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Social Perception - Science topic

The perceiving of attributes, characteristics, and behaviors of one's associates or social groups.
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Publications related to Social Perception (10,000)
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Objective: This systematic review aimed to identify the barriers and facilitators affecting engagement with Malta’s National Breast Screening Programme (NBSP) among women aged 50–69, focusing on studies published over the past decade. Methods: A comprehensive search of PsycINFO, PsychArticles, MEDLINE, and Google Scholar was conducted in June 2024,...
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Background: Children with disabilities are more vulnerable and face more challenges due to lack of necessity and support for social dimension inclusion. Objective: This study aimed to explore the barriers of inclusive society of children and adolescents with disabilities in Rwanda. Methods: This study was conducted under a cross-section study desig...
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Understanding the impact of eye gaze on social interactions may mitigate some risks for adolescents who are either currently justice-involved or at risk of contacting the justice system. At present, there are no universally accepted assessments for determining age-appropriate levels of eye gaze for adolescents during social interactions. One way to...
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This study aims to enhance the understanding of individual-level factors that influence rural women’s intentions to engage in sustainable entrepreneurship in India. This study explores the direct impact of perceived capability, social perception, and individual competencies on women’s sustainable entrepreneurial intention (SEI). In addition, this s...
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La investigación desarrolló claves conceptuales y metodológicas para mirar los procesos de configuración y transformación del espacio periurbano a partir de la mirada a las significaciones sociales, donde, en un primer momento, se analizó teoría referente a las representaciones sociales y su significación en ámbitos territoriales, así como teoría r...
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Introdução: As políticas de controle do tabaco avançaram nas últimas décadas, entretanto a indústria do tabaco apresenta um novo desafio: os dispositivos eletrônicos para fumar. Objetivo: Mapear a percepção e as práticas de consumo dos consumidores jovens e adultos sobre os dispositivos eletrônicos para fumar, contribuindo com a reflexão a respeito...
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We examined children’s patterns of sharing behavior with a peer across repeated social interactions. Children aged 9–12 years old (N = 186; M = 10.72 years, SD = 1.09; 108 females; 75.7% White) were matched with a same-age, same-sex, unfamiliar peer, and the dyad completed structured and unstructured tasks during three online sessions across 1 mont...
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Calvo, profesor: "Las políticas neoliberales en el aula han hecho de la educación un bien de consumo" Este profesor, que ha pasado por primaria, secundaria y la universidad, analiza en un estudio cómo los valores individualistas han cambiado la percepción social sobre los docentes, su relación con la enseñanza y a los propios enseñantes: "Sentimos...
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Modal concord (MC) refers to the phenomenon where two modal elements of the same flavor and force in a sentence yield an interpretation of single modality (SM). In this paper, we report on an experimental study on MC in English, addressing their linguistic and social meaning. Our results show a strengthening effect by necessity MC and a weakening e...
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This article explores the perceptions and concerns of the population of Esmeraldas, Ecuador, about transgenic foods, focusing on their possible links to oncological diseases. Through a series of surveys of health professionals, the study explores local knowledge and perceptions about the risks associated with the consumption of these products. The...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of young people’s popularity perceptions and social appearance concerns on their perceptions of aesthetic procedures on social media. This cross-sectional study was conducted between November 2023 and January 2024. A Personal Information Form, the Popularity Perception Scale (PPS), the Social App...
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Objective: The study aims to understand the social perceptions of Qatari society towards luxury consumption and to explore if these perceptions vary across demographic and social characteristics such as gender, age, and occupational position. Methods: The social perceptions theory was applied to primary data collected from 187 Qatari consumers thro...
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En el ámbito musical, los géneros populares como la bachata reflejan valores culturales y, a menudo, reproducen dinámicas de género que afectan la percepción social de determinados grupos. Esta secuencia didáctica tiene como objetivo guiar el análisis de la descortesía verbal hacia las mujeres en la bachata y fomentar la reflexión de los participan...
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Reputational peer nominations are a common method for measuring involvement in aggression-related behaviors, encompassing the roles of aggressor, victim, and defender, but may be influenced by students' affective (dis)liking relationships. This social network study investigated whether dyad-and group-level (dis)liking relationships affect perceptio...
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Background/Objectives: Malan syndrome (MALNS) is an ultra-rare genetic disorder caused by aberrations in the NFIX gene, located at chromosome 19p13.2. Key features of MALNS include general overgrowth, a typical facial gestalt, muscle–skeletal abnormalities, speech difficulties and intellectual disability. Additionally, MALNS frequently presents wit...
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As the use of Generative AI (GenAI) tools becomes more prevalent in interpersonal communication, understanding their impact on social perceptions is crucial. According to signaling theory, GenAI may undermine the credibility of social signals conveyed in writing, since it reduces the cost of writing and makes it hard to verify the authenticity of m...
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In the present work, we explored whether (and when) people cognitively process humanoid robot faces similarly to human faces, i.e., whether they cognitively anthropomorphize them. To investigate this, we conducted three experiments (N = 346) that utilized adapted versions of the face-scrambled task. This cognitive paradigm is commonly used to deter...
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Introducción: El ageísmo se refiere a estereotipos, prejuicios y discriminación hacia los adultos mayores debido a su edad cronológica. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de los programas educativos como variables moduladoras del ageísmo en este colectivo. Metodología: Se creó un grupo de discusión entre adultos mayores y jóven...
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The aim of this paper is to show the impact of the gender binary in the workplace, with a special focus on the experiences of the TRANS community in Puerto Rico. This research article, written as a queertext , highlights how social perceptions of gender influence job opportunities, recruitment, and selection processes, as well as discrimination in...
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Dementia is growing worldwide and has been considered a priority for public health by the World Health Organization. The increased number of people with dementia influenced the emergence of a wave of stigma directed at people with dementia. A diagnosis of dementia often leads to a stereotyping attitude or stigma denoting people living with dementia...
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Asperger's Disorder (AS) and feeling of loneliness (FOL) are related to low self-esteem (SE) in children as many autistic children do not participate in society. However, there was a need to further explore the correlation between the feeling of loneliness (FOL) and self-esteem in children with AS in the Saudi context. This study aimed at investiga...
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This research explores a phenomenon that we see nearly every day and has implications for how we view people in other nations: Different media outlets may report the same international events either in terms of the nation (e.g., “Russia invades Ukraine”) or in terms of the leader (e.g., “Putin invades Ukraine”). Five studies, conducted during the 2...
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Background Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome (SDS) is a rare genetic disorder with documented cognitive and behavioral challenges. However, its socio-pragmatic dynamics remain underexplored, particularly in cooperative interactions where social norms and economic considerations intersect. Objective This study investigates the socio-behavioral dynamics of...
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As large-scale vision-language models (VLMs) become increasingly central to modern AI applications, understanding and mitigating social biases in these systems has never been more critical.We investigate how dataset composition, model size, and multilingual training affect gender and racial bias in a popular VLM, CLIP, and its open-source variants....
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Background Deficits in emotion recognition have been shown to be closely related to social-cognitive functioning in schizophrenic. This study aimed to investigate the event-related potential (ERP) characteristics of social perception in schizophrenia patients and to explore the neural mechanisms underlying these abnormal cognitive processes related...
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This study examines the public perception of ChatGPT on Twitter, comparing approaches from Global South (India and Turkey) and Global North (United Kingdom and United States) countries. It utilizes a text-as-data approach, applying sentiment analysis, text analysis , and topic modeling techniques on tweets in English containing "ChatGPT" collected...
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A stimulus with light is clearly visual; a stimulus with sound is clearly auditory. But what makes a stimulus "social", and how do judgments of socialness differ across people? Here, we characterize both group-level and individual thresholds for perceiving the presence and nature of a social interaction. We take advantage of the fact that humans ar...
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This study tracks changes in commercial buildings in Yeonnam-dong that have undergone commercial transformation, examining these shifts within the context of urban organization and their relationships with economic and socio-cultural flows. It also analyzes the architectural elements that reflect the placeness characteristics of an area. On-site su...
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Este trabalho analisa os desafios da desinstitucionalização da saúde mental no Brasil, com foco na cultura estigmatizante que dificulta a implementação efetiva da Política Antimanicomial. O objetivo principal é explorar como representações culturais, como memes, reforçam estereótipos da loucura, impactando a percepção social sobre transtornos menta...
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This research explores the transformative role of women's movements in combating gender discrimination, focusing on the historical evolution, strategies, and impacts of various activist groups. Through a comprehensive review of literature and analysis of prominent case studies, this study examines how these movements have challenged entrenched gend...
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Introducción: El videoclip musical español tiene más de cuarenta años de historia, adaptándose a diferentes medios y tratamientos visuales y temáticos. Además de su función promocional, ha sido un vehículo de transmisión de temas sociales y políticos, como la representación de las personas LGTBIQ+. Metodología: La investigación utiliza un análisis...
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This empirical study investigates the factors influencing green purchase intentions and green consumption behavior among Generation Z using SmartPLS for analysis and data collected from over 298 respondents. The study focuses on the role of social media engagement, environmental awareness, green advertising perception, social media influencers advo...
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With the rapid development of the e-sports industry, semi-professional e-sports youth, as an important but relatively disadvantaged group in the e-sports career ecology, face many difficulties such as economic pressure, narrow career paths, and insufficient social cognition. This study focuses on the survival status and career path of semi-professi...
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Introduction: Cette étude analyse l’influence lexicale du français sur les textes culinaires en anglais du XIXe siècle écrits par des femmes. Elle se concentre sur l’identification et l’analyse des termes culinaires d’origine française. Méthodologie: En utilisant un sous-corpus tiré du Corpus of Women’s Instructive Writing (1550-1899), une analyse...
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The integration of auditory and visual stimuli is essential for effective language processing and social perception. The present study aimed to elucidate the mechanisms underlying audio-visual (A-V) integration by investigating the temporal dynamics of multisensory regions in the human brain. Specifically, we evaluated inter-trial coherence (ITC),...
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Este artículo analiza cómo el fenómeno de las nenis refleja la percepción social sobre el empoderamiento femenino en México. Las nenis son emprendedoras que comercializan productos a través de redes sociales, enfrentando desafíos significativos como el acceso limitado a financiamiento y la falta de seguridad en las transacciones; sin embargo, demue...
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This study aims to analyze the effect of public spending and macroeconomic variables (local government size, per capita GRDP, Gini coefficient, unemployment, inflation and tax revenue) on the happiness index in Sumatra. The types of data used in this study are cross-section data and time series data. Cross-section data covers 10 provinces in Sumatr...
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El objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer la postura que toman los estudiantes de educación física hacia las personas con síndrome de Down. Esto toma relevancia por la influencia que ejercen y ejercerán una vez sean maestros, entre sus alumnos y comunidades donde enseñen. Dentro de este marco, hemos realizado una investigación constituida por t...
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A large body of research has found substantial gender bias in NLP systems. Most of this research takes a binary, essentialist view of gender: limiting its variation to the categories _men_ and _women_, conflating gender with sex, and ignoring different sexual identities. But gender and sexuality exist on a spectrum, so in this paper we study the bi...
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Introduction HIV-negative adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), and male partners, have disproportionately high HIV incidence in many African countries. We used a new HIV Prevention Cascade (HPC) approach to quantify levels of, and barriers to, prevention method use to guide interventions to increase effective uptake of primary HIV prevention. M...
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The Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) was launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2008 to scale up services for mental, neurological and substance use disorders for low- and lower-middle-income countries. Subsequently, an updated mhGAP intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG 2.0) was released in 2016. This study explores the use and effect...
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Prejudice and conflicts between ethnic groups or against a minority group, such as Asians, psychologists hypothesize, can be reduced when the amount of interaction among group members increases, which constitutes the contact theory (Dovidio et al., 2017). A recent study also finds that diversity on college campuses enhances students’ diversity awar...
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Various motion cues can lead to the perception of animacy, including (1) simple motion characteristics such as starting to move from rest, (2) motion patterns of interactions like chasing, or (3) the motion of point-lights representing the joints of a moving biological agent. Due to the relevance of dogs in comparative research and considering the...
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Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway, American memorable novelists have had philosophic ideas about modernity. In fact their idea about existential interests of American, and the effects of American system on society, is mirrored in their creative works. All through his early works, Fitzgerald echoes the existential center of his era. Obviously, w...
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Motivation: The use of automated management for allocating tasks, monitoring and evaluating the service of platform workers operating through digital labor platforms (DLPs) has given rise to numerous threats to human work. The article identifies the emergence of DLPs as a kind of institutional disruption that requires changes in the existing instit...
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Global environmental change has been a topic of discussion in the media for many decades, and social perception of media terminology has been a topic of research interest. However, a systematic review of large-scale online discussions and the terminology used has not been undertaken. Here, we analyze 16 years of Reddit discussions, encompassing 11....
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Introducción: Se analiza la pervivencia de la mitología clásica en los productos audiovisuales actuales a través del análisis de las diversas representaciones del mito de Medusa en los medios de comunicación audiovisual, en concreto en películas y series. Con el objetivo de determinar si en este mito ha existido una modificación de su iconografía y...
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Este artículo presenta un enfoque integral para evaluar la vulnerabilidad social en el marco de la gestión del riesgo de desastres para un sector del barrio Alfonso López I Etapa, ubicado al nororiente de Cali, Colombia, frente a las amenazas por inundaciones pluviales y fluviales. Se llevó a cabo un análisis detallado de variables medidas en campo...
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Our daily interactions draw on a shared language of what facial expressions mean, but accurate perception of these signals may be subject to the same challenges that characterize visual perception in general. One such challenge is that faces vary in their appearance with the context, partly due to the interaction between environmental lighting and...
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A desvalorização e a crescente perda de prestígio do professorado e da carreira docente são um fenômeno global. A complexa problemática envolve múltiplas dimensões, dentre elas a remuneração e as condições de trabalho, a infraestrutura das escolas, a formação inicial na educação superior e sua desarticulação com a prática, bem como a percepção soci...
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Este estudio analizó la participación juvenil en el Distrito Especial de Santiago de Cali, abarcando tanto los aspectos formales como los informales. Metodológicamente, se empleó un enfoque cualitativo sustentado en un profundo análisis bibliográfico documental. Los resultados mostraron que factores como cambios demográficos, eventos sociopolíticos...
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The present research conducted four experiments and found that virtual influencers are less effective than human influencers in endorsing cultural heritage destinations. Drawing on social categorization theory, we suggest that this effect occurs because tourists perceive virtual (vs. human) influencers as outsiders of humankind with a limited under...
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The study of colour production in al-Andalus has been mostly directed towards art technical documentary sources, such as al-Qalalūsī’s Tuḥaf al-Ḫawāṣ (The Treasures of the Select), the 13th century Andalusi instructional book. The focus of the said research falls on the ingredients and procedures to create colour. However, the technical-centred app...
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This study analyzes the social perception of the mobility system at the Autonomous University of Mexico State. The survey categorizes findings into five key dimensions: accessibility, jobs, mobility and connectivity, safety and public health, and livability. About accessibility (transport services, stops and financial means), the analysis reveals a...
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El título de este texto es muy explícito: describe el fenómeno por el que la pobreza o las experiencias similares a la pobreza se presentan o perciben como modernas, de moda o atractivas en determinados contextos sociales y culturales. Este documento examina el papel de los medios de comunicación de masas y de las redes sociales en la normalización...
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Introduction: the legalization of abortion can be deduced as a current issue since it can be evidenced by various factors and events that have been put into public discussion around the world.Objective: to characterize aspects related to the legalization of abortion.Method: a review of the available bibliography in databases such as SciELO, Scopus...
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Introduction: the legalization of abortion can be deduced as a current issue since it can be evidenced by various factors and events that have been put into public discussion around the world.Objective: to determine the perception of students regarding the legalization of abortion.Method: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was...
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Gender differences in the agricultural sector of many Asian countries are quite pronounced, not only in terms of unpaid work burdens but also in the types of employment in which people engage. This chapter explores the evidence on these gender differences, specifically focusing on gendered labor access and opportunities in the agricultural sectors...
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The study sought to understand perceptions about dengue fever in a rural community in Córdoba, Colombia, with the aim of guiding specific community nursing actions aimed at health care and education for people, families and rural communities. 20 semi-structured interviews were carried out with heads of families (13 men and 7 women), selected based...
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The study sought to understand perceptions about dengue fever in a rural community in Córdoba, Colombia, with the aim of guiding specific community nursing actions aimed at health care and education for people, families and rural communities. 20 semi-structured interviews were carried out with heads of families (13 men and 7 women), selected based...
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Employing disabled lecturers on campus necessitates an inclusive culture which can be achieved through positive social perception and student acceptance. This study aims to (1) examine the relationship between student perception and social acceptance of disabled lecturers; (2) describe the differences in student perception and social acceptance bas...
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This research aims to determine the factors that affect consumers’ intentions to buy frozen food. A survey questionnaire and a research model were developed in this study based on a theoretical review and previous studies, and hypotheses were proposed. Quantitative research methodology was used to measure consumers’ purchase intentions for frozen f...
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The study sought to understand perceptions about dengue fever in a rural community in Córdoba, Colombia, with the aim of guiding specific community nursing actions aimed at health care and education for people, families and rural communities. 20 semi-structured interviews were carried out with heads of families (13 men and 7 women), selected based...
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Teenagers in this modern era often face various pressures and temptations that can influence their behavior and decisions. One aspect highlighted by research is self-control, which refers to an individual's ability to manage and control their behavior and internal impulses. The research aimed to explore the influence of Adolescent perceptions and S...
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O livro “Amazônia: Conflitos, Gestão e Sustentabilidade Territorial” reúne uma diversidade de reflexões e análises sobre questões essenciais do território brasileiro, abrangendo temas como educação, meio ambiente, cultura e segurança pública. A obra se propõe a oferecer uma visão ampla e interdisciplinar sobre as transformações socioespaciais e os...
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Modern media communication as a component of society requires systematic research (especially the linguistic one) of the self-realization's possibilities of the person because the combination of the verbal and non-verbal components is the basis of media texts of various types and genres. The concepts of "personality type", "mask", "social mask", "m...
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This study examines mutual fund investors' continuous investment intention to behavioural intention. It isn't easy to understand the behavioural intention and what keeps mutual fund investors devoted. The survey included 628 mutual fund investors' responses by applying non-probability convenience sampling. Path analysis was performed on the direct...
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The neural processing of faces and bodies is often studied separately, despite their natural integration in perception. Unlike prior research on the neural selectivity for either head or body orientation, we investigated their interaction in macaque superior temporal sulcus (STS) using a monkey avatar with diverse head-body orientation angles. STS...
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The current study explored whether other people’s judgments about one’s own performance affect one’s perception of them. In two experiments, participants were provided with scenarios of high (e.g., 90%) or low (e.g., 70%) estimations of exam performance from “others” and “themselves”, as compared to a fixed, benchmark performance score (e.g., 80%)....
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Over the past few years, we have been witnessing a growing evolution in the number of companies in Portugal. For this reason, it would be reasonable to think that the number of Insolvency and Special Revitalization Processes has also increased, as it seems that over the years there has been a certain trivialization in resorting to Insolvency and Re...
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In the digital era, social media has transformed the way people communicate, interact and build relationships with one another. While such avenues make it easy for people to connect with each other more than ever before, they also pose risks to one's mental health in many ways. This paper aims at examining the connection between emotional intellige...
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Purpose: The study's purpose is to assess how wearing uniforms affects college students psychologically and socially, with an emphasis on comfort, productivity, self-worth, and social relationships. It specifically looks at Saudi male college students' inclination for traditional clothing over uniforms and considers the policy and practice conseque...
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This article discusses the perception that landowners in Oaxaca, Mexico have about wind farms and their related environmental, social, and economic impact. Taking as ref-erence international studies, a wind farm developer, owners and academics, a question-naire was designed to gather information. We found that landowners have positive opinions to c...
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Resumo: Este estudo investigou se a presença de tatuagens visíveis em candidatos, homens ou mulheres, afeta a avaliação de sua competência durante processos de recrutamento. A pesquisa foi conduzida por meio de um experimento e análise estatística. Os resultados indicam que candidatos com uma tatuagem visível foram preferidos em comparação àqueles...
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Modern hybrid linguistic-mental and information warfare massively uses the promotion of destruction in the mass media as a tool of negative ‘soft power’ media discourse directed against China, Vietnam and Russia owing to their being the key players in the geopolitical arena of Southeast Asia. The discourse of Western geopolitical opponents promotes...
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EDITORIAL Empatía en el encuentro clínico con el paciente Empathy in the clinical encounter with the patient Existe un amplio consenso sobre la importancia que tiene la empatía en la relación médico-paciente. Sin embargo, al momento de adentrarse más en el estudio de este atributo es frecuente encontrar definiciones hasta cierto punto contradictori...
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The implications of face reading, or the impressions and perceptions individuals form on other individuals solely based on their facial features, is a significant factor to consider when evaluating daily social interactions and important decisions made in society. This paper aims to investigate how certain facial traits such as facial width-to-heig...
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Faces are an important visual source for individuals to make social perceptual judgments, and face features can influence others' judgments of individuals' personality traits, emotional states etc. Therefore, social perception judgment based on face features has adaptive significance. This paper firstly introduces the basic relationship between fac...
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Organizations have developed programs for the vocational training of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Some programs reflect trends in the labor market. The interest of policy planning is focused on social perceptions and successful social and vocational inclusion.Aim is the review of programs for vocational training and education-to-empl...
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The study provides a sociolinguistic analysis of British English dialects, focusing on the phonetic variations depicted in the film My Fair Lady. It reveals how dialects and accents serve as indicators of social class and mobility, as illustrated by the character Eliza Doolittle’s transformation from Cockney to Received Pronunciation (RP). Key find...
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This study aims to comprehensively examine the use of renewable energy sources in rural settlements and the levels of social acceptance of these sources. Renewable energy sources, which provide significant benefits for global environmental sustainability and energy independence, also offer crucial opportunities for communities living in rural areas...
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The main goal of this study is to investigate the effect of parents and students’ attitude towards the intention to enter the vocational education in the UAE through examining the impact of different factors of attitude such as individual, organization, social, and demographic. Due to the inconsistent results, a new research has established for fur...
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In recent years, the relevance of religious freedom has spread well beyond academia, becoming a reference point for international relations, multi-level policy development, as well as interfaith negotiations. Meanwhile, scholarship on religious freedom has flourished on the boundaries of sociology, law, comparative politics, history, and theology....
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The relationship between land use and land cover (LULC) and water issues has been extensively studied. However, there is still a need to develop management strategies that effectively integrate both aspects at the local level. For this reason, this paper aims to identify opportunities and challenges for the integrated management of LULC and water r...