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Social Movements - Science topic

To link all those scholars working on social movements, protest and contentious politics
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Publications related to Social Movements (10,000)
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This chapter tries to provide an overview of the latest trends and patterns of slow fashion consumption in the affluent market. Slow fashion consumption in affluent markets reflects a growing shift towards ethical, sustainable, and intentional purchasing habits, driven by increased awareness of environmental and social issues. It involves prioritiz...
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Several significant global social movements, including Rhodes Must Fall in the UK, Fees Must Fall in South Africa, Black Lives Matter in the US, and Why is My Curriculum White? in the UK, challenged the traditions and assumptions of modernization, colonialism, and imperialism within the existing education system. Therefore, the issue of decolonizat...
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Se analizaron las experiencias en torno al repertorio de tácticas del movimiento feminista regional en La Araucanía, Chile, entre 1990 y 2020 a partir de testimonios de mujeres que se autoadscriben a esta movilización. Con base en antecedentes sobre las transformaciones del feminismo latinoamericano desde los años ochenta en adelante, se realizó un...
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This chapter touches upon key historical conjunctures and dynamics that have generated and, in part, normalized land inequalities, and provides an overview of contemporary attempts to question and transform these inequalities. First, this chapter provides an overview of the colonial origins of land inequalities, with a focus on European territorial...
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Social movements encompass the collective actions of groups gathered under the same goal, operating within a specific organizational structure to reflect their thoughts and views through a series of actions. Social movements are expected to exhibit characteristics of violence, rationality, continuity, and public benefit. The successful performance...
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La presente exposición se nutre de los abordajes realizados en el marco de la investigación “En búsqueda de lalegitimidad: discursos sobre la justicia en organizaciones sociales de Tierra del Fuego, AeIAS (2016-2018)”. Dichainvestigación se ubica en el campo de estudios sobre movimientos sociales, entendiéndolos como formas deimputación y disputa m...
Conference Paper
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Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da dissertação de mestrado que focalizou práticas educativas do SERVIÇO DE TECNOLOGIA ALTERNATIVA (SERTA), em Pernambuco-Brasil. Com uma abordagem histórico-cultural em psicologia e educação, observamos como as interações construídas a partir das vivências e práticas podem contribuir para a construção d...
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The city is a complex reality that reflects the struggle for political, economic, and cultural spaces and resources amidst limitations and contingencies in achieving justice for all city residents. The concepts of the Right to the City and Urban Social Movements, as explored in urban political literature, serve as an exploratory framework for this...
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In recent years, (autonomy-centered) enactivism has been used to provide an integrative and relational account of mental conditions. A significant advancement lies in its naturalized and pluralistic treatment of normativity, which transcends traditional objectivist and normativist dichotomies. This article explores the varieties of normativity with...
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A questão agrária no Brasil evidencia um sistema jurídico que privilegia grandes proprietários em detrimento das populações vulneráveis, intensificando a concentração fundiária e a violência nos conflitos rurais. O estudo utiliza o método dedutivo, partindo da análise geral da atuação dos movimentos sociais de luta pela terra, associado à criminolo...
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Dreams are known to be affected by large-scale traumatic events that impact society, but the literature on social movement-related trauma is inadequate. The Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement (Anti-ELAB) was a 7-month large-scale and highly traumatic social movement in Hong Kong that began in March 2019 in opposition to a bill proposed by...
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El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar la experiencia de un grupo de científicas y científicos sociales de El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, en el contexto de dos eventos críticos: las caravanas migrantes de 2018 y la pandemia de Covid-19 en 2020. La investigación se centra en las formas de intervención, el entorno institucional en el que se desarr...
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Neste texto pretende-se discutir a educação popular e suas contribuições pedagógicas na perspectiva do diálogo de saberes e de culturas mediante os desafios e perspectivas da educação escolar e não escolar na Amazônia contemporânea. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, que privilegia estudos teóricos e investigações da educação popular na Amazôn...
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This study explores the potential of social media in improving education, engagement, and mobilization for climate change initiatives. Using the theoretical framework of resource mobilization and methods such as social network analysis (SNA) and bipartite networks, it examines how effective deployment of resources such as information, social capita...
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El Observatorio Latinoamericano de Conflictos Ambientales (OLCA) ha llevado a cabo un trabajo sostenido en el tiempo en la visibilización de las principales consecuencias, causas, actores, ideologías y capitales que han profundizado el modelo extractivista en América Latina. La enorme persistencia de inscribirse en las preguntas que ponen el acento...
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Se presentan los resultados de un estudio cualitativo que profundiza sobre la manera en que los movimientos sociales transforman a los individuos y a las sociedades, para eso se elaboran dos argumentos aplicados al caso chileno. El primero es que los movimientos irrumpen en la vida cotidiana de las juventudes cambiando el curso de la socialización...
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This article aims to answer the question of whether identity-based movements are free from tendencies in political economy. By analyzing the actions and orientations of the militant Islamic group from the New Order to the Reform era, we show that social movements based on cultural identities are far from representing the demands of groups of recogn...
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Se argumenta que la interconectividad del mundo de hoy, fuertemente materializada por el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información; la imparable movilidad humana; la circulación de mercancías y capitales, prácticamente sin restricciones en todo el orbe; el agotamiento de los bienes finitos de la naturaleza; como la degradación ambiental del p...
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Zusammenfassung Dekolonisierung kann kein friedlicher Prozess sein. Sie bedeutet Proteste, Zusammenstöße und Gegenreaktionen, Gespräche, Vereinbarungen und Misserfolge; sie erfordert ein scharfes Verständnis von den und eine radikale Positionierung gegen die Mechanismen des imperialen Extraktivismus, des Rassenkapitalismus und der neoliberalen Koop...
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In recent years, we have seen social movement-based calls for social justice and decolonisation in universities around the world. Some of these have been in response to specific events such as the murder of George Floyd in 2020, while others are rooted in longer standing social movements such as Rhodes Must Fall. These movements have served as cata...
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The first academic history of the antinuclear movement in Britain to be published in the 21st Century. This overview from the 1950s to the 1920s includes both mass movement phases (late 1950s/early 1960s and 1980s) as well as the period between and the campaign over the last few decades. As well as CND, the book covers the Direct Action Committee A...
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O artigo aborda a grave situação da saúde no sistema carcerário brasileiro, evidenciando os desafios estruturais como superlotação, condições insalubres e acesso restrito aos serviços de saúde, que dificultam tanto o tratamento de doenças quanto a reabilitação dos detentos. A revisão de literatura, com a base de dados selecionada na busca dos artig...
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Este estudo aprofunda a análise do papel central do Movimento Sanitário na construção do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) brasileiro, adotando como referência o modelo de Múltiplos Fluxos de Kingdon. Aproveitando o contexto político e social da transição democrática, o Movimento Sanitário articulou com êxito diferentes atores sociais, incluindo profiss...
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O objetivo deste estudo é analisar ações e estratégias realizadas na busca ativa de estudantes surdos como forma de garantir o acesso e a permanência na escola bilíngue - libras-português de Parnaíba-Piauí. A legislação brasileira, considerando a Constituição Federal (CF), o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) e a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases (...
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How and in what sequence do social structures, contingent events, and agents’ decisions combine over time to bring about a new populist right? To answer this question, we propose a framework to analyze social processes spanning three levels of analysis: global political economy, national political articulation, and subnational political geography....
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This article examines the role of religion in contemporary social movements in Indonesia using the framework of relative deprivation theory. The phenomenon of religion-based social movements has become an integral part of the socio-political dynamics of post-Reformation Indonesia. This research presents three cases of significant religion-based soc...
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Climate change social movements led by young people in many countries underscore the importance of understanding students’ willingness to act pro-environmentally. Various studies indicate inequalities in this regard. Wealthier people and women tend to exhibit greater pro-environmental attitudes and behavior. Moreover, literature on political social...
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La Patagonia chilena, territorio austral históricamente aislado y carac-terizado por extensas áreas naturales de significancia ecológica mundial, posee una valiosa historia ambiental de resistencia, con el enorme movimiento social "Patagonia sin represas" y su férrea defensa ante la amenaza hidroeléctrica transnacional como su principal hito. Actua...
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This article explores a “new feminist subject” in the context of the mobilisation for Women’s Day (8 March 2019) in the city of Bilbao. Through a convergent quantitative–qualitative design methodology, issues relating to feminist identity and elements connected to neoliberalism that make up the feminist movement were addressed. The objective was to...
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El capítulo se orienta a describir y analizar la configuración de redes de activismo transnacional que congregan a diversos actores y movimientos sociales de Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador y Panamá en el período 2013-2023. El análisis de estas redes transnacionales pretende abarcar las estructuras organizativas, los aspecto...
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Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, social media platforms have been a venue for the exchange of messages, including those related to fake news. There are also accounts programmed to disseminate and amplify specific messages, which can affect individual decision-making and present new challenges for public health. Objective: This study aimed...
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This article analyzes the key factors that contributed to the development of human rights education, focusing on the role of grassroots social organizations in Bogotá, Colombia, between 1977 and 2007. The study is grounded in documentary and historical research, employing a socio-critical approach. This research addresses the issue of how human rig...
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What happens when disadvantaged groups feel that their freedom to define and practice their collective identity (i.e., collective autonomy) is restricted? The present theoretical review outlines the conditions under which social inequality activates the feelings of collective autonomy restriction among disadvantaged group members and motivates the...
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We examine how a market-based conservation non-governmental organization (NGO) persuaded an Indigenous community in Bolivia to adopt new livelihood practices based on neoliberal conservation principles. These practices required the community to abandon their cherished traditional methods in favor of modern farming techniques. We found the community...
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Staging protest is a critical strategy for movements to gain media visibility, which in turn is critical for movement impact. This entry answers the following questions: Why are some protests featured (prominently) in the news, and others not? Can protest independently set the media agenda or does it rather surf waves of increased attention? And, w...
Conference Paper
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This study delves into the transformative dynamics of LGBTIQ community activism during the Gotagogama Protest in Sri Lanka, with the objective of showing how the LGBTIQ community strives to build a space in the country. Through qualitative methods, including thematic analysis of interviews and content analysis of YouTube videos, the research invest...
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“Empowering Community Resilience through Repair: A Case Study of a Self-Managed Sustainability Collective,” the group identity is more fluid. The empirical focus of the case study is the Reparemos! Foundation, an organization that promotes the right to repair on behalf of a broad population of Chileans whose wellbeing has been threatened by a protr...
Conference Paper
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This qualitative study focused on exploring the political activism of the LGBTIQ community within the context of the Gotagogama Protest in Sri Lanka. Data was gathered through interviews and analysed thematically, with content analysis of YouTube videos and other relevant secondary data sources supplemented. The study's goal was to explore into the...
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Objective: To discuss how economic growth based on the “at any cost” paradigm generates environmental and social risks, with an emphasis on the impacts on situations of vulnerability. It proposes the defense of “place” as an alternative for sustainable development, respecting local history and culture, while analyzing the market from the perspectiv...
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This paper analyzes the development and consolidation of anticommunist discourse in the General Conferences of the Latin American Episcopate (CELAM), from Rio de Janeiro to Aparecida. It adopts a critical perspective to examine the construction of the “messianic fraternity” myth—an ideological narrative contrasting Christian ideals of community and...
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Les médias sociaux sont devenus un outil essentiel de l'engagement politique à l'ère numérique, influençant le discours et amplifiant la propagande. Des plateformes comme Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et YouTube ont démocratisé le flux d'informations, permettant aux individus et aux organisations de diffuser rapidement des messages. Cependant, cette...
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I social media sono diventati uno strumento cruciale per l'impegno politico nell'era digitale, influenzando il discorso e amplificando la propaganda. Piattaforme come Facebook, Twitter, Instagram e YouTube hanno democratizzato il flusso di informazioni, consentendo a individui e organizzazioni di diffondere messaggi rapidamente. Tuttavia, questa tr...
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When TikTok started as a youth-oriented platform, it was mostly used for light entertainment, including music, songs and dance clips. Today, however, it is often relied upon as a hub for social and political activism. Hashtags are an important affordance to create visibility and attract attention. Using a qualitative multimodal thematic analysis, t...
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o Las redes sociales se han convertido en una herramienta crucial para la participación política en la era digital, influyendo en el discurso y amplificando la propaganda. Plataformas como Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y YouTube han democratizado el flujo de información, permitiendo a las personas y organizaciones difundir mensajes rápidamente. Sin...
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يتناول هذا البحث دور مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي في تعزيز فعالية الحركات الاجتماعية وتأثيرها على المستويات السياسية والاجتماعية. تُعد هذه المنصات فضاءات عمومية افتراضية أحدثت تحولًا نوعيًا في أساليب الاحتجاج والتنظيم، حيث وفرت أدوات جديدة وغير مسبوقة للحشد والتعبئة، مما مكّن الحركات الاجتماعية من إيصال مطالبها بفعالية إلى الرأي العام وصنّاع القرار. كما...
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Partiendo del reconocimiento de la necesidad de una política de justicia transicional en México, el capítulo plantea algunos interrogantes y desafíos que podrían incidir en la efectividad de la recién creada Comisión para el Acceso a la Verdad, el Esclarecimiento Histórico y el Impulso a la Justicia de las violaciones graves a los derechos humanos...
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Highlights: 1. We should discuss the rights of people in details everywhere in society so that people's awareness in favor of human rights increases and, at the same time, the authoritarian mentality decreases. 2. Sometimes, the course of our discussion can change due to the reality and we can make some additions-subtractions-alterations-revisi...
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La Revolución Rusa fue un acontecimiento histórico, que transformó el aspecto político, social, económico de un país dando surgimiento al primer sistema comunista, generando un cambio de identidad del país y diversos movimientos sociales.
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El objetivo de este artículo es identificar las acciones políticas que la Asociación Nacional de Educadores y Educadoras (ANDE) ha realizado desde su surgimiento hasta el presente. La discusión teórica ubica a esta agrupación como una organización que ejerce presión sobre los poderes gubernamentales para cumplir sus fines. Como parte del planteamie...
Conference Paper
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This paper explores how companies use social networks to alter the relationship between individuals and the environment, focusing on plastic waste pollution. Environmental issues like plastic pollution have become significant disruptions, prompting stakeholders globally to mitigate their impact through Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Previous...
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This study investigates transformative learning within the Soulaliyine Social Movement in Morocco, exploring how learning processes catalyze activism and social change. While existing research on social movements predominantly focuses on resistance and power dynamics, this research addresses a critical gap by examining the learning dimensions that...
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Often perceived as a threat to employment, public order and safety, immigration is still a high priority on the political agenda of the European Union Members States. However, even because conceived as a concession, little is said about the quality of reception for asylum seekers, and the respect for their rights. This work focuses specifically on...
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This paper explores resonances of Cold War resistance to dictatorship in Latin America in the work of Puerto Rican activist and artist, Residente. By analysing a music video, This Is Not America, released in early 2022, I explore the ways in which political projects of the Cold War are brought to life through embodied performances of memory. In the...
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The present text utilizes a cross-disciplinary approach (economic history, institutional history, political theories) and aims at providing a complex and long-term approach to the interpretation of the sources. The European socialist and workers' movement ran into problems when the stagflationary crisis of the 1970s began calling the positive natur...
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A obra em análise contempla o estudo da visibilidade da transgeneridade no que tange a seus aspectos de interdição e lutas no espectro das microfísicas de saber-poder e de resistência no período da ditadura militar no Brasil e na contemporaneidade pelas resistências ao poder hegemônico da heterossexualidade e da interdição de um estilo de vida não...
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Este artigo examina as estratégias da sociedade civil organizada (movimentos sociais e associações LGBTQIA+) para a conquista de direitos, com foco no uso da litigância estratégica junto ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF). A pesquisa qualitativa analisou todos os acórdãos julgados pelo STF entre outubro de 1988 e maio de 2023 que versam sobre os dir...
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Corporate landlords have emerged as a new powerful actor of the housing crisis. Fuelled by financialised capital and operating simultaneously at a global and local scale, they have increased pressure on the housing markets. Urban social movements and tenants’ unions are reorganising through news strategies to adapt to new challenges. These include...
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Este artigo analisará um patente paradoxo: a mesma sociedade que apoia e investe em programas e projetos de inclusão social e que pretende, com muitas dessas ações, discutir e reparar historicamente o lugar atribuído à população negra em nossa sociedade é aquela que, sem titubear, ceifa qualquer possibilidade de ascensão e de representatividade des...
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The majority of US Black social movement organizations during the second half of the twentieth century had explicit ties to either Christian or Islamic religious institutions. The Black Panther Party (BPP) was a notable outlier in its secularism. Through the lens of radicalization, this paper examines the place of violence in the Party’s ideologica...
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O presente artigo tece algumas reflexões sobre o ensino das temáticas História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira e Indígena em escolas das redes pública e privada do município de Campo Grande, capital de Mato Grosso do Sul. Para a obtenção e produção dos dados e informações aqui apresentados, utilizamos, prioritariamente, entrevistas semiestruturadas e obs...
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Das Kapitel diskutiert die Begriffe der Gemeinschaft und Vergemeinschaftung im Hinblick auf Medien- und Kommunikationspraktiken von Menschen. Dabei werden zwei Grundformen von Vergemeinschaftung unterschieden, nämlich lokale und translokale. Beide verschränken sich jedoch mit der Mediatisierung in zunehmendem Maße. Ausgehend von dieser Systematik w...
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Nas últimas décadas, observa-se uma intensa circulação de políticas para LGBTI+ no Brasil. Uma vez que tais políticas foram marcadas pela fraca capacidade de indução do Governo Federal, como explicar sua circulação entre níveis e unidades da federação? Para responder essa pergunta, o artigo analisa a trajetória de circulação dos centros de referênc...
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As social media became more and more popular around the globe in late 2010, new theories were developed to theorize their effects on political activism and the ways through which social movements had been transformed. Connective action is a theoretical concept offered to understand the transformation of political activism in the age of digital medi...
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Resumo Interpreto as relações entre o abandono e a rememoração a partir das possibilidades de ressignificação da Fábrica de Cimento Portland de Perus. Abandonada desde a década de 1970, as instalações da falida Companhia Brasileira de Cimento Portland são, hoje, objeto de ações culturais de movimentos sociais de Perus, distrito da zona noroeste da...
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In this paper, I interpret the relationship between abandonment and remembrance based on possibilities for re-signifying the Perus Portland Cement Factory. Abandoned since the 1970s, the facilities of the bankrupt Companhia Brasileira de Cimento Portland are today the object of cultural actions organized by social movements in Perus, a district in...
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This article explores the link between anti-gender mobilization and the mainstreaming of the far right. It addresses the question of to what extent and how the far right allies with 'mainstream' actors in the context of anti-gender protest. Drawing from a social movement approach, the article contributes a novel operationalization of the mainstream...
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HIV patient activism has had a profound influence on the embodied health movements that followed it. Complex chronic conditions—for which there is no verifiable test or clear treatment program—have been called “illnesses you have to fight to get,” in part because patients struggle to convince doctors to take their pain seriously enough to give a di...
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El objetivo general de este artículo es analizar la producción de una cuestión ambiental en las políticas nacionales de agricultura familiar en Argentina. Se toma como fuente para la investigación, documentos institucionales producidos entre los años 2004 y 2023 y, documentos de organizaciones de sujetos rurales del sector subalterno que se conside...
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This article explores the link between anti-gender mobilization and the mainstreaming of the far right. It addresses the question of to what extent and how the far right allies with 'mainstream' actors in the context of anti-gender protest. Drawing from a social movement approach, the article contributes a novel operationalization of the mainstream...
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Social protests normally aim to achieve a certain goal. In order to have an effect, protests need media coverage to gain media noticeability and legitimacy. Without media coverage, and positive coverage in particular, protests are rarely successful in achieving their goals. This entry maps the main factors that affect media coverage in professional...
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A sociedade caminha para um novo paradigma social, no qual interagimos de novas maneiras, nos comunicamos de forma instantânea e aprendemos continuamente. Com a apropriação de diferentes tecnologias, frutos da Indústria 4.0, a educação também assume um caráter inovador frente ao modelo tradicional até então predominante. Ela envolve diferentes dime...
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Having a vision and being able to imagine socially and ecologically just alternatives can motivate people for societal transformation. However, which psychological processes drive this link between the mental accessibility of societal alternatives and collective action? We hypothesized that collective efficacy beliefs and politicized identification...
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Este artigo busca, à luz da revisão de literatura, discutir as tendências das políticas sociais na contemporaneidade, apresentando seus rebatimentos sobre os direitos humanos e a profissão Serviço Social. Apresentam-se as perspectivas das ofensivas neoliberais e ultraconservadoras presentes na sociedade capitalista e que perpassam a esfera do Estad...
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Roma women, a marginalized and often silenced community, have historically engaged in persistent struggles to assert their rights and amplify their voices through various forms of activism. This article adopts a qualitative approach, drawing on semi-structured interviews, to provide a nuanced understanding of the experiences and strategies employed...
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Nelle lotte dei movimenti sociali e dei femminismi, la pratica dell'ascolto svolge, ed ha svolto, un ruolo fondamentale nell'emancipazione delle voci delle soggettività subalterne e nella costruzione collettiva dell'idea di voce politica. Questo articolo è volto a sottolineare due aspetti di carattere politico ed epistemologico che hanno influenzat...
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Os escritos do presente artigo configuram-se sob o objetivo de analisar o panorama legislativo brasileiro que rege as políticas de educação escolar indígena partindo da Constituição Federal de 1988 até a atualidade. Além de reunir documentos resultantes de lutas seculares por parte dos movimentos sociais indigenistas pelo direito a uma educação de...
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The current study focuses on the use of social media for the purpose of communication in the process of mobilising and managing the 2020 #EndSARS protests across Nigeria. The study specifically sought to ascertain the effectiveness of the platforms and the challenges encountered in efforts at mobilisation and management of the protests. Primaril...
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The internet's vast potential for catalyzing social change and fostering technological networks is widely acknowledged. This research delves into the realm of hashtag activism, focusing on its significance within the context of digital feminism. It investigates how women are reclaiming online spaces to challenge prevailing power dynamics and advoca...
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This study aims to explain the things that gave rise to the protest movement, the form, and the results of the protest movement of the private village community in Surabaya City in 1910-1916. This study uses a historical method that has four steps, consisting of heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results of the st...
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Philosophers, psychologists, politicians, and even some tech billionaires have sounded the alarm about artificial intelligence (AI) and the dangers it may pose to the long-term future of humanity. Some believe it poses an existential risk (X-Risk) to our species, potentially causing our extinction or bringing about the collapse of human civilizatio...
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Asya Voloshina’s drama The Chorus Perishes (Гибнет хор) was prompted by her disillusionment with the ineffectiveness of the mass anti‑regime protests in Russia in 2011‑2012. Although the play is set during the First World War, this article seeks to interpret the play as a commentary on Russian society in 2014. The author sees one of the main reason...
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Social movements can play an important role in shaping the policies and local implementation of sustainable development goals and global health priorities. A major challenge is to understand the interconnectedness of the origins of social movements and their processes required to empower them. It is important to understand the pivotal role of peopl...
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Nas últimas décadas no Brasil ocorreram mudanças nas estratégias de desenvolvimento econômico identificadas por uma nova frente de investimentos em grandes projetos de infraestrutura, com foco na inserção internacional do mercado mundial. Isso só foi possível por meio de pacotes de investimentos entre grandes empresas internas e, principalmente, ex...
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La entrevista a Pablo Slavin PhD, reflexiona sobre los desafíos del derecho a la ciudad en el contexto actual, con fundamento en las desigualdades interseccionales, los efectos del neoliberalismo, el impacto de las tecnologías digitales y el protagonismo de los movimientos sociales en la construcción de ciudades más justas y democráticas. El propós...
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Marta G. Franco examina cómo las grandes corporaciones tecnológicas han usurpado los espacios digitales, transformando internet y las redes sociales en herramientas de control, explotación y vigilancia. La autora denuncia la apropiación capitalista y patriarcal de estos entornos, dominados por una élite masculina y occidental que perpetúa la exclus...
Conference Paper
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Digital art is a phenomenon that arises from the combination of technology and art. Although it is considered a new phenomenon, its origins date back to the 1960s. This study covers 1537 academic studies published between 1971 and 2024 (March 11) from the Web of Science database in the category of communication-related to new media and digital art....
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In the contemporary world, there are three interconnected global environmental crises (climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution). The common thread is the unsustainable pattern of production and consumption, which leads to international and local socio-environmental injustices. Seeking environmental justice in Brazil, the success of the rub...
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O debate sobre a colonialidade do conhecimento nas universidades brasileiras tem sido impulsionado por diferentes movimentos sociais, como os movimentos negros, indígenas, LGBTQIAPN+, entre outros. Preocupa-nos, no entanto, a possibilidade de que esse debate recue diante da problemática do racismo e fracasse em produzir mudanças reais nas estrutura...
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This interdisciplinary research review examines the complex relationship between traditional religious concepts of martyrdom and sacrifice and their modern manifestations in contemporary gun culture and heroism narratives. Through careful analysis of historical religious texts, contemporary sociological studies, and cultural anthropology research,...
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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar as intersecionalidades identitárias dos grupos não hegemônicos sob as perspectivas destes indivíduos, nas políticas e práticas de diversidade das organizações signatárias do Fórum de Empresas e Direitos. Neste sentido, inicialmente, identificamos as 31 empresas que participaram do último levantamento e analisa...
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This study stems from the phenomenon of social movements advocating for the legitimacy of the Domestic Workers Protection Bill. It questions the state's ability to fulfill the demands of such social movements. Employing a socio-legal approach, this study utilizes the concept of cannibalistic capitalism and Nancy Fraser's dualism perspective. This s...
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The tendency to revise, reconstruct, or remythologize national history / historical memory is a global intellectual and political trend, especially relevant for modern Ukraine under martial law. The research highlights the theoretical issues of delineating the memorial canon of periods important for national mythology, primarily the Liberation Stru...
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La violencia de género en Chile es un problema estructural que el Movimiento Feminista y de Mujeres viene discutiendo de manera activa hace décadas y que se perfila en contexto de Dictadura. Luego, al retorno de la democracia neoliberal, los debates en torno a la participación se hicieron parte de la agenda del Movimiento Feminista, dada la creació...
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Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada em uma escola do município do Rio de Janeiro, localizada na zona norte no bairro de Irajá, ela foi desenvolvida pelos integrantes de um Programa de Educação Tutorial (PET) e pesquisadores, ela ocorre no âmbito do laboratório de Pesquisa em Movimentos Sociais, Desigualdades e Diversidade...
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O presente artigo apresenta as análises desenvolvidas pelo projeto “Construindo meu futuro sem racismo, preconceito e bullying”, realizado em uma escola pública no Rio de Janeiro, por graduandos do Programa de Educação Tutorial: Movimentos Sociais da UFRJ, em parceria com integrantes do Laboratório de Pesquisa de Corpo, Raça e Gênero (LADECORGEN-UF...
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As lutas e movimentos sociais de brasileiros contra as desigualdades sociais e econômicas são percebidas desde o Período Colonial (1500-1822). Embora sejam nítidos os esforços políticos para reprimi-los, essas manifestações foram imprescindíveis ao desenvolvimento da cidadania brasileira. Desta forma, este estudo objetiva analisar a relação entre a...
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Desde fines del siglo XX se incrementaron las tasas de extracción de recursos naturales, así como la generación de altísimas cantidades de contaminantes. Ambos procesos, junto con un proceso de despojo, cercamiento y privatización de los bienes comunes, se tradujeron en un contexto de devastación ambiental y degradación civilizatoria que sustentan...