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Space Technology - Science topic

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Questions related to Space Technology
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
1 answer
Upcoming Events "CONFERENCES" in Berlin, Germany |October 24-26 2025.
Global Meet & Expo on Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Technology (GMEAAS2025):
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Upcoming Events 'CONFERENCES' in London, UK | April 07-09, 2025. ANE Global Meet and Expo on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Cosmology.
If you want to participate virtually, you can contact the manager by email to guide you.
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
3 answers
The ESA Euclid telescope launched July 1, 2023 to study dark energy and dark matter in space.
NASA’s Roman Space Telescope is designed to study dark energy , matter, exoplanets, and infrared astrophysics.
Are there others?
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The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, formerly named the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), is set to launch in the mid-2020s with the primary goal of studying dark energy. Additionally, the European Space Agency's Euclid mission is another telescope working to explore both dark energy and dark matter. These missions represent ongoing efforts to deepen our understanding of these cosmic mysteries
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
8 answers
What relevant science missions, that can be designed in cis-lunar space to get relevant science data not available but needed by the space science community?
Especially, taking nature of orbits around liberation points in consideration.
If possible, a narrowed down list of science instruments that can be deployed aboard a spacecraft would be great.
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It would be interesting to see, how an artificial "Kordilewsky"-satellite serves in exploration of the vicinity of the L4 and L5 libration regions of the Earth-Moon system.
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
4 answers
I'm starting a master's research about on-board image processing for small satellites but struggling to find a niche or problem to solve or discuss. I've read less than 15 articles about related works and would hopefully find one nice topic to pursue if I continue reading, but I just want to ask some senior researchers in this field what would they recommend.
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1- Various large smallsat constellations in low Earth orbit (LEO)
LEO has been commercially active in both broadband and imaging constellations of 100 satellites or more. This scenario takes mainly into account "mega-constellations" of broadband, providing a low latency to accessible global broadband Internet.
2- Smalls with Larger Remote Sensing Satellites
In this scenario a increasing number of countries have close parallel access to technology with large satellites in distant context , given the remote sensing capabilities that are available commercially and beyond the United States.
3- Insecure for LEO Satellite Operation
In this scenario a increasing number of countries have close parallel access to technology with large satellites in distant context , given the remote sensing capabilities that are available commercially and beyond the United States.
4- On the Space Maintenance, Assembly & Development
In these circumstances, many persistent LEO and GEO platforms for on-orbit operation, assembly and development (OSAM) are used by governments and the private sector.
As large satellites become the standard for competitive and host payload platforms, the satellite industry is versatile in designing , constructing and utilizing satellites that best fit a given application. drives the perception of profitability and consequently injection of funding and talent into other drivers, including the development of new technology, low-cost approaches, and infrastructure.
5- Market Demand
-- The most important technology for the four scenarios examined comprises optical imagery, radio frequency interference (RFI), spectrum use, small platform optical communication, and propulsion system miniaturization.
-- Low cost approaches to development , implementation, and robotics and alternative business models, such as modularity and standardization are included. are included.
-- Professional practice of infrastructure include space awareness technologies and systems (SSA), ground stations networks and space relays, and low cost ground antennas and terminals. Infrastructure drivers include
6- Space Access
The fact that the four scenarios can be realised in the interim is driven
by the cost of their launch as well as the availability of reliable launch options.
7- Alternatives to Compete
Smallsats may either render or ignore the relative value proposition for smellsats of alternatives such as terrestrial and airborne platforms and gradual and advanced developments in large satellites.
8- Government Policies
The spectrum allocation policies of governments; RFI; protectionism/ mercantilism; debris mitigation; on-orbit regulation; and the management
of space traffic drive the private sector 's involvement in the smallsat ecosystem, both positive and negative.
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
2 answers
This is my first project on Research Gate! Any helpful tips this community of researchers can offer me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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Hello Nadia, thanks for your response. I will be working on my manuscript (novel length fiction) for my Thesis. I am interested in trying to find publishing opportunities/presses that prioritize multi-media, i.e. text and images? Thank you for your response. pm me if you would like to chat.
Best, Christina-Marie
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
3 answers
How is your day? I hope you are very well.
Health and Peace!
My name is Marizene Nonato da Silva. Nice to meet you.
I am a master student at the Institute of Aeronautical Technology (ITA) - São José dos Campos in Brazil.
I research this my theme of study now: Space Elevator.
Thank you for taking your time in to answer my ask.
Marizene Nonato da Silva -
Master's student in the Space Science and Technology Program at ITA
Research Line: Engineering and Space Technology Management
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You can't build an elevator to the ISS at 400km, because at this altitude the orbital rotation speed is not the same as the earth rotation speed. Furthermore, the ISS orbit is not on the equatorial plane.
The idea of Space elevator is conceivable only in the equatorial plane and does not really make sense elsewhere.
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
7 answers
Hello all,
This is in continuation of previous question wherein I had asked about applications of near-critical fluids. Most of the applications suggested to me were pertaining to chemical extraction, drying etc. 
Does any one know about applications of these fluids space technology. Are there any applications which involve movement of these fluids from sub-critical to super-critical state?
Thank You
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The transcritical CO2 refrigeration/heat pump cycle is a good example of an application where the fluid is in the near-critical region.
The refrigerant gas is evaporated and then compressed from the sub-critical pressure (Pcrit = 73.9 bar ) in a compressor to the over-critical pressure.
The heat transfer process when cooling the supercritical fluid is very efficient, and is taken advantage of in CO2 hot water heat pumps.
See this papers for more information and basics on the transcritical CO2 cycle:
- "Current Status on Heat Pumps With Carbon Dioxide as Working Fluid" by P. Neksa
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
7 answers
Like AI, space technology etc.
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A very wide field of technologies in a variety of sectors, indeed. For example chemical science and industry. See:
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
6 answers
Am Trying to model local TEC component at an East Africa Location using GNSS receivers. Anybody with similar experience local TEC especially at an equatorial location. Collaboration is also welcome
Dept. Of Geospatial & Space Technology - UON
C. M. Lwanga
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TEC - the total number of electrons in a rotation cylinder centered around the line of sight receiver–satellite with a cross section of one square meter. The TEC is expressed in so–called TEC Units (TECU). Example: for L1 solutions with an elevation cut–off angle of 15◦ and a prevailing TEC of 10TECU, you may expect a baseline shrinking of about 10·0.10 = 1.0ppm (or 1.0mm/km).
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
3 answers
First, separable Hilbert space technology must be merged with non-separable Hilbert space technology. Next function theory must be merged with Hilbert space operator technology. The following step implies the usage of a multidimensional number system.
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Okay Hans,
Kind regards, florian
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
9 answers
As part of the development of ISAAC, it would be beneficial to use COTS electronics for cost-reduction. However, ISAAC will be flying in Lunar orbit where the radiation environment exceeds that of LEO. I did some research in 2009/2010 for a star tracker that would have used COTS electronics and aluminum shielding. My question is this: Would it be possible to use aluminum to shield COTS electronics (namely radio transceivers and computer components) from the Lunar radiation environment? Again, this is just as a cost-saving measure (ISAAC would be sponsored by NASA to fly on a Korean Lunar mission), so it is possible to use rad-hardened components if really necessary. I also found some research on ResearchGate about plastics, but that indicated that PEMs are not a good fit for space travel.
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Hi Paul,
Just a quick point in the past if we have been concerned about the radiation susceptibility of certain parts we have used spot shielding using Tantalum, I think we did this over an ADC at one point for the Cluster mission. This combined with the aluminium chassis helped reduce the risk to an acceptable level.
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
2 answers
am designing a Patch Antenna to be used on a small satellite in LEO orbit, For protection i am using a Delrin as a Radome of (75x75x3)mm dimensions. As delrin is an insulator it is susceptible to charge storage, Can you guide me as to what sort of material/coating/paint should i use for ESD protection without affecting my Radiation, as most of the Paints/coatings available for ESD have high conductivity and as per my understanding they are not microwave transparent.
Also for the size mentioned above at LEO orbit is it necessary to cater for ESD, The Delrin is fixed to the satellite body with eight screws.
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ESD should not be an issue in LEO.  The ionospheric plasma will prevent charge buildup unless the voltage is impressed onto a conductor by a power source.   That won't be the case for Delrin, a good insulator.  You may require a coating with the proper solar absorptivity and emittance to control the thermal situation.  Also, if in LEO an extended period of time the atomic oxygen environment in LEO is very chemically reactive.  An inorganic thermal control coating may be used.  These are available in industry.
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
7 answers
Respected Member's
I am currently working on a project to design a space probe which has a relatively low propulsion mass and i am looking into technologies like micro-wave propulsion, solar-sail and VASIMR(Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma). Can you suggest me which one would be the lighter and most efficient.
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Hello Veera,
    The type of propulsion significantly depends on the duration of mission, destination, and the type of trajectory analysis you perform. Some more details would be helpful to suggest appropriate system. I myself work on solar sail and to correct the Ales Kralj, solar sail propulsion has been demonstrated both in space (IKAROS, 2010) and in-orbit (LightSail 1, 2015).
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
7 answers
I have seen many test campaign for Cubesats and many different launch requirements regarding mechanical testing, but seems like quasi-static loading is it not really mandatory and not really popular test. This is a bit weird since Cubesats are growing in complexity regarding deployable structures.
Is there anyone around to have a good reason to discard quasi-static load as an important test for Cubesat?  
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 Actually I cannot imagine that quasi-static load e.g. 20g will make some structural changes to cubesat  that is able successfully survive qualification random vibration test (e.g. 14g-RMS, 180 seconds per axis).  The random vibration test is much much harder load to the structures than quasi-static load. So I mean that quasi static load test has very low added value. (Static overload is critical issue for human flights - we are sensitive...:-)
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
4 answers
Is there any reference provided to talk about the design of DET?
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You might find this paper helpful.
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
5 answers
Stability analysis of rotational motion using quatrenions
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When dealing with spacecraft attitude, you need 4 numbers. If you consider a coordinate frame with your spacecraft at the centre, then you could select any point x,y,z to determine the current pointing of your spacecraft - but you still require a fourth number, i.e. a rotation about that vector, in order to completely define your spacecraft's attitude. Euler angles are perhaps the most simple example of this, in terms of visualisation and understanding, and quaternions work in much the same way. They are a set of 4 numbers which define an attitude, or rotation. If you know your spacecraft's current and intended attitudes, then you can represent the difference (rotation) between these two attitudes as a quaternion. To introduce angular rate, you need to consider differentiation. I've added two links which should describe the maths for you in some detail. 
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
4 answers
There has been a lot of single event radiation effects work done on imagers for space, but I am interested in the degradation of the image due to total dose.
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You may like to see a paper on CCD dark current degradation in orbit and the impact on image quality. Essentially 
  • asked a question related to Space Technology
4 answers
Liquid hydrogen is high-effictive fuel for space launch vehicle. But it is very complex and expensive to operate.
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PSLV-XL space launcher used UDMH+N2O4 in the second stage and Mono-Methyl Hydrazine + Mixed Oxides of Nitrogen in the fourth stage. Now indian hydrogen technology are in development, but really based on russian KVD-1 rocket engine. Information about Indian Hydrogen technology is mainly absent.