Science topics: Social ScienceSocial Policy
Science topic
Social Policy - Science topic
Social policy primarily refers to guidelines, principles, legislation and activities that affect the living conditions conducive to human welfare.
Questions related to Social Policy
Special Issue’s Editors: Assoc. Prof. Sławomir Kalinowski, Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences, e-mail: skalinowski(at) Dr Ruta Śpiewak, Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences, e-mail: rspiewak(at)
Social Policy Issues journal (Problemy Polityki Społecznej) is pleased to announce a call for papers for a themed issue dedicated to policies aimed at combating social exclusion in rural areas. Rural areas play a crucial role in the cultural and economic landscape of countries worldwide. They are home to a significant portion of the population, contribute substantially to agricultural production, and maintain traditional ways of life that are integral to national identity. Understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by these communities is essential for fostering inclusive and sustainable development.
This themed issue aims to gather articles related to social exclusion in rural areas and the policies designed to mitigate it. Suggested topics for submission include, but are not limited to: • Analysis of current policies and their effectiveness in reducing social exclusion in rural areas. • Innovative approaches and best practices in rural development and social inclusion. Local mechanisms determining the specific implementation of national policies in a rural context. • The role of local governments and community organizations in combating rural exclusion. • Case studies of successful initiatives improving access to education, healthcare, and employment in rural areas. • The impact of demographic changes, such as aging populations and youth outmigration, on rural social structures. • Challenges related to climate change, with special focus on farmers, and the situation of individuals at risk of exclusion. • Policies and practices regarding refugees in rural areas.
Instructions and Deadlines:
• We invite abstracts and paper proposals concerning those and other challenges that Social policy for rural areas face. Authors are expected to submit 500-700 word abstracts of their papers. • Abstracts should be sent to guest editor skalinowski(at) • Authors will be notified of the status of their submissions by October 15th. For this issue, we plan to accept 5–8 papers. • The manuscripts will be due by the end of March 2025. Submission link: • We expect papers between 6,000 and 9,000 words - including abstract, references, and footnotes), edited in accordance with the Journal’s Instructions for Authors. • The publication of the Issue is planned for late 2025, or early 2026.
I want to invite you to my laboratory to do research in the World Bank and Social Policy field.
Dear Friends,
I hope this email finds you well.
I am writing to you to invite you to submit an abstract for a special issue of the journal "Social Policy Issues" (Problemy Polityki Społecznej) on the topic Social policy for rural areas.
I am serving as a guest editor for this special issue alongside my colleague, Ruta Śpiewak.
The theme of this special issue is to analyze social policies and their impact on reducing social exclusion in rural areas. We are seeking articles that address various aspects of this issue, including:
- Analyses of current policies and their effectiveness
- Innovative approaches and best practices in rural development and social inclusion
- Local mechanisms for implementing national policy
- The role of local governments and non-governmental organizations
- Case studies of successful initiatives improving access to education, healthcare, and employment in rural areas
- The impact of demographic changes (aging populations, youth outmigration) on rural social structures
- Challenges related to climate change, with a particular focus on farmers and individuals at risk of exclusion
- Policies and practices regarding refugees in rural areas
If you are currently conducting research or have an idea for an article that fits within these themes, we encourage you to submit an abstract (500-700 words) by the end of September 2024 to the following email address: [email address removed].
For more information about deadlines, author guidelines, and the submission system, please see link,4851.html
We would be grateful for your contribution to this important issue. If you know of anyone in your network who might be interested in this topic, please feel free to forward this information to them.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Sławek Kalinowski
Dear Friends,
I hope this email finds you well.
I am writing to you to invite you to submit an abstract for a special issue of the journal "Social Policy Issues" (Problemy Polityki Społecznej) on the topic Social policy for rural areas.
I am serving as a guest editor for this special issue alongside my colleague, Ruta Śpiewak.
The theme of this special issue is to analyze social policies and their impact on reducing social exclusion in rural areas. We are seeking articles that address various aspects of this issue, including:
- Analyses of current policies and their effectiveness
- Innovative approaches and best practices in rural development and social inclusion
- Local mechanisms for implementing national policy
- The role of local governments and non-governmental organizations
- Case studies of successful initiatives improving access to education, healthcare, and employment in rural areas
- The impact of demographic changes (aging populations, youth outmigration) on rural social structures
- Challenges related to climate change, with a particular focus on farmers and individuals at risk of exclusion
- Policies and practices regarding refugees in rural areas
If you are currently conducting research or have an idea for an article that fits within these themes, we encourage you to submit an abstract (500-700 words) by the end of September 2024 to the following email address: [email address removed].
For more information about deadlines, author guidelines, and the submission system, please see link,4851.html
We would be grateful for your contribution to this important issue. If you know of anyone in your network who might be interested in this topic, please feel free to forward this information to them.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Sławek Kalinowski
Regime change often involves significant shifts in political, economic, and social policies, and it can have far-reaching consequences for the affected country and the international community. It may occur through: military intervention, diplomatic or economic pressure, or democratic process.
My question is that why international establishment do this? Your valuable remarks will be highly appreciated.
Special Issue’s Editors:
Assoc. Prof. Sławomir Kalinowski, Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences, e-mail: skalinowski(at)
Dr Ruta Śpiewak, Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences, e-mail: rspiewak(at)
Social Policy Issues journal (Problemy Polityki Społecznej) is pleased to announce a call for papers for a themed issue dedicated to policies aimed at combating social exclusion in rural areas. Rural areas play a crucial role in the cultural and economic landscape of countries worldwide. They are home to a significant portion of the population, contribute substantially to agricultural production, and maintain traditional ways of life that are integral to national identity. Understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by these communities is essential for fostering inclusive and sustainable development.
This themed issue aims to gather articles related to social exclusion in rural areas and the policies designed to mitigate it. Suggested topics for submission include, but are not limited to:
• Analysis of current policies and their effectiveness in reducing social exclusion in rural areas.
• Innovative approaches and best practices in rural development and social inclusion.
Local mechanisms determining the specific implementation of national policies in a rural context.
• The role of local governments and community organizations in combating rural exclusion.
• Case studies of successful initiatives improving access to education, healthcare, and employment in rural areas.
• The impact of demographic changes, such as aging populations and youth outmigration, on rural social structures.
• Challenges related to climate change, with special focus on farmers, and the situation of individuals at risk of exclusion.
• Policies and practices regarding refugees in rural areas.
Instructions and Deadlines:
• We invite abstracts and paper proposals concerning those and other challenges that Social policy for rural areas face. Authors are expected to submit 500-700 word abstracts of their papers by the end of September 2024.
• Abstracts should be sent to guest editor skalinowski(at)
• Authors will be notified of the status of their submissions by October 15th. For this issue, we plan to accept 5–8 papers.
• The manuscripts will be due by the end of March 2025. Submission link:
• We expect papers between 6,000 and 9,000 words - including abstract, references, and footnotes), edited in accordance with the Journal’s Instructions for Authors.
• The publication of the Issue is planned for late 2025, or early 2026.
Es posible observar que mientras que paises como colombia con altos indices de pobreza y desigualdad, abrieron sus fronteras a millones de migrantes venezolanos, por otro lado algunos paises de la comunidad europea que posee mejores politicas sociales y economia, favorecen las politicas de controles fronterizos.
Can the issue of the efficiency of a tax system correlate significantly with the issue of a socially just tax system?
How can a tax system that operates efficiently and generates high revenues for the state budget correlate with a situation in which it is described as socially just?
Among the important issues of the efficiency of the tax system's operation is the specific structure of the introduced various direct taxes, including mainly income and property taxes, and indirect taxes, including mainly VAT, excise taxes and tributes related to the import of certain products or services, customs duties and so on. In addition to this, the effectiveness of the tax system, which is determined by the level of tax revenues that feed the system of state public finances, i.e. revenues to the central state budget and revenues to the budgets of local government units, municipalities is the issue of the so-called tightness of the fiscal system, the effectiveness of the institution of the tax office and customs and fiscal control, the efficiency of the procedures for serving taxpayers' citizens by the institution of the tax office, the level of developed remote service to citizens via the Internet, the scale of digitization of the institutions of the tax system, etc. These issues determine the level of the emerging shadow economy, in which some citizens, entrepreneurs do not register their business activities in order to thus avoid the tax system, not to pay taxes. In many countries, receipts to the central state budget and to the local budgets of local government units account for most of the total financial receipts that feed the state's public finance system with money, which is then used by the government and local government authorities to provide citizens with public services and public goods. A larger scale of tax revenues means more money at the state's disposal and higher-quality provision of public services and/or more investment, which also produces durable economic goods within the framework of public goods. Accordingly, the Ministry of Finance should strive to improve procedures, legal norms, organizational systems, etc., so that the institutions of the tax system operate as efficiently as possible and so that as much tax money as possible enters the state's public finance system. However, this does not mean the need for frequent changes in the normatives of the law, frequent changes in the tax system, changes in the structure of taxes, changes in tax scales, their level determined for particular types of taxes imposed on certain types of economic entities. Citizens and entrepreneurs are unlikely to prefer frequently changing regulations of the tax system, tax law, tax accounting methods, etc. Frequent changes are burdensome for citizens and business entities. On the other hand, the technological advances taking place, the emerging new ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies are being implemented into information systems for remote data transfer and tax settlements carried out online. Such processes of digitization and Internetization of fiscal system institutions have been developing for many years. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the aforementioned digitization and internetization processes accelerated in some countries. At times, the digitization and Internetization of tax system institutions and information systems that enable remote transfer of tax data and online accounting also make it possible to increase the sealing of the tax system and reduce the level of the shadow economy. On the other hand, the increase in the scale of digitization and Internetization of the tax system, i.e. the increase in the scale of remote transfer of tax data and online tax settlement, also increases the risk of cyber-attacks on online tax settlement platforms. For several years now, cybercriminals have been constantly creating new cybercrime techniques, new types of viruses, including, for example, ransomware viruses spread in fake e-mails imitating the e-mail correspondence of tax authority institutions, new phishing techniques, etc. with the aim of stealing money or extorting ransom payments from a company successfully attacked by cybercriminals. In this regard, it is also necessary to increase spending on the permanent improvement of the information systems of tax system institutions. In terms of the generic structure of taxes, the tax scales applied, the level of tax assessments established against certain types of economic entities, it is the state's over-maximization of these issues that can lead to an increase in the shadow economy. According to the Philips curve, once a certain high level of established tax levels is exceeded, tax revenues, rather than increasing, will decrease due to an increase in the scale of the shadow economy. In such a situation, the tax system does not work efficiently. In addition, tax receipts feeding into the state's public finance system from year to year can change significantly regardless of the tax system itself, i.e. even when nothing is changed in this system. The reason for such changes in the level of tax revenues to the state budget is the issue of cyclicality of economic processes on a multi-year scale, the occurrence of business cycles, within which there can be significant differences in the rate of economic growth, the level of activity of economic processes, the economic activity of companies and enterprises, the level of entrepreneurship, and so on. On a multi-year scale, cyclical changes in the rate of economic growth are usually strongly correlated with changes in the level of entrepreneurship, production, offering of services, income, investment, spending, consumption, savings and also the situation in labor markets, i.e. the level of employment and unemployment. As some sectors of the economy are particularly cyclical, i.e. changes in the level of economic activity of companies and enterprises of a particular sector or branch of the economy are strongly correlated with changes in the rate of economic growth of the economy as a whole, so how the generic structure of taxes with which the aforementioned economic entities are burdened is designed is also important in determining cyclical changes in the level of tax revenues to the state's public finance system derived from changes in the rate of economic growth, changes in the level of Gross Domestic Product, multi-year business cycles. However, in the situation of taking into account all of the above-mentioned factors when designing certain new taxes and/or improving the tax system, i.e. in the situation of striving to create a financially efficient fiscal system, considerations also arise on the issue of social justice relating to the tax system. These considerations often include the search for possible correlations between the efficiency of the tax system and something that could be described as a socially just tax system. In my opinion, the question of the efficiency of the tax system can correlate to a significant degree with the question of a socially just tax system. However, this correlation need not always occur and not always in the same scale and dependence. The question of the scale and dependence of this correlation is determined by what is considered social justice in relation to the tax system, how a socially just tax system can be defined, and whether such social issues are taken into account at all when reconstructing the tax system.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can a tax system that works efficiently and generates high revenues for the state budget correlate with a situation in which it is described as socially just?
Can the issue of an efficiently operating tax system correlate to a significant degree with the issue of a socially just tax system?
Can an efficiently operating tax system also be a socially just system?
I have researched and described specific economic and social aspects relating to the tax system in the following article on the plan to introduce a banking tax in Poland:
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

Con este planteamiento se pretende que los lectores tomen conciencia del enorme problema social que supone en la sociedad andaluza que una persona se encuentre en situación de dependencia. De los más de 3 millones y medio de personas en situación dependencia que residen en toda España, en Andalucía se encuentran 708.831, haciendo que los servicios sociales especializados sean insuficientes, que muchos planes de actuación no se lleven a cabo de la manera que esta planteados legislativamente y que nos encontremos con una sobrecarga tanto de profesionales de lo social como de los propias cuidadoras y de los cuidadores.
Con este planteamiento se pretende hacer reflexionar a los lectores de los diferentes planes de actuación, medidas y otros tipos de propuestas que pueden ser implantados en los Servicios Sociales de Andalucía a la hora de eliminar desigualdades laborales, favoreciendo a una integración del colectivo de personas con discapacidad en este ámbito. Con ello tenemos en cuenta diferentes perspectivas tanto sociales y culturales como de aprovisionamiento económicos y fundamentación sociológica y antropológica, todas ellas desprovistas de cualquier tipo de paternalismo y capacitismo.
Who Wants to Invite me To Speak at a Conference for Applied Mathematics and or Social Policy?
In your opinion, how should a realistically pro-social, pro-family and pro-development socio-economic policy be conducted, i.e. that it is a realistically pro-social, pro-family and pro-development socio-economic policy and not a populist pseudo-economic policy, designed and constructed in such a way that it mainly helps to win successive parliamentary elections for the political party that introduced and implements this policy?
In the country where I operate in terms of socio-economic policy, the PIS government in 2016 introduced the Family 500 Plus programme, i.e. a social programme of financial support for raising children provided to parents or other legal guardians of the children being raised. Similar social programmes of financial support for the upbringing of children operate in highly developed countries in Europe. Thanks to the election promises, which also included the announcement of the introduction of this programme, the PIS party won the parliamentary elections in 2015 and then later also the next parliamentary elections in 2019. I researched this issue at the time and in the articles published at the time I pointed out the key issues that should be taken into account by the government in the introduction of this Family 500 Plus programme so that it is a key element of a real pro-social, pro-family and pro-development social and economic policy and not a populist pseudo-economic policy, including that the key strategic objectives should be achieved. Well, the key strategic objective of the introduction of this programme of social financial support for families bringing up children was to reduce the scale and slow down the progressive change in the demographic structure of society consisting in the successive and exceptionally rapid ageing of the population since the beginning of the 21st century. The effect of this programme was to be a significant increase in the fertility rate.
Unfortunately, this strategic goal has not been realised. In 2021-2022, the birth rate in Poland was the lowest since the end of the mid-20th century. Unfortunately, the Family 500 Plus programme was not implemented reliably, the government did not take into account the results of research conducted by independent economists in designing this programme and in its implementation. What I wrote about several years ago in the aforementioned articles was ignored. Unfortunately, instead of improving this programme, correcting the mistakes made, in May 2023, the government announced the continuation of this programme in the following years without any amendments, but with an increase in the amount paid per child per month from the existing and functioning for 7 years of the same amount of PLN 500 to PLN 800 from January 2024. On the other hand, the next parliamentary elections are to be held in October 2023, which the ruling PIS party is also planning to join. Therefore, in the opinion of citizens, it is obvious that this Family 500 Plus programme has become a programme of mainly populist pseudo-economic policy.
In view of the above, I would like to address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How, in your opinion, should a realistically pro-social, pro-family and pro-development socio-economic policy be conducted, i.e. that it is a realistically pro-social, pro-family and pro-development socio-economic policy and not a populist pseudo-economic policy, designed and constructed in such a way that it mainly helps to win successive parliamentary elections for the political party that introduced and implements this policy?
How should a real pro-social, pro-family and pro-development socio-economic policy be conducted?
What is your opinion on this issue?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
I will write more on this subject in my book, which I am currently writing. In this monograph, I will include the results of my ongoing research on this issue. I invite you to join me in scientific cooperation on this issue.
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on an honest approach to discussions in scientific problems, and not on ready-made answers generated in ChatGPT, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
I have not used other sources or automatic text generation systems such as ChatGPT in writing this text.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

What, in your opinion, are the negative effects of the low level of economic knowledge of society and what can the low level of economic knowledge of a significant part of citizens in society lead to?
A recent survey shows that only 60 per cent of the public in Poland knows what inflation is, including the awareness that a drop in inflation from a high level means that prices are still rising but more slowly. In Poland, in February 2023, the government-controlled Central Statistical Office showed consumer inflation at 18.4 per cent. Since March, disinflation has been realised. In April 2023, shown by the Central Statistical Office, consumer inflation stood at 14.7 per cent. the most optimistic forecasts of the central bank cooperating informally with the government, i.e. the National Bank of Poland, suggest that Poland's falling inflation may only fall to single-digit levels in December. After deducting international factors, i.e. the prices of energy raw materials, energy and foodstuffs, core inflation, i.e. that determined by internal factors in Poland, still stands at around 12 per cent. The drop in inflation since March has been largely determined by a reduction in the high, until recently excessively high margins and prices of motor fuels by the government-controlled, monopolistically operating, state-owned gas and fuel concern, which holds over 90 per cent of domestic production and sales of motor fuels. These reductions are the result of criticism in the independent media that this government-controlled concern is acting anti-socially, making excessive profits by maintaining increased margins and not reducing the price of motor fuels until early 2023, despite the fact that the prices of energy raw materials, including oil and natural gas, have already fallen to pre-war levels in Ukraine. Citizens can only find out from the government-independent media what is really happening in the economy. Consequently, in the government-controlled meanstream media, including, among others, the government-controlled so-called public television, other media, including independent media, are constantly criticised and informationally harassed. But back to the issue of economic knowledge of the public. Taking into account the media in Poland, it is the media independent from the PIS government that play an important role in increasing economic awareness and knowledge, including objective presentation of events in the economy, objective and consistent with the fundamentals of economics explanation of how economic processes work. The aforementioned research shows that as many as 40 per cent of citizens in Poland still do not know what inflation is, do not fully understand what the successive decrease in inflation consists in. Some of these 40 per cent of the public assume that a fall in inflation, even from a high level, i.e. the disinflation currently taking place, means that the prices of purchased products and services are supposedly falling. The level of economic knowledge is therefore still low and various dishonest economic actors and institutions take advantage of this. The low level of economic knowledge among the public has often been exploited by para-financial companies, which, in their advertising campaigns and in the presentation of their image as banks, have created financial pyramids that have taken money from the public for unreliable deposits. Many citizens lost their life savings in this way. In Poland, this was the case when the authorities overseeing the financial system inadequately informed citizens about the high risk of losing the money they deposited with such para-banking companies and pseudo-investment companies as Kasa Grobelnego and AmberGold. In addition, the low level of economic knowledge in society also makes it easier for unreliable political options to find support among a significant proportion of citizens in society for populist pseudo-economic policy programmes and, on that basis, also to win parliamentary elections, and to conduct economic policy in a way that leads to financial or economic crises after a few years. It is therefore necessary to develop a system of economic education from primary school onwards, but also in the so-called Universities of the Third Age, which are mainly used by senior citizens. This is important because it is seniors who are most exposed to unreliable, misleading publicity campaigns run by money laundering companies. Thanks to the low level of economic knowledge, the government in Poland, through the medium of the controlled meanstream media, persuades a significant part of the population to support a real anti-social, anti-environmental, anti-climatic, financially unsustainable pseudo economic policy, which leads to high indebtedness of the state financial system, to the continuation of financial and economic crises.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What, in your opinion, are the negative consequences of the low level of economic knowledge of society and what can the low level of economic knowledge of a significant part of citizens in society lead to?
What are the negative consequences of the low level of economic knowledge of the public?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on an honest approach to the discussion of scientific issues and not ready-made answers generated in ChatGPT, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
I have not used other sources or automatic text generation systems such as ChatGPT in writing this text.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

I just took a look at the document just signed in Paris in Nov-Dec 2015 to deal with the issue of global warming, which apparently is to be implemented through sustainable development means:
I am surprised to see they have not defined what type of sustainable development model or market structure is the one that they are using to address the global warming issue since the word "sustainability" seems to be nowhere. There seem to be different indirect definitions of sustainable development in ARTICLE 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10 in the appendix
Are we going to use different sustainable development models or market structures at the same time to deal with the same issue? If yes, how are we going to compare results if using different methodologies later on to monitor progress and if possible link results/responsibilities?
Has anyone else notice this? What type of sustainable development model or market structure is the UN using against global warming?
Social Policies at World Bank
Growing inequalities in the World
Artificial Intelligence for coding individual experiences
Big gap between poor and rich
Post industrial society and new social approach
I am writing to express my interest in publishing my policy paper on the major factors impacting girls' education in Sohbat Pur, Balochistan. As the author of this paper, I believe that the issues I have highlighted are of critical importance to the field of education and would be of great interest to your readers.
My paper, which was approved by the Sustainable International Development Program, at the Heller School for Social Policy and Managment, Brandeis University, provides a comprehensive analysis of the key challenges faced by girls in accessing education in this remote district of Balochistan, Pakistan. Through my research, I have identified several factors that contribute to the low enrollment and high dropout rates among girls in the area, and have proposed several recommendations for addressing these issues.
I believe that the findings of my paper would be of interest to a wide range of readers, including policymakers, researchers, educators, and anyone interested in promoting gender equality and improving access to education for girls.
I would be honored to have my paper published in your esteemed journal or publication. Please let me know if this would be possible and if there are any specific guidelines or requirements that I should follow. I am happy to provide any additional information or materials that you may need.
Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
What are examples of social policy programmes that have increased the fertility rate in society, reduced the scale of family poverty and effectively acted and slowed down significantly the progressive process of long-term changes in the demographic structure of society known as the ageing process?
Unfortunately, not all such social policies have worked effectively. For example, in the country where I operate, such a social policy programme whose official strategic goal was to counteract the rapidly declining birth rate of children and the rapidly progressing process of demographic changes in society defined as ageing since the end of the 20th century in Poland is the Family 500 Plus Programme, introduced in 2016. Apart from this, the key ongoing objective of this programme was to improve the material status of children, financially support families raising children and reduce the scale of family poverty in Poland. In the first years of the programme's operation, i.e. from 2016 onwards, this programme became one of the important factors of economic growth. The Family 500 Plus programme consists of a monthly non-refundable transfer of PLN 500 for each child in the family. I have described the strategic goals of this programme as a key element of long-term, i.e. on a multi-year scale, socio-economic policy planning and implementation in my published articles and monograph chapters on my profile of this Research Gate portal. I invite you to join me for research collaboration on this issue. However, the Family 500 Plus programme has already been in place for several years. The design and introduction of this programme drew on models of similar programmes operating for years in other countries in Europe. this programme was introduced in Poland in 2016. It is now already 2023. In 2022, the level of child births in Poland was the lowest in more than half a century, so clearly this programme is completely failing to meet the strategic goals that were set out when this programme was introduced. These strategic objectives, in addition to reducing the scale of poverty among families with many children in Poland, were to significantly increase the fertility rate in society and thus counteract the progressive ageing of the population. This programme has been implemented by the PIS government in Poland for almost eight years. In connection with the fact that, according to political scientists, the introduction of this social policy programme helped the PIS political party to win the parliamentary elections in 2015 and 2019 and the formation of the government by this party, so for years there have been considerations as to whether the introduction of this social policy programme, i.e. the programme of financial support for families in Poland, was related not to the issue of long-term shaping of social and economic policy in Poland but to the issue of winning the parliamentary elections. In view of the above, the current goals of the Family 500 Plus Programme have been achieved, while the strategic goals, unfortunately, have not.
In view of the above, I would like to address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the examples of social policy programmes that have increased the fertility rate in the society, reduced the scale of family poverty and effectively acted and slowed down to a large extent the progressive process of long-term changes in the demographic structure of the society defined as the process of ageing?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

Emerging and trending issues in Africa and how they are effectively used
What are the social functions of news discourse?
How it impacts social relationship, public opinion, social policy? What are the methods to research them?
If, due to the current energy crisis, the local government lifts anti-smog restrictions, reauthorizes the burning of brown coal and waste in stoves, and thereby contributes to the deterioration of air quality, are they acting anti-socially towards the residents of the municipality?
In the context of the ignorance realized in recent years towards the beginning of the climate crisis, towards the progressive process of global warming, the negligence committed in previous years in the development of renewable energy sources and the energy crisis that is currently developing, in the country where I operate the local government is lifting anti-smog restrictions and worsening air quality is it acting anti-socially towards the residents of the municipality. These actions are in complete contradiction with the issue of achieving the goals of sustainable development, with the strategy of a pro-environmental and pro-climate economy, with the principles of green transformation of the economy, with the principles of social responsibility of the activities of public institutions, with the ethics of the standards of a public institution acting for the benefit of citizens and residents of the municipality, with the implementation of pro-social functions of public institutions, etc. In such a situation, in which local governments acting in concert with the central authorities of the state ignore the pro-social goals and principles for which they were established and for which they function, they knowingly contribute to the deterioration of the local climate and environment, deterioration of air quality and deterioration of health. In such a situation, are the next local elections and the possibility of changing the authorities only during these elections a sufficient instrument for expressing one's opinion, one's dissatisfaction with the municipal, socio-economic, environmental, climate, cultural, etc. policies pursued by local authorities? Can the activities of non-governmental organizations, associations and other organizations established from the bottom up by citizens, through which citizens point out the shortcomings and errors committed by local authorities in the framework of the municipal, socio-economic, environmental, climate, cultural policies carried out, be of great help in this regard? A particularly important problem that fosters the development of this kind of anti-social activity of local municipal authorities is, among other things, political connections with the central authorities, which implement analogous socio-economic policies with ignoring climate issues, environmental issues, sustainable development, the need to efficiently and urgently carry out a green transformation of the economy. A fundamental issue in the context of the above-described problem may be the question of political independence of local self-government authorities vis-à-vis the apparatus of the central government of the state in order to maintain high standards of care for the local community, real opportunities for pro-social activities, listening to the needs of the local community of municipal residents and the implementation of pro-social functions by local self-government authorities.
In the context of the issues outlined above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
If, due to the current energy crisis, local authorities lift anti-smog restrictions, once again allow the burning of brown coal and waste in stoves, and thus contribute to the deterioration of air quality, are they acting anti-socially towards the residents of the municipality?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

In the context of the economic downturn, the government is now faced with a dilemma in terms of shaping interventionist, pre-election economic policy: continue subsidies to energy prices, continue to generate an increase in public debt, which is already historically high, and an increase in inflation or a lack of these subsidies and a decrease in inflation?
What will become the priority of the pre-election populist economic policy: energy price subsidies and an increase in inflation, or the lack of these subsidies and a decrease in inflation?
In a country where I operate under the government management of state interventionism based on an analysis of public sentiment and pre-election political marketing, a specific economic policy is conducted, known as a real policy mix, consisting of a mild fiscal policy (additional pensions, government subsidies to salaries of employees during a pandemic, subsidies). and benefits for citizens to reduce the effects of rising energy and fossil fuel prices, subsidies for the purchase of coal under the anti-climate and anti-ecological policy, etc.) and the tightening monetary policy of the central bank from October 2021. On the one hand, high inflation, which has been rising almost from the beginning of 2021 and was caused by the record-breaking use of money printing and subsidies to employee wages, to the operating costs of companies and enterprises that were in lockdowns, did not conduct economic activity, were in the economic crisis in 2020. Then, in order to limit the scale of the rapidly growing inflation, the central bank began raising interest rates from October 2021. This increased the cost of money borrowed by commercial banks. Credits have become more expensive, the creditworthiness of citizens and business entities has decreased, and the level of investments in various sectors and sectors of the economy is falling. Additionally, due to negligence of the government and limiting the development of renewable energy sources, the level of security and energy independence of the country is low. The increase in fossil fuel prices caused an energy crisis in the country due to the fact that key energy companies are state-owned companies and do not implement the pro-climate energy transformation, did not invest in the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources, the government has for years supported the development and vegetation of dirty combustion energy based on burning coal. This led to the situation that currently 3/4 of heat and electricity in Poland is generated from the combustion of fossil fuels, the prices of which have recently been rising rapidly. Energy companies operating as state-owned companies raise the prices of their refined petroleum products and electricity prices disproportionately much higher in relation to the increase in raw material prices on commodity exchanges, and even more so in relation to domestic raw material markets, domestic mines, from which they also purchase raw materials in the form of certain categories of fossil fuels. As citizens, through independent media and non-governmental organizations, signal their dissatisfaction with this kind of unreliable, anti-social, anti-climatic, anti-environmental, pro-crisis economic policy, the government ignoring the issue of increasing the debt of the state finance system and preparing for the parliamentary elections to be held in autumn 2023 introduces new subsidy programs for the purchase of fossil fuels. In this way, the government continues its policy of supporting dirty combustion energy, creates further pro-inflationary impulses in the economy and increases the indebtedness of the state's public finance system. In addition, due to the high risk of a deepening of the national energy crisis in the heating season, it allows municipalities to lift the previously introduced anti-smog regulations, and allows the sale of lignite for citizens to burn it in home-type furnaces. As a result, the exceptionally low quality of the air in Poland compared to Europe will worsen further and will have a negative impact on the health of citizens. I wonder why some citizens still support this type of economic policy conducted by the current government in Poland. Clearly there is a high level of relevance to government propaganda driven by government-controlled meanstream media in this regard. The above-mentioned problems may worsen if economic policy is conducted as it has been so far. The problem of the current energy crisis and the prospective climate crisis may worsen in the future. On the other hand, in the short-term, ad hoc perspective, the government is currently considering what should become the priority of the pre-election populist economic policy: subsidies to energy prices and an increase in inflation or the lack of these subsidies and a decrease in inflation?
In view of the above, I would like to address the following question to the Distinguished Community of Researchers and Scientists:
In the context of the economic downturn, the government is now faced with a dilemma in terms of shaping interventionist, pre-election economic policy: continue subsidies to energy prices, continue to generate an increase in public debt, which is already historically high, and an increase in inflation or a lack of these subsidies and a decrease in inflation?
What, in your opinion, should the economic policy be conducted in the face of the economic crisis, economic recession and possibly also stagflation in 2023?
What is your opinion on this topic?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What do you think about this topic?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

What can a populist social and fiscal policy based on subsidies and handouts lead to with the money of the public finance system in a situation of economic downturn, falling state budget revenues and growing indebtedness of the public finance system?
What can the ever-increasing subsidy- and welfare-based populist social policy and the soft fiscal policy with money from the state's financial system lead to through increased public debt and the printing of national money?
The political objective of the socio-economic policies implemented in this way, including social, budgetary and fiscal policies, is the plan to win the next parliamentary elections by the political party currently holding the reins of power. However, the economic consequences and the impact on the state's finances in the years ahead could be seriously negative.
Such socio-economic policies may contribute to continued high levels of inflation in the coming months.
What other negative effects could arise from such socio-economic policies in the future?
What can the ever-increasing populist social policy based on government subsidies and handouts and the soft fiscal policy implemented with the money of the state financial system, which is raised through the increase of public debt and the printing of national money, lead to?
What is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

Is an effective anti-inflation policy possible in a situation where the government is pursuing populist socio-economic policies?
Is it possible to have an effective anti-inflation policy in a situation where the government is pursuing a populist, short-sighted economic policy instead of a forward-looking, reliable policy of sustainable and realistically pro-social economic development?
Can this kind of policy mix based on contradictory goals and incompatible actions lead to an economic crisis under ad hoc state interventionism?
The liberalisation of the functioning of financial markets since the 1970s, the change in international exchange rate standards by moving away from the Bretton Woods monetary system and towards floating exchange rate regimes initiated changes that led to an increase in the scale of volatility and risk in financial markets. On the other hand, the rise of central banking in terms of active monetary policy-making and monetarist liberalism led to the creation of additional unbacked money as instruments for short-term activation of economic processes and interventionist anti-crisis economic policies. According to the Austrian school of economic liberalism, this kind of action can lead to an escalation of destabilising situations in the financial markets and/or to financial and economic crises. This kind of situation occurred at the beginning of the 21st century and became one of the key factors in generating the global financial crisis of 2007-2009. In some countries, a new mechanism is being used to create additional unbacked money and inject it into the economy. This involves the creation of government-controlled public institutions in which new earmarked funds are created for government support and subsidy programmes for the cost of more expensive fuels, energy, etc., subsidy programmes for selected social groups, sectors of the economy, types of economic activity and/or programmes to finance further economic ventures. Money is added by being offered by government agencies who, representing the Treasury, offer government bonds directly to the central bank, which buys them, and in this way additional money is introduced into the economy without being covered by new products and services. This is a key factor in the rise of inflation in countries where, since the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19), this mechanism has been used on a historically large scale. In addition to this, public debt and the risk of destabilisation of the state's public finance system are on the rise, but in the official data provided by the government-controlled Central Statistical Office and other government think tanks, the published financial indicators do not present a complete picture of the state of the state's public finances. It happens that, in the context of a lack of ideas on how to reduce inflation and the prospect of a downturn in the economy in the coming quarters, this mechanism is the main instrument of populist economic policy of the government, for which the priority is first and foremost to win the next parliamentary elections. This is the situation in the country in which I operate and the next parliamentary and local elections are due to be held as early as 2023.
In view of the above, I address the following research question to the esteemed community of researchers and academics:
Is it possible to have an effective anti-inflation policy in a situation where the government is pursuing a populist, short-sighted economic policy instead of a forward-looking, reliable policy of sustainable and realistically pro-social economic development?
What do you think about this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

The project focus fits my own research agenda (i.e. youth guarantee and EU semester).
In the situation whereby formulated policy is implemented without general acceptability by the citizens, what will be the outcome of such policy?
In my current research on the lived experience of ageing in extreme poverty, I am trying to illustrate something connecting the discursive social process of 'Othering'. But I am struggling to find a term that can best define the reverse process of 'Othering'. What it could be in one/two words? Your contribution is much appreciated.
Is the art world guided by "an invisible hand"
- or has it become "economics of regulation"?
The problem in art was the turn around the sixties:
- controversial art became investment -
that makes the natural "going viral" more problematic
So the question is :
Has the Avant-Garde become an institution?
institutionalized = established = linked with status & investment.
- Should art be risk investment by nature?
Do critics always have the freedom of speech?
- An artist's career can show ups and downs - do critics have the freedom to discuss this when status investment gets involved?
And if contemporary art has become institutionalized.
- What about the artist training?
Are art students to be trained to adopt an attitude towards an art market - and the institutions that go with it? (art marketing?)
Many past situations such as The Great Depression (1929-1932), II. World War and the 2008 global crisis, have led to important structural changes in the role and function of the state. How will the COVID 19 outbreak, which is happening today, affect the welfare state? Do you think this crisis will lead to important structural reforms? If this crisis will transform the welfare state, what will be the future of the welfare state?
In a situation of a balanced state budget, a low level of indebtedness of the state finances and current economic realities, can a large-scale state-supported housing policy and social policy be promoted and promoted on a large scale?
Does the housing policy based on the state-supported construction of affordable housing for citizens and the system of family-friendly benefits paid to raise fertility in society as part of social policy are good instruments for pro-development socio-economic policy? In a situation of well-managed public finance, in a situation of a balanced state budget, whether the low level of national finance debt can be developed on a large scale, the aforementioned housing policy and social policy? In a situation of well-managed state finance and current economic realities, can a large-scale state-supported housing policy and social policy be promoted on a large scale in order to improve housing and living conditions, raise the income and financial situation of citizens? Can this kind of pro-development social and economic policy be a good solution to the situation of a decline in economic activity and the cyclically slowdown of the country's economic growth?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
The issues of specific programs to improve the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households as key instruments of pro-development keynesian anti-crisis state intervention and significant components of the socio-economic policy of the state I described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes

Does anyone know if there is any interesting piece of (empirical) literature on the phenomena of overproduction and fragmentation of laws, with specific reference to the field of social policies?
Thank you so much in advance!
How should the national, pro-development housing policy be shaped as one of the key factors of the state's economic development?
In my opinion, construction is such a booming and developing sector of the economy. However, in the context of the current processes of long-term business cycles, the slowdown in economic growth recorded since the end of 2018 in many countries and in the context of the state finances, the following are the current questions.
In my opinion, construction is the key pro-development sector of the economy, which also significantly affects the material situation of citizens. Housing and social policy are usually important elements of socio-economic policy, which significantly affect the standard of living of citizens. However, in the context of the current processes of long-term business cycles, the slowdown in economic growth recorded since the end of 2018 in many countries and in the context of the state of state finances, the following question is up-to-date:
In a situation of a balanced state budget, a low level of indebtedness of the state finances and current economic realities, can a large-scale state-supported housing policy and social policy be promoted and promoted on a large scale?
In connection with the above, the key questions are as follows:
- Is the housing policy based on the state-supported construction of affordable housing for citizens and the system of family-related benefits paid to raise fertility in society as part of social policy are good instruments for pro-development socio-economic policy?
- In a situation of well-managed public finance, in a situation of a balanced state budget, a low level of national finance debt, can the above-mentioned housing policy and social policy be developed on a large scale?
- In a situation of well-governed state finances and current economic realities, can a large-scale state-supported housing policy and social policy be promoted on a large scale in order to improve housing and living conditions, raise the income and financial situation of citizens?
- Can this kind of pro-development socio-economic policy be a good solution to the situation of a decline in economic activity and a cyclically slowdown in the country's economic growth?
- How should the national, pro-development housing policy be shaped as one of the key factors of the state's economic development?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
The issues of specific programs to improve the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households as key instruments of pro-development keynesian anti-crisis state intervention and significant components of the socio-economic policy of the state I described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes

MLG first appeared in the diction of the European Union to integrate the various Sub-National Governments (SNGs) in Europe with the central body. It provides opportunities for the SNGs to participate in policy and decision making with the central government/ Authority.
Can MLG be applied to other federal settings outside the European Union such as the United States, Nigeria etc. So that it would have similar input and impact as those of the EU.?
Is it possible to develop sustainable environment-friendly construction with the concept of smart city, green building and social and housing policy, ie building housing available for citizens with low incomes and, at the same time, housing that would meet the principles of sustainable pro-ecological economic development?
Yes, in my opinion, it is possible to combine technology and business. Taking into account the current technologies of ecological construction, technologies of renewable energy sources, etc., it is possible to combine such technologies as housing, socio-economic, ecological and smart city policies. Currently, this is possible technologically, while the key problem is mainly financing the development of this type of construction.
Unfortunately, as always with the need to develop new pro-ecological technologies, the key issue is the problem of finding sources of financing. In connection with the above, will sustainable sustainable housing development be developed to solve the problems of limited access to housing for people, low-income families, depends mainly on the financial capabilities of the state and local governments, state finances and awareness of the policy makers from the planned specific policy prosocial and residential as well as pro-ecological.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
Is it possible to develop sustainable environment-friendly construction with the concept of smart city, green building and social and housing policy, ie building housing available for citizens with low incomes and, at the same time, housing that would meet the principles of sustainable pro-ecological economic development?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much

Domestic violence crosses all countries and cultures. Some abusive men claim that in their culture women have a subordinate role and the use of violence is permitted to keep women in line. We have to fight against this injustice in many countries, because if this its true, women have no escape for this.
I am working on the rape crisis during the 1947 Partition of India and its representation in the Indian cinema. Where can I find data on the number of rape victims/survivors of that period?
In which sectors of the economy, types of economic activity should be used development-oriented socio-economic policy to stimulate the economic processes of the entire economy?
This issue is particularly important now, ie in the period of the forecasted slowdown in economic growth in many countries for 2019.
What types of business ventures should be supported by state bodies and co-financed from the state budget?
What types of public goods should be developed as part of a pro-development socio-economic policy?
What types of investment projects, eg in communication, energy and IT infrastructure, should be developed with state support?
What economic policy should be actively pursued by the state? Is monetary policy (eg purchase of assets lost by central banks from commercial banks), fiscal policy (eg lowering certain categories of taxes), housing policy (eg building housing for the poorest citizens), social policy (eg subsidies for setting up a business in the form of a micro-enterprise) etc.?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Best wishes

What do you think about European Social Model? Is it a good way to describe social policy in Europe? Is it really a policy goal or only an idea?
Do you know any articles about it?
I am trying to assess as how green marketing can be used as a tool to create competitive advantage. The issue is as to how to develop constructs and measures so as to develop a questionnaire for managers to answer.
Do European countries have examples of how traditional health indicators (e.g., mortality from various diseases) are changing into social investment indicators (for example, speed of delivery of health services, taking into account the time of preparation of reporting documentation in state and municipal clinics)?
Are initiatives such as The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing the result of a social investment policy, or is it a legacy of the welfare state?
It is often argued that even in low- and middle-income countries social protection or, more in general, social policies can improve social cohesion and state-society relationship. However, it is very difficult to find evidence to support this argument. Do you know any empirical study?
I would like to analyse the ideological, economic and political theoretical foundations of Neo-liberalism in order to understand its impact and association with de detriment of social protection programs. Any suggestions?
In some countries a minimum guaranteed income for citizens is introduced. In individual countries, various arguments are given for such a socio-economic policy. I described the key arguments in favor of introducing the Family 500 Plus Program in Poland, which is a kind of social policy instrument of this kind.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
How would you rate the introduction of minimum income as part of the socio-economic policy of the state?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes

We need academic experiences that provide theoretical and methodological criteria regarding the management of development in the territories and the role of sociologists in that management
Analysis of the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households against the background of the state's economic policy
Does anyone of you examine the correlation between the use of interventionist, active, counter-cyclical socio-economic policy of the state consisting in financial and material support for citizens and low income families and representing the middle class of the social structure and the growth of consumption and savings and, consequently, improving economic growth?
Does anyone from you research the following issues in your country:
The economic and financial, material and housing situation of households against the background of the state's economic policy?
I carried out research in this area. I received interesting results on the correlation of an active interventionist socio-economic policy and the pace of economic growth. Particularly interesting correlations occur between state intervention in the field of housing and social policy and the economic and financial, material and housing situation of households. The improvement of the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households is an exceptionally strong countercyclical factor activating economic growth. In addition, it is also a particularly important issue in developed economies in which the unfavorable demographic process of an aging population has been going on for many years. The long-term improvement of the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households, which continues in the period, translates into an increase in fertility and a slowdown in the socio-economically unfavorable process of an aging population. In my country, there are currently developed programs to improve the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households, which has been shown to be an important growth-enhancing factor, stimulating consumption and increasing savings. As a consequence, an improvement in economic growth is observed in many branches of the local and national economy.
In view of the above, the current question is: Does anyone of you examine the correlation between the use of interventionist, active, counter-cyclical socio-economic policy of the state consisting in financial and material support for citizens and low income families and representing the middle class of the social structure and the growth of consumption and savings and, consequently, improving economic growth?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
The issues of specific programs to improve the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households as key instruments of pro-development keynesian anti-crisis state intervention and significant components of the socio-economic policy of the state I described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Thank you very much
Best wishes

For example, if a (public) pension scheme is too complicated or unstable can have negative effects on business environment. Do you know any papers that have studied this topic?
Thanks so much.
What do you think about the public choice theory? What type of definitions do you use?
America's educational system is in crisis. According to the research, 47% of high school students in America's 50 largest cities drop out of high school before graduation. Of the remainder, 20% leave high school with a fifth grade reading, writing, and math competency or lower!
Twelve years ago I had suggested that American colleges and universities needed to provide more opportunities for Hispanics, Native Americans, and People of Color to earn doctoral degrees in business. Although 53% of doctoral candidates in business were minorities at that time, very few of those doctoral candidates were American-born minorities. The attached paper documents that a hybrid doctoral program in business schools could be implemented that would be profit generating while enabling students to continue to work full-time.
Why have American colleges and universities failed to address this important social policy issue -- especially when we are now in a knowledge-, wisdom-, and information-based economy and so many of those who drop out of high school desperately need role models? In today's difficult financial times, why are business schools not seeing this type of revenue generating opportunity as both financially wise and socially important?
Have you or are you relating to the work of Niklas Luhmann, especially Law as a social system?
I would like to open a discussion that touches upon three issues: voluntarism, social policy and democratization. Which are the characteristics of an institutional framework that promotes active participation of citizens in voluntarism without undermining the responsibility of the state to provide social services? Which institutional framework for voluntarism promotes democratization and social cohesion?
Internationally, gender inequality is prevalent in many areas of life, including education, employment, medical care, laws and violence. There are overt examples of inequality, such as a large discrepancy in pay between men and women, and more subtle examples of inequality, such as different interview questions asked of women than men.
what is your opinion about it?
Hello dears,
I am working on my master thesis. my thesis title is: social policy and economic development; a comperative study in globale scale.
I have few question about this issue.
Do you know successful thesis or diseetation about my field that have done with fs/qca?
which software is useful for fs/qca?
Critical Social Policy
Journal of Social Policy
Journal of European Social Policy
Journal of European Public Policy
World Development
Ecological Economics
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy
Social Policy and Society
European Sociological Review
Organization & Environment
European Journal of Social Security
Country specific
Social Problems (US)
Tijdschrift voor Sociale Vraagstukken (Ned)
Maatschappij en Beleid (Ned)
Soziale Probleme (Germany)
Revue française des affaires sociales (FR)
Sociologie et sociétés (CAN - FR)
Is it different from place to place? from country to country?
I am doing a Masters Research Dissertation (social policy) basically on what prevents disabled people from entering employment. It is to be 15,000 words.
I had planned for a mixed methods approach with employers. I was going to survey them then undertake focus groups and interviews.
My tutor says to pick one either quantitative or qualitative. He says mixed methods should only be for a larger PhD study.
Through my current job (I am doing masters distance learning). I have contact details for over 300 throughout the country who I could send surveys too but I'm not sure how useful this data would be without qualitative to support it. What if no one responds either?
My job involves face to face engagement with employers in my part of the country - so I was looking to do qualitative with them and compare with the quantitative data gathered from other regions.
Not sure if this is making sense. Please help me decide on a method, I am trying to read as much as I can. I have only really just started my studies so please be kind.
Oh and what could be my hypothesis?
I am looking for these books, as they are related to my research.
Youth work should be a public service rather than a private enterprise or philanthropic endeavour. Discuss with reference to political
ideologies and examples from social policy.
This question asks you to consider the significance and ideological debates about how youth work is provided and how youth services are run.
You will explore current debates concerning the role of the state in providing services versus privatisation, and the role of charitable provision.
For example, relevant ideological positions (such as those
surrounding democratic socialism and new right conservatism) are outlined in Andrew Heywood’s Political Ideologies, and in sections of Peter
Alcock’s Social Policy in Britain (e.g. chapters on the State, the Market, the Voluntary Sector, and Ideologies of Welfare). You should draw on
examples from policy and current affairs such as ‘Big Society’ and privatisation debates, and from other sources such as the websites of the
Youth and Policy journal, and relevant debates from campaign groups such as Choose Youth, In Defence of Youth Work and trade unions.
I am currently writing a paper about injured workers stigma, especially immigrant workers facing different forms of stigma. I would like to include your work in my review.
I have been writing a paper about social issues and renewable energy. I am trying to understand how renewable energy can be a vector to reduce inequality in Brazil. My central question is about how renewable energy can help the people under poverty line to generate income. What are the chalenges and opportunities (social, policy, economic, regulatory, ethicals)?
This way, I am looking for reports, studies or paper on international experiences about how renewable energy can help vulnerable people.
Please feel free to suggest, exchange insight or contact me again for research cooperation.
All contribution is welcome.
I am using critical discourse analysis and social relational institutional theory to interrogate a decison to sell parkland for housing sites under the guise of smart growth (i.e. more intensity).