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Structural Health Monitoring - Science topic
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Questions related to Structural Health Monitoring
Are there any notable conferences focused on Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)? I'm looking for good opportunities to publish my work nearby (published soon). Any recommendations?
Fiber optic sensors play a transformative role in structural health monitoring (SHM) because of their advanced and meaningful features tailored to complex infrastructure needs. These sensors offer exceptional sensitivity and the ability to measure key parameters like strain, temperature, and vibration with high precision.
It has been proven that fiber optic sensors outperform traditional sensors in structural health monitoring (SHM) due to their high sensitivity, resistance to electromagnetic interference, and ability to provide accurate, real-time data over long distances. These advantages make them reliable and efficient for monitoring large-scale infrastructure, even in harsh environments.
Unlike traditional sensors, they are immune to electromagnetic interference, ensuring accurate and consistent performance even in challenging conditions.
Furthermore, their lightweight and compact design allows seamless integration into structures, while their capability for long-distance data transmission without signal loss supports real-time monitoring of large-scale systems.
The durability, resistance to harsh environmental factors, and low maintenance requirements of fiber optic sensors provide a long-term, reliable solution for infrastructure health assessments.
The question is why are these advanced capabilities of fiber optic sensors preferred over traditional technologies in SHM for large-scale civil infrastructure?
Dear Researcher,
I hope this message finds you well. My professor and I are looking for a skilled and advanced programmer proficient in Python and MATLAB to join our research group. Our focus is on publishing high-quality, Q1 papers in the field of Artificial Intelligence-based Structural Health Monitoring in Civil Engineering.
The ideal candidate should have expertise in:
- Deep Learning and Machine Learning
- Signal and Image Processing
- Optimization Algorithms
- Coding and Programming with Python/MATLAB
If you are passionate about research, enjoy publishing, and have sufficient time to dedicate to our projects, we would be delighted to invite you to join us.
Please send your CV to .
Best regards,
Hossein Safar Yousefifard
School of Civil Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology
In structural health monitoring systems, such as bridge health monitoring systems, are there other data types besides time series data? What are the main nature of these data? What exactly is static data and dynamic data, and what is the difference? What are the widely used methods for monitoring data anomaly detection? Are traditional statistical probability methods (statistical-based, distance-based, density-based, cluster-based, etc.) applied to anomaly detection in structural monitoring data?
Most of the codes in the examples in the literature are presented for discrete variables. While the main challenge in solving Bayesian networks is the use of continuous variables. Marco's chain will be used in probability inference in the solution process. Also, this network includes predicting procedures and updating processes using observations
Hello Everyone,
What kind of strain gauge is optimal for a bridge subject to fatigue loads? I'm conducting my PhD dissertation and wanted to know. To purchase the sensors, I need particular technical information. Could someone offer assistance with this? I appreciate any help/suggestion.
Kind Regards
i newly started my phd in structural health monitoring and need to understand some basic terms.
I would like to know that ultrasonic structural health monitoring has been developed for many years. At present, in which fields has it been maturely applied? Which companies have launched corresponding products? Now I have read a lot of relevant papers, but I think this direction is still in the stage of laboratory research, and there are many problems to be solved in practical application. What is the research significance of this direction for the industry?
What are your suggestions for innovative application and development in the field of Reliability-Based Design Optimization?
I‘m doing some research about time-varying cable forces. I need some data about cable vibration. Where can I find the data about cable vibration ?
I'm studying optimal placement of sensors in larger structures. Some metrics can be found like fisher information matrix, kinetic energy, effective independence, MAC, etc. But in your opinion and knowledge, which ones are the best?
Preferably datasets from long-term monitoring campaigns, including measurements of the structure response during normal conditions and damage and measurements of the most relevant environmental and operational conditions.
It is appreciated if you recommend a benchmark study with the available dataset for video processing.
Can any one provide me with MATLAB code for fuzzy associative memory ?
i have vibration data of bridge and process the data with different possible techniques such as FFT, Wavelet decomposition, Empirical mode decomposition, Hilbert Transform, Frequency domain decomposition, spectrograms, etc. but still i am not able to locate exact or pin point frequency of the bridge structure. in the following techniques the results are in a specific range of frequency such as 2.6 to 3.1 Hz. The data showing this specific range and not providing the exact frequency. because in this range any number can be the natural frequency of the bridge structure. so the actual frequency lies in this specific range but i want to go further in depth to figure out the exact value of the frequency in Hz. but the problem is i am not able to find any technique that will give me answer of my curiosity. i recorded data from accelerometers considering normal traffic conditions. there is not closure of bridge. vehicles are passing normal situation.if anyone have any clue about it or still my question is not clear so i can explain further
i attached some of my results
i will be very grateful to anyone who let me find my answer

Although the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) methods can be considered relatively well-developed, it seems they have not yet become a standard for civil structures. do you know any valid guidelines or something like that in this field?
Preferably, I am looking for acceleration signals.
Some papers mention rae data is available in some institutional webpages. Unfortunately, those page are not working any more.
I am interested in the changes in the vibration response of a long-span bridge structure before and after damage. I am developing a dynamic characteristic identification method, which is tested only with simulated data. It will be very helpful with the actual dynamic deformation data to verify this method' capcity of identifying the changes in the characteristics such as the frequency extracted from the monitoring series before and after the structure's damaged.
Does anyone know public datasets with data collected from accelerometer sensors preferably wireless sensors used in structural health monitoring projects?
Lamb wave is useful for solid structure health monitoring, and it consists many modes. Unlike ultrasonic bulk wave, when given a pulse excitation (for example, 5-cycle sinusoidal pulse), only boundary or damage can reflect a signal back, so it can be easily reconstructed or simulated by MATLAB. How to reconstruct a Lamb wave like this? Start from a simple aluminum plate, and give it a 5-cycle sinusoidal pulse, how to predict the signal received at another spot?
I would like to know more about the following issues:
1. Using images as feedback for the closed-loop control of civil structures
2. Simulating the vision-guided control on the computer without doing an experiment
P.S: There is a wealth of literature that is related to robot control. But, I intend to know more about civil structures, i.e., buildings and bridges.
Work is related to structural health monitoring through impedance signature variation.
The displacement mode shapes are determined by running the modal analysis on AnsysWorkbench. How we can have the strain mode shape and the modal strain energy using ansysWorkbench. Example: cantilevered beam.
I am a researcher on the prediction of service life of RC structures due to corrosion. The factors which I am considering for this case are chloride diffusion and carbonation and other corrosion related factors.
So far, I am using Life 365 which is recommended for the North American territories, and it is only for chloride related corrosion. Plus, I have found another software called EUCON. I need to download this software. How can I find it?
And are there any recommended software to this related subject.
For condition monitoring of any part / system, can we use Internet of Things technology (IOT)? If so , how can we use it?
Can anyone help me with finding a dataset for alkali-silica reaction(ASR) cracks? Thanks

I am doing modelling of the piezoelectric sensor in Ansys workbench but unfortunately, I am unable to find any help regarding it. There are many helps given for same work in ansys apdl, so I was thinking if I can convert ansys apdl results or work into Ansys workbench and vice versa. A reply would be appreciated. I would be thankful if I get help from anywhere in the world.
I did an experiment on a glass composite thin plate and generated Lamb wave. I increased the stiffness of the plate by forming a sandwich structure. I could find Ao mode with very attenuated amplitude but So is very diminishing. Confused, as per my understanding, I should get both modes frequencies even if the amplitude is small. But only Ao I could obtain its frequency but So not.
I am trying to model Lamb waves propagation in an Aluminum plate using Abaqus. If I choose the frequency of 5-cycle Hanning excitation source is 0.2 MHz (to make sure that only 2 modes S0 and A0 appear in the result), the result showing good (see Fig.1) and the amplitudes of displacements does not decrease along measuring points (which have been proven by analytical approach). When I increase the frequency to 1.5 MHz (still have only 2 modes A0 and S0 depend on the dispersion curves in Fig.2) the results become disorder and instability, and the amplitude decrease along these measuring points.
Mesh size has been chosen to satisfy CFL conditions (= 1/15 x wavelength) and the time incrementation has been chosen to ensure that the fastest wave mode can propagate through element size (= element size / longitudinal wave speed).
So why the results become inaccurate?
Thank you for reading this post.
Online survey "Structural Health Monitoring of adhesively bonded joints"
At the Welding and Joining Institute at RWTH Aachen University, an online survey "Structural Health Monitoring of adhesively bonded joints" on methods and sensors in the field of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of adhesive joints is being conducted among representatives of industry and research. The aim is to clarify the question why a permanent Structural Health Monitoring of adhesive joints is not carried out in practice despite extensive research. Your personal assessment of the suitability of the methods for monitoring adhesive bonds as well as information on investigations using NDT and SHM are particularly interesting for the study.
You can participate in the survey by clicking on the attached link (see below). Please take about 15 minutes to answer the question. The data is collected and published completely anonymously in accordance with the EU Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO).
You are welcome to forward the link to the survey to your adhesive technology colleagues.
Link to the survey about Sosci-Survey:
Thank you and many greetings from Aachen, Germany
Josef Weiland
What methods can be named to measure the temperature of a surface considering below assumptions and limitations, except for Thermography?
- Measurement of only one or a few spots is enough, and there is no necessity to measure the entire surface and display a thermal map as same as the Thermography technique.
- The methods should not be related to infrared techniques and radiation emitted from the surface.
- Without any contact and with a normal distance for inspection (NDT or SHM) like 0.5 m.
If there is no method with considering the final limitation (non-contact), this restriction can be ignored.
Fracture mechanics
Structural dynamics
Earthquake Engineering
Structural Health monitoring
Using Abaqus, I am trying to generate symmetric lamb wave mode in a simple Aluminum plate by applying symmetric point force parallel to the plate. The extra wave followed by the S0 mode appears all the time. This is definitely not the A0 mode because the geometry is symmetric and hence no mode conversion would take place, these are not the reflections from the boundary, I am new in this topic and I need some guidance,

Hi all!
I am wondering on what would you consider to be the 10 most essential formulas in statistics and 10 in signal processing necessary for statistical pattern recognition and structural health monitoring.
NDT is applied for quality control & assurance as well as inspection of critical components in aerospace, railway, automotive and energy industries for locating cracks and cavities, detecting defects as well as evaluating the quality of bond between different layers of composites. A large number of NDT techniques have been developed aiming at one or more of these defects, such as eddy current (ET), thermography, ultrasonic (UT) and radiography testing (RT). In Structural Health Monitoring, one or more of these techniques are used
Different NDT techniques exhibit different strengths and limitations. Given the variety of possible defects, it is often necessary to employ more than one NDT technique in order to enhance resolution. E.g., eddy current of conductive materials is useful for near-surface defect detection, while ultrasonic yields volumetric information. What are ways to combine two or more data sets, find their reliabilities; hence obtaining a better interpretability?
I know that there are different types of methods used in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), such as,
- Vibration-based SHM
- Guided wave-based SHM
So, I would like to know the difference between these methods and what are advantages and disadvantages of the mentioned methods?
Also, if possible, can you provide some articles that mention the advantages and disadvantages of the methods.
I am looking at different types of excitation methods introduced to a structure, they are:
- Shaker
- Impact Hammer
I would like to know what type of features can be extracted from the sensor for this type of excitation. Also, I have 2 side question:
- when using; for example, wavelet domain or time series models where coefficients are the output of the models, how can the coefficients be used as features in machine learning?
- What other excitation methods can be introduced to a structure other than the methods mentioned above?
I am trying to find the pixel vales by using DAS algorithm, I have calculated the envelope of the signals by using Hilbert transform and then calculated the arrival time of a signal traveling from the actuator to the arbitrary pixel value (x,y) and then to the sensor, they actually form multiple ellipse but I cant figure out the next step to obtain the image value, E(x, y). The general formula of DAS is attached. Someone please help me.

In recent years Big Data has become one of the issues of modern era. So that, handling Big Data is more important to find out useful information. As mentioned in related studies, traditional analytics may not be useful in Big Data.
On the other hand, in Structural Control and Health Monitoring we are facing a heck of input which can be treated as Big Data (Due to its Volume, Velocity and Variety of input).
On the whole, finding solutions to these control problems may be interesting. I was wondering if any friend is working in this field or can introduce proper references.
Best Regards,
Hi guys,
I need the MatLab codes for EFDD and SSI using the stability diagram, except the ones already on File Exchange in Mathworks. Please, can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance.
Dear all,
Let me briefly go through the problem I am facing.
Currently, I have data ( of ground acceleration) obtained from the "seismic accelerograph instrument system" which was placed at the basement of the building and the plot is shown below. According to the plot, it is showing a random waveform up to a certain time and it starts decaying (damping occurs). However, it again gets another waveform (sinusoidal, as shown in the figure) after 300 sec. It looks very unusual to me. I suspect the sinusoidal part to be a building response. But I couldn't decide whether my assumption is valid or not.
So, my questions are:
- Is there anything (books/journals/published or unpublished thesis/lecture notes) that talks about the limitations of the time period which we are supposed to make while plotting the ground motion data?
- Is there any specific guidelines or any thumb-rule to determine whether the certain waveform is coming from the earthquake motion or is a building response? Normally, what I do is- I consider the random waveform as an "earthquake response" and a sinusoidal waveform as a "building response". Is it the correct way or is there another way we need to look at?
- My confusion arises when I saw a portion of "sinusoidal" wave before there is damping. In the figure, it is shown under the "orange" box. So, is it acceptable if I make a statement like- the presence of sinusoidal wave along with the random wave is due to the fact that the sensors recorded the both "earthquake and building response" at a time?
- If No, how can it be justified? If Yes, how do I correct this problem?
Thank you so much.
I'm trying to find some articles or book chapters to learn about data fusion in structural health monitoring. Can anyone help me with that please?
I'm a first year Master's student and I am going to work on structural health monitoring. Can anyone suggest me some good ideas I can work on in this field?
I want to do health monitoring of an Induction Motor by collecting data like Vibration, Temperature, Current and Voltages in normal operation condition and faulty condition.
Currently I am testing some BLDC Motors using a Motor-Coupling-Generator set. I need to set up a new test rig using Induction Motor. What could be the possible setup and equipment needed for the test rig?
Hello everyone, I hope everything is alright with you all.
I am interested in utilising machine learning and data science into SHM. Does anyone know the steps involved in SHM with machine learning and data science? Also, where would I find like tutorials or blogs that would help me understand more about the application of machine learning and data science in SHM.
Which method has the highest sensitivity for SHM evaluation using piezoelectrics: ultrasound or electromechanical impedance?
What are the methods for internal damage detection of structures?
Dear researchers,
Could you please share some new ideas in structural health monitoring of composites?
I do some experiments in using AE method to detect events.
I can plot a lot of figures such as hits, signal strength, waveform, counts, events so on.
Which data shall I concentrate on?
A little bit confused.
I am trying to capture a damage based nonlinear phenomenon (generation of higher harmonics) in a system but instruments induced nonlinearity (specially from high voltage amplifier) is so dominant that damage induced nonlinear phenomenon is insignificant compared to it.
the use of AI in structural health monitoring of bridges.
Suppose say i measured crack width and length on a column. I have a computer model of that column in SAP/ETABS. I want to put the crack property in that model.
I intend to conduct a modal testing on a clamped-clamped steel beam in ABAQUS.
-The input is random signal with normal distribution, zero mean, and maximum amplitude of 5 (N).
-Duration of loading is 30 seconds.
-The length of the beam is 2 meters which is monitored by 5 sensors attached on top surface of the I-shape beam.
-Sampling rate is 100 so the cut-off frequency is 50 (Hz).
-The beam's natural frequencies are in range of 4 to 35 (Hz).
Have I set the right parameter to perform modal analysis?
I am recording the acceleration data of the sensors for a structural system identification method, unfortunately the identified frequencies from the Stochastic System Identification (SSI) method are not satisfying and do not match with real frequencies, I believe the above parameters should change to achieve my desired results.
I would be appreciated if anyone help me out with the right numbers for duration of the analysis, sampling rate, number of sensors, and the type of excitation applied to the beam.
Thank you.
Do you know any applicable method to obtain/calculate displacements (rather than acceleration) in some levels of a building during external excitation, say earthquake (with an acceptable error )?
I am about to perform an analysis on effects of temperature gradients on natural frequencies of an I-shape steel beam with ABAQUS, would anyone give me clues on how long I should presume for analysis duration and how much temperature gradient is common in bridges?
Structural health monitoring system are used to monitor the health of the architecture of the plane and constructions when they are monitoring , they used piezoelectric sensor to log the data. Why another sensor which has high sensitive cannot be used
we know that temperature affects structure's dynamic properties such as stiffness and damping, so it could result in false alarm.
what are the common methods in eliminating temperature effect in damage detection?
What could Carbon Nanotube additives in cementitious materials influence on the real time structural health monitoring?
Dear friends,
i am doing the project in structural health monitoring.
i need a help to develop and implement the coding matlab.
please kindly help me.
looking positive information
I am not getting hint regarding which parameters to choose for the attributes and how exactly to implement it in WEKA. Can anyone help me? I am working on Structural Health Monitoring
How the Piezo sensers are useful for Structural Health monitoring in the field of Civil Engineering?
Regarding Fiber Bragg grating sensors (FBG)
Currently, I am conducting research on building health monitoring using accelerograph data. Could anyone recommend me some method for building health monitoring. Thanks
Well, I m working on structural health monitoring of the mechanical systems, as a part of the research, I m working on the problem called cantilever beam. As a case of, I modeled cantilever beam to my requirements. however mass and stiffness matrix of the continuous beam is obtained using ANSYS. But, the problem is I need damping matrix to be obtained without using ANSYS. can someone explain me theoretical formulation and methodology to define the damping matrix using stiffness and mass matrix?
Thanks and regards
I came across a lot of papers describing WSN for aircraft application. The papers are very promising and lot of efforts is being spent in this direction but I am not clear whether these can be used in real aircraft. How the EMC problems and other security issues can be addressed? Any standard exists for this application.
I am looking to normalize the shape modes of a Euler-Bernoulli beam in spectral element method. The difference between this method and FEM is we have only dynamic stiffness matrices instead of mass and stiffness matrices. As you know, in FEM we use the mass matrices to normalize shape modes. What should I do now?
Thanks for your attention
Hi all,
I am a student researcher who does predicting the service life of the RC structures due to chloride admittance. I am trying to set up an empirical study to test the time for the concrete members to crack after initiation of corrosion. My test specimens will cover a vast range of different material properties such as W/C ratio, cover depth, bar diameter etc.
In order to corrode the samples, I am using impressed anodic current. And I will be monitoring the crack propagation on each sample until it reaches a prescribed crack width. Based on this, I am trying to establish a relationship how long it will take to crack the cover concrete. But the corrosion is done using the impressed current method.
So in this case, how things would be correlated to the natural corrosion?
The signals are discrete wavelet transform values of strain profiles taken to assess potential damage locations
This is challenging as we might loose contact in some spots as curling happens due to thermal gradient.