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Stormwater - Science topic
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Questions related to Stormwater
To quote a report from King County, WA (Monitoring Stormwater Retrofits in the Echo Lake Drainage Basin - SAM Effectiveness Study), "At each BMP site, effluent concentrations for most contaminants were fairly consistent, regardless of influent concentration. This suggests the effluent concentration is not dependent on the influent concentration (within the range evaluated), but could be influenced by the individual BMP capabilities." It is often observed that influent and effluent concentrations, especially for sediment, are independent but I have yet to see it explained. Any ideas?
Stormwater runoff poses significant environmental challenges, including pollution of water bodies and erosion of natural habitats. In this project, students will design and implementation green stormwater management system to mitigate these issues while promoting sustainability.
Research and understand the principles of stormwater management and its environmental impacts.
Identify a suitable site on campus or within the local community for implementing the green stormwater management system.
Design a comprehensive stormwater management plan that integrates green infrastructure techniques.
Calculate the anticipated reduction in stormwater runoff and pollutants based on the designed system.
Develop a detailed bill of quantities (BOQ), scope of work and timeline for implementing the project.
Document the project through reports, presentations, and possibly peer-reviewed publications.
Develop educational materials and outreach initiatives to raise awareness about the importance of green stormwater management among the university community and the broader public (put this as a PowerPoint presentation and attach to your project)
I am in search of commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software tailored for modeling hydraulic structures, particularly for applications related to stormwater, small dams, flood control structures, channels, and similar scenarios. The primary focus will be on studying free-surface flows. Affordability is a crucial consideration in the selection process. While I am already familiar with Flow-3D, Ansys Fluent, and Ansys CFX, I am open to exploring additional software options. I would appreciate any recommendations for alternative applications, and it would be beneficial to receive insights on various features to facilitate a comprehensive comparison for making an informed decision.
How can ecological engineering practices, like green roofs, urban forests, and sustainable stormwater management systems, be designed and implemented to maximize biodiversity and ecosystem services while addressing urbanization challenges? What are the most successful strategies for engaging local communities and policymakers in urban ecological engineering initiatives?
Specifically interested in how modelling can be used to inform the upscaling of Low Impact Development (LID), Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) at the scale of entire urban watersheds. Can we develop ways to incorporate machine learning, AI into the process of determining the likely impacts of different scenarios (design features, capacities, and spatial configurations) on water quantity/quality?
Could you please tell me if you know available literature data on the quality of urban stormwater sewers, along with the measurement of flow and rainfall over the years? I'm looking for hydraulic and hydrological measurements on the scale of minutes or hours at the most. Need several rainfall events for data-driven approaches. Thank you for any information.
I am looking for modelling tools that are capable of simulating the impacts of green infrastructure.
Dear all,
Are there publications/guidelines about methodologies for identifying critical areas based on stormwater quality? I am especially interested in methods based on GIS analysis and water quality sampling. By sampling I mean quite practical approaches that municipalities can utilize while trying to map critical areas for stormwater quality management, and with city-scale focus. I assume that a city-scale project has to start with a GIS analysis of critical areas and then, as a second phase, continue with a water quality sampling campaing(s) of selected sites.
Hello everyone.
How are you doing?
Can you tell me some articles, theses that deal with the optimization of water networks (drinking water, wastewater and stormwater) with the Epanet software.
This is in relation to manage stormwater pollution.
My study is focused on analysing existing Stormwater drainage and redesigning it in my home city ( Kochi, Kerala,India). Flash floods due occur in the city with a good rain. So inorder to fastly remove water to the nearest lake, Can we install a pump inside the existing rectangular drains ? What are the possibilities to solve this issue?
i-Tree Landscape tools work in the US and Canada address only. This is used to determine;
"i-Tree landscape model to determine the air pollutants gases spatial location and areas to prioritize blue infrastructure, and i-Tree design model to find out the stormwater, carbon dioxide removal and avoided, air quality, and economic benefits the individual and collective trees"
So can you recommend any other similar tool?
I am exploring for the design code or manual and standard drawings of access and maintenance manholes of the storm water conveying tunnels. (i.e free flow tunnels not pressurized ones) but all of these codes & drawings (that I've found yet) are about access manholes of networks that convey the storm or sewer with small size pipes. it is obvious that tunnels (which have large diameter sections and free flow) should have different requirements & rules for manholes.
Could you please help me in this matter and send or introduce me the right design code & drawings?
Sincerely Yours
My goal is to follow my Ph.D. abroad and my CV has been attached hereafter.
I have been working on porous concrete, permeable pavements, and stormwater management since 2014. I have a great background in the following areas:
Ø Civil Engineering
Ø Environmental Engineering
Ø Porous concrete
Ø Permeable Pavements
Ø Urban Runoff Management
Ø Water and Wastewater Treatment
Ø Leachate Treatment
Ø Heavy Metal Removal from Aqueous Solutions
Ø Biosorption and Mineral Adsorbents.
Please email me at if you have any open position in your group.
Kind regards
I would like to estimate stormwater runoff using a methodology that takes into account both land surface cover and climatic conditions. Is there a reliable approach to achieve that?
We have a problem with storms waters filtering as Nitrogen is 140 times and Phosphorus is 29 times over the legitimate scaling. Legitimate scale for Phosphorus 0.1-3 and for Nitrogen 1-10.
Can you tell me any solutions that can be implanted into the stormwater exit pipe? And still can, filter at least half of the Phosphorus and nitrogen income on the stormwaters.
- im working on my thesis this year and i wanna try to work with stormwater modelling but i confused after i look the others project of swmm in the internet, why everyone didnt draw sub catchment area for the road? is it problem or not?
- my study area have a different kind of road. 1.asphalt road , 2.permeable pavement block in 1 study area . so what is the effect of having 2 kind of road on working drainage system in swmm?
In stormwater management, it is important to accurately quantify the infiltration rates to solve urban runoff-related problems. The study below proposes a method to improve estimates of the infiltration rate in permeable stormwater channels by adding the three components of channel cross section (depth, base width, and side slope).
In this study, a specific conditions has been employed and two types of soil have been used. I am wondering if there is an experimental work that based on different conditions.
Best regards
I am interested in understanding the relationship between leaf area index for different tree species and tree age (i.e. over the years).
I am currently working on quantifying the stormwater benefits of trees. Many of my calculations are dependent on the Leaf Area Index, which will estimate the amount of precipitation intercepted by a tree’s canopy. For modelling a single storm event, the average LAI of a mature tree will be used. However, if a user were to run multi-year scenarios, I want to know how much the LAI of a certain tree species will vary.
Hence, I'm conducting a literature research on understanding the relationship between LAI and tree age. I understand the canopy size and leaf density will vary due to many environmental conditions over a tree's lifetime (water/nutrient availability, climate, etc.), but are there articles or other resources that specifically address LAI of different tree species varying with tree age?
I want to calculate Mean Residence Time of a Residence Time Distribution (RTD) Curve from tracer experiments. I have tried with the integral formula as can be found in the article attached but it seems that I am calculating wrongly every time. It will be most helpful if someone can show me with an example. The data can be taken from the attached excel file.
One of our clients is asking to collect the stormwater into ponds, then to treat it to be able to inject in groundwater. Since the rainfall is seasonal the treatment plant will be sized to account for such variation in the flow coming to the ponds. My concern is about the quality of the water in the pond. is there a model that can be done to know the quality of water that will be stored in the pond before discharging it to the treatment plant?
I am working on stormwater modelling, I need to find runoff cofficient from individual rainfall whose time series rainfall and runoff data I have. How to calculate runoff coefficient for this?
I would like to hear your advice on a chemical compound or a standard solution which can be used for making a required concentrations of total nitrogen (TN) in a mix solution involves nitrogen oxide (NOx) and ammonia (NH3). The solution is simulating stormwater runoff with required concentrations as: NOx (0.3 mg/L), NH3 (0.15 mg/L), and TN (1.3 mg/L).
I know I need to use the standard solution of Nitrogen-Nitrate as NO3-N to make the concentrations of NOx and use Nitrogen-Ammonia as NH3-N to create the concentrations of NH3. However, I don’t know exactly what chemical compound or standard solution I can use to make the required concentrations of TN. I know in this case, TN will come partly from the NOx and NH3. So, I need to add another form of N to get to the required TN concentrations without changing NOx and NH3 concentrations in the solution. Any advice would be really appreciated.

I am looking for literature specifically focusing on comparing regional/centralized stormwater attenuation with site/development/decentralized stormwater attenuation. Please let me know if you know of any recent (or old) studies
My project is about stormwater and urban catchments, and I am going to look at How bacterial community vary during post storm and before commencement of dry conditions? Any help is welcoming. Thank you.
We are planning riyadh city as water sensitive urban city. We have developed urban water balance model. How we can get help in applying your model?
Source is located is an urban area, in glacial outwash overlying sandstone/dolomite bedrock. There is a surface water component from nearby parking lot and stormwater.
We are starting projects on microplastics in environmental samples and I am looking into purchasing an instrument to perform microplastics analysis. We will need to analyse wastewater and stormwater. The type of particles and their sizes is not defined, although one project will be focusing on textile fibres.
What type of instrument would you recommend and what is the typical price range (in €)? I am primarily thinking of an FTIR microscope.
Related to what trees can provide. In my review of the literature and through conversations, stormwater mitigation seems to be a big issue for the Northeast. Other services may also be of interest. (Like added business revenue, lower Urban Heat Island effect, better public health, and energy savings.)
I am looking to find something more recent than the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (1983) values. I'd like to have information for a variety of land uses (forest, agricultural, urban, residential, commercial, industrial, highways, and water/wetlands) and pollutants (BOD, COD, TSS, TDS, TP, DP, TKN, NO2/NO3, Pb, Cu, Zn, and Cd).
Ideally, I'd like these values to be relevant to coastal South Carolina, so if there are regional values available, that would be great!
Thank you!
Generally we take a 10-15 year return period of rainfall for designing the drainage system. But again there are different standards for different countries. Moreover, it again changes based on the residential area, commercial area and industrialized area.
I would appreciate if any of my fellow researchers could provide me some literature on this.
Are there any guidelines available for such studies under Indian conditions?
Hello. Does anyone know a study about the formation of colmation layers in stormwater pipe defects? Thank you!!!!
According to US EPA, "green infrastructure is a cost-effective, resilient approach to managing wet weather impacts that provides many community benefits. ...[g]reen infrastructure reduces and treats stormwater at its source while delivering environmental, social, and economic benefits. Within the transportation field, green infrastructure is promoted to prevent and mitigate negative environmental impacts that automobiles cause, and potentially facilitate more of use of alternative mode of travel, such as walking and biking. Is anyone aware of any studies that quantitatively measure the potential effects of green infrastructure on travel behavior?
Dear partners, I´m making the state of art for a stormwater research in urban areas employing hydrological and hydraulic modeling (SWMM).
Do you have any suggestion of practical case at any part of the world?
Or a web page where I can find something related?
Many people are interested in finding a model to estimate total suspended solids in water bodies.What is the application of these TSS ? I am aware that this is an indicator of water clarity. But as peoples are more interested to know TSS concentration , I just want to know whether that is useful in any environmental modeling or any other type o of research. If anyone has any idea or good literature please suggest.
thank you in advance
I would like to know the stormwater detention capacity for an old growth forest. That is, I am predicting the runoff from a region by aggregating the canopy diffraction, infiltration, evaporation, and natural storage in the rootlet depressions. I already know the values of the other elements.
I am interested in finding urban runoff water quality studies, preferably using SWMM. I am working with urban runoff data with continuous flow and rainfall data (2-10 min temporal resolution, 10-30 ha catchments) and water quality data of some common pollutants (TSS, TP, TN, COD) from both wet weather and dry weather flow. I'd be happy to find examples about model calibration (either event-based or continuous modelling) using similar kind of water quality data (flow based sampling, often several samples per event). Also good review papers about the topic are warmly welcome!
I am using SWMM 5.0 in order to simulate TSS in stormwater.
I know that water quality routing within conduit assumes that the conduit behaves as a Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor (see CSTR.jpg file).
In reference to the substance involved in the reaction, a perfect and ideal mixing is assumed, and the universal law of material balance is applied (see transport formula.jpg file), where the coefficient K is the rate constant.
I would like to know if it is possible to modify directly K in the above mentioned formula. If yes, how?
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you,

How exactly should i fix up the recurrence rainfall interval for the stormwater harvesting ?
On a series of several grab samples, of surface in a storm drain or river, (3 x 60ml ) concentrations are observed ranging from <LOD to several thousand ppb. If we make additional or supplementary analyzes the obtained values also vary widely. The average is meaningless and the standard deviation is often above average. What factor may be envisaged to estimate a range of concentrations from an analysis of a grab sample? Are there references or work on the representativeness of a grab sample water?
Recently in Melbourne, Australia, efforts have been undertaken to develop sub-regional (~1 million population) integrated plans which consider water supply, sewerage and stormwater systems in one work package, and link these with smaller scale growth area plans. I am wondering if there are other notable cities in the world which have attempted a similar task? Or if not, is there any notable academic literature which describes/compares actual water industry water infrastructure planning functions? (integrated or otherwise)
Vadose zone wells for recharge of treated stormwater and wastewater.
I'm looking into how past civilization managed or cultivated forms of water, primarily stormwater however, interestingly the diversion of water into urban areas like the Spanish city Alhambra and compare the difference of todays methods. I would like to explore views of stormwater management in the urban setting and where this may be heading such as the Sponge Cities in China.
In most cases, the wastewater from villages eventually is lead to different nearby water bodies, like Rivers, Streams, Wetands etc. and such wastewater comprises of household wastewater (both Greywater and Blackwater), drained water, stormwater etc. It happens to be also the ideal choice due to the topographic advantages.
So it has become utmost necessary to take some adequate, suitable and affordable measures to treat such wastewater as a preventive measure to keep the eventual recipient water bodies cleen.
Thanks and Regards.
Nripendra Kumar Sarma
Nagaon, Assam, India
Bioswales and rain gardens are increasingly being used in developed urban areas as stormwater filtration systems. I am interested in coming up with simple low-cost monitoring and measurement techniques to estimate the carbon sequestration of surviving plants.
I am building a huge stormwater network model using microdrainage/windes and I have a huge number of pipes, editing pipe roughness manually could take a day. is there anyway to global edit pipe roughness?
The majority of available wetland assessment tools are designed with the purpose of advising the implementation of wetland policy and its focus on conservation, restoration, and mitigation of natural wetlands. Natural wetlands, do not typically have the controlled hydroperiods as seen in constructed stormwater wetlands (CSWs).
Can assessment tools, developed for natural wetlands, accurately assess CSWs?
Assessment tools designed specifically for CSWs tend to focus on water quality and hydrological functional values. Is anyone aware of assessment tools designed for CSWs that also consider their biodiversity and socioeconomic values?
Climate change will lead more intense and frequent precipitation, thereby increasing stormwater runoff at cities. What is your opinion about that?
Do you have examples about publications discussing stormwater biofiltration during construction works? I think I have heard that if biofiltration or any other vegetated stormwater management practices have been planned for a new residential area, those systems should not be built ready before the contruction works have ended, i.e. the sediments from the construction sites may destroy the structures. For this reason, these stormwater management structures may have some kind of temporary function during the construction period of the resdiential area (e.g. detention pond with some temporary vegetation) and they will be finalized after the construction projects end. But now I am finding it difficult to actually find a publication that really says it is so! Hope you can help me.
the local 95% trigger value for marine ecosystem health is 1.3 mcg/l
Also for treatment output of wastewater treatment concrete.
I'm going to do some research about the effects of plant density to infiltration and heavy metals removal on bioretention. But I find it hard to get the references about that. I want to build 3 bioretentions with low, medium, and high plant density, but I still don't know "how many plants per ha which is low, medium, or high density?". Is it better if I do a field-scale experiment? But I still don't know how to measure the infiltration rate at inlet and outlet on 3 bioretentions with different plant density in field-scale experiment.
Pervious concrete is a new type of concrete that allows stormwater to pass through it, and I want to work on it in my PhD study.
I have done research and apparently both C18 and HLB have good recoveries concerning phthalates.
Has any of the RG colleagues already used any of these two cartridges for phthalates concentration in stormwater samples?
I am working on a paper in which I study a watershed with a stormwater BMP located in the headwaters and another watershed with a BMP located in the lowlands and a reviewer would like me to discuss the typical distribution of BMPs (whether they are typically in the headwaters draining storm drains or if the are typically lower down in the watershed). Thanks for any help!