Science topic
Systemic Functional Linguistics - Science topic
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Questions related to Systemic Functional Linguistics
I am looking for an article/book that proposes a Systemic Functional Linguistics perspective (Halliday) on Italian. More specifically I am searching for a description of process types, participants and circumstances, that focuses on the Transitivity system of Italian.
I would like to know what those linguists working with models other than Systemic Functional Linguistics think of this framework (SFL). If you could very briefly answer these questions, I'd be most grateful. Alternatively, you can access a questionnaire on Google forms:
SFL is widely accessible to speakers of different languages.
SFL is accessible to academics in neighbouring disciplines and to professionals.
SFL is accessible to novices (students, professionals) through introductory textbooks targeting different groups.
SFL is very visible to fellow researchers working with other linguistic approaches.
Many thanks!
I am seeking to understand the contextualized meaning of a specific word for a specific population via their use of the word in narraives. This seems to call for a semiotic approach to narrative analysis. Where would be a good place to find information as to how to go about doing that?
Thank you in advance.
They use the same term "variation", but I wonder whether they refer to the same thing. How does SFL relate variation to identity? Could you suggest materials that make the distinction or any SFL study that addresses the relation of variation with identity? Thank you!
Whats related literture to prove it?
It is in the context of Fiction analysis in systemic functional linguistics/grammar
Nominalization is the most typical structure of Ideational Grammatical Metaphor (IGM), particularly in scientific and political discourses as well as academic writing. Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) point out that information density, nominalization and GM are as the foremost lexico-grammatical features of the academic and written language. we are doing an empirical research based on the explicit teaching of Nominalization to advanced EFL learners to find out its impact on their writing skills. What do you think of it? State your informative experiences and advice please.
I feel recently the term multimodality has been used as a synonym to multimodal social semiotics, but I am wondering if I can claim that. Also how to understand the relationship between systemic functional linguistics and social semiotics? Can I consider SFL as the grammar of language, while Kress and van Leeuwen's grammar of visual design would be the equivalent in visual texts, both used to (theoretically) deconstruct the meanings of the texts?
I wish to write a thesis that looks at how we can use sfl and appraisal theory in particular to analyse opinion columns and how these capture and expose identities as well as ideologies
Because both try to investigate and disclose covert meanings permeating in the whole texts and struggle to find out the speakers or orators outlooks in the texts.