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Stellar Astrophysics - Science topic

Stellar Astrophysics is the study of stars by means of theoretical physics and observational astronomy. Astronomy was turned into an active field of Physics by explaining stellar structure and evolution through natural laws of Physics. One novel example of such explanations is the famous Chandrashekhar limit discovered by one of the most famous astrophysicists of all time Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar.
Questions related to Stellar Astrophysics
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
10 answers
the nature of time
Relevant answer
Big bang is a theory, but fundamental of time is reality.
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
14 answers
Could it be that there is a fifth fundamental force, a 'hypergravity' that only manifests (i.e. becomes physically significant) at a large cosmological scale ?
The gravitational field of a quark is negligible compared to their electric charge and strong charge (color). But when a sufficient amount of quarks in the form of atomic nuclei come together they produce powerful gravitational fields.
In the same way at the mass scale of planets and stars the 'hypergravitational' force
is negligible and ordinary gravity (as well as electromagnetism and other forces) plays the predominant role.
But at a cosmological scale (for mass, energy or distance, i.e. millions of solar masses) the hypergravitational force will come into the play and explain astrophysical (sp. galactic) and cosmological phenomena which seem to require 'dark matter'.
Another aproach could be through dynamical systems. The water of the ocean behaves very differently from the water in a bathtub. Ultimately this must be explained by a different scale (also different set of 'negligibles') and different values for physical and chemical parameters of the same model.
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In theoretical physics, there is a general tendency to reduce the number of fundamental forces rather than increase them. We have successfully combined electric and magnetic forces to form the electromagnetic force and combined this force with the weak force to form the electroweak force. We continue to strive to combine this force with the strong force. From this point of view, it would be counterproductive to try to describe two similar gravitational effects by different forces. Our goal should be to understand the observed deviations from the predictions of Einstein's general theory of relativity before claiming new forces for them.
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
15 answers
Dear Researchers in the field :
Does anyone know what the KAGRA Gravitational Waves Observatory it's been up to ?
KAGRA announced at the end of last year (2019) that they were ready for the kick off. And that in February this year (2020) they were turn to the sky for the first (real) observations and be ready to joing the efforts of the LIGO-Virgo collaboration.
But I haven't hear anything about KAGRA since that time.
I'm sure they had to close due to the COVID-19 pandemic, probably since March.
But, now in December, almost the end of the year, I would have expected to hear news about Observatory.
Does anyone know what is it status nowadays ? Maybe the explanation is that the facilities kept shut down almost the whole year since the pandemic.
If someone know fresh news, I'll appreciate the sharing.
Best Regards all ! :)
Relevant answer
Dear FranklinUrielParásHernández: Thanks. Let us wait for first observation from KAGRO.
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
17 answers
What was the light year distance to the original departure point:
of light arriving here and now from the most distant stellar objects?
I am not asking the travel distance, but fine to also mention that..
assume the current consensus of ongoing cosmic expansion, over the course of 13B rounded years, so that the current visible universe is 46.5B LY radius, so that the original departure point would be __x__ LY maximum
Relevant answer
I have added a short video presentation called How Far Away which helps with this question:
Deleted research item The research item mentioned here has been deleted
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
32 answers
To whom might be interested,
I have been thinking about prime numbers and how they might fit into our world, and this idea came to me that the primes might be constructed in a similar way to how elements fuse in stars.
To demonstrate my idea I wrote a short php script showing the construction of the first 25 primes. I have never seen anything like this before and I believe it is an original idea.
Would love to have some feedback on this from someone in number theory who have studied the primes.
Relevant answer
Your ideas may inspire others to think differently.
Your calculations are not clear yet.
In the meanwhile, you need to correct your table where you made a mistake.
P10 = 27, which is not correct. ( 27 is a composite number).
Remove this number, then rebuild your tables, and then show your interpretations.
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
8 answers
Question: since the findings of unmanned missions are many times what are gained by manned space missions why does the public care less about unmanned missions (which cost much less and go farther into space)?
How can the major findings of unmanned space missions be made more of interest?
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Gloria, while I agree with James generally that it is hard for people to empathise with 'inanimate objects', I don't think the issue is quite so black and white.
I think most people have lost interest in what's happening on the Space Station, despite there being humans involved. I'm sure the research done there is important, but there's nothing to see - in a dramatic sense.
By contrast, the photos from the Voyager probes, the images from the Mars Rovers, and the Rosetta/Philae comet rendezvous, I feel, all generated a lot of public interest, because they were all going where no one had been before, showing us better, closer images than available from Earth, and doing things that we previously never thought we could do.
This is an old debate. 'Mere' scientific research will never attract the public interest unless it is something new and exciting. Human missions will, because we can relate to them, personally. It might not be me up there, but it's someone like me, and isn't it incredible that we can do that.
That's what opens the doors to Government funding for all sorts of other space research. People want to see something for their money.
And if we don't put people into space, and open the possibility of living on other worlds, then there are a lot of people out there ready to dismiss all space research as a waste of money - everyone from those who don't want to believe any of it was real in the first place, to the Green lobbies who want to know why we're wasting money on such stuff when the world is in so much trouble.
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
2 answers
The use of line abundance analysis using equivalent width and Kurucz model atmospheres in MOOG code is something done for chemical abundance analysis in stellar astronomy. However there is no material to guide through the procedure. Any resource with some examples of abundance analysis using this code?
Relevant answer
I do have the PS file already. I was rather interested to read about the procedure on how to fix model atmosphere parameters using MOOG.
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
4 answers
Can we speak of a slight linear increase of the core density of sun-like stars during their stay in the main sequence ? As this is a period where gravitational effects are steadily balanced by the radiative pressure resulting from the progressive conversion of H into He. And the same with a bigger slope for the further period of conversion of He into C ?   
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Dear Guibert,
The core densities of MS stars are checked observationally by apsidal motion theory. Long term period variation observations of binaries in eccentric orbits reveal the observational structure constants of the component stars which can be compared with theoretical values obtained from stellar models. As I remember the present stellar models predict always the less central condensations for the MS stars. Recently we are also preparing a paper on this topic. You can read papers by Kopal 1965, Claret, Gimenez 2010. It seems the core density already increased before the MS stage, and continues increasing through the evolution.
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
30 answers
Under what natural processes could stellar formation have occurred after the initial singularity but prior to a cosmic inflation event?
Assume this is the scientific actuality, so it is not a question of if it could have occurred but how it could have occurred.
Assume  CR does not indicate any ongoing cosmic expansion. 
Thank you,
Relevant answer
Dear Colleagues,
 I send you the paper
I. A. Urusovskii, Multidimensional   Treatment of the Expanding Universe,
 Physical Science International Journal, 4(8): 1110-1144, 2014, 
Containing answers on questions of Dr. Robert Oldershaw (see the Figure 6 in the paper).
Best Regards,
I. A. Urusovskii
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
4 answers
Tell me please who is researching the atmospheres of exoplanets, and the most of circulation?
For who conducted this research?
Does the existence of a developed theory of atmospheres on exoplanets depending on different astronomical conditions?
What organizations are engaged?
Where can I read about it?
Dolia Vadym.
Relevant answer
Indeed, the energy coming from the parent star controls the composition, the temperature and the circulation of the atmosphere, which are in fact coupled. To study the circulation in exoplanet atmospheres, you can use a GCM-type model (Global Climate Model). You will find useful references in the paper quoted above. 
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
3 answers
In the light that we get from stars we discern certain lines belonging to the most abundant elements in those stars. Assume that we would pass the light from a star through a prism in order to disperse the spectrum, then isolate the hydrogen line(s).
Which one of the hydrogen lines is the most abundant in stars? And what are its properties: is the light in that line coherent light, or is it thermal light? Is it polarized?
Relevant answer
This would depend on the type of star. In hot stars the hydrogen in the stellar envelope the hydrogen is fully ionized. In cold star it's not. Also, stars like the sun have a hot, low density corona where the hydrogen is ionized.
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
1 answer
We know that the equilibrium condition for neutron star. But I do not know in the case of hyperon star. Is it same or not?
Relevant answer
please have a look at the paper by
Roles of Hyperons in Neutron Stars
Shmuel Balberg, Itamar Lichtenstadt
The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Gregory. B. Cook
Center for Radiophysics and Space Research, Space Sciences Building,
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
some portions are copied for you below.
We examine the roles the presence of hyperons in the cores of neutron stars may
play in determining global properties of these stars. The study is based on estimates
that hyperons appear in neutron star matter at about twice the nuclear saturation
density, and emphasis is placed on effects that can be attributed to the general multispecies
composition of the matter, hence being only weakly dependent on the specific
modeling of strong interactions. Our analysis indicates that hyperon formation not only
softens the equation of state but also severely constrains its values at high densities.
Correspondingly, the valid range for the maximum neutron star mass is limited to
about 1.5 − 1.8 M⊙, which is a much narrower range than available when hyperon
formation is ignored. Effects concerning neutron star radii and rotational evolution are
suggested, and we demonstrate that the effect of hyperons on the equation of state
allows a reconciliation of observed pulsar glitches with a low neutron star maximum
mass. We discuss the effects hyperons may have on neutron star cooling rates, including
recent results which indicate that hyperons may also couple to a superfluid state in high
density matter. We compare nuclear matter to matter with hyperons and show that
once hyperons accumulate in neutron star matter they reduce the likelihood of a meson
condensate, but increase the susceptibility to baryon deconfinement, which could result
in a mixed baryon-quark matter phase.
Subject headings: stars: neutron — elementary particles — equation of state — stars:
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1. Introduction
The existence of stable matter at supernuclear densities is unique to neutron stars. Unlike
all other physical systems in nature, where the baryonic component appears in the form of atomic
nuclei, matter in the cores of neutron stars is expected to be a homogeneous mixture of hadrons and
leptons. As a result the macroscopic features of neutron stars, including some observable quantities,
have the potential to illuminate the physics of supernuclear densities. In this sense, neutron stars
serve as cosmological laboratories for hadronic physics. A specific feature of supernuclear densities
is the possibility for new hadronic degrees of freedom to appear, in addition to neutrons and protons.
One such possible degree of freedom is the formation of hyperons - strange baryons - which is the
main subject of the present work. Other possible degrees of freedom include meson condensation
and a deconfined quark phase.
While hyperons are unstable under terrestrial conditions and decay into nucleons through the
weak interaction, the equilibrium conditions in neutron stars can make the reverse process, i.e.,
the conversion of nucleons into hyperons, energetically favorable. The appearance of hyperons in
neutron stars was first suggested by Ambartsumyan & Saakyan (1960) and has since been examined
in many works. Earlier calculations include the works of Pandharipande (1971b), Bethe & Johnson
(1974) and Moszkowski (1974), which were performed by describing the nuclear force in Schr¨odinger
theory. In recent years, studies of high density matter with hyperons have been performed mainly
in the framework of field theoretical models (Glendenning 1985, Weber & Weigel 1989, Knorren,
Prakash & Ellis 1995, Schaffner & Mishustin 1996, Huber at al. 1997). For a review, see Glendenning
(1996) and Prakash et al. (1997). It was also recently demonstrated that good agreement with these
models can be attained with an effective potential model (Balberg & Gal 1997).
These recent works share a wide consensus that hyperons should appear in neutron star (cold,
beta-equilibrated, neutrino-free) matter at a density of about twice the nuclear saturation density.
This consensus is attributed to the fact that all these more modern works base their estimates of
hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon interactions on the experimental constraints inferred from
hypernuclei. The fundamental qualitative result from hypernuclei experiments is that hyperon
related interactions are similar in character and in order of magnitude to nucleon-nucleon interactions.
In a broader sense, this result indicates that in high density matter, the differences between
hyperons and nucleons will be less significant than for free particles.
The aim of the present work is to examine what roles the presence of hyperons in the cores
of neutron stars may play in determining the global properties of these stars. We place special
emphasis on effects which can be attributed to the multi-species composition of the matter while
being only weakly dependent on the details of the model used to describe the underlying strong
We begin our survey in § 2 with a brief summary of the equilibrium conditions which determine
the formation and abundance of hyperon species in neutron star cores. A review of the widely
accepted results regarding hyperon formation in neutron stars is given in § 3. We devote § 4 to
an examination of the effect of hyperon formation on the equation of state of dense matter, and
the corresponding effects on the star’s global properties: maximum mass, mass-radius correlations,
rotation limits, and crustal sizes. In § 5 we discuss neutron star cooling rates, where hyperons
might play a decisive role. A discussion of the effects of hyperons on phase transitions which may
occur in high density matter is given in § 6. Conclusions and discussion are offered in § 7.
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2. Equilibrium Conditions for Hyperon Formation Neutron Stars
In the following discussion we assume that the cores of neutron stars are composed of a mixture
of baryons and leptons in full beta equilibrium (thus ignoring possible meson condensation and a
deconfined quark phase - these issues will be picked up again in § 6). The procedure for solving
the equilibrium composition of such matter has been describes in many works (see e.g., Glendenning
(1996) and Prakash et al. (1997) and references therein), and in essence requires chemical
equilibrium of all weak processes of the type
B1 → B2 + ℓ + ¯νℓ
; B2 + ℓ → B1 + νℓ
, (1)
where B1 and B2 are baryons, ℓ is a lepton (electron or muon), and ν (¯ν) is its corresponding
neutrino (anti-neutrino). Charge conservation is implied in all processes, determining the legitimate
combinations of baryons which may couple together in such reactions.
Imposing all the conditions for chemical equilibrium yields the ground state composition of
beta-equilibrated high density matter. The equilibrium composition of such matter at any given
baryon density, ρB, is described by the relative fraction of each species of baryons xBi ≡ ρBi
and leptons xℓ ≡ρℓ/ρB.
Evolved neutron stars can be assumed to be transparent to neutrinos on any relevant time scale
so that neutrinos are absent and µν = µν¯ = 0. All equilibrium conditions may then be summarized
by a single generic equation
µi = µn − qiµe , (2)
where µi and qi are, respectively, the chemical potential and electric charge of baryon species i,
µn is the neutron chemical potential, and µe is the electron chemical potential. Note that in the
absence of neutrinos, equilibrium requires µe =µµ. The neutron and electron chemical potentials are
constrained by the requirements of a constant total baryon number and electric charge neutrality,
xBi = 1 ; X
qixBi +
qℓxℓ = 0 . (3)
The temperature range of evolved neutron stars is typically much lower than the relevant
chemical potentials of baryons and leptons at supernuclear densities. Neutron star matter is thus
commonly approximated as having zero temperature, so that the equilibrium composition and
other thermodynamic properties depend on density alone. Solving the equilibrium compositions
for a given equation of state (EOS) at various baryon densities yields the energy density and pressure
which enable the calculation of global neutron star properties.
3. Hyperon Formation in Neutron Stars
In this section we review the principal results of recent studies regarding hyperon formation in
neutron stars. The masses, along with the strangeness and isospin, of nucleons and hyperons are
given in Tab. 1. The electric charge and isospin combine in determining the exact conditions for
each hyperon species to appear in the matter. Since nuclear matter has an excess of positive charge
and negative isospin, negative charge and positive isospin are favorable along with a lower mass
for hyperon formation, and it is generally a combination of the three that determines the baryon
density at which each hyperon species appears. A quantitative examination requires, of course,
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modeling of high density interactions. We begin with a brief discussion of the current experimental
and theoretical basis used in recent studies that have examined hyperon formation in neutron stars.
3.1. Experimental and Theoretical Background
The properties of high density matter chiefly depend on the nature of the strong interactions.
Quantitative analysis of the composition and physical state of neutron star matter are currently
complicated by the large uncertainties regarding strong interactions, both in terms of the difficulties
in their theoretical description and from the limited relevant experimental data. None the less,
progress in both experiment and theory have provided the basis for several recent studies of the
composition of high density matter, and in particular suggests it will include various hyperon
Experimental data from nuclei set some constraints on various physical quantities of nuclear
matter at the nuclear saturation density, ρ0 = 0.16 fm−3
. Important quantities are the bulk binding
energy, the symmetry energy of non-symmetric matter (i.e., different numbers of neutrons and
protons), the nucleon effective mass in a nuclear medium, and a reasonable constraint on the compression
modulus of symmetric nuclear matter. However, at present, little can be deduced regarding
properties of matter at higher densities. Heavy ion collisions have been able to provide some information
regarding higher density nuclear matter, but the extrapolation of these experiments to
neutron star matter is questionable since they deal with hot non-equilibrated matter.
Relevant data for hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon interactions is more scarce, and relies
mainly on hypernuclei experiments (for a review of hypernuclei experiments, see Chrien & Dover
(1989), Gibson & Hungerford (1995)). In these experiments a single hyperon is formed in a nucleus,
and its binding energy is deduced from the energetics of the reaction (typically meson scattering
such as X(K−, π−)X).
There exists a large body of data for single Λ-hypernuclei, which clearly shows bound states of
a Λ hyperon in a nuclear medium. Millener, Dover & Gal (1988) used the nuclear mass dependence
of Λ levels in hypernuclei to derive the density dependence of the binding energy of a Λ hyperon in at density ρ0 to be about −28 MeV, which is about one third of the equivalent value for a nucleon
in symmetric nuclear matter. The data from Σ-hypernuclei are more problematic (see below). A
few emulsion events that have been attributed to Ξ-hypernuclei seem to suggest an attractive Ξ
potential in a nuclear medium, somewhat weaker than the Λ−nuclear matter potential.
A few measured events have been attributed to the formation of double Λ hypernuclei, where two
Λ’s have been captured in a single nucleus. The decay of these hypernuclei suggests an attractive Λ−
Λ interaction potential of 4−5 MeV (Bodmer & Usmani 1987), somewhat less than the corresponding
nucleon-nucleon value of 6−7 MeV. This value of the Λ−Λ interaction is often used as the baseline
for assuming a common hyperon-hyperon potential, corresponding to a well depth for a single
hyperon in isospin-symmetric hyperon matter of -40 MeV. While this value should be taken with
a large uncertainty, the typical results regarding hyperon formation in neutron stars are generally
insensitive to the exact choice for the hyperon-hyperon interaction, as discussed below.
We emphasize again that the experimental data is far from comprehensive, and great uncertainties
still remain in the modeling of baryonic interactions. This is especially true regarding densities
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greater than ρ0, where the importance of many body forces increases. Three body interactions are
used in some nuclear matter models (Wiringa, Fiks & Fabrocini 1988, Akmal, Pandharipande &
Ravenhall 1998). Many-body forces for hyperons are currently difficult to constrain from experiment
(Bodmer & Usmani 1988), although some attempts have been made on the basis of light
hypernuclei (Gibson & Hungerford 1995). Indeed, field theoretical models include a repulsive component
in the two-body interactions through the exchange of vector mesons, rather than introduce
explicit many body terms. We note that the effective equation used here is also compatible with
theoretical estimates of ΛNN forces through the repulsive terms it includes (Millener, et al. 1988).
In spite of these significant uncertainties, the qualitative conclusion that can be drawn from
hypernuclei is that hyperon-related interactions are similar both in character and in order of magnitude
to the nucleon-nucleon interactions. Thus nuclear matter models can be reasonably generalized
to include hyperons as well. In recent years this has been performed mainly with relativistic theoretical
field models, where the meson fields are explicitly included in an effective Lagrangian. A
commonly used approximation is the relativistic mean field (RMF) model following Serot & Walecka
(1980), and implemented first for multi-species matter by Glendenning (1985), and more recently
by Knorren et al. (1995) and Schaffner & Mishustin (1996) (see the recent review by Glendenning
(1996)). A related approach is the relativistic Hartree-Fock (RHF) method that is solved with
relativistic Green’s functions (Weber & Weigel 1989, Huber at al. 1997). Balberg & Gal (1997)
demonstrated that the quantitative results of field theoretical calculations can be reproduced by
an effective potential model.
The results of these works provide a wide consensus regarding the principal features of hyperon
formation in neutron star matter. This consensus is a direct consequence of incorporating
experimental data on hypernuclei (Balberg & Gal 1997). These principal features are discussed
3.2. Estimates for Hyperon Formation in Neutron Stars
Hyperons can form in neutron star cores when the nucleon chemical potentials grow large
enough to compensate for the mass differences between nucleons and hyperons, while the threshold
for the appearance of the hyperons is tuned by their interactions. The general trend in recent
studies of neutron star matter is that hyperons begin to appear at a density of about ρB = 2ρ0,
and that by ρB ≈ 3ρ0 hyperons sustain a significant fraction of the total baryon population. An
example of the estimates for hyperon formation in neutron star matter, as found in many works, is
displayed in Fig. 1. The equilibrium compositions - relative particle fractions xi - are plotted as a
function of the baryon density, ρB. These compositions were calculated with case 2 of the effective
equation of state detailed in the appendix, which is similar to model δ = γ =
of Balberg & Gal
(1997). Figure 1a presents the equilibrium compositions for the “classic” case of nuclear matter,
nuclear matter. In particular, they estimate the potential depth of a Λ hyperon in nuclear matter
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
5 answers
Suppose the magnetic field in a region of space increases from 10−6 to 10−5 G over a period of 107 yr. To what energy would nonrelativistic electrons and protons be accelerated if they moved perpendicular to the field and suffered no collisions? How does the final energy depend on the initial energy?
Relevant answer
Statistical sum has nothing to do here -- the system is out of thermal equlibrium (no collisions over all the time of the field increase, initial velocities perpendicular to the field). This sounds like a homework problem, hence somewhat idealistic formulation, omitting mentioning how large is that region of uniform B, what happens at its boundaries, etc.
With this -- it's a fair bet that this problem was for exercizing with the first adiabatic invariant \mu= m(v_\perp)^2/(2B)=~const (when B changes slowly, compared to the gyration period). As B increases by a factor of 10, so will m(v_\perp)^2 in this setup, and this in turn is the kinetic energy of the particle (as the particles are non-relativistic). So the answer is -- the energies of electrons and protons will be ten times their initial energies.
As a check -- \omega_gyr = eB/m , gyration period =2\pi/\omega_gyr=~0.35 s at B=10^{-6} G for electrons, some 700 s for protons. These periods are short compared with the 10^7 yrs time on which B changes by an order of magnitude, hence the adiabatic invariant indeed stays nearly constant. 
Further caveats are needed if the energy becomes relativistic or if the initial velocity is so large, that gyroradius exceeds the size of the domain where the magnetic field is nearly uniform.
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
12 answers
This picture was taken through my telescope (150/1400) from Tripoli (north of Lebanon). Briefly, the story of this picture is that when I was taking arbitrary pictures of the sky with my camera which was connected to my telescope, I saw something strange -maybe never seen before- (a group of blue stars surrounded by a group of red stars, attached photos). I thought that the blue dots were “Neptune” planet, but after focusing I have deduced that my thought was false because I saw a group of blue stars surrounded by a group of red stars. I didn't recognize what I saw but I was sure that it wasn't an artifact or an out of focus picture. To identify this picture, I have asked many specialists and amateurs of astronomy for help and explanation. None of them gave me a convincing answer. Some of them told me that it was a globular cluster, others talked about planetary nebula like ring nebula or owl nebula. Many specialists asked me about the coordinates of that location (RA/DEC) but the problem is that I didn't take into consideration these parameters and I can't review it now because I don't know its exact location in the sky. Keep in mind that there were no lights in the street, the place was totally obscured. The size of these points in the picture is not their actual size but red points appear only after enlarging it many times. So, before zooming there was only blue points and after zooming red and blue stars could be seen.
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The image appears to be that of a very bright blue and out-of-focus star which is off-axis. Is your telescope a 6" (150mm) F/9 refractor with a 1400mm focal length? If so, then this explains the image since I see chromatic aberration, pure off-axis astigmatism, and some vignetting caused by one of the refractor's internal field stops (light baffles) or by the field stop of the eyepiece if the camera was attached to the telescope via eyepiece projection. I don't see any actual in-focus stars in the image since none of the small pinpoints have a valid PSF which would be produced by an in-focus star. How was the camera attached to the telescope?
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
4 answers
I am searching a listi of stellar types (F0,F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, G0, G1,G2,G3,G4,G5,,G6,G7,G8,K0,K1,K2,K3,K4,K5,K6,K7,K8,M0,M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,M7,M8) with temperature in kelvin and luminosity in solar units like these ones
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
9 answers
I have used the KOSMA, JCMT and the SAAO optical telescopes all in an effort to understand the formation of stars i.e. massive stars.
Be that it may, one thing I have been asking myself of late, is -- what is it that astronomers reality measure, it is the frequency or the wavelength of the photon?
For all I know, when I use the KOSMA telescope, the KOSMA smart receiver actually measured the frequency of the photon and converted this into a wavelength using the equation c= wavelength X frequency.
I am asking this question in connection with the controversial issue of redshift of quasars. When astronomer measure the redshift of quasars, the telescopes that they use actually measure only the frequency of the photon -- am I right to think this or am I wrong? An answer to this is important in the work I am doing on issue of the distances to quasars.
Your answers will be of great benefit to my research.
Relevant answer
Please read my answer more carefully. Then you will recognize that most of the discussion is about the fact that the equation lambda = c/f is not valid if the spectrometer is immersed in air with an index of refraction n. We then have
n lambda = c/f.
n, of course, depends on lambda. This dependence is only weak for visible light. I don't know anything about the submillimeter range in which the telescopes you mention are reported to work.
BTW, the distinction between measured and infered is not so clear as you seem it to see. In physics virtually all measurements rely to some degree on inference, some more, some less.
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
7 answers
As some of the research papers suggest that low FIP (below 10 KeV) elements get enhance by factor of 3-4 in Corona from Photosphere, while high FIP (above 10 KeV) elements don't show this characteristics.
Does this effect conclude anything about energy transfer from Photospere to Corona ?
Relevant answer
The question is most easily addressed using a multi fluid picture, in
which different atoms, electrons and ions separately reach local
equilibrium so that each is described by a number density, center of
mass momentum, and temperature. This works because particles of
similar mass tend to "relax" via collisions faster than those of
different masses. Conservation equations for mass, momentum and energy
are given by the SUM of separate equations for each species, and
coupling between different species is described by differences between
these equations (e.g. Schunck 1977). This coupling can be thought of
as "friction" between different atoms, ions, electrons. The question
of energy transport into the corona is then seen as identifying terms
essentially in the energy equation for each species, or for the total
plasma (predominantly hydrogen, protons and electrons in the Sun). We
are yet to successfully identify the precise mechanisms in the energy
equation(s) that describe coronal heating, but it appears related to
magnetic fields threading the plasma (based a wealth of data since the
1960s demonstrated this). Most models focus only on the total energy
equation. The trick with coronal heating is to transport ordered
energy into the corona and dissipate it ("friction" being a useful
concept to destroy ordered motion- such ordered motion might be bulk
flows or differences in flows between protons and electrons,
electrical currents, for example) under conditions that have very weak
dissipation (low friction) unless tiny scales can be generated.
The question of abundance differences concerns DIFFERENCES in the
multi-fluid equations. The fact that the FIP (with high FIP being >
10 eV not keV) appears important indicates that the action dictating
the abundance differences occurs in plasma where high FIP elements are
neutral, low FIP ionized. These conditions exist in the photosphere,
chromosphere (..spicules, prominences). The "friction" scales with
density. A large amount of friction (such as in the photosphere)
means that all species will tend to be strongly coupled- a single
fluid picture thus applying and abundances not changing. Thus the
photosphere is probably ruled out. Thus we look to the chromosphere to
separate elements according to FIP. Martin Laming has a model in
which the forces trying to separate different species are Alfven
waves. Myself and Hardi Peter have a review in 2000 discussing more
generally the problem of separation of species in the chromosphere.
So to answer your question, while both the coronal heating problem and
abundance issues are easily related through the multi-fluid formalism
that seems appropriate, and both depend on friction at some level or
other (friction being used both for destruction of ordered motion in
the total energy equation or in destruction of ordered motion between
different particle species), the two phenomena are of slightly
different origins and so are not necessarily coupled in a decisive
way. Only by introducing a specific model describing processes in the
governing equations can one tell if these two phenomena are really
closely coupled, or a "red herring" (false trail).
I hope this helps
Philip Judge
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
2 answers
Do you know a reference in the literature that gives straightforward conversion formulae between stellar color indices and effective temperatures for the broad range of spectral types and luminosities?
Relevant answer
Yes there are lots of papers that contain relationships between colours and effective temperatures. Some of them even try to take into account any dependence on metallicityor surface gravity. I think the calibrations are quite good for solar type stars and warmer. There are still problems and uncertainties with the temperature-colour relationships for cooler M-dwarfs.
You could look at Pecaut & Mamajek 2013, ApJS, 208, 9 which gives these relationships for main sequence and pre main sequence stars.
Or there are the older papers by Kenyon & Hartmann, 1995, ApJS, 101, 117  or perhaps Alonso et al. 1999, A&AS, 140, 261
The best way to derive these relationships is by using the colours of stars with known radii, distances, luminosities and hence effective temperatures. There are relatively few such stars, but you could look at Boyajian et al. 2012, ApJ, 746, 101 and 2012, ApJ, 757, 112 
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
8 answers
The central densities that are adopted for the initial, cold, WDs in this paper, seem to be a lot lower than those quoted in most papers on the stability of WDs near the Chandrasekhar limit. These say that non-rotating WDs become unstable at 1.39Msun but at densities of 2-3E13 kg/m^3, which seems to be an order of magnitude greater than adopted in the initial configurations here. Is there a simple explanation for this? Neglect of GR?
Relevant answer
"Would you then say that the central densities associated with Carbon ignition and gravitational collapse are not the same?"
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.
At densities we're concerned with GR is negligible and would be a secondary effect even to Coulomb corrections. And Jeffries is right that the WDs are essentially cold. I think the problem may be one of incorrect use of Chandrasekhar-mass WD in the literature. Strictly speaking, a Mch WD cannot exist, since the Chandraskhar mass is the limiting mass. All non-rotating WDs therefore must have a lower mass. When we say "Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf", we always mean "near Chandraskhar-mass white dwarf". Why don't you try it out and integrate a hydrostatic profile using TOV. Pick a central density and see what mass you get. The effect will certainly be small compared to metallicity effects (e.g. how much Ne22), Coulomb corrections to the equation of state (it's a plasma) or even non-zero temperature.
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
3 answers
To my knowledge, the vast majority of white dwarfs and neutron star (WD+NS) systems appear as unresolved (am I right?), consequently WD+NS systems would be mixed up with isolated white dwarfs because of the magnitude/color dominance of the white dwarf companion. I bet that only in the cases of pulsar behavior the neutron star might give them away. However, not every neutron star is a pulsar, so I am wondering if there is a technique to unmask all the neutron stars that belong to close binary systems as WD+NS.
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There have been a number of microlensing detections, but their candidacies as black holes are somewhat ambiguous.
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
5 answers
I'm interested in calculating the microturbulent velocity of iota Herculis (B3IV star) using the basic equation of Doppler broadening. The question is, can I modify the Doppler broadening (as indicated in the attachment) in order to include the macroturbulent velocity in the equation?
Relevant answer
The differentiation between micro- and macro-turbulence is made because the two are handled differently. Whereas micro-turbulence is included in broadening the line profile to be used in the radiation transfer solver - the macro turbulence is used only to convolve the final profile after solving the transfer equation. So the anwser is: NO!
You should not add macro turbulence at the same place as micro-turbulance.
Werner Schmutz
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
1 answer
How can I find the list of Galactic AGB stars, including their distance?
Specifically, I like to know if alpha Herculis is THE closest AGB star to the Sun.
Relevant answer
The AGB star Mira (omicron Ceti) is very likely to be closer to Earth than alpha Herculis. It is probably the nearest to Earth. Here is a paper describing a catalog of AGB stars from IRAS
The catalog itself is available at
You will have to cross-reference the IRAS numbers with SIMBAD
to determine whether Mira is indeed the nearest.
  • asked a question related to Stellar Astrophysics
5 answers
One thing is theory, but what do observations have to say about this?
Relevant answer
You mean, aside from the obvious spotty/fast ones like FK Comae? As you doubtless know, it takes time and the appropriate instrument/technique to measure. If you wish to work with a large sample of late-type giants, you'll still have to use a proxy (like additional UV flux) for B strength, because generally there isn't enough observing time available to get such measurements for a large sample.
Below is a summary table of the known direct measurements of B in cool giants collated in the 2012 review article by Ansgar Reiners;page=articlese1.html The fields don't look particularly strong, although they are present. Near-core B conditions would be correspondingly intense, of course, and if you are still interested in MHD modeling of stellar B fields, that's probably strong enough to be of interest.
In addition to the below, there was a recent astro-ph publication discussing the B field of Beta Ceti (HD 4128) in the Bulgarian AJ 18 (2012) which gives a rotation P of possibly 118 days and a B range from 0.1 to a whopping 8.2 G over the timeframe studied: Beta Ceti has been known to flare, so this is not surprising; it is a good candidate for study.
Given that only a few groups using one technique seem to be referenced in the table below, and some known magnetically active cool giants are missing, it's definitely worth expanding your search.
Table 6: Longitudinal magnetic fields or Zeeman Doppler maps from Stokes V for giants.
Star SpType <B> [G] B Range [G] Reference
Betelgeuse M2Iab 0.5 – 1.6 Aurière et al. (2010)
HD 199178 G5III 0 – 600 Petit et al. (2004)
V390 Aur G8III 5 – 15 Konstantinova-Antova et al. (2008)
Pollux K0III 0.1 – 1.4 Aurière et al. (2009)
Arcturus K1.5III 0.4 – 0.7 Sennhauser and Berdyugina (2011)
EK Boo M5III 0.1 – 0.8 Konstantinova-Antova et al. (2010)