Science topic
Suicide - Science topic
Suicide is the act of killing oneself.
Questions related to Suicide
I am looking vor research articles for my bachelor thesis. The topic I chose would be "suicidal behaviour in transident people" what kind of nursing interventions can support patients on their way to cope?
The articles should not be older than 2020.
Thank you very much in advance!
We lose >22 veterans a day, of which most are males. I am curious of this had an impact on the fact that male nurse suicide is less than the average population? I am definitely open to discussion further if needed.
David Renfro, DNP
Physical, psychological and sexual abuse have been found to be risk factors for suicide in adolescents and adults (<65). These modes of abuse would seem to be associated with increased suicide risk in the elderly. Is there any research in the literature citing elder abuse as a suicide risk factor in those aged 65/over?
Dear All,
I trust this message finds you in good spirits.
This is my first post to the community.
I have written an article that I am planning to submit for publication, however, I have trouble selecting the genre. My submission revolves around assisted suicide and includes elements of both criminal and Human rights Laws; it explores whether an individual assisting in the suicide is a murderer or not and also analyses the human rights considerations that concern the right to life. Most journals that I have researched either ask for the area of law or are specific to an area of law. i.e Criminal Law or Contract Law
I have never submitted an article before so please forgive any mistakes that I may have made in using the correct jargon whilst asking my question.
Kind Regards
There have been several suicides in the US in late 2023 and in the first several weeks of 2024 involving deputy sheriffs and, in one case, a county sheriff. There is a large a growing literature on police officer suicide, which may only be partly generalizable to deputy sheriffs despite some overlap in role and duties. Deputy sheriffs are sometimes included if studies of "law enforcement professionals" but not broken out in findings.
The question delves into the concerning phenomenon of rising suicide rates and seeks to understand the underlying reasons behind individuals choosing to end their own lives. It prompts an exploration of the complex factors contributing to this trend, including mental health challenges, social isolation, stress, financial strain, substance abuse, trauma, and barriers to accessing mental health resources. By asking why individuals are resorting to suicide, the question aims to shed light on the intricate web of issues impacting mental well-being and societal dynamics.
There is better bonding between the mother and baby at home because there is less interference. There are studies showing better weight gain, calmer babies, better adaption of microbiome. I am curious if this extends for 20 years.
I am new to this concept and I need some guidance on designing the primers with restriction site, homologous region, and antibiotic resistance gene casseettee.
I am also looking for the suicide vectors that work best for the homologous recombination-based gene knockout. Any advice/suggestion from your end will be helpful for me.
Hi, clinical psychology researchers!
We are thrilled to invite you to contribute your expertise to a groundbreaking project in the field of suicide research. We are initiating a systematic review study on suicide, aiming to gather comprehensive and up-to-date evidence that will inform clinical practices and interventions.
As experienced researchers in systematic review articles, your valuable insights and meticulous approach will play a pivotal role in shaping the outcome of this study. Whether you have specialized knowledge in suicide prevention, risk assessment, psychological correlates, or related areas, your contribution will be highly appreciated.
This study will not only deepen our understanding of suicide but will also provide evidence-based recommendations to enhance mental health interventions, policies, and societal support networks. Your expertise and collaboration will help us create a resource that can positively impact the lives of individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
If you want to join our team, please contact me at your earliest convenience. We look forward to establishing an interdisciplinary network of researchers passionate about suicide prevention and mental health promotion.
Kind regards
Is it more acceptable or tolerable of false positive or false negative in suicide screening for a suicide screening tool?
1. Medical Doctors
2. Dentists
3. Police Officers
4. Veterinarians
5. Financial Services
6. Real Estate Agents
7. Electricians
8. Lawyers
9. Farmers
10. Pharmacists
Each year in the U.S., roughly 300 - 400 physicians die by suicide;
- In the U.S., suicide deaths are 250 - 400% higher among female physicians when compared to females in other professions;
- In the general population, males complete suicide four times more often than females. However, female physicians have a rate equal to male physicians;
- Medical students have rates of depression 15 to 30% higher than the general population. Depression is a major risk factor in physician suicide. Other factors include bipolar disorder and alcohol and substance abuse;
- Women physicians have a higher rate of major depression than age-matched women with doctorate degrees;
- Contributing to the higher suicide rate among physicians is their higher completion to attempt ratio, which may result from greater knowledge of lethality of drugs and easy access to means.
- In the United States of America, an estimated 300 to 400 doctors die by suicide each year, a rate of 28 to 40 per 100,000 or more than double that of general population.
Suicide and Death Penalty, fatal and tragic acts, leave no one indifferent. These touch on the sacredness of life and therefore on the deepest convictions and beliefs. Philosophical reflection has been prolific on the subject dealing with the rationality and morality of and Death Penalty. The question also covers a societal component in relation to the debate on the "right to die within dignity"
All contributions on the topic are welcome.
Picture: Staged seppuku with ritual attire and kaishaku, 1897

🔴 Does depression increase the risk for suicide? Of course.
Is depression the only risk factor for suicide? Not at all!
👉🏻 I run multimodal assessments everyday and qEEG combined with the analysis of psychomotor performance and one pattern clearly emerges: Interviews and questionnaires are not enough to tell us about a patient's mental health and her/his ability to cope with stress:

You shall bury him: burial, suicide and the development of Catholic law and theology
- Ranana Leigh Dine
We are part of a charitable foundation working hard to raise awareness about the link between concurrent alcohol and cocaine use and the subsequent psychoactive substance created in the body known as Cocaethylene which is thought to increase the risk of suicide in the early morning comedown. We feel the male suicide figures in the UK and in many other countries will be contributed to by the prolonged block of dopamine reuptake, catastrophic thoughts, violent actions and impulsivity which has led to suicide by harm in a number of known cases. Toxicological analysis of suicide decedents has contributed to the knowledge base. My son left this world in this exact way as have many others and we want to find ways to prevent harm or death for other young people and conducting this research is part of that fight. If you have any ideas suggestions or can point me in the direction of any papers of interest, it will be much appreciated.
I'd like to know if there are other measures of hopelessness. As far as I know, there is only the Beck's Hopelessness Scale.
The African understanding of a human person, particularly her demise, is often that of continuity. For an African, one does not really die (at least the soul). Suicide has been seen as a taboo in many African cultures, and traditions even have laws against it. However, if one has the right to live, does not one also have the right to die? Please assist me in developing this topic further. Any assistance will be highly appreciated. I fully understand that I am going to attempt a comparative study of two worldviews that have different points of departure. African death ethics view, germinates from the muntu intellectual framework and her cognitive structure with underpinnings such as communitarianism, while human rights view, is founded on western constructs with individualism underpinnings. I am not claiming that there is one which is superior to the other, but rather there could be one which is more plausible and persuasive than the other.
Hello everyone, I'm working on treatment engagement during therapy for my studies. I want to do research on factors influencing (barriers to and facilitators of) treatment engagement (remaining in therapy, being committed and involved in the process) with suicidal adults and I can't find much about this for now. Please can you help me by providing some references?
#suicide #suicidal #treatmentengagement
PhD candidate, needing support or general chats about using phenomenology (transcendental) for exploring lived experience of suicide and participation in suicide prevention.
Please reach out if you have experience to share!
Hello, I plan to conduct research regarding suicidal ideation among adolescents and plan to use R-SIS. But now I am still trying to get permission to use the instrument. could any of you guide me on how to get the permission? thank you so much
There are indications that a not insignificant segment of the US population favors or actively supports a government that centralizes political power in one official or small group and which only nominally respects democratic elections, political plurality, the rule of law, and the separation of powers in maintaining control and the status quo. Neither political science nor suicidology seem to have pondered how suicide prevention will be affected under an authoritarian form of government. It might not be too early to start pondering,
We know something of the relationship between this form of government and suicide. Countries with some type of authoritarian rule have among the highest suicide rates in the world. There is evidence that this may be due to some degree to the detrimental effects such systems have on individual mental wellness. Depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and a general sense of helplessness seem inherent to even low doses of civil authoritarianism. These are all risk factors that may beget other risk factors.
There are several not so subtle hints as to how an authoritarian system may affect suicide prevention. Restrictions on free exchange of information and an aversion to scientific inquiry top any list. The behavior of authoritarian officials and governments towards prevention and control of public health challenges like COVID-19 do not raise hopes regarding meaningful suicide prevention. Warping institutions that suicide prevention relies on for support and objective data (e.g., the US CDC) will take a heavy toll.
A lack of empathy for the suffering that suicide causes may be the most harmful consequence. Worst yet authoritarians are not known for their compassion toward the vulnerable. Benign neglect may be the best that an authoritarian government can muster and maybe not even that. Even authoritarian regimes require some measure of buy-in from those they rule. However, with the vast array of societal problems that tend to worsen under authoritarian systems, suicide prevention is not likely a concern that the masses will take to the street over.
We’ll leave it at that and hope you can add other factors. Thanks!
Access to firearms is a well documented risk factor for suicide. Regardless of why someone might have one or more of AR-15 or similar weapon, there's no disputing their inherent lethality. Irrespective of whether or not they are ever employed as a means of suicide, does their implicit lethality affect the nature/intensity of suicidal ideation and the likelihood that ready access to one may significantly increase the risk of using any firearm in a suicide attempt? Does this have any bearing on the suicidality manifested by perpetrators of mass shootings? If access to firearms creates a baseline capability for suicide, does access to potentially much more deadly firearms enhance that capability?
I would like to take advantage of the Recombineering method to disrupt a specific gene in Vibrio cholerae but I'm afraid that the vector containing the λ Red system will affect the fitness of bacteria. Do you think that a low copy plasmid would solve this problem or I'd better use a suicide vector containing the λ Red system?
Can you help me to obtain the data set of these links. Thank you so much.
4.3 Twitter Datasets Collection
I have data about cases of suicide in prison. No data from people who did not commit suicide, i.e. no comparison group. I have data on the sex (binary), crime (categorical) and sentence (continuous) of each person who commit suicide. How can I best use this data? I guess I can calculate the odds ratio as a measure of association between each of those variables and the outcome (suicide), e.g. the odds of women committing suicide compared to men. But would you recommend that I first conduct a test of association? If so, would that be chi square for sex and Pearson's for crime and sentence? Thank you!
Which instrument did the reseacher used in the study
Social support and Suicidal risk among secondary school student of cape town
Ive read about some scales that I would like to use to create mine but I cannot find the actual scale: Attitudes towards attempted suicide, Attitudes towards deliberate self harm, suicide opinion questionnaire. Ive emailed authors but no response. Please help
I am a humanities academic, and I deeply care for the future wellbeing of humanity. I also care for the environment. And I am aware that the soil, the basis of our food and survival, has been exploited. The very survival of us humans is threatened:
More than 50% of all agricultural soil has been degraded. Desertification is progressing at a frightening pace. A lot of farmers commit suicide because the quality of their crops is going down and they can no longer make a living. Scientists like Jane Goodall remind us that all topsoil could be lost in 60 years, unless we change direction.
As academics, we can contribute to a sustainable future. How can we draw more attention to this disastrously serious situation? What can we do in order to make our politicians understand that concrete change is needed?
Please watch Jane Goodall's Appeal to join the
@ConsciousPlanet Movement:
#ConsciousPlanet #EnvironmentalProtection #Gratitude #NatureProtection
The following HHS factsheet -- see link below & attachment - states that one can help prevent suicides by ASKING a person-at-risk directly if they have thoughts or plans to kill themselves; using the word SUICIDE will NOT suggest they kill themselves, but rather start a discussion which may help them.
What research demonstrated what has become "wisdom" in Suicide Prevention?
Dear mental health worker and/or clinical researcher,
In response to the article Case Report Evidence for Underregistration of Suicide.
We wonder if there are more examples, among colleagues, for evident suspicion that a person has died by suicide but registered as other cause in the national mortality registration?
Maybe we can collect more cases for more evidence?
Of course evidence for overregistration is also needed!
Earlier this year in southeastern Pennsylvania (USA), a male in his 60s took his life by blowing up his home (and three others nearby) after assaulting a code enforcement officer with a handgun and briefly barricading himself in his home and engaging in a standoff with police. He had no known history of mental health treatment, appeared to be estranged from any family, and had few social contacts according to neighbors.
Reports on hoarding cite factors often associated with suicidality,.
I have initiated an intervention in 2 communities in an area where suicide rates are very high. I will be initiating the same approach in 2 villages in another district where suicide rates are high. I am doing a literature search on intervention for suicide prevention and so far have not found anything. I am approach this initiative as part of the participatory action research paradigm.
"In colleges and universities in the United States, suicide is one of the most common causes of death among students.[1] Each year, approximately 24,000 college students attempt suicide while 1,100 students succeed in their attempt, making suicide the second-leading cause of death among U.S. college students.[2][3] Roughly 12% of college students report the occurrence of suicide ideation during their first four years in college, with 2.6% percent reporting persistent suicide ideation.[3] 65% of college students reported that they knew someone who has either attempted or died by suicide, showing that the majority of students on college campuses are exposed to suicide or suicidal attempts.[4]"
"Why Is Suicide So Common Among College Students?"
"Burnout in College: What Causes It and How to Avoid It"
Due to destructive development approach, finally this generation reached to self-created suicidal gas chambers commonly identified as cities with severe air pollutants. This can be observed across the world specially in fastest growing big economies of the world like India and China. There are many dimensions and factors need to be investigated to find out the root-causes.
Please suggest with your solutions based expertised opinions for:
What are the
- Major air pollutants?
- It's Cause/Effects?
- Affordable solutions?
Photo courtesy:

What do you think are the most important psychological disorders associated with COVID-19?
Dear researchers
I would like to know about a quasi-experimental program of behavioral therapy for suicide idea
thank you for supporting me
I am conducting a case-control study for suicide where controls are matched to cases on the date of the suicide death (index date), hence, risk-set sampling. An electronic medical database is employed for the purpose of the study. When assessing the exposure, e.g. self-harm, should I consider the exposure at any point in the patient's clinical course or only up to the date of suicide death/index date? To elaborate, while cases die and do not contribute further to the database, controls remain for some time later contributing to more information. Shall I account for that information or stop at the index date?
I'm trying to locate articles on endometriosis and suicide . I've searched extensively to no avail. Wondering if there are any publications regarding this matter or is it not discussed ? Thanks Lisa
Link-> Endometriosis: Women 'taking their own lives' due to lack of support - World News Empire
In suicide prevention there are many high-risk populations hiding in plain sight that are overlooked. One such group is police chiefs. There are at least 3-5 media reports of suicides of chiefs, deputy chiefs, and sheriffs every year in US big cities and small towns. There doesn't seem to be much literature on suicide risk among in the upper echelons of local law enforcement. These individuals accrue all the suicide risk affecting those they manage plus that coming with their jobs. This often takes the form of being terminally trapped between the demands of elected officials and the needs of their departments and communities. Many lack civil service protection and may face termination or demotion if they resist budget or staffing cuts, "political" personnel decisions, threats to consolidate with other jurisdictions, and worse. Community dissatisfaction, personal issues, and pending retirement may also be factors. In any case, suicide prevention targeting police (as well as other emergency responders) must address risk at all levels of the department or agency.
Does anyone know publications that addressed the following question?: Do lifetime suicidal behaviors impact on addiction treatment adherence or relapses?
I am conducting a logistic regression in order to examine whether there is an interaction between the number of stressors participants were currently experiencing (between 0-9) and their current levels of hopelessness (1-5 likert scale). The binary outcome variable/DV is whether participants did (1) or did not (0) experience suicidal thougts. All variables were centred round the mean (Z-scored) before being entered into the regression. We have a large sample size (over 12,000 participants). Multicollinarity should not be a problem as 'stressors' and 'hopelessness' are only correlared at rs = 0.31.
When I ran the regression, the effect of stressors was signficant, the effectt of hopelessness was significant and the interaction term was significant (all at p < .001). Please see the output in the attached file.
To probe the direction of the interaction, I have plotted the data using Jeremy Dawson’s excel sheet, ( ) and I have also manually plotted the data. Both of these graphs show that the relationship between stressors and suicidal thoughts is much stronger under conditions of high hopelessness.
However, to formally test the direction of the interaction, I divided participants into 3 groups (low/medium/high hopelessness) and for each group I ran a binary logistic regression with suicidal thoghts (yes/no) as the DV and number of stressors experienced as the IV. In this analysis, the beta coeficient and the Exp(B) odds ratio shows the opposite to the plots. The Beta and Exp(B) value for stressors are (Low hopelessness: B = 0.70, Exp(B) = 2.01, medium hopelessness: B = 0.54, Exp(B) = 1.72, high hopelessness: B = 1.53, Exp(B) = 1.53). They show the relationship between stressors and suicidal thoughts being stronger under conditions of low hopelessness.
I have also conducted spearman correlations between stressors and suicidal thoughts at the levels of low/medium/high hopelessness and they show what the plots show, that he relationship between stressors and suicidal thoughts is stronger under conditions of high hopelessness (low hopelessness: rs = 0.3, medium hopelessness: rs = 0.13, high hopelessness: rs = 0.07).
I am at a complete lost as to why the follow up tests are different to the plots and the spearmen correlations. If anyone could shed any light on this or suggest any reasons for this I would be very grateful.
I can also confirm that I have checked the variable labels about 20 times and there is no mislabelling occurring.
Dear all,
i am a research scholar and currently i am working on a suicidal behavior, and i am looking for a scale called (ACSS-FAD) along with a Scoring manual, if any body can help me to get this measuring tool. this will be the most kindness...
In India, According to the latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data on suicides, 10,281 farmers committed suicide in 2019, down from 10,357 in 2018, whereas the figure for daily wagers went up to 32,559 from 30,132.
It's often difficult to imagine what led someone to commit suicide. There may be no warning signs. Often, many factors combine to lead to a decision to commit suicide. It is often an act made during a storm of strong emotions and life stresses rather than after careful consideration.
Tragically, in 1906, Boltzmann committed suicide and many believe that the statistical mechanics was the cause. He provided the current definition of entropy, interpreted as a measure of statistical disorder of a system His student, Paul Ehrenfest, carrying on Boltzmann's work, died similarly in 1933. William James, in 1909, found dead in his room probably due to suicide. Bridgman, the statistical physics pioneer, committed suicide in 1961. Gilbert Lewis, took cyanide in 1987after not getting a Nobel prize.
Irwig MS in a article titled "Finasteride and Suicide: A Postmarketing Case Series." published in
Dermatology. 2020 Jan 14:1-6. reported that "Men under the age of 40 who use finasteride for alopecia are at risk for suicide if they develop persistent sexual adverse effects and insomnia." Do you agree with the opinion? If yes, what could be your possible explanation?
I want to generate a deletion mutant of Acinetobacter baumannii. I want to use the suicide vector pBIISK. I already have the plasmid containing the up- and downstream region of the gene of interest. However, I am not able to transform A. baumannii. I already tried electroporation with sucrose or 10% glycerol, DNA uptake ("Natural transformation") with and without NaCl, transconjugation (horizontal gene transfer) from E. coli S17-1. I also tried to use motility agar plates for natural transformation, but everything failed.
Is there another protocol for transformation?
Thanks a lot!
please I need a sample of a relevant questionnaire
I am looking for a self-report measure of suicidal ideation. We will be excluding participants who endorse intent (assessed via clinician interview), and need a scale with sensitivity towards the less severe end of suicidality to track across treatment in an RCT.
The increasing number of suicides on the one side is horrifying and on the other side makes us think deeply. What preventive measures do we need to adapt to reduce the alarming rate of suicides?
In the filed of education and especially with regard to value education and personality development what more can we do or suggest?
I am in the process of preparing an article for The Teenager Today Journal and your contribution within the coming 6 days (21-27 July) will be much appreciated.
Teresa Joseph
I am working on a pathogenic streptococci strain harboring a ~20 kb sized plasmid.
I would like to generate a mutant by removing this plasmid from bacteria or inactivate its expression using any genetic engineering technic.
If anyone has experience on this or read well-described research paper, please give me comments. Additionally, is allelic exchange using homologous recombination (using suicide vector) still applicable on genes located in plasmid?
Please give me any suggestions and answers.
I am researching the impact of grief and loss on meaningful connection. Can professionals really listen and respond appropriately to clients thoughts of suicide and experiences of loss - if they are not digesting and caring for thier own losses? Does personal disconnect lead to meaningless assessments?
I am interested in any research on this area of personal experiences.
Many thanks for your thoughts.
Best practice or tested / approved methods we are inquiring.
many research studies on prevalence of suicide behaviors have been conducted so far in different provinces, however, the national study will provide suitable data on suicide behaviors if this item has been included in the project
looking for any studies on the subject.
I am organizing a special session "road traffic suicides" at the 7th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP), 25-27 August 2020, Gothenburg, Sweden.
So far we have 3 potential presenters: Anna-Lena Andersson (SWE) would talk about classification methods, Inkeri Parkkari (FIN) about those who commit suicides & me about heavy vehicle drivers who were the second party in suicide crashes .
If you currently work on this topic, please submit your abstract. In the online submission system ‘Under Topics’ select ‘Special sessions (e.g., EU projects, organisations/professional bodies)’ & then ‘Road traffic suicides (Igor Radun)’. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by independent reviewers.
If you know a researcher currently working on this topic, please share this info.
Abstract submission closes on December 25.
A while back we discussed suicide across cultures. And I am in my4th year of conducting research on combat trauma. We know that 20 vets a day kill themselves. Only 6 of them are followed by a VAC?
This attached article which appears on The Fix Addiction Site, addresses the broader context of suicide. I invite any and all comments and observations.
I am needing to package lentivirus that contains a suicide construct that will be selectively toxic in epithelial cells. Has anyone had luck packaging lentivirus in cells other than HEK-293T?
Assisted suicide or euthanasia; It’s not legalizing what's illegal?
Legislators have always played well with words, even with regard to death: suicide, assisted suicide, voluntary termination of life, euthanasia, etc. the most commonly used terms are: assisted suicide and euthanasia. Is this distinction simply semantic or does it cover a real difference of philosophy?
Several countries have already legalized assisted suicide and / or euthanasia: Switzerland, Belgium or the Netherlands, some US states, etc. Thus this practice is tolerated in these countries; the concerned must motivate his request, sometimes in front of a psychologist, and have all his discernment to obtain the lethal product. Does the law that decides to come to this world, so that the legislation gives its opinion on the end of our life?
Doctors are still much more trained to heal and save than to help or assist a person wanting to commit suicide! Against the oath of Hippocrates, which is at the origin of the medical ethics; against what is unforgivable by all the monotheistic religions or the majority of the other religions, which existed always on the ground; and against the logic which prevents us to take or confiscate what does not belong to us ... Does not the doctor become the servant of death?
In Switzerland, for example, the number of assisted suicides is going up, in 2017, 286 people resorted to assisted suicide in French-speaking Switzerland, an increase of 32.5% over the previous year. Has the doctor become a serial killer?
Who can guarantee that the patient's state of health is irreversible?
Who can guarantee that the person desiring to commit suicide is able (psychological and mental aptitude) to make such a decision?
I want to know about scales which can measure suicidal desire, lowered fear of death, increased pain tolerance. Kindly suggest me some authentic scales which can be used...
My question is simple -
Do you want to help someone ?
Do you want to help change someones life for the better ?
Do you want to have an impact on lowering the suicide rate?
What would you do for someone you love? Anything..
The struggle of addiction and mental health is more prominent today than ever before. With suicide & mental health rates increasing everyday and the lack of information & resources out there required to help tackle and deal with these things are limited.
Granted that there are services out there that do help and do work but are not always easily accessible or in some cases to late. The world is changing and it is becoming more prominent that suicide and mental health are real issues that are being overlooked in some cases where they should not of been.
Change is needed to a better quality of service, information and care that is currently being provided.
Please help us with our research to understand more from holistic overview,
help us to help those that are indeed struggling but are not getting the attention that is required.
Link below is to the study :-
Thank You

Gun violence against one's self or others may be a planned behavior. However, current theoretical models of suicide, specifically the "ideation to action" theories of Joiner, O'Connor, and Klonsky and May, posit suicide as most frequently a planned behavior involving a process of mounting risk acuity over some period. Homicides, particularly mass shootings, are also known to be planned. In the US, 20 states have enacted or passed Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) legislation (AKA "red flag laws") authorizing a local court to temporarily remove access to personal firearms if an individual is deemed at near-term risk of homicide or suicide. Advocates of such policies cite their value as preventive measures, especially in regard to suicide. It is argued that separating the at-risk person from her/his guns is an effective deterrent. There are reports both supporting and challenging this premise. However, the research only looks at rates of gun violence in specific states before and after passage of ERPO laws. No attention is given to the generic sources and nature of risk for homicide and suicide. Gun access in the home is a known risk factor for both, but is suicide risk inherently more enduring (consider "acquired capability") than homicide risk? Do homicides more likely involve short-term factors (e.g., interpersonal conflict)? This question relates to a policy science rather than “gun politics” perspective, i.e., are ERPO laws more efficacious in regard to firearms homicides than firearms suicides based on what we know of the nature of suicide risk? ? Here is a source on the topic:
Basic ingredients of the first green revolution were: HYV seeds with superior genetics; use of chemicals - pesticides and fertilizers; and multiple cropping system supported by the use of modern farm machinery and proper irrigation system.
Due to the advancement in machine learning and it's application in psychiatry and clinical psychology, their is a need to understand the reliability of various programming software for predicting the prevalence of suicide and it's risk factors.
In recent times, students have been involved in committing suicide. I think the academic libraries would play some roles in stopping this act
Hello everyone,
I'm studying the link between psychopathy and self-aggression/suicide. All variables are numeric.
IV is psychopathy: 4 levels.
DV is self-aggression.
I would like to test the contribution of gender, traumatic experiences and aggressiveness.
And control age and borderline personality disorder (BDP).
I'm considering these two options:
1. Multiple regression + post hoc: First I would do a multiple regression to test the 4 levels of the IV and then analyse the contribution (moderation / mediation) of gender, traumatic experiences and aggressiveness.
But using this method I can't control age and BDP, right?
2. Multiple hierarchical regression : First I would do a multiple regression to test the 4 levels of the IV. Then first model would include age and BDP, second one gender, third traumatic experiences and fourth aggressiveness. I would do 4 regressions, one for each level of the IV (psychopathy).
If the difference of R2 between model 1 and 2, 3, 4 is significant then I can report ΔR2 as the additional variance explained, hence knowing if any of the variables have an impact on self-aggression.
Thanks in advance!
I am writing about the influence of mental health treatment, the timeliness of intervention, modalities used, any identifiable differences in the cause of death (combat-related, other suicide, prolonged injury/illness), and the mental health of the surviving parent on the efficacy of therapeutic interventions for military bereft children. How might the mental health of the surviving parent moderate the outcomes of therapeutic interventions? When does the child improve through the chosen interventions; prior to the surviving parent healing, simultaneously, or is there no correlation? I have too many questions to address here.
Hi Friends,
I am working on Suicide in immigrants in the light of social integration theory. Currently i need measurement scale for social integration in immigrants, if any body can help so please share.
Research on suicide among university students in sub Saharan Africa. Join me in this study. preferably with a background in suicide research and publications.
Norman D Nsereko
As I have done my tests (Langrangian and Hausman) they showed that I have to do Random Effects analysis. I am analyzing the link between happiness of EU countries and other variables (GDP, Suicide rates, Gini index, Education index, Unemployment, GPI, Temperature and Life expectancy). I have added the outcome of my random effects test on R. What should be the other appropriate steps to analyze this? It shows R coefficient of 42 percent, while some non-logical assumptions such as - suicide rates increase happiness..
I apologize for these dumb questions, I'm working on my bachelor's thesis and I do not have a very strong understanding of Econometrics
Many among us, including myself, reach a stage in life from where rest of the journey becomes vividly clear, and appears totally pointless, having lost all perspectives to living does it makes sense to go on uselessly ? if a person comes to own conclusion and own decision to continue no more, should he or she be or not be granted the scope to put own self out of the misery ?
All opinions in this regard are welcome.
Does it come from Ministry of Health (based on what data) or from the police? I think there may be some under-estimation along the pipe-line. Good data may guide the legislator and government introduce good suicide awareness and suicide prevention programme targeting at-risk group. Low data mislead everybody to think things are fine out there. Currently WHO is quoting Malaysia per annual suicide rate as 6/100K population.
WHO published two rates on suicide - Country suicide rate, and age-adjusted suicide rate. There is no definition on age-adjusted suicide rate. How does this being adjusted and what is further estimation of any variables being involved?
The focus of my interest is on the risk factors.