Science topics: Social ScienceSocial Policy
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Social Policy - Science topic
Social policy primarily refers to guidelines, principles, legislation and activities that affect the living conditions conducive to human welfare.
Publications related to Social Policy (10,000)
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The Springer series International Perspectives on Social Policy, Administration and Practice puts the spotlight on international and comparative studies of social policy, administration, and practice with an up-to-date assessment of their character and development. In particular, the series seeks to examine the underlying assumptions of the practic...
This book is a product of human-machine collaboration in social work and is a premier in global social work education and practice. Each chapter is organized by the book editor with a human-written introduction. Chapters focus on contemporary issues, providing an updated, comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the latest developments in the fi...
This book provides a machine-generated overview of social work across the globe, providing an in-depth understanding on social work education, practice and research. It shows the latest developments in social work, curriculum, pedagogy, practice, research and clinical social work. Each chapter is organized by the book editor with a human-written in...
To examine power and governance arrangements in food and nutrition policy formulation and agenda-setting in South Africa
Analysis of the policy implementation environment and in-depth interviews were conducted focussing on: existing policy content and priorities across food system sectors; institutional structures for cross-sector...
In spite of the upturn in the economy and in employment that has been observed in the EU since 2013 to 2019 (and after COVID-19 crisis), the gap between the figures for indicators of economic growth and those for the trends in domestic living conditions continues to be very wide; growth and newly created jobs are not resulting in a generalised impr...
This study explores the transformative role of female politicians in Northern Nigeria, a region historically marked by deep gender disparities in leadership and political engagement. Despite entrenched cultural and social barriers, women are increasingly entering the political arena, challenging patriarchal norms and advocating for critical issues...
The problem of poverty in Tajikistan, despite attempts to solve it, remains relevant today. Progress in this matter is certainly noticeable, but the decisions made in terms of social policy are of questionable effectiveness and are aimed more at reducing the level of poverty on paper than at identifying and eliminating its causes. In this regard, i...
The protection of children in street situations is a key policy issue that is mostly spearheaded by governments, the non-profit sector, private sector and religious organisations. Children in street situations are a vulnerable population. In South Africa, projects and programs to protect children in need of care and protection emanate from the Depa...
The Authors analyze the guidelines established by the Italian State to regulate the gateway to the universal benefit provided for by art. 34 of Legislative Decree 15 March 2024, no. 29. They focus, in particular, on the criterion of ‘extremely serious care needs’ as it was recently definedby the decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies o...
Social activities that older adults engage in are vital to social policy on ageing in Russia. This study looks from the eudaimonic perspective at the participation of older adults in three Russian social projects featuring activities in volunteering, fashion modelling and traditional handicrafts. Qualitative and quantitative methods were applied to...
The present paper aims to determine and compare religiosity levels in university students (n = 2098) from the United Kingdom (n = 1010) and Poland and to attempt an explanation of how nationality differences in the cultural context and affiliations with different religious traditions influence their religiosity. The current global trends regarding...
En este capítulo se estudia el Instituto de Servicios Sociales (Inserso), una entidad nacida en los años de la transición a la democracia dentro del proyecto de restauración de la Seguridad Social y su adecuación a la nueva realidad política. No obstante, las bases de esta institución se habían planteado en los últimos años franquistas, cuando tras...
The higher-educated were long supposed to be winners of technological change, but recent evidence indicates that they feel (and are) increasingly exposed to the risk of technological redundancy. Based on what is known about how lower- to medium-skilled workers respond to technological exposure, this new sense of vulnerability among the higher-educa...
Violence against women in Peru is a serious social problem, and prevention and intervention strategies to address it are a priority in social policies. The results of a research project that aims to develop a location map of violence against women in Peru are presented, analyzing its territorial distribution at the level of municipal districts and...
We are witnessing a rise in collaboration between academics and third space professionals, which has resulted in a curriculum design that is far more focused on cultivating new authentic learning experiences and assessment opportunities for students in higher education. This collective approach to teaching and learning not only provides students wi...
Este artículo busca hacer un balance del progresismo en Ecuador durante el Gobierno de Rafael Correa en el ámbito socioeconómico. Se busca valorar si las políticas desarrolladas en este Gobierno en un contexto específico lograron efectos en el desarrollo socioeconómico que trasciendan la época. Se consideran tres referentes teóricos aplicados para...
Esta reseña analiza La revolución social en el norte de México y las comunas anarquistas del Partido Liberal Mexicano, 1911-1915 de Luis F. Olvera Maldonado. Desde una perspectiva crítica e histórica, el texto examina experiencias anarquistas lideradas por militantes del Partido Liberal Mexicano (PLM) en Baja California y Coahuila, así como una com...
Esta reseña analiza La revolución social en el norte de México y las comunas anarquistas del Partido Liberal Mexicano, 1911-1915 de Luis F. Olvera Maldonado. Desde una perspectiva crítica e histórica, el texto examina experiencias anarquistas lideradas por militantes del Partido Liberal Mexicano (PLM) en Baja California y Coahuila, así como una com...
A Educação do Campo só encontra materialidade se for indissociável da luta por um projeto alternativo de desenvolvimento do campo e do fortalecimento do projeto camponês e, se enfatizar o diálogo entre os saberes científicos e populares, voltados para a agricultura familiar e orientados pelos pressupostos da Agroecologia, nesse sentido, o presente...
Argentina is one of the countries in the Latin American region with the highest incidence of childhood obesity. The incidence of childhood overweight and obesity among children under five years of age is approximately 15%, according to the 2020 MICS survey. Obesity is a nutritional disorder that is explained not only by biological factors but also...
State-level social policy and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) population concentration are key measures that are often used as indicators reflecting geographic social climate. Still, research has yet to investigate how they may be interrelated, including the degree to which the LGBT population are subject to certain policies. Using p...
Antologin Akilleshälar i välfärd, socialpolitik och socialt arbete under redaktörskap av Hans Swärd, seniorprofessor på Socialhögskolan vid Lunds universitet, och Alexandru Panican, professor på Institutionen för beteende-, social- och rättsvetenskap vid Örebro universitet, tar sin utgångspunkt i de allvarliga problem som den svenska välfärden står...
Almost universally, people living in rural and remote places die younger, poorer, and sicker than urban-dwelling citizens of the same country. Despite clear need, health services are commonly less available, and more costly and challenging to access, for rural and remote people. Rural geography is commonly cited as a reason for these disparities, t...
El ensayo "Fe, selva y conquista: Encuentros con los maya Itzá desde las perspectivas de Fray Andrés de Avendaño y Juan de Villagutierre y Sotomayor" analiza los eventos históricos del siglo XVII que definieron el contacto entre los europeos y los maya Itzá, última sociedad maya independiente del Petén guatemalteco. A través de un enfoque interdisc...
Gender politics marked a clear attempt to transform the theoretical achievements of feminism in the
real circumstances of political life. In Ukraine, gender politics is one of the main areas of social policy,
debates on gender issues covering areas of the State Legislative Activities, the symbolic space of national
identity, development of the b...
The article analyzes the issues related to the problems arising in the field of humanitarian assistance to Ukraine by the EU, the USA and other foreign partners of Ukraine. The author emphasizes that, given that Ukraine’s foreign policy plans include integration into the European political, economic, and legal space with a view to gaining membershi...
This study aims to analyze the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in shaping social policies, focusing on its impacts on poverty, unemployment, education, and healthcare. The research explores the concept, origins, types, and dimensions of AI, as well as the stages of social policymaking. It highlights how AI technologies contribute to building s...
A formulação de políticas públicas está, hoje, exposta a um turbilhão de informações de baixa credibilidade e sem evidências consistentes que circulam nas redes sociais, levando à destruição e descontinuidade de experiências inovadoras e fundamentais para a garantia e ampliação dos direitos de cidadania. Assistentes de Inteligência Artificial Gener...
This paper investigates the evolution of social protection frameworks in developing countries, distinguishing between contributory and tax-financed systems. Through a comparative analysis of social insurance, social assistance, public works, and community-based employment programs, this study assesses their effectiveness in mitigating poverty, mana...
This article presents the critical importance of technological progress in strengthening Ukraine’s national security. It examines the intersection of technology, economic growth, and societal wellbeing, highlighting the role of innovation and investment in this context. The main objective is to analyse how technological modernization and a shift to...
Sudan’s political distortions under Bashir’s regime between 1989 and 2018 resulted in multiple economic crises and civil wars. After assuming office in 2019, the Transitional Government implemented economic reforms aiming to stabilize the economy. It sought support from donors and international financial institutions, who conditioned support on str...
Este artigo trata do filme documentário Todas por uma (2022), de Jeanne Dosse, que apresenta como, em meio às crises econômica, política, social e cultural que assolaram o Brasil, Ariane Mnouchkine, diretora do Théâtre du Soleil (França). Ariane foi convidada para supervisionar a encenação da peça de teatro As comadres (2019), uma versão de Les Bel...
The aging population is increasing rapidly across India and globally, presenting significant challenges to healthcare and social security systems. The elderly is often stereotyped as economically "unproductive" and "socially dependent," leading to an underappreciation of their potential and valuable contributions to society. This study explores the...
This article investigates changes in the right to social assistance – a means-tested cash support programme, regulated by the Social Services Act – for irregularised migrants over a period of four decades, 1982–2022. The article makes the case that austerity policies have hollowed out the right to support, with significant repercussions for those w...
Political and media narratives often manufacture immigration as a social problem, framing the construction of meaning through the discourses of cultural differences as social, political and security problems. Of specific concern is how Muslims and immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries are perceived as the undesirable ‘Other’. The existence...
Introducción: El proceso de envejecimiento poblacional ha traído consigo una serie de transformaciones sociales, como la supervivencia femenina denominada feminización de la vejez, que como fenómeno demográfico y cultural genera un cambio significativo en la distribución tradicional de roles en esta etapa vital. Este estudio se enfoca en analizar l...
In Ethiopia, ethnic federalism was implemented in the 1990s with the intention of redressing past marginalization, in which certain groups were excluded from political participation, economic prospects, and cultural acknowledgement. Here Ethnic conflict refers to a form of conflict in which the objectives of at least one party are defined in ethnic...
Introducción. La participación social de las personas mayores es un elemento fundamental del envejecimiento activo, que cobra, si cabe, mayor relevancia en sociedades enfrentadas a los retos y problemas demográficos dado su progresivo envejecimiento. Tomando como caso de estudio la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura el presente análisis tuvo como ob...
p style="text-align: justify;">The article deals with the role of a person's subjective age in his psychological well-being. Subjective age is the self—perception of one's own age, it’s a subjective age identification. Foreign and domestic studies convincingly show the predictive role of subjective age in life expectancy, somatic health, regulation...
This quantitative study investigates the impact of Covid-19 on parental behavior towards their children during the pandemic. The study collected data from 765 participants conveniently selected in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), including both fathers and mothers who were Emirati and Non-Emirati residents and had at least one school-age child (3–17...
This study aims to analyze the factors that attract young people as digital product consumers to shop online, and how far online shopping triggers impulsive shopping patterns and becomes a youth lifestyle. This study also examines the extent of financial literacy of young people as consumers of digital economic products. This study used quantitativ...
This research examined the construction of Islamic identity and Lampung culture from the perspective community leadership through folk poetry. The research focused on analyzing oral folk poetry, specifically the wawancan and peppacur genres, which are integral to the cultural rituals of the Lampung people, especially in wedding ceremonies. The folk...
The pandemic context put into operation social policies that sought to accompany the difficulties in earning an income. Against this background, social policies acquired a visible centrality in state agendas, dedicated to dealing with the health emergency caused by COVID-19. In the Argentine case, a policy called Emergency Family Income (EFI) was i...
En este artículo, nos proponemos realizar un análisis de las políticas sociales con componente de empleo, desde las percepciones de la población receptora. A partir de un análisis sobre este tipo de intervenciones estatales se ha identificado que poseen el objetivo explícito de acompañar "las primeras experiencias laborales" junto con el pago de un...
Citation: Setyadi, A.; Soekotjo, S.; Lestari, S.D.; Pawirosumarto, S.; Damaris, A. Trends and Opportunities in Sustainable Manufacturing: A Systematic Review of Key Dimensions from 2019 to 2024. Sustainability 2025, 17, 789. https://doi. Abstract: Purpose: This systematic literature review analyzes trends, key findings, and research opportunities i...
Introducción: el contexto de pandemia global del Covid-19 en el año 2020 puso a funcionar diferentes intervenciones estatales que buscaron reducir las dificultades para acceder a ingresos. Dentro de las estas, en Argentina comenzó a funcionar el Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia (IFE). La gestión y el acceso a este atravesó varios obstáculos y generó...
L'étude sur l'analyse de l'efficacité de l'aide publique au développement demeure intéressante en ce sens qu'elle offre la possibilité aux chercheurs et économistes non seulement d'apporter une contribution à la science, mais elle permet aussi qu'ils fixent leur position quant à cette problématique et faire la lumière sur cette épineuse question qu...
English below
Die Statistiken zeigen eine bemerkenswerte Entwicklung der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende (SGB II) in Deutschland von 2007 bis 2023. Hier ist ein klarer Trend sichtbar: Während die Zahl der deutschen erwerbsfähigen Leistungsberechtigten kontinuierlich sank, stieg die Zahl der nichtdeutschen Leistungsberechtigten an. Eine Analyse ze...
The lived experiences of individuals confronting homelessness in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, are examined in this study. Particular emphasis is placed on the socioeconomic , cultural and structural determinants that engender (a) marginalisation of these individuals. With comprehensive qualitative fieldwork (which includes in-depth interviews and data gath...
Introduction: Society faces one of the problems that affects its physical and personal integrity, such as crime, and this causes people to live in fear and therefore limit themselves to going out on the street, which causes social decomposition. The purpose of the research work is to analyze crime and its impact on social decomposition in the Virge...
DIREITOS HUMANOS, POLÍTICA DE SEGURANÇA PÚBLICA E CRIMINAL CARCERÁRIA NO BRASIL: DILEMAS E PARADOXOS RESUMO O que são, na essência, Direitos Humanos, seus princípios fundamentais e até que ponto a segurança pública pertence ao rol dos Direitos Humanos? A partir dessa problemática, a presente escrita foi construída não somente com o objetivo de resp...
After the 2021 US withdrawal, a drastic transition of power coupled with international sanctions and the Islamic State-Taliban conflict led to growing issues of widespread economic hardships, food insecurity, stricter social policies, and changes to daily life. This 2023 study examines the association of diminished quality of life (DQOL) on the psy...
Since the 1980s, the expansion of the public higher education system in Greece and the increase of student numbers have contributed to the democratisation of higher education. However, the massification of the higher education system in Greece has been accompanied by the issue of the long delay of studies and the phenomenon of students not graduati...
This study explores insights from corporate leaders regarding cultural diversity in the workplace and its potential complexities for the future of work in the context of India. The research aims to develop strategic approaches to blending cultural diversity, helping organizations optimize diversity with minimal conflict through thematic analysis. E...
Abstrakt Socialt arbete och folkhälsovetenskap har många beröringspunkter, inte minst i en gemensam värdegrund där social rättvisa och mänskliga rättigheter är viktiga vägledande principer, och i en praktik som verkar för social förändring och förbättring av människor hälsa, välmående och livschanser. Ett förebyggande perspektiv har också funnits m...
Gunnar Inghe (1910–77) lade på många sätt grunden till den nordiska socialmedicinen. Han var den första socialläkaren i Stockholm, och var den första redaktören för Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine. Han var professor i socialmedicin 1961-75. Vi var hans två sista doktorander. När vi nu ser tillbaka på Socialmedicinsk tidskrifts (SMT) 100 åri...
There is notable variation in state‐level social policy exclusions for immigrant parents and their children. Little research has investigated how these exclusions impair the well‐being of immigrant families. This study examined how state‐level social policy exclusions for immigrants are associated with the well‐being of immigrant parents and develo...
This book chapter’s data analyzes public sector management trends and challenges that cut across national borders. It also offers evidence-based recommendations and insights for advanced public sector management theory and practice. Thus, careful consideration is needed when examining the public sector management trends covered in this chapter thro...
Los mapeos son relevantes para la creación de diagnósticos socio-territoriales, ya que permiten un acercamiento a las políticas públicas desde las definiciones, objetivos, recursos y abordajes que suscitan. Este artículo contiene y desarrolla una propuesta de mapeo como herramienta teórico-metodológica que espera contribuir al diseño, seguimiento y...
Malaysia as an ethnically diverse country has a history of interethnic inequality and poverty which led to the development of different views about the existence of poverty. Among these ethnic groups, some sympathize with the poor and help them through different charity organizations. However, these charity organizations are mostly una...
Fighting against poverty has become an increasing topic both at international and national levels. In this context, social policy programmes and particularly the implementation and delivery of social aid programs are one of key policy tools widely used in many countries to alleviate poverty and reduce hunger. Assessing the Aid Dependency Rate (ADR)...
The article is devoted to the problem of protecting the right to life of employees in the labor sphere at the state level, which is one of the key aspects of ensuring human rights in modern society. The right to life, enshrined in international instruments such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Social Charter, and guaran...
With few exceptions, previous studies of children’s identification and hierarchy of attachment figures have involved only children born to heterosexual parents through unassisted conception, recognizing mothers as the primary attachment figures. Further research into diverse families may help to disentangle parents’ attachment role from their gende...
En la presente indagación se analizan los derechos sociales, los cuales son constitucionales y tutorados por el Estado para garantizar su ejercicio efectivo para proponer lineamientos que orienten la política social hacia un enfoque más inclusivo y equitativo. Guerrero, reconocido por su riqueza cultural y natural, enfrenta elevados niveles de reza...
This paper explores the connection between social policy and immigration law as one feature of migration governance to advance internal bordering and border internalization. It argues that responsibility for migration governance is being transferred: from immigration authorities and the broader field of immigration policy to social services and the...
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have a strategic role in the Indonesian economy, contributing to GDP, creating jobs and reducing poverty. However, MSMEs in Indonesia face various challenges that hinder their development, such as limited managerial skills, lack of product innovation, and limited access to financing. This research aims to...
Purpose: The article examines the influence of martial law on the economy and social policy and presents the consequences for auditing. Design/Methodology/Approach: A quantitative research strategy was used to study the financing of audit firms at the macro level. A purposive sampling method was applied to select 100 audit firms across 24 regions o...
This study explores the culinary linguistic landscape of Kupang City, Indonesia, through an analysis of signboards in public spaces. Kupang, a multicultural and multilingual city, exhibits its diversity through the language choices on culinary signage, reflecting cultural identity, heritage, and modern influences. Using a qualitative approach, this...
Unlocking the power of sustainable growth, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles are redefining the future of responsible investment and corporate excellence. ESG regulations ensure that organizations maintain sustainable development and improve non-monetary metrics, such as stakeholders’ engagement, customer satisfaction, market a...
Learning the structure of Bayesian networks from data provides insights into underlying processes and the causal relationships that generate the data, but its usefulness depends on the homogeneity of the data population, a condition often violated in real-world applications. In such cases, using a single network structure for inference can be misle...
This document presents a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between social work and disability, examining the historical evolution of disability models and their impact on professional practice. Originally published in Spanish (2017) and translated to English (2025), it offers a systematic review of key theoretical frameworks from Puig de l...
Objetivo: Consistió en analizar la desigualdad social y subempleo en el Ecuador y como esto afecta a la estructura familiar tradicional, con base en datos estadísticos del 2019 y 2020. Marco Teórico: A principio del siglo en América Latina, se ha gestado un período de transformaciones profundas. Los índices de pobreza se han reducido, se traduce co...
Este trabalho, elaborado como marco de reflexão sobre os quinze anos da Lei 10.639, de 9 de
janeiro de 2003, que alterou a Lei 9394/1996 para incluir no currículo oficial da Rede de Ensino a
obrigatoriedade da temática "História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira", trazendo atenção para a
problemática das relações étnico-raciais no ambiente escolar e revela...
The extent of social and economic issues has an impact on current society, and ways of solving them reflect not only on social policy but also on results of economic policies. The paper aims to evaluate the effects of social protection expenditures/benefits in relation to selected socio-economic indicators in the EU countries. By use of panel data...
Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) place enormous burdens on families, care partners, and the public programs that finance ADRD services. Caregiving is disproportionately provided by women, individuals of low socioeconomic status, and underserved minority populations, who also rely upon informal care and support. National d...
Competition law is experiencing a transformation from a niche economic tool to a Swiss knife of broader industrial and social policy. Relatedly, there is a narrative that sees an expansive role for competition law in broad areas such as sustainability, privacy, and workers and labour rights, and a counternarrative that wants to deny it that role. T...
The warming of the planet and the currently increasing evidence of the climate crisis compel social workers to prepare themselves and their students to shoulder new roles and develop new models of education. This focused literature review provides the social work educator or activist with essential and suggested materials in order to teach and/or l...
Expanding access to equitable health insurance is an important lever towards the overall strategy for achieving universal health coverage. In Nigeria, health insurance coverage is low with a renewed government action on increasing access to and coverage of high-quality healthcare services to citizens, particularly for the vulnerable and...
Introdução: As comunidades quilombolas sofrem com a invisibilidade e vulnerabilidade social que resultam em condições precárias de vida tais como falta de acesso à água, saneamento básico, moradia, educação, dentre outras. Isto pode explicar o porquê tal segmento detém maiores taxas de insegurança alimentar (IA) e é um dos mais atingidos pelos desm...
Dado el creciente número de personas de 65 años o más en situación de vulnerabilidad en México, en 2018, se implementó el programa Pensión para el Bienestar de los Adultos Mayores (PPBAM). El objetivo de la investigación, fue analizar la relación entre el PPBAM y la situación de pobreza y carencias de la población mayor de 65 años, en zonas rurales...
Este artículo analiza el período político iniciado en diciembre de 2019 en Argentina con la asunción del gobierno de Alberto Fernández del Frente de Todos, el cual se vio fuertemente influenciado por una crisis socioeconómica preexistente y el impacto posterior de la pandemia de COVID-19. Se examinan los aspectos económicos, sociales y políticos qu...
This volume sets out to explain the conditions that have favoured the expansion of the Eur opean social dimension during the turbulent decade of 2010-2020, when Europe was con fronting strong countervailing pressures, including the euro crisis, the refugee crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic.
The study begins by diagnosing a widespread, although slo...
Objective: To present Notice No. 03/2021 - Ceará linked to the São José Jovem Project (PSJJ) developed by the Secretariat of Agrarian Development of the State of Ceará as a public social policy instrument for transforming the lives of Ceará youth in Brazil, evaluating the profile and analysis intersectionality of beneficiaries of the São José Jovem...
The paper presents specific aspects and goals of social policy of the European Union (EU). The historical review chronologically presents the development of the EU's social policy along with the development of the eurointegration. The specific features of EU social policy have been analyzed: limited legislative powers of EU institution...
The aim of the article is to identify legal vulnerabilities at various levels of Ukraine’s legal system, assess the degree of their negative impact on the formation and implementation of the state’s social policy, and propose methods for their elimination and ways to minimize their negative effects, taking into account the achievements of the EU le...
Improved cooking stoves (ICS) are intended to reduce indoor air pollution and the inefficient use of fuel yet there is often reticence to shift permanently to ICS. Drawing on a scoping review, this article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of factors affecting the acceptability of ICS. A scoping review was carried out using a systematic sear...
The current paper "Social Policy of EU in the globalizing world – between European and national" presents some aspects of the social policies of EU and the member states and, also, the challenges EU faces because of the continuous changing and developing technological world. The globalization, which affects direct he existence and the li...
Social networks have a wider influence on youth political participation, providing the opportunity to remain actively engaged in socio-political issues aiming for good governance in Indonesia. The study highlights the pertinent role of social networks, social ties, and trends in increasing participation among youngsters in Indonesia’s political sph...
Zusammenfassung: Die Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Vergütungspolitik staatlicher Unternehmen zu analysieren. In letzter Zeit waren viele große Unternehmen mit hohen Wachstumszielen gezwungen, sich auf umfassende Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu konzentrieren, wobei die Fähigkeit, Talente durch Gehalts-und Sozialpolitik anzuziehen, als oberste Priorität...
This study uses Mead’s theory of the social self to illustrate the formation of the mixed gender-role attitudes held by Chinese immigrant couples in Ireland. While the sampled Chinese developed a more liberal ‘I’ from acculturation to gender egalitarianism in Ireland and the emerging feminist culture in China, the ‘Me’ remained firmly family-orient...
This study introduces the Comprehensive Emotional Demand Theory (CEDT) to explore the psychological mechanisms behind the adage "The squeaky wheel gets the grease, but the quiet child is unloved." While previous research has demonstrated the connection between explicit emotional needs, such as crying, and heightened parental attention, a significan...