cujas contribuições e produções acadêmicas foram historicamente desconsideradas, desempenhou um papel fundamental nas primeiras manifestações pela descolonização dos currículos no Brasil. Ainda que no século XIX essa luta não fosse denominada como tal, foi a partir da mobilização desses intelectuais que...
Families are widely recognized as crucial agents in the transmission of wealth, contributing to the perpetuation of inequality and limiting mobility across income levels. To address the economic dynamics behind this phenomenon, classical economists have explored potential solutions through government tax-transfer systems. One such proposal, advance...
يهدف البحث إلى قراءة في الضريبة على نقل ملكية العقارات في الجمهورية اليمنية؛ ذلك أن المقنن اليمني في قانون ضرائب الدخل رقم (17) لسنة 2010م وتعديلاته، وقد وضع نصوص تنظم فرض هذه الضريبة وسريانها واحتسابها ومسؤولية دفعها والإعفاء منها، وأيضًا ما يتعلق بإجراءات تسجيل العقارات في قانون السجل العقاري؛ إذ تحاول الدراسة استخلاص معالجات لأي إشكالية تتعلق با...
Economic stability is a core social determinant of health and a necessary condition for maintaining food security, housing stability, and both physical and mental health. Using a qualitative approach, we identified barriers, facilitators, and participant perceptions about utilizing these relief measures. This study aimed to understand ex...
The digital economy has revolutionised various sectors, including fiscal management. In Mexico, the mandatory use of electronic invoices, known as Comprobantes Fiscales Digitales por Internet (CFDI), has posed significant challenges for both small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the fiscal authorities. With the increasing volume of digital...
O abuso e exploração sexual, tem sido motivo de muita discussão e questionamentos pelo mundo afora, entre especialistas de muitas áreas, especialmente do Direito e desemboca, com muita frequência, em um mundo de contradições, que fazem emergir uma série de polêmicas, dificuldades, incompreensões, que podem afetar aqueles que trabalham com o tema. E...
Introdução: A interação entre o profissional de enfermagem e o usuário surdo demonstra a dificuldade que este tem ao se deparar com uma língua que não é a sua, sendo imposta como se fosse sua primeira língua. A aprendizagem da Libras requer atenção visual, discriminação visual, memória visual, expressão facial e corporal e agilidade manual. Objetiv...
Resumo A legitimação do cuidado à saúde LGBT passa pela instituição e implementação de políticas públicas. Assim, objetivou-se compreender as percepções dos gestores sobre a atenção à saúde da população LGBT em Pernambuco, desde a formação, gestão dos serviços e quanto às potencialidades e fragilidades encontradas. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo...
A csoporton belüli kereskedelmi ügyletek árképzése egyrészt menedzsmenteszköz a vállalatcsoportok vezetői eszköztárában, másrészt lehetőséget ad a csoportszintű pénzügyi, adózási optimalizálásra. Mindkét terület kutatása izgalmas téma, ugyanakkor belső információkat igényel a vizsgálat alanyaitól, legyen az akár a gazdálkodói, akár az ellenőrzési o...
O estudo aborda a evolução da política de importação brasileira entre 1987 e 1998, período marcado por significativas transformações estruturais. Durante esse intervalo, as reformas tarifárias passaram por quatro fases distintas: inicialmente, com a redução das tarifas nominais e efetivas, a reforma buscou eliminar barreiras redundantes e racionali...
Com o aumento do trabalho remoto, especialmente após a pandemia de COVID-19, surgem preocupações significativas relacionadas à proteção de dados pessoais dos trabalhadores. Este estudo investiga a garantia de proteção de dados frente às novas dinâmicas laborais impostas pelo teletrabalho. O objetivo principal é analisar como a Lei Geral de Proteção...
El presente artículo muestra la relación existente entre las obligaciones tributarias y la rentabilidad de las empresas del sector camaronero, mediante el Impuesto a la Renta causado y los indicadores de rentabilidad ROE y ROA. Considerando que en el Ecuador existen 1426 empresas activas dentro del sector antes mencionado, generando ingresos formid...
'Abd al-Malik is first to display the title caliph. Evidence that he is the son of Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr (the Jewish Messiah of Pumbedita) is shown. In the Koran, the imamate is assigned to the linage of Isaac, thus establishing the Jewish Throne of David in a dual government and its function as priestly tax collectors.
Este artigo apresenta o impacto da modernidade capitalista na vida dos trabalhadores rurais na cidade de Araruna, interior do estado do Paraná. O estudo foi realizado em 8 encontros (cultivos) com os trabalhadores para pensar sobre os seus saberes e fazeres. Os sujeitos da pesquisa produziram narrativas orais, escritas e visuais durante os encontro...
Introducción: Tax morale es una variable que se correlaciona positivamente con el cumplimiento fiscal, y a pesar de su importancia, aún no está completamente clara su conceptualización, determinantes y dimensionalidad, es por esto que el objetivo de esta investigación es aclarar su definición, dimensionalidad y alcance. Metodología: Esta investigac...
The article examines the royal administration and taxation of the Faroese "skattland" or tax-land in the period between approx. 1300 and 1600 based on a retrospective methodology. Questions are asked about, how the tax was assessed, how many taxpayers there were, how many people they represented, what the tax was used for, and how great the burden...
La encomienda ha sido una de las formas utilizadas por los Conquistadores a diversas regiones, entre ellas la Nueva España, con la cual se justificó la esclavitud a la población indígena.
This research aims to analyze the effect of the implementation of the Additional Tax Levy According to a Certain Percentage (Opsen) on the increase in Regional Original Revenue (PAD) and its effectiveness in supporting regional financial planning. The research method used is quantitative with a descriptive and causal approach, involving selected re...
Objective: The objective of this work is to investigate taxation as an instrument of environmental management and sustainability of the municipality. Theoretical Framework: Important principles and concepts that provide a solid basis for understanding the context of the research are highlighted: the principle of environmental defense and the concep...
The development of China’s new energy industry has accelerated, significantly advancing the country’s progress toward achieving ‘carbon neutrality’ and ‘carbon peak’. In this context, green tax serves as a powerful catalyst for the growth of the new energy sector. Taking into account the heterogeneity of enterprises, this paper constructs a dynamic...
El presente artículo examina la problemática relacionada con la violación al principio de certeza tributaria en la determinación de la base gravable del impuesto vehicular en Colombia. El principio de certeza tributaria establece que los contribuyentes deben contar con reglas claras y precisas para calcular sus obligaciones fiscales, evitando la di...
This study aims to measure the influence of employee mutation and internal communication on employee performance with achievement motivation as a mediating variable. This study was conducted at the West Serang Pratama Tax Service Office using a questionnaire as the main data collection tool, which included respondent profiles and questions related...
This survey examines the impact of the Pillar Two income tax legislation as detailed in the 2023 annual reports of 100 large listed European firms. While 71% of companies indicated that the impact of Pillar Two income taxes was not significant, only a third of companies with an IFRS effective tax rate between 15% and 20% expected the impact to be i...
Welfare policies have often been assessed on their financial impacts, for example, their effects on net household incomes and marginal and average tax rates. However, welfare policies can also have a substantial effect on population health and wellbeing. In addition, politicians must consider the electoral implications of policies that would affect...
The article examines the current strategic role of public accountants in modern companies, highlighting their importance not only in ensuring compliance with tax and regulatory obligations, but also in ensuring the long-term viability of organizations. Focused on companies in Medellin, the study shows how the accountant’s function has evolved from...
El impuesto de renta de las personas naturales es un mecanismo de recaudo que los Estados utilizan para la obtención de recursos, por lo cual, se debe tener en cuenta la capacidad contributiva del contribuyente al momento de establecer los elementos, las deducciones, las exenciones, los ingresos no gravados y los límites del impuesto. En este conte...
La valoración aduanera es un elemento fundamental del comercio exterior, ya que establece los métodos para determinar el valor de las mercancías que serán importadas, lo cual es crucial para las aduanas. Este proceso permite a los operadores comerciales fijar el valor en aduana de los productos, considerando factores como el tiempo, el precio, el l...
In this paper, we examine the efficacy of the child tax policy on the endogenous fertility rate in a two-sector model. We naturally assume that the investment goods sector is more capital intensive than the consumption goods sector. The endogenous fertility rate is determined by the cost of child-rearing and wage income. We find that the child tax...
El tema objeto de la investigación es la contabilidad como medio de prueba documental en el impuesto sobre la renta y complementario, un tema que usualmente genera diferencias con la administración de impuestos dentro del proceso administrativo tributario colombiano. La discusión se centra en establecer cuál es el alcance del valor probatorio de la...
Salt is a basic resource and it is very important in the human diet. It has been used since the dawn of time to preserve food: meat, fish and vegetables. The preservation of food allowed the existence of trade, as salt preserved food for its consumption and facilitated its transportation and sale without having it spoil or being damaged in transit....
This article addresses the issue of how to determine whether a company that indirectly owns real estate through its subsidiaries derives more than 50% of its value from Polish real estate. In the article, the authors critically examine the methods presented in tax rulings/ The analysed issue is important for entities that own real estate of signifi...
Este artigo analisa como discursos promocionais online influenciam a percepção de professores sobre o trabalho digital. Utilizando estudos de caso de mentores voltados para o trabalho com educação no Instagram, investigamos como essas plataformas transformam a concepção de carreira docente, destacando a proliferação desses sujeitos que promovem a t...
“From 'virtual reality' to the real world: “what challenges and regulatory issues do the 'Metaverses' bring to the State?”, based on this provocation, this theoretical essay seeks to articulate authors who base the Metaverses phenomenon with authors who elucidate aspects of technological and informational disputes. Discussion: Six provocations are...
Nowadays, businesses in Ukraine face new challenges that the world has never experienced before. Earlier, during the war, countries had to curtail their economic activities, everything operated for the sake of military needs. However, now, within hybrid wars, the country’s economy and its actors have to demonstrate rapid adaptive models and changes...
Resumo: Para avançar na construção do conhecimento agroecológico, acredita-se ser imprescindível ressaltar que os princípios da agroecologia têm suas raízes em práticas milenares realizadas por diversos povos, que antecedem muito a nominação formalizada. Em contrapartida, o panorama de transformação violenta das práticas tradicionais das populações...
28 / 2009 إليها توصلت التي النتائج بين ومن الالحقة، وتعديالته ، عند واملوضوعية الشكلية الضوابط اعاة مر ضرورة املكلفين حقوق على وتؤكد الحكومي، للجهاز العام األداء كفاءة في املطاف نهاية في تساهم ألنها التشريعي، النص صياغة ووضوح. بدقة املفتاحية: الكلمات القانوني األمن-الضري...
This study examines the effects of excise taxes on cigarette prices across EU member states, with a particular focus on the differential impacts of specific and ad valorem excise taxes. EU Directive 2011/64/EU mandates the use of both tax types but allows Member States to determine their relative shares within prescribed limits. Motivated by the ne...
O presente estudo, a partir da inovação legislativa trazida pela Lei 14.713/2023, tem por objetivo geral analisar, sob a ótica jurídica, a interpretação e aplicabilidade do artigo 1.584, parágrafo 2º do Código Civil para a limitação da fixação da guarda compartilhada, fundada na probabilidade de riscos da ocorrência de violência doméstica e familia...
In the European Monetary Union (EMU), monetary policy is determined by the European Central Bank (ECB). This arrangement can give rise to certain national economic imbalances that may potentially be addressed through national policies. Traditionally, fiscal policy has been the primary tool to correct these imbalances. However, following the global...
Salt is a very needed staple to preserve food for longtime in human history. Salt has been a very taxable item in many times and civilizations. Possibly it is the most hated tax of them all.
This research aims to obtain empirical evidence regarding the effect of profitability, leverage, firm size, capital intensity, institutional ownership, board of directors' size, audit committee, and sales growth on tax avoidance. The population of this research is non-financial companies that are consistently listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange...
Introducción: El trauma intergeneracional, resultado de las prácticas asimilacionistas implantadas para erradicar las culturas Aborígenes, es una realidad que las comunidades Indígenas canadienses continúan enfrentando desde la llegada de los colonos. Tras siglos de silencio impuesto por el sistema opresivo colonial, voces Indígenas están emergiend...
Achieving the dual goals of improving water quality and reducing carbon emissions requires a systematic study of the combined effects of economic and environmental policies on industrial systems. A CGE-IWCR model is developed to examine the long-term evolution of industrial economic and environmental responses in the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YR...
This study aims to determine the Impact of Non-Metal Rock Mineral Mining and Excavation Tax (MBLB) on the Original Regional Income of East Lombok Regency. The research method used is a quantitative method with an inferential approach. The data used is a type of secondary Time Series data in the form of Non-Metal Rock Mineral Tax (Galian Mineral Buk...
This research aims to study the relationship between managerial ownership, institutional ownership, foreign ownership, board gender diversity, and independent commissioner on tax avoidance in Indonesia. The researchers use several control variables which are leverage, solvability, board size and firm size to be used as a benchmark for tax avoidance...
This study documents that Chinese non-state-owned enterprises have effective tax rates that are 1% lower during the tenure of corrupt regional tax bureau commissioners (i.e., regional tax bureau chiefs). The reduction in the effective tax rate persists even after controlling for political connections of firms, general local corruption, and a variet...
To become a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Indonesia needs to adjust tax regulations and laws in accordance with the standards or guidelines set by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). There are many aspect that included if Indonesia want to become a member of the Organisat...
This paper introduces a model of political competition under distinct institutional regimes to trace the economic performance of what we call "techno-creative places." Specifically, we analyze how political competition in high-tech places that are creative in the sense of Richard Florida affects fiscal (tax) policy and consequent economic outcomes....
Previsão de arrecadação de ICMS: comparação de desempenho entre modelos arima e arfima ICMS collection forecasting: performance comparison between arima and arfima models Pronóstico de colección ICMS: comparación de rendimiento entre los modelos arima y arfima RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o ajuste e o desempenho de dois modelos de s...
The Tax Center at Universitas Terbuka, in collaboration with the Regional
The 2023 parliamentary elections in Poland Political programmes of the political parties that form the new Polish cabinet include many proposal that can directly or indirectly affect religious freedoms, including rights and obligations of the religious communities. Implement ing many of them will be detrimental to the religious freedom with some of...
This research answers the problem formulation of the urgency of tax digitalization as a transition formulation towards tax transparency and determines the various obstacles in implementing tax digitalization as a transition formulation towards tax transparency. Transparency is one component of good governance, including in the field of taxation. In...
Immigrant investors who lead the way serve as strong drivers for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows to African countries. Our examination of 21 nations in Africa reveals that successfully attracting immigrant investors is linked to higher overall FDI. To maximize effectiveness, policymakers should concentrate on four crucial s...
This research aims to answer whether the tax reporting arrangements for Limited Liability Companies as corporate taxpayers are appropriate and optimally meet state revenues and the form of corporate responsibility for online tax reporting errors. Limited Liability Companies have tax responsibilities inherent in their position as a company. In pract...
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the factors that effects fraud in financial statements and to highlight the role of the auditor of financial statements. At the beginning of the 21st century, a series of financial events occurred in the activity of companies that disturbed the business world. The Enron, WorldCom, and Xerox scandals were just...
Using a novel historical dataset of Greek public finances from 1833 to 1939, we investigate the cyclical behavior of public spending, tax buoyancy, and the impact of political transformations, wars and bankruptcies in Greece. Our findings indicate that territorial expansions increased public spending cyclicality, resulting in a deficit and debt bia...
This study is intended to determine how the influence between Tax Aggressiveness, Profitability, and Company Size on Debt Maturity. The sampling method used is purposive sampling. The sample used in this study amounted to 24 companies in the property and real estate sector listed on the IDX in 2020-2022. The data analysis method in this study is mu...
In this research, it was aimed to investigate and analyze the effect of replacement of
value added tax (VAT) with income tax as to product companies in Golestan province.
To do so, the data of the absolute income tax of some 67 companies were gathered from
their tax records. Then the value added tax of each company was estimated, applying the
This paper uses panel data from 286 cities across 30 provinces in China to construct an intensity difference-in-differences model, examining the impact of the environmental protection tax on total labor demand and labor transfer. Empirical research demonstrates that the environmental protection tax significantly boosts total labor demand. Robustnes...
Tax4UK offers expert accounting, tax returns, VAT, payroll, and financial consultancy services for UK businesses and individuals. Simplify your finances with Tax4UK today!
This study explores the interplay between tax incentives, creative compliance, and innovation in enhancing business resilience and sustainability among micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia, addressing gaps in the existing literature regarding their interrelationships during crises. A cross-sectional survey of 360 MSMEs was cond...
The purpose of this article is to reconcile findings from Aaberge et al. (2020), which show that the Norwegian tax system is regressive at the top (1 percent richest) of the income distribution. We approach this through the example of an investor who exclusively owns stocks and earns only capital income. Our study examines how various aspects of th...
The financial performance of companies, particularly as reflected in financial statements, is crucial for decision-making. Earnings persistence, which is defined as the ability of a company to maintain stable earnings from one period to the next, is a key indicator in assessing the financial health and stability of a company. This research aims to...
Este trabalho estuda as licitações da modalidade pregão no município de Palmácia/CE, município do interior do estado do Ceará que faz parte do Maciço de Baturité. A partir das especificidades de um município do interior, frente à barreira decorrente do período da pandemia de covid-19, a pesquisa direciona a observação para a modalidade de licitação...
Antônio Frederico de Castro Alves (1847-1871) ficou conhecido como “o poeta dos escravos” por causa de seus poemas abolicionistas. O poeta fazia parte do romantismo brasileiro, não se furtando às representações da natureza. O romantismo brasileiro, por seu turno, surge ligado ao Estado do recém-nascido império, e esteve intimamente relacionado à fo...
The research explores the complexity of the Brazilian tax system, highlighting its relevance for American companies seeking to operate in the country. The objective is to analyze the challenges and complexities of this system, in addition to identifying opportunities and strategies to mitigate such discounts. The methodology used is a bibliographic...
Resumo Este artigo tem como principal objetivo evidenciar consequências impostas ao corpo negro feminino por projetos/execuções dos sistemas econômicos brasileiros. Partindo da leitura do poema Vozes-mulheres, de Conceição Evaristo (2017), passando pela das canções: Ain't Got No e Chororô, presentes no álbum Bom mesmo é estar debaixo d’água, da can...
Taxes are the largest source of revenue in the structure of Indonesia's state budget (APBN). The revenue will be allocated for state spending, one of which is on education. The education sector is a mandatory spending area amounting to 20% of the total state revenue. This paper aims to identify the role of taxes in supporting inclusive education to...
Objective: This study examines the potential of technological solutions to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of individual business tax collection in Ho Chi Minh City, focusing on streamlining processes, improving transparency, and reducing tax evasion. Theoretical Framework: The research is based on theories of digital transformation and ta...
This paper explores the impact of China’s environmental protection tax reform on economic growth through empirical research. Using the “fee to tax” policy implemented in China in 2018 as a natural experiment, the analysis is conducted using a strengthened double-difference (DID) model. It is found that environmental protection tax reform has a sign...
Objective: The present investigation focuses on analyzing article 27, section II, subsection a, of the Finance Law of the State of Hidalgo, with the objective of proposing a legislative reform that allows the inclusion of Municipal Systems for the Comprehensive Development of the Family in tax exemptions from the Payroll Tax. The current exclusion...
Introdução: Os recursos didáticos de e-learning ou ensino eletrônico tem sido amplamente utilizados nos últimos anos devido ao avanço das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação e às necessidades impostas durante a pandemia da covid-19. Uma das ferramentas desenvolvidas para o ensino eletrônico foi o LabXchange, que apresenta a animação Restr...
Objective: The objective of this study is to determine whether Non-Deductible Expenses (NDE) directly affect the determination of Income Tax (IT). Theoretical Framework: To support our variables, the concepts and theories are presented for an adequate understanding of the research, as well as the legal framework of IT. Method: This work presents a...
O presente estudo buscou apresentar a condição da disciplina de Filosofia após a implementação do Novo Ensino Médio no Brasil. Com a efetivação da Lei 13.415/17, a educação brasileira passou por mudanças significativas. Neste cenário proposto pela nova legislação, a criação de uma Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) complementou um ideal de educa...
The concept of Circular Economy (CE) keeps gaining momentum in political and societal debates as it is considered to contribute to a more sustainable use of natural resources. Policymakers seeking to foster CE progress require adequate regulatory instruments. One instrument often recommended is a tax on the use of natural resources. The present pap...
One of the factors impeding the decline in poverty in Indonesia is the government’s lack of attention to the need to reduce income inequality. Fiscal policy and economic growth can effectively reduce poverty by lowering income inequality, so the inequality channel must be considered. Socioeconomic and infrastructure differences between provinces ca...
This study investigates the diesel tax's impact on environmental innovation, addressing a gap in the current literature, which has typically considered environmental policies collectively and has overlooked specific analysis of this tax. It examines whether the relationship is linear, U-shaped, or N-shaped and consider its potential variations acro...
O artigo examina a possibilidade de incidência do Imposto sobre Bens e Serviços (IBS), instituído pela Reforma Tributária, sobre as operações com Bitcoin no mercado brasileiro. O estudo inicialmente analisa a natureza jurídica do Bitcoin, caracterizando-o como bem imaterial com base em três elementos fundamentais: sua existência puramente digital,...
Amid the economic turmoil triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, the integrity of financial reporting has become pivotal, posing significant challenges for accounting conservatism. This study aims to explore the impact of tax planning, solvency, and profitability on accounting conservatism (AC) during economic distress (ED), with COVID-19 as a moderat...
This paper aims to investigate the characteristics of outsourcing in accounting services for tourism SMEs as a choice to mitigate their financial risk. The research was carried out in summer 2022, during tourism recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, while the findings indicate that the majority of tourism SMEs choose to outsource their accoun...
Anti-racist reparations may occur without government sponsorship. All that is needed are volunteers and technology. TO PAY ANTI-racist REPARATIONS, AFTER PERMIT AND ENOUGH TRIALS, we can feasibly 3D print, thus mass automated reproduce, A TAX BASE of enough ANTI-racist Northwestern Europeans
We report on the high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy of diatomic molecules TaX⁻ (X = C, N, O) anions using a cryogenic ion trap combined with the slow electron velocity imaging (cryo-SEVI) method. We determined the electron affinities of TaC, TaN, and TaO to be 2.098(2), 1.576(2), and 1.069(2) eV, respectively. In addition, the electron affi...
The face of public Islam may be categorized into four groups. I argue that Nigeria’s non-Muslim population entered into nationhood based on a minimalist approach, whereby only basic public Islam was accommodated. Thus, when faced with more extensive faces of public Islam, non-Muslims typically react with immediate opposition or strategic silence, w...