Science topics: Probability TheoryStochastic
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Stochastic - Science topic
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Questions related to Stochastic
Consider a two-period DSGE model with a representative agent who faces stochastic productivity shocks. The agent chooses consumption and labor supply in each period to maximize expected lifetime utility, which depends on both current and future consumption and labor. The productivity shocks follow a Markov process.
My Question:
Analyze how the introduction of an unemployment insurance scheme, financed by a proportional tax on labor income, affects the agent’s consumption and labor supply decisions. Discuss the impact on aggregate consumption, labor supply, and the economy's overall productivity in both the short run and the long run.
If anybody is interested to use Eqb, anybody could make test, by introduce data into the added excel sheet: Samples data, an see what happens in
- Parameters
The Analisis gives an impression of the matematical / stochastic background.
Marcus Hellwig
Hello everyone
I am looking for one or some books for propertes and behaviors of stochastic fibre orientation composites. unfotunately I could not find any suitable reference for thias by searching on web. I would greately appriciate it if you introduce me some references
Conventional AI makes use of neural networks which are mostly realized in normal microprocessors, such as used in PC computers, that is on von Neumann architecture. It could be said that, in most implementations, AI is actually just an algorithm that is being executed on a normal digital computer.
But we know that the human brain does not operate upon digital (logic) circuits. If it did, doing math calculations would be one of the easiest human activities and we know it is in fact one of the hardest. Instead, brain works using and counting neuronal pulses, with each neuron having functions like: counting up or down, comparing two numbers, resetting the counter, generating an output pulse, etc.
Stochastic (aka random-pulse) computer, uses time-wise random pulses, much alike those found in human brain. In the past decade it has been shown that it can be VERY efficiently implemented into digital hardware, using only a few gates per mathematical operation, allowing for more functionality to be packed in a limited supply of hardware. It also possesses a high immunity to hardware failure and noise, much higher than digital computers for the same task. Finally, it operates without a clock: all computations are data driven, so at any moment it produces an optimum output given the input data.
Stochastic computing is a very promissing venue for AI, but hasn't yet been fully exploited. So the question for this discussion is: could it be implemented for improvement of robotics and AI in general and how?
Starting literature:
A. Alaghi et al. "The Promise and Challenge of Stochastic Computing," DOI:
M. Stipčević, "Biomimetic random pulse computation or why Humans play basketball better than Robots?" DOI:
I am trying to understand Parametric weather generator models for the purpose of downscaling GCM data. This is my first time working on this topic, and I am finding it hard to understand how exactly these weather generators are used. Do you use a package in a software like R or are there pre-existing weather generator softwares or programs that can be directly used to generate results? While there is literature regarding the theory of parametric weather generators, I cannot find any resources that help with understanding the implementation. Any resources or explanation regarding this will be helpful!
In scenario based approach, for reducing computation burden and complexity, scenario reduction technique is essential. I want to develop new scenario reduction technique.
can anyone suggest in scenario reduction techniques for solving multi stage stochastic problem ?
Can exist self organized criticality in a fully deterninistic system? i.e. without noise or disorder fed into and/or generated by the system?
Hi folks!
It is well known that the apparent stochasticity of turbulent processes stems from the extreme sensitivity of the DETERMINISTIC underlying differential equations to very small changes in the initial and boundary conditions human beings aren't able to measure.
Given our limitations, for the same measured conditions, a deterministic turbulent flow can thus display a wide array of different behaviours.
Can QUANTUM MECHANICAL random fluctuations also change the initial and boundary conditions in such a way that the turbulent flow would behave in a different manner?
In other words, if we assume that quantum mechanics is genuinely indetermistic, can it propagate that "true" randomness towards (some) turbulent processes and flows?
Or would decoherence hinder this from happening?
I wasn't able to find any peer-reviewed papers on this.
Many thanks for your answers!
I am trying to do Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA) using STATA. Is there an option to label Company names that are usually string in STATA?
Many people believe that x-t spacetime is separable and that describing x-t as an inseparable unit block is only essential when the speed of the object concerned approaches that of light.
This is the most common error in mathematics as I understand it.
The universe has been expanding since the time of the Big Bang at almost the speed of light and this may be the reason why the results of classical mathematics fail and become less accurate than those of the stochastic B-matrix ( or any other suitable matrix) even in the simplest situations like double integration and triple integration.
I was looking over the internet and could not find a satisfactory answer: What is a "concrete" (i.e., in applications outside of Math.) solution of any (definite) stochastic integral or rather how to find such a solution ? Recall that in the stochastic integration the result (which we can eventually apply) of the integration is not a number nor another stochastic process but a random variable. So, how to get it and also how to find or approximate its probability distribution ?. Shall we integrate ALL the realizations of the integrated process or some of them to obtain a statistical sample of the solution or somewhat else. Where can I find this problem properly elaborated or who can
explain this ? Jerzy F.
The Markov stochastic
transition matrix (Mi,j) is by definition a mathematical probability matrix that works in some limited mathematical domains.
The question arises as to why it cannot solve physical problems (PDE of heat diffusion/conduction, PDE of Poisson and Laplace, derivation of integration and differentiation formulas, etc.) which are simply solved by the Transition-matrix B (B i, j) of the Cairo Technique?
We assume that the Markov stochastic transition matrix is simply unphysical:
i- Mi,j is not necessarily symmetric and
ignores the detailed rules of balance and reciprocity.
ii-There is no place for the source/sink term S and the boundary conditions BC which are in a way a source/sink term.
What are the main concerns of dynamic performance in stochastic finite element?How to combine digital twins?
In majority of current literatures, the two words are used interchangeably. Although some works distinguish the semantic difference between them (Tumeo, Mark. 1994. “The Meaning of Stochasticity, Randomness and Uncertainty in Environmental Modeling.” In , 10/4:33–38.), the difference in the detailed modeling techniques is still unclear.
This book[1], for example, deals with the dynamics of ordinary differential equations, is there anything similar to stochastic differential equations? Especially for infinite dimensional systems.
[1] Wiggins S, Golubitsky M. Introduction to applied nonlinear dynamical systems and chaos. New York: Springer, 2003.
Respected RG members
What are the pros and cons of modeling dynamics using psuedo- stochastic matrices as the transition matrix units?
Hey there,
Does anyone happen to have a copy of
"Eid, M. (1996). Longitudinal confirmatory factor analysis for polytomous item responses: Model definition and model selection on the basis of stochastic measurement theory. Methods of Psychological Research – online, 1, 65-85"
or a suggestion on where to get one, since the journal appears to be offline / not accessible?
A number of attempts on my side to get in anywhere have rendered unsuccessful so far ... ))-:
Best regards,
I am new to ground motion simulation using stochastic methods. I read few articles regarding it and found that 'stochastic simulation per Boore (1983, 2003)' can generate only one horizontal component. Am i right ?
Does stochastic simulation per Boore (1983, 2003) can simulate two horizontal component of ground motion ?
Or can we say that if a graph is balanced, its weight matrix is doubly stochastic?
Assume that there are m number of patients. Each patient records his/her pain level in an ordinal scale (from "not at all" to "excruciating") at t_i time point fro i=1,2,...,n_i. Suppose that we want to know whether patients are improving with respect to time or not. Is there any existing literature to test that?
- We know that the stochastic monotonicity condition for the one-dimensional case is as follows: sum_{j>=k}q(j|i)<=sum_{j>=k}q(j|i+1) for all i, k belongs to state space S such that k does not equal to i+1, where q(j|i) is the transition rate associated with the continuous-time Markov chain. NOW, QUESTION is what is about in a two-dimensional case?
Can you help me regarding MATLAB solver for a system of stochastic delay differential equations? To be specific the system is delay differential equation where parametric stochasticity is used.
Thank you
I am trying to estimate a stochastic frontier model in the panel data set using stata13. In doing so, I prefer to use the TRE model. Even though I am aware that this model allows estimating the frontier model and the inefficiency determinants at a time(following a single step), I am not sure if I am following the correct procedure.
Could someone help me?
sfpanel ln y ln x1 lnx2 .....lnxn, model (tre) dist(hnormal) usigma(z1,z2,z3...zn) vsigma()
The assumption here is z1....zn are inefficiency determinants and also considering heteroscedasticity at the same time.
Thank you!
I have a multi-stage stochastic programming model. I have 3 groups of variables: the first group takes values at the beginning of the planning horizon before the first realization and does not change until the end of the planning horizon and has no t index (they are binary and continuous), the second option is “here and now” variables that before each realization Are taken value and are continuous, the third group are “wait and see” variables that take value after each realization (binary and continuous). The model is SMINLP. I converted it to SMILP through linearization and solved it by CPLEX solver with generating a small number of scenarios ... I want to consider a continuous distribution for the stochastic parameter and generate a large number of scenarios by sampling and run an algorithm for it. nested benders decomposition or progressive hedging algorithms are more efficient for this model?
If anyone has experience, thank you in advance for your help.
I am trying to generate a streamflow series with a stochastic framework. I would like to find some criteria to statistically compare between generated and observed series.
The most important part is that if I am trying to compare between different generators; Am I able to apply criteria in order to get accuracy value for each generator?
I am looking for a scientific field or real-life subject where I can use some convex analysis tools like Stochastic Gradient Descent or unidimensional optimization methods. Any suggestions?
Please help,
I ran a Battese and Coelli 1995 sfpanel model in Stata 12.1 of the following translog equation
sfpanel lny lnl lnm lne lnk lnksq lnlsq lnesq lnklnl lnmsq lnklne lnklnm lnllne lnllnm lnelnm year, model(bc95) dist(tn) emean( for for5 for10 for15 for20 for25 exp_firm firm_size) ort(o)
Aimed at establishing the effect of FDI on efficiency and productivity at firm level.
I wish to estimate TFP whose components are Technical Change(TC), Technical Efficiency Change (TEC) and Scale Efficiency Change (SEC).
- Can this be done directly in Stata?
- And what is the syntax considering the 4-input translog equation?
Dear all,
I would like to test the half-normal distribution (of the error component
from stochastic frontier models) against alternative distributions. Does
anybody have some experience with doing this in stata. could anybody
point me towards relevant literature? Thanks in advance.
Dear fellows
I am trying to estimate cost efficiencies using Fourier flexible stochastic cost frontier but I can’t find Stata commands relating to this subject. Kindly assist
I am currently working on sensitivity analysis in the context of AHP. I use the online tool BPMSG from Goepel, maybe someone here knows it. However, I have a problem with the traceability of the results. Let's assume that there are exactly 3 criteria in the AHP (C1,C2,C3). Then I would like to know how the final value for an alternative (a1) results if one of the criteria changes in weighting, right?
I'll just say C1 decreases by x. However, the value x that is taken away from C1 must be distributed to C2 and C3. I just wonder which method is used to do this. Is x simply distributed equally to C2 and C3 or does this happen according to the share of C2 or C3 in the sum of C2 and C3?
When I do that, I get the following for the remaining two criteria:
(C1-x) = New C1
(C2 + (C2 / (C2 + C3)) * x) = New C2
(C3 + (C3 / (C2 + C3)) * x) = New C3
Unfortunately, however, I do not know if this is correct. If I multiply the criteria with the corresponding values of alternative a1 and combine the whole thing to a final value, I can calculate the same again with the other alternatives. When I compare the graphs to see how big x has to be to change the final prioritization of the alternatives, I always get the wrong values compared to the online tool. Therefore I would like to know if the redistribution of the weights is correct.
I hope someone can help me despite the long question. Thanks a lot!
Is correct? In stochastic mathematics, the arithmetic mean and standard deviation are important. In fuzzy mathematics and interval reasoning, the arithmetic mean and standard deviation are not always important
Hello everybody
According to what mentioned in the attached snapshot from the appendix of this article
My question is, if we already have the transition probability matrix P, how could we calculate numerically v^=α0(I−P)−1, as the limit of the recurrence v(t+1)=v(t)P+α0?
Hello Everyone,
I am recently working on the topic " Deep Reinforcement Learning in production scheduling".
Most recently I am working on the simulation of the environment, the state and action engineering process.
The uprising question for me here is: how are uncertainty and constraints taken into account in a RL project?
In stochastic optimization there is a probability distribution of several factors which are taken into account. Also the solution space is restricted with constraints.
How are these factors considered in model-free RL? Is the uncertainty included in the simulation of the environment? Are the state or action space restricted through constraints?
Best regards,
I wish to transform the data from long memory stochastic to short memory volatility models to visualize the effects. Is there any transformation protocol to shift the data from long memory stochastic to short memory volatility models or either there is no mathematical relationship between these two models? Further, can we use MATLAB for such transformation?
I want to design different scenarios of wind speed for a day i.e. for 24 hours to do stochastic optimization. Can anyone please provide code or files.
Let me consider harmonic oscillations x'' + x = f_t(t), where f_t(t) describes thermal stochastic force <f_t(t) f_t(t')> \sim \delta(t - t'). I have already understood, that I can switch from such differential equation to the integral equations, where the integrals can be performed in Ito or Stratanovich sense. Which one relates to the real situation?
Another case: escape probability. If I want to numerically extract mean lifetime of a classical particle in a potential well due to thermal fluctuations, what kind of stochastic modeling should I use?
I have the following scientific problem: there is a nonlinear SDE
dX = (a(t)+b*(X-X0))*X*dt+c*X*dB
If a = 0 and b is a negative number then the negative feedback "pushes" always back the X path to the direction of X0. I experienced that the mean of the X paths shows some oscillation properties like frequency. My question: what is the name of this phenomen? How should i search after? Is there a book or article about this? I know that stochastic oscillators exist but they are second order ordinary differential equations perturbated by Brownian motion and that is not what i am looking for.
Thank you very much for your help!
Tamas Hajas
There are many methods based on the stochastic arithmetic and also floating point arithmetic. What is advantage and disadvantage of the mathematical methods based on stochastic arithmetic?
Is stochastic gradient descent an incremental machine learning method? How does stochastic gradient descent relate to incremental machine learning/ online learning?
Also, I am new to incremental ML and need to build my knowledge about it .. Any good beginners references you can recommend will be appreciated :-)
Visscher, M. L. (1973). Welfare-Maximizing Price and Output with Stochastic Demand: Comment. American Economic Review, 63(1), 224-229.
The derivation of formula (4) in the literature (Visscher, 1973) involves the derivation of double integral. How are formulas (5) and (6) obtained? In the file added, it provides the process in my opinion, but I can’t get the same result as the equation (5) in the literature. What went wrong in the solution process, I hope you can help me point it out, thank you!
Is there any rational formulation for the velocity slip boundary conditions for the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz Navier-Stokes Equations?
Dear all,
Could anybody provide the names of the researchers and literature in the area:Stochastic Calculus and Stochastic Integration - Ito Integration
Thanks in advance
I have gone through Adrian papers on this topic but details are still missing. Linear stochastic estimation is a powerful tool for vortex packet identification.
What is stochastic and combinatorial optimization problem.
Also, How I can identify the problem i am working is Continuous or Discrete Optimization.
Most of the optimization methods utilize the upper and lower bounds constraints to handle this issue. At the same time, each variable can significantly affect the direction of the optimization method to find its optimal value. Thus, returning to the lower or/and upper values leads to a delay in finding the optimal values in each iteration.
Hi all,
Does anyone have an idea about how to make a stochastic based crack distribution model which we can use further in the finite element model to predict the growth?
For orientation I am looking for theories as a basis of an goal-based investment approach. So far I found some appraoches using
- Portfolio Optimization with Mental Accounts (POMA)
- Asset Liability Management (ALM)
- Stochastic Dominance (SD)
Do you have any other suggestions?
Which approach is most common and accepted?
Hi everyone, Below references written by latex and I need a help to identify which the style are written. I need the style used and the supported packages for it.
Thank you
H. Crauel and F. Flandoli, Attractors for random dynamical systems, Probab. Th. Relat. Fields 100 (1994) 365–393.
H. Kunita, Stochastic Flows and Stochastic Differential Equations (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990).
R. Lefever and J. Turner, Sensitivity of a Hopf bifurcation to external multiplicative noise, in Fluctuations and Sensitivity in Nonequilibrium Systems, eds. W. orsthemke and D. K. Kondepudi (Springer-Verlag, 1984), pp. 143-49.
P. Ruffino, "Rotation numbers for stochastic dynamical systems", PhD thesis, University of Warwick, 1995.
Elections, not just voting, can become trustworthy.
Additional methods to the ones that made voting trustworthy (choose your favorite) can be applied. Eiections are not used to choose the captain of a ship, said Socrates, 2500 years ago. One can use technology to help. One has to verify competence, reciprocity, and (for fairness) anonymity.
Although voting is deterministic (all ballots are counted), information can be treated stochastically using Information Theory. Error considerations, including faults, attacks, and threats by adversaries, can be explicitly included. The influence of errors may be corrected to achieve an election outcome error as close to zero as desired (error-free), with AI providing many copies of results without voter identify. A voting method to do so, is explained at
How about the next step, fair elections? Can one learn from the events in the US in Jan/6?
Instead of manual tuning of algorithm's parameters, it is recommended to utilize automatic algorithm configuration software. Mostly beacuse it was shown that they increase manyfold the algorithm's perfomance. However, there are some differences among the proposed configuration software and beside those listed in (Eiben, Smit, 2011) it is important to gather experiances from the researchers. I would like to hear how does one decide on the stopping criteria, or values for parameters, for heuristic steps within the stochastic algorithm... there are so many questions.
Hello, I would like to know any experiences about stochastic optimization software or possibility to prepare it in Python for example. I am looking for an optimization process in Revenue Management. Many thanks for your answers. MP
There has been rich literature describing how to reformalize stochastic MPC in linear systems into deterministic optimization. However for nonlinear system, propagation of uncertainty through time seems very complicated, so most literature I find solve nonlinear stochastic MPC with probabilistic constraints using sampling based approaches. I am new to nonlinear stochastic MPC, so I am wondering whether there's any existing library/toolbox for nonlinear stochastic MPC with probabilistic constraints? Or if there's no such convenient tools, based on your practical experience, which paper do you recommend me so that I can implement the algorithms myself?
Please, I need to know the best meta-heuristic and hybrid meta-heuristic algorithms (except for Genetic Algorithm) for finding the optimal or near optimal solution of stochastic scheduling problems.
Please kindly suggest some good FEM softwares for the numerical solution of both time-dependent and time-independent stochastic PDEs.
I would be grateful for suggestions to solve the following problem.
The task is to fit a mechanistically-motivated nonlinear mathematical model (4-6 parameters, depending on version of assumptions used in the model) to a relatively small and noisy data set (35 observations, some likely to be outliers) with a continuous numerical response variable. The model formula contains integrals that cannot be solved analytically, only numerically. My questions are:
1. What optimization algorithms (probably with stochasticity) would be useful in this case to estimate the parameters?
2. Are there reasonable options for the function to be optimized except sum of squared errors?
In a population dynamical system, the non-explosion property is often not good enough but the property of ultimate boundedness is more desired. The conditions for the ultimate boundedness are much more complicated than the conditions for the non-explosion.
The nonexplosion property in a population dynamical system is often not good enough but the property of ultimate boundedness is more desired
In the article Random Ordinary Differential Equations, Journal of Equations Differentials 7, 538-553 (1970), by JL Strand, reference refers to his doctoral thesis: Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equations, University of California (Berkeley), 1968, and also to doctoral thesis: Random Ordinary Differential Equations, University of California (Berkeley), 1968, by R. Edsinger.
Do you know how to get these two doctoral theses or does anyone have these two papers?
Stochastic Mortality Models (SMM) have often be used by insurance coy to model the risk of mortality in general, but I want to apply and restrict it to childhood mortality. How do I go about it?
Dual control in Stochastic optimal control suggests that control input has probing action that would generate with non zero probability the uncertainty in measurement of state.
It means we have a Covariance error matrix at each state.
The same matrix is also deployed by Kalman filter so how it is different from Dual Control
I'm working on comparing latent space representations of image patches which are encoded as multivariate normal distributions over the respective latent space.
Which metrics - besides (symmetric) KL-divergence, Hellinger distance and Bhattacharyya distance - exist to measure the distance between multivariate normal distributions, ideally fulfilling the mathematical definitions of a metric?
Second, from what I've noticed, Hellinger distance has a very small "window of sensitivity" - meaning that if I compute the similarities between encoded distributions, I get small values for identical image patches and values close to 1 for everything else, while symmetric KL divergence covers a wider range of values and also measures small distance between non-identical input. Any ideas on this?
I was wondering if there is such a big enough data set available in oder to estimate the stochastic distribution of Covid 19-related symptoms in relation to location and time. This could be helpful for detecting variations/mutations in the disease and support diagnosis.
Thank you.
I am using benchmarking package of in R to analysis the energy efficiency of firms by stochastic and deterministic methods. I am getting the dmu score more than 1 or equal to one or less than 1. Can anyone help me in this regard?
Hello All,
I am working on stochastic upscalling of damage in concrete microstructure. Can someone provide a UMAT for Mazar's damage model or any resource to help me create UMAT on my own.
Thank you.
Vasav Dubey
Texas A&M University
Texas, USA
I want to study stochastic finite element, Can any one introduce a straight forward reference in simple method?
Euler method and the Milstein method
We are working on a large number of building-related time series data sets that display various degrees of 'randomness'. When plotted, some display recognisable diurnal or seasonal patterns that can be correlated to building operational regimes or the weather (i.e. heating energy consumption with distinct signatures as hourly and seasonal intervals). However some appear to be completely random (Lift data that contains a lot of random noise).
Does anyone know if an established method exists that can be deployed on these data sets and provide some 'quantification' or 'ranking' of how much stochasticity exists in each data set?
Once we select the appropriate model specification and estimation of panel stochastic production frontier model what robustness checks are required before the results are used for discussion? Since I am using Stata 12.1 version, I would appreciate if anyone knows the stata command as well.
I develop vehicular emissions inventories at street level and I would like to run dispersion models for scientific applications with my outputs. After some literature research, I have found some models like
- Model of Urban Network of Intersecting Canyons and Highways (MUNICH)
- Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport model (STILT-R version 2)
However, it seems that there are many other models.
Do you know more models?
How was your experience?
Where can I download them?
Many thanks!
I have a stochastic mixed-integer non-linear model and it is difficult to be solved. So I want to write the constraints with uniform distribution in the sub-model that is found in the whole model. what are the steps for this? Thanks
I am struggling over the search for studies showing that the age of an individual has an impact on the increased prevalence of Rheumatoid diseases. Wouldn't that be rather a stochastic issue (the longer the time, the higher the chance)? While I could imagine, how increased incidences of cancer correlate with age or that infections result in increased mortality with age, I am struggling about how the cellular age results in autoimmune disorders. I read about thymic atrophy/less T cell variablity and changes in B cell responses and alterations in Tfh cell reactivity and alteration in phagocyte functions (less phagocytosis, less radical synthesis), but does that necessarily lead to an increased incidence of autoimmunity? And if autoimmunity is posively correlated with age, shouldn't the overall response during a particular period be stronger in old organisms than the same disease of comparable period in younger organisms?
UPDATE (March2020): I would say that depending on the autoimmune disease, age shows a positive or negative correlation. However, I am still looking for publications with valid in vivo models showing the age effect on the disease outcome or not.
Dear Researchers,
I have time series data & I’m running OLS regression on Stata.
I want to de-trend a variable while taking into consideration that the trend is stochastic not linear. This is the code I found while searching but I’m not sure if it treats the trend as stochastic:
reg x time
predict x_detrended, resid
In fact, when I plotted the detrended series (x_detrended) with the time variable (quarter in my case) to see the trend, the extracted trend seems to be linear not stochastic. I’m attaching the graph below.
So, I want to know the command on Stata that detrend the series given a stochastic trend not linear.
I will appreciate your help.
Thank you very much