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Student Development - Science topic
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Questions related to Student Development
Background outline of the research topic (the real worlds and academic problem why are you focusing on this) 1. Research question (main question, 3 sub questions) ?
2. What issues do I care about?
3. What am I interested in?
4. What do I want to know?
5. What do I want to change?
I have noticed that students of all courses have less preparation, also less responsibility and commitment to their studies, even less dedication to assignments (and less time dedicated to them).
What has been your experience?
How should artificial intelligence technologies be implemented in education, so as not to deprive students of development and critical thinking in this way, so as to continue to develop critical thinking in students in the new realities of the technological revolution, to develop education with the support of modern technology?
The development of artificial intelligence, like any new technology, is associated with various applications of this technology in companies, enterprises operating in various sectors of the economy, and financial and public institutions. These applications generate an increase in the efficiency of the implementation of various processes, including an increase in human productivity. On the other hand, artificial intelligence technologies are also finding negative applications that generate certain risks such as the rise of disinformation in online social media. The increasing number of applications based on artificial intelligence technology available on the Internet are also being used as technical teaching aids in the education process implemented in schools and universities. On the other hand, these applications are also used by pupils and students, who use these tools as a means of facilitating homework, the development of credit papers, the completion of project work, various studies, and so on. Thus, on the one hand, the positive aspects of the applications of artificial intelligence technologies in education are recognized as well. However, on the other hand, serious risks are also recognized for students, for people who, increasingly using various applications based on artificial intelligence, including generative artificial intelligence in facilitating the completion of certain various works, may cause a reduction in the scope of students' use of critical thinking. The potential dangers of depriving students of development and critical thinking are considered. The development of artificial intelligence technology is currently progressing rapidly. Various applications based on constantly improved generative artificial intelligence subjected to learning processes are being developed, machine learning solutions are being created, artificial intelligence is being subjected to processes of teaching the implementation of various activities that have been previously performed by humans. In deep learning processes, generative artificial intelligence equipped with artificial neural networks is taught to carry out complex, multifaceted processes and activities on the basis of large data sets collected in database systems and processed using Big Data Analytics technology. Since the processing of large data sets is carried out by current information systems equipped with computers of high computing power and with artificial intelligence technologies many times faster and more efficiently than the human mind, so already some research centers conducting research in this field are working on an attempt to create a highly advanced generative artificial intelligence, which will realize a kind of artificial thought processes, however, much faster and more efficiently than it happens in the human brain. However, even if someday artificial consciousness technology could be created that would imitate the functioning of human consciousness, humans should not be deprived of critical thinking. Above all, students in schools should not be deprived of artificial thinking in view of the growing scale of applications based on artificial intelligence in education. The aim should be that the artificial intelligence-based applications available on the Internet used in the education process should support the education process without depriving students of critical thinking. However, the question arises, how should this be done?
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How should artificial intelligence technologies be implemented in education, so as not to deprive students of development and critical thinking in this way, so as to continue to develop critical thinking in students in the new realities of the technological revolution, to develop education with the support of modern technology?
How should artificial intelligence technologies be implemented in education to continue to develop critical thinking in students?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

I am sharing with you a list of articles that I normally use when supervising my master (and bachelor but mainly master) students. I hope you will find them useful, and I welcome your feedback (i) in order to improve them, (ii) to have new ideas and (iii) anything else that you would like to share.
I tried to keep these articles fairly general, but my perspective come from supervising students in Computer Science/Engineering, Data Science, Information Management and Software Engineering. Therefore, apologies if they may sound alien to your discipline, however, if that is the case please let me know. Over the years they have grown in quantity, and I categorized them in 2 groups:
- How to do a better thesis: articles that clarify various aspects of the development of a (master) thesis. Proposal development, ideas, related work, methodology, writing etc...
- How to become a better programmer: articles that helps a person familiar with scripting programming (basic python for example) understanding the basic of object-oriented programming and how professional tools (like SDK) woks. Again, the specific focus is improving the quality of the code that a master student needs to write. Probably if you are following a hard-core programming master these articles will be fairly simple.
What follows are the one of the “better thesis” section:
Attitude mindset and lifestyle
- Take a moment to reflect to right approach for the challenge ahead.
- Mens sana in corpore sano: Take care of yourself, in particular do not neglect of your physical health
How to do a good thesis: before you start.
- Start from considering these tips for improving the quality of your proposal. They will help you in understanding how to think scientifically including if you do not have to write a research proposal.
- Check if you are aware of all the players around you thesis and what is their interest
- Understand how adopting good scientific practices can improve your grade.
How to do a good thesis: the openings moves.
- Ask yourself what you want to do when you will “grow up”. This article will help you understanding how you can take the most from your thesis for your future goals.
- (Optional) Get a grasp of what kind of mentor I am. It will help you in understanding what I write in these posts and/or if we are compatible in case you are considering pursuing your thesis with me.
- Set up the proper communication tools with your supervisor, so that you will have a better quality time with him/her.
A Note on Writing:
- Writing a scientific endeavor has its rules and best practices
- <work in progress>
How to do a good thesis: literature research and related work
- Look at these heuristics for understanding if a paper is worth reading or you should move forward to the next one.
- Understand how to select good venues (conferences or journals) where you can search for good publication.
- Learn how to read a scientific paper faster and more effectively.
- Master the right features in MS-Word for handling the related work and managing the growing complexity of the task.
- Get more insights about related work, literature review and survey papers.
How to do a good thesis: the experimental and scientific part
- If you feel stuck: get an idea on “how to warm up your research engine” and do your first step.
- Get some inspiration from the work of other scientist and learn how to properly categorize the literature review.
- Familiarize with sources that can provide Data for your (master or bachelor) thesis.
- If you plan to write some programming code there are several free resources that can help you.
- If you plan to write some programming code, get familiar with these best practices.
- If you plan to use a survey for scientific research you may want to consider these tips and suggestions.
- Do this simple feasibility check if you plan to use an interview approach in your case study research
- <work in progress>
How to do a good thesis: the last mile
- Did you produced the first final draft of the thesis? Here you can find a simple set of rules and a checklist that can help you.
- Are you close to finishing the thesis? Put your current draft to a (stress) test.
The End Game
- Deal with the submission of your thesis and its defense in the proper way
- Understand what is Open Access and how you can make the most of it
- Consider the benefit (and the extra work) of publish your thesis. Is it worth it?
- Now that your thesis has been submitted is about preparing a killer presentation for the defense!
The End of the Journey
- Publish your thesis using the University Library. It will take less then one hour and will ensure some extra visibility to your work.
- Learn what the future of your thesis could be
Thanks for taking the time to read such a long discussion! Based on your experience, is there anything missing or that require some improvement? Drop me a line, I will be happy to hear from you
it's a study between stressor perceived by university students ( commuting; working students; road traffic disturbances) and motivation to achievement goals in university.
A short-term entrepreneurship course is gonna be implemented in one city in 10 schools. I would like to stablish a quasi-experimental research in order to measure the impact of this course on skills, entrepreneurship intentions, risk taking... The course will last about two months with 8 lectures. There will be a pre-course survey and post-course survey.
Is it necessary to take a control group given that the course is not going to last too much, just one month? The experiment can not be random given that they have to sign on it however it is expected that the most of the students will take the course. The expected sample will be about more than 400 children.
Thanks in advance
Your contribution helps to contrast strategies and techniques to promote values education student in school, within the research we do.
How important is the development of a fully inclusive school culture? Are leadership teams willing but in need of structured professional support?
Is it more with type of leadership style and teachers' various methods that are being used to target their goal of instructions?
Academic incubators of innovation and entrepreneurship are developed at universities to support innovation and entrepreneurship of students. Incubators are also a supplement to the educational program in the field of activating the innovation and entrepreneurship of students. Incubators sometimes also perform functions or cooperate with a career office for students. Career offices collect employment offers and organize internships for students through cooperation with companies and institutions that employ or give practice to students.
Sometimes academic incubators of innovation and entrepreneurship also cooperate with various institutions and companies in which students find employment or take apprenticeships. In addition, academic incubators of innovation and entrepreneurship, cooperating with various institutions and companies, enable the establishment of clusters of innovation, in which various economic entities, public institutions, scientific institutes and universities cooperate with each other. In this way, the possibilities of entrepreneurship development and generation of innovative solutions in assumed and developed research projects and startups are increasing.
Sometimes, also with the innovation cluster or business incubator, financial institutions cooperate, primarily banks offering financial support in the form of preferential loans for developing innovative startups. However, at the early stage of the establishment of business activity by students and organizations, the most important role is provided by substantive support in the field of advising on the formal and legal issues and accounting service of the university, lecturers and employees of the academic entrepreneurship incubator.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
What is the role of academic business incubators?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes

Dear Teachers,
I was wondering if you could share a few strategies that you use to help students develop attention to detail in your subjects.
Myself and other teachers at my school would appreciate your thoughts and ideas!
Warm regards,
If you become president of your university with full powers.
What are the most important decisions you will make?
There are several discussion axes, for example, in the key words below the question.
Please, Share your experiences with university education.
All appreciation for all contributions.
An academic/research advisor plays a crucial role in student development over several years. What are the main characteristics (e.g., patience, empathy, knowledgeable) you consider important in the role of a successful advisor?
I would like to know your thoughts...
Firstly, this is not so much a discussion as a question for potential networking.
In my Ph.D. project, I research engineering students' development of generic skills/competence in PBL and wondered if other Ph.Ds or senior researchers would like to network and meet - we've all grown accustomed to Zooming, Teaming etc. to discuss topics related to competence-development education not necessarily limited to PBL or engineering education.
If interested, please write.
Take care,
The current Covid-19 situation is forcing people to put things in perspective and wonder about the future of everything. As an example, scientific conferences, currently impacted, turn to online format to serve as platform for knowledge dissemination. Although this move is totally justified and understandable, you can find more and more articles and opinion pieces discussing the future of Scientific, professional, and academic conferences. What I am writing here is in no way concerning the current situation, but it is concerning the post-pandemic future of conferences. Before diving into the subject, I wanted to use my own experience as an illustration what is coming I have delivered over 30 talks at national and international conferences all over the world. Although some of these conference could have been more productive or more beneficial, each of them has been a uniquely enriching experience…. All but one. In 2010, when I was finishing my doctoral studies in France and Spain, two of my contributions got accepted as oral presentation in one of the top international conference in my field which, that year, was help in Taipei, Taiwan. I could not have been happier, two talks at the top conference, in Taiwan, and my advisors in France and in Spain had the funding to cover for my travel expenses. However, just before the conference, the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland erupted and disrupted all air traffic in Europe preventing people from leaving Europe. As many researchers were stranded in Europe, the conference announced that we had the possibility of either presenting remotely via Skype, or submit a recording of the presentation that would be played at the conference session. My first talk was scheduled at 9 am local time which was 3 am in France while my second talk was scheduled at 1:25 pm the following day (7:25 am in France). As a result I had decided to record my first presentation as I did not want to Skype in at 3 am, and I decided to wake up early to give my second talk over Skype. As a student, both options were awfully awkward. The outcome? I never had any feedback, question, comment or any sort from my recorded presentation. As far as the Skype presentation goes, I had absolutely no idea who saw it, if people enjoyed it or not. I had not question during of after the presentation. I was hoping to network a little bit, meet with some collaborators I had never met in person, and try to find postdoc opportunities but none of these happened.
Although traditional in-person conference cost money (travel, hotel, registration fee), they offer a wide variety of benefits if you know how to take advance of the opportunities.
Training of junior researchers. Public speaking and presenting your work in front of a large audience presents more challenges to overcome than giving an online presentation. You have to work on your verbal communication skills as well as body language. There is also a higher stress than in a virtual format because people are looking at you and because you can see facial expressions, people shaking their head as sign of disapproval, and people doing something else which signals they may lose interest. These are things you do not face when you talk to your computer. Sure people listen to you (or not) but you are still alone in front of your computer and you do not see if people actually listen to you, if they seem to find your talk boring or entertaining, or if they just seem to disagree with you claims. You are missing this real-time feedback that in-person setting offers. Learning to read cues from the audience is a great skill to have, it helps the speaker, correcting the course of the talk or the way he/she presents. You are learning adaptability. It also provides significant indirect feedback from the talk. If you see the majority of people diving into their laptops and phones after just a few minutes, maybe you need to work on your communication skills to better engage your audience. Something your do not get from virtual format. Learning to move on stage, speak in a microphone, make eye contact with people, demonstrate or illustrate your statements with hand gestures, and link your work to one person in the audience by pointing/naming the person, all of this, makes your presentation more interactive, more engaging, and more alive. These are very valuable skills that are needed in any professional career and that cannot be gained in a virtual conference setting. Some people say that online conferences are also stressful because of potential technical issues that may occur. Well, they happen all the time in traditional conferences as well. There are those people coming with their own laptop on stage to realize they do not have the right connector. There are those who struggle to share their screen and go in presentation mode even though they went through the testing room before. And there are those transferring their ppt presentation onto the conference laptop who realize after a few minutes that all their mathematical equations are completely messed up and display as hieroglyphics or that a video does not want to play because of software incompatibilities.
Exposure to state of the art research. If you attend a traditional in-person conference and if you are taking it seriously you will very likely stay in the conference room for the entire session (or most of it), for the whole day (or most of it), for the duration of the conference (or most of it). Agreed, staying in a room all day from 8 am to 5+ pm is tiring and can be long, especially if there are a few uninteresting talks here and there, but, is that feasible to stay staring at a screen all day watching presentations? True, we already work all day on computers but we do not stare at the screen all day. We also read papers and notes, write things on a notebook, sign documents, answer phone calls, discuss with people stopping by our office. Sessions are typically 2-3h in a regular conference, there are typically 2 sessions in the morning and 2-3 sessions in the afternoon, and a conference is between 3 and 5 days. An online conference with the same format is like watching the complete trilogy of the Lord of the Ring and the Hobbit each day for 3 or 5 days in a row. Yes, we live in digital world but there are physiological limits. You may be a fan of the LoR, like I am, but it is exhausting and it gives headaches (at best), and I am not sure anyone would stand the whole 3-5 days of constant screen time. Some people say, you just pick a few talks here and there that are interesting. Well, then you loose the exposure to the research activity going on in your field which is one major reason people go to conferences, and you are probably in that group of people who come to conferences, gives there talk and either leave soon after or spend the rest of the week sight seeing.
Connection with other researchers and networking. The major and maybe top motivation to attend conference is networking. Whether you are a junior researcher (student, postdoc) seeking opportunities, a junior faculty seeking new collaborations and funding opportunities, or a seasoned professor willing to recruit new people in your group, seeking new collaborations, or strengthen existing collaborations, in-person conferences are the best choice.
Junior Researchers. Which student or postdoc did not dream to join the best research group in their field? Which student did not need a strong letter of recommendation for a job or an award? Top researchers and professors received tons of email requests from students looking for a postdoc opportunity, or letter of recommendations. Personally, as an Assistant Professor I receive multiple requests every week, most of them I don’t even know. If that person doesn’t know the student and never met the student, forget it, the email will go directly into the trash. Attending a in-person conference gives the opportunity for junior researchers to approach professors and senior researchers and introduce themselves. True, they may forget the student’s name within the hour, but if the student contacts them afterward, they can remind them “you may not remember my name but we’ve met after your presentation” or “I’ve asked you about a potential postdoc opportunity in your group” and then automatically the professor will picture the context, the face of that junior researcher and will very likely engage on a more personal basis. If you are in academia, this must ring a bell. With virtual conferences, they won’t know your name, they won’t know your face, they won’t have any context to remember you. You’re loosing the opportunity to make a more one-on-one personal contact.
Junior Faculty. Junior faculty, as I am myself, need to develop new collaboration opportunities, expose yourself to the community, and increase your footprint into the field. It is very convenient at an in-person conference to briefly introduce yourself and chit-chat a few minutes with other colleagues in your field in between two presentation or between sessions. Casual discussions around a coffee or more formal meetings can happen. When you are the speaker, you can see in the audience who is present at your talk (or even just part of your talk), because you see the faces. So it is easy to catch up and connect with people afterward. If you need a support letter for an award (which all junior faculty need) you know who attend your talk(s). It becomes easier to ask “I need a support letter for this award, and since you have attended my talk at that conference I thought you were the best person to discuss my accomplishments in that area”. With virtual conferences, you have no idea who’s in listening to you. Even if the names are displayed somewhere on the interface when your give you’re online presentation, you do not have the time to scroll through all the names when giving your presentation. On the other hand when you give an in-person presentation you automatically see the faces in front of you. People may have read your name on papers, but you’re just a name. Show up at conferences and they associate a face to this name, you become a person. People connect to persons, individuals, not just names. If you show your face at multiple conferences you become a part of that community. If you do not present anything or even if people missed your presentation and see you walking down the hall and sitting in sessions they know you’re here. They will wave or stop and chit chat, you’re part of the community. When attending virtual conference, if people do not attend your talk, there no way they will know you’re there. You cannot “bump” into someone.
Professors and Senior Researchers. Top people in any field are very busy folks. Very often, when they come to a conference to deliver a keynote, plenary, or invited talk, they come in just for one day, maybe two. They very rarely attend the entire conference, which may be frustrating for junior researchers and faculty who want to connect with them. However, when you are aware of that fact, you can still take advantage of this narrow time window to connect with them. In a virtual format, are these top professors reaming online the whole day so you can connect with them? Sure not. If they connect in to give their talk from their office, and maybe stay in for a couple of interesting talks, they will disconnect very rapidly to go back to their daily business (meetings, grants, papers,...).
Keeping in touch with the academic researchers around world. While international conferences are expensive and many people cannot afford them, they still attract people from all around the world. If carefully planned, they are held in nice touristic locations which gives an additional incentive for oversees researchers. Which Asian scientist doesn’t want to come to California for a Spring conference? Which European scientist doesn’t want to go to Cancun for an early summer conference? Which North American or South American scientist doesn’t want to go to the French Alps for a winter conference? Most of the time, these people who decide to make these long and expensive travels stay a few extra days for sight seeing or take the opportunity to further network by delivering seminars in nearby universities and labs, visit “local” colleagues. Virtual conferences may be attractive for local, regional, and national conferences, but add other constrains to oversee researchers. Sure, the cost is lower since you do not have to travel, but are you willing to give a talk at 2am? Yes, time zones have an impact on international conferences. China and the US are 12-15h apart, Europe and US are 5-10h difference. Even if you’re willing to deliver a talk at 2am, would you stay up all night to attend other people’s talk? Would you do that all of the 3-5 days of the conference? Keep in mind that you also have a day job. Sure you can record the talks, or access talk recordings the conference make available. But, first, watching a video recording 12h after the presenter gave the talk does not really favor interactions with the speaker and the other people who attender the talk. And, second, as a speaker, you do not need conferences to post recordings of one of your presentation online so people can watch freely.
It is true that conferences are expensive. It is also true that not all of them are interesting and worth the money. Whether you are a student, postdoc, research, or professor at any stage, you need to carefully pick your conference, those with the highest visibility and exposure, those with the participant roster that meets best your needs and interests, and without fooling yourself the best locations. By doing so you should get the best of the conference. In virtual conference,s you get a different set of issues that will strongly limit the outcome you get from the conference. Poor training of junior researcher, poor networking opportunity and setting, lower participation of top researchers and oversee researchers. Virtual conferences do not provide anything worth. It would probably be better to just record a presentation, upload it online on YouTube, your group website, Facebook, Linked-in, or any other platform and send the link to all the people you know in your field. It is free and you can do it anytime of the year.
I'm studying a game design of Breakout EDU and how participation in these activities contributes to the acquisition of the 4Cs of learning in elementary students K - 5th grade.
Dear all RG members,
As we know, PhD candidates face many obstacles during their studies such as (financial issues, psychological problems, family, work, and even academic issues and so on) which may lead to decrease their level of performance. So, based on your experience, what is your advice for PhD candidates to keep them motivated during phd journey and complete their studies on time?
Thank you in advance.
There is no recipe or true guide to graduate school. However, the mentor relationship can contribute significantly to a research career. What are the essential qualities, outcomes, characteristics of an academic mentor. This question is geared towards higher education administration students and colleagues alike.
Could you please suggest me some articles with these preconceptions discussed?
Thanks in advance.
How does trust affect education activities?
In which way do students' trust in teachers, teachers' trust in each other, parents' trust in teachers and school affect the educational environment?
I am curious about your opinion on this matter. Thank you for your contribution.
Best Regards.
Do you agree with the concept of "responsible learning"?
Do you think it should be applied more to university studies?
I look forward to hear from my fellow researchers on the best books they found for learning about enhancing classroom learning experience!
My current great pick is:
"Experience and Education" by John Dewey
Which is your best pick?
Seminar is a task assigned to undergraduate or post-graduate students for almost all courses. Successful completion of seminar work can be measured in terms of various skill development among students. Various skills can be named as enhancing research article reading ability, understanding of topic, knowledge up-gradation and critical evaluation of the selected topic. Also, improving communication skill, presentation skill, etc. Additionally possibility of article publication based on the seminar topic. As a guide or supervisor, what practice you follow for successful completion of Seminar?
What are your suggestions or experience for development of student scientific associations?
Do the theories of education suitable for scientific subjects such as math, physics, chemistry, etc...?
It seems clear that most of the developing countries and some of the developed ones use the theories of educations and obligate their teachers to train on some of these theories, Do these theories suitable for non-literature such scientific subjects? Some trainers say that these theories could be used for scientific subjects with little modifications. However, from my experience in the real classroom, the 21st-century methodologies of education which based on gaming much more than traditional education show bad results in the students' knowledge and their academic background. In my opinion, the bad results are due to unsuitable or incomplete educational environments such as apathy of students as well as teachers toward education -teaching and learning-, teacher ability to control the classroom, and number of students per classroom versus the period length of the lesson and the activities amount that required to deliver the lesson.
What are the particular strengths of developed countries such as Singapore’s instructional regime that helps it perform so well? What are its limits and constraints? Is Singapore’s teaching system transferable to other countries?
I am concerned about the development of teacher students. Often the habit of their own school years as students/pupils is deeply embedded in their own way of teaching. This is no problem if the teaching is carefully thought through, and judged as an effective way of teaching, but it is a problem if it is just an unreflected habit. I feel there is a great deal of work to be done in relation to reflecting systematically on the students own teaching experiences as students/pupils and asking themselves: How can I do better?
During your studies, have you been directed to the department or specialty you wish to pursue?
Please specify a time for which you have not been directed to the desired specialization.
خلال مختلف المراحل الدراسية التي مررتم بها من تعليم ثانوي إلى تعليم جامعي ثم إلى عالم التوظيف والشغل، هل تم احترام رغبتكم الدراسية في التعليم الثانوي أو الجامعي أو حتى بالنسبة إلى عالمكم المهني هل تم احترام رغبتكم المهنية في هذا التخصص أو ذاك؟
I am trying to develop a construct called social skills of interns who work in some K-12 schools. Interestingly, I used "I tried to avoid school leaders (reversely coded), "whenever I have difficulties, I talk to my lead university mentor" , " my colleagues are supportive" and "my way of communication with my colleagues has been improved" to develop a construct. Before doing any factor analysis, I tried to run a correlation analysis. I found that the first 2 are negatively associated . However, whenever either of them is independently placed in the same correlation analysis with the other 2 variables, they are positively associated with the other 2. How can this be explained? Can I interpret that there may be less communication between school leaders and college mentors? Or can I explain that this may be because that students develop some kind of habit of asking for help from the same individuals?
I am currently writing a paper where I want o show a picture of my students developing robotics ativities. Is it okay or I have to cover their faces?
Pupils and students use social media portals to exchange information useful for education. In addition, Facebook and students create group profiles where they put together teaching materials. In addition, they create questionnaire forms for the purposes of surveys, the results of which are used for written diploma and final papers.
Therefore, I am asking you with the following query: How do social media portals help pupils and students in education?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes

What are the factors of the social economic background which influence the learning processes and learning results most?
Kindly list the significant factors that should be considered for delivering an effective presentation.
Thanks a lot..
Project Based Learning (PBL) seems to be transforming many traditional classrooms. I'm using the Buck Institute definition of PBL, where students develop the questions, processes and projects to achieve the desired learning outcomes.
Which skills are essential?
How to motivate students for entrepreneurship?
Dear respected colleagues,
Kindly share your great views and references. I would be very grateful. Thanks in advance. Best regards
We are conducting a longitudinal research project in which we are following students through their college years to determine different pathways that they take to develop their leadership and leadership identity while in college. We are looking for any research that examines the pathways student leaders take over time. Are there studies that explore the courses, position, or other involvements that a student had throughout the course of their college or high school education?
Students often ask me how to launch their professional career. For me, these students are professional and graduate students in healthcare fields. They know about applying for jobs, beefing up their resume and giving a good interview. But landing a job is only the beginning. Of interest to many is what tangible things one should do to start the process of becoming a professional or becoming excellent in their field. Here are some of my recommendations for individuals in their mid-20s who are asking this question:
- Join several different professional organizations associated with your field. Eventually settle on one or two to devote yourself to, and attend their meeting as often as you can. When you are ready, seek to do a presentation at that meeting, or look for leadership opportunities in that organization. Even if you have to pay out of pocket for membership, and conference fees, this is a must if you want to become an expert in your field.
- Read a lot. In addition to required learning for your specialty, read books of all types to expand your knowledge base and improve your vocabulary. Besides books, subscribe to the journals of the organizations you have joined, and read their journal faithfully.
- Take advantage of opportunities for increased self-awareness and understanding about your own unique talents and interests. This includes inventories such as MMPI, Myers-Briggs, StrengthsFinders, as well as conferences and events focusing on this issue. Socrates is credited with the great maxim, "Know thyself," but self-awareness is something that most schools of thought affirm.
- Avoid taking short-cuts in your professional progression by getting positions through who you know. Depend on your own skills and confidence to land jobs and gain opportunities. This will allow you to develop the communication skills you need to move into new and unfamiliar settings with clarity and confidence.
- Take risks, and become comfortable with failure and rejection. Become comfortable with a <50% success rate on job applications, grants and publications. This will stretch you outside your comfort zone, and do much to grow your skills.
- Finally, begin the habit of scheduled review and planning. I set aside one day each year for personal review and goal-setting, and then I revisit my plan every three months. This includes planning for personal growth and setting new professional goals. If you have a supervisor, or friend, whom you can report to, that would be very helpful as well. Some people are starting to do this with personal life coaches.
We say that our students should have the capability to innovate once they graduate. At the same time companies seek talented and innovative graduates. So to what extent should industry (external forces) drive new learning and to what extent should (internal forces) new technology and research wisdom guide the curricula that address tomorrow's breakthroughs?
Is it possible to know how motivated someone is by observing their attitudes in the classroom? Which behaviour should we focus on?
I am a math educator, and would be happy to offer resources if wanted on the math side of teacher preparation and K-16 education. Forgive the intrusion - I have enjoyed your papers, and am interested in your new project.
I just want to get an broader view on the student development process
In our longifudinal yoga study with more paralell groups, we met a problem. In order to standardize the social effect of the classes, we asked the teacher not to initiate dialouges with participanzs before/after the lessons (but of course react any questions from the students). The teacher found that because of that, an important benefit of yoga, namely the social experience is lost.
How would you handle this in an intervention study: how to standardize the social effect without changing the intervention itself?
Don't we see in every day academic curriculum that the students who are only good in making higher grades rarely present any creative solutions to existing problems.
Looking at how effective and efficient is the induction, but also the continuous professional development and growth of teachers in high mobility international schools if both are delivered via bespoke blended courses.
I just completed my dissertation. I had two dependent/predictor variables that were composite scores. They were leadership behaviors and adult learning strategies. The criterion variable was a school's professional learning environment. Cronbach's Alpha came out great for all three and I had to reject the null. So, leadership behaviors and adult learning strategies significantly affect the variance of a school's professional learning environment.
My problem is that I wanted to find out the impact/effect size of each of the constructs within the predictor variables of leadership behaviors and adult learning strategies and I am being told it cannot be done because my criterion variable is a composite score.
1. Is that correct?
2. I feel like my data is worthless now. Is the only thing that I have proven is that the composite score of leadership and the composite score of adult learning strategies predict a variance in the composite score of a school's PLE?
FYI The sample size was 432 completed samples from teachers.
Thank you.
My question is about teacher effectiveness measured by Value-added.
For example, we have 3 years Maths test scores of a particular classroom but the students in the classroom had more than one teacher in 3 years, how to measure each teachers effectiveness on students final achievement?
Please see attached if you are willing to take the survey. Your responses will be appreciated.
It is known that the development of mathematically gifted students often through participation in national and international mathematical Olympiads.
Will the role of competitions in mathematics is the right path for the development of mathematical gifted students?
The test should consist of 3 dimensions; one for measuring analytical intelligence; one for measuring creative intelligence; and one for measuring practical intelligence.
What are the characteristics of using and interdisciplinary curriculum that promote engagement in student's learning?
Is it useful for a teacher to do a self-evaluation of the work done? If so, which are the most important things in self-evaluation?
The recent studies reveal that the clinical, integrated and student-centered training for medical students during preclinical years in the skill lab is better teaching/ learning method than the conventional training method. What is your opinion? Do you completely agree?
I am a doctoral student studying about students' behaviors in an engineering laboratory.
Can anyone help me to find/send a suitable scale to measure student engagement in learning?
Thank you in advance !!!
There are so many things happening in education lately, what issues and concerns should we take into consideration? What new trends are really helpful to students if done rightly?
My research question is:
In the newly hired nurses, does the use of audience response system ARS improve engagement in orientation class compared to traditional lecture based strategy.
I am looking for a valid and reliable tool to measure classroom engagement amongst nursing orientees
I would really appreciate any input or help
I have a study on the application of Choice Experiment on Waste Management. 1. How do I spell out the attributes and their levels and to show how they relate to the literature in Choice Experiment study of Waste Management? 2. How do I clarify whether complete or fractional factorial design is to be implemented in a survey? Could you help with reference materials?
I am working on collecting, analyzing and synthesizing the literature on self-directed learning (SDL).
I am planning research on intra-cultural and intercultural collaboration in computer supported learning environments. Learners collaborate face-to-face in an intra-cultural environment and they also engage in online intercultural collaboration. How can I possibly measure learners' collaboration skills? Thank you for your answer in advance.
I recently discovered the field of arts-based management and am very excited. I am an active choral singer participating in many concerts throughout the year. I have also been in a professional opera production.
In academia, I teach leadership and leadership development.
I find a lot of synergy between my experience in singing in choir and leadership.
Just wondering if anyone has used choral singing to develop leadership before?
any comments or thoughts will be greatly welcome!
We are starting to use the ICM for several courses in medical education and would like to ask (in addition to the students) the lecturers about their experience using the ICM. We would like to evaluate the lecturers attitude towards the method, if the observe a change in students learning experience and behavior and if the work process and preparation of the lecturers changed in some way. Are there any other aspects we should consider?
Thank you
is there someone know the questionnaire about student's perception in subject learning like science subject? it will help me if someone send it to me
Some variables such as "teacher presence" and "acceptable infrastructure" were discovered with high correlation in regression exercises. But we want to know if some other variables are important to predict (or lately ensure) school student attendance.
Any research article or project related will be helpful.
I am a doctorate student preparing my proposal. My project is on educating parents of school age children to curb and prevent obesity. My anticipated outcome will be increased knowledge leading to increased physical activity, better food choices, and decreased screen time. I am looking for a valid assessment tool to measure increase in knowledge,
Ideally, the video should depict authentic classroom situations that involve students with or without disabilities. The videos should be free and accessible on the internet.
How to include peace and human rights education in the existing school curriculum? How to develop learning materials? Example from other countries?
now i am trying to finnish my thesis in chemistry education. my title thesis is the relationship between students perception in chemistry lesson, motivation in study chemistry to their student achievment. but it is so hard to search the instrument for measuring the student perception in a subject. someone who might now. please share with me. thanks you!
I need more journal for supporting my article to study Role Lecture and student in effecting to finish finally job academic related education ethics? Thanks for helping
I would like to know more about your project.
kind regards,
Roya Klingner