Science topics: Software EngineeringSoftware Quality
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Software Quality - Science topic
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Questions related to Software Quality
I would like to know the soft computing based metrices for measure the software quality and performance characteristics of software components.
I am looking for suitable topics for a master dissertation with focus on software engineering.
I find enough areas (cloud, API, etc.), but I am missing a relevant question that needs to be addressed. e.g. "What impact do platforms like stackoverflow have on global software quality?" or "Does pair-programming result in better programs?"
I am already looking for articles that address specific questions. If anyone has a hot tip for me, I would greatly appreciate it.
Have a nice weekend!
Dear All,
I want your valuable suggestions based on experience in the filed of software requirements specification in academic research/ industry practice.
Quality standards are costly and are incomplete/static may not contain some quality attribute information.
What if we a semi-automated tool that capture the application specific quality requirements and provides its formal specification? What kind of company get benefited? what feature list do it support practically?
Please provide your opinion regarding current practice handling quality requirements and quality models/ what are the lacking regarding the same.
Hopefully waiting for the responses.
Thanking you,
Software quality, especially automotive software quality, has become an increasingly popular topic in recent years. But related research seems to be very few in universities.
I have been working in the field of software quality assurance for several years. Engaged in ASPICE related work. I want to know which universities in Germany currently offer research topics related to software quality assurance.
I can't find relevant information in DAAD. Is anyone doing related research project in German universities? If your research topics is related to software quality , glad to see you~
I am doing a thesis on software quality prediction using machine learning. I need a data set on software quality products.
--Thanks in advance.
Traditional software development methods are not very efficient because with the slightest or rapid change in the requirements, you need to have a meeting to improve.
Agile is a solution. Agile is a way to prevent project failure.
what is your opinion?
My area is software engineering, I haven't any idea about the thesis. need lots of help. I want that the topic should be Lil bit easy. :P
Thank You
I need to count the number of classes, number of methods, number of comments lines, LOC for any Java code as part of analysis process. So, I need a tool or plugin that gives me these data in any form; Excel, XML ...etc.
There are various software quality models viz. McCall’s, Boehm’s, Dromey's, FURPS, ISO 9126. What are the problems using these standards in real practice? How these standards differ from each other? Is there any global or widely acceptable software quality standard? Please provide your valuable suggestions?
Are you implementing any software quality assurance controls if you are developing or using software as part of your modeling effort?
We also use software controls for environmental modelling so I am interested if you have any information on this topic for comparison.
I intend to make a research that can verify the quality of software developed by students and I'm searching for validated questionnaires. Does someone know any?
What is last Framework for Software Quality Measurement ?
It is advisable not to copy and paste any content in manuscript or in a book. For copyright content there are many software's but quality software's are very limited. So, which are good software for this purpose?
There are several validation methods for software cost estimation using Machine Learning models. But, I was wondering if there are any validation methods for Algorithmic and Non-ALgorithmic models such as COCOMO, Function point, analogy, Putnam, etc.
Is there any paper that could guide me related to this question?
Is there any literature exists that measures the impact of multiple/multilevel inheritance using java on software quality. I've tried to find but unfortunately not able to get enough literature on this topic.
Does anyone knows about literature regarding java inheritance effect on software quality.
Currently we are working on a project to estimate software reliability. We want to consider the uncertainty factors in our calculation. That's why we are trying to find out those factors. If you have anything in your mind, please suggest.
What are the rankings of the best software engineering journals (2018)?
QA Automation Tools such as cucumber, selenium, etc check the quality of code. Is there any tool available that provides knowledge regarding software quality requirements (a.k.a. Non-functional Requirements) analysis at early stage of Requirements Engineering.
Please share your experience.
I am looking for software quality standards for detail analysis of quality attributes. Is there software quality standards available online? Please do needful.
Hopefully waiting for the reply.
Thanking you
Hello Everyone,
Can anyone guide me to find Corpus/Training data that contains Software Quality Requirements (Non-Functional Requirements)?
Hopefully waiting for the reply.
Thanks in advance
As there are so many performance measures, there are many ranking results. That is, if we try to rank a group of software defect prediction models from best to worst using ROC measure, we will definitely have different rankings if we evaluate these models performance using another performance measures, such as, recall, precision, accuracy, etc. This problem exists for within-project and cross-projects scenarios alike.
The question is how we can develop a performance evaluation method that would always yield the same ranking results for a given software defect prediction models?
Thank you, Hussam.
I need an instructor-friendly good textbooks suggestion about the topics below.
What I mean: Which has presentations ready, code examples, solutions to questions in the book.
- Software Reengineering
- Software Testing, QA & Security
Thank you,
Murat Gungor
I already found all 3 volumes of this paper with the subject "Factors in software quality". But volume III got end in section 3. There are references to sections 6 and 7 which includes equations proof. I really need the proof. But I'm not able to find it.
I am a software tester and now researching with Equivalence class. Here, some rules of invalid EC for generating test cases. Can anyone help me to review these rules?
*Rules for Invalid Equivalence Class for generating test case for input program of combinatorial testing*
1. If range is given then
Invalid EC=2(greater than upper value of range +less than lower value of range).
2. If range is given and last range value is infinity then,
Invalid EC=1
3. If range is given and first range value is infinity then,
Invalid EC=1
4. If range is given and first +last range value is infinity then,
Invalid EC=0
5. For fixed range (value) like string, integer or any combination value
Invalid EC=Total number of valid class
I have designed a testing approach to test integration fault of embedded system. I have already created the test criteria. But now i need to go for experimentation but i do have any sample code. I need some real C code which i can execute with test cases. I tried to search in many sites but did not get suitable code.
What should i do now? Because without execution i cannot collect the test result. Please share your idea.
Thank you.
In 2005, ComputerWorld [Hil05] stated that
“bad software plagues nearly every organization that uses computers, causing lost work-hours during computer downtime, lost or corrupted data, missed sales opportunities, high IT support and maintenance costs, and low customer satisfaction ( Taken from Roger Pressman Book)
A year later, InfoWorld [Fos06] wrote about the
“the sorry state of software quality” reporting that the quality problem had not gotten any better. (Taken From Roger Pressman Book)
I want to make term paper on Software Quality Assurance. So please suggest me some application areas for Software Quality Assurance.
Is it possible to see the quality of the software as independent component?
If you consider the software like a car, we use snow chains when driving through snow or ice, which provide maximum traction without change the car itself. I'm wondering is it possible to see the quality of the software like snow chain to the car that can be replaceable?
Is it possible to change to software quality like performance, security and etc. after its deployed?
Now we have cloud computing, which makes it possible for fast publishing the service and change its environments based on what the user need, does it sound to say that is also possible to plug in quality to existing service to meet the user non-functional requirements?
We are planning to develop update version of our GPSR package (A resource for genomics, proteomics and system biology). In this package we included most of PERL routine required in bioinformatics. I will highly appreciate if you send your comment, complement or suggestion on this package. It will help us to develop better version of GPSR package. May I kow how many of you have used this package.
In the October 2015 issue of the Communications of the ACM there is a contributed article 'Framing Sustainability as a Property of Software Quality.' This is an article that introduces this idea. Building in sustainability of a system, in this case software, suspends or inhibits the decay of the ssystem over time. Much has been writte about software and system decay. I propose that effectively pursuing the required steps of technology readiness (10 steps in large government or public systems, and 3 to 4 steps if technology readiness in commercial for profit systems) can improve improve sustainability of (system/software) quality wherein Technology is identified within the framework presented in the CACM paper. If this is verified/validated then may delay over time the technical decay of the system/software, assuming that the other three dimensions of the framework are also weighed or left invariant.
It's hard to chose a quality metric for each phase in software engineering life cycle is there a procedure to chose from them, also is there quality metric specifically to mobile phone application ?
I need a software to determine (specify) object oriented metrics (WMC,DIT,RFC,NOC,CBO,LCOM,Percent_Pub_Data,Dep_On_Child).Do you know any software to find these metrics from a software. I know McCabe made this but it is expensive program (4.500$). Do you know any other software?
Can any someone help me in finding the names of the software quality estimation models we can use during the development of software to control its quality (like minimizing the number of errors and finding error prone modules)?
software engineering, software quality
While developing software we use files but we generally talk not about files but classes, but files construct the software, we use not classes but files in configuration management, and files are reused not classes, one file can carry many classes. Can I have your thoughts on this issue?
Currently all the industries are using Agile based software development methodologies. And in Agile based development, we already have test cases in hand before development work starts. So, can anyone tell me how software fault prediction model fit/help in this type of development from industry's point of view ? (Mean reduction in testing cost or improving software quality)
I am a postgraduate student at Faculty of Information Engineering in Valladolid University. My research area is Software Design Smell detection. In particular, improving design smell detection for industry adoption. This survey aims to compare the human expert’s results with automatic experts (tools) in detecting design smells on a sample of classes written in Java programming language. The survey should take about 25 minutes to complete. I look forward to receiving your feedback very soon. Your kind attention and co-operation is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Yours sincerely, If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out online: Code Smell Detection Code Smell Detection
Code Smell Detection
In the requirements engineering field, the use of boilerplates is a way towards controlled natural language.
We found a lot of industry and vendor reports on QA/testing, but there doesn't seem to be too many scholars conducting research on that topic.
I am interested in determining what predictive techniques are more suitable to be used in the different aspects of the software development process.