Science topic
Solar System - Science topic
The Solar System consists of the Sun and its planetary system of eight planets, their moons, and other non-stellar objects. It formed 4.6 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of a giant molecular cloud. The vast majority of the system's mass is in the Sun, with most of the remaining mass contained in Jupiter.
Publications related to Solar System (10,000)
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Photonic Laser Propulsion offers a thrilling glimpse into the future of sustainable space travel by surveying one of the most significant breakthrough technologies to overcome the limitations of current propulsion systems based on conventional rocketry.
Written by the pioneer of PLP, the book strives to establish a strong foundational understandin...
Solar PhotoVoltaic (PV), as a clean and affordable energy solution, has become ubiquitous around the world. In order to install enough PV coverage to meet the demand of global climate action, there has been a growing research interest in deploying solar panels on abundant sea space. However, the harsh marine environment is holding stakeholders back...
Driven by growing environmental concerns, such as global warming and the depletion of fossil fuels, the renewable energy industry, particularly solar energy, has risen to global prominence. In this context, generative artificial intelligence (Gen-AI) can play a valuable role in facilitating the development of more efficient, durable, and adaptable...
Floating photovoltaic is predicted to be the most ubiquitous energy technology in the future, with global installations projected to reach 10 GW by 2030, potentially generating 13.5 TWh of clean electricity annually. The extrapolation of solar power plants from land-based to water-based requires interdisciplinary expertise from fields such as energ...
Black Holes exist, but they are absolutely not what they are proclaimed to be, and they do not deserve such a flamboyant name. A Black Hole is neither black nor does it have a hole to fall into. It is not a tunnel or wormhole to another universe. It is not a monster that spaghettify you. It is an eventless position, zero volume. No event-horizon th...
The aim of this study is to numerically integrate the system of non-linear differential equations of the three-body problem in a special case. The objective of the present study is to find a lunar trajectory, a manifold and to construct the Poincare section and reconstruction of the phase space in R2 for the Earth-Moon system. Then applying this mo...
The use of solar energy to power a multi-effect distillation is thoroughly examined in this senior project report for usage in Bahrain. In particular, the study looks at how solar thermal and photovoltaic energy systems might be combined to create a hybrid system. We began by examining the temperature and concentration of the brine solution as well...
The Single Aperture Large Telescope for Universe Studies (SALTUS) probe mission will provide a powerful far-infrared (far-IR) pointed space observatory to explore our cosmic origins and the possibility of life elsewhere. The observatory employs an innovative deployable 14-m aperture, with a sunshield that will radiatively cool the off-axis primary...
Some melted and differentiated planetesimals, such as the parent bodies of angrites and howardite‐eucrite‐diogenite meteorites, are severely depleted in moderately volatile elements (MVEs). The origins of these depletions are critical for understanding early solar system evolution but remain topics of debate. Numerous previous studies have invoked...
Plain Language Summary
To study impact craters on solid bodies across the solar system, we need to be able to see and measure them. Our ability to see and measure craters is affected by how we take images of them. If the sun is too high in the sky, or too low on the horizon, it can mask our ability to see craters and other geologic features. If the...
In recent years, a growing demand for alternative energy sources, including solar energy, has been observed. This article presents a methodology for assessing the solar potential of buildings using images from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and point clouds from airborne LIDAR. The proposed method includes the following stages: DSM generation, ext...
Impact cratering processes are ubiquitous throughout our solar system, and the distribution and modification of impact ejecta are sensitive to variable environmental and geologic surface conditions. Here we examine the scale dependency of orbital versus field‐based remote sensing data sets of a terrestrial impact structure by comparing low‐resoluti...
The Campi Flegrei area (CF) is a highly interesting place for scientific research due to a “dual” value concerning Earth and Planetary Science. On the one hand, from a natural hazard assessment point of view, CF is one of the most dangerous volcanoes on Earth in terms of its proximity to a densely populated urban area (the Neapolitan district is ho...
Concentrated solar‐driven CO2 reduction is a breakthrough approach to combat climate crisis. Harnessing the in‐situ coupling of high photon flux density and high thermal energy flow initiates multiple energy conversion pathways, such as photothermal, photoelectric, and thermoelectric processes, thereby enhancing the efficient activation of CO2. Thi...
This paper introduces a singular measurement infrastructure for real-time monitoring of transmission lines, applied to a 230 kV section of the Brazilian grid. The system aimed to expand the scope of monitoring variables using new concepts of optical sensing. Thus, variables are captured not only in the electrical domain but also in the mechanical,...
This paper continues the mathematical research of the novel glass tube collectors for water heating. The subject of this research is a vacuum solar collector composed of a glass tube and a selective (using the SnAl2O3 coating) flat absorber plate. Water heating is performed using gravitational driving force and single-stage direct flow. The thermal...
Endurance is a mission concept to explore and ultimately return samples from the Moon's largest and oldest impact basin, South Pole-Aitken (SPA). SPA holds the answers to many outstanding planetary science questions, including the earliest impact bombardment of the Solar System and the evolution of the Moon's interior. Endurance would address these...
The Leakage Inductance and Series Capacitance (LLSC) resonant converters are exhaustively employed in a wide assortment of industries involving consumer electronics due to their benefits of good efficiency, higher power density, immunity to electromagnetic interference, low EMI and harmonic distortion, wide production extends, voltage stress is low...
We present Cryoscope -- a new 50 sq. deg field-of-view, 1.2 m aperture, K-dark survey telescope to be located at Dome C, Antarctica. Cryoscope has an innovative optical-thermal design wherein the entire telescope is cryogenically cooled. Cryoscope also explores new detector technology to cost-effectively tile the full focal plane. Leveraging the da...
In this work, we analyze the suitability of the State-Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE) suboptimal nonlinear control formulation for the implementation of body-fixed hovering of a spacecraft in the highly nonlinear environment engendered by the faint force fields around single- and multi-body Near-Earth Objects (NEOs), a class of Small Solar System...
The Voyager spacecrafts have been measuring since 2012 the rates of electron and nuclei of the cosmic radiation beyond the solar cavity at a distance of more than $10^{13}$ $meters$ from the Earth. A record of unique and notable findings have been reported and, among them, the electron-to-proton flux ratio of 50 to 100 below energies of $50$ $MeV$....
Recent work on the General Theory of Singularity (GS) introduces torsion into the spacetime connection, extending Einstein's General Relativity (GR). Here, we apply GS to the perihelion precession of planetary orbits, with particular attention to Mercury. After reviewing the Unified Field Equation in GS, we show how torsion modifies the usual Einst...
During Juno's close flybys of Io in 2023 and 2024, its low‐light sensitive Stellar Reference Unit (SRU) was used to conduct a high‐resolution visible wavelength (450–1,100 nm) imaging campaign under Jupiter‐shine illumination. The SRU acquired Juno's highest resolution image of Io's surface (895–1,230 m/pixel) in December 2023 at a high Jupiter‐shi...
The ESA Euclid mission will survey more than 14 000 deg ² of the sky in visible and near-infrared wavelengths, mapping the extragalactic sky to constrain our cosmological model of the Universe. Although the survey focusses on regions further than 15° from the ecliptic, it should allow for the detection of more than about 10 ⁵ Solar System objects (...
Methanol (CH$_3$OH) and formaldehyde (H$_2$CO) are chemically coupled organic molecules proposed to act as an intermediate step between simple molecules and more complex prebiotic compounds. Their abundance distributions across disks regulate the prebiotic potential of material at different disk radii. We present observations of multiple methanol a...
The conventional inverter is undergoing a transformation into a smart inverter, driven by the expanding penetration of Photovoltaic (PV) power production in Low Voltage (LV) systems. The adoption of smart inverters is on the rise. Power companies are keen on integrating them into their networks to acquire essential frequency and voltage support as...
The size distribution of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) in the Kuiper Belt provides crucial insights into the formation and evolution of the outer Solar System. Recent observational surveys, including OSSOS++, have revealed that dynamically cold and hot TNO populations exhibit similar size distributions for dimmer objects ($H_r > 5$), which are con...
The heliospheric environment is very complex and filled with diverse high-energy particles from various origins, and among these particles, cosmic rays (CRs), including anomalous and Galactic components (ACRs and GCRs), are unique as they originate from beyond the solar system. Due to their stable and long-lasting presence in the heliosphere, the s...
Grid-interfaced rooftop solar plant deployment marks a big step towards the production of sustainable and renewable energy. This study examines a number of grid-interfaced rooftop solar plant installation issues, with a particular emphasis on design optimisation, technology selection, and operational effectiveness. The numerous grid-connected solar...
The depletion of moderately volatile elements (MVEs) in terrestrial planets remains poorly understood, with explanations including partial nebular condensation and MVE loss during planetesimal differentiation or collisions. In this study, we use magmatic iron meteorites to reconstruct the MVE inventory of the earliest inner [noncarbonaceous (NC)] a...
Following its formation at 4.5672 Ga, the Solar System underwent chemical and isotopic fractionation that modified the primitive composition of the solar nebula. In order to understand the evolution of the Solar System, it is of significant importance to constrain its unmodified composition. Ivuna-type CI carbonaceous chondrites show a strong compo...
A weak-light indicator for pets and livestock conclusively proves the existence of weak-light, since pets and livestock are 100% unbiased and neutral, and with a weak-light indicator in bracelets for humans, weak-light will be a common knowledge, which is good in the face that our Earth is a bearer of weak-light also - and thus connected to life....
One of the current trends related to data centers is providing it with renewable energy sources. This paper suggests an analysis technique for a model uses solar panels energy to power a data center consists of 100 traditional servers, physical infrastructures, 5 backup batteries. The analysis passes through three phases: Initially, the power consu...
Developing algorithms to search through data efficiently is a challenging part of searching for signs of technology beyond our solar system. We have built a digital signal processing system and computer cluster on the backend of the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico in order to search for signals throughout the Galaxy consistent w...
Este artículo analiza la eficiencia energética de una vivienda unifamiliar en Quito, Ecuador. Este fue evaluado mediante simulaciones computacionales implementadas utilizando los softwares CERMA y CE3X, en particular, esta casa, construida en 1995, originalmente tuvo una calificación de E, reflejando un alto consumo de energía primaria no renovable...
The use of solar collectors with solar concentrators in green buildings is an important step in the direction of creating energy-efficient and environmentally friendly buildings. These technologies make it possible to provide a sustainable source of energy, reduce emissions and save resources. Considering the positive aspects of using solar collect...
The origin of the solar system abundances of several proton-rich isotopes, especially 92,94Mo and 96,98Ru, has been an enduring mystery in nuclear astrophysics. An attractive proposal to solve this problem is the νp-process, which can operate in neutrino-driven outflows in a core-collapse supernova after the shock is launched. Years of detailed stu...
Jupiter's magnetosphere is one of the largest natural particle accelerators in our Solar System. Its dynamic processes are governed by the fast rotation of the planet, creating complex current systems and particle transport mechanisms. The Galilean satellites play important roles as plasma sources, influencing the dynamics and distribution of charg...
While the (weak) Equivalence Principle (EP) has been rigorously tested within the solar system, its validity on cosmological scales, particularly in the context of dark matter and dark energy, remains uncertain. In this study, we propose a novel method to test EP on cosmological scales by measuring the peculiar acceleration power spectrum of galaxi...
Chondritic meteorites (chondrites) contain evidence for the interaction of liquid water with the interiors of small bodies early in Solar System history. Here we review the processes, products and timings of the low-temperature aqueous alteration reactions in CR, CM, CI and ungrouped carbonaceous chondrites, the asteroids Ryugu and Bennu, and hydra...
Este artículo analiza la eficiencia energética de una vivienda unifamiliar en Quito, Ecuador. Este fue evaluado mediante simulaciones computacionales implementadas utilizando los softwares CERMA y CE3X, en particular, esta casa, construida en 1995, originalmente tuvo una calificación de E, reflejando un alto consumo de energía primaria no renovable...
We present results over an 11-year Solar cycle of cosmic antiprotons based on 1.1 × 10 6 events in the rigidity range from 1.00 to 41.9 GV. The p ¯ fluxes exhibit distinct properties. The magnitude of the p ¯ flux temporal variation is significantly smaller than those of p , e − , and e + . A hysteresis between the p ¯ fluxes and the p fluxes is ob...
This article contains a short review of the influence of the Copernican revolution on the development of physics and cosmology.
In this paper, an original numerical investigation of indirect parallel photovoltaic/thermal system integration using Matlab/Simulink is carried out. The added value is to evaluate the potential use of integrated PVT (Photovoltaic-Thermal) solar systems in residential applications and the possibility of controlling and investigating their performan...
The hypothesis (Galactic Explosion Hypothesis, GEH) is put forth that about every 10,000 years or so the center of our Galaxy enters an explosive phase during which it generates an outburst of cosmic rays with total particle energies on the order of 10^(57) ergs or more. These outbursts or "superwaves," composed of highly relativistic electrons and...
It is found the planetary system, our Solar System, and atomic systems, can be described in terms of the same characteristic time. That time turns out to be 1 second, which happens to be the fundamental unit we use to measure time. That system comes from the ancient Sumerians using base 12 and base 60 counting, ultimately, but in light of its appea...
The dominant force in the Universe is gravity. For over 300 years, the gravitational force was represented by a single simple and mathematically perfect formula - Newton's law of gravity FN = GmM/r^2. However, the boundaries of its applicability are limited to the solar system. The revealed gravitational anomalies in the dynamics of stars show that...
Misconceptions are a phenomenon that is often experienced in the learning process, that is important to identify so it doesn't occur continuously. However, in the research that has been conducted regarding misconceptions about the solar system, there has been no research conducted in elementary schools. In addition, the research that has been condu...
With the increasing utilization of renewable energy sources, hydrogen production from complementary wind and solar (HPCWS) systems has become a part of the construction of the integrated energy system (IES). However, renewable energy generation faces uncertainty; in addition, the IES lacks model representation. To solve this problem, this study pro...
Pluto is smaller in size and mass than the major planets of the Solar System and their seven moons. However, it is 2.5 times larger and 14 times more massive than the largest body in the Main Asteroid Belt, the dwarf planet Ceres. The diameter of Pluto was estimated in 2015 to be 2,376±32 km based on data from the “New Horizons” spacecraft. Very li...
Recent research studies have shown the advantages of using double-skin façade (DSF) and phase change material (PCM) in reducing the amount of building heat, especially for tropical and subtropical climates. Also, by adding photovoltaic (PV) cells in the facade of buildings, the solar heat of the building can be reduced and the electricity generated...
The process by which a system of non-luminous bodies form around a star is fundamental to understanding the origins of our own solar system and how it fits into the context of other systems we have begun to study around other stars. Some basics of solar system formation have emerged to describe the process by which dust and gas around a newly forme...
The magnetometer investigation of the Galileo mission used the phenomenon of magnetic induction to produce the most compelling evidence that subsurface oceans exist within our solar system. Although there is high certainty that the induced field measured at Europa is attributed to a global‐scale subsurface ocean, there is still uncertainty around t...
The research on solar absorbers plays a crucial role in the solar system’s performance. Different types of solar absorbers can be created based on the materials used in their layers. Additionally, incorporating graphene is essential for enhancing absorption efficiency. The current resonator design is formed by combining three square blocks and two...
This study examines the impact of solar photovoltaic (PV) system adoption on residential energy consumption across different economic regions in Campos dos Goytacazes, Brazil. The research utilized detailed energy billing data from February to August 2022, segmenting regions by IPTU tax rates to define economic classes. Statistical analyses, includ...
As a study relevant to the ESA’s “Voyage 2050” programme, we present an ambitious L-class mission concept aimed at exploring one of the most intriguing bodies in the Solar System – Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. Titan is a planet-like moon rich in organic compounds and features complex interactions between its interior, surface, and atmosphere, simi...
We present new observations of the cosmic ultraviolet background (CUVB) at high Galactic latitudes (∣ b ∣ > 40 ∘ ), made using the Alice UV spectrograph on board the New Horizons spacecraft. These observations were taken at about 57 au from the Sun, outside much of the foreground emission affecting previous missions, and allowed a new determination...
Upstream of quasi-parallel bow shocks, reflected ions generate ion–ion instabilities. The resulting magnetic fluctuations can advect through the shock and interact with planetary magnetospheres. The amplitude of magnetic fluctuations depends on the strength of the shock, quantified by the Alfvén Mach number ( M A ), which is the ratio of solar wind...
Developing algorithms to search through data efficiently is a challenging part of searching for signs of technology beyond our solar system. We have built a digital signal processing system and computer cluster on the backend of the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico in order to search for signals throughout the Galaxy consistent w...
Comets, asteroids, and other small bodies are thought to be remnants of the original planetesimal population of the Solar System. As such, their physical, chemical, and isotopic properties hold crucial details on how and where they formed and how they evolved. Yet, placing precise constraints on the formation region of these bodies has been challen...
Wide-field surveys have markedly enhanced the discovery and study of solar system objects (SSOs). The 2.5-meter Wide Field Survey Telescope (WFST) represents the foremost facility dedicated to optical time-domain surveys in the northern hemisphere. To fully exploit WFST's capabilities for SSO detection, we have developed a heliocentric-orbiting obj...
We use Spitzer/IRAC deep exposure data covering two significantly larger than before sky areas to construct maps suitable for evaluating source-subtracted fluctuations in the cosmic infrared background (CIB). The maps are constructed using the self-calibration methodology eliminating artifacts to sufficient accuracy and subset maps are selected in...
Tracking the location of Maximum Power is a vital development in the field of solar systems which provides the best possible results in terms of maximum power by increasing the system efficiency. With increased efficiency, the losses in the system will be less, which will minimize the financial burden for the PV system. For maximum output of the Ph...
A group of newly observed extreme trans-Neptunian objects exhibit unexpected orbital confinement, characterized by the alignment of orbital angular momentum vectors and apsidal lines. It is proposed that an undiscovered giant planet, named Planet-9, exists in the solar system's outer regions and causes this clustering. Initial studies suggested Pla...
Industrialization and the expansion of service sectors have led to a significant increase in electricity consumption. This rising demand has also been observed in public buildings, which account for a considerable share of total electrical energy use. Coupled with the upward trend in energy prices, this increase has likewise escalated electricity c...
The strong zonal winds on giant planets are among the most interesting phenomena in our solar system. Observations recorded by the Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS), the Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS), and the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) on the Cassini spacecraft are utilized to investigate spatiotemporal variations in Sat...
Assumimos neste manuscrito que os saberes necessários para o exercício de ensinar, seja no ensino fundamental, médio ou superior, resultam de um processo ontológico, que se inicia antes do curso de formação inicial docente, tal como indicado por Freire (1996), Gauthier et al. (2013), Nóvoa (1992, 2017) e Tardif (2000, 2012, 2014). No processo ontol...
Key words
Gravity, gravitation constant, speed of gravity, energy in space, aether, stability of the Solar system, centre of mass, centre of gravity, speed of light is a function of the local energy density of space, dark matter, Pioneer 10 anomaly, curved spacetime, general theory of relativity, refraction effects in space.
The limited s...
Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt, is the only potential ocean world in the inner Solar System. Previous studies identified deposits of aliphatic organics in and around the Ernutet crater, and at small locations at Inamahari and Urvara craters. The origin of organics, either endogenic or exogenic, in these fresh exposures is still unde...