Science method

Spectroscopy - Science method

Spectroscopy is the theoretical and experimental study of the interaction between matter and radiated energy.
Questions related to Spectroscopy
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
5 answers
I had a lignin solution and inorder to mesure the concentration of lignin in the solution i had taken 2000µL of the solution and added 5000µL of DI water to dilute it as the absorbance was more than 1.5 . Can anyone please tell me what the resulting dilution factor is ? I usually consider 2000µL as dilution factor 1 for the measurements.
Thank you in advance :)
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Thank you for the explanation Abdelhak :)
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
EDS: energy dispersive spectroscopy
XFS: X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy
PIXE: proton induced X-ray emission
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Auger electrons are associated with EDS, XFS. For all excitation events, there is a partition between Auger electrons and fluorescent photons and depends on the absorption edge and the size of the atom.
As you increase in atomic number (Z), fluorescent yield increases and auger electrons yield decreases.
Auger electrons will be more probably at low energy, and at L-edges (L2,3 < L1). This is why you generally don't see X-ray fluorescence experiments at low energy, but it is possible to generate exceptional spectra using a silicon drift detector (SDD) and I have done many experiments to show this.
Energy dispersive (proportional counters) detectors are not generally utilized in modern XAS experiments any more.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
Both can give composition, what is the their range, error, resolution, minimum detection limit etc.
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I agree with most of what is posted at Rocky Mountain Labs, but I would say it a bit differently. There are two main areas of difference between the techniques: the excitation and the detectors.
SEM-microanalysis uses the energetic electrons of the beam of the SEM to knock out inner shell electrons from atoms in the sample. As the sample relaxes, i.e., outer shell electrons fall into the vacancies, they can result in the emission of an x-ray photon. Since a focused beam is exciting the sample, it can be used to analyze small volumes (a few um). Since electrons are interacting with the sample, there is also a lot of bremstrallung background.
XRF uses a beam of x-rays to excite the sample. Those x-rays could come from a tube or from a radioactive source. They knock out the same inner shell electrons and x-rays are produced the same way as in the SEM. However, XRF leads to a much lower background. Since detection depends on peak to background ratio, detection is much better. The XRF source is typically much more intense so count rate and detection improve. The down side is that the excitation volume is much larger. Typically the area was several mm across. New systems can reduce that to tens of um, but it is not microscopic.
Detection is a different issue. Both SEM and XRF systems can use either energy-dispersive spectroscopy (based on a Si chip) or wavelength dispersive spectroscopy (based on diffracting crystals) to analyze the x-rays. EDS tends to be cheaper than WDS. It is better suited to weaker signals (as from an SEM), but it has less energy resolution than WDS.
Therefore, it depends on your requirements.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
We are trying to build a degenerate pump probe setup to study samples with size ~ a few microns. However, the pump intensity at the detector end is still too high even with co-polarization design. Is there any other tricks in the design of optical paths or data analysis for this kind of degenerate collinear pump probe measurements for micron-sized samples?
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Have you been able to solve the problem?
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
I want to calculate the optical gap, Eg knowing UV Vis Spectroscopy was used to take the absorption values.
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Dear Nina,
From powder samples like pigments one has to record a diffuse reflection spectrum to determine the absorption spectrum in a qualitative way. In the attached ppts, you will find the details.
All the best for your research,
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
Have anyone a one table for all colorimetrical agents for UV-VIS spectroscopy?
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There is no central database that keeps track of colorimetric agents, but here is a set of international standards:
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
Following curve related to Co0.6Mn0.4Fe2O4 Magnetic nanoparticles with extra phase a-Fe2O3. I will appreciate to help me to interpretation this spectroscopy, especially the blue line.
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Dear Dr. Perez,
Thanks for your answer.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
Can I directly analyze a liquid metal-ligand sample without acid digestion in flame atomic absorption spectroscopy?
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Well... it can be done, but it is NOT easy. Your question is also somewhat ambiguous: are you trying to analyse a metal/ligand complex which is inherently liquid, or is it in solution in a solvent of some kind?
The easiest case is if it's soluble in water at such a concentration that the analyte element concentration is around 1 mg/litre (some elements need a lot more than this, a few require less). If you're working in an organic solvent, you'll need to be able to add extra air to cope with the combustion of the solvent (which means that when you switch between samples, you have to work FAST, because the flame will tend to go out: I've tried it - it's possible but NOT easy!)
Please can you be more specific about what precisely you're trying to do.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
Is analyzing soluble protein content in pollen grains using the Bradford assay and visible spectroscopy feasible? By preparing the pollen extract in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) and mixing it with the Bradford reagent, a measurable color change at 595 nm occurs, effectively quantifying the protein content in pollen.
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Do a Bradford assay as Adam mentioned, after clearing your extract by centrifugation or filtration. But for the love of god, do the A595/A465 ratio method. It has been around for over 30 years and people still do sole A595, probably right after waddling to the lab in Fred Flintstones car.
It got to be said, quantifying proteins is always a rule of thumb thing. The only true way of quantifying a protein is gravimetry, which is near impossible on an analytical scale. Depending on your protein composition (as Adam mentioned) you may end up with measured concentrations that may be off by a factor of 2 or seldomly even more. No matter whether you do A280, Bradford, BCA or any other measurement, proteins are hardly standardized.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
8 answers
In Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy results, I am trying to understand why either [a.u.] or no units are often reported for the area under the curve. Should it not be [cm^-1 * a.u.] if it is an area? Why are the [cm^-1] ignored?
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Mikko Juhani Valkonen You are absolutely right to question things. In fact, Infrared Spectroscopy is an extrem fragmented field with different communities ranging from solid state physicists to biologists with very different levels of theory. Absorbance is, e.g., something that was rarely used 40 years ago. Integrating it means frequently that you have to remove baselines, which is a highly questionable practice from a theoretical point of view...
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
Hello. We have a sample with an unknown concentration of polyphenols. We're diluting the sample in order to perform the Folin Ciocalteau method.
0.2 grams sample / 4 mL 70% methanol and 30% water = initial
200 microliters initial /800 microliters solvent = next dilution
100 microliters initial /900 microliters solvent = final dilution
We performed this several times. However, the final concentration calculated from our standard curve for each dilution was different. Additionally, all the replicates had a general (but not mathematic) trend of increasing concentrations with increasing dilutions. I was wondering where we could be going wrong in our approach and what could be causing this (assuming it's an error in our calculations).
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I cannot do much with a bad quality capture of a non-explained table. What I can see is that you have high RSD values (values above 5% are considered bad reproducibility), and considering that, the signals obtained for each dilution seem consistent to me. The dilutions and the decrese in signal are more or less proportional. Appart from the Non Diluted sample, which doesn't follow the trend. This may indicate that there is a systematical error in the dilution process.
Nevertheless, why are you using different dilutions for predicting a sample? You should simply choose the dilution whose signal lays in the middle of the linear range of your calibration. When you fix the lack of reproducibility issue, of course.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
5 answers
I am using flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (F-AAS) to determine metals in alcoholic beverages. The samples are processed with the mixture of HNO3 65% and H2O2 30% after being dealcoholized. While the other metals' results are acceptable, calcium show a worse result. The recovery of the spiked sample is bad, only 20% (sometimes it is unsignificant). Please give me some reasons to explain this phenomenon.
Thank you for all the responses.
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The poor recovery of calcium in your flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (F-AAS) analysis of alcoholic beverages after processing with a mixture of HNO3 65% and H2O2 30% could be attributed to several factors:
1-Interference from Matrix Effects: These matrix effects can lead to reduced recovery rates for calcium.
2-Chemical Reactions: Calcium can form complexes with other components present in the sample or react with the acids used during sample preparation, leading to incomplete recovery during the analysis process
3-Incomplete Sample Preparation
4-Instrumental Factors
To improve the recovery of calcium in your F-AAS analysis of alcoholic beverages, it is recommended to:
-Optimize the sample preparation method to ensure complete digestion and extraction of calcium.
-Consider using different acid mixtures or adjusting the concentrations to minimize interference and enhance calcium recovery.
-Verify the calibration and performance of the F-AAS instrument specifically for calcium analysis to ensure accurate results
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
4 answers
Can anyone advise on the best methodology for determining microplastics in urine samples using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)?
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What is the size range of your microplastic particles?
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
6 answers
In a personal letter, the student wrote me a question.
I am particularly interested in exploring the application of UV-Vis spectroscopy as a method for assessing drug solubility in oils which serves as a crucial initial step in the selection of suitable oils for nanoemulsion formulation. However, I have encountered challenges regarding the immiscibility of oils with methanol that is used as a solvant, as commonly mentioned in literature. I am hopeful that you could provide guidance or insights into the procedure involved in utilizing UV-Vis spectroscopy for this purpose.
My answer:
1. What kind of emulsion? oil/methanol or oil/methanol,water?
2. The drug is distributed between two phases and must be absorbed in the UV-Vis region. Oil should also absorb in the UV area.
3.Oil/methanol heterogeneous system. It remains so after the formation of a nanoemulsion.
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My first reaction would be to check if his oil/methanol emulsion may lead to scattering in the wavelength region he wants to use.
If so, this may well prevent any attempts at measuring anything by absorption.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
1 answer
  1. Which solvent is best to dissolve MnFe2O4 nanoparticles?
  2. To get a more accurate result for UV-vis spectroscopy?
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Hello Noor Rehman
I managed to make a suspensions of ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles, in ethanol. I tried concentration of 5 mg/mL, it gave me the behaviour I expected, but you must try less concentrated, like 1 mg/mL and 0.5 to check the result. I would say to you test what suits best for your nanoparticle, and find out if there is any solvent that harm your compound. For ZnO I could use water, but for TiO2 water was not suitable, so I used ethanol.
Best regards,
Ricardo Tadeu
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
6 answers
In my understanding, hyperspectral remote sensing data is equivalent to imaging spectroscopy. But more and more often I see the term used for point spectroscopy (field or laboratory measurements) that of course also fulfill the literal sense of the word since they have lots of spectral bands.
Some people have argued for abolishing the term altogether and only using imaging or point spectroscopy instead.
Is there a consensus on using the term?
Should we use it for
a) all reflectance measurements using many bands, or
b) only for imaging spectroscopy, or
c) not use it at all?
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Hey Henning,
I also stumbled upon that a few times. I guess the term hyperspectral does not imply any information on the technique itself.
In our publication on the topic, we therefore always used "hyperspectral imaging" to be clear about the technique.
That's why I'd answer your question with a), however, I'm happy to hear about different concepts.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
7 answers
To understand the corrosion inhibition efficiency of a coating on a metal surface, electrochemical analyses are performed. But why is the solution resistance (Rs) not the same in every experiment during the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analysis of a coated metal coupon in the same electrolyte medium? What may be the reasons?
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Thank you so much, respected Martin Otto and João Carlos Martins da Costa for your valuable responses and suggestions.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
4 answers
Dear Scienstists
Why secondary peak is found in PL spectroscopy? Does this have a physical equivalent or meaning? Can anyone who knows please answer me personally?
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Number of peaks and each wavelength position are determined by the energy structure of your materials.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
Reaction Yield= mpurified*w%/n*MPb
where mpurified is the mass of the dried quantum dots, w% is the mass
percentage of lead (28.74 %) [by inductively coupled plasma optical
emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) elemental analysis], n is the number of
CsPbBr3 quantum dot moles, and MPb is 207.
n should be the moles of Pb precursor according to "The reaction yield is assessed in terms of Pb present in the DBSA-QDs compared to the Pb precursor."
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Yield (%) = (Number of QDs obtained / Number of QDs synthesized) * 100
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
How can I analyse sweat samples from fingerprints through spectroscopy?
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Researchers in Prof. Richard Zare's laboratory have developed a fast, accurate mass spectrometry technique for distinguishing an individual's gender, age or ethnicity based on the chemical composition of sweat. This invention utilizes desorption electrospray mass spectroscopy imaging (DESI-MSI) to analyze both the fingerprint pattern and the composition of lipids and other metabolites from the sweat on the print. Next, a machine learning model (gradient boosting tree ensemble) further classifies the sample and predicts at a range of personal characteristics based on the DESI-MSI profile. Initial studies have correlated patterns of metabolites in sweat with age, gender and ethnicity. The model could be expanded to classify by medical condition or drug usage and it could be used to classify sweat samples collected alone without fingerprints. This invention could be a powerful tool to harness the enormous amount of chemical information provided by mass spectrometry for forensic or diagnostic testing.@Ruddhida Vidwans
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
1 answer
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The relationship, if you want to call it so, would be rather far-fetched. In TTS you normally investigate the tunneling of electrons, not protons. Now, in proton transfer processes the tunneling effect is a relevant subprocess, so if you model proton transfer reactions by theoretical methods, a tunneling correction to rate coefficients would be required or your calculated rates would be too slow. I haven't done such calculations myself since 2012, but even back then all the softwares I used had this option available.
The physics behind proton and electron tunneling is in both cases the quantum mechanical tunneling effect, but to my extent of knowledge that's as far as the relationship goes.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
4 answers
I will be starting working in ODMR (Optically detectable magnetic resonance) spectroscopy , i need a good book which will help me understanding ESR and EPR spectroscopies.
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"Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: Elementary Theory and Practical Applications". John A. Weil, James R. Bolton
ISBN: 9780471754961 DOI:10.1002/0470084987
Room-temperature optically detected magnetic resonance of single defects, Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 618 (2022)
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
5 answers
I am working on modifying polymer membranes with surfactants to improve their pervaporation performance. I noticed that the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the membranes decreased as the permeation increased, indicating that the polymer became more rubbery. On the other hand, the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) measurements showed that the free volume of the membranes decreased, suggesting that the polymer chains became more compact. I am wondering how these two phenomena are related and what is the role of the surfactant in this process. Does the surfactant act as a plasticizer or an antiplasticizer for the polymer? How does the surfactant affect the molecular interactions and chain mobility of the polymer? I would appreciate any insights or references on this topic. Thank you.
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Dear Amirreza Malekzadeh Dirin, Tg is decreased becauae chains interdistance is increased due to the presence of surfactant molecules. This leads to a reduction of the Cohesive Energy Density (CED) responsible for chain mobility. Note that for most intermolecular forces, the energy of interaction is 1/r^6, r being the separation distance of intercting sites. The free volume decreases because it is filled by surfactant molecules which due to their size have both ease of mobility and packing beneath chains. Yes surfactants are used as plasticizers by acting as previously explained (chains separation). My Regards
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
I just wonder how to measure the liquid crystal cell gap(Cell gap is thick.)?
I just think that I just measure the empty cell using THz-TDS, and after calculate that using time delay. ( Since the cell gap is empty and filled the air, there will be more time delay. but, I think worried FP effect....)
But, maybe It was wrong.
So, please help me...
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Thank you for your answers.
I will try to calculate.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
We want to analyze the heavy metals (Cd, Pb and Cr) in aqueous solution by using UV-VIS spectroscopy. The concentration range is 10-150ppm.
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You can use isobutyl ketone (MIBK) for copper and cadmium .
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
6 answers
I request all , to read my new paper
Determination of Crystallinity of Natural Fibers—A Study with Spectroscopy
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Ok sir, I do not repeat , I do post such requests
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
I am considering planck's equation where Intensity of emission is a function of wavelength and temperature . If we have the intensity value for a particular wavelength (determined through emission spectroscopy) for solid propellant combustion case. Then in planck's equation for grey body emissivity and temperature will be the two unknowns.
As an end result I want to determine temperature in the solid propellant combustion flame by knowing intensity of the emission emitted at a particular wavelength. But since the hot particles which are emitting that intensity in the flame are like grey bodies emissivity has to be known to find out temperature of the hot particles (grey body).
Please help me in determining the emissivity so that temperature can be determined from intensity and wavelength data. Please refer equations given in section 3.2 (Continuous Spectra) of the attached reference paper.
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Thanks so much, Ersin Sayar; the answers are helpful. I will try to adopt one of these techniques.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
4 answers
What is the advantages of Gas phase infrared spectroscopy?
Normally, the substance is naturally gas phase (such as CO2, HCl, N2, NO2, etc), then gas phase FT-IR is necessary, but what is the advantage of gas phase FT-IR in case of solid and liquid phase material?
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Infrared spectroscopy can sometimes be used for quantitative analysis, allowing for the determination of the concentration of a particular substance in a sample. This is achieved by measuring the intensity of absorption bands. Gas phase IR spectroscopy is versatile and can be applied to a wide range of samples, including gases, liquids, and solids.
The ability to analyze samples in the gas phase is particularly advantageous when dealing with volatile compounds. In gas phase IR spectroscopy, there is no interference from solvents or impurities that might be present in a sample. This contrasts with some liquid-phase techniques where the solvent absorption bands can become blended with the analyte.
Infrared spectroscopy is a non-destructive technique, meaning that it does not alter or damage the sample being analyzed. This is important when working with precious or limited quantities of a substance under review .
Gas phase IR spectroscopy is highly sensitive if the device range is pre-determined and can detect even small concentrations of molecules. This sensitivity makes it useful for analyzing trace amounts of substances in a sample and is highly selective. Different functional groups absorb infrared radiation at characteristic frequencies, allowing for the identification of specific chemical groups within a molecule. This selectivity is particularly useful in the identification of complex mixtures. The GPA is currently reviewing RAMAN laser techniques for gas analysis . ( GPA=Gas Processors Association) gas phase only !
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
6 answers
I characterized my materials by PL spectroscopy. I observed some enhancement in my emission intensity. From this data can I calculate Quantum yield? If anybody know the calculation please give the notes.
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  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
5 answers
Which journals with high impact factors can research on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy be submitted to?
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Analytica Chimica Acta 6.2 Impact Factor
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
Rather than using a UV-Vis spectroscopy instrument, is it possible to develop a camera application that can perform the same work?
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spectroscopic camera is available in market you can use but it is not so useful
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
visible spectroscopy
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First, it's ultra violet and visible light spectroscopy, not ultra visible spectroscopy because you use both light ranges.
In these ranges you excite electron systems within the molecules. These may exhibit characteristic size effects (quantum dots, pi systems in organic dyes) or splittings (ligand field theory for inorganic complexes). Apart from that, for measurements of concentrations by the Lambert-Beer law, it's very precise.
If you are looking for something else, you have to be more specific.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
4 answers
- Clay, solid sample (solid crystalline powders), can be swollen by water.
- Which kind of spectroscopy and the corresponding sample preparation?
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XPS can be okay but it still has its limitations. It is a surface senstive technique and may provide slightly different composition than the bulk material.
Mössbauer spectroscopy definitely works. However, this techniques needs a gamma-radiation source and is not available in many labs.
"- Clay, solid sample (solid crystalline powders), can be swollen by water."
What do you mean? This is a statement not a question.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
NOVA software used in Electrochemical Impedans Spectroscopy for fitting the Nyquist plot of FRA measurements.Thank you
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True Convergence means that an iterative process has reached a point where it is producing results that are stable and consistent. In other words, "true convergence" implies that the algorithm or method is effectively solving the problem it was designed for. On the other hand, "No Convergence" indicates that an iterative process or numerical method has not reached a stable or consistent solution after a certain number of iterations. In other words, the process may be oscillating or diverging, and it is not producing the desired result.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
I am currently working on a research project for developing a novel additive manufacturing system that uses selective laser melting (SLM) coupled with Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy for material characterization of lunar regolith as feedstock for 3D printing infrastructure on the lunar surface. Any data regarding how the system could be developed and integrated would be greatly appreciated.
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Madison Feehan Please do recommend my message if it was helpful
Selective Laser Melting (SLM) and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) are advanced additive manufacturing technologies used to create three-dimensional objects by selectively melting or sintering layers of material powder. These technologies have applications not only on Earth but also in space. In-space manufacturing using SLM and SLS is gaining attention due to its potential to support long-duration space missions, colonization of other planets, and sustainability in space. Here are some of the technologies being enabled for SLM/SLS manufacturing in-space:
  1. Reduced Gravity Printing: In microgravity environments like the International Space Station (ISS), traditional 3D printing can be challenging due to the absence of gravity. Researchers are developing SLM/SLS systems that can operate effectively in microgravity or reduced gravity environments. This involves addressing issues related to material flow and heat dissipation, among others.
  2. Space-Adapted Materials: The development of materials specifically designed for in-space manufacturing is crucial. These materials need to be stable in a vacuum, have good flow characteristics in microgravity, and be suitable for SLM/SLS processes. Researchers are working on developing space-adapted materials like metal alloys, ceramics, and polymers.
  3. In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU): For future lunar or Martian missions, utilizing local resources to produce parts and equipment is a key goal. In-space SLM/SLS systems may need to process lunar regolith or Martian soil to create building materials or spare parts.
  4. Autonomous Systems: Due to the vast distances between Earth and space exploration destinations, autonomous SLM/SLS systems are being developed. These systems can operate with minimal human intervention and can adapt to changing conditions in space.
  5. Radiation Protection: Space is filled with ionizing radiation that can be harmful to both humans and equipment. Researchers are working on ways to incorporate radiation shielding into 3D-printed objects. This could be crucial for long-duration missions beyond Earth's protective magnetic field.
  6. In-Orbit Manufacturing Facilities: The concept of establishing manufacturing facilities in orbit around Earth or other celestial bodies is being explored. These facilities could include SLM/SLS equipment along with other necessary infrastructure to support sustained production.
  7. Closed-Loop Recycling: Space missions have limited resources, so recycling and reusing materials are essential. SLM/SLS systems in space may need to incorporate closed-loop recycling processes to reduce waste and maximize resource utilization.
  8. Teleoperation and Remote Control: For the maintenance and operation of in-space SLM/SLS systems, astronauts or operators on Earth may need to remotely control and monitor the equipment. Teleoperation technologies are being developed for this purpose.
  9. Real-Time Monitoring and Quality Control: Ensuring the quality of 3D-printed objects in space is critical. Real-time monitoring and quality control systems are being integrated into SLM/SLS equipment to detect and correct issues during the printing process.
  10. Collaborative Robotic Systems: Collaborative robots or robotic arms can assist astronauts in setting up, maintaining, and operating SLM/SLS equipment in space. These robots can also provide additional stability in microgravity.
In-space SLM/SLS manufacturing has the potential to revolutionize space exploration by reducing the need to transport all equipment and spare parts from Earth. These technologies are still in development and will continue to evolve as space exploration efforts expand.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
1 answer
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) has been widely used by scientific researchers in the field of cancer diagnosis and treatment, using various kinds of biofluids and tissues. The technology has proven to be user-friendly, efficient, and cost-effective for analyzing human blood serum in order to distinguish between cancerous and healthy control samples.
Sala, A., Anderson, D. J., Brennan, P. M., Butler, H. J., Cameron, J. M., Jenkinson, M. D., Rinaldi, C. A., Theakstone, A. G., & Baker, M. J. (2020). Biofluid diagnostics by FTIR spectroscopy: A platform technology for cancer detection. Cancer Letters, 477, 122–130.
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When analyzing the chemical makeup of various substances, including biological samples like biofluids, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is a potent analytical method. It can be used to identify and research a number of diseases and medical conditions, including cholestasis, which is characterized by impeded liver bile flow. The liver condition cholestasis happens when the liver's natural flow of bile is obstructed or reduced. Bile is a fluid that the liver produces to help with digestion, particularly of fats in food. The rapidly developing techniques of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy offer numerous advantages for the early diagnosis, grading, and monitoring of a wide range of liver diseases. Several studies have demonstrated that, in contrast to conventional histopathological investigations, infrared imaging holds great promise for understanding disease pathogenesis. Even minute amounts of chemical compounds can be identified thanks to FTIR's high accuracy and impressively detailed spectra. This is due to the fact that, unlike conventional Infrared technologies, the transform process makes the spectrum even more detailed than simply studying individual wavelengths.
It takes knowledge of infrared microspectroscopy, sample preparation, data collection, analysis, and interpretation to use infrared spectroscopy and microspectroscopy for the diagnosis, grading, and monitoring of liver diseases. With that being mentioned, the accuracy of biofluid FTIR spectroscopy in diagnosing patients with cholestasis depends on several factors including proper sample preparation for it is crucial to obtain accurate results. Other than that, although FTIR spectroscopy can identify changes in the biochemical makeup of biofluids, doing so necessitates a thorough knowledge of the pertinent biomarkers which makes the identification of specific biomarkers associated with cholestasis critical for accurate diagnosis. Lastly, depending on the degree and stage of cholestasis, the accuracy of FTIR spectroscopy may change. Compared to early-stage or mild cases, advanced cases may be more accurately detected.
There is still much to learn about the accuracy of using FTIR spectroscopy to diagnose cholestasis, and different studies have used different protocols, tools, and data analysis techniques. When assessing the suitability of FTIR spectroscopy for diagnosing cholestasis in a specific clinical context, it is crucial to take into account the state of the field and consult with medical experts. Before such methods are widely used for medical diagnosis, regulatory approvals, and clinical validation are also required.
Biggers, A. (2018, November 13). Everything You Should Know About Cholestasis: Healthline.
Spragg, R.A. (1999). IR Spectrometers: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
I have conducted research on impedance-based humidity sensors and utilized electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to understand their mechanism. However, I have noticed that various research articles utilize a perturbation voltage amplitude ranging from 0.5 V to 1 V in measurement and EIS. I seek clarification on the rationale behind using high voltage for impedance measurement. Kindly provide guidance on this matter."
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No need to have the i-E curve. You can check the linearity by just varying the amplitude of your perturbation signal; you are in the linear domain if the impedance is independant of the amplitude.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
It is not possible to quantitatively assess the hole concentration by using the
((Tc)/(Tc_maxc) = {1 − 82.6(p − 0.16)^2 In other words, the argument of determination of holes concentration] is scientifically incorrect by above formula. the correct determination of holes concentration is from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and angle-resolved photo emission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments that multi-layered cuprate superconductors have non-uniform hole concentrations in each CuO2 plane.
Is the above statement true? Give answer in the light of above comment please.
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Thanks for your answer please explain for superconductor composites
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
How can laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy be used to detect microplastics in water?
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Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is a powerful analytical technique that can potentially be used to detect microplastics in water. Here's how it could be applied for this purpose:
1. Principle of LIBS:LIBS involves focusing a high-energy laser pulse onto a sample, which creates a microplasma or "spark" on the surface of the material. This microplasma emits light at characteristic wavelengths when the elements in the sample are vaporized and excited. By analyzing the emitted light, you can identify the elemental composition of the material.
2. Sample Preparation:For microplastics detection in water using LIBS, you would need to concentrate and collect the microplastic particles from the water sample. Filtration or centrifugation can be used to separate the microplastics from the water matrix.
3. Laser Interaction:Once the microplastic particles are collected, they can be placed on a sample holder. The high-energy laser pulse is focused on the surface of the microplastic, creating a microplasma. The vaporized material emits characteristic spectral lines that can be analyzed.
4. Spectral Analysis:The emitted light is collected and analyzed using a spectrometer. Each type of plastic can have specific elemental signatures due to the additives, pigments, or fillers used during manufacturing. These elemental signatures can be used to identify the type of plastic present in the sample.
5. Calibration and Identification:To detect microplastics, you would need to develop a calibration curve using known samples of different plastic types. By comparing the spectral lines of your unknown sample with the calibration curve, you can identify the type of plastic present.
6. Challenges and Considerations:Using LIBS for microplastics detection in water comes with challenges:
  • Microplastics can be small and may require careful handling to ensure they are properly vaporized by the laser.
  • The presence of other materials and matrix effects from the water can influence the LIBS signal.
  • Detection limits and sensitivity might vary depending on the plastic type and size.
7. Data Analysis:After analyzing the emitted light, you'll need to interpret the spectra and use the calibration curve to determine the type of microplastic present in the sample.
LIBS has the potential to provide rapid, non-destructive, and element-specific analysis, which makes it an attractive option for microplastics detection. However, its successful application depends on optimizing the experimental setup, sample preparation, calibration, and data analysis to achieve accurate and reliable results. Given the complexity of the technique, collaboration with experts in LIBS and microplastics research would be beneficial. Alwielland Q. Bello
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
I'm growing Pichia pastoris in BMGY medium currently and I'm trying to follow, how it grows, so I measure OD600. But as I expected the yeast to grow (and hence increase OD600), I diluted it more (5x instead of 2x) and the values were completely off.
I've added tables to show, what I mean. The top row shows the dilution. Then there is time at which I measured it and the actual readings of OD600. In the lower table, there are the "actual" values, calculated from the measured ones and dilution.
As you can see, the more I dilute it, the lower the value, but if I keep the dilution the same, it is somewhat reliable.
I have two suspects:
1) I added antifoam Structol SB2121 at 1%, which is quite heterogenous, so maybe it depends on how much I take it (although the trends remain, so the readings are not completely random).
2) when I let the flasks stand for a while (like preparing the tubes and pipetting), the Pichia settles down and evethough I try to mix it again, maybe it's not complete?
To make sure that it's not effect of time or different samples (although it is quite consistent across samples, as I wrote above), I diluted one sample and measured OD600. This time I used water as blank, as I was lazy to make so many blanks, but I suppose, the results would not be so much different.
The undiluted sample is obviously outlier, because of the spectrophotomere limitations, but otherwise obviously, the more it is diluted, the lower OD600 is measured. How?
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Calculated from what? Show us the graphical presentation.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
I have to perform gel electrophoresis and after that Mass Spectroscopy. Can anyone tell me where I can find MS in Pakistan?
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Lahraseb Khan Thank you
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
1 answer
I am aware that i can do that by simply multiplying it by the norm, but some reflectance are above 100 hence, the norm equation would not be applicable.
So, I measured the absolute reflection of a solar wafer using a spectroscopy, and I was planning to do the following calculations:
actual reflectance = absolute reflectance x (1 - SQRT(1 - absolute reflectance)), but if the absolute reflectance was 250, then the square root would be negative and that does not add up.
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  1. Divide the absolute reflectance by 100 to convert it to a fraction (if it's given as a percentage).
  2. Check if the obtained fraction is greater than 1. If it is, set the actual reflectance to 100% since reflectance cannot be higher than 100%.
  3. If the fraction is less than or equal to 1, then use the formula you mentioned: actual reflectance = absolute reflectance x (1 - SQRT(1 - absolute reflectance/100))
Down below is the python code for the scheme above.
import math
def calculate_actual_reflectance(absolute_reflectance):
fraction = absolute_reflectance / 100.0
if fraction > 1:
actual_reflectance = 100
actual_reflectance = absolute_reflectance * (1 - math.sqrt(1 - fraction))
return actual_reflectance
# Example usage:
absolute_reflectance = 250
actual_reflectance = calculate_actual_reflectance(absolute_reflectance)
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
5 answers
How can I transform the graph from concentration vs. absorbance to concentration vs. velocity in my research on human liver cytosol using spectroscopy to estimate the Km and Vmax values? I have absorption data at different concentrations and would like to determine the velocity values corresponding to each concentration for the purpose of creating a concentration vs. velocity graph.
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Another way to state the method is: Measure the rate of the reaction by finding the slope during the initial, linear part of the absorbance versus time plot. To do this, you must measure the absorbance at several times during the reaction.
Convert absorbance to concentration using the Beer-Lambert Law, as stated by Jürgen Weippert .
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
4 answers
Our laboratory has a PerkinElmer (model: AAnalyst 800) atomic absorption spectroscopy. Recently, the performance of the device has encountered a problem. When the circuit breaker of the device automatically turns off the air compressor, the flame also turns off, and a "No air pressure" error appears on the screen. Due to this issue, we are unable to use the device.
It should be noted that the air compressor has been checked and there is no problem associated with it.
If you can help with your guidance, it will undoubtedly be a great favor to many of our students who are having trouble doing their dissertation tests.
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This means that no enough air or gas reachs the system. This normally caused by air compressor is not working or gas regulator is not will adjusted or selinoid valve problem.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
I have experimentally measured the absorption of a liquid solution using Cary 60 UV-VIS spectroscopy. I was also able to measure transmission (T%) and reflectance (R%) from UV-Vis spectroscopy. However, T% and R% curves seem to overlap in my measurement. I was also trying to go through the literature to know how to measure T% and R% from absorption. I have found the following relations.
1. Absorbance = -Log T
2. Absorbance = -Log R (No reference)
3. Absorbance = - 1 / [log10 (1/R)] (No reference)
4. R=1-√(T×e^A) (No reference).
I was wondering which one is the correct relation between absorption and reflectance for the UV Vis spectroscopy. It would be really helpful if anyone can give me a lead.
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May be simple problem: A = 1 - T - R
This equation is used in many papers.
example "The experimental results are shown in Fig. 1a,
b, respectively. From the R and T data, it is straightforward to obtain the absorption as A = 1 − R − T , which is of practical interest since it directly affects the optical efficiency."
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
6 answers
My task is the measurement of the reflection spectrum of the surface of a semiconductor structure. I am using a Xenon lamp as the light source. I am using an Ocean Optics USB4000 spectrometer as the detector. The spectral range I am interested in is 350 - 650 nm.
1 The light from the xenon lamp is chopped at 1 kHz.
2. there is a DC component in the spectrum I am analysing - I want to remove this (unfortunately I have no control over the formation of an additional light source).
Could I ask for help/proposal for a measuring system or configuration of an optical spectrometer to analyse only the ground reflection spectrum over time (removing the DC component)?
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You will need to implement a kind of lock-in detection to remove the background. One possibility would be to use the same chopping also at the spectrometer side. If you acquire data with and without this additional chopping, a weighted difference should remove the background and provide the desired data.
The abovementioned method will work only if the light intensities are stable over the measurement time. A real lock-in detection, that does not have this drawback, would require another detector than the one installed in the spectrometer USB4000.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
1 answer
Can we use CD spectra for Interaction of G6 with NiCl2??
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What kind of interaction are you looking for? You probably will have some complex formation between nitrogen atoms of the DNA and the Nickel atoms which may replace Chloride as the ligand.
The Nickel UV-Vis is sensitive towards the coordination geometry, circular dichroism may add some chirality information to that. If that's what you're looking for, check out "Tanabe-Sugano diagrams" and associated literature.
If you want to see influences on bond strengths, infrared spectroscopy might be the tool of choice. There is also IR-CD spectroscopy, but I have never read into it.
If your Ni-DNA complex is paramagnetic, EPR spectroscopy would be an option, while if it's diamagnetic, you can do 61Ni NMR.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
I have a laser with a spectral bandwidth of 19nm and is linearly chirped. The Fourier transform limit is ~82fs assuming a Gaussian profile. I have built a pulse compressor based on the available transmission grating (1000 lines/mm, see the attachment); however, I noticed that the minimum achievable dispersion (further decrease in dispersion is limited by the distance between the grating and horizontal prism) of the compressor is greater than what is required for the optimal pulse compression supported by the optical bandwidth. Is there a way to decrease dispersion further in this setup? or Are there any other compressor configurations using single-transmission grating which might have more flexible dispersion control?
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I think it possible to use only one prizm (grating double pass scheme): you can to decrease twice the dispertion
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
The absorbance peak in the UV graph represents the electronic transition in the material when expose to light. Any material has a specific optical band gap when it must show h single peak in a UV graph but mostly graph show more than one peaks or a very broad peak. Why?
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Ferrites are materials that contain iron oxide and other metal oxides. The wide absorbance peaks observed in UV-vis spectroscopy of ferrites can be attributed to a number of factors:
  1. Crystal structure: The crystal structure of ferrites can influence the electronic transitions that occur when the material is exposed to light. For example, spinel ferrites have a cubic crystal structure that can lead to broad absorbance peaks due to the presence of multiple crystal field splitting and transitions. In addition, the presence of defects or impurities in the crystal structure can also contribute to broadening of absorbance peaks.
  2. Electronic structure: The electronic structure of ferrites can also affect the absorption spectrum. For example, the presence of transition metal ions with partially filled d orbitals can lead to a broad absorption band due to the many possible electronic transitions that can occur within these orbitals.
  3. Particle size: The particle size of ferrites can also affect the absorption spectrum. When the particle size is very small (in the range of a few nanometers), the electronic transitions can be significantly broadened due to quantum confinement effects.
  4. Stoichiometry: The stoichiometry of the ferrite can also affect the absorption spectrum. Variations in the stoichiometry can lead to the presence of impurities or defects that can broaden the absorption peaks.
Overall, the wide absorbance peaks observed in UV-vis spectroscopy of ferrites can be attributed to a combination of factors related to the crystal structure, electronic structure, particle size, and stoichiometry of the material.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
6 answers
Hello everyone,
I have EIS data collected from bacteria grown on microfluidic device.
I wish to try and fit an electrical module for my results.
However, I have multiple results (150 signals) and the data is complex and not a standard circuit.
Any recommendations on different software or packages for the analysis? I tried Z view but encounter issue with the data fitting.
Thank you all.
Relevant answer
A free version of EC-Lab can be downloaded at
ZSim and ZFit are powerful tools for learning impedance spectroscopy
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
Good morning,
I am new to plasma chemistry and emission spectroscopy and I have been looking for a defintive answer to this question for a while now.
Firstly, do the lins have to be for one Ion or species? meaning is it wrong to add, let's say, Ar II to a set of lines that are all Ar I?
Secondly, I noticed that some pepole include h*c to the denomenator of ln(wavelength*intensity/A*gk), why?
#plasmachemistry #plasmaphysics #spectroscopy #Emissionspectroscopy
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Hi, Firas Khalid!
You can find a helpfull database at
At NIST's database, it is published the parameters which permits you to calculate Te for Boltzmann or Saha-Boltzmann (more than one species) for selected emitted lines in your spectra. Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
Greetings! I was wondering if there are any individuals or groups currently working on THz imaging reconstruction algorithms using MATLAB. I am in search of THz image datasets, which are images obtained through THz time-domain spectroscopy (TDS) and terahertz pulsed imaging (TPI). Can you provide some guidance on where I can obtain these datasets?
Relevant answer
Hi Luke Peters.. Thank you so much for the reply.. Good to hear that you belong to THz Imaging domain..
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
Which wavelength to select in case of multiple peaks UV-Vis spectroscopy analysis of standard solution (e.g. Polyethylene)?
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I think you will find that polyethylene is transparent (certainly looks that way to me). So visible will not work, but it may well absorb in the short wavelength UV (which cause degradation).
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
I am trying to characterize the antibody conjugated AuNP's present in Borate buffer of pH 8 What would be the minimum amount of sample required to perform UV-VIS spectroscopy and what is the dilution factor
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Mohammad Alzeyadi thank you very much for your detailed explanation
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
I am measuring particle density of atmospheric pressure plasma.
When there is a density gradient in particles, it is common to use LIF method for measurement, but is it possible to use absorption spectroscopy with spatial resolution?
If it is possible, please give me some suggestion to be considered.
I am using a incoherent LED light (300-310 nm) as a reference light, so I am considering that an iris is necessary to create collimated light.
I apologize for my poor English. Thank you.
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Are you talking about remote measurement or you can deploy your sensor in medium?
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
How can excitonic peaks be measured through uv-vis absorption spectroscopy?
It is understood that when light energy above bandgap is applied to a material, an electron-hole pair is generated, and exciton is generated as the electron-hole pair is bound by coulombic interaction. In this case, shouldn't the excitonic peak not appear in the absorbance? Because absorption requires only the energy for which the electron-hole pair will be made and then exciton will be generated by each other's coulombic force (i.e. exciton binding energy).
I'm confused, so please help me.
Relevant answer
Although absorption and excitation spectra look (in general) quite similar they are fundamentally different terms, see for a pretty good explanation here:
So, in ‘mechanistic terms’ different the absorption and excitation spectra show high resemblance in most cases, but there are examples where they differ (somewhat):
On, C., Tanyi, E. K., Harrison, E., & Noginov, M. A. (2017). Effect of molecular concentration on spectroscopic properties of poly (methyl methacrylate) thin films doped with rhodamine 6G dye. Optical Materials Express, 7(12), 4286-4295.
So, back to your question: you can get a pretty good idea about the excitation spectrum but strictly speaking you can only obtain an excitation spectrum by using fluorescence spectroscopy.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
9 answers
Dear colleagues,
Within the frame of the postdoctoral project INFRA-ART, an integrated spectral library exclusively dedicated to artists' and cultural heritage materials has been developed. The INFRA-ART Spectral Library ( is an open-access resource that was developed to support other specialists within the heritage science field that work with XRF, infrared (ATR-FTIR), or Raman spectroscopic techniques.
The database is an ongoing compilation of spectra that contains at this moment over 1000 ATR-FTIR and XRF spectra, and a preliminary dataset of Raman spectra, linked to over 500 reference materials (paint components, artist color paints, etc.). The database is keyword searchable and an interactive spectra viewer that allows users to visualize and analyze the spectra of each sample is available.
To support universal access and the reuse of scientific data, the database follows the European Commission’s recommendation on access to scientific information as well as the FAIR Guiding Principles on research data that result from publicly funded research. Users can request access to spectral data of interest via e-mail and subsequent completion of a File Access Request Form.
We invite the cultural heritage research community and other specialists in art history, conservation, or materials science to access and share this resource. Of course, your feedback is welcome. Please share your thoughts, questions, and suggestions below or e-mail us at
Relevant answer
Well, I can't help much with the web site part, but if you want I could assemble a searchable database from your spectra, to be offered among the free databases here:
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
Hi....I need someone to guide me to do the analysis and calculations of EIS. I have did this test, however, the imaginary data points were positive and negative. Is this true or there was something wrong. Please, clarify this point for me
Relevant answer
as I already answered a similar question, I suggest you to have a look at the following, interesting and useful documents:
-Electrochemical Impedance Techniques Potentiostatic EIS by GAMRY Instruments
-Basics of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy by GAMRY Instruments
- Webinar Basics of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) by GAMRY Instruments
- What is Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)? By BioLogic
- Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) by Palmsens
- Electrochemcal Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Basics by PINEresearch
- Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy by LibreTexts ENGINEERING
Enjoy reading and my best regards, Pierluigi Traverso.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
I need to assign some FT-IR spectra of inorganic compounds in terms of their vibration modes.
Relevant answer
The KnowItAll Academic edition is no longer available. The bet resources are to go back to the literature. These are the bet resources for interpretation. The Nakamoto book is particularly good for inorganics. You can find more information on the Coblentz website.
•Larkin, P.J. Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy. Principles and Spectral Interpretation, second edition; Elsevier: Cambridge MA, 2018
•Mayo, W.M., Miller, F.A., Hannah, R.W. Course Notes on the Interpretation of Infrared and Raman Spectra: Deducing Structures of Complex Molecules, first edition; John Wiley & Sons: New York, 2004
•Nakamoto, K. Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inorganic and Coordination Compounds, Part A: Theory and Applications in Inorganic Chemistry, Part B: Applications in Coordination, Organometallic, and Bioinorganic Chemistry, fifth edition;John Wiley & Sons: New York, 1997
•Socrates, G. Infrared Characteristic Group Frequencies, second edition;John Wiley & Sons: New York, 1994
•Lin-Vien, D.; Colthup, N.B.; Fateley, W.G.; Grasselli, J.G. Infrared and Raman Characteristic Frequencies of Organic Molecules, Academic Press: San Diego, 1991
•Colthup, N.B.; Daly, L.H.; Wiberley, S.E. Introduction to Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, third edition; Academic Press: New York, 1990
•Bellamy, L.J.; The Infrared Spectra of Complex Molecules, Vol 1, third edition; Chapman and Hall: New York, 1975
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
1 answer
HI, I've started ti learn using JMRUI to analyse NMR spectroscopy signals. I completely don't know how to use AMARES quantitation or any other type of quantitation. I have to determine the concentration of metabolites in the spectrum derived from the human brain. I have watched tutorials on youtube, but during them, there are used some databases .sv type to make quantitation and I don't where can I find something like that?
I really beg for help
Best regards,
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The time domain quantification of metabolite signals was conducted using AMARES algorithm with custom prior knowledge.Metabolite concentrations were reported for tCr (creatine plus phosphocreatine), NAA (N-acetyl-aspartate), tCho (phosphocholine and glycerophosphocholine), Ins (myoinositol) and Glx (glutamate and glutamine). The AMARES prior knowledge model consisted of peaks for NAA, choline (Cho), creatine (Cr), glutamate + glutamine (Glx) and myoinositol (Ins). The amplitudes of NAA, Cho, Cr, Glx, and Ins peak were estimated by the algorithm. The relative phases of NAA, Cho, Cr, Glx, and Ins peak were fixed at 0. The linewidth of NAA was estimated by the algorithm, and the linewidths of the remaining peaks were set to be equal to that of NAA. The frequencies of NAA, Cho, Cr, Glx, and Ins peak were estimated by AMARES. All peak shapes were fixed at Lorentzian.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
I have to find the valance band edge of my sample. And it is done by UPS. If anyone knows about the availability of this technique in Indian please reply.
Relevant answer
You could ask at the Indus facility (, even if they don't have beamtime for you, they probably know people with smaller-scaled setups which would probably suffice for you.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
4 answers
If an organic molecular emitter shows multiple photoluminescence bands, what tools and techniques can one use to confirm the triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA) band?
Relevant answer
TTA emission will have a quadratic dependence on incident light intensity, where other (1 photon) types of emission will have a linear dependence.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
6 answers
Please see in the attachement,
I prepared iron thin films on ITO substrate and I measured resistance,
however the graph dont start from same point, why would something like that happend?
Relevant answer
bulk and grain boundaries contributions may collapse . Your semi-circles atre distorted.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
I would like to measure the chemical content of a gear surface to a depth of 1 mm. But there is a problem because the x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (xps) method that I will use can only reach depths of a few nano.
Is there a possible method in spectroscopy to analyse the chemical content layer by layer of a metal up to a few millimetres thick?
Relevant answer
Thank you for your suggestions.
This sample is made of steel, which if cut each layer into a new surface for measurements up to 1 mm, it will certainly affect the microstructure due to heat and cutting force.
I thought of taking a side view of the sample surface. Then shoot a beam at the surface and shift the incident beam for each layer in micrometer steps. I don't know yet if these incident rays are smaller in diameter or equal to a few micrometers in size?
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
1 answer
IR spectroscopy
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What makes you think so? The signature lines of a methylene groups are 1470, 2850 and 2925cm-1. All these areas are covered here:
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
4 answers
I am working on real-time monitoring of plant moisture content and adjusting (optimizing) the irrigation in hydroponic farms with the help of spectroscopy in order to avoid water stress.
For the reference moisture content of plant/leaf, is there any standard method that I could follow? If yes, what is the number or name of the method?
I looked into the literature and I ended up with two methods that were mostly used by the other but I couldn't find the motivation for choosing one over the other.
1) Collecting leaves, and oven drying for several hours (different papers suggested different hours but mostly 48-72h), at 105-degree celsius (while some papers used lower temperature)
Mc = ((Wc - Wd)/Wc )*100
where Mc indicates the percentage of moisture, while Wc and Wd represent the initial weight and the final constant weight of leaves, respectively.
2) Collecting leaves, and hydrating them to get turgid weight. Oven dry at 80-degree C for 24h
RWC (%) = [(W-DW) / (TW-DW)] x 100,
Where W is fresh weight, TW is turgid weight and DW is the dry weight.
Thank you in advance for your help.
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Moisture meter tests: This uses a specialized device called a moisture meter to determine the (%MC ) percentage moisture content of the material.
The pin meters use electrical resistance to measure the presence of water.
The less resistance there is to the electrical current, the more moisture there is in the plant matter.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
7 answers
I try to investigate a three layer system with EIS. For that purpose i need the right equivalent circuit of my system.
electrolyte (3,5% NaCl) + oil coating + KTL coating + steel plate
I found a lot of equivalent circuit of 2 layer systems here. Electrolyte + oil coating + steel plate. Like in picture 1.
I'm not sure how the KTL coating comes between the oil coating and the steel plate.
Picture 2 shows my current model with 3 seriel RC circuits. I think it's wrong!
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Dear Dr. Stanislav Levun ,
I am, in general, in agreement with what was said by the colleagues who preceded me.
I would just like to point out that the best equivalent circuit is not said to be the one that thickens neglect with the experimental curve but the one that best represents the "real" system we are studying.
That is, to each component of the equivalent circuit we must be able to provide an explanation regarding its presence.
My best regards, Pierluigi Traverso.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
6 answers
Can N-methyl-2-pyrollidone be used as a polar, non-protic solvent for absorption & emission studies for various compounds?
Relevant answer
As long as measurement are not in the UV (<350 nm), NMP (N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone) can be a useful solvent for optical absorption spectroscopy. We have used it with good results as a solvent for certain dyes and nanoparticles.
For emission studies, as for any solvent, always check the solvent emission background under the specific excitation and measurement conditions that you will use. Solvents may contain impurities depending on age, supplier, and history of the particular bottle used.
I recall that at a certain time, NMP was promoted as an alternative to its cousin DMF, but both are now considered harmful chemicals. Like DMF, NMP may contain traces of amines as impurities.
According to an article in Chemical&Engineering News, an alternative to NMP and DMF is being proposed: dihydrolevoglucosenone (commercial name "Cyrene"). I wonder if anyone has experience with this solvent for optical spectroscopy.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
3 answers
Hi all,
I am testing UV-vis spectrophotometer for PDMS, using "Hitachi U-3900"
My holder for solid can only get reflectance(%R) data,
Schematic of test is Figure 1,
PDMS is a very high transparent material, but its %R is very high(Figure 2), it is weird.
I think most of the light passing through the PDMS and reflected by the Aluminium oxide,
In such situation, can I convert reflectance(%R) into transmittance(%T)?
Thank you very much.
Relevant answer
Good day! Here I found brief and complex explanation on reflectance and transmittance phenomenons:
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
4 answers
In Atomic and molecular Physics, there are two notable selection rules 1) ∆l=±1and 2) ∆ml=0,±1 for a spherically symmetric potential. What is the logic behind these two rules?How do they come/derived?
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The hamiltonian of such a system, usually, has the form H=H_S+H_{SR}+H_R, H_S is the hamiltonian of an isolated molecule, H_R is the hamiltonian of the radiation field, H_{SR}=\Sum_k (S^{+}+S)(a^{+}_k+a_k), here S operators refers to the system and a_k operators refers to the k-th mode of the radiation field. To see if there is enegry transition between eigenstates |x> and |y> of H_S, you should compute <y|H_{SR}|x>. If it is zero, there is no transition of such a type between |x> and |y>.
But you should take into account that there are more ways of an molecule to interract with the environment, for example dephasing H_{SR}=\Sum_k S^{+}S(a^{+}_k+a_k)
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
I thought that selecting the wavelength of the highest emission intensity was out of question, but sometimes assesment of concentration happens on other wavelength. I guess differentt results are obtained in these cases. How does that make sense? (MP-AES)
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Yes, You should choose a line having no overlapping with other lines. In the case of overlapping results may differ.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
1 answer
We have done the Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDAX) of BiOCl, but other than this method which method is the best to determine the elemental composition of BiOCl?
Relevant answer
I should think ICP would do the job, provided you can digest your particles. Would probably work using aqua regia or just HNO3 with some HCl added.
You can get relevant information here, to start with :
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
1 answer
[This picture is from class lecture slides, unfortunately whose source (and copyright attribution) is unknown to me and also course instructor.]
(n= principal, l= subsidiary/orbital m=magnetic and s= spin quantum number)
As I came through study materials,
Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) peaks are implicitly numberd as (absolute value of) magnetic plus/minus spin quantum numbers e.g. one (1/2) for s, two for p (1/2, 3/2), three for d (1/2, 3/2, 5/2), four for f (1/2, 3/2, 5/2, 7/2); thus 1 for K, 1+2=3 for L, 1+2+3=6 for M and 1+2+3+4= 10 variants of Auger emission from N (i know 3 shells are involved in a auger with these indices unwritten often e.g. Al KLL, U MNN...)
But for X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), the peak labels implied involves (absolute value of) subsidiary plus spin quantum numbers, that is 1 for s (1/2), 2 for p (1/2, 3/2), 2 for d (3/2, 5/2), 2 for f (5/2, 7/2)
That means, no XPS with d_(1/2), f_(1/2) or f_(3/2) indices would be possible. But why is this so?
One can say, interaction of electron spin magnetic moment with subsidiary magnetic moment (the so-called LS coupling) is more important for photoelectron emission, while spin plus magnetic orbital moment is more important for auger emission. Why is this so? whatever the selection rules maybe involved, why it physically exists?
I know that LS coupling works better for lighter and JJ coupling for heavier elements. but both involes l and s; all individual l sum to L and all individual s sum to S, and this L and S precesses around net magnetic moment for LS coupling. and for JJ coupling, individual l and s combines to form individual j, all j combines to J and precesses around net magnetic moment. Nowhere I see m here in the picture
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Dear Sumit, thank you for a nice question! I suspect that the difference between 2 notations, that the first one means the energy level or shell, so, for example, K shell can consist of 2 electrons, L 8 electrons ( L1 2, L2 2 and L3 4 anD overall it’s 8)and so on, the formula is 2n^2, so you see that when we talk about about shell one talks about several electrons, for the second notations you talk always about one electron on some level, this means that spin projection can be only plus minus 0.5, therefore only d 3/2 and 3/2 exist , for 0.5 one would need and electron with spin projection 3/2, which doesn’t exist, however for shell notations it’s fine, one just takes 3 electrons. For XPS it’s more convenient to talk about one electron notation because only one electron is involved and kicked out, however for Auger effect it’s always 2 of them, hope that my answer helps you.
  • asked a question related to Spectroscopy
2 answers
i am trying to learn laser locking in Rb87 saturation absorption spectroscopy setup, while reading few papers i cam across the term "subnatural linewidth", I understand linewidth to be the FWHM of a spectrum output, what does subnatural means?