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Sign Language - Science topic

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Publications related to Sign Language (10,000)
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Verbal communication is the predominant and most essential form of interaction in daily life. Sign language, particularly Indian Sign Language (ISL) serves as the main communication method. This visual language incorporates an extensive variety of gestures and visual cues for expression. The lack of widespread knowledge about the meaning behind the...
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In sign languages, communication relies on hand gestures, facial expressions, and body language, with signs varying significantly based on the position and movement of different body parts. These variations present challenges to tasks like sentiment analysis, where the direct translation of hand gestures alone is insufficient. In this study, we int...
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Parental involvement in supporting the educational and language development of children with hearing impairment (HI) in most African countries remains unknown. This is despite the acknowledgement of the influence of families on children’s achievement. This study therefore, sought to explore the involvement of parents in supporting the educational a...
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This study aims to explore the implementation of interpretation techniques designed to promote inclusivity in educational settings, particularly those characterized by linguistic diversity and limited resources. The focus is on understanding how various techniques, such as sign language interpretation, simplified language, peer assistance, visual a...
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Theravili literature is a prominent genre of folklore that has been created and practiced by the Sinhalese people for centuries. Like other forms of folklore, the creation of Theravili is based on the folk-life of the traditional Sinhalese and the folk consciousness that is central to the emotions, feelings, experiences and concepts that they have...
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This study introduces an integrated approach to recognizing Arabic Sign Language (ArSL) using state-of-the-art deep learning models such as MobileNetV3, ResNet50, and EfficientNet-B2. These models are further enhanced by explainable AI (XAI) techniques to boost interpretability. The ArSL2018 and RGB Arabic Alphabets Sign Language (AASL) datasets ar...
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The rapid development of technology certainly brings many benefits to the surrounding environment, several factors are helped by the advancement of technological tools, especially to help people with disabilities, currently people with disabilities, especially the mute, often have difficulty communicating, several factors affect the limited underst...
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Head and eyebrow movements have been reported as question markers in both spoken (e.g. Swerts & Krahmer, 2004) and sign languages (e.g., Zeshan, 2004). However, the relative weight of these visual cues in conveying prosodic meaning remains unexplored. This study examines, through a kinematic analysis, if (and how) the amplitude of head falling move...
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Objectives We aimed to examine the characteristics, features and content of suicide prevention mobile apps available in app stores in Canada and the UK. Design Suicide prevention apps were identified from Apple and Android app stores between March and April 2023. Apps were screened against predefined inclusion criteria, and duplicate apps were rem...
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Speculations on the evolution of language have invoked comparisons across human and non-human primate communication. While there is widespread support for the claim that gesture plays a central, perhaps a predominant role in early language development and that gesture played the foundational role in language evolution, much empirical information do...
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The Greek Language Multimodal Lip Reading with Integrated Sign Language Accessibility (GLaM-Sign) [1] is a groundbreaking resource in accessibility and multimodal AI, designed to support Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) individuals. Developed from the FEELIT project [2], it integrates high-resolution audio, video, textual transcriptions, and Greek Si...
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Human–machine interfaces and wearable electronics, as fundamentals to achieve human‐machine interactions, are becoming increasingly essential in the era of the Internet of Things. However, contemporary wearable sensors based on resistive and capacitive mechanisms demand an external power, impeding them from extensive and diverse deployment. Herein,...
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The deaf and mute population has difficulty conveying their thoughts and ideas to others. Sign language is their most expressive mode of communication, but the general public is callow of sign language; therefore, the mute and deaf have difficulty communicating with others. A system that can correctly translate sign language motions to speech and v...
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Effective communication is essential, yet individuals with speech, hearing, or multiple impairments often face challenges, especially when others do not understand sign language. This paper introduces a system that translates sign language into text and speech, facilitating easier communication. The system includes five flex sensors attached to eac...
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Sign language recognition aims to bridge the communication gap between the hearing-impaired and hearing individuals. However, existing methods have been proposed on pure background datasets, making it challenging to apply them in real-world scenarios. One of the primary reasons for this challenge is the complex and variable backgrounds that affect...
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The visual environment of sign language users is markedly distinct in its spatiotemporal parameters compared to that of non-signers. Although the importance of temporal and spectral resolution in the auditory modality for language development is well established, the spectrotemporal parameters of visual attention necessary for sign language compreh...
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Esta nota revisa las metodologías relacionadas con el aprendizaje de lenguas como experiencia lingüística multimodal, en concreto, el uso paralelo de la lengua de signos y la lengua oral para aumentar la competencia comunicativa tanto de personas sordas como de oyentes. Actualmente, se produce una revisión del papel que ejerce la lengua materna en...
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La Lingua dei Segni Italiana (LIS) è stata riconosciuta ufficialmente in Italia con il Decreto Sostegni del 19.5.2021 (Art. 34 ter: Misure per il riconoscimento della Lingua dei Segni Italiana e l'inclusione delle persone con disabilità uditiva). Ciononostante, la LIS è stata individuata come materia di studio e d’insegnamento accademico ben ventis...
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Ad oggi in Italia il contatto con la lingua inglese fin dalla prima infanzia è piuttosto diffuso, sebbene la normativa lo renda obbligatorio solo a partire dalla scuola primaria; diverse strategie didattiche (in relazione ai diversi ordini e gradi scolastici) sono state definite. Lo studio propone un approccio basato su un ricorso “amplificato” al...
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This study discusses challenges faced by individuals, particularly the hard of hearing, in accessing education and employment due to societal stigmas and lack of support. Technology plays a crucial role in improving their quality of life. Parental knowledge and support are deemed vital, yet lacking, particularly in sign language understanding. The...
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Continuous Sign Language Recognition (CSLR) seeks to interpret the gestures used by deaf-mute individuals and translate them into natural language, thereby enhancing communication and interaction. A successful CSLR method relies on the continuous tracking of the presenter’s gestures and facial movements. Existing CSLR methods struggle with fully le...
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Translating human intent into robot commands is crucial for the future of service robots in an aging society. Existing Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) systems relying on gestures or verbal commands are impractical for the elderly due to difficulties with complex syntax or sign language. To address the challenge, this paper introduces a multi-modal in...
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Communication is crucial in human life, enabling the exchange of information through various methods beyond spoken language. Sign language translation is crucial for bridging communication gaps between hearing-impaired and hearing individuals, promoting effective interaction and understanding. This study presents a comprehensive model for identifyi...
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Although sign language recognition aids non-hearing-impaired understanding, many hearing-impaired individuals still rely on sign language alone due to limited literacy, underscoring the need for advanced sign language production and translation (SLP and SLT) systems. In the field of sign language production, the lack of adequate models and datasets...
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The social inclusion of people with disabilities depends on everyone. To collaborate with the inclusion of deaf people, this article addresses the construction of a game available on mobile platforms to assist in learning Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). The game proposes challenges and rewards through questions and answers and also presents Libra...
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In this article, we introduce a cost-effective and real-time intelligent system tailored to Pakistan sign language (PSL) recognition, aimed at facilitating communication for hearing-impaired individuals. The system utilizes a specialized glove equipped with flex sensors and an MPU-6050 device to capture finger movements and hand orientation in thre...
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O uso combinado de tandem e de teletandem na aprendizagem de inglês e de Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras) The combined use of tandem and teletandem in learning English and Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) El uso combinado del tándem y el teletándem en el aprendizaje del inglés y de la lengua brasileña de señas (Libras) Resumo: O presente artigo...
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Sign Language conveys information through multiple channels composed of manual (handshape, hand movement) and non-manual (facial expression, mouthing, body posture) components. Sign language assessment involves giving granular feedback to a learner, in terms of correctness of the manual and non-manual components, aiding the learner's progress. Exis...
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Sign language is a way of communication for people with hearing and speech impairments. Sign language is generally done using hand gestures to articulate sentences. Different countries use different sign languages, increasing the complexity of sign language recognition. Communication between non-disabled and disabled people is difficult because non...
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Objective: Although deaf and hearing individuals have rights guaranteed by the Brazilian Constitution and other regulations, these documents do not always address the economic, social, and linguistic vulnerabilities of deaf migrants. Thus, this study aims to analyze public policies for this population and identify the challenges faced by the commun...
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Objective: The objective of this research is to promote SignTalk, an innovation in assistive technology based on artificial intelligence that recognizes the finger alphabet of Brazilian Sign Language in real time through a webcam and programming. Theoretical Framework: With this innovation, the future of communication through Libras becomes easier,...
Technical Report
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This project presents the development of a cost-effective assistive device aimed at bridging the communication gap between deaf-mute individuals and the hearing community. The device is built around Smart Gloves embedded with flex and motion sensors, designed to detect hand movements corresponding to sign language gestures. These gestures are proce...
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Özet: Bu çalışmada engelli bireylerin işaret dili bilmeyen insanlarla iletişim kurabilmelerini destekleyici yapay zeka destekli bir uygulama geliştirilmiştir. Günümüzde engellilerin toplumsal yaşamdaki birçok olanaktan daha fazla yararlanabilme ya da indirimli yararlanabilme gibi engelli bireyleri toplumla kaynaştırmayı arttıran birçok girişim bulu...
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The present research reports the perspective of teachers' experiences in teaching a deaf university student. The main objective is to analyze teachers' experiences in teaching English to a deaf student in the Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages major of the sixth semester at the Technical University of Cotopaxi, Ecuador in the year 2023-2024...
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Purpose Acceptance testing is a testing phase in which actual usage of the software is evaluated to ensure that it satisfies customer demands. Traditionally, the acceptance test does not consider the demands of the deaf user, who communicates in Sign Language. This article aims to identify and evaluate solutions for including deaf people demands in...
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Introduction The critical problem of hearing and speech difficulties among thousands of Hondurans is a latent need, and in search of tools that allow the inclusion of the population with this condition is sought through the introduction of a convolutional neural network (CNN) designed for real-time detection and classification of the dactyl alphabe...
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Our research describes the linguistic landscape of three Croatian towns where we compare the signs on coffee shops and bars in reference to the symbolic function of foreign languages used on them, especially when compared to the mostly informative value of signs in Croatian. The sampling method applied was Cook’s and Campbell’s Diversity or Heterog...
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Purpose of Review Describe the connection between Deaf/hard of hearing (DHH) and diabetes, explain the bidirectional relationship of blind/low vision (BLV) and diabetes, characterize challenges DHH and BLV populations face when seeking healthcare regarding their diabetes management. Highlight the inaccessibility of diabetes technology in these popu...
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Mothers of deaf children encounter many difficulties in parenting their children amidst the pandemic. They need to cope with educational resources to help promote family–professional relationships and advance the effectiveness of the child’s intervention. This research delved into the lived experiences of 14 mothers of deaf learners in the Division...
Conference Paper
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The global deaf and hard-of-hearing community faces significant communication challenges in the matter of conversing with the speaking community. Thus, proper translation is essential. Current translation methods, relying on human professionals, are impractical due to limited availability and high costs, especially in healthcare settings. To addres...
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This study aims to discuss the classification and description of current Chinese public signs and the dynamic adaptability in public signs designing. Based on the survey carried out in Ya Xing Residential Zone Zhengzhou city and Verschueren’s Theory of Linguistic Adaptation, the author attempts to analyze that public signs language is a choice-maki...
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This study examines the impact of the semantics of events and their participants on syntax (word order) in Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS), replicating and extending findings on other sign languages (Napoli et al. 2017). We tested the hypothesis that in the visual modality, intensional and extensional events are preferentially expressed by different w...
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Effective psychotherapy for deaf individuals in Nigeria necessitates cultural sensitivity to address unique communication challenges and cultural contexts. This article explores the importance of cultural competence in enhancing therapeutic outcomes among deaf Nigerians, emphasizing the role of Nigerian Sign Language (NSL) and cultural awareness in...
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September is a significant month for Brazilian deaf people. Throughout the month, numerous events take place that celebrate Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), deaf culture and identities. Accessibility, inclusion, bilingualism, history, politics, sports, education, among others, are topics that are discussed and debated at these events. The objectiv...
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Sign language recognition systems play a crucial role in facilitating communication for individuals with hearing impairments. This research focuses on the implementation of a sign language recognition device using image processing techniques on a Raspberry Pi platform equipped with a camera module. The primary objective is to enhance the accuracy a...
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According to Quadros and Karnopp (2004), fingerspelling in Libras can be defined not as a direct manual representation of Portuguese, but as related to a sequence of hand configurations that correspond to Portuguese orthography. This resource is normally used, for example, when one wants to refer to a concept, in general, technical, for which there...
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In the development of the "ISL Sign Language Recognition Using LSTM-Driven Deep Learning Model," our methodology integrates advanced computer vision and deep learning techniques to achieve high accuracy in gesture recognition. The system leverages MediaPipe, an open-source library developed by Google, which facilitates real-time hand tracking and g...
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Bangla Sign Language (BSL) serves as a crucial means of communication for the deaf and hard-of-hearing communities in Bangladesh. However, there are significant challenges in automating its recognition due to the diversity in hand shapes, signing styles, and environmental factors. This article explores the use of computer vision and transfer learni...
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This article reports a state-of-art review of recent development on corpus linguistics and corpus-based research in Hong Kong. A top-down, multi-layer, stratified review identified 29 on-going research projects from the eight research-active universities in Hong Kong. These projects make use of corpus technology to address a wide range of research...
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Iconicity is a relationship of resemblance between the form and meaning of a sign. Compelling evidence from diverse areas of the cognitive sciences suggests that iconicity plays a pivotal role in the processing, memory, learning, and evolution of both spoken and signed language, indicating that iconicity is a general property of language. However,...
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Sign language is primarily used as a means of communication by the deaf and hard of hearing. Iconicity is considered as its typical feature. This paper makes a preliminary comparison on lexical items between Chinese Sign Language (CSL) and Filipino Sign Language (FSL) through examining the iconic devices used by the CSL and FSL signs. The study pro...
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This research aims to unveil the royal agenda issues on the documentary ‘Jungle Green Khaki Brown: Malaya's fight against terrorism’. ‘Jungle Green Khaki Brown: Malaya's fight against terrorism’ is a documentary that members devote to his struggle againstcommunist terrorists safety. Every aspect of the documentary is to be visualized representation...
Conference Paper
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In the rapidly evolving field of human-computer interaction, the need for inclusive and accessible communication methods has become increasingly vital. This paper introduces an early exploration of Text-to-LIS, a new model designed to generate contextually accurate Italian Sign Language (LIS) gestures for digital humans. Our approach addresses the...
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Inclusive education seeks to accommodate students with diverse needs, including those with hearing or speech impairments, ensuring equitable learning opportunities. This study examines the media and learning materials used in inclusive classrooms at SDN 2 Bengkala, a public elementary school renowned for its commitment to inclusivity. The research...
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Communication between a health care provider and a patient is a pre-requisite for any intervention to occur in the process of health care. Deaf patients depend on interpreters when seeking health care. Confidentiality is an issue since interpreters are involved in the Deaf community. Health care workers (HCWs) are tasked to ensure that the delivery...
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One of the tenets of a posthuman vision is the eradication of disability through technology. Within this site of ‘no future’, as Alison Kafer describes, the disabled body is merged with artificial intelligence technology or transformed into a prosthetic superhuman. These imaginative possibilities are materialised in a future-oriented mindset in con...
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Training aims at supporting student in developing specific physical skills. Therefore developer has to design effective modules for such purpose. He must develop his modules so that to represent/simulate all training activities via computer screen. According to our experience, such e-training modules are more complex as well as difficult than e-lea...
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A software system needs to be maintained through continuous enhancements and improvements. To understand the types of enhancements to be made, a user evaluation exercise is often conducted to determine the system’s weaknesses and limitations. This paper reports on the outcomes of a user evaluation survey carried out on an electronic Malaysian Sign...
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Existing Sign Language Learning applications focus on the demonstration of the sign in the hope that the student will copy a sign correctly. In these cases, only a teacher can confirm that the sign was completed correctly, by reviewing a video captured manually. Sign Language Translation is a widely explored field in visual recognition. This paper...
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The main purpose of the present study was to assess special needs for students with hearing impairment. The sample of the study consisted of 231 students enrolled at schools for deaf children in Jordan, 113 males and 118 females. A special needs scale was developed and used in assessing special needs for students. The reliability and validity of th...
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The paper introduces a groundbreaking approach to bridge the communication divide between Ecuadorian Sign Language users and non-sign language speakers. It employs technology for real-time translation of sign gestures into written language. The study used a dataset encompassing alphabet letters, numbers, and common phrases in Ecuadorian Sign Langua...
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This present research is about how the linguistic landscape brings about the promotion of language and public awareness. The linguistic landscape is a sociolinguistic phenomenon that is used for the promotion of language and culture as well. Linguistic landscape can be seen everywhere in the society as in advertisement billboards, traffic signboard...
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The main problem in families in which there are Deaf parents and Hearing children is the problem of communication, both verbally and in sign language. Hearing children with Deaf parents are able to communicate in two ways, either verbally with non-Deaf people or using sign language with Deaf people. Communication between children and Deaf parents i...
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Sign Language Production (SLP) aims to generate sign videos corresponding to spoken language sentences, where the conversion of sign Glosses to Poses (G2P) is the key step. Due to the cross-modal semantic gap and the lack of word-action correspondence labels for strong supervision alignment, the SLP suffers huge challenges in linguistics-vision con...
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The human body communicates through various meaningful gestures, with sign language using hands being a prominent example. Bangla Sign Language Translation (BSLT) aims to bridge communication gaps for the deaf and mute community. Our approach involves using Mediapipe Holistic to gather key points, LSTM architecture for data training, and Computer V...
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In the realm of Sign Language Translation (SLT), reliance on costly gloss-annotated datasets has posed a significant barrier. Recent advancements in gloss-free SLT methods have shown promise, yet they often largely lag behind gloss-based approaches in terms of translation accuracy. To narrow this performance gap, we introduce LLaVA-SLT, a pioneerin...
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From Eugenics to the institutionalisation period, Deaf students were discriminated against. Their education in African countries is minimal, especially in tertiary institutions, including Rwanda. The study explored the academic experiences of deaf student teachers at a Teacher Training College (TTC) in Rwanda. It used the interpretive paradigm and...
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Background Parents of Deaf or hard-of-hearing (DHH) children are faced with a plethora of overwhelming decisions concerning their children, particularly during the early stages of development. Among these decisions are those concerning assistive devices and the modes of communication for their child. Objectives The aim of this study was to explore...
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As part of an integrated approach to promoting quality education, diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds as well as inclusive modalities must be considered as key indicators and be incorporated into educational programs (Council of Europe, 2020). This paper investigates how British and Irish University Language Centres present their services,...
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This systematic review examines the exclusion within the inclusion practices of learners with hearing impairment (LwHI) in inclusive schools. Four databases, Google Scholar, PubMed, EBSCO-host, and Research Gate, were used. The study was guided by the 5W+1H framework for systematic review. The search was conducted in September 2024, and the searchi...
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Sign language is a vital medium of communication for individuals with hearing and speech impairments. Despite its importance, real-time sign language recognition (SLR) on smartphones remains a challenging task due to the constraints of mobile devices, including limited computational power and resource efficiency. This research explores the developm...
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Background The parenting of children by deaf parents has many challenges that require a barrier-breaking approach to ensure inclusivity and accessibility. Therefore, this study explored pathways for crafting inclusive parenting programs, fostering a future where every family thrives, regardless of hearing ability. Methods This was a qualitative st...
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At the 10th Media for All conference, the meagre representation of minoritized languages (including sign language) in audiovisual media on streaming platforms was tackled. In this way, the very ideal of media for all was challenged. Global streaming platforms tend to adopt a ‘one size fits all’ approach in limiting their language settings to a mini...
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In Colombia, approximately more than 500.000 people have disabling hearing loss, representing around 1% of the population in Colombia, and only 400 professional interpreters of Colombian Sign Language (LSC) are available in the whole country. In this data descriptor, we present a dataset with recordings of Colombian Sign Language (LSC) as an import...
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The digitalization of educational systems and the corresponding impact on the learners’ improvement require modern pedagogical approaches to increase motivation among learners in distance learning. According to the literature, authentic e-learning and real-world themes create a dynamic learning setting and enhance learners' engagement; however, the...