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Social Pedagogy - Science topic

Social Pedagogy is an academic discipline concerned with theory and practice of holistic education and care.
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Publications related to Social Pedagogy (4,111)
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Social pedagogy can be understood conceptually as an interdisciplinary approach that considers the underlying social contexts in learning and development. Despite social pedagogy’s global traction, it remains relatively unknown in the United States. This article highlights the potential for social pedagogy to develop uniquely in North America, emph...
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This article builds on conversations about the nature of a pedagogy specifically for babies, which are defined in this paper as 0–2 year olds. To do this, we explore articulations of social purpose and social pedagogy among 15 baby room educators working in UK nurseries. Our findings suggest four types of social purpose and four types of social ped...
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In times of deep crisis, the most powerful critical contemplative pedagogy available to us is that of supporting all children and youth in learning to teach and teaching to learn as a primary path toward self-realization, social inquiry and civic contribution. This vital opportunity should be made accessible to all students, regardless of perceived...
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El presente artículo de investigación tiene por objetivo, analizar la recontextualización de la pedagogía como un desafío del entorno educativo; se abordó desde un enfoque de investigación cualitativo a partir de una revisión narrativa de literatura, siguiendo el planteamiento de Whittemore. Los resultados están transversalizados por los contextos...
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La alfabetización científica emerge como un objetivo alternativo y relevante en el ámbito de la Pedagogía Social, siendo crucial en la formación integral de los individuos en la era contemporánea. Este artículo examina cómo la integración de la alfabetización científica en la Pedagogía Social puede contribuir al desarrollo de competencias del siglo...
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Im Juni 1924 hielt Rudolf Steiner, der Begründer der Anthroposophie, in Dornach (Kanton Solothurn) den sogenannten Heilpädagogischen Kurs. Angeregt durch Fragen aus der Praxis legte er mit zwölf Vorträgen eine Grundlage für die anthroposophisch orientierte Heilpädagogik. Die Schwerpunkte des Heilpädagogischen Kurses liegen im geisteswissenschaftlic...
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Este estudo investiga o papel dos pedagogos em situações de calamidade, focando nas enchentes que afetaram o Rio Grande do Sul em maio de 2024, a partir da perspectiva da Pedagogia Social. O problema central examinado é como minimizar os impactos negativos na escolarização dos estudantes atingidos por desastres naturais. O objetivo geral da pesquis...
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Aotearoa New Zealand’s government, alongside its Indigenous Māori and Pacific communities, spearheaded a unique and effective response to the first three years of the Covid-19 crisis that swept the world. The measures taken enabled the country to largely keep its society within its borders open and functional, minimise the impact of the pandemic on...
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Os fundamentos e a prática da Pedagogia Social, em diferentes tempos e espaços, nos provocam refletir sobre a sua relação com a intergeracionalidade, tendo em vista a diversidade das faixas etárias dos sujeitos nela envolvidos. Assim é que nos voltamos para seu reconhecimento nessas relações, em suas diferentes fases do ciclo de vida. Partimos da c...
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A Universidade Púnguè (UniPúnguè) está na eminência de oferecer, por meio da Faculdade de Educação, um curso de licenciatura em Pedagogia, que tem como áreas de concentração a pedagogia social e a Formação de Formadores do Ensino Primário. A ação da UniPúnguè constitui uma inovação educativa de bastante relevância, numa altura em que alguns dos seu...
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O estudo sugere oferta de educação crítica e reflexiva inspirada na Pedagogia Social de Paulo Freire. O objetivo foi analisar quanti-qualitativamente a distribuição de jovens do ensino médio brasileiro da rede pública estadual de ensino, por sexo e faixa etária de 15 a 17 anos, no ano de 2020. Metodologicamente tratou-se de análise documental de in...
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Annotation The aim of the article is reflection of the systemic work of gender education center at the faculty of social pedagogy and psychology in preparing and conducting the study on gender audit. The study was carried out according to the case-study method. A total of 333 people were interviewed, of whom 184 are full-time students, 149 people a...
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Zusammenfassung Trotz kontinuierlichen Anstiegs der Beschäftigten in Kindertageseinrichtungen ist die Personalnot derzeit groß. Dies geht mit erheblichen Belastungen des Personals einher. In der Vergangenheit wurde bei der Fachkräftegewinnung vor allem auf den Ausbau der Fachschulen für Sozialpädagogik gesetzt. Zunehmend rückt jedoch die Erkenntnis...
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Las Casas de la Juventud nacen en la segunda mitad del siglo XX como lugares para la libertad y la socialización entre jóvenes españoles. En estos nuevos entornos se programaban actividades con un sentido democrático, vanguardista, y con vocación educativa y social. En este sentido, el objetivo de este artículo es definir las dinámicas internas que...
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Social work and social pedagogy deal with a diverse and intricate set of social realities, while facing major issues such as racism and interracial relations. In this article, we look at studies of racism in Brazil and data from research into intersubjectivity conducted in the context of Brazilian socio-educational services. We also consider the id...
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The paper looks at the crucial transformations of cultural and intellectual history of Assam in the wake of the Bengal Renaissance leading to the formation of what can be termed as the 'modernist consciousness of Assam' that had kindled a deep sense of emancipation as well as legacies of ambivalences and destabilities, for it had brought in a fresh...
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Basic education plays a vital role in shaping students’ social values and character, particularly within the context of Indonesia's rich cultural and social diversity. This study aims to identify the necessity of integrating a social pedagogy-based learning model to enhance students' tolerance in elementary schools. Employing a qualitative approach...
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Die Pädagogik bei Krankheit umfasst sämtliche pädagogischen Ansätze und Herausforderungen, die sich aus der besonderen Lebenssituation von Kindern und Jugendlichen ergeben, die aufgrund akuter oder chronischer Erkrankungen zeitweilig oder dauerhaft einen erhöhten Bildungsbedarf haben. Diese Schüler*innen sind häufig in ihrer schulischen Teilhabe ei...
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There is international interest in approaches to social work focussing on human development and service users’ real freedoms to act. One such example, established in social work, is the capabilities approach. This paper introduces a related, but internationally less well-known concept from German-language philosophy of education discourses, Bildung...
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The purpose of this article is to explore early years education and care through a social pedagogy approach and to (re)consider the power and importance of relationships and connections. While the importance of relationships and connections may be tenaciously upheld within much grassroots practice, early childhood practitioners are under continuous...
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Teaching and learning have changed tremendously from traditional teaching to teaching integrating social media (SM) because of immense educational technological advancements and pedagogical innovation. Teachers, thus far, use conventional teaching as a seasoning tool and meet adaptability issues to the new learning environment. In this paper, we de...
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En España, la implantación de la Diplomatura de Educación Social en el año 1991y el desarrollo del Grado en Educación Social (diseñado dentro del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior) traen consigo un reconocimiento de la profesión de las educadoras y los educadores sociales, que han ido desarrollando su labor profesional en diversos ámbitos de ac...
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This study conducted a bibliometric and thematic analysis on research related to Islamic religious schools from 1995 to 2022. The research objectives were to: (1) assess the current growth and publication trends in Islamic religious school studies; (2) identify the most prolific contributors in this field; (3) determine the highly cited documents i...
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In their chapter ‘Critical Animal Pedagogies’, scholars Karen Dinker and Helen Pedersen argue that a learning society is based on a continual process of self-improvement through work and education. However, this process depends on the concept of a binary division among beings, such as humans and animals, that operates on the principles of inclusion...
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A presente investigação tem por objetivo propor uma reflexão sobre a atuação do pedagogo em espaços educativos não formais, especificamente no Centro de Referência de Assistência Social – CRAS, diferenciando as especificações do trabalho pedagógico desse profissional dentro desses ambientes. Esta pesquisa busca refletir sobre a atuação do Pedagogo...
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La investigación se circunscribe al área de la pedagogía social inclusiva y sus alcances para superar las barreras de aprendizaje, con el objetivo de analizar la pedagogía social inclusiva y barreras de aprendizaje en estudiantes con discapacidad auditiva de la Unidad Educativa “María de la Merced” tomando como caso de análisis a una estudiante con...
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A partir del 2016, la asignatura Pedagogía Social se incluyó en el plan de estudios de las Licenciaturas de educación, con la finalidad que los estudiantes adquirieran conocimientos sobre ámbitos básicos de la asignatura, de allí surge la posibilidad de integrar el "Aprendizaje Servicio" como metodología teniendo como objetivo integrar la metodolog...
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The aim of this article is to present the issues of the family in relation to the scientific achievements of Prof. Helena Radlińska. In the course of the research, the descriptive research method was used. This was accompanied by a cross-sectional analysis of the documents. The subject of the conducted research were family issues, considered from t...
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Este é o último volume da obra coletiva intitulada Experiências formativas no contexto da Pedagogia a distância. Neste volume buscamos apresentar o trabalho do pedagogo em espaços não escolares e a importância da valorização desta temática pelas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) para fortalecimento desse lugar do pedagogo na sociedade. A discus...
Conference Paper
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This paper explores the life and scholarship of Elisabeth Blochmann (1892-1972), a scholar of social pedagogy and historian of women’s education in Germany. Referred to as ‘The First Lady of Academic Pedagogy’, Blochmann was an accomplished academic in her own right but her legacy has been obscured by her relationship with the philosopher, Martin H...
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Die Kieler Berichte – Neue Folge führten 1996 die verschiedenen am Institut für Pädagogik der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel herausgegebenen Reihen zusammen. Bis 2018 erschien die neue Reihe als Publikationsforum für Vorträge und relevante Beiträge des Instituts, die die gesamte Breite des pädagogischen Themenspektrums abbilden. Ursprüngli...
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Objective: The purpose is to analyze the issues and challenges faced by education students in secondary education who conduct part of their training in a pedagogical project aimed at delivering socio-educational workshops in juvenile facilities for adolescent offenders. Theoretical Framework: The research is based on studies on initial teacher trai...
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The increasing scale of human suffering in the world caused by disasters, wars, violence, conflicts, old age problems and other physical ailments has led to a high demand for care providers. Similarly, the demand for care providers in India is no different and arises from poverty, violence, communal riots, ethnic conflicts, development-induced disp...
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We examined how a two-staged approach to recentering statistics courses in scientist–practitioner psychology (PhD) programs led to changes in course evaluations. Because course evaluations (up to three per student) were nested within the individual, we evaluated three dimensions of course evaluations (i.e., perceived value to the student, tradition...
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p> The study aims to develop an IT-based educational model for the personal development of a social educator: emotional intelligence (EI) and creative abilities. The study took place at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University and K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University in Kazakhstan. It involved four moderators of online learning, 62 students maj...
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The author takes into consideration an important problem of social pedagogy and ethno-pedagogy which is the awareness of a common cultural heritage between Polish and Belarusian nations, second of with is now experiencing a regime and dictatorship. The author draws attention to the tasks of those subdisciplines in the context of history and the fat...
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El acogimiento residencial es un recurso valioso para aquellas niñas, niños y adolescentes (NNA) expuestos a situaciones de riesgo y desamparo. Las profesionales educativas de estas residencias requieren la generación de relaciones significativas, de vínculos emocionales y resilientes con las NNA. Es decir, deben ofrecer buenos tratos y, a su vez,...
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La Violencia en Pareja Adolescente (VPA) se está convirtiendo en un tópico de interés creciente dentro de la investigación socioeducativa en España. De las diferentes aproximaciones con las que se cuenta, la perspectiva transcultural es la que presenta un menor desarrollo en nuestro contexto, no así en otros como el anglosajón. El objetivo de esta...
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Die Frage, welches Wissen und Können Sozialpädagog:innen vorhalten müssen und auf welchem Weg sie Professionalität im Handeln erwerben können, ist so alt wie die sozialpädagogische Zunft selbst. Getrieben wird diese auf Dauer gestellte Diskussion von mindestens drei wechselseitig verwobenen Teilproblemen, die wir im Folgenden hinsichtlich des Umgan...
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Ramón Albó i Martí estuvo presente en la escena social y política de Barcelona, con especial incidencia en la protección a la infancia y el Tribunal Tutelar de Niños, desde finales del siglo XIX hasta mediados de los años cincuenta del siglo pasado. Su figura, ya en vida, fue discutida y cuestionada y pasó por momentos de un cierto ostracismo inter...
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The scientific monograph "Murders in schools - analysis of case studies from the point of view of social pedagogy" resulted from the author's desire to use scientific analyzes of numerous tragic events that happened in schools to draw the attention of the educational system, but also to society as a whole, to the need to much more attention must be...
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Die vorliegende Expertise wurde im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) geförderten Projektes „Wissenschaftliches Kuratorium – Inklusives SGB VIII“ angefertigt. Dialoge über die Lebenswelten von Kindern und Jugendliche mit und ohne Behinderungen werden weitgehend getrennt voneinander geführt, obwohl die P...
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El siguiente artículo analiza la influencia de la trayectoria académica y el «sistema sexo-género» en la participación de personas mayores en la educación no formal. Este trabajo emerge de una investigación reciente realizada en UNI3 Montevideo, una de las principales instituciones educativas del Uruguay dirigida a esta población y pionera en Améri...
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La digitalización, mucho más allá que una convergencia de tecnologías y herramientas, supone un cambio de paradigma cultural (Castells, 2009). En cuanto cultura digital la Sociedad del Conocimiento se fundamenta en un conjunto de representaciones narrativas que le dan visibilidad y condicionan las formas de actuar y relacionarse en el mundo digital...
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O pressuposto deste dossiê é a concepção dos direitos humanos como uma construção social, com a preocupação central de publicar várias experiências neste campo.
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A Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos, instrumento moderno para o imprescindível redirecionamento de nossas práticas, valores e relações com os outros não é um ponto descolado da história e sim o desdobramento de vários momentos que a fomentaram. Este trabalho traz um rastreamento bibliográfica destes momentos, segundo linhas do tempo propost...
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Teaching diversity in social pedagogy and social work training is vital for promoting inclusivity, cultural competence, empathy and effective practice. It supports students in their personal development and equips them to navigate today’s interconnected world. Inspired by bell hooks’s Teaching to Transgress: Education as the practice of freedom, th...
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In seinem neuen Buch analysiert der Autor verschiedene Misserfolgsdynamiken, die zum Scheitern von pädagogischen Projekten geführt haben. Im ersten Teil stehen dabei neun Projekte aus der Zeit von 1760 bis 2006 im Mittelpunkt, die teils von bekannten Pädagog:innen wie Pestalozzi, Tolstoi, Bernfeld oder Makarenko auf den Weg gebracht wurden, teils a...
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Annotation: Social life is built on the basis of communication processes. Communication may or may not be effective depending on the outcome of this process. There are barriers that prevent effective communication. This article deals with the reasons that negatively affect communication. The basis of interpersonal relationships is the process of co...
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Publikace se zaměřuje na aktuální potřeby základních škol v kontextu uplatnění profese sociálního pedagoga ve školním prostředí. Nastiňuje vývoj sociální pedagogiky, s využitím aktuálních odborných a výzkumných poznatků vymezuje specifika profese sociálního pedagoga, a to především s důrazem na uplatnění v prostředí školy. Kniha přináší ojedinělá k...
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Against the background of current multiple crises, above all the social-ecological crisis, the question arises how the phase of adolescence and its arrangement in fields of social pedagogy/social work are affected by this. Quantitative research shows that many young people are worried about the future because of the climate crisis. These surveys al...
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PREFACE The scientific monograph Education and contemporary challenges 1 is the result of the project of the 1st Scientific and Professional Conference with international participation "Education and contemporary challenges", which was organized by the Islamic Pedagogical Faculty of the University of Zenica on the occasion of its 30th anniversary,...
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Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag nimmt unter Bezugnahme auf die Beiträge des Schwerpunkts „Staatliche Anerkennung“ einen Ausblick zur Perspektive der staatlichen Anerkennung vor und formuliert drei Impulse, die zu einer Neujustierung rund um Fragen der Qualifizierung von Sozialarbeiter_innen und Sozialpädagog_innen beitragen könnten.
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Schoolyards should be used to cultivate the cognitive, social, psychomotor and developmental skills of children. But for this to happen there are certain conditions. Initially, schoolyards have to be designed based on the needs of the children and the teaching staff. It is also important to ensure safety and aesthetics, to a reasonable degree. Fina...
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Zusammenfassung Der vorliegende Beitrag thematisiert die zunehmende Bedeutung einer staatlichen Anerkennung für (potenzielle) Studierende und Absolvent_innen einschlägiger Studiengänge der Erziehungswissenschaft mit sozialpädagogischen Schwerpunkten. Hierzu wird zunächst die Rolle der staatlichen Anerkennung bei der Regulierung des Berufszugangs er...
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Resumen Este trabajo doctoral aborda al clown socioeducativo como herramienta innovadora en las intervenciones socioeducativas con jóvenes, centrándose en el impacto que tiene sobre la capacidad 'Sentidos, Imaginación y Pensamiento' (SIP) según el enfoque de Martha Nussbaum. La investigación se desarrolla en un instituto en la Ciudad de México debi...
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A Pedagogia Social, em si mesma, partindo de suas caracterizações dialógicas, promove a lapidação gradual e contínua de modelos formativos capazes de se comunicar com as estruturas individuais-coletivas, enfocando no sujeito, como ser único dentro dos entrelaçamentos socioculturais, e nos meios societários-educativos, apresentando também as suas fo...
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Vocational schools are a focus of the OECD's 2023 Education Report, with Austria leading the way in the percentage of young people enrolled in vocational education and training at the secondary level. However, vocational education and training school teachers face significant challenges in keeping up with rapid technological and societal changes. T...
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Zusammenfassung Die staatliche Anerkennung von Sozialarbeiter_innen und Sozialpädagog_innen blickt auf eine lange Tradition zurück und ist seit vielen Jahren Gegenstand zahlreicher und kontroverser Auseinandersetzungen. Der Beitrag widmet sich neben einer grundlegenden Einführung zur Thematik, der gegenwärtigen Relevanz sowie der aktuellen Vergabep...
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O presente artigo, de fundamentação teórica sobre Pedagogia Social, tem como objetivo refletir sobre as possíveis contribuições da organização do campo do saber da Pedagogia Social Espanhola para as práticas de Educação Social no Brasil. Esse artigo é um recorte de uma pesquisa, sistemática e contínua, sobre as práticas educativas não escolares rea...
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This chapter investigates the dynamic synergy between pedagogy, social dynamics, and technological developments in Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL), which is enhanced by artificial intelligence (AI). The chapter navigates through educational modifications, learner profiling challenges, social enhancements, and technical considerations, emphasisin...
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Previous research is unequivocal regarding higher education’s importance for regional or national development, and the local presence of highly educated individuals in a municipality is crucial for its prosperity and development. The study aim is to increase understanding of representational perceptions of future university students in rural areas...
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Menschen mit kognitiven Beeinträchtigungen, die in Institutionen leben, haben häufig wenig Möglichkeiten zur Selbst- und Mitbestimmung. Um dem entgegenzuwirken, wurde an der Hochschule Luzern das Projekt «B-konEkt» durchgeführt. Im Artikel werden zunächst das empirische Vorgehen und die Projekterkenntnisse erläutert. Anschliessend geht es um fünf v...
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Relevance. The relevance of the study is due to the widespread prevalence of unstable psycho-emotional state in the academic environment, which has a significant impact on labour realization. Purpose. The purpose of the work is to consider methods and techniques for managing and countering stress in professional activities among future social educa...
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Cultural well-being, or an understanding of the connection between art and culture and human well-being, is a relatively new concept. While there have been discussions about cultural well-being in Finland since the 1970s, a more systematic understanding of cultural well-being has been formed in the last twenty years, also in the fields of social an...
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The concept of “unlearning” has been positively endorsed in both self-help literature and organizational research, but has yet to be discussed in the study of religions. Is there room for it in the conceptual space of religious socialization, pedagogy and spiritual seeking? Where does it occur in the spiritual journey, and what is its purpose? From...
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A problemática motriz que orienta a investigação e as reflexões produzidas neste artigo buscam demonstrar que as bases epistemológicas da Pedagogia Social, encontram-se alicerçadas em pensadores que compreendem a educação como um espaço para a formação moral, religiosa, não científica e lúdica. Para tanto, apresentamos ao leitor o percurso históric...
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Digitale Vortragsreihe: Inklusion und Diversität in der Sozialen Arbeit an der Uni Mainz, Arbeitsbereich Sozialpädagogik - Schwerpunkt Heterogenität und Diversität von Alex Klein, Kathrin Schulze, Stephanie Langer Vortragende: 7.5.24 "Rassismus in Kindertageseinrichtungen" von Seyran Bostancı I 18.6.24 "Un/sichtbar krank?...
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Relevance. The relevance of the research is conditioned upon the need to assess the compliance of social pedagogues� training programmes in Kazakhstan with modern professional challenges. Purpose. This research is designed to identify the content of educational programmes and to identify the relationship between the level of training of future soci...
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Elvira Lozupone insegna Pedagogia sociale all'Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata. Interessi di ricerca vertono sulla formazione degli educatori, studi di genere, e sugli aspetti educativi legati alla diffusione del paradigma ecologico integrale. La necessità di districarsi nelle maglie di una devianza sempre più ramificata e complessa, da p...
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The article deals with the problem of creativity development of future social workers within the social work field education. It is proved that creativity development is absolutely necessary not only because creativity is one of the requisite twenty-first century skills but also because the profession of social worker is impossible without a creati...
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Understanding and addressing conflicts underlying direct and indirect violence is necessary to build a just and sustainable peace. This study foregrounds youths’ voices and lived experiences of social conflicts in Iran, an understudied (semi-)authoritarian context in the Middle East. It examines selected youths’ socially constructed understandings...
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INTRODUCCIÓN. El modo de pensamiento y construcción del conocimiento hasta el siglo XX en Occidente ha sido mayoritariamente lineal, lógico, unidireccional, cerrado. Esto suponía una limitación en el aprendizaje que se centraba en una construcción del conocimiento individual y reproductivo de lo recibido de las instancias poseedoras del conocimient...
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This year we celebrate the Centenary of the death of Father António d' Oliveira (1867-1923), who was a pedagogue dedicated to the protection of children, mentor of the Child Protection Law of 1911, with which the Guardianship Law of Minors began in Portugal. The objectives of this historical-described and documentary research are inherent to the th...
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Este estudo consiste em uma revisão e análise de materiais, como livros e artigos científicos, com o intuito de adquirir informações e conhecimento sobre a Pedagogia Social de Paul Natorp. Natorp (1854-1924) foi um filósofo e pedagogo alemão, considerado um dos fundadores da Escola de Marburgo. Ele era um defensor da pedagogia social, que enfatiza...
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The introduction of the school field (PLP) activity was carried out as an effort to form qualified prospective educators students of The Bachelor of Education Study Program are required to take PLP courses. Through PLP, students are expected to improve their pedagogy, social personality and professional skills. This article discusses the implementa...
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Relevance. The relevance of the study is due to the need to expand the methods of prevention of victim behaviour, which are taught by future social educators, due to the growing demand for reducing the level of domestic violence in Kazakhstan by helping teenage girls in difficult life situations.Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to identify eff...
Conference Paper
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The position of social pedagogue has a long tradition in the Czech Republic. In recent years, the position of social pedagogue has been increasingly used in schools and has become a common part of school counselling centres in primary and secondary schools in the Czech Republic. Despite intensive support, however, it is still not regulated by legis...
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This article explores the complex relationship between biblical concepts and agriculture, suggesting that agriculture is more than just a physical endeavour but rather a spiritual journey that reflects humanity's relationship with the Creator and creation. It starts with the fundamental duty to care for the planet and looks at the consequences of h...
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Ableism, a system of thought that creates notions of normality based on abilities and ability expectations, is closely tied to capitalist logics that promote the productive citizen. While the pursuit of certain abilities is a fundamental part of any society, the individualisation of abilities and the coercive character of some ability expectations...
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We explore bell hooks’s perspectives on transgressive learning and discuss the potential for a social pedagogical practice by changing its scope and material context through the concept of the common third. We apply hooks’s points on student–educator mutuality and the necessity of dynamically repositioning educator–student relationships. We explore...
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Seit Jahren wächst die Nachfrage nach Heimplätzen für Kinder und Jugendliche mit einer geistigen Beeinträchtigung und traumatischem Erleben, die scheinbar pädagogisch nicht mehr handhabbar sind. Deshalb hat die Stiftung Bühl in Wädenswil vor 15 Jahren einen Intensivrahmen geschaffen – die Therapeutische Wohnschulgruppe (TWSG). Die traumapädagogisch...
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Temos como proposta neste artigo, fazer uma breve reflexão acerca do papel da pedagogia, mais especificamente, das práticas pedagógicas no ambiente da socioeducação. Para isso, buscamos trazer alguns elementos e estudos que direta ou indiretamente corroboram com a nossa discussão, dentre os aspectos teóricos, históricos e/ou metodológicos, que pude...
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The article on screen is the result of a dialogue between research and accumulated reflections in the area of social education, based on Social Pedagogy and aims to socialize the research results of the PIPAS-UFF Project. About the intertwined relationship between school, society, human beings and the world that, accordingly, needs to be a process...
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The context of the research was the educational dimension of the life situation of older people. The life situation of seniors may depend on various factors. One of them is the activity they undertake. Educational activity, broadly understood, plays a special role in this area. It can be an important factor in changing (improving) the life situatio...
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Social care workers benefit from multiple types of evidence to enhance citizen well-being, support their own well-being and improve social care services. Building capacity within social care to find, collect and use different forms of evidence is an international concern. The Developing Evidence Enriched Practice (DEEP) programme in Wales is inform...
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Abstract Deutsch: Es wird die didaktische Struktur zweier Module, die Professionalisierungsprozesse dualer Sozialpädagogik-Studierender anstoßen sollen, vorgestellt und begründet. Der Problembasierte Lernansatz erweist sich als passend bei der hohen Komplexität in den sozialpädagogischen Arbeitsfeldern. Die Didaktik kennzeichnet eine deutlich stru...
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Zusammenfassung Obwohl der Begriff der „Arbeit“ dem Begriff der „Sozialarbeit“, aber auch der „Sozialen Arbeit“ oder dem englischen „ social work “ inhärent ist, ist Arbeit nur selten explizit Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher und fachlicher Auseinandersetzungen. Im vorliegenden Text wird den Anschlüssen an den Begriff der Arbeit in den vorliegenden De...
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Individuals are pupils of society, and students represent individuals within the societal context. It is the noble aspiration of every educator to cultivate students with well-rounded personalities for the benefit of society. School curricula are instrumental in shaping the children who will, in turn, shape the future of society, and it is posited...
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Intergenerational Relations - Contemporary Theories, Studies, and Policies, concentrates on actual discussions around various aspects of interactions that occur between people from different age groups and generations. The authors present studies related to four sets of challenges crucial for relationships between children, young adults, middle-age...
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O presente artigo resulta de uma pesquisa que teve por objetivo compreender o trabalho do educador social junto à população em situação de vulnerabilidade no município de Presidente Kennedy/ES. O estudo discorre sobre o surgimento da pedagogia social e da educação social no cenário brasileiro, buscando compreender o perfil deste profissional, os co...
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Lidar com toda a diversidade que está patente hoje nas escolas contemporâneas implica recorrer a ferramentas da pedagogia social e, particularmente, da mediação intercultural ao serviço da mediação escolar e/ou sociopedagógica. Só desta forma a escola poderá responder à crescente heterogeneidade da sociedade contemporânea que se visibiliza cada vez...
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Leer no es un acto pasivo, sino que exige del lector la puesta en función de una serie de estructuras mentales que se desarrollan con este proceso (inteligencia, análisis, razonamiento, entre otras). El trabajo con la promoción de la lectura tiene limitaciones de propuestas pedagógicamente fundamentadas que sirvan de referentes para la toma de deci...
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The text is an interview by Anelia Kassabova with Sabine Hering, i.R. professor of social pedagogy, gender and welfare history at the University of Siegen. The starting point is the questions about children in homes, with an accent on gender differences and care for girls in Germany from the Kaiserreich to the 1970s. The discussion is based on Heri...