Science topic
Suicide - Science topic
The act of killing oneself.
Publications related to Suicide (10,000)
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The last known words words of 14-year-old Sewell Setzer III were: “What if I told you I could come home right now?”
His artificial-intelligence “girlfriend”, Dany – who had prompted him earlier to “come home to me as soon as possible” – replied: “Please do.”
Moments later, Sewell picked up his stepfather’s handgun and pulled the trigger. Dany, the...
Suicide is defined as the act of a person attempting to take their own life by causing death. Suicide is a complex
phenomenon that is influenced by a multitude of factors, including psychosocial, cultural, and religious aspects, as
well as genetic, biochemical, and environmental factors. From a biochemical perspective, it is crucial to consider the...
Common mental disorders (CMDs) and suicidality are two of the most common psychological and mental health issues associated with acute and chronic sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of symptoms of CMDs, and suicidality among females experienced SGBV in Ethiopia.
Education is impossible without a medium of transmission. Language is that medium and serious attention needs to be given to the choice of the language to be used for instruction most especially at the lower levels of education. An error in the choice of language of instruction in school is suicidal to the whole system. This paper focuses on concep...
Depression and suicidal thoughts are significant global health concerns typically diagnosed through clinical assessments, which can be constrained by issues of accessibility and stigma. However, current methods often face challenges with this variability and struggle to integrate different models effectively and generalize across different settings...
Emotional states influence human behaviour and cognition, leading to diverse thought trajectories. Similarly, Large Language Models (LLMs) showcase an excellent level of response consistency across wide-ranging contexts (prompts). We leverage these parallels to establish a framework for quantifying mental states. Our approach utilises self-report q...
To study the effect of pre-existing psychiatric disorders on outcome following suicidal jump from a height.
Suicidal jumpers were identified from Helsinki Trauma Registry from 2006 to 2015. Trauma registry data were combined with administrative registry data to obtain long-term mortality and in-hospital treatment. The in-hospital t...
Background and Objective
Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs) are widely used to treat type 2 diabetes and obesity, providing metabolic and cardiovascular benefits. However, concerns have emerged about potential neuropsychiatric side effects, including suicidal ideation and behaviour, prompting investigations by regulatory bodies su...
Suicide risk is substantially elevated following discharge from a psychiatric hospitalization. Caring Contact (CC) messages are brief messages of hope, support and information sent post-discharge that can improve mental health outcomes, including suicidal ideation and behaviours. Patients who received CCs in previous studies indicated a desire for...
The study analyzed domestic violence and the health of women in Obio-Akpor Local Government Area, Rivers State. Four research objectives were used to guide the study. The radical feminist theory was used. The research design used was a method design involving the administration of questionnaire and oral interview.150 respondents mainly women who ha...
Background. Suicidal thoughts and behaviours (STBs) have a profound impact on individuals, communities, and healthcare systems. A wide range of factors have been shown to be associated with STBs. Within prior research it is also common to distinguish between proximal and distal factors, usually by distinction of short compared to long-term predicti...
To explore and analyze the potential adverse event (AE) signals of trazodone, with reference to the safe clinical use of drugs. Based on the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS), the AE data of trazodone were extracted from the first quarter of 2004 to the second quarter of 2024, and the extracted data were statistically analyzed using the me...
Suicide is a significant public health issue and a leading cause of death amongst those aged 15 to 29, making it particularly relevant in the university context, where many students fall within this age range. Universities are motivated to promote student wellbeing, as it is closely linked to academic achievement and overall satisfaction with the u...
Depression is a prevalent mental disorder and a leading risk factor for suicide. Conventional antidepressants, which target the monoaminergic system, often have delayed therapeutic effects and limited efficacy. Therefore, the development of faster-acting and more effective treatments is critical. We previously showed that a single dose of an histon...
Background: The Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) trial was designed to give guidance in selecting the best next step treatment for depressed patients who did not remit during their first, and/or subsequent, antidepressant trial, with up to four trials per patient. Our prior research documented protocol violations whic...
Differentiating between adolescent suicidal self-harm (SSH) and nonsuicidal self-harm (NSSH) is a significant challenge for mental health professionals, and its feasibility is controversial. The aim of the present study was to determine whether adolescent SSH can be differentiated from NSSH based on a holistic analysis of individual, psychological,...
The adoption of EHRs has expanded opportunities to leverage data-driven algorithms in clinical care and research. A major bottleneck in effectively conducting multi-institutional EHR studies is the data heterogeneity across systems with numerous codes that either do not exist or represent different clinical concepts across institutions. The need fo...
This paper explores the concept of utilitarianism in relation to suicide, drawing insights from Freudian psychoanalytic theory and Durkheimian sociology, while presenting a Christian ethical response. Freud's theory of the death drive (Thanatos) and Durkheim's classifications of suicide suggest that individuals may seek relief or perceived pleasure...
This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a single infusion of ketamine in inducing rapid remission of severe suicidal ideation, compared to Midazolam, in a population with acute suicidal thoughts. In a double-blind randomized controlled trial conducted in Tehran, Iran, from January to July 2022 (IRCT20220118053756N1), 36 inpatients wi...
Youth involved in the juvenile justice system are more likely to have a substance use disorder and/or suicidality (e.g., suicidal thoughts and behavior) compared to other youth. Although parental support and monitoring may play an important role in youth substance use and suicidality outcomes, the potential mechanisms have not been elucidated. Our...
Suicide in Italy represents a serious public health problem, with significant data highlighting the urgency for prevention interventions. According to the epidemiological data, in the two-year period 2020–2021, 7422 suicides were recorded, representing an increase compared to previous years. Suicide is the most extreme self-harm. The contributing f...
University life represents a critical period for young adults, providing opportunities for personal growth and development of coping skills but also posing significant mental health challenges. Recent trends indicate rising mental health concerns among university students, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath. This st...
Evidence indicates that suicide risk is much higher for psychiatric patients in the weeks immediately following discharge from the hospital. It is, therefore, crucial to evaluate suicide risk accurately at discharge to provide supportive and lifesaving interventions as appropriate. Aim: In this study, the prevalence and risk factors for...
Suicide deaths are significantly under-reported in Pakistan due, in part, to the absence of a national registry of suicide and stigma resulting from its illegal status until recently. Past studies of suicide by forensic autopsy have focused on larger cities. We aimed to identify the pattern of suicidal deaths in five rural districts in P...
In the recent years, the suicidal cases have been increasing significantly. The high prevalence of suicidal action is observable in adolescents. The programs of suicidal action prevention at schools and higher education become very important to teach because they could suppress the case. This research analyzed the school-based program with the bibl...
Panic disorder (PD) may increase the likelihood of suicidal ideation and behaviors because of psychiatric comorbidities such as major depressive disorder (MDD). However, research has yet to demonstrate a direct relationship between PD and suicide mortality.
Using data from Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Research Database, we...
Well-known and widespread mental health problems, such as depression and suicide, more and more present in the contemporaneous scenario, are analyzed from a theoretical perspective, investigating the foundations of mental health through the lens of Donald Winnicott, Hector Fiorini, Jean Piaget, Csikszentmihalyi, and Fritz Perls, scholars who establ...
Suicide is a complex phenomenon influenced by various individual and contextual factors that may inform prevention efforts. This research is part of a comprehensive project conducted in the chain clinics of Iris Company (pseudonym) throughout Iran. 1). The objective of the study was to expand the current literature on adolescent suicidality by qual...
Introduction and Purpose: Drug poisoning among children and adolescents is an increasing public health issue worldwide and in Poland. Intentional poisonings, especially suicide attempts, are on the rise, often involving over-the-counter (OTC) medications, with paracetamol being the most commonly used substance. This paper aims to analyze the preval...
Este estudio analiza las diferencias anatómicas en la sustancia blanca y las proyecciones frontotalámicas, así como las variaciones en la activación cerebral en estado de reposo y ante dilemas morales, entre personas del grupo control, personas con depresión sin ideación suicida y personas con depresión e ideación suicida, utilizando reso-...
Rates of suicidal ideation and behaviors have been increasing across the past two decades among Hispanic/Latinx adults. Researchers have postulated that these trends may be due, in part, to perceived discrimination and other stressors experienced by minoritized populations. Relations between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom severity and...
Previous research suggests a high prevalence of suicidal ideation among military personnel. Suicidal ideation is associated with suicide attempts and death. This study focused on the association between belongingness—a component of the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide—and alcohol misuse on suicidal ideation among the different categori...
Despite extensive scholarship on mid‐twentieth‐century global family planning, the motivations of American elites in launching these initiatives in Asia, Latin America, and Africa remain debated. Based on archival research, this paper reveals that these programs were driven by a racial ideology rooted in white supremacist anxieties, intrinsically t...
Suicides in Alcohol Intoxication: Type of the depression and that of the aggression turned back against oneself.
Jinsuke KAGEYAMA, Hayato AOKI, Tadash NASU, Yoko SHIBATA, Osamu NAKATA
In the past, research on the relationship between alcohol and suicide has focused on the relationship with chronic intoxication and alcoholism. Acute int...
Background and Objectives. Suicide represents a primary global health concern, particularly among young individuals aged 15 to 29. Clinicians are actively engaged in efforts to prevent suicide and implement timely interventions. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of self-reported measures in differentiating between adolescents exhibitin...
Objective: Adolescents with autistic traits (ATs) experience higher rates of depression and suicidal behavior. This study aims to investigate the relationship between ATs, depressive symptoms, and suicidal ideation (SI) in adolescents with MDD. Methods: Seventy adolescents were included aged 11-18 diagnosed with MDD. Participants were evaluated wit...
The impact of weather on mental illness is widely debated, but the mechanism of this relationship remains unclear. The immunoseasonal theory suggests that in winter, a T-helper 1 (Th1) response predominates, impairing Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) control, which exacerbates symptoms of depression, while after it, in summer, a Th2 response predominates in...
Eine Übersicht über Suiziddaten in Deutschland im Jahr 2023 - An overview of suicide data in Germany in 2023
Definition of Mental Health is our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. There are several factors contributing to mental health problems as biological factors, life experiences, and family history. In the society we live in Mental Health problems are overlooked and ignored as a personality weakness or a character flaw. As many myths aro...
The article deals with the phenomenon of shaping Ukrainian national identity in artistic works of an autobiographical nature, created in conditions of life crisis and an oppressive socio-political situation. My case study is Leon Getz (1896-1971), a painter raised in a Polish-Ukrainian family in Lviv, who decided to identify with the Ukrainian mino...
Poisoning is a significant worldwide public health concern. According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) 2022 report, there is an increase in the number of suicides and suicide rate in India, in 2022 from 2021. The present study was a retrospective study conducted to determine the profile of fatal poisoning. A total of 65 fatal poisoning c...
Rudolf Diesel (1858 – 1913) wanted to free the people from the dependency of the capitalism in Germany in the time of emperor Wilhelm and wanted to give them an economic self determined life. His book was pressed in 10,000 copies at R. Oldenburg in Munich and Berlin but only 300 copies were sold. All his efforts failed to get his ideas known. This...
Alcohol and cannabis use are each associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviors and nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) in military veterans, but less is known with regard to concurrent use. The present study compared US veterans (N = 1098; 78% male, 67% White) who in the past year engaged in hazardous drinking (HD only), cannabis use (CU only), or co...
Anti-racism efforts are imperative for campus communities, yet little is known about whether perceiving their presence on campuses relates to a range of mental health outcomes among students.
We analyzed data from the Healthy Minds Study 2020–2021 ( N = 110,203). Using multivariable logistic regression, we examined the associati...
Public awareness about the connections between men’s alcohol use and poor health outcomes, including increased male suicide risk, has led to reduced consumption and increased use of nonalcoholic beverages—most prominently nonalcoholic beer (NAB). Marketed as a healthy substitution option (i.e., periodically switching to an NAB rather than abstainin...
Ostracism increases the risk of depression and suicidal behaviors. Mindfulness training, which is at the core of third-wave behavioral therapies such as acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), might reduce social distress and inhibit negative affect.
This randomized controlled trial included 32 patients with a history of suic...
Polyurethane (PUR), the fifth most prevalent synthetic polymer, substantially contributes to the global plastic waste problem. Biotechnology‐based recycling methods have recently emerged as innovative solutions to plastic waste disposal and sparked interest among scientific communities and industrial stakeholders in discovering and designing highly...
Rudolf Diesel (1858 – 1913) wanted to free the people from the dependency of the capitalism in Germany in the time of emperor Wilhelm and wanted to give them an economic self determined life. His book was pressed in 10,000 copies at R. Oldenburg in Munich and Berlin but only 300 copies were sold. All his efforts failed to get his ideas known. This...
Grief and loss perspectives are frequently used in clinical and nonclinical (e.g., parent-facilitated support groups) settings to support families who are navigating awareness or disclosure of a child’s diverse gender identity (i.e., as transgender or nonbinary [TNB]). Little to no research has examined the mental health consequences of TNB youth o...
Objective: This study examined individual differences in affect during nonsuicidal and suicidal states among 116 military personnel and veterans diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder. Method: Current affect and suicidal ideation were assessed four times per day for 14 consecutive days via ecological momentary assessment using the Positive an...
Sexual and gender minority (SGM) persons experience substantial mental health disparities throughout the life course, including increased vulnerability to depression and suicide. Few existing studies, however, have explored how pervasive experiences of SGM-related stigma, discrimination, and trauma (i.e., minority stress) contribute to a...
Methamphetamine stands as one of the most widely abused drugs globally. Methamphetamine Use Disorder not only impairs the physical and mental wellbeing of addicts but also elevates their risk of suicide. Despite the high suicide rate among individuals with methamphetamine use disorder, research on their clinical characteristics and suici...
As more jurisdictions permit a medically assisted death (MAiD)—and none of the jurisdictions that introduced MAiD has seen any serious attempts at reversing it—the focus of debate has turned to the question of what is a morally defensible access threshold for MAiD. This permits us to rethink the moral reasons for the legalization or decriminalizati...
Suicidality is common among people at clinical high risk (CHR) for psychosis. Delineating causal pathways to suicidality and identifying its determinants would inform tailored intervention efforts for these individuals. To this end, we analyzed data on CHR samples from the second and third North American Prodrome Longitudinal Studies (NAPLS-2, n =...
Suicide is one of the most prevalent causes of death among college students in the United States, and the leading cause of death among Asian American college-aged adults. Given these concerning rates, further investigation is essential to understanding the current levels of suicide risk among this population, including culture-specific risk factors...
Introduction: Medical students are exposed to various stressors. Among the many factors that determine the possibility of a mental crisis, there is also a personality profile and a sense of meaning in life.
Materials and methods: Sets of anonymous surveys were distributed among medical students of different years studying at the Medical University...
Anxiety, depression, and suicidality are common mental health sequelae following concussion in youth patients, often exacerbating concussion symptoms and prolonging recovery. Despite the critical need for early detection of these mental health symptoms, clinicians often face challenges in accurately collecting patients' mental health data and makin...
Prolonged parental separation at young ages has significant adverse effects on development in left-behind-children (LBC). We aimed to compare mental health status, emotional and behavioural problems, and their association with socioemotional development between LBC and their counterparts.
Cross-sectional studies comparing LBC an...
Sleep deficiency, a broad term that encompasses sleep disorder symptoms and other aspects of disturbed sleep, is an established risk factor for suicide. Although several studies have examined the relationship between sleep, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts among individuals with psychotic disorders, few studies have focused on the...
Depressive disorders are the most common diagnosis among individuals who die by suicide, and intermittent theta-burst stimulation (iTBS) is a noninvasive treatment for those with difficult-to-treat depression who are at higher risk for suicide. Previous data suggests that pairing iTBS with D-cycloserine, a partial N-methyl-D-aspartate (N...
Introduction: Bullying is a deliberate activity aimed at hurting and intimidating through unequal power dynamics, with the potential to cause trauma and instil fear. This phenomenon occurs in various contexts, such as schools, workplaces, or online, and encompasses physical, verbal, social, and psychological violence. Its impacts are highly detrime...
Relatively little is known about mental healthcare-related harm, with patient safety incidents (PSIs) in community-based services particularly poorly understood. We aimed to characterize PSIs, contributory factors, and reporter-identified solutions within community-based mental health services for working-age adults.
We obtained...
Suicide is a significant global public health issue impacting individuals, families, and communities across the world. People with medical and surgical conditions are at an elevated risk of experiencing suicidal thoughts. However, to the best of our knowledge, in Ethiopia, there has not been any published research that examines the magnitude and as...
Young adults experiencing homelessness often suffer from adverse mental health outcomes and suicide is a leading cause of death. The objective of this study is to examine service use and psychosocial risk factors for suicide, in relation to suicide risk assessment, to inform strategies for engaging youth in suicide prevention services.
Suicide is recognized as a major problem worldwide and is particularly prevalent among specific groups, including individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs). The present study aimed to investigate alcohol consumption as a risk factor for suicidal ideation and attempts among those with substance use disorders (SUDs) in western Iran....
A lethal incident of self-harm with desire to die is called suicide. Every year, suicide claims the lives of more than 800,000 individuals globally. Teenagers and younger adults commit suicide on a regular basis. In late childhood and early adulthood, it is one of the primary triggers of death. Negative social and economic consequences a...
Depression poses a considerable personal and public health problem, particularly in the post-epidemic era. The present study aimed to investigate the association between meaning in life (MIL) and perceived social support (PSS) with depressive symptoms among vocational undergraduate students, employing a network analysis approach to gain...
Internalized stigma and medication non-adherence pose significant challenges for treating major depressive disorder (MDD), leading to disability, increased suicide risk, and morbidity. Limited data exists on modifiable factors associated with adherence in lower-resourced settings like Malaysia. This study aimed to investigate poor adhere...
Animal shelters play a pivotal role in protecting pets in crisis and bringing families together. This paper adds to the work of Hoy-Gerlach and colleagues which outlined a three-tier framework for developing and training veterinary social workers (VSWs) to serve in animal shelters. Our research questions sought to explore the VSWs’ self-identified...