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Social Psychiatry - Science topic

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Publications related to Social Psychiatry (1,695)
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In this column in Psychiatric Times, I explore the relational dialogue that is both an apparatus or tool and a way of being—social being. Furthermore, it creates a link between the relational therapies of social psychiatry and the “terms of the social” that are at the heart of social psychiatry. Key Takeaways: * Relational dialogue is central to...
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Key Takeaways • Psychiatry has evolved from behaviorism to cognitive neuroscience, yet lacks consensus, creating a crisis in the field. • Di Nicola emphasizes a pluralistic, interdisciplinary approach, integrating philosophy, poetry, and social sciences into psychiatry. • Relational therapy and addressing mental, relational, and social suffering ar...
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Towards a Clinical Social Psychiatry: Integrating Social Determinants of Health in the Clinic Vincenzo Di Nicola University of Montreal Abstract: The aim of this presentation is to harness the data of populational studies to clinical practice. This is a plan for applying social psychiatry in the clinic – a call for “Clinical Social Psychiatry.”...
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Since the turn of the 21st century, we have seen the development of an international movement that works in various ways to ensure that everyone in the world has access to adequate mental health care. There is indeed a great need for action, especially in countries with weak and underfunded health systems. The Movement for Global Mental Health (MGM...
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Eliot Sorel, MD, DLFAPA, FACPsych (1940–2024), Past President of WASP, was an inspirational and transformational leader in American and world psychiatry and a catalytic figure in promoting social psychiatry and social justice. Prof. Sorel was a significant and tireless leader at WASP, serving as president from 1996 to 200, and instrumental in organ...
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Supported living plays an important role in the community-based care for people with mental illness. However, support services like floating outreach have hardly been the subject of longer-term research to date, especially with regard to Germany. Thus, the main aim of this prospective observational study was to evaluate the psychosocial outcomes of...
Conference Paper
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Presentation on a Symposium on behalf of the Nepalese Association of Social Psychiatry (NASP). Theme: Influence of sociocultural factors on substance abuse and addiction in Nepal .
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Im Bereich der psychosozialen Versorgung gehört der Fachkräftemangel mittlerweile zu einer der größten Herausforderungen. Organisationen und Fachkräfte sehen sich auf der einen Seite mit den Folgen des demografischen Wandels und mit gravierenden Veränderungen in der Arbeitswelt konfrontiert. Auf der anderen Seite bleiben die psychosozialen Unterstü...
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This is the third instalment in my column on relational theory as part of the "terms of the social" (, Relational Theory My core criticism of contemporary psychiatry is that our theo...
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This symposium convenes three Canadian psychiatric leaders to discuss their concerns, values, and visions for Canadian psychiatry, moderated by a senior Quebec psychiatrist. CPA Presenters: Gary Chaimowitz, Past President (2022-2023), Ontario; Hygiea Casiano, President (2023-2024), Manitoba; Catherine Hickey, President-Elect (2024-2025) - Newfoundl...
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Statistical Misses in Holland is a personal account of common statistical errors in the field of social psychiatry and psychiatric epi-demiology. In the form of post-publication reviews this book covers problems in study design, hypothesis testing, sample size, measurement error, data analysis and reporting. Suggestions are presented to reduce stat...
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Background:Depression is a global crisis and a major concern in mental health interventions, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where it significantly impacts disability, quality of life, and economic stability. These chronic stressors have been used to argue for scaling up the detection and treatment of depression as a publi...
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Key Takeaways * Eliot Sorel, MD, was a pioneering leader in psychiatry, advocating for global mental health and social justice. * He was instrumental in integrating primary care with psychiatry, co-founding the APA Caucus on Global Mental Health. * Sorel's mentorship and leadership left a lasting impact, inspiring colleagues worldwide to pursue so...
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President, World Association of Social Psychiatry (WASP) The smallest indivisible human unit is two people, not one; one is a fiction. From such nets of souls societies, the social world, human life springs.-Playwright Tony Kushner Family therapy has an intimate relationship with social psychiatry because the family is the basic unit of society. Th...
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Biological' and 'social' perspectives in psychiatry have exchanged dominance at different times in the history of our field and are sometimes erroneously viewed as being contrasting and mutually exclusive paradigms. We argue that the arbitrary 'biological/social' divide in psychiatry is misleading, unhelpful, and ultimately a false one. We propose...
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PSICOTERAPIA, ÉTICA Y SOCIEDAD Por Vincenzo Di Nicola Después de unas vacaciones de trabajo en Brasil en agosto, me tomé un tiempo libre de mi columna para reiniciar el año académico y recibir a dos amigos y familiares terapeutas de la Ciudad de México aquí en Montreal. Tengo varias entrevistas programadas para este otoño, incluyendo a Adalberto...
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Purpose Social psychiatry considers the ways in which mental disorders are shaped by particular social environments. This paper outlines a cultural-ecosocial approach that emphasizes the ways in which cultural meaning and practices mediate the effects of the social determinants of mental health on the mechanisms of illness, disorder, and disease....
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After a working vacation in Brazil in August, I took time off from my column to restart the academic year and host two friends and family therapists from Mexico City here in Montreal. I have several interviews lined up this fall, including Adalberto Barreto, MD on Integrative Community Therapy (ICT) in Brazil1 and Javier Vicencio, MD on his famil...
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15º Congresso Brasileiro de Terapia Familiar ABRATEF Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil 16 de agosto de 2024 Conferência 4: “Por uma Psiquiatria e Terapia Social Clínica” Palestrante: Professor Doutor Vincenzo Di Nicola, MPhil, MD, PhD Ementa: Aplicando a pedagogia do evento, esta conferência oferece aos participantes uma oportunidade de abranger nov...
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This paper reflects on a special edition of the journal History of Psychiatry and a related symposium held at Somerville College, Oxford, exploring the innovations in mental healthcare in Oxfordshire led by Dr Bertram Mandelbrote between 1959 and 1988. I draw on clinical culture, biography, mental health policy and my lived experience to understand...
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The principal thesis of the sociology of knowledge is that there are modes of thought which cannot be adequately understood as long as the social origins are obscured.-Karl Mannheim 1 The value of creating and updating a lexicon for social psychiatry is not only an academic exercise but a task that necessarily follows from the fundamental shift tha...
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In social psychology, prejudice is a negative attitude toward a person belonging to a specific social group or a condition that is assumed negatively influences interpersonal relationships. In social psychiatry, the term stigma refers to a set of negative factors associated with individuals with a mental disorder. Stigma related to mental health is...
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A review of the impacts of the COVID-19 syndemic on child and youth health and mental health from a child psychiatry/mental health perspective and from a social psychiatry/public health perspective. The preventive measures that included confinement and social isolation have had devastating impacts on children's mental health, learning and social sk...
Conference Paper
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Wstęp: W marcu 2020 roku WHO ogłosiła pandemię COVID-19, co doprowadziło do wprowadzenia izolacji fizycznej i zmiany trybu edukacji na całym świecie. W Polsce od 12 marca wszystkie placówki edukacyjne zostały zamknięte, a nauka odbywała się zdalnie, co zaburzyło schemat kształcenia. Izolacja społeczna i nauka na odległość wywołały negatywne skutki...
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Maurizio Andolfi, MD, an internationally renowned Master Family Therapist and Social Psychiatrist, was recently awarded an Honorary Fellowship in the World Association of Social Psychiatry for his many contributions to child psychiatry, family psychotherapy, and social psychiatry. This article offers an overview of Dr. Andolfi’s origins, profession...
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This article investigates the diversity of social and political assertions in the work of Vladimir M Bekhterev. Its findings reveal that he drew social and political conclusions based on his doctrine of reflexology. Moreover, he propagated the use of statistical investigations by scientific and governmental institutions to estimate the social and h...
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My contention as a social psychiatrist and social philosopher is that the foundations of psychology and psychiatry – and the edifices that are built upon them, from theories to research paradigms to therapeutic interventions – are precisely upside down. Starting with the self, the individual, person and mind is to start building the roof rather tha...
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The 20th century was not only an eventful period in the historical space, but medical(psychopharmacology) science and the social disciplines also entered a more intensive development path, the dawn and institutionalization of psychology are also linked to this period. connected to this period, the work of Sándor Ferenczy, Ferenc Mérei, Ferenc Szaká...
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Die andauernde Stigmatisierung von als psychisch erkrankt geltenden Menschen verweist auf eine fortbestehende Tabuisierung erlebten sozialen Leids. Im Beitrag werden Tabuisierungsdynamiken in Interaktionen zwischen sozialpädagogischen Fachkräften und Adressat*innen gemeindepsychiatrischer Angebote in den Blick genommen. Ausgehend von psychoanalytis...
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No disciple of the wise may live in a city that does not have a physician, a surgeon, a bathhouse, a lavatory, a source of water, a synagogue, a school teacher, a scribe, a treasurer of charity funds for the poor, a court that has authority to punish.-Moses Maimonides 1 The medieval Jewish scholar Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, known to us by his Greek na...
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The Psychiatric and Neurological University Clinic in Heidelberg developed into a pioneering location for psychiatric reform from the early 1960s and, along with Frankfurt, into a leading centre of social psychiatric research and practice in the Federal Republic of Germany. The literature on Heidelberg social psychiatry, written mainly by those aff...
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This column approaches trauma from three perspectives-child and family psychiatry, trauma-informed care, and social psychiatry and philosophy. The tragedy of King Lear is briefly introduced as the framework for understanding tragedy and trauma. In closing, I argue for a nuanced approach to trauma that is selective but responsive to the ruptures tha...
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The late 1970s and the 1980s were a time of political and social change in Greece, following the collapse of the seven-year military dictatorship, as well as a time of rupture in mental healthcare: new approaches were being developed, including those implemented by the Society of Social Psychiatry and Mental Health, a voluntary, nonprofit scientifi...
Cover Page
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Mitarbeitende aus den verschiedenen Bereichen der psychosozialen Versorgung gehören zu einer Berufsgruppe, die besonders von gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen und krankheitsbedingten Ausfällen wegen arbeitsbezogenen psychischen Belastungen betroffen sind. Die Folgen sind ein erhöhtes Risiko für (chronische) gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen und...
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My third column in the series, "Second Thoughts ... About Psychiatry, Psychology, and Psychotherapy" in Psychiatric Times is called, “The Web of Meaning”: Family Therapy is Social Psychiatry’s Therapeutic Branch and explores family therapy as one of the three branches of social psychiatry
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In this inaugural column on “Second Thoughts… About Psychiatry, Psychology, and Psychotherapy,” I want to express second thoughts about my profession in a warm and constructive way.
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Individuals with psychiatric illness believe that voting is important. However, these individuals have lower rates of voting when compared to the general population. A survey of psychiatrically hospitalized adult patients was conducted to assess perceptions of and barriers to voting in patients with psychiatric illness. Data from 113 surveys was an...
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Abstract: The overall objective of this webinar is to harness the powerful data of populational studies to patients in clinical practice. This is effectively a plan for applying social psychiatry to the clinic –a call for “Clinical Social Psychiatry.” This objective will be addressed through three goals with seven steps: (A) Review social psychia...
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Mitarbeitende aus den verschiedenen Bereichen der psychosozialen Versorgung gehören zu einer Berufsgruppe, die besonders von gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen und krankheitsbedingten Ausfällen wegen arbeitsbezogenen psychischen Belastungen betroffen ist. Gerade vor dem Hintergrund des Fachkräftemangels in diesem Bereich und den zunehmenden Heraus...
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Introduction: Residency training is built on a tripod of research, training, and services. This is well achieved through academic seminar presentations which are held two to three times weekly. This survey aims to examine the presentations of Resident Doctors for Medical Education. Methods: The presentations from 2017 to 2022 were requested and poo...
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En nuestro mundo se producen con rapidez múltiples cambios en los terrenos tecnológico, económico, social y político que suponen para los miembros de la sociedad importantes demandas de adaptación y de reforma. Cuando las adaptaciones necesarias no se alcanzan, los cambios y el ritmo al que se producen se convierten en un problema, que en el moment...
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The prevalence of psychiatric disorders among patients with intellectual disability (ID) and low-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is higher than in the general population. The available reports on this comorbidity vary depending on the adopted methodologies, the size of the examined ID population, and the criteria used to diagnose mental...
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In this opinion letter, we provide a condensed overview of the available literature concerning the intersection of OCD and culture and emphasize the need to customize interventions by factoring in this pertinent aspect.
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Este artigo pretende discutir a atuação de médicos psiquiatras e residentes em psiquiatria em um ambulatório destinado a oferecer tratamento médico de saúde mental balizado pelos pressupostos epistemológicos da Psiquiatria Social e Cultural. Os dados apresentados baseiam-se na atuação de psiquiatras e antropólogos no Programa de Psiquiatria Social...
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This article explores the Chicago School of Sociology’s influence on psychiatric epidemiology. While the Chicago School text usually associated with psychiatric epidemiology is the 1939 book by Faris and Dunham, it is important to acknowledge the influence of earlier Chicago School projects during the 1920s. These projects, tackling everything from...
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Early childhood emotional dysregulation is critical in recognizing and preventing psychological well-being disorders, laying the groundwork for developing healthy emotional behaviors early on. This study aims to determine the direct influence of smartphone addiction, executive function, and the mother-child relationship on emotional dysregulation i...
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Background: The prevalence of substance use in individuals with schizophrenia exceeds that of the general population and is linked to more severe clinical and social outcomes. Furthermore, the use of substances may serve as a risk factor for the onset of schizophrenia, and its association with cannabis use in adolescence has been demonstrated to in...
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In seinem neuen Buch listet der Pharmakologe und Wissenschaftsjournalist Felix Hasler die neuen Fehlschläge der modernen psychiatrischen Hirnforschung auf: die der Informatik entlehnten, jedoch nicht gefundenen neuronalen Schaltkreise; die moderne psychiatrische Genetik und ihre nirgends gefundenen Kandidatengene für die diagnostizierten psychische...
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Die Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung gehört zu einer psychischen Erkrankung, die mit viel Leid und psychosozialen Beeinträchtigungen einhergeht. Aufgrund der komplexen Unterstützungsbedarfe müssen Betroffene oftmals verschiedene psychiatrische, psychotherapeutische und psychosoziale Unterstützungsangebote in Anspruch nehmen. Um Betroffene, Angehö...
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Die Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung gehört zu einer psychischen Erkrankung, die mit viel Leid und psychosozialen Beeinträchtigungen einhergeht. Aufgrund der komplexen Unterstützungsbedarfe müssen Betroffene oftmals verschiedene psychiatrische, psychotherapeutische und psychosoziale Unterstützungsangebote in Anspruch nehmen. Um Betroffene, Angehö...
Conference Paper
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Schizophrenia has been called the “sublime object of psychiatry” (Woods, 2011) We may discern three eras in this history * Classification era: Emil Kraepelin (1893), Eugen Bleuler (1908), Karl Jaspers (1913), Kurt Schneider (1939) * Social context era: Norman Cameron, Gregory Bateson, R D Laing, Silvano Arieti * Family studies era: Mara Selvini Pal...
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Photo ID 279661800 © Sidewaypics| ABSTRACT Decolonization is complex, vast, and the subject of an ongoing academic debate. While the many efforts to decolonize or dismantle the vestiges of colonialism that remain are laudable, they can also reinforce what they seek to end. For decolonization to be impactful, it must be done with epist...
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Social psychiatry explores the role and influence of social phenomena and social factors on the genesis, manifestation, treatment and outcome of mental and behavioral disorders. The classification and epidemiology of mental disorders, role of social factors in the onset and progression of mental disorders, transcultural psychiatry, and community ps...
Conference Paper
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"From Populations to Patients: The Clinical Relevance of Populational Studies for Social Psychiatry & Public Health" * This paper is a contribution to a WASP Symposium on "Social Psychiatry and Public Mental Health" Overview and Goals: 1. Review social psychiatry’s powerful populational studies on psychiatric epidemiology and Social Determinant...
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Primeiro Congresso Brasileiro de Psiquiatria Social Pre-Congresso da Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria Social em parceria com a Associação Brasileira de Terapia Comunitária Brasília, DF, Brasil 14 de agosto de 2023 Vincenzo Di Nicola Fundador e Presidente da Associação Canadense de Psiquiatria Social (CASP) e Presidente da Associação Mundi...
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Background Previous studies demonstrate a high prevalence of depression and loneliness among adolescents. Although they often co‐occur, the relationship between symptoms of depression and loneliness remains poorly understood. This study investigates: (a) the symptoms of depression that are connected to loneliness; (b) the role played by loneliness...
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Das Setting der klinisch-stationären Sozialpsychiatrie ist ein historisch gewachsenes, von medizinisch dominierten Handlungsweisen geprägtes Arbeitsfeld, welches durch die Mannigfaltigkeit der dort agierenden Professionen, interdisziplinäres Handeln verlangt. Sozialarbeiter*innen als Teil dieses Gefüges müssen sich demnach in diesem vorgegebenen Ra...
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This chapter explores the importance of revolution and ideas of radical reform for the development of socialist psychiatry, focusing on the case of post-1945 Yugoslavia. It looks at how the experience of social and political revolution transformed the clinical practice and intellectual frameworks of Yugoslavia’s ‘psy’ disciplines but also how the c...
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Many decades has passed since the Indian Association for Social Psychiatry was founded, and the social psychiatry movement in India began, but overall growth in this discipline has been gradual. In India, the field of psychiatry is rapidly expanding, and there is a need to reflect and consider what may be done to address the issues of social psychi...
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Aims Social psychiatry faces a challenging relationship with pop culture. Understanding pop culture portrayals of mental health culture could be valuable to public mental health. ‘ Top Boy ‘ is a fictional show touching upon the experience of individuals living in the grip of a mental health syndemic in inner-city London. Methods AS & WQ had struc...
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Aims Bollywood cinema is one of the largest entertainment industries, catering to a population of more than 1.4 billion people across the world. Social psychiatry faces a challenging relationship with pop culture and understanding such portrayals of mental health culture could be valuable to public mental health. "Goodbye" is a fictional movie depi...
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While there are many detractors for the use of ChatGPT, the advancement of technological development does not stop just because some people do not like it. The reality is that ChatGPT and other AIs will continue to appear more frequently, with a greater capacity for analysis and synthesis, and will become increasingly widespread in different areas....
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Resumo: Introdução: O presente ensaio é baseado na experiência de ensino do Programa de Psiquiatria Social e Cultural da Universidade de São Paulo (ProSol)e em fundamentações teóricas do campo da psiquiatria cultural. Desenvolvimento: Neste ensaio, destaca-se a importância do ensino em psiquiatria cultural para a formação de residentes na psiquiatr...
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Social psychiatry is a discipline that focuses on the social dimension of mental health, mental illness, and mental healthcare. It uses concepts and methods of biological and social sciences, including sociology, psychology, and anthropology, to investigate social factors influencing and relevant to occurrence, expression, course, and care of menta...
Conference Paper
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2nd Regional CME of the Nepalese Association of Social Psychiatry (NASP): Shreemad-Bhagwad-Geeta in Psychosocial Issues; NASP in collaboration with Eastern Chapter-Psychiatrists’ Association of Nepal: 23 June, 2023, Biratnagar, Nepal
Conference Paper
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V Di Nicola (Invited Keynote Speaker), “Social Psychiatry and Person-centered Medicine: Integrating Social Determinants (SDH) of Health and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) with Clinical Practice,” The Paradigm Change in Medicine: The Epistemological and Scientific Basis of Person-centered Medicine, Scuola Medica di Milano, Università Ambrosiana...
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The realisation of recovery as an overarching goal of mental health care services has proven difficult to achieve in practice. At present, concepts of recovery are contested and unclear, which affects their implementation in psychiatric practices. We examined social psychiatric policies about recovery with the aim to explore their underlying assump...
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The American Medical Association adopted a resolution in June 2022 recognizing voting as a social determinant of health. As psychiatric professionals and trainees with experience in civic health, the authors argue that psychiatrists must consider the relationship between voting and mental health as part of care delivery. People with psychiatric ill...
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The present paper aims to describe the structure, function, and goals of two of the oldest Mobile Mental Health Units in Greece, namely, the Mobile Mental Health Unit in Fokida (MMHU-F) and the Mobile Mental Health Unit in Thrace (Alexandroupolis, MMHU-T). Information about their historical background, catchment areas, and current staffing, as well...
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Psychiatric epidemiology has significantly influenced public health policies all around the world. This article discusses how Finnish epidemiologists reacted to local needs, which were born in specific circumstances and were controlled by science policy and funding opportunities. The development between the 1900s and 1990s is divided into three sta...
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Hestia’s Overnight Hotel Counselling Service for survivors of the Grenfell fire was set up in response to a disaster and therefore most of the ‘normal rules’ of counselling boundaries could not apply. There is a gap in the literature regarding counselling in times of disasters and the ethical dilemmas that come with it. The deficit on this issue is...
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Gun violence has become the leading cause of death of children in the United States. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious and growing threat to women across all borders. As a child and family psychiatrist, I have dedicated my career to the health of children and families. As President of the World Association of Social Psychiatry (WASP), I...
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Abstract The JAC (Japanese Association of Criminology) can trace its origin to the foundation of Hanzaigaku Kyohkai (the Society of Criminology), which had its first meeting in a laboratory room in the Legal Medicine Department of Tokyo Imperial University on July 2, 1913. Nine founders are listed in the "Japanese Annals of Criminology,” all profes...
Conference Paper
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“Prisoners of the Pandemic: Social and Forensic Consequences of the Coronavirus” Abstract: My title is a play on the word “prisoners” that forensic psychiatry deals with but, in fact, hearkens back to Plato's analogy of the cave with its prisoners in a situation of sensory deprivation. The confinement and social distancing strategies adopted alm...
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Abstract Background/Objectives: The authors are early career psychiatrists practicing worldwide who aim toincrease access to mental health care and reduce associated stigma by utilizing culturally informedpsychoeducation-based programs tailored for nontraditional communities. Methods: The authorschose four distinct communities to provide men...
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Unser gesellschaftlicher Diskurs, in den multiplen Krisen von Pandemie, russischem Vernichtungskrieg und Klimakatastrophe ist durchzogen von Identitätsfragen -Wer sind wir? Was sind unsere Werte? Wofür streiten wir? Diese Fragen sind eigentlich Haltungsfragen. Denn eine Haltung ist mehr, als eine bloße Meinung oder ein Wissen über etwas zu haben. E...
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Evaluating behavioral mimicking is important in healthcare providers' everyday functioning with an increased presentation of Tourette syndrome-like cases during the COVID-19 pandemic, seen due to the popular video creators on social media (e.g., TikTok) exhibiting these behaviors. Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face difficulties wi...
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Introduction: The health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been widely recognized in both physical and mental health. Relatively little attention has been paid to patients with delusional disorder (DD). Aims: Our goal was to synthesize the known mental and physical health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in patients diagnosed with DD. Meth...
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Theorien und Konzepte von Stigma und Stigmatisierung werden mittlerweile, dank bald 60 Jahren Forschung, in unterschiedlichen Disziplinen von Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie über Sozialpsychiatrie und Pädagogik bis hin zu Kommunikations- und Rehabilitationswissenschaften berücksichtigt, wobei sich alle auf dasselbe soziale Phänomen beziehen. Im vo...
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Introduction The long-term impact of COVID-19 on mental health, particularly in relation to socio-economic vulnerabilities, has received little attention. This study reports the prevalence of mental health-related symptoms among previously hospitalized patients after recovery from COVID-19, and its association with socio-economic status (SES). Met...
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Homelessness continues to be a major social and clinical problem. The homeless population has a higher burden of disease that includes psychiatric disorders. In addition, they have a lower use of ambulatory health services and a higher use of acute care. Few investigations analyze the use of services of this population group in the long term. We an...
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Love is defined and examined as an emotion, using the psychoevolutionary theory of emotions developed by Robert Plutchik and extended to social psychiatry by Henry Kellerman. This theory posits a fourfold ethogram, representing the valanced adaptive reactions to problems of life which define the eight primary emotions. The problem of identity is ad...
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In diesem Kapitel möchten wir Sie ermuntern, sich mit der aktuellen wissenschaft- lichen Fachliteratur zu beschäftigen. Sie erhalten einen Überblick über unterschied- liche Studientypen der empirischen Forschung im Bereich der Psychiatrie und lernen anhand von Praxisbeispielen, welche Fragestellungen mit welcher Forschungs- methode beantwortet werd...
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In diesem Kapitel möchten wir Ihnen ein Grundverständnis und eine Haltung zum Qualitätsmanagement in der Sozialpsychiatrie und Suchtkrankenhilfe vermitteln. Sie lernen wichtige Elemente eines Qualitätsmanagementprozesses kennen und können nachvollziehen, was eine gute Organisation charakterisiert bzw. auszeich- net. Das kann Ihnen bei der Wahl des...
Conference Paper
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Lead presenter: Vincenzo Di Nicola (Montreal) “Convergent vs divergent trends in Social and Cultural Psychiatry” Presenters: Kam Bhui (Oxford): “Future of social-cultural nexus in personal, structural and syndemic care” Gabriel Ivbijaro (London): “Global Mental Health and primary care: A new approach” This symposium brings together leaders of t...
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The patient recovery process of individual with mental health disorder is reinforced if they are connected with their community and supported by relatives. The literature has shown that caregivers are important, although their roles can lead to alterations in their own health; and women are the most involved in this role. The present review investi...
Conference Paper
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Address of the Incoming President of WASP “Recovery from Mental Illness: Challenges and Solutions from Across the Globe,” Joint Congress of the World Association of Social Psychiatry (WASP) and the Faculty of Rehabilitation and Social Psychiatry, Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych, UK), London, UK, Tuesday, January 17, 2023
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Background Hypersexual behaviour (HB) is characterized by recurring unsuccessful efforts to control intense, repetitive sexual impulses that result in sexual activities and manifest in the behaviour of the concerning individual over an extended period. This study aims to describe the characterization of HB among the target group, identify personali...
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In this journal Ikkos examines the work of the American sociologist Owen Whooley, who argues that US psychiatry has gone through five paradigm shifts without defining the object of its own expertise. We look at the substance of Whooley's methods and assumptions and offer our observations on Ikkos's argument and conclusions.
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Child and adolescent psychiatry has been based on numerous fields of research and theories, including neuroscience, physiology, psychology (developmental, psychodynamic, systemic, cognitive-behavioral, etc.), anthropology, sociology, and education sciences. Integrating transdisciplinary knowledge in multi-level models is an ongoing challenge for th...