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Special Functions - Science topic

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Questions related to Special Functions
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
15 answers
What is missing is an exact definition of probability that would contain time as a dimensionless quantity woven into a 3D geometric physical space.
It should be mentioned that the current definition of probability as the relative frequency of successful trials is primitive and contains no time.
On the other hand, the quantum mechanical definition of the probability density as,
which introduces time via the system's destination time and not from its start time is of limited usefulness and leads to unnecessary complications.
It's just a sarcastic definition.
It should be mentioned that a preliminary definition of the probability function of space and time proposed in the Cairo technique led to revolutionary solutions of time-dependent partial differential equations, integration and differentiation, special functions such as the Gamma function, etc. without the use of mathematics.
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The theory of the interacting gases as the electrons in solids is still
in infancy. Many areas of physics need more development. Cosmology is still under uncertainties. Particle physics is hard, and in infancy.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
4 answers
It is well known that Painlevé transcendent have their origin in the study of special functions, which often arise as solutions of differential equations, as well as in the study of isomonodromic deformations of linear differential equations. So, What are the current research directions in the relation between Nonlinear Special Functions and Painleve equations ?
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Good question
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
3 answers
Practical applications of special functions of mathematics in the oil and gas industry and related fields, thank you
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Special functions approximations (Bessel Functions, Hypergeometric Functions, Confluent Hypergeometric Functions) can be applied to many practical applications of computer science, Physics and many industrial applications. See e.g., and the attachment.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
38 answers
Is the reciprocal of the inverse tangent $\frac{1}{\arctan x}$ a (logarithmically) completely monotonic function on the right-half line?
If $\frac{1}{\arctan x}$ is a (logarithmically) completely monotonic function on $(0,\infty)$, can one give an explicit expression of the measure $\mu(t)$ in the integral representation in the Bernstein--Widder theorem for $f(x)=\frac{1}{\arctan x}$?
These questions have been stated in details at the website
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It seems that a correct proof for this question has been announced at
Qi’s conjecture on logarithmically complete monotonicity of the reciprocal of the inverse tangent function
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
29 answers
Dear Colleagues
I need an inequality for the ratio of two Bernoulli numbers, see attached picture. Could you please help me to find it? Thank you very much.
Best regards
Feng Qi (F. Qi)
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  • asked a question related to Special Functions
14 answers
Bell polynomials of the second kind Bn,k(x1,x2,...,xn-k+1) are also called the partial Bell polynomials, where n and k are positive integers. It is known that Bn,k(1,1,...,1) equals Stirling numbers of the second kind S(n,k).
What are the values of the special Bell polynomials of the second kind Bn,k(0,1,0,1,0,1,0,...) and Bn,k(1,0,1,0,1,0,...)? Where can I find answers to Bn,k(0,1,0,1,0,1,0,...) and Bn,k(1,0,1,0,1,0,...)? Do they exist somewhere?
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The following formally published papers are related to this question:
[1] Feng Qi and Bai-Ni Guo, Explicit formulas for special values of the Bell polynomials of the second kind and for the Euler numbers and polynomials, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 14 (2017), no. 3, Article 140, 14 pages; available online at
[2] Feng Qi, Da-Wei Niu, Dongkyu Lim, and Yong-Hong Yao, Special values of the Bell polynomials of the second kind for some sequences and functions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 491 (2020), no. 2, Paper No. 124382, 31 pages; available online at
[3] Feng Qi, Da-Wei Niu, Dongkyu Lim, and Bai-Ni Guo, Closed formulas and identities for the Bell polynomials and falling factorials, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 15 (2020), no. 1, 163--174; available online at
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
15 answers
The Riemann zeta function or Euler–Riemann zeta hypothesis is the more challenging and unsolved problem in mathematics. What's the applications in physics and science engineering ? Some research advances to solve it ?
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By trying to answer your question I found the following reference with many examples on how the zeta functions (the reference doesn´t call it Riemann z functions) are all related in a natural way to eigenvalues of specific boundary value problems.
In statistical physics Z Riemann function is found in:
  1. Deriving the Stefan–Boltzmann law from Planck's law is a very simple application in Black body radiation. (see the reference below, the same chapter, pp 186)
  2. Sommerfeld expansion to calculate the thermodynamical properties of normal metals. The entropy, energy & specific heat for a degenerate electron gas. Please, for details of the calculation check: L. Landau and E. Lifshitz, Vol. 6, Statistical Physics, Pergamon 1980, Part I, chapter VI---Solids, #67 pp. 168-171.
  3. Bose-Einstein condesante calculations (transition temperature and so on) pp. 180-181 of the same reference. All thermodymical properties of bose gases.
  4. Many other applications, see fox example any classical text on math methods for phys.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
3 answers
I am looking for compact formula for approximation of Mittag Lefller function.
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See the attached file of Prof. J. C. Prajapati.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
3 answers
Please give me a hint on how to do that. By which tool? By which website?
Thanks a million
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Hi! Ok I got it. First, You need to find the most phylogenetically similar organism group to your organism.
Try to search your gene of interest on ncbi database. Than blast it to find similar organisms. This will help you.
Good luck.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
15 answers
Greeting to all
I have one integration, I tried with it many times, so I need your help and feedback, please.
f(x)= integration from 0 to infinity {[x3 cos(ax)]\[expx-1]}
- the first one, I used the integration by part
but the problem with the 0-> infinity .
- the second one, I use the some Special function like ψ(x), function
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5. 1/[exp(x) - 1] = exp(-x) + exp(-2x) + ...
Regards, Joachim Domsta
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
5 answers
What are the specialized functions of the right and left hemispheres of the human brain?
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The theory is that people are either left-brained or right-brained, meaning that one side of their brain is dominant. If you're mostly analytical and methodical in your thinking, you're said to be left-brained. If you tend to be more creative or artistic, you're thought to be right-brained.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
3 answers
Dear researchers , I'm a student in Master 1 (EDP) , and am a beginner in research , I have one international paper entitled " A new special function and it's application in probability " , I want people here to Give me comments to improve that research for the futur contribution in mathematics ? , Now I want theorist in probability and numerical analyis to give us any constrictive opinion about that research in all needed sides , For checking that paper via the journal webpage , just to check this link , Thanks som much for any comments or any kind of help.
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If you have developed a new probability density function, this first suggests that you have taken into account a new phenomenon that needs to be estimated and that is not adaptable to classical probability laws.
If so, how would it facilitate a way of life, phenomena that are difficult to measure with certainty in the present, and that merits the trouble of evaluating its chances of being realized?
Or, what information or role does it assume in other disciplines: in medicine, physics, statistics, demography, risks, etc.?
Science is a kind of molecule, that is to say, which attaches, although it is specific, to other external notions. In this case, how to adapt this theory in others to facilitate its application in the real world.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
1 answer
In my profile are my co-authors Anastasiia Garanina and Anastasiia S. Garanina. But this is the same person. I know that there are twins of my profile (R. Uzbekov, R. E. Uzbekov, Rustem E. Uzbekov, Rustem Uzbekov) because the names of the authors are written differently in different journals. In a similar database of the Moscow University “ISTINA” for this there is a special function “profile merging”. Is it possible to make a similar function for ReceachGate?
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Usually such "duplicate" profiles are claimed by nobody. When you are logged in and open such an unclaimed profile, the Research Gate robot asks "is it your profile?", and then you can add it to your main profile just by clicking "yes". If this is not the case, some solutions are proposed here:
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
2 answers
Suppose I take a simple exponential function of decrease with respect to velocity. i.e. exp -(alpha* mod(velocity)). How can I find alpha? Is there a way to find it numerically?
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Did you conduct an experimental research?
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
9 answers
I need to make a relatively quick calculation of confluent Heun function (It is HeunC in Maplesoft Maple notation) values with different parameters in different points. I understand that it is possible to solve a Heun equation numerically, but that way seems not to be effective.
Of course, it is possible to use, e.g. Maple, for numerical procedure realization I need this in my study, but applying some series expansion or hypergeometric functions is more preferable.
So, I would appreciate simple (because I'm not a pure mathematician) information about series expansions of the Heun confluent function, its expression by hypergeometrics or any other known functions which are available to realize the numerical calculation.
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If you have a series expansion valid for |z| <1, you can try to sum it via extrapolation methods for |z| >1, e.g. Levin-type algorithms, Borel, ...
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
2 answers
Can Special Function approach be used in painleve analysis for dicrete and utra-discrete cases??
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Thanks Sir|||
These links which you have sent are really very useful.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
3 answers
Similar to Matlab xlswrite(filename,A), what is the function name in Scilab to write on a new excel file ? I tried searching, but couldn't find out. There was only write_csv available.
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Hello Praveen,
Scilab has the opportunity with xls_read and xls_open to import files from excel. By using write_csv you are able to write data in a an excel file.
With best regards,
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
5 answers
Is it a variant of Vandermonde convolution formula for falling factorials? What is the answer? See the picture.
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See the picture uploaded here.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
1 answer
DOC in water has special function and role in metal polluants cycle. I will need to sample DOC concentration and also need to analysis DOC fluorescence. 
My question is, is it enough to just take one sample for both analysis? for the DOC concentration analysis, I usually put acid to conditionnante the sample, does this action (add acid) will affect DOC fluorescence analysis ?
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For people who is interested in this question, I have used 250 mL amber glass bottle to simple water, no adding acid for conservation, but need to put in cool temperature as 4 oC for short period storage. (about 1 week).
The 250 mL will be sufficient for both [COD] and COD fluorescence analysis.
The fluorescence analysis should be performed in at least 1 week after sampling, the [COD] could attain at least 2 or 3 weeks.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
10 answers
Can one explicitly compute the Laplace transform of a function involving the reciprocal of the gamma function? See the picture for the Laplace transform. Thank you very much.
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Fine, well done. I should need some time to derive them and look for similarities with the previous one, sometimes that helps but it is not (similarity in form, or resemblance), a guarantee at all that it will lead you to similar solution, or any.
If I remember some trick or get a better idea, I'll write you.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
2 answers
HI everybody! Looking for an expert who is specialized in the functionalization of cellulose nanocrystals with proteins and/or polysaccharides. Is there anyone who would like to share his/her experience? I would be very grateful if you could help (article, drawback, etc.) 
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Hi Linda,
Are you still looking for relevant research ideas for CNC functionalization.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
18 answers
Is the series in the picture convergent? If it is convergent, what is the sum of the series?
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Dear Joachim,
you've right. Just ignore the first part of my answer. May be the double series calculation will lead to some result.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
45 answers
Dear All
Happy New Year.
Can one verify an identity involving factorials? For details, please see the picture uploaded with this message.
Best regards
Feng Qi (F. Qi)
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Dear all,
I thank Prof. Feng Qi for bringing his problem to our attention, as well as all those who have spoken so as to maintain good citation practices between us in the research community.
Having read all your comments as well as Qi and Guo's preprint, I think it would be fair to me if the authors just made a remark that I suggested an alternative proof based on Gosper's algorithm.
To speak a bit of my motivation in answering Prof. Qi's original question, I immediately realized that it could be an application of the method developed by Gosper in his 1978 article "Decision procedure for indefinite hypergeometric summation". This article can be obtained there (also as a pdf file):
By the way, equation (3.4) in the preprint, which provides a sum of the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind equal to n (2x)2n, can be obtained by an extension of Gosper's algorithm that was developed in the 1990s.
Best regards,
Frédéric Chyzak
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
5 answers
What is the name of this continued fraction? How can I express it? How can I compute it? Could you please recommend me some related references? Thank a lot in advance.
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1. Математический анализ (функции, пределы, ряды, цепные дроби)/ Под ред.
Люстерника Л.А. и Янпольского А.Р. М.: Гос. изд-во физ.-мат. литературы, 1961.
2. Математический анализ. Вычисление элементарных функций/ Под ред.
Люстерника Л.А. и Янпольского А.Р. М.: Физматгиз, 1963.
3. Справочник по специальным функциям с формулами, графиками и таблицами / Под ред. М.
Абрамовица и И. Стиган /пер. с англ. под ред. В.А. Диткина и Л.Н. Кармазиной М.: Наука,1979, 832 стр. с илл.
4. Хованский А.Н. Приложение цепных дробей и их обобщений к вопросам
приближённого анализа. М.: Гостехиздат, 1956., 204 с.
5. Гладковский С.Н. Анализ условно-периодических цепных дробей. Часть 1. 2-е изд.Незлобная: 2009 г., – 138 с.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
12 answers
I remember that there exists a list of papers for the gamma function on internet, but now I can not find it. In my memory, the list was collected by a mathematician from a country, such as Romania and Croatia, in the East Europe. As you know, there are so many papers for the gamma function that no one can collect all of them. Therefore, the list I am finding is very dear for me. Can you help me find such a list? Anyway, appreciate your kind help!
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Dear Dr. Kwara Nantomah
Thank a lot for your information. The file by Sandor is just what I meant. The file by Merkle is a new one for me.
In my opinion, these two files should be updated timely. However, their updating is not easy. For their updating, I would like to supply a website where over 130 formally-published papers on the gamma function are listed there. The website is as follows: 
Wish my list of papers on the gamma function is useful for some mathematicians.
Best reagrds
Feng Qi (F. Qi)
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
15 answers
What are completely monotonic functions on an interval $I$? See the picture 1.png
What is the Bernstein-Widder theorem for completely monotonic functions on the infinite interval $I=(0,\infty)$? See the picture 1.png
My question is: is there an anology on the finite interval $I=(a,b)$ of the Bernstein-Widder theorem for completely monotonic functions on the infinite interval $I=(0,\infty)$? In other words, if $f(x)$ is a completely monotonic function on the finite interval $I=(a,b)$, is there an integral representation like (1.2) in the picture 1.png for the completely monotonic function $f(x)$ on the finite interval $(a,b)$?
The answer to this question is very important for me. Anyway, thank everybody who would provide answers and who would pay attention on this question.
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The formula (1.2) for completely monotonic function on an interval is not valid. For example, f(t) = e-t - e-1 is completely monotonic on [0, 1] with f(1) = 0, and the latter property is impossible for a non-zero function satisfying the integral representation (1.2). In order to have (1.2) you need a function that has completely monotonic extension on the semi-axes (0, \infty). There is really a lot of information about absolutely monotonic / completely monotonic functions in the original Bernstein's paper
S. N. Bernstein (1928). "Sur les fonctions absolument monotones". Acta Mathematica 52: 1–66. doi:10.1007/BF02592679
Maybe some of this information can be of use for you. S. N. Bernstein is one of the most famous mathematicians from my University, and it is always a pleasure for me to mention his works: they contain much more material than the textbooks citing his results.
All the best, Vladimir Kadets
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
6 answers
Dear all
What and where is the formula for higher derivatives of a product of many functions? In other words, how to compute higher derivatives of a product of $n$ functions? Concretely speaking, what is the answer (a general formula) to
\frac{d^m}{d x^m}\left[\prod_{k=1}^n f_k(x)\right]=?
where $m,n\in\mathbb{N}$. Could you please show me a reference containing the answer? Thank a lot!
Best regards
Feng Qi (F. Qi)
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Dear Feng Qi, you can find it on:
Best regards, Viera
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
12 answers
Dear all, please does anyone know this products of hypergeomtric functions 2F1(-n,c;d;a*z)*2F1(-m,e;f;b*z) ; with n and m non-negative integers. How to get the simple form ?
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You can find this formula (and similar one) in
Higher Transcendental Functions, Vol. 1
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
3 answers
For compiling molecular information that all a plant cell needs to trigger its growth differently then the surrounding cells. e.g. Megaspore Mother Cell (MMC) and trichome are the cells which shows enlargement over other cells.
So please indicate about the types of cells in a plant body and the molecular triggers behind their enlargement to perform specialized function.
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un/less differentiated or cells decide to elongate/differentiate into specific cell type, based to positional signals obtained from already differentiated cells. This can be found in many good reviews on plant stem cells and differentiation.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
2 answers
Say for a given a function f, there are functions h and g satisfying h leq f leq g. What do we call h and g? I've used upper and lower bounds, which is incorrect. I reckon g could be called a dominant. What is h?
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I hope your function is from R-->R. What is the meaning of h <=f <= g? Do you mean, h(x)<=f(x)<=g(x) for all x?
h can be called as subordinate of f, or f is a dominant of h.
Karunakaran (Complex Analysis book Author) uses the word, super-ordinate and subordinate for g and h respectively.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
4 answers
Related with new area of research.
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Thanks Sheng
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
1 answer
p-adic gamma funcitons
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  • asked a question related to Special Functions
11 answers
Lambert function has been proposed by Jean-Henri Lambert, some times called Omegat function (W).
the equation can be written as following:
 xexp(x) = z  this means that x= W0(z)
So the question is , how can I compute W0?
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Dear Mykola Kozlenko:
The doc is interesting, thank you So much  for your contributions.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
17 answers
Since last 15 years, I am working on Special Functions and their applications. Recently, number of applications of special functions found in many fields. Now, I am interested in extensions of special functions?  Those are interested please contact to me at <
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Dear Prof. Agarwal
I am interested in fractional extensions of some special functions specially orthogonal polynomials, also I do research in generalisations of Mittag-Leffler functions and applications to fractional calculus operators
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
4 answers
My question is how can I evaluate a discrete metaheuristic using a benchmack mathematical functions. in other words, the concerned metaheuristic handel a discrete solutions xi with D dimensions where each dimension can have discrete values (or either binary 0 or 1).
How can this metaheuritics be evaluated using the existing mathematical functions that have a continous inputs ?
In the case of a binary discrete values is their a special functions for that ?
Thank you very much.
Best regards.
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It may be useful to use "log sigmoid" function to convert continuous variable to discrete variable.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
11 answers
I am working on pulsatile flow of blood in an artery with slightly elliptic cross section and landed up with Mathieu Functions. The computational complexity of dealing with continued fractions and recurrence relations poses a great threat.  There are some classical work on these lines way back in 1950's but due to poor computational facility at that time, the authors have just provided mathematical solutions without carrying out any computational work to understand the flow characteristics.  Any comments on this? References?
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Continued fractions and branched continued fractions are objects of my research. Write please more detail your problems. I will help you with pleasure
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
19 answers
How do I calculate this integral in terms of Bessel functions? 
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 Hi, dear colleague!
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
25 answers
I would like to prove that the following real integral
$$I_t(x)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{-\frac{\cosh^2(u)}{2x}}\,e^{-\frac{u^2}{2 t}}\,\cos\left(\frac{\pi\,u}{2t }\right)\,\cosh(u)\,du$$
(with x,t>0 ) is non negative, that is, $I_t(x)\geq 0$. The main problem appear with the oscillatory term 
\cos\left(\frac{\pi\,u}{2t }\right)
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Let me return to my remark "Showing that the primary positive region integrates to a larger in magnitude value than the secondary negative to its left (the one from u between -3*t and -t) is done the same way." Actually I'll do that one slightly differently.
The positive part of the integrand, from u=-t to +t, is everywhere greater than exp(-t/2)*exp(-1/(2*t)*(u-t)^2)*cos(pi*u/(2*t))*(exp(-x*cosh(t)^2) (note the cosh(t) replacing cosh(u) in the last exponential factor). The negative part is everywhere less than that same. The cosine factors are the same up to sign and the other decaying factor, exp(-1/(2*t)*(u-t)^2), is strictly smaller in the region where -3*t<=u<=-t than it is for -t<u<=t.
One could instead write this as a difference, integrated over just a half period, and show the suitably modified integrand is strictly positive (akin to what i did for showing the principal positive region -t<u<t contributes more than the principal negative term from t<u<3*t). That gets a bit messier than the approach above though.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
3 answers
It will be used where normal overcurrent relay cannot be set properly. 
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Over load current, and fault current discrimination can be done more accuratly and precisely by using these type of relays between phase to neutral (R,Y,B) and neutral to ground connection, for large machines, equipments and power systems.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
4 answers
With the help of physical applications, we will develop more and more properties of these useful functions.
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There is a HUGE amount of applications- which ones precisely depends on the area. Just to name a few classical references:
- R. Courant, D. Hilbert: Methods of Mathematical Physics
- F. Oberhettinger, W. Magnus:  Anwendung der elliptischen Funktionen in Physik und Technik. (German)
- A. Wawrzynczyk, Group representations and special functions.
- N. Vilenkin, A. Klimyk,  Representations of Lie groups and special functions,
3 volumes.
The literature on precise applications ranging from geodesy to electrodynamics, computer tomography and acoustics is so vast, that it can barely be overseen.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
35 answers
It is well known that the secant $\sec z$ may be expanded at $z=0$ into the power series
\sec z=\sum_{n=0}^\infty(-1)^nE_{2n}\frac{z^{2n}}{(2n)!}
for $|z|<\frac\pi2$, where $E_n$ for $n\ge0$ stand for the Euler numbers which are integers and may be defined by
\frac{2e^z}{e^{2z}+1}=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{E_n}{n!}z^n =\sum_{n=0}^\infty E_{2n}\frac{z^{2n}}{(2n)!}, \quad |z|<\pi.
What is the power series expansion at $0$ of the secant to the power of $3$? In other words, what are coefficients in the following power series?
\sec^3z=\sum_{n=0}^\infty A_{2n}\frac{z^{2n}}{(2n)!}, \quad |z|<\frac\pi2.
It is clear that the secant to the third power $\sec^3z$ is even on the interval $\bigl(-\frac\pi2,\frac\pi2\bigr)$.
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Dear Dr. Feng,
Take a look at:
Ghislain R. Franssens, On a Number Pyramid Related to the Binomial, Deleham, Eulerian, MacMahon and Stirling number triangles, Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 9 (2006), Article 06.4.1
in particular section: 7.1 Multinomial Euler numbers
The results in section 7.1 are for powers of sech, so you'll need to substitute t -> it.
The above paper is freely available from the Journal's website, and also from my ResearchGate pages.
Best wishes,
Ghislain Franssens
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
8 answers
The logarithmic concavity must be used in the required result.
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This problem is still kept open.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
2 answers
I am asking for a combinatorial interpretation of a formula for Bell numbers in terms of Kummer confluent hypergeometric functions and Stirling numbers of the second kind. See the formula (8) and Theorem 1 in the attached PDF file or Could you please help me? Thank a lot.
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Yes, th formula (8) is not the only such formula. Some mathematician asked me to provide a combinatorial interpretation, but I do not know the combinatorial meanings of the formula (8). I think that "the formula (8) just represents one more expression for those numbers, using Kummer confluent hypergeometric function" may be not a combinatorial interpretation of the formula (8).
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
1 answer
Modified Bessel function of first kind and second kind of order n with complex argument a+ib are denoted by I[n, a+ib] and K[n, a+ib] respectively. How can these functions I[n, a+ib] and K[n, a+ib] be expressed in real and imaginary parts separately ?
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in Google the following paper is given
Calculation of the Modified Bessel Functions of
the Second Kind with Complex Argument
By Fr. Mechel
and another paper
Computer Physics Communications 47 (1987) 245—257
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
2 answers
Just as that we make use of the Gaussian function for infinite dimensionals.
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This is misleading. There is all the difference in the world between the heat equation and the Schrodinger equations, since one is dissipative, the other is oscillatory.
Formally, one can replace the real time variable t by it, and this can be justified in some settings as "Wick rotation". Moreover, the variable which you are regarding as "time", in the theta function, is the modular parameter, which takes its values in the upper half of the complex plane. It can be purely imaginary, but it cannot be real.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
10 answers
Approximation of t distribution is essential for finding the p-value in a computer program (while testing the hypothesis about the means). Is it enough to have three decimal point accuracy of the approximation? How many decimals should be correctly approximated by a function? Finally, how to approximate the cdf of t-distribution efficiently? Please suggest some thoughts on the same. Thank you.
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"Every probability and statistics class explains that the Student-t distribution is approximately normal, and everybody says the approximation is good when ν, the number of degrees of freedom in the t distribution, is 30 or larger."
J. Cook takes a closer examination :
This page looks a little more carefully into the error in this approximation.
otherwise, the following reference
shows that the saddlepoint expansion is valid without any moment restriction and concludes :
The Student’s t-statistic is one of the most commonly used statistics in inference. We have derived a saddlepoint approximation for the Student’s t-statistic under no moment condition. The key results are summarized as follows.
1. The saddlepoint approximation provides extremely accurate approximations to the distribution of the Student’s t-statistic. The approximation is particularly useful in calculating small probabilities in the tail areas, which are often of great interest in practice.
2. The saddlepoint approximation holds under no moment condition. This makes the application of the saddlepoint approximation very broad. This is significant for the user since one can use the approximation without having to worry about whether or not the result is valid.
3. The Student’s t-statistic is very robust against possible outliers.
For those reasons, the saddlepoint approximation of the Student’s t-statistic should always be used in practice whenever possible.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
24 answers
_2F_1(a,b;c;z) is the Gauss hypergeometric function.
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Dear Mykola,
finally, some concrete result. Both real and imaginary part of 2F1 i have expressed via the Horn H_4 function (see part D of the PDF). However, it is a double-series as well, but I think that is is the floor. I don't know about some in-built calculation routine for Horn functions.
Kind regards,
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
10 answers
It is known that Legendre and Chebyshev have contributions in the field.
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Classical orthogonal polynomials appeared in the early 19th century in the works of Adrien-Marie Legendre, who introduced the Legendre polynomials. In the late 19th century, the study of continued fractions by P.L. Chebyshev and then A.A. Markov and T.J. Stieltjes led to the general notion of orthogonal polynomials.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
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Li_2 is the dilogarithm function of complex argument.
I tried everything I could by using Sec. 5 of Lewin's book, but failed to find an answer.
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Dear Mikola.
I don't think your expression can be evaluated in closed form.
You can write z= I/(2i+x) in trigonometric form z= re^(i a) and get representation using Euler formula: Re[ Li_2(z)] = Sum_{k=1}^{\infty}r^k cos(k a)/k^2
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
7 answers
I need to find the Fourier transform of displaced airy function.
The function is ψn(ξ) = Nn Ai (ξ − ξn), where ξ=x/x0 x0=(1/2)^1/3, and ξn = 3π/2*(n − 1/4) 2/3. Nn is normalization constant.
I need to find its Fourier transform in momentum basis. I need to plot that out on mathematica, but didn't get the correct results. Do I need to confirm the Fourier transform?
I used the Fourier shift theorem and found the answer as
ψn(p) = Nn*x0/sqrt(2Pi) Exp(i((p*x0)^3-(p*x0*ξn))
Is it a correct Fourier?
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If you Fourier transform the 2nd degree differential equation (in x) for the Airy function you will arrive at a linear equation in p and can check the correctness of your solution.
  • asked a question related to Special Functions
15 answers
Can someone could help me with following question? I need to prove the following bound:
- 2 \int_{-1}^1 |p_{n}(s)|^2 T_n(s) ds \le c \it_{-1}^1 |p_n(s)|^2 ds
with c<1 independent of $n$. (Note the "-" sign in the integral). Here, T_n is Chebyshev polynomial of first kind with p_n either
a) polynomials of degree n-2,
b) polynomials of degree n vanishing at -1,1
c) p_n=(1-s^2)^{1/2}q_{n-2} with q_{n-2} a polynomial of degree n-2
I've checked this bound numerically using a simple code in Matlab (it can be reduced to compute the algebraically largest eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix), up to degree 2500 and that I've observed:
a) c=0.71
b) c=0.83
c) c=0
I've sought for more information in the literature, but I'm not an expert in special functions. Can anyone help?
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Your problem is equivalent to finding a bound on the expected value of T when the probability function used is given by {|p_{n}(s)|^2}\over{ \it_{-1}^1 |p_n(s)|^2 ds}. Since you required that c is independent of n, the best bound you can hope for is the worst case over all possible values of n. Since your classes of p(s) are very flexible, for large enough n, you can get arbitrarily close to a delta function at any point on the [-1,1] interval and can therefore "choose" any value of T. Thus the expected value can be any number on the interval (-1,1). This is an intuitive argument - one would have to prove that you can approximate a delta function with these classes of functions.