Science topics: Spatial Economics
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Spatial Economics - Science topic
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Questions related to Spatial Economics
I'm considering topics for a PhD dissertation in Economics and I've considered the topic of rural exodus and its relationship with public policy and urban planning as a recommendation by my director. However, while I find it interesting, I am not familiar with the literature. Where should I start?
I'm reading Fujita, Krugman, and Venables's book (The Spatial Economy). It isn't an easy task, but I'm enjoying it. My only concern is that this book is from 2001. Is it still current? Are there better references?
What is the difference between (entrepreneurial) clusters and ecosystems? Is the cluster just an element of the ecosystem? Is it correct to interpret clusters as geographical agglomeration of various players, while ecosystem can be viewed as clusters + shared vision and alliances that cross geographical boundaries?
Dear colleagues! I would like to evaluate how polarized is the socio-economic space of a region with regard to certain statistical datasets (e.g. household income, quality of housing, toxic emissions etc.) for all the municipalities of that region. Also it would be useful to find out how did polarization change through years and what are the estimates of its future level (degree). What indices do I best use in that case?
I'm seeking to estimate a simultaneous equation model (perferably with ML/GMM and not 3SLS). But my data exhibits spatial dependencies that have to be controlled for, e.g. by using a spatial error specification. Does anyone know of a package that does this, for either R, Matlab or STATA? I've googled for a while and couldn't find anything, but would rather not code it myself. So if anyone knows of a package that does this (or a trick on how you could use the built-in SEM fuctions of these softwares), I would be very grateful.
Best regards,
I have used satellite images from NOAA (DMSP-OLS) to monitor and compare the distribution of luminosity of areas over time, e.g. urbanisation, peri-urban zones, borders etc. For me it is still the experimantal phase. For that purpose I have found the software ImageJ quite useful, particularly image correlation and - for urban development - analysis with concentric circles where one can also import the pixel data of the different circles into stata for further statistical analysis, e.g. Moran-I analysis. I would just like to learn and exchange. To my knowledge analysis of night satellite images have been so far only used to proxy missing income or population data in developing countries. Thanks in advance!
in order to improve the green open space and having a sufficient Fund that can be collect by different methods i.e. rent property which increase the land value
I am looking for examples or case studies of residential economies (economy which is dependent on residents) in sense of Davezies (2008)
Conceptualizing the spatial organization of defense production shares common element with "health production" (such as growing cost of infrastructures, optimal coverage of space, etc.). Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
I have panel data of 200 regions over 20 years. My goal is to estimate a dynamic spatial (space-time) panel model. I would like to employ an extension of model used in Debarsy/Ertur/LeSage (2009): “Interpreting dynamic space-time panel data models” and in Parent/LeSage: “Spatial dynamic panel data models with random effects,” Regional Science & Urban Economics. 2012, Volume 42, Issue 4, pp. 727-738. See the attached word-file for more information (formulas).
I got three questions:
1.) Is it possible to add lagged exogenous covariates?
Referring to Anselin (2008) in “The Econometric of Panel Data (page: 647)” this would result in an identification problem, since Y_t-1 already includes X_t-1.
2.) I want to use a “twoways” (region and year) fixed effects specification instead of a random effects. Does that lead to any complications?
In my view, it should be possible to de-mean the data first and then apply the MCMC sampler in usual fashion. Is that correct?
3.) As a last step, I try to add a non-dynamic spatial error term (SAR). Note that the spatial weights (row-stand.) are different for the spatial lag (durbin-part) and spatial error. Is that possible?
The classical notion of rationality in urban and regional economics has to be modified in view of the psychological experiments in behavioral economics.
Scientists have come to observe that the hexagon is the optimal geometric shape for packing within limited spaces. Has there been work done in a likewise manner on urban agglomeration?
I'm looking for tutorials to start spatial econometrics. It would be fine to find a tutorial with simple examples or exercices. Thanks.