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Raphael Neelamkavil, Ph.D., Dr. phil.
We discuss here the continuous and never-ending dimensionality of truth in philosophy, science, philosophical cosmology etc. (in my context, also in Gravitational Coalescence Cosmology – CCG). The present work on a new philosophical cosmology is based on general-ontologically validated epistemological truth-probabilism, which spells out the human tendency to articulate general- and physical-ontological foundations (axiomatic Categorial Laws of metaphysics) that will never be fixed forever, will be ever-better defined, and are therefore clearly and continuously dimensional concepts in the inexhaustible continuation of the very dimension of each of the notions and principles under consideration.
Theoretical foundations that can follow such continuous dimensionality, together, in their implications, indicate not our possession of any truth in its alleged correspondence to the totality of all processes (Reality-in-total) ontologically committed to. They clearly indicate that progress is being made in adequately capturing, or corresponding to, the ideal continuous dimension of what are being sought in human intellectual, technological, and cultural accomplishments – thanks to the logical, epistemological, and ontological implications of Kurt Gödel’s mathematical and logical achievements. [For the achievements of Gödel, see Torkel Franzén 2004: 1-11; see also Richard Tieszen 2011. For a detailed cosmological, epistemological, and ontological treatment of it, see my book, Physics without Metaphysics? Categories of Second Generation Scientific Ontology, 2015, and Gravitational Coalescence Paradox and Cosmogenetic Causality in Quantum Astrophysical Cosmology, 2018.][1]
Progress is being made not merely in the sciences, the arts, human institutions, etc. Progress is concretely taking place in philosophy too. The cumulative effect of progress in philosophy is not so easily visible as in the case of many other disciplines, because philosophy is to some extent philosopher-based and system-based.
The problem of Gödel’s incompleteness theorem stems from the incompleteness of systems that build themselves up with consistency from primitive notions and axioms: “So every formal system of arithmetic cannot derive the assertion of its own consistency, provided that it is consistent.” [Joseph Vidal-Rosset 2006: 56] But the reason for the innate inconsistency is the natural rigidity in the definitions of the primitive notions (Categories) and axioms. Such rigidity stems from the finitely symbolic nature of representations derived from the denotative function of denotatively defined universals / concepts.
Here the system does not sufficiently recognize connotative universals in consciousness, which are the ideal reflections of the ontological universalities / commonalities in the processes being studied. In that case, the issue stems from still deeper realms: the ever-abiding dubitability of any sort of denotative definitions of primitive notions and axioms from which systems start off. This is true of all sciences. That is, we need great flexibility in the definitions of primitive notions and axioms. This flexibility is what I have called “pushing categories and axioms”. In which case, why not consider all sciences philosophies as part of one generalized science facilitating flexibility?
I do not suggest that the general patterns in human thought or philosophy hold within themselves realizations merely of the implications of Gödel’s theorems [Torkel Franzén 2005: 77ff, 137ff] without the possibility of betterment of theories and systems. Truth can be conceived and defined in any rigorous axiomatic system, where foundational incompleteness will be systemically built in clearly from the possibility, after Gödel, of improvement of completeness if the system can follow the method of indefinitely pushing back the ontological and logical limits of definitions of both (1) axioms and sub-axioms as such into more fundamental ones or more adequate definitions of the same axioms, and (2) primitive notions’ meanings by reason of their definitions. I shall call this solution the method of “pushing Categories and axioms” into more fundamental realms in their definitions. This is the epistemological-methodological foundation of systemic science, namely, the science of all sciences.
This manner of procedure is the most fundamental epistemological ingredient of progress in systems, and this is what happens in history when systems are overhauled or overwhelmed in parts or as wholes. Without such pushing the definitional limits of the basic Categories (primitive notions, metaphysical Laws) and the axioms already created in any system, there is no foundation-building in systems of any kind, especially after we have proofs for this necessity in the logical, epistemological, and ontological implications of the work of Gödel.
This fact will (1) positively relativize the concept of philosophical, mathematical, and scientific truth and (2) negatively highlight human intellectual, technological, cultural, political, and religious institutions’ tendency to fossilize truths. Not relativistic truth-probabilism but clear, adequate, and applicable systemism with ever higher truth-probabilities is to be the foundation of all human thought including mathematics and logic. This is the justification for the creation of the systemic, axiomatic foundations of the sciences of all sciences. This would also satisfy postmodern philosophies with their Socratic effect upon philosophies and sciences and permit philosophy to find surer but ever more flexible paths.
[1] I define: Logic is the science of the best intersubjectively rational consequence of ever higher truth-probability in statements. Epistemology is the science of justifications for the fact and manner of achieving rationally explicable consequence, in a spirally broadening and deepening manner, serving to achieve ever better approximations of the epistemological ideal of Reality-in-general. (Einaic) Ontology is the rationally consequent science of the totality of existents, its parts, and their sine qua nons in terms of the To Be (Einai) of Reality-in-total and/or the to be (einai) of its parts (reality-in-particular), serving to achieve ever better approximations of the epistemological ideal of Reality-in-total.
(1) Gravitational Coalescence Paradox and Cosmogenetic Causality in Quantum Astrophysical Cosmology, 647 pp., Berlin, 2018.
(2) Physics without Metaphysics? Categories of Second Generation Scientific Ontology, 386 pp., Frankfurt, 2015.
(3) Causal Ubiquity in Quantum Physics: A Superluminal and Local-Causal Physical Ontology, 361 pp., Frankfurt, 2014.
(4) Essential Cosmology and Philosophy for All: Gravitational Coalescence Cosmology, 92 pp., KDP Amazon, 2022, 2nd Edition.
(5) Essenzielle Kosmologie und Philosophie für alle: Gravitational-Koaleszenz-Kosmologie, 104 pp., KDP Amazon, 2022, 1st Edition.
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4 answers
I would like to hear everyone's thoughts on this matter.
When reporting cytometry data on longitudinal human specimens, is it more biologically insightful to report cell frequency of a particular cell population out of total CD45, or out of the major subpopulation to which those immune cells belong? (For example, CD14+ CD16+ monocytes out of total monocytes, or out of total CD45?)
Would your answer differ depending on the tissue type?
I acknowledge there is no right or wrong answer to this question; just starting a discussion.
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This question is dedicated only to sharing important research of OTHER RESEARCHERS (not our own) about complex systems, self-organization, emergence, self-repair, self-assembly, and other exiting phenomena observed in Complex Systems.
Please keep in own mind that each research has to promote complex systems and help others to understand them in the context of any scientific filed. We can educate each other in this way.
Experiments, simulations, and theoretical results are equally important.
Links to videos and animations will help everyone to understand the given phenomenon under study quickly and efficiently.
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An electrogenetic interface to program mammalian gene expression by direct current
Jinbo Huang, Shuai Xue , Peter Buchmann, Ana Palma Teixeira & Martin Fussenegger 
Nature Metabolism (2023)
DOI: 10.1038/s42255-023-00850-7
Wearable electronic devices are playing a rapidly expanding role in the acquisition of individuals’ health data for personalized medical interventions; however, wearables cannot yet directly program gene-based therapies because of the lack of a direct electrogenetic interface. Here we provide the missing link by developing an electrogenetic interface that we call direct current (DC)-actuated regulation technology (DART), which enables electrode-mediated, time- and voltage-dependent transgene expression in human cells using DC from batteries. DART utilizes a DC supply to generate non-toxic levels of reactive oxygen species that act via a biosensor to reversibly fine-tune synthetic promoters. In a proof-of-concept study in a type 1 diabetic male mouse model, a once-daily transdermal stimulation of subcutaneously implanted microencapsulated engineered human cells by energized acupuncture needles (4.5 V DC for 10 s) stimulated insulin release and restored normoglycemia. We believe this technology will enable wearable electronic devices to directly program metabolic interventions.
Links between electricity and biology are gradually revealing the true nature of functioning of cells, single cell organisms, plants, and animals.
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3 answers
Currently I am researching the possibility's of implementing a Feedback loop based on a Lessons Learned database to Close the Loop in a project organization that focusses on Marine Contracting.
I'm looking for articles, best practices, best in class methods for implementing and maintaining these kinds of systems/tools.
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Dear Mr. Wijngaarden!
I found an article you might see as of value for your work:
Hrusto, A., Runeson, P. & Engström, E. Closing the Feedback Loop in DevOps Through Autonomous Monitors in Operations. SN COMPUT. SCI. 2, 447 (2021)., Open access:
An additional source of information might be the following article:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Systems
3 answers
Dear colleagues,
I am looking for software for Systems mapping and Causal loop diagrams. It would be wonderful if any of you with experience in this could share some information.
Have you used any? Any advice or feedback? Pros and cons?
Thanks in advance,
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You can look at these pages.
The focus in more on computation than just representation, though.
  • asked a question related to Systems
4 answers
What is the difference between "process" and "system"?
  • When we look at something and see a sequence of activities producing outputs we are observing a process
  • A process produces results through work being done in the process
  • Processes produce outputs
  • Process owners manage process outputs
  • When we look at something and see the buildings, the people, the relationships, the activities and the interactions we are observing a system
  • A system produces results through the interaction of elements
  • Systems create outcomes
  • System managers manage outcomes
There are therefore two quite different types of management.
  • There is process management which will manage the achievement of results by planning, organizing, controlling and continually improving the work required to produce them.
  • There is system management which will manage a system of interacting elements that function together to achieve an objective.
The boundary between process and system is where the output fulfils a system objective. For example, If we treat the series of steps in frying an egg as a process, we will find that frying the egg is one stage of a meal preparation process. The meal preparation process is one stage in the service delivery process. Any of these processes can interact with the outputs from a process that manages the resources used in meal preparation process. Cut off the supply of electricity and the cook can’t fry the egg. We therefore ascend through a hierarchy of processes to a system of processes which together with other elements deliver an experience that will delight the customer – the objective of frying the egg, preparing the meal and delivering the service.
  • asked a question related to Systems
12 answers
Business entity management processes are more and more often supported by computerized Business Intelligence platforms that facilitate multi-criteria analysis and reporting.
Complex, multi-criteria analyzes regarding the verification of large companies' operations require aggregation and analytical processing of large data sets in Big Data database systems.
Specialized IT companies produce applications that help in conducting economic analyzes, i.e. the Business Intelligence platform.
More and more often, large and medium-sized companies use these platforms to adapt them to the specifics of their business.
However, in what direction will technological progress be realized in this field?
In view of the above, the current question is: Will the artificial intelligence for Business Intelligence application be implemented as part of the progressing computerization of analytical processes?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
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Inevitably. A more interesting question is to do what? And why?
  • asked a question related to Systems
6 answers
Where can I find and study about the Narrow Band IoT?
Provide me with papers link and documents' link...
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A follow-up comment: looking at the family of cellular IoT (EC-GSM-IoT, LTE-M and NB-IoT), NB-IoT provides the biggest deployment flexibility. Note that EC-GSM-IoT was designed to reuse GSM infrastructure and frequency channels (200kHz bandwidth); around 300-400kbps data rates are possible, but the activity around it in the industry and academia is rather limited, to my best knowledge. On the other hand, LTE-M is to be deployed in-band with LTE, uses wider bandwidth (6 PRB) and provides higher data rates (ideally up to 1Mbps). Finally, NB-IoT is the slowest (data rates no more than ~200kbps), but it only needs 1PRB (180kHz) to operate, meaning that one can either reuse a GSM carrier for it (still preserving 10kHz guardbands), place it in-band with LTE or even allocate NB-IoT within the LTE guardband.
I think the following book is the great source of knowledge:
Olof Liberg et al. "Cellular Internet of Things: Technologies, Standards, and Performance".
  • asked a question related to Systems
3 answers
I've sketched the following basic metrics categories that one can get from a cloud-native application monitoring solution and use for e.g. anomaly detection:
  • structural (e.g. length of a request trace)
  • temporal (e.g. traces as distributed on the timescale, duration of the trace and calls within it)
  • performance (e.g. 99%-tile response time, throughput)
  • resource (e.g. CPU utilization, memory utilization)
  • workload (e.g. request rate by endpoint)
  • capacity (e.g. number of pods for service)
What do you think about it? Is there something missing? Can some more coarse-granular grouping be introduced?
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I agree. This matter may be considered in the broader context of Control Room based Network or System supervision. This applies to transport networks (Deutsche Bahn as a main railway operator in Europe supervises rails and trains) in electricity (production or electricity transport or distribution operators on their infrastructure), telecom (AT&T supervises its networks and services).
In all these cases you have:
-service layer
-asset layer (assets using infrastructure underneath)
-infrastructure layer
-physical system assets composing the infrastructure.
For each layer you have parameters monitored and alarms.
If you want to go deeper look for ETSI-ISG-NFV, this is about network function virtualisation, and going back and forth from real systems to logical representations
  • asked a question related to Systems
5 answers
I am researching on controlling systems with time varying parametric changes. After studying few exemplar/textbook systems, I would want to apply it to a practical scenario. Thus, looking for a system matrix (A(t)) of such a robotic/real life system.
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Dear Manoj,
Even if you consider the parameters of a robot/mechanical system as constant, if you work on trajectory tracking problems, the error dynamics of the system can easily become time-varying. See for example for the trajectory tracking control of a biped robot:
  • asked a question related to Systems
5 answers
Do you have the mathematical formula of the punching force in the case of drawing with a hemispherical punch system ? 
Thanks in advance. 
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  • asked a question related to Systems
31 answers
I believe that the risk continues to grow in financial systems. This means that another global crisis can not be ruled out in the next few years. The financial system has not been repaired, and necessary investment programs for prudential systems have not been forced on investment banks. Large banks are becoming even larger. in autumn 2008 one of Lehman Brothers investment banks collapsed but several other similar ones earned in this crisis, in addition, there are many indications that they have contributed significantly to generating such a high systemic risk, they used the crisis to their business goals. The investment banks were not restricted from taking such high credit risk, which contributed to the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008. The system still remains vulnerable, the procedures are still not honestly observed. The fact that another global financial crisis will generate investment banks is almost certain. The only question is when will it happen?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
The issues of risk management in the context of determinants of the global financial crisis, globalization processes, technological progress and other factors I described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes
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  • asked a question related to Systems
16 answers
How we can perturb an abstract model.?Like if we have a system of equations $dx/dt=f(x,y), dy/dt=g(x,y), x(0)=x_0, y(0)=y_0$. If we wish to perturb the given system, so in how many ways one can do that? Like what I saw that we can do it by adding perturbation term(s) to right side of the above system, varying the initial conditions, or adding some singularity terms e.g multiplying epsilon to left side of any of above equations.
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Consider A=(1,0;1,0)A=(1,0;1,0) and b=(1;1)b=(1;1). Let xx be any solution of this, so x=(1;t)x=(1;t) for some tt.
Now, perturbe this to (1,0;1−1/n,1/n2)(1,0;1−1/n,1/n2) and bb unchanged, so pertruebed by 00 (but one could also impose some nontrivial perturbation). The perturbation(s) tends to zero. But the (only) solution is (1;n)(1;n). Thus xnxn does not converge, and one seees that the xnxn and the inverse (in this case it is actually invertible, but one could expand the system to avoid this) of the perturbed system are not bounded.
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If I would be "simple", since your refer a need to model "innformatics sytèms", I would suggest to you to consider the set of "languages" that are being standerdized by the Object Management Group ( There you will find "solutions" such as UML, BPML/N...
Nevertheless, keep in mind that currently, these solutions are mostly applied by IT people.
And fare less in the business or in the area of technical people (other than IT).
As a matter of fact, there are various languages and tools to adress yours expectations.
And I have to say also that they are more or less relevant, in terms of "acceptance" notably, depending on the context they are applied. This comes to the fact that there are different "modelling communities", each having its languages and related tools.
So, you should take this context into consideration. And being ready to apply or adapt yourself to different languages and tools, depending on the context you interact with, at some points.
One thing is "syntactically agnostic" : the "ontology" "behind" the modelling languages.
And this is the mastering or, simpler, the sense of such an ontology that allow to "translate" syntactics formalisms from each to the others.
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3 answers
If a very high % of higher ed. students think: "open my brain and just pour the knowledge in" we may be doomed in discovering things for bad sciences (with no one willing to look at whole systems of understanding -- though they do not work).
There has always been a disturbing % of students (including ones who have become professors) that had this basic attitude and approach. Now, in this iPhone, etc age, it seems the % may have reached "critical mass" for hopelessness.
The good news: one or a few people could process a whole new system and investigate it (these students being among some very rare subset). These students (several) could make entire good careers out of such work. They may well occupy some seats on a plane to Oslo some day too. AND:
Frankly: analytic professors OWE THE WHOLE WORLD SUCH ANALYSIS for penance for their false persuading assertions that have messed up behavioral science FOR 100 YEARS !!
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I agree with you that independent research and study are the keys to all difficulties
  • asked a question related to Systems
1 answer
It would be great, if you could share any transfection efficiency and viability information. Many thanks in advance.
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The cell lines you're using aren't suspension ones, so it might be better to use lipofection approaches, which are likely to get you higher transfection efficiency (see this kit for MDA-MB lines: I don't know how the electroporation would work, but if there isn't much literature on the topic I would test out different concentrations to find an optimal protocol.
  • asked a question related to Systems
13 answers
Can I measure the motivation of students by asking direct questions such as 'The use of the system has motivated me' or do I need to use one of the motivation theories such as Theories of Motivation and ARCS model?
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Thanks to you all for helping out.
  • asked a question related to Systems
3 answers
I need recent scientific articles full text free, to developed my thesis (onychophagia)
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i'm working on this topic too.
I developed with collaborators an appliance for treating onychophagia
You can read this paper.
Soon we will publish another papers about this topic with a redesigning appliance .
Best regard
Omar Marouane
  • asked a question related to Systems
8 answers
Taking into account the definition of autonomy in systems ( the ability of a system to achieve its own objectives without external interference) how can we distinguish systems that are fully autonomous of those who are partially autonomous ?
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I think the term autonomous was introduced (to my best knowledge, by LaSalle) in the context of nonlinear systems.
It was easier to obtain stability results for differential equations of the form
x’= f(x), where the time variable does not appear, such as
and more difficult to obtain stability results for differential equations of the form
x’= f(x,t), where the time variable does appear, either via some external input command, such as
or via some time varying system parameters, such as
Therefore, the first case is called autonomous and its behavior is well-defined and the same at any time and is not affected by any time-dependent element, either command or time-varying parameter.
Any other, such as any one of two following examples, is called nonautonomous and the time component makes its behavior to be different at diferent times.
  • asked a question related to Systems
3 answers
All the research papers I found looking at FACS itself, as opposed to its application, are somewhat dated.
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Thank you Daljeet, most appreciated.
What is your interest and/or use of FACS bases on?
  • asked a question related to Systems
2 answers
what is meaning of weak grid in terms of system parameters for direct pwer control.
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Short Circuit Ratio (SCR) < 3 and Xgrid/Rgrid ratio < 5; ▪ The SCR indicates the amount of power (Swpp) that can be accepted by the power system without affecting the power quality (V, f, harmonics, flicker) at the PoC.
  • asked a question related to Systems
2 answers
In tamoxifen-induced Cre-ER system, why they use mutated form of ligand binding domain estrogen receptor? 
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Thanks, Sean,
That sounds very logical answer to me. Otherwise estrogen will binding each cell.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Systems
2 answers
what methods are available to identify intervall-type Type-2 Takagi-Sugeno Systems and which one is better and why?
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Dear Prof. Mohamed-Mourad Lafifi, I would like to thank you for your valuble information and time.
  • asked a question related to Systems
1 answer
theories of Productivity of automation system in construction
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Dear Sundararaman,
I suggest to you links and attached files in topics.
-Automation in Construction | Vol 31, Pgs 1-356, (May 2013 ...
-Presentation on The Use of automation in construction industry
- Green Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications: ...
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Systems
2 answers
where could i find available literatures on peer review on corporate governance issues in contributory pension system
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You can search here:
  • asked a question related to Systems
1 answer
Dear sir/Mam
I would like to calculate the strengthening mechanisms for Mg-Li alloy systems by solid solution strengthening, grain boundary strengthning.I invest lot of time in literature reading for getting  fricitoin stress of  purelithium ,hallpetch coefficient for lithium.Please anyone help me .
Thanks for your kind help
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And try to estimate it by running few molecular dynamics simulations
  • asked a question related to Systems
3 answers
how I can resolve system equation navier stockes+heat evolution ?
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thanks for your help 
  • asked a question related to Systems
2 answers
I'm trying to examine the kinetics of a continuous system. How does one determine the saturation constant Ks in a continuous system?
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Dear Preshanthan,
you should measure the effective reaction rate reff as a function of the partial pressure of the reactants. For first order kinetics (fast reactions) you can calculate henry's constant H according to:
reff=(a×p)/((RT/ka, g)+(H/ka, l Ha))
where a is the specific surface per volume, p is the partial pressure, ka, g is the mass transfer coefficient in the gas phase, ka, l is the mass transfer coefficient in the liquid phase and Ha is the Hatta-number
  • asked a question related to Systems
7 answers
What is the information given by bode diagram in addition to informations given by nyquist diagram in impedance spectroscopy of an electrochemical system?
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Hello. thank you Roman Fiala. for me, it is clear that impedance spectroscopy is a technique with a reponse according to the frequency. as we know the nyquist reprsentation (Im z vs. Re z) can give several informations about the electochemical system such as the electrolyte resistance. the charge transfer resistance. capacity of double layer....and it can give an aidea about the reactionel proceess (charge transfer, diffusion, adsorption ....) whears the bode presentation concerns the variation of impedance module or the phase according to the frequency. but i think that bode plot used to investigate a phenomena that we can not show by nyquist diagram.
  • asked a question related to Systems
3 answers
How to increase the substitution of diesel fuel by syn gas on a diesel dual fuel system
  • asked a question related to Systems
3 answers
what kinds of importance you mean?
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Hello Dear
The following article may be useful for you with title:
Validity and reliability of measurement instruments used in research
  • asked a question related to Systems
3 answers
I am working with stimuli-sensitive polymer nanoparticles to deliver doxorubicin and I don not know the the volume of PBS that I should use to asses the release profile of the system.
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Thanks a lot for your answer
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1 answer
Western Australia why t-card system failed
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Yasir, I'm not sure that I understand what you are asking.
T-card was a transport ticketing system in NSW (which failed);  Western Australia uses the 'Smart Rider' system (see links).
Could you please clarify your question?
  • asked a question related to Systems
2 answers
I perform microstructural simulations and consider a polycrystal with cubic lattice. Each grain characterizes by its coordinate system Cc, which is somehow oriented relative to the global (specimen) coordinate system Cs. The orientation is expressed in terms of direction cosines. I need to construct an orientation matrix g consisting of three orthogonal vectors: Cc = g * Cs. The question is how I should order my three unit vectors in the orientation matrix. Should I put the unit vector with the maximum x coordinate in the first row, the unit vector with the maximum y coordinate in the second row and so on?
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Your matrix should present an right hand system. Therefore, after choosing 2 unit vectors the 3rd one should be the cross product. If you change the sequence of the first 2 unit vectors this will change the sign of the 3rd one.
  • asked a question related to Systems
1 answer
I am looking for a drying agent for a solvent borne coating system. I need something that can induce faster drying of coating in ambient conditions. Any suggestion is appreciable.
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You need to provide details about solvent, quantity of solvent to be dried and surface over which the coating is given.
  • asked a question related to Systems
6 answers
I initially used the landsat gapfil extension in a different system and filled gaps, but the extension is not working on my current system. And I could not get a different data to mosaic and fill the gaps. Please help
Thanks in anticipation
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To complement Pete's answer, this article was published later and provides an updated approach based on geostatistics:
The IDL codes for those algorithms are provided here:
And here you can find an R package that interfaces the IDL code as well as most Landsat preprocessing steps:
  • asked a question related to Systems
5 answers
Dear All,
Does anybody know some works or system methods on the choice of the appropriate Machine Learning classifier, which is not trial and error-based?
At present, I am using various classifiers, but I would like to justify the choice of my classifier with criteria a bit more scientific than just accuracy.  
Thank you very much in advanced for any help.
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Thank you very much for the reply.
@ Imen Thank you for the reply. I am working with a  "large" (up to 50'000 points) labelled dataset and do discriminative learning. At the moment I am trying out Decision trees and ensembles, but only because they are the fastest to train.
Thank you for the reply. It is really interesting, and good reference. However, I am more in need of a workflow that helps me on the selection of a classifier more than a classifier itself.
  • asked a question related to Systems
3 answers
Like in C-H activation reaction s if I looking for a meta selective reaction, then how will I determine meta:other products from nmr of reaction mixture?
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First, you have to analyze the splitting patterns and J constants in order to distinguish among the proton signals of the meta-, ortho- and para- isomers. After that, you will be able to integrate and compare the relative integration and thus knowing the proportion. 
  • asked a question related to Systems
2 answers
I am aware of the Novolink polymer detection system kit, Leica Biosystems. But I would like to know about other vendors for the same kit that might be better than this one. 
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Lieca Delhi
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9 answers
Just wondering, how to add HCO3 without raising sodium to the irrigation system ? what is best source of HCO3 for irrigation? 
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Lithium carbonate or magnesium carbonate are the closest matches. I think you will find the easiest to dose is magnesium oxide (MgO) which dissolves well and convert to hydrogencarbonate in water in contact with air.
  • asked a question related to Systems
2 answers
I want to know is there any research paper in which researchers proved that refrigerants mixing with nano materials increase COP/ refrigeration effect of the system.
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  • asked a question related to Systems
3 answers
How can we evaluate the Noise Spectral Density(N0) of a system and what would be some typical values for N0 for a LEO satellite receiver operating at 12GHz. What would be N0 of AWNG generated by 1/sqrt(2)*[rand(1/N)+j*rand(1,N)] in MATLAB where N=Number of bits.  
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See the attached report. This applies equally well to communications receivers.
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1 answer
Is it completely data driven failure detection??? Which type of process or system is being considered?
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Sir, could you please clarify the question littlebit more. Not getting propely i.e which context? Failure of what material mmc or d2?
  • asked a question related to Systems
3 answers
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Factors determining the fission probabilities are:
1) Fission barrier: you can determine using Liquid drop model or Sierk barrier (RFRM)
2)Level density parameter: the ration of level density at saddle to ground state deformation (af/an) can be determined by fitting the measured fission/ER cross sections.
3)Shell correction: As you are talking about excitation energy=10MeV, shell closure effect can persist if your system is shell closed. So you can apply shell correction both at level density parameter and fission barrier.
 You can run a programme like LISE++ or PACE and can play with varying these parameters and you can see how these parameters are influencing the fission cross section.
  • asked a question related to Systems
3 answers
Hello friends 
 can any one here guid me to system or solution allow creating DB in web base interface or from web base solution and ingest the data from third party system.
Thanks in advance
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Maybe you can check out WSO2 DSS, which offers easy to use capabilities to utilise various data sources.
  • asked a question related to Systems
3 answers
Hi all,
is there any proper way, how to determine a signal-to-noise ratio in mass spectrometry, in particular in TGA-MS system?
And do I really need it when I already have my LOD and LOQ calculated against a sufficient amount of blanks?
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You don't need signal to noise ratio if you already have LOD and LOQ 
  • asked a question related to Systems
8 answers
Without taking the interaction into account, each site could be occupied by two electrons, one with spin up and one with spin down. Due to the interaction the electrons would then feel a strong Coulomb repulsion, which Mott argued splits the band in two: The lower band is then occupied by the first electron per site, the upper by the second. If each site is only occupied by a single electron the lower band is completely filled and the upper band completely empty, the system thus a so-called Mott insulator.
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OK, Prof. Behnam Farid, thanks for you again.
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could anyone provide the source code to plot basin of attraction of a given nonlinear ODE system?
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If your are looking for source code
  1. you must indicate at least the language
  2. probably this is not the proper forum
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Dear all,
       I have carbanion generated in my reaction system. If I add ferrocene derivative (ferrocene carboxaldehyde ) to this system having carbanion, Does nucleophillic attack is possible on cyclopentadienyl ring of  ferrocene? 
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Mr. Rao,
You could pay attention to:
1. ChemPhysChem, 14, 2013, 311-314, Electrochemically controlled proton-transfer-catalyzed reactions at liquid-liquid interfaces: Nucleophilic substitution on ferrocene methanol, Peljo, P. et al.
2. Tetrahedron, 62, 2006, 9038-9042, Unexpected reactions of ferrocene acetal derived from tartaric acid with alkyllithium: competition between proton abstraction and nucleophilic attack, Zhang, W. et al.
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Looking for current research efforts in system science and system engineering that use interpretive structural modeling as a formal approach.
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Very interesting question and discussion.
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Is there any Standard ANSI/ASME flowcharts? My interest is in processes with human – machine interaction. e.g. car driving, buying in vending machine, among others.
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Hi Oscar,
I think, there are several ways to do so:
  • UML: Should be a good choice, since it produces nice pictures ;) - I'd suggest looking at Activity Diagrams (as mentioned before) and at Sequence Charts. The latter one also allows for presenting more details on the interaction
  • On top of UML, you could use SysML (but not sure if this is too big)
  • You can also have a look at the FMC language:
The notation depends on the audience that you need to address. Can you give some details on that? If you have to talk to techies then maybe Matlab/Simulink is also an idea as those generate more technical models (also visuals...).
Cheers, Marco
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2 answers
Graphs are one the useful network modeling tools to analyse the structure and dynamic of different networks regardless of their nature or origin.
common properties of networks help you to analyse or design networks (this inspiration may arises from a social or economic network to apply in biological systems). metabolic or protein interaction networks are studied by this method and the results were conceivable.
Now the question is how graph based modeling can be practiced to study the interactions and correlations between different systems,for example interaction of metabolic networks with nervous system (of course at first,it's necessary to define such graphical models for nervous system)?
Which probabilistic mediators would be needed and what will be properties of such bridges between different cooperating systems for biological networks?
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This might be of help. Modelling coupled evolution of gene regulatory and metabolic networks (
  • asked a question related to Systems
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What are the minimum characteristics of any theory?
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Models are of central importance.
Understanding the scope, type and application of different model types is also central to effective integration of different types of knowledge and truth.
Take care, be good to yourself and have fun,
  • asked a question related to Systems
25 answers
I formulated this new Content Addressable Memory (CAM) using Bloom Filters. It is called pbCAM (probabilistically-banked CAM). Its energy consumption is significantly lower than that of a traditional CAM, so, it allows much larger CAM chips (Integrated Circuits) to be built. Currently, CAMs are confined into network routers (Cisco, etc ...) having much larger CAMs available, which are memory chips that address the information based on a Key (i.e., content), rather than the ADDRESS of the storage (like RAMs), this could have a huge impact in the way we program. Although using Bloom filters in databases is nothing novel, the way this idea is formulated achieves significant energy savings by simultaneously reducing the voltage and frequency of the less-populated CAM banks, thereby achieving super-linear energy savings, which is something that cannot be done in a SQL database, i.e., pure software.
Currently, we are wired to think that, we have to know the ADDRESS OF STORAGE. So, when I create an array, say, int a[10], I need to address it using its known index, e.g., a[4]. However, if I could address it using its CONTENT and didn't care about where it was stored, like the RUBY language does (i.e., a["Name"] instead of a[1]), and this programming language didn't have a huge performance overhead like Ruby does, this could revolutionize how we view STORAGE of DATA.
What applications can you imagine that could benefit with such a CONTENT-BASED programming ? and a massively-hardware-accelerated CAM-type storage, rather than RAM-type ?
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Graeme and Conrad, my vision is to definitely use a VARIABLE size Payload, which makes everything very flexible. I visualize the OS maintaining a "CAM Payload HEAP" in an area of the RAM, and doing garbage collection there. Therefore, the starting address of each CAM entry could be used as the Payload address associated with that Key. So, only the keys get entered into the pbCAM and there is an associated PAYLOAD ADDRESS. Therefore, a 256b or 512b key will be able to address any RAM size out there. Of course, these have to be VIRTUAL addresses, so, the OS can do its paging and protection properly.
As far as searching for text directly using the CAM , here are some issues : 1) key sizes over 256b or so will make the pbCAM very inefficient due to the VLSI limitations. This will allow us to use FEWER banks in the CAM, which, I am afraid, might diminish the importance of the CAM. But, I will keep these comments in mind when I am designing an FPGA version . 2) Also, sooner or later, you will want the ability to match "not the exact text, but, a part of it. This will make each bank's matching circuitry very sophisticated. Not to mention SIMILARITY MATCHING. This is a total circuits nightmare !
The trick is to put more pressure on the software, and make the hardware simpler, so, you can have MORE CAM, faster. I guess, the question is : can you give me an example application we can accelerate with the CAM ? I was thinking about sorting. If the database entry size is small, you can certainly reduce the sort time from O(N.log N) to O(N).