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Speech Science - Science topic
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Questions related to Speech Science
Do you think poets know the unified word in their poems?
A general invitation to all poets. And linguists and specialists in speech science
Our first selection is from Humanities (literature (Poetry) of 35 Research Sources, that challenges Poets and Linguistic Professionals dealing with WORDs.
Most do not know the unified word; a few know it a little. If the poets realized, understood, and applied the discoveries and innovations of the unified word in their poetry, they would be among the greatest poets in the world.
We will show many examples of Poems later and analyze them using Unified words, and we will offer what is wrong with the poems and suggest changes in.
We have an entire book on Unified Word -- Research Sources to prove "the Word is Unified and Stable and considered the "Core Knowledge." All its misconceptions are masks, views, and ideas. The research sources exist in (1) Humanities, (2) Social Sciences, (3) Sharia Sciences, (4) Applied Sciences, (5) Natural Sciences, and (6) Formal Sciences.
Could colleagues provide descriptive comparisons of English to the languages named? Including consonant, vowel inventories, examination of the tonal structure of Chinese languages and so forth?
Hi all,
I would like to ask from all the experts here, in order to get the better view on the usage of cleaned signals which already removed the echo using few types of adaptive algorithms with method of AEC.(acoustic echo cancellation)
How the significance of MSE and PSNR can improve in the classification processes? Which i mean normally we evaluate using the technique of WER, Accuracy and may EER too.Is there any kind connectivity of MSE and PSNR values in terms of improving those classification metrics.?
wish to have the clarification on this.
Thanks much
I have decided to work on this topic as my thesis; however, I really do not know which sources are best and helpful to study, since I need to gain a full knowledge; then start my job.
Can anybody help me to get real time EEG signals for processing with speech applications? I need an EEG data set for normal and dumb persons.
Kindly send me stuff on,
, "a socio-psychological study of university students' attitude towards varities of English speech
Acoustic-phonetic production experiments often report relative segment durations (rather than absolute durations), mostly because relative durations are less prone to influences from speaking rate.
Typical reference units for normalization in the literature are:
1) units that contain the target segment (e.g., the syllable, the word, the phrase)
2) units that are adjacent to the target segment (e.g., sounds or words to the right or left)
3) the average phone duration in the respective phrase
Depending on the structure of the utterance and/or the nature of the target segment (e.g., phonemically long vs. short), differences across experimental conditions may appear larger or smaller (depending on whether the duration of the reference unit is negatively or positively correlated with the duration of the target).
Are there theoretical considerations that speak for (or against) one of those units of reference? Or do we need perception data in order to decide which relative measure participants are sensitive to? Should we always collect recordings in different speech rates in order to identify relative durations that are not (or least) influenced by the speaking rate manipulation?
IN speech signal processing, i am getting these two terms more and more. what are they actually?
Speech signal has both voiced and unvoiced portions, but focussing on transition occurs in the voicing portion alone, In the voicing regions the source is almost constant and transition occurs due to time varying nature of system that is source is time invariant & vocal tract system is time variant.