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Smart Home - Science topic

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Questions related to Smart Home
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
1 answer
The EU Data Act might be the law enabling smart homes, smart factories, Industry 4.0, and Digital Transformation. So what does the act require from OEMs and what does it offer to the various stakeholders? And what are its implications?
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The EU Data Act, part of the European Union's broader data strategy, aims to foster a data-driven economy while ensuring fair access, sharing, and use of data. For individuals, businesses, and organizations, this legislation holds significant implications:
1. Empowering Individuals and Consumers
The Data Act enhances user rights over non-personal data generated by connected devices (e.g., IoT products). This means consumers can request access to their data and share it with third parties to enjoy tailored services or insights. For example, smart home users might share energy usage data with different providers to receive optimized energy plans.
2. Boosting Fair Competition
By mandating equitable access to data, the Act prevents large corporations from monopolizing valuable datasets. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can now access critical data to innovate and compete effectively, leveling the playing field across industries.
3. Legal Obligations for Businesses
For businesses, the Act introduces a framework for data sharing while respecting trade secrets and intellectual property rights. Companies generating or holding significant data must establish transparent processes to share it securely when requested by public bodies or other businesses.
4. Support for Public Interest Initiatives
Public authorities gain improved access to data during emergencies like natural disasters, ensuring rapid response and informed decision-making. This provision ensures that vital data is utilized for societal benefits without being locked behind corporate barriers.
5. Strengthened Data Portability
The Act builds on the GDPR’s portability principles, emphasizing interoperability and seamless transfer of data between services. This provision reduces vendor lock-in, enabling users and businesses to switch service providers more easily.
6. Compliance and Security
Organizations must invest in robust mechanisms to ensure secure data sharing, addressing concerns about privacy, cybersecurity, and compliance. Non-compliance risks penalties, emphasizing the need for adherence to the Act’s guidelines.
The EU Data Act is a transformative step toward a fair, competitive, and innovative data economy. For individuals, it signifies greater control and personalization, while businesses must adapt to a collaborative, transparent data ecosystem. Staying informed and preparing for these changes is essential to leverage the opportunities and meet compliance requirements.
How the EU Data Act impacts you depends on your role—consumer, entrepreneur, or policymaker—but its overarching goal is a more inclusive and equitable data landscape.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
4 answers
In your opinion, will the development of artificial intelligence applications be associated mainly with opportunities, positive aspects, or rather threats, negative aspects?
Recently, accelerated technological progress is being made, including the development of generative artificial intelligence technology. The aforementioned technological progress made in the improvement and implementation of ICT information technologies, including the development of applications of tools based on generative artificial intelligence is becoming a symptom of the transition of civilization to the next technological revolution, i.e. the transition from the phase of development of technologies typical of Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0. Generative artificial intelligence technologies are finding more and more new applications by combining them with previously developed technologies, i.e. Big Data Analytics, Data Science, Cloud Computing, Personal and Industrial Internet of Things, Business Intelligence, Autonomous Robots, Horizontal and Vertical Data System Integration, Multi-Criteria Simulation Models, Digital Twins, Additive Manufacturing, Blockchain, Smart Technologies, Cyber Security Instruments, Virtual and Augmented Reality and other Advanced Data Mining technologies. In addition to this, the rapid development of generative AI-based tools available on the Internet is due to the fact that more and more companies, enterprises and institutions are creating their chatbots, which have been taught specific skills previously performed only by humans. In the process of deep learning, which uses artificial neural network technologies modeled on human neurons, the created chatbots or other tools based on generative AI are increasingly taking over from humans to perform specific tasks or improve their performance. The main factor in the growing scale of applications of various tools based on generative AI in various spheres of business activities of companies and enterprises is due to the great opportunities to automate complex, multi-criteria, organizationally advanced processes and reduce the operating costs of carrying them out with the use of AI technologies. On the other hand, certain risks may be associated with the application of AI generative technology in business entities, financial and public institutions. Among the potential risks are the replacement of people in various jobs by autonomous robots equipped with generative AI technology, the increase in the scale of cybercrime carried out with the use of AI, the increase in the scale of disinformation and generation of fake news on online social media through the generation of crafted photos, texts, videos, graphics presenting fictional content, non-existent events, based on statements and theses that are not supported by facts and created with the use of tools available on the Internet, applications equipped with generative AI technologies.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, will the development of artificial intelligence applications be associated mainly with opportunities, positive aspects, or rather threats, negative aspects?
Will there be mainly opportunities or rather threats associated with the development of artificial intelligence applications?
I am conducting research in this area. Particularly relevant issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technologies are described in my article below:
And what is your opinion about it?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Well, it has positive and negative aspects. For the positives, the AI app can improve efficiencies and effectiveness in the delivery of goods and services in general. Specific tasks that seem difficult for humans to complete may be assigned AIs and can be delivered accurately.
On the negative, robots or humanoids that may be developed that can have independent judgment could be "misprogrammed" or biasedly trained or poorly trained and this could lead to misdiagnosis and mistreatment in the medical fields and other related areas of health as well as other sectors of the economy.
Thus, both positives and negatives are expected of AI applications.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
2 answers
How can urban green areas be developed, turn large areas of concrete and asphalt into urban parks, implement new ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies into computerized urban agglomeration management systems, and thus transform current cities into modern agglomerations developing according to the green smart city model?
Today, there are already opportunities to develop urban green areas as part of the green transformation of the economy, to turn large areas of concrete and asphalt into urban parks, to implement new ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies into computerized urban agglomeration management systems and thus transform current cities into modern agglomerations developing according to the green smart city model. Developing urban green areas generates many positive effects for the residents of an urban agglomeration, including both humans and animals living in urban parks. The issue of developing urban green areas has increased in importance due to the occurrence of increasingly frequent and severe periods of drought and heat during the summer season. The replacement of areas covered with concrete or asphalt with green areas results in a significant drop in air temperature and increased humidity, which is especially important during the summer heat. In many cities in recent years, the levels of maximum air temperatures have steadily increased from year to year. During such periods, the scale of citizens' use of cooling equipment has strongly increased, resulting in a large increase in demand for electricity. In addition, during periods of drought, some citizens used tap water to water their home lawns. This caused a decline in the city's drinking water reserves. As a result, some cities are implementing restrictions on the use of water from municipal water supplies. The bans mainly concern the use of water from municipal water supplies for watering lawns, washing cars and filling swimming pools. Besides, the development of urban green areas promotes the population of pollinating insects, including honey bees, whose numbers are rapidly declining due to the excessive and improper use by farmers of pesticides and other chemical pesticides, the use of which poisons, wiping out bees and other pollinating insects. Besides, increasing urban green areas improves air quality, which is often still polluted by emissions from the process of burning fossil fuels, burning motor fuels in motor vehicles, production processes carried out in industrial plants located near urban agglomerations. Increased areas of urban parks also allow city residents to spend their leisure time in conditions similar to the natural environment, and are a place for convalescence, rest, physical and sports activities, etc. In addition, flower gardens, ponds, botanical gardens and zoos can be created in city parks, which are additional assets for improving urban living conditions, and also can serve children and young people as important elements for supporting nature, ecology, environment, climate education, etc. On the other hand, the implementation of new ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies into computerized urban agglomeration management systems, combined with the application of the goals of sustainable development and green transformation, makes it possible to transform cities into modern agglomerations developing in accordance with the green smart city model.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can urban green areas be developed, turn large areas of concrete and asphalt into urban parks, implement new ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies into computerized urban agglomeration management systems and thus transform current cities into modern agglomerations developing in accordance with the green smart city model?
How can urban green areas be developed and current cities transformed into green smart cities?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Dear Prof. Prokopowicz!
You raised a key issue - how to advance systems thinking in infrastructure development within cities:
1) Graf-Drasch, V., Keller, R., Meindl, O. et al. The Design of Citizen-Centric Green IS in Sustainable Smart Districts. Bus Inf Syst Eng 65, 521–538 (2023)., Open access:
2) Artur Branny, Maja Steen Møller, Silviya Korpilo, Timon McPhearson, Natalie Gulsrud, Anton Stahl Olafsson, Christopher M Raymond, Erik Andersson, Smarter greener cities through a social-ecological-technological systems approach, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Volume 55, 2022, Available at:
3) Wito Van Oijstaeijen, Maíra Finizola e Silva, Phil Back, Alexandra Collins, Kris Verheyen, Robbe De Beelde, Jan Cools, Steven Van Passel,
The Nature Smart Cities business model: A rapid decision-support and scenario analysis tool to reveal the multi-benefits of green infrastructure investments, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Volume 84, 2023, Available at:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
5 answers
Will a new world order run by artificial intelligence be born? If there are smart devices such as GPT chat and smart homes, as is the case in the United Arab Emirates and other smart countries and cities, as is the case in China and Japan, this will lead the world to the emergence of smart countries. If smart states exist, what wouldn't they be able to generate an intelligent world order.
In a short period of time, within the next few years, all the world's decisions will become hostage to artificial intelligence. Will artificial intelligence bring justice and charity, improve administrative, social, political and economic systems, and solve all the climate problems facing humanity? This makes the world a planet like eternal paradise, because intelligence removes evil, ignorance, and darkness. Is artificial intelligence the hope on which we build our dreams and convince the miserable? Is it the ideal solution?
Or do we protest and stop the production and development of artificial intelligence, and in return rely on human intelligence before it is too late, until international academics unite in the International Association of Universities and rid the world of pain and misery? Which of the two methods is better?
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Am in line with Jiří Kroc
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
1 answer
Smart homes have been a topic of interest for years, but it feels like we're on the cusp of seeing some major advancements. From voice-controlled lights to fridges that can order groceries for you, the possibilities seem endless. As we look ahead to 2023, what do you think will be the next big thing in smart home technology? Are there any challenges or concerns you foresee? Whether you're already living in a tech-savvy home or just dreaming about the possibilities, let's discuss what the future of our living spaces might look like!
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Dear Mohit Tiwari,
I believe that Digital Twins (DTs) of Smart Homes will be the next Big Thing in Smart Home technology.
The importance of DTs of Smart Homes can be summarized into the following points:
  • DTs can help improve Smart Home Security
  • DTs enable intelligent Smart Home Energy Management; for example Smart Lighting based on the DT of Smart Home
  • DTs enable energy consumption in smart homes; DTs enable the reduction of energy consumption in smart homes
  • Use of DTs in the area of Smart Home Automation
Best regards
Anatol Badach
See for example:
The Benefits of Digital Twins for Smart Homes
Digital Twin Driven Smart Home: A Feasibility Study
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
2 answers
The concept of a "smart home" is important because each homeowner has his own vision and needs. The article discusses the stages of implementing the "smart home" system, conducts a comparative analysis of wired and wireless systems, and determines the main requirements of the owners of the system. A smart home will turn off all sockets, leaving no chance for trouble. The system will also recognize the arrival of parents and turn on the power supply throughout the apartment.
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Please take a look at my papers in the field of IoT applications and security:
■ A. Abusukhon Intelligent Shoes for Detecting Blind Falls Using the Internet of Things. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. Vol. 17, Issue 9. 2023
■ A. Abusukhon, A. Al-Fuqaha, B. Hawashin, A Novel Technique for Detecting Underground Water Pipeline Leakage Using the Internet of Things. Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS). Vol. 29, No. 8.
■ A. Abusukhon, IOT Bracelets for Guiding Blind People in an Indoor Environment, in Journal of Communications Software and Systems, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 114-125, April 2023, doi: 10.24138/jcomss-2022-0160.
■ A. Abusukhon (2021) Towards Achieving a Balance between the User Satisfaction and the Power Conservation in the Internet of Things, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3051764. impact factor 9.936. Published by IEEE. [Science Citation Index].
■ Ahmad Abusukhon, Bilal Hawashin and Mohammad Lafi (2021) An Efficient Algorithm for Reducing the Power Consumption in Offices Using the Internet of Things, International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and its Applications (IJASCA).
■ A. Abusukhon, Z. Mohammad, A. Al-Thaher (2021) An authenticated, secure, and mutable multiple-session-keys protocol based on elliptic curve cryptography and text_to-image encryption algorithm. Concurrency and computation practice and experience. [Science Citation Index].
■ B. Hawashin, A. Abusukhon An Efficient Course Recommender Using Deep Enriched Hidden Student Aptitudes. ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, 2022.
■ A. Abusukhon, N. Anwar, M. Mohammad, Z., Alghanam, B. (2019) A hybrid network security algorithm based on Diffie Hellman and Text-to-Image Encryption algorithm. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography. 22(1) pp. 65- 81. (SCOPUS).
■ A. Abusukhon, B.Wawashin, B. (2015) A secure network communication protocol based on text to barcode encryption algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA). (ISI indexing). alNo=9
■ A. Abusukhon, Talib, M., and Almimi, H. (2014) Distributed Text-to-Image Encryption Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), 106 (1). [ available online at :]
■ A. Abusukhon (2013) Block Cipher Encryption for Text-to-Image Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Engineering and Technology (IJCET). 4(3) , 50-59. ALGORITHM.pdf
■ A. Abusukhon, Talib, M. and Nabulsi, M. (2012) Analyzing the Efficiency of Text-to-Image Encryption Algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications ( IJACSA )(ISI indexing) , 3(11), 35 – 38. alNo=6
■ A. Abusukhon, Talib M., Issa, O. (2012) Secure Network Communication Based on Text to Image Encryption. International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF), 1(4). The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC) 2012. NETWORK-COMMUNICATION-BASED-ON-TEXT-TO-IMAGE-Abusukhon-Talib/1d122f280e0d390263971842cc54f1b044df8161
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
2 answers
Authors are solicited to contribute to the book series by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas related to IoT, but are not limited to
  1. IoT Communication Technologies
  2. IoT Architectures & Platforms
  3. IoT Performance & Management
  4. IoT Privacy & Security
  5. IoT Embedded Systems, Sensors, Actuators
  6. Practical and Innovative Applications of IoT & IoT Networks (smart cities, smart mobility, smart home, smart health, smart grid, etc.)
  7. IoT for the industry and Business
  8. IoT operations & Interoperability
  9. Augmented Reality and virtual reality
  10. IoT & Artificial intelligence
go to for submission.
last date for submission is 31 july, 2023
Book Series Id: IIPV3EBS08_G2
kindly enter my reference id: IIPER1673412413 while submitting the chapter.
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Dear Anatol,
You can submit in the book series, using my reference id that is mentioned. We will check & revert you
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
2 answers
Senior Helpers Canada
Artificial intelligence (AI) technology holds great potential for enhancing the lives of elderly individuals.
With an aging population, AI-driven solutions offer opportunities to address challenges and improve the well-being of seniors. In this blog post, we will explore some ways in which new AI technology can support the elderly today and in the near future. Better Health Monitoring and Personalized Care
AI can revolutionize healthcare for the elderly by providing efficient and personalized monitoring and care. Wearable devices with AI algorithms can continuously track vital signs and detect abnormalities, alerting caregivers or medical professionals in real-time. This technology acts as an early warning system for potential health issues, allowing for prompt interventions and reducing the risk of adverse events. AI-powered virtual assistants can remind seniors to take medications, schedule appointments, and offer helpful advice on managing chronic conditions. Enabling Independent Living
Maintaining independence is crucial for seniors, and AI technology can play a significant role in supporting their autonomy. Smart home systems integrated with AI can adapt to seniors' daily routines and preferences. Voice-activated assistants like Amazon's Alexa or Google Assistant can assist with various tasks such as turning on lights, adjusting room temperature, or ordering groceries. AI-powered home monitoring systems can ensure safety by detecting falls or accidents and notifying emergency services if needed. These advancements empower seniors to comfortably age in place while providing an added layer of security.
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Dear Eduard Babulak , to help you I used GPT-4 and got a lot of relevant proposals. Please take these in to your account:
"AI can also play a significant role in assisting the elderly with memory and cognitive challenges. Here's how:
Cognitive Training and Stimulation: AI-powered applications can provide brain-training games and exercises that are tailored to an individual's cognitive abilities. These exercises can help slow cognitive decline and keep the mind active and engaged. The AI can adapt the difficulty level based on the person's progress, creating a personalized cognitive training regimen.
Memory Aids: For seniors with memory challenges, AI can offer helpful reminders and cues. AI personal assistants can be programmed to remember important dates, remind the user to complete daily tasks, or provide step-by-step instructions for more complex activities. Some systems can even use facial recognition technology to remind users of the names and details of family members and friends.
Mental Health Support: AI can assist in monitoring and supporting mental health. By analyzing speech and sleep patterns, AI can detect signs of depression or anxiety and alert healthcare providers to changes in mental health status. Some AI chatbots are designed to provide companionship and stimulate conversation, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Early Detection of Dementia: AI has the potential to detect early signs of dementia that may be missed by traditional assessments. For example, subtle changes in speech or writing patterns can be flagged by AI algorithms. Early detection allows for timely intervention and support, which can significantly improve quality of life.
In summary, AI has the potential to greatly assist the elderly, especially those with cognitive challenges. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative solutions to support the wellbeing of seniors."
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
11 answers
I need a car with: (1) good wheels, (2) good engine, (3) good breaks, and (4) without much electronics. Is it possible to buy such a car? I do not like smart machines.
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Leonardo Cannizzaro - I will never buy a self-driving car, because i love to drive, and I am a very good driver. I graduated computer science hundred years ago. I now hate "automatics" because I want to live! And to live, means to do something, not to be a toy run by all sorts of automatons.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
3 answers
I am doing research about human activity recognition in Smart home.
to create human activity dataset (ADL)
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i used openHAB : Gives DATAUSER Not DATASET
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
2 answers
Dear all,
Could I ask the differences between intelligent residential buildings and smart homes? Much of the functionality is the same and so the terms overlap to some extent. Can smart homes be an alternative term for intelligent residential buildings, or intelligent homes?
Thank you and Welcome to your comments.
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Dear Meng Zhu,
We can really make some distinctions between them. In our opinion,
Intelligent buildings are also referred to as automated buildings. Building automation is a system that allows for automatic and centralized control of a building’s energy systems, including heating, air conditioning, and lighting. Building automation is meant to improve the comfort of those within the building while also creating a more efficient energy use system that reduces energy consumption and operational costs.
Building automation uses computer networking systems to monitor and control the building’s various systems, from security systems to lighting, HVAC, and even building ventilation. These automated systems use information such as building occupancy, work schedules, and temperature preferences to monitor and control the various operational systems within the building. Typically, automated building systems are able to reduce energy use and maintenance costs.
Smart buildings could be considered a sector of or an expansion upon building automation systems. Much like traditional automation systems, smart buildings are designed to increase efficiency and reduce operational costs by integrating a building’s various energy and security systems through one network. Smart buildings, however, tend to feature additional tools and controls. Often they allow for the building’s managers to control systems remotely through the use of a smart phone or other hand-held device. Smart buildings allow for additional connections, such as to a business’s calendar, that help them intelligently and automatically decide when to turn on the lights or run the heating in certain conference rooms. Their software systems make it easier than ever for building managers to also track energy use and see what kind of return on investment they are getting.
Check out the attached links:
hope it can help you.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
4 answers
If the home is heated and supplied with electricity from various renewable, carbon-free and possibly also non-renewable energy sources, to what extent can energy consumption savings be generated through the use of computerised, integrated management systems for various heating, lighting, white goods, white goods, white goods, etc. smart home systems?
If the house is heated and supplied with electricity from various renewable, emission-free and possibly also non-renewable energy sources, when on the one hand the energy for heating water can be generated from the sun, heating the house can be generated through heat pumps powered by photovoltaic panels, possibly from geothermal sources, etc., the energy for heating the house can be generated from the sun, the energy for heating the house can be generated through heat pumps powered by photovoltaic panels, possibly from geothermal sources, etc., etc. Electricity can be generated from home solar and/or wind power and any shortfall can be made up from external energy suppliers. However, when there is too little sunshine and no wind, the shortfall in electricity must be made up from other energy sources to power the heat pumps that heat the house. However, when there is an energy crisis and high energy prices from external suppliers, powering the heat pumps can become highly expensive. In such a situation, a modern, low-emission wood-burning cooker or an eco-friendly fireplace fuelled by biofuels can be run as an emergency. As the weather aura changes and the price of electricity from external suppliers (energy companies supplying electricity and/or system heat) changes, this type of complex, multi-source heating and electricity supply system for the home needs to be managed continuously. It may then be useful to use computerised, integrated systems to manage the various heating, lighting, white goods, white goods, etc. smart home. Computerised, integrated systems for the management of various heating appliances, lighting, white goods, consumer electronics, etc. smart home can make use of a specific generation of artificial intelligence technology and other Industry 4.0 technologies. Through such solutions for the improvement of smart, computerised, integrated home energy risk management systems, savings can be generated in terms of thermal and electrical energy consumption.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
In a situation where the home is heated and supplied with electricity from various renewable, carbon-free and possibly also non-renewable energy sources, what energy consumption savings can be generated through the use of computerised, integrated management systems for various heating, lighting, household appliances, white goods, consumer electronics, etc. smart home?
What do you think about this subject?
Please respond,
Please answer with reasons,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Dear Vjacheslav Fisenko,
The easiest does not always mean the best. Taking into account the issue of the pro-climatic transformation of the energy sector, a diesel generator powered by biofuel is a less emissive energy source compared to, for example, a coal stove. However, when completely emission-free energy sources based on home solar, wind and geothermal power plants are used, the air quality will be much better. The level of consumption in the heating season is lower and the level of the pro-climate transformation of the energy sector and the economy is higher. However, the problem is the issue of financing new pro-climate and pro-environmental investments, investments in the development of renewable and zero-emission energy sources, investments that are an important factor in the green transformation of the energy sector and sustainable development. It is necessary to increase the scale of financial subsidies under the governmental support programs for the pro-climate and pro-environmental transformation of the energy sector and to increase the scale of diversification, independence and security of the energy sector. Increasing the scale of diversification, independence and security of the energy sector through the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources is a particularly important issue not only in terms of reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, counteracting the progressing global warming process, reducing the scale of the negative effects of the future climate disaster, but also due to the current energy crisis. Therefore, the current energy crisis and the prospective climate crisis increase the importance of the urgent and efficient implementation of the pro-environmental transformation of the energy sector.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
5 answers
The main features of smart homes/buildings include real-time monitoring, remote control, safety from intruders, gas/fire alarm, and so on. Because sensitive and private information is managed within smart homes/buildings, security and privacy solutions must be put in place in order to protect users/businesses' data against violation attempts as well as to guarantee the provision of reliable services. To this end, rules—in the form of policies—associated with the smart home/building resources must be defined and correctly enforced by means of a robust framework for handling the huge amount of IoT data managed.
Source: Sicari, S., Rizzardi, A., Miorandi, D. and Coen-Porisini, A. Securing the smart home: A real case study, Internet Technology Letters, 2018; 1:e22.
N. Panwar, S. Sharma, G. Wang, S. Mehrotra, and N. Venkatasubramanian, “Verifiable round-robin scheme for smart homes,” in Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy, CODASPY ’19, pp. 49–60, 2019.
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This work has presented an intelligent home automation system based on IoT technologies, cloud computing, and a machine learning algorithm. The home automation system allows remote and local control of the home via an Android-based mobile application. The system controls electrical home appliances, monitors environmental conditions through temperature, humidity, and light sensors, and ensures home security through a motion sensor and an IoT camera. The system makes intelligent decisions to automatically turn ON or OFF lights and allow the user to view a picture of the person captured by the camera and decide whether to save it. The system is scalable, and the application allows additional appliances with an extra configured point, simply named outlet in our work. Also, the mobile application uses a real-time cloud database to record data gathered. It also displays the trend of the readings graphically on the screen of the mobile application. These data can be analyzed and used for future prediction. The next phase of the work will be to use a dataset of several real-life images captured by the camera from the system or sourced from relevant datasets in the field of home automation and train a machine learning algorithm to classify them so that the system could differentiate between an intruder and the home occupants. Also, we plan to enhance the system such that the user will only receive captured images of an intruder, and other captured images will be saved in real-time into the cloud-based database of the system. This will remove the limitation on the encumbrance of a load of images on the mobile application. In addition, machine learning will also be used to enhance the PIR sensor’s performance to differentiate between an animal, the occupant, and an intruder. This will reduce the notification from the PIR sensor to the user. The machine learning algorithm will also be applied to classify detected images to work with several occupants and a larger data set of intruders.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
3 answers
The data set needed
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Here you can find some datasets for greenhouse
Read this paper also, the authors used a public archive of the Australian Government dataset.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
42 answers
The development of smart cities is a part of the broader concept of sustainable pro-ecological development based on the use of modern, innovative information technologies and in addition to ecology.
In this way, the development of smart cities also improves people's lives and can make people happier.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
Please reply
Best wishes
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Dear Leila,
Yes, I agree with your thesis that the development of smart cities will significantly improve people's quality of life, because modern infrastructure and amenities mean fewer development, system and infrastructural constraints. In my opinion, the development of smart cities should take into account the implementation of the principles of environmental policy, sustainable development goals and the green circular economy. Therefore, the development of modern cities should follow the model of sustainable, pro-environmental smart cities.
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
16 answers
What are advantages of smart factories?
I've recently published the following article in the Korea Times.
And how do you feel about smart factories? Please be as specific as possible when expressing your comments.
What are advantages of smart factories?
Humanity has come a long way from its earliest traces of civilization. Through industrialization, advancement has been brought to the world like never before. The introduction of human labor and later on machines were heightened to a great emphasis, being the main fuel of the economy. Manufacturing became a core concept in terms of civilization during the height of capitalism; a necessity in providing for the needs of citizens in terms of products, services and jobs among others. It is probably right to say that humanity's current habits revolve around the whims and ways of capitalism. Despite the fact that humanity has highly benefited from different stages of industrialization, it has also revealed how it can be perilous and detrimental to citizens throughout the years in different aspects. One of the dangers that capitalism and intensive labor pose toward workers would be the tendency of burnout from excessive and inhumane workloads. Burnout can also come from repetitive tasks, whereas humans are naturally inclined to look for new things to explore and experience from time to time. More so, labor workers also frequently encounter the risks of unjust labor treatment, particularly in relation to wages, benefits and regulations. Amid the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) technology during the current Industrial Revolution (IR), the same issues regarding the negative sides of labor and capitalism maintain their prevalence. This is where the idea of smart factories enters. In the simplest sense, a smart factory is a manufacturing site wherein the traditional workload is combined with smart machinery powered by huge data and technological systems. Smart factories are factories that are highly improved, innovated, and advanced, branching out as a contribution of IR 4.0. One of the great benefits that smart factories introduce would be the ability to shorten the duration and costs of operations in manufacturing. This is because it is highly flexible in adapting with the usual processes that happen in the factory through the means of storage and analysis of huge data. In doing so, the manufacturing processes became more efficient and effective, lessening the workload that employees are usually tasked with. A smart factory provides for the reduction of manufacturing process times and costs by adapting and optimizing operations as well as storing and analyzing vast amounts of data in real time. This leads to a more flexible, efficient, and autonomous production by encouraging workers to focus on improving processes rather than on mundane jobs, resulting in high value. Smart factories gradually gear up society for IR 5.0, with the goal of creating a people-centered economy rather than a task-centric economy. As smart factories aim to lessen the workloads of human workers, it allows them to have more time for other fundamental things that comprise their lives, other than their jobs and careers. Smart factories give hope for individuals to have more time for recreation and leisure, as well as time spent with family, friends, and meeting new individuals instead of working for eight hours straight. A smart factory strategy does not equate to a total replacement and retrenchment of employees with machines. Rather, it would employ the fusion of the work and effort of both humans and smart technology-powered machines. It adapts a system that is highly-digitalized wherein real-time data is optimized. Smart machines or smart robots can be programmed with repetitive and routine tasks that are usually compiled by the human workforce. Simply put, it brings forth a workplace and lifestyle for individuals that is both sustainable and humane. It is well known that the height of capitalism involves intense competition within and outside of firms and companies. With that being said, the utilization of smart factories and artificial intelligence allows the opportunity for robots to be those involved in the competitions instead of relying on humans. This can be done in the way that smart robots will be mainly responsible for the heavy processes done during production. Thus, they will be liable for the quality of the manufactured goods which are the foundation of a company's competency compared to other companies. In turn, this would relieve the human workforce from the added pressure that is embedded in the production process for the obvious reasons that they are held responsible for the product quality and output. Through smart robots, quality products and their output can be made, which will be the basis for the reputation of the company's name. External influences such as the macroeconomy and the pressure it places on a firm and its employees can play a significant role in fostering a toxic workplace. Smart factories give us a chance to save humanity and society by providing a realistic, attainable and considerate alternative for the people. Such an approach would provide the steps for a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle for humans in terms of realigning their relationship with work. Lastly, it promotes a society that looks out for the well-being of its citizens, instead of looking at them as mere workers. Rushan Ziatdinov ( is a professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Keimyung University, Daegu.
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Smart factories optimize efficiency and productivity by extending the capabilities of both manufacturing devices and people. By focusing on creating an agile, iterative production process through data collection, smart factories can aid decision-making processes with stronger evidence.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
1 answer
I want to simulate and test different type of situation in an IoT based smart home system. Hence I need some suggestions of suitable software to experience the environment virtually. Following that, I would like to implement too.
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4 answers
Today's hostels are experiencing an increase in noise pollution.
Smart house technologies have been introduced to make homes more ecologically friendly. Can these technologies be applied to our hostels so that rooms that play loud music have their meters turned off when the loudness reaches a certain level? Do you have any suggestions?
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2 answers
Dear Authors, Reviewers, Readers or Partners
I am working on writing a paper about the title below, I am looking for researchers who would like to join me to complete this paper and publish in the ISI journal.
Whoever finds himself desiring to join contact me:
survey on energy - efficient smart home load forecasting technics
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This is really a good research topic, which is consistent with the energy-saving technology that is widely promoted today.What help do you need?
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13 answers
The word "smart" is related to innovation, artificial intelligence, remote access to smart computerized systems, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, data processing and access to equipment for buildings, factories, etc. from mobile devices equipped with access to the Internet and other technologies of the current technological revolution known as Industry 4.0.
Do you agree with my opinion?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
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In recent years, building intelligent IT systems managing complex production, logistics, smart city processes, etc. involves the implementation of artificial intelligence technology, learning machines and other Industry 4.0 technologies. Recently, the process of improving the construction and management of digital twin systems has also become another area in which smart technologies can be used.
I invite you to the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
3 answers
It will be a great opportunity to share thoughts and research findings on aging and elderly smart healthcare.
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20 answers
What technologies dominate in the development of urban agglomerations according to the concept of smart-ecology sustainable development cities?
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
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Dear Debrayan Bravo Hidalgo,
Thank you very much for the proposal of an interesting publication entitled Smart and sustainable cities and buildings. Yes, the subject of this publication can, to a large extent, be a significant substantive contribution to our discussion on the issues of: smart ecology sustainable development cities.
Thank you, Regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
3 answers
What communication technologies are used in low-power, low-bandwidth smart home networks(ZigBee, WiFi HaLow,BLE, ANT, and Z-Wave wireless technology)?
Relevant answer
Hi dear,
You can find some explanation in the paper below. A brief comparison between Wireless Communication Technologies provided.
(PDF) An Overview of Routing Techniques in WSNs (
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
11 answers
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to see if anyone is interested in collaborating on some research papers. I work in the fields of SMART GRID, SMART BUILDINGS, OPTIMIZATION, and ENERGY MANAGEMENT.
If you are interested, could you send me a private text, please?
have a nice day!
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Many thanks for giving us the open invitation. I am interested to collaborate with you in the said area.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
12 answers
Today, there are different smart "things" such as smart cities, smart services, smart products smart homes, etc. So, what is smart data ? What is the difference between smart data and big data ? and How smart data supports smart "things"?
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According to many sources, 'smart' is a characteristic of (e.g. problem solving) behavior, which is not only performed that way, but is also recognized (e.g. by the actors of an environment) as such. Having this in mind, it it not a heterodoxy to ask what does the adjective 'smart' means in the context of data? Do we assume that data behave or perform dexterously on their own? It would imply that they are active - but they are not. Smart cities, smart services, smart products, smart homes, etc. are entities that (are supposed to) behave in a way, which may be referred to as smart. Philosophers would say that smartness is not a disposition of data (i.e. the quantities, characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by humans and computers). The question is excellent, but the answer is worth considering.
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3 answers
I'm starting a research which aims to build Domain Specific Langauge (DSL) for users automation for smart home for example. Any suggestions about tools used to build such langauges, features that should be in these automations?
Thanks in advance..
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Dear Jeff, I recommend you to also look LUA tools. Best wishes with your work.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
30 answers
In the last decade, boosting sustainability has been extensively studied in developing countries and developing societies. According to many works of literature, many attempts strive to achieve sustainability's main goals. Moreover, in Paris Conference Agreement in 2015, a decision to low the harmful gas emissions and low the earth's temperature by 2° C had been made.
I was astonished while working on my research paper in the following link:
As I found out, developing countries already have possibilities and opportunities to boost and achieve its targeting goals. At least the 17 goals that UN was determined. Although it is obvious that boosting sustainability is too hard for these contexts, I really seek to know why?
This is a well-recognized issue that necessitates a better approach toward figuring suitable solutions. Perhaps one of the first questions to arise is: How can we boost sustainability in Developing Countries?
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Good question
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
2 answers
Dear Colleagues,
The Internet of Things (IoT) and smart home technologies are growing at a rapid speed today. It is estimated that 75 billion IoT devices will be connected by 2025. An IoT device contains a microcontroller, sensors, wireless transceiver, and power management circuits. Using high-capacity batteries, super/ultra-capacitors, or energy harvesting technology, the IoT device must run from several weeks to several years. Low-power design is one of the highest priorities in designing IoT and smart home devices. To fulfill the low power goal, the designers of IoT devices must pay attention to selecting low power hardware components, utilizing power down modes in firmware, and energy harvesting for recharging the battery.
This Special Issue aims to collect original research or review articles on IoT and smart home applications with low-power hardware and software design in mind. Applications in environment monitoring, wearable devices for health monitoring, home automation, and using machine learning for sensor data analysis will be considered.
Dr. Tareq Khan Guest Editor
Internet Of Things
Smart home
Wireless transceiver
Embedded systems
Machine learning
Low-power design
Wearable devices
Environment monitoring
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Is this Scopus or Sci
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
4 answers
I would like to know if smart HVAC is the same as measuring temperature and Humidity or there is a clear explanation on this as I am working on a smart HVAC system as part of a smart home.
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In a smart HVAC system for home not for a building, the system should provide (1) monitoring by smart devices and web browsers, (2) room-wise temperature/humidity control, (3) smart/remote metering, (4) energy saving and scheduling, (5) remote boiler and AC maintenance and (6) smart ventilation control. Adopting IoT sensors are an option but will allow easier implementation.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
69 answers
Please give now existing or built examples of cities, agglomerations or city districts, small towns that operate within the concept of smart cities and in accordance with the principles of sustainable pro-ecological development?
Please reply
Best wishes
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Amsterdam, Dubai, Milton Keynes, Southampton.
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10 answers
Dear researchers, could you please help me with my question?
I would like to know how I can run multiple optimizations in one program...?
All the optimizations are the same in terms of variables, parameters, and sets but with different input data. The input data are being read from some mxn matrices. The number of optimizations is m. The output of each optimization is supposed to be returned in an mx1 matrix and the variables in some mxn matrices. Therefore, I wrote the objective function equation like this:
obj(m).. cost(m) =e= sum(n, f(m,n)) ;
However, it doesn't work and returns this error:
148 Dimension different - The symbol is referenced with more/less indices as declared
I even tried loop but it didn't work.
Any solution is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Relevant answer
Dear Hooman,
I think you can use the "loop" as this form:
obj.. cost =e= sum(n, a(n)*p(n)) ; %%% f(n)= a(n)*p(n)
a(n)=m*... or a(n)=a_m(m,n) , ...
Solve min/max cost,...
cost_m(m)=cost.l; , ....
Best regards;
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
3 answers
I am Ammar Hameed Shnain, a graduate researcher of Information Technology (IT) at Universiti Utara Malaysia. I humbly request the renown researchers who are experts enough to verify the developed theoretical model in my current research. The model attempts at investigating the Influential Factors on Intention To use Smart home services among the Elderly. Besides, I would like to validate the constructed questionnaire to carry out my research.
I would be much grateful for any assistance you may supply.
Relevant answer
Smart home services among the Elderly is a recent and important topic. i can help u
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
8 answers
In domestic field, washing machine and dishwasher loads are categorized as controllable- shiftable loads.
Nowadays, what are most known published works on this topic?
In particular, what is the most effective approach in formulating such kind of loads?
What are the most effective algorithms which are able to schedule in real time the cycle of such loads without assuming to know a priori the future energy demand?
What are is the most common objective function used by a training (optimization) algorithm?
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In reality, the metering infrastructure at LV level is limited and they're expensive. Therefore, any practical optimization algorithm has to work with the limited data. This could be one of the reasons why we still prefer rule based control. But prediction based optimal control such as MPC is gaining momentum at least in research fields. I don't know how long it will take for those technologies to get adapted in large scale.
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10 answers
I am planning to develop a methodology to analyse electric energy consumption based on user's behaviour and environment. Therefore I am looking for a tool that generate appliance level consumption data along with the user activities going on and environmental data that affect consumption (like doors and windows state, outside temperature, occupants' presence and location, etc.)
I have an idea about Simulink and DesignBuilder. But Simulink simulates appliances consumption regardless of users's behaviour and occupants presence, and DesignBiulder generates whole-house consumption data.
So do you have an idea of a tool that may serve my purposes?
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Our simulator will do that: Imran Mahmood, Quair-tul-ain, Hasan Arshad Nasir, Fahad Javed and José A. Aguado, "A Hierarchical Multi-Resolution Agent Based Modeling and Simulation Framework for Household Electricity Demand Profile", SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International, April 2020.
Let me know if you need more details
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
6 answers
Is the competencies of the clever grid, smart homes, and its combined with IoT components in other public utilities, including roadways, sewage, and water transport can make a contribution to greater included and useful infrastructure, particularly in towns?
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I agree with Dr. Mustafa
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
5 answers
Dear all,
I am intending to construct a questionnaire as a part of my PhD study to measure the intention to use smart home services base on IoT among the elderly. As I know, constructing a new questionnaire requires some tests to conduct, including reliability and validity tests. However, the term validity is confusing for me and I am not sure about its importance. Do I really need to conduct a questionnaire validity?
I would be much grateful for any assistance you may supply.
Ammar Hameed shnain
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بشكل مختصر
تعني هل تعبر الأسئلة فعلا عن الحالة
في حالة استخدم هذه الأسئلة في عينات آخر تعطي نفس النتائج
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4 answers
In the context of vertical industry, security demands could vary significantly among services. For instance, the mobile Internet of Things (IoT) devices requires lightweight security while high-speed mobile services demand high efficient mobile security. The network-based hop-by-hop security approach may not be efficient enough to build differentiated end-to-end (E2E) security for different services. As IoT is gaining momentum, more people will be able to remotely operate or "talk" to networked devices, for instance, instructing facilities at a smart home to get up. Therefore, there is a need for more stringent authentication method to prevent unauthorized access to IoT devices.
Now, what are the permanent authentication methods the could be to prevent unauthorized access to IoT devices?
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Combining 5G with IoT is the target agreed on by everyone.
And like any new technique, it will come with many security and privacy issues, but many solutions have been suggested. Some recent ones are listed below:
Please take in consideration that with 5G+IoT new paradigm of problems will arise which requires new types of solutions that includes blockchain, physical layer security, cross layer security solutions.
Best Regards
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12 answers
Industry 4.0 has been partially defined by its use of machine-to-machine communication and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices to create factories that operate like smart homes: an array of appliances and machines are brought into constant communication in order to create a cohesive, highly visible system. Logistics 4.0 operates under these same principles, but with a different set of component parts. Specifically, it makes use of “smart” containers, vehicles, pallets, and transport systems in order to create a fully networked supply stream that offers supply chain managers, shippers, freight forwarders, and others the necessary visibility to route transport and perform other logistics tasks in an optimal way. The concepts of Logistics 4.0 are becoming popular as logistics management evolves. Industry 4.0 impacts the corporate world through digitization both horizontal and vertical supply chains, products, services, business models, and customer relations.
How much this will affect the Third-Party Logistics (3PL) providers?
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through block chain and AI the security , speed and accuracy of information sharing will be key element of i4.0 in 3PL..
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
17 answers
What if we can know when a space/zone in a building is occupied (time, duration, preferences among others)? Will that information help the building mangers to improve occupant comfort?
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Additional Clarification: Spatial entropy can be dependent on different variables. The most important one is occupants. The entropy changes can vary based on how many occupants are in the given space and for how long. It is important to design controls based on occupant factor to maximize comfort.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
3 answers
I am a research student and working on human behavior modeling. I am looking for dataset that follows these properties :
1. Dataset should be collected from one resident living alone in a smart home
2. If possible, the data should be already labeled or semi-labeled for activity recognition algorithms
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I'm sorry, I do not know that topic.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
13 answers
Smart Home Systems is a hot topic for research nowadays and many smart home gadgets are already available which have a wide range of smart features. However, the gadgets available in market (for instance Amazon's Alexa based devices) are too much expensive for people living in 3rd world countries.
Is it possible to build a smart home system for people with limited budgets so that they can enjoy some basic features of home automation?
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Attached is the link to get low cost smart home gadgets
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
40 answers
In the 21st century, in connection with the technological development and the need to develop cities according to the green economy concept, including sustainable pro-ecological development, is it possible or will be to build a fully autonomously energetically and ecologically, economically self-sufficient smart city?
Please reply
Best wishes
Relevant answer
I guess it is not entirely possible to build a fully automated smart city. There are certain issues which can be only performed by humans. Hence, autonomous systems can only be used to a certain limit.
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3 answers
  • A 3D Open Source Smart Home Simulator..
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SIMACT: A 3D Open Source Smart Home Simulator for Activity Recognition A new flexible 3D smart home infrastructure simulator developed in Java specifically to help researchers working in the field of activity recognition. A set of pre-recorded scenarios, made with data extracted from clinical trials, will be included with the simulator in order to give a common foundation for testing activity recognition algorithms. The goal is to release the SIMACT simulator as an open source component that will benefit the whole smart home research community. SIMACT was built with the intention of providing a software experimentation tool that will help researchers to validate their smart home recognition approaches. It is really a simple and straightforward application. The window of the application is divided into three particular zones. The first one is a three dimensional graphic canvas built from one of the most promising game engines in Java: the Java Monkey Engine (JME) . This frame contains all that is necessary to simulate a real environment incorporating virtual sensors. In the 3D zone, you can freely move the camera around the environment to take different points of view and decide where is the most appropriate position to see what is going on. Another quality of the 3D zone is that it was built in a way to abstract code from design. SIMACT comes with a ready-to-use 3D kitchen, but one may decide to change it into another kind of room. These changes are really effortless to achieve, and it is also possible to add sensors and animated objects without touching a line of code. The second zone is the script control zone, which provides a fast,
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
1 answer
Could someone please recommend specific smart home devices for security-related MQTT experiments, such as cameras, switches, smart lights, access routers etc? If you could also recommend commercial devices for simulating traffic lights I will be very grateful.
Thank you.
Relevant answer
Advantech, a global specialist in the data acquisition market, has announced that all its devices already support the MQTT protocol. Advantech offers a full range of ready-made solutions for MQTT, such as the WebAccess software platform, the WISE-4000 wireless sensor nodes and the Wzzard mesh I / O modules such as the ADAM-3600 remote terminal and the Ethernet E modules. / S ADAM-6000, the protocol gateway ECU-1152 and the SmartSwarm 300 cellular IoT gateway all suitable for a wide range of commercial and industrial applications. Advantech IoT devices, specifically the products of the WISE-4000 and ADAM-6000 series, can be directly connected to the cloud or ERP / MES systems and communicate through the MQTT protocol without the need for a gateway or converter.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
2 answers
What IoT devices would you recommend for MQTT experiments? Further recommendations on Smart home devices or simulators for security-related MQTT experiments will also be appreciated.
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I would recommend to start from Raspberry Pi, the most popular. The Pi is definitely one of the easiest ways to get started with IoT and to build different prototypes. But for anything more serious like commercial or industrial products Pi is not the best choice.
I recommend to read the book "Building the Web of Things" with good example of implementation simple IoT system on Rasp Pi from A to Z, from hardware connection to user application accessed through the cloud.
You can configure your device with MQTT or CoAP (Chapter 7 in the book) and test security using Kali Linux toolkit or something else.
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33 answers
How will the technique of building infrastructure of cities and metropolises change due to the ongoing global warming process?
Does the development of smart city technology and ecological innovations, renewable energy sources, etc., ie the dissemination of sustainable pro-ecological development of cities and metropolises, facilitate the process of settling new environments in connection with the ongoing global warming process?
What kind of new environments did the people experience when fleeing from the drained continents? Probably if the end of the twenty-first century due to the progressive procesm global warming average temperature of the Earth's surface to increase by 3-4 degrees Celsius to most areas in tropical, subtropical and temperate some of the areas will not be suitable for survival. People will have to emigrate to the arctic regions.
In addition, technologies for colonizing new environments should be developed. Perhaps in a few decades new cities will be built underground, at the bottom of the seas and oceans, in Earth's orbit and possibly also on the Moon and on Mars if humanity in the next several decades will properly modernize the space travel technique and colonize the possible planets in our System sunlight.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
How will human civilization change in a few decades due to the ongoing global warming process?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
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Still the population density is higher in the inland plains, as compared to the hilly terrains
Frances L. Bekele
Coal is one of the major causes of dirty air, global warming and of climate change.
Globally, Air pollution contributes to the death of estimated 7 million people each year.
According to a Bulletin of the World Health Organization of year 2019, around 80% of air pollution in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, is due to burning of around 600000 tonnes of raw coal by households, during winter months as temperatures drops up to −40 °C here, and the, health and environment officer at the WHO Mongolia office quoted that “There is really no affordable alternative in terms of clean fuel”.
According to UNICEF, the respiratory infections have increased at a rate of 270% over the last 10 years there.
So people are already dying at places due to this accelerated anthropogenic climate change,
And it is unjust to migrate to another habitable place after abandoning the one already polluted by us.
So we must come up with the environmentally sound, sustainable solutions and policies to tackle these issues.
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5 answers
In China, entire metropolises are built according to the plan of sustainable smart cities. An example is Shenzen, which over 30 years ago was a small village and is now a modern metropolis. In addition, other cities of this type are planned to be built from scratch in the next 30 years. Some of these metropolises, which are currently planned for construction, are to be almost completely autonomous in terms of energy and in terms of food supply. These new pro-ecological metropolises, planned as smart city cities, contain many greenery and include crop fields and solar power plants at the periphery.
Please reply
Best wishes
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11 answers
Is technology corporations strengthening their dominance over entire communities of users of technological devices through technology development?
Will the risk of hackers taking control of various information technology devices, including smart city, increase in the future?
Will the risk of public and state security increase if the hackers take control over the majority of devices connected to the Internet?
Will cybercrime and cyber security change its character in connection with the development of smart city information technologies, including smart home, smart devices?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
I described the problem of cybercrime in publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes
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Of course as the data increases, the security will decrease
So when the data will continue traveling through different technology , the security will be affected since different and huge number of people will benefit or use this data,
this will also affect the data's correctness
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
78 answers
What features and new technologies will be used in smart homes in the future?
Will intelligent homes in the future meet the objectives of environmentally-friendly sustainable development?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Best wishes
Relevant answer
I think that will provide a more sedentary lifestyle
It will depend on environmentally friendly energy and more environmentally friendly devices. in addition to revolution in waste recycling equipment and purification of water and air.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
6 answers
I want to implement Ambient intelligence in my research with a prime focus on Smart home automation. Is ambient intelligence is quite same as Context awareness or machine learning? I want to design a system which makes automated decisions based on environment information (data) and user behaviors.
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Ambient aware systems are aware of their surrounding and the presence of people. Context aware systems can be location awareness, time of the day awareness or other. If the context is the surrounding, ambient and context aware are the same. However there is no clear distinction in the literature. Machine Learning refers to systems that can learn rules from data without being explicitly programmed. Context aware or ambient systems might be using machine learning, but not necessarily. May be this is of interest:
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
3 answers
I am conducting research on Intelligent Energy management with specific attention to modern 'smart homes' using artificial intelligence algorithms.But,i couldn't find any dataset covering electricity consumption of entire home appliances like: A/C units, ventilation (HRV) unit, dishwasher, refrigerator, and freezer.I have seen some papers using sensors to extract the data in real homes. But the datasets are not available online.
Thank you.
Relevant answer
Dear Muhammad Ali,
some ideas for intelligent energy management can be found in literature sources, which I have listed in my answers.
For my answers see:
Best regards
Anatol Badach
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
4 answers
I am interested in finding out about field studies involving energy savings in households using Smart Home technologies such as smart thermostats, smart plugs, window/door contacts, and so forth. Does anyone know of such case studies?
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Thank you for your suggestion, Hamed Ghiasi Rad.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
5 answers
What makes the new technology of the electric springs more effective than the common voltage stabilizer at the load level
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The STATCOM regulates the voltage of the controlled bus. In this case, the overall loads connected to the controlled bus are to be compensated by the STATCOM. With an ES, the voltage reaching the terminals of the NCL is sacrificed for regulating the bus voltage by which the CL is supplied. Therefore, the overall regulation requirements placed on the ES is low in comparison with the STATCOM. Good luck
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
1 answer
The statistical based approaches can be HMM or non parametric Cumulative sum algorithm but i am not able to understand how to implement these ideas.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
17 answers
Obviously, smart grid technology is growing fast. Its contribution to energy efficiency and sustainability is undeniable. I would like to see deep in to it, what it is like, what advantages and disadvantages it might have. Dear RG members and researchers, you are welcome to to provide any reasonable comment on the topic under question.
Samuel Lakew
University of Nottingham
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Smart grids are designed to:
1) Reduce the electricity demand load on the utility grid during daily peak demand periods.
2) Support renewable energy generation via distributed energy systems (DES) wind turbine farms, solar PV, concentrated solar power (CSP), and fuel cells stations.
3) Create independence of the utility grids in remote areas.
Accordingly, I'd say that market penetration by large-scale renewable energy systems relies on the presence of smart grids as well as distributed energy storage (DES) to offset the incompetency of renewable sources such as wind turbines, solar PV, CSP, etc.
Please feel free to download my lecture notes from the "Green Energy Systems" course that I developed and taught at Yale University. You can find these lecture notes and publications under my profile in
Hope this helps answer your question and good luck.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
3 answers
With respect to the network anomaly detection in smart home environments and using machine learning? Such like small dataset needed for training? Few labeled training data needed?
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maybe a 1-SVM (one-class SVM) can help. The 1-SVM is a semi-supervised anomaly detector. You have data that is classified as "normal" and the goal is to find the unlabled anomalies. By setting an SVM for only one class, all the anomalies will be on the other side of the hyperplane which constraints the normal class, thus identifying the anomalies. After finding those anomalies you can analize the features. Support vector machines usually work fine with small datasets.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
4 answers
may anybody help me with activity detection and prediction in smart home?
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Dear Malihe Erfanmanesh,
I have some works associated with activity recognition using wearable sensor data. In my papers, I have achieved state-of-the-art results. I think you can found good ideas and directions to future works in these works:
"Human Activity Recognition Based on Wearable Sensor Data: A Standardization of the State-of-the-Art"
"Latent hypernet: Exploring all Layers from Convolutional Neural Networks"
"Novel Approaches to Human Activity Recognition based on Accelerometer Data"
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
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I really appreciate if you provide me an ideas and supporting research papers links ...
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  • asked a question related to Smart Home
8 answers
I am looking for an example feed-in-tariff which is released by any goverment to encourage users for battery installation to consume self-generated electricity in smart homes.
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  • asked a question related to Smart Home
16 answers
Dear friends, colleagues, and professors,
I am interested in become familiar with electrification process in different countries. As I read, in some countries, such as Sweden, householders have this option to buy energy from different retailers and the maintenance/reinforcement of distribution network is done by distribution system operators. In this regards, how is distribution network loss allocated among consumers and/or retailers? 
Thank you for sharing your experience from different regions of the globe.
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The situation in Australia is similar. The generators produce electricity - from coal. oil, gas, wind, solar etc., add their on-costs and sell it to the transmission company and make a profit. The transmission company distributes the electricity to various substations, adds its costs, sells it to a distribution company, and makes a profit. The distribution company distributes the electricity to end users, adds its cost and sells the distributed energy to retail 'resellers'. The resellers often have no idea at all what electricity is but charge the end users as much as they can for it, and make a profit. And people wonder why the electricity prices here are among the highest in the world . . .
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4 answers
In response to a question from a researcher about smart home/kitchen, I pointed out, in passing, that a "smart tv" can  keep track of what we are viewing and even listen to what we are saying. Of course it is not the TV that is interested  in your viewing habits and preferences but the service provider. Lest we forget, Orwell's 1984 is very much alive in the age of the Internet. I am keeping my distance from smart tv. What about you?  What are your thoughts given that many home devices will have IoT ( Internet of things) connectivity?
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Yes, I am fully aware of that -- think of cookies, for example. I use VPN, to the extent that they are effective in reducing " spying".
Samsung has actually pointed to the fact that its smart TV could be used to include infringement of your privacy. Please see:
I leave it to the reader to decide if s(he) wants to believe the source I cite.
For now, take care.
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hope to get more ideas how to interior designer and manufacturer can convert your house with smart kitchen and home improvement
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Do check the innovative smart home kitchen and bath products showcased by Kohler in at CES 2018. Those look pretty amazing
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
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in order to record the behavior of a smart home .
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look for linksmart platfrom
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
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I am working on wireless sensor network to manage energy in a smart home using LoRa technology. I'm to execute this project using LoRa which is very new to me. If anyone has done a project using LoRa technology before, the person should just help me out with materials, tutorials and links because I dont know where and how to start with LoRa.
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  • asked a question related to Smart Home
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I am to come up with a network design, capable of collecting relevant information about appliances energy usage in a smart home and simulate it with OMNeT++ and Castalia framework.
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NS3 has many modules which may be useful for the communication part. However, there is no direct WSN module. If you are good in C++ coding you must be able to manage.
  • asked a question related to Smart Home
1 answer
i want to find the transportation consumption in Sri Lanka by the units of passenger km
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The units of passenger km are a measure for distance traveled, and not the transportation resources consumed by passengers. Identify the mode of transportation (bicycle, scooter, bus, rickshaw, automobile, etc) assign a weight, and gather data on km traveled to determine the transportation consumption.
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intelligent energy management solutions for distributed resources? smart grids?
Connection of 20,000 smart home solutions and distributed energy sources to the smart grid is planned by 2020
What do you think?
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It's very interesting!  it's a shame we can not do it here!