Science topic
Sociophonetics - Science topic
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Questions related to Sociophonetics
I would like to know if the analysis includes level of intelligibility of the interlocutor. Or does it focus only on the language variation and its social surroundings? (does sociophonetics (in general) covers intelligibility anyway?)
I am new on sociophonetics so please correct any idea that does not match on sociophonetics concept.
I hope hearing the answer soon. Thank you.
Ideology is one of the key factors in critical linguistic studies.However, approaching its reproduction or representation differs from one point of view to another.Thus, identifying the defining border lines of each view and how it is applied can help in setting the arenas where each field can function as different from the other fields.Views in this regard can also help to crystallize a better understanding of each field of study as far as dealing with ideology is concerned.
Speakers all speak English in the interview, but they also speak various languages to different level of fluency.
How many participants does one need for a sociolinguistic/sociophonetic study?
Interviewees share some similarity in terms of place of eduction and some places of interaction, is it possible to make comparison between speakers? What to do with individual variability?
How to deal with background noise (consistent and inconsistent ones)?