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Social Theory - Science topic

Social theories are frameworks of empirical evidence used to study and interpret social phenomena. A tool used by social scientists, social theories relate to historical debates over the most valid and reliable methodologies (e.g. positivism and antipositivism), as well as the primacy of either structure or agency.
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Publications related to Social Theory (10,000)
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This paper provides a critical overview of assessment and management of service user risks and/or promotion of their safety needs within acute mental health hospitals. It discusses what risk is and what risk might mean in terms of mental health care. The characterisation of risk and risk management practices in mental health care are critiqued info...
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Background Online asynchronous telemedicine platforms are effective and have been implemented in primary care practices, but it is unclear whether implementation was successful. Implementation has not been studied on a large scale in primary care practice. Normalisation Process Theory is a sociological theory used to understand how complex practice...
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Scholars have developed various schemas to evaluate the wealth and social status of Pompeian residents based on the architectural features of their homes. These analyses combine quantitative and qualitative assessments, often taking inspiration from modern urban studies and ancient Roman social theory. But there isn't a universally accepted scoring...
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The main focus of this article is to highlight the relationship between social intelligence and entrepreneurial intentions of students from higher education systems. This relationship is essential for the deployment of the concept of social economy and the promotion of socially responsible business models. Family businesses and social enterprises a...
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Although cosmetic surgery can repair functional impairments caused by deformities, improve appearance, and enhance self-esteem, it also carries certain risks, complications, and even death. To reduce the risks to life and property caused by repetitive or inappropriate procedures, it is important to identify the prerequisites that lead individuals t...
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This article argues that a relatively novel methodology called multi-agent artificial intelligence modeling can play an important role in helping scholars fulfill eight desiderata for a “good” social scientific theory (conceptual clarity, logical consistency, empirical groundedness, parsimony, generativity, testability, insightfulness, and usefulne...
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In the study of Islam and issues pertaining to Islamic Studies an interpretive approach not very often taken into consideration is the sociological perspective. This article aims to bring a new theoretical approach to the study of Islam as a social phenomenon by examining the politics of ‘holy’ death (the ‘shaheed’: Turkish ‘şehit’) in relation to...
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In this entry, we introduce research programs advocating sociological perspectives on strategy. We place particular emphasis on strategy-as-practice, which brings to bear different approaches from the canon of social theory. We describe the genesis of research on strategy from this perspective, present empirical and methodological examples of recen...
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The purpose of this study is to identify motivational profiles in sustainable career trajectories via emerging latent class methods using a multilevel schema between engagement in sustainable career practices, developing and utilizing job competency—a key marker for human capital development—and leader–member interaction. Using latent class analysi...
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Following the outbreak of the novel COVID-19 virus in Wuhan City, China in 2019 and the subsequent metamorphose into a global pandemic in the first quarter of 2020; the world was thrown into frenzy due to information overload about the cause, nature, origin, aim, effect and likely solution to the virus. There was a preponderance of conspiracy theor...
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The role of parents in fostering environmental stewardship in children is essential to addressing the pressing environmental challenges of the 21st century. Parents shape their children’s attitudes toward the environment through modeling behavior, communication, and engaging them in outdoor activities. Environmental Socialization Theory explains ho...
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The pervasive influence of social networks on information dissemination necessitates robust strategies for understanding and mitigating the spread of rumors within these interconnected ecosystems. This research endeavors to address this imperative through the application of a graph neural network (GNN) model, designed to capture intricate relations...
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08037396800 1 Résumé Le terrorisme est devenu un phénomène d'actualité quotidien et contemporain qui menace l'humanité et transforme des milliers de personnes en réfugiés. Etant un acte négatif de menace et de tragique, le terrorisme est condamné partout dans le monde. En littérature, la thématique du terrorisme occupe une place d'importance chez p...
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This paper contributes to the ‘theorizing’ turn in sociological theory pedagogy by arguing for conceptual arbitrage as a recurrent feature of theoretical innovation in sociology. I define and provide examples of three types of sociological conceptual arbitrage—disciplinary (lateral and vertical), national, and historical—and argue that the secondar...
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In this work we seek to collect some of the latest trends within the broad field known as critical theory. This is a task that is necessary to go after with certain frequency, and, specially, a task that is urgent today, when we are facing a global and generalized crisis. Thus, we will organize those tendencies, with debates from the last decades,...
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Purpose: The aim of the study was to analyze the crisis communication and its impact on stakeholder trust in Ghana. Methodology: This study adopted a desk methodology. A desk study research design is commonly known as secondary data collection. This is basically collecting data from existing resources preferably because of its low cost advantage as...
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The Jordan Valley in the West Bank in Palestine provides a unique social, environmental, and geopolitical context in regard to the global challenge of water insecurity, where its impacts on child and maternal health are only partly understood. Existing research has been largely limited to investigations of water quantity/quality and direct health o...
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This research aims to explore the influence of social theory in the formation of children's character at Puspita Malang Kindergarten. The method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach and case studies. Data was collected through observation, documentation and interviews. The data analysis technique used involves triangulation of relationsh...
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Este ensaio discute a teoria das elites e suas premissas elementares. A discussão se concentra nos momentos-chave em que as formulações teóricas tiveram maior impacto na compreensão do fenômeno das elites. Inicialmente, abordamos o surgimento da teoria das elites, no final do século XIX e início do XX, em um contexto de desconfiança e pessimismo qu...
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O artigo apresenta uma reflexão teórica sobre o problema da relação entre certas noções de indivíduo e propriedade como elementos centrais da sociabilidade moderna. Tal relação é compreendida a partir da expressão individualismo possessivo, que constitui uma síntese do problema para a teoria social. Toma-se como ponto de partida a teoria de C.B. Ma...
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This work aims to analyze the social transformations occurring in the digital age, with an emphasis on new forms of inequality and the role of digital social movements in the context of globalization and neoliberalism. Initially, it addresses the transition to the network society, based on Manuel Castells’ theories, exploring how digital technologi...
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Mediatization scholars promised to connect mediatization research with social theory, describe its interplay with other meta-processes, and create a “common theoretically based roof”. Hepp and Couldry state that the concept of logic is unable to do that, yet do not provide for the alternative. The paper argues there is a wide misunderstanding what...
Conference Paper
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In gegenwärtigen gesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzungen wird immer wieder spürbar, dass auch geringer Konsumverzicht von einem relevanten Anteil der Bevölkerung anscheinend als empfindliche Freiheitseinschränkung erlebt wird. Dies hat Anstoß gegeben zu Reflektionen, wie diese erlebte Verbindung von Freiheit und Konsum gesellschaftlich zustande gek...
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O artigo que aqui se materializa, no contexto de pesquisa sobre questão social e teoria do valor, tem o intuito de tecer reflexões iniciais sobre as Tecnologias Digitais (TDs), que são estruturadas por vários tipos de Inteligências Artificiais (IAs). Tal pesquisa se fundamenta na necessidade de analisar o mundo do trabalho no contexto do capitalism...
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In this article I examine the problem of technique in Georges Bataille's social ontology by means of a counterpoint with Bernard Stiegler's philosophy. I will defend the following theses: 1) although Bataille, at first sight, seems to pose an opposition between the technical and the social, for him, as for Stiegler, both are co-constituted in the b...
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En este trabajo se realiza una aproximación analítica a la posibilidad de concebir al ser humano como un individuo totalmente libre en el seno de la sociedad del conocimiento, y estudia si se puede interpretar ésta como un conjunto de fenómenos tecnológicos y sociales espontáneos que configuran el carácter de nuestra realidad actual. Así mismo, se...
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Sociologists have spent a great deal of time considering the cultural import of time schedules, the periodicity of interactions, life-course and age-related trajectories, the use of public and private spaces, and the traversal of space enabled by transportation technology and electronic media. What they have not done, however, is consider spatiotem...
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El presente artículo analiza el conflicto entre Huawei y Estados Unidos, tomando en cuenta a los Estados y las compañías de internet como actores de internacionalización de poder. Además, se examinan las relaciones hegemónicas, la seguridad y ciberseguridad desde dos enfoques clásicos en la teoría social: Marxismo y la concepción estatal desde Webe...
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Distributed leadership in education emphasizes collective participation, shared decision-making, and collaborative efforts to improve school effectiveness. This paper examines the theoretical foundations of distributed leadership, its implementation in educational settings, and the associated challenges and best practices. Grounded in systems theor...
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Interpreters play important roles in international communication, and the international research on interpreter’s role has a history of over 50 years. This study use Citespace tool to analyse the data of Web of Science from 2000 to 2022 in order to understand the status quo and trend of research. It is found that such research saw a general trend o...
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This paper conducts a sociological analysis of artificial intelligence (AI), examining its benefits, concerns, and future implications for society. Through a multidimensional lens, it explores how AI technologies shape social structures, relationships, and cultural norms. The study highlights the potential benefits of AI, including increased effici...
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Sexual and romantic rejection are issues that humans have faced for centuries. Recently, experiences such as these have developed into a form of identity and community rallying point. Involuntary celibates (incels) are one example of this phenomenon; however, the group have achieved notoriety for their association with violent attacks and promotion...
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This article challenges the widely held view that a blunt politicization – understood as the application of political norms and procedures ¬– to all spheres of society is the prime starting point for achieving social transformation. Therefore, it reconstructs intellectual reasoning about the limits of such politicization which is ultimately used fo...
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Background and Aim: Recently, a new type of anchor has emerged among network anchors: Virtual Anchor. In China, the development of Virtual Anchors is also very rapid. This article studies the impact of entertainment Virtual Anchor live broadcast scene on fans' reward behavior. This article is based on SOR Theory, with the help of Interaction Ritual...
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Der »Raum« gehört mittlerweile zu den Grundbegriffen der Soziologie. Wie er sich konzeptionell zum Sozialen verhält und wie ein Raumdenken für Gesellschaftsanalysen und Zeitdiagnosen fruchtbar gemacht werden kann, wird immer wieder neu diskutiert. Die Beiträger*innen dieser Festschrift für Martina Löw versammeln aktuelle, interdisziplinäre Bestands...
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This study focuses on the communication of intangible cultural heritage (ICH), defined to include the scientific production of researchers across both the hard sciences and the humanistic and social realms. Considering museums as institutions of memory undergoing transformation due to new technologies, we analyse institutional definitions of ICH an...
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This paper describes a research study to improve the benefits realization of a company’s knowledge management system. We conducted the research from a social theory research perspective to uncover how to work towards convincing users to use the system willingly and appropriately, i.e., as intended, to maximise its benefits realization. We used crit...
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Satua is a Balinese traditional fairy tale or literary work in prose that contains life values, one of which is Satua Tong! Ceng! Pung! Pung! Jir! as the object of research. The purpose of this study is to determine whether Balinese satua can educate children's character and foster a sense of religious moderation in Bali. This study uses transforma...
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Religion greatly influences the social dynamic in that it can unify people into a community and also be the very cause of division. Religion and its interaction with the social structures proposed by Durkheim, Weber, and Marx are seen to carry out important functions in either stabilizing or destabilizing a society. This paper looks at some of the...
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Objective Guided by Self-System Processes Theory, Social Support Theory, and Stress and Coping Theory, this study investigates how perceived school climate influences adolescents’ negative emotions through the chain mediation of school belonging and social avoidance and distress. It also examines demographic differences across gender and grade and...
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Educational socialization is the process by which students, guided by universities, acquire and internalize the knowledge, skills, norms, and values necessary for active participation in society. Despite its significance, this concept often receives attention only in academic discussions. This paper aims to examine how educational socialization and...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the working behaviours of employees and employers, creating a serious and widely propagated through various platforms counter-productive behaviour: quiet quitting. Notably, Generation Z, the currently main workforce, are most influenced by social media platforms and most likely to engage in this phenomenon. This st...
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The paper explores the impact of technology on rural communities, focusing primarily on developing countries. Rural areas, traditionally constrained by geographic isolation, limited resources, and a reliance on agrarian economies, are increasingly integrating technological innovations that reshape social, economic, and cultural dimensions. This stu...
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As China's urbanisation process accelerates, more and more migrant populations are choosing to settle in cities, and studies affecting their willingness to stay are becoming increasingly diverse. In addition to traditional factors such as economic income and employment opportunities, the comfort of urban life has gradually become an important consi...
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The rapid evolution of technology and the business landscape has introduced the Metaverse, a virtual realm with immense potential for transforming communication and collaboration. The pandemic accelerated the shift to online channels, making the Metaverse a crucial investment for businesses in the digital age. However, there remains a lack of under...
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This study investigates the socioeconomic factors influencing young widows' participation in small-scale farming activities in Mbeere South, Kenya, using a qualitative research design. The paper explores the role of cultural, economic, and gender-related factors in shaping widows' involvement in agriculture, guided by frameworks such as the Gender...
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Este artigo trata da relação dialógica entre as experiências docente e discente no acompanhamento da iniciação científica no Ensino Médio do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba/IFPB no município de Cajazeiras, região do alto sertão paraíbano. O objetivo principal desse texto é dar visibilidade ao processo de ensino de soc...
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Background Insensitive parenting and ineffective disciplinary strategies are known risk factors for child externalizing behavior. The Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD) has documented effect in promoting sensitive parenting, but little is known on how VIPP-SD is experienced by parents. This...
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This paper presents a conceptual framework, SocialMapReduce, that reimagines distributed computing through the lens of human social dynamics. We propose that by integrating cooperative and competitive social behaviors into multi-agent AI systems, we can create more adaptive and efficient distributed architectures. The framework challenges the tradi...
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The rapid advancement of Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) has enhanced capabilities offering potential applications from content creation to productivity enhancement. Despite their innovative potential, LVLMs exhibit vulnerabilities, especially in generating potentially toxic or unsafe responses. Malicious actors can exploit these vulnerabiliti...
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Más información en ARTÍCULOS UTOPÍA Y PRAXIS LATINOAMERICANA. AÑO: 2 5 , n° EXTRA 12, 2020, pp. 464-474 REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE FILOSOFÍA Y TEORÍA SOCIAL CESA-FCES-UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. MARACAIBO-VENEZUELA ABSTRACT The literature on the Sheikhs' biographies section is one of the most important ca...
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Purpose: This study aimed to explore and describe the perceptions held by eleven preservice teachers regarding Health-Related Fitness as they learn to teach within the model to middle school students during an early field experience. It was hypothesised that issues brought up by the PTs at the beginning of the early field experience will be more se...
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This article aims to provide an understanding of a multilayered academic publishing field by situating it within broader social, cultural, political and technological contexts. Despite the proximity to higher education, a sociopolitical, economical approach to academic publishing has been limited only to the business perspectives of the field. By i...
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Luego de una década a la cabeza, y muchas veces a la cola, de la revista Cuadernos de Teoría Social, entregamos la posta a una nueva generación para que siga dándole vida a este espacio intelectual. Nos retiramos con ideas y relatos fragmentarios, como una memoria colectiva desparramada en viñetas. Tras este largo periodo de trabajo administrativo-...
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Socialization is critical to doctoral student success. However, many examinations of students’ socialization often compartmentalize attributes such as faculty interactions, peers, and research groups, leading to an incomplete understanding. Moreover, much of the current research is conducted from a deficit perspective, identifying only problematic...
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Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate the role of public health campaigns in increasing vaccination rates in rural communities. Methodology: This study adopted a desk methodology. A desk study research design is commonly known as secondary data collection. This is basically collecting data from existing resources preferably because of it...
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The rise of Influencer Commerce (I-Commerce)—an emerging business model where influencers curate personal e-commerce pages—has reshaped consumer shopping patterns. By integrating influencer endorsements into traditional e-commerce platforms, I-Commerce creates a seamless shopping experience that guides consumers smoothly through the purchase funnel...
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This article employs an interpretive autoethnographic approach to explore how the author navigates the paradigmatic contradictions between poststructuralism as a theoretical framework and his personal religious beliefs. It narrates and analyzes how the researcher arrives at specific understandings of reality, knowledge, and the self. The author the...
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Objective: to understand the meanings and experiences of pregnancy among trans men in light of the Theory of Social Representations. Methods: this is a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study, carried out with trans men selected for convenience and availability. Data production took place from September to October 2021, via the Google Meet®...
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This paper investigates the potential of coalition governments to address the pressing issues of unemployment and income inequality in South Africa. Through a qualitative research approach, the study delves into the historical context, current state, and prospects of coalition governance in the country. The Sociological Theory of Coalition Governan...
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This study integrates political socialization theory and behavioral genetics to disentangle the mechanisms underlying differences in the intergenerational transmission of voter turnout in majority and immigrant families. The pathways shaping the intergenerational transmission of electoral participation are examined through variations in political e...
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Surprisingly innovation process based on deliberate practice has rarely been unearthed that might explore the boundary conditions of the eco-friendly deliberate practice and eco-innovation performance relationship. Anchored on the organizational support theory and the social cognitive, the current study seeks to investigate the impacts of perceived...
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Esse trabalho se dedica a sistematizar elementos a priori de uma obra que conteria em si uma teoria social de um autor anterior, cronologicamente, à qualquer formulação de alguma teoria social. O autor em questão é o intelectual peruano Garcilaso de la Vega (1539-1616), que, ao tentar narrar a trajetória do povo inca através de sua língua e de sua...
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The social sciences, and especially theories about communication and digital media, have been dominated by the Global North. This paper attempts to redress this imbalance by reference to two major countries that have also been models in other parts of the world, India and China. In both countries, the autonomy of the public sphere of media is const...
Conference Paper
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Este artigo busca refletir sobre uma barreira que se estabelece entre duas escolas de pensamento. A primeira delas é a escola pós-estruturalista, que contesta a epistemologia mais clássica moderna, em específico a representação antiga-medieval-moderna de conhecimento. A segunda delas é uma vertente de estudos mais recentes sobre representações, a T...
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In an era dominated by big data and artificial intelligence, algorithms serve as facilitators across various application scenarios, creating complex layers of interaction. This research develops a theoretical framework based on social exchange theory, social information processing theory, and the stereotype content model to explore user responses t...
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In recent years, examining social problems such as health, education, environment, poverty, migration, disaster, all kinds of discrimination and inequalities in a relational and intersectional manner has become increasingly preferred. Especially sociologists find the essentialist approach of classical mainstream sociology based on dualities such as...
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The paper examines evolutionary elements in Adam Smith’s social theory, connecting them to an earlier contribution to natural history by George-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon. It then compares Smith’s analysis with those of Karl Marx and Joseph Schumpeter, who were fascinated by Darwinian evolutionary biology. This comparison demonstrates that whil...
Conference Paper
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This qualitative study focused on exploring the political activism of the LGBTIQ community within the context of the Gotagogama Protest in Sri Lanka. Data was gathered through interviews and analysed thematically, with content analysis of YouTube videos and other relevant secondary data sources supplemented. The study's goal was to explore into the...
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Opportunistic behaviour has become a research hotspot in hydraulic infrastructure project management owing to its serious damage to the cooperation efficiency of all participants in a project. The trust networks formed by each participant can restrain opportunistic behaviour, but due to the dynamic evolution of the networks, its research should ado...
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The article raises the question of the theoretical and cognitive foundations of sociological observation in the system-communication theory of Niklas Luhmann. Observation of society in its entirety is possible only from within itself, and therefore its observer (sociologist, artist, writer, moralist, politician or participant in a social movement)...
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Law enforcement in wildlife protection is a crucial issue involving environmental, legal and social justice aspects. This article examines the dynamics of law enforcement in wildlife protection cases through a legal sociology approach, with a focus on issues of justice and social inequality. Although various regulations have been implemented to pro...
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School bullying represents a pervasive and detrimental issue within educational settings worldwide, exerting significant negative impacts on the psychological well-being, social development, and academic performance of students. This comprehensive study endeavors to establish a robust theoretical foundation for understanding and addressing school b...
Conference Paper
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Large language models (LLMs) have been widely used as agents to complete different tasks, such as personal assistance or event planning. While most of the work has focused on cooperation and collaboration between agents, little work explores competition, another important mechanism that promotes the development of society and economy. In this paper...
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This annual Training School is organised and hosted by the International Urban Symposium-IUS in collaboration with an international group of senior scholars from leading universities. This 7-day Field Training School is an intensive exercise aimed at postgraduate students, postdoctoral scholars and practitioners who are interested in research in u...
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This paper explores the role of feedback in shaping individual and collective identities. In modern society, identity is seen as a dynamic construct that is formed through interactions and communication with others. Analyzing the relevant literature from psychology and social theory, the paper addresses the question of how feedback, whether positiv...
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This study examines the dynamics of rural social life from a sociological perspective using structural-functional, conflict, and symbolic interactionist theories. The findings reveal that rural communities are characterized by mutual cooperation, dependence on the agrarian sector, and strong social solidarity. However, modernization brings challeng...
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Aim To highlight the use of corpus linguistics for analysing language data and to provide a worked example of this approach in nursing research. Design Methodology discussion paper. Methods This paper introduces corpus linguistics as a distinct approach to undertaking qualitative research in nursing. Examples are provided to illustrate how corpus...
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Background The transition to residency (TTR) goes along with new opportunities for learning and development, which can also be challenging, despite the availability of preparation courses designed to ease the transition process. Although the TTR highly depends on the organization, individual combined with organizational strategies that advance adap...
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The paper explores the impact of technology on rural communities, focusing primarily on developing countries. Rural areas, traditionally constrained by geographic isolation, limited resources, and a reliance on agrarian economies, are increasingly integrating technological innovations that reshape social, economic, and cultural dimensions. This stu...
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Moral degradation has become a widespread discourse among society, especially the Hindu community in Nabire district, Papua. The development of information technology has coused the formation of nomophobia syndrome in Hindu children in Papua. This occurs because children are starting to get to know smartphones after a long time behind technology. C...
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Este artículo de investigación analiza la producción investigativa de las tesis de la Maestría en Estudios Sociales de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional durante el periodo 2008-2019, desde tres campos de saber: las memorias, el espacio y las acciones colectivas, con el fin de identificar sus aportes a los estudios sociales y determinar sus relacio...
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The paper explores the impact of technology on rural communities, focusing primarily on developing countries. Rural areas, traditionally constrained by geographic isolation, limited resources, and a reliance on agrarian economies, are increasingly integrating technological innovations that reshape social, economic, and cultural dimensions. This stu...
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Purpose : This study’s purpose was to explore professional career paths into Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE). More specifically, this study explored critical and/or impactful experiences in learning to do the work of PETE. Method : Participants were 27 professionally active PETE faculty members. Data sources included semistructured inte...
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Purpose While the impact of social support on academic performance is acknowledged, the specific mechanisms by which social support affects academic performance, particularly through self-efficacy and learning engagement, remain poorly understood. This study aims to examine the correlation between social support and academic achievement among Chine...
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This paper reviews the concepts of emotional labor, organizational commitment, and work engagement among nurses. By integrating motivation theory, social exchange theory, and the job demands-resources model, it elaborates on the current research status and theoretical support for the interrelationships between these concepts in pairs. Through these...
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New lines of theorizing in international relations don’t appear very often. Realism proudly proclaims a lineage of 2,500-odd years. Liberalism, in its various forms, traces its roots back several centuries. The appearance and spread of constructivism in the 1990s thus invite explanation. In this essay we explore the “construction of constructivism”...
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This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the Islamic Religious Education Tutorial Program in enhancing students' religiosity and social character. Drawing on Fromm's theory, social character is critical in responding to societal changes, such as the digital revolution. Experts argue that technology and globalization have a profound impact on...
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Waqf has great potential to strengthen society through the distribution in an Islamic economy and the productive use of resources. Waqf is an instrument in the Islamic economy which has a significant role in the social and economic development of the people. Waqf is a gift of assets that cannot be sold, inherited or transferred ownership, which are...
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The present narrative review aimed to appraise the current evidence on gender diversity, equity, and inclusivity (DEI) in dental higher education. It highlighted the existing gender disparities in dental education and leadership roles as well as the progress and challenges faced by contemporary dental schools in achieving gender DEI. Although men h...
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This paper examines the influence of the national health insurance scheme on elderly demand for family-based care and support. It contributes to the growing concern on the rapid increase in the elderly population globally using micro-level social theory to examine the influence the health insurance has on elderly demand for family support. A qualit...
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As a branch of regional innovation theories, social filter theory fundamentally reveals the reasons behind the geography of innovation in different countries and regions. However, compared with other regional innovation theories, social filter theory has remained largely ignored and has not been fully developed. To enrich and develop social filter...