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Siblings - Science topic

Persons or animals having at least one parent in common. (American College Dictionary, 3d ed)
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Publications related to Siblings (10,000)
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A new species of the Cnemaspis siamensis group is described from Wang Khrachae District, Kanchanaburi Province, western Thailand based on morphological and molecular data. The new species, Cnemaspis enneaporus Rujirawan, Aksornneam & Aowphol, sp. nov. , is distinguished from other species in the C. siamensis group by having the combination of SVL 4...
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Background Despite the potential clinical and treatment relevance of food addiction (FA) among individuals with schizophrenia, the scientific literature on its characteristics and correlates within this population is sparse. Limited knowledge on FA in patients with schizophrenia may impede progress in developing effective treatments for pathologica...
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This report explores the multifaceted experiences of parents raising children with learning disabilities (LD), offering insights into their challenges, strategies, and aspirations. Drawing from qualitative data collected through interviews, the study highlights key themes, including the early identification of LD, the impact on academic and social...
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The bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas) is a species of requiem shark distributed worldwide, which inhabits estuaries, nearshore areas, and the continental shelf waters and opportunistically in rivers within tropical and sub-tropical regions. In the present study, we report the first occurrence of bull shark from inland waters of the Hooghly River in...
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Though there is robust literature on the history of the advice genre, Reddit is an unrecognized but significant medium for the genre. This lack of attention, in part, stems from the lack of a coherent timeline and framework for understanding the emergence of dozens of advice-related subreddits. Noting the challenges of Reddit historiography, I trac...
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This study aimed to compare the social adaptation and skill levels of siblings of children with autism and those of typically developing (TD) children. The sample consisted of 96 mothers, with 48 mothers of children with autism and 48 mothers of TD children. The Social Adaptation and Skills Scale (SASS) was used to assess the children’s social adap...
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Developmental and epileptic encephalopathy is a rare and severe form of inherited neurodegenerative disorder characterized by various forms of seizures. This condition typically manifests between 4 and 7 months. Recent investigations have established a correlation between mutations in the ARV1 gene and the development of developmental and epileptic...
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Este estudo tem como objetivo geral investigar os discursos intolerantes realizados contra a participante paraibana, Juliette Freire, no reality show Big Brother da versão brasileira, durante a sua 21ª edição. Esses discursos negativos partiram da participante Karol Conká, levando-nos a refletir sobre a forma de ação e as ideologias construídas. As...
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Hypereides' In defence of Euxenippus against Polyeuctus upon his indictment for treason was dated by its first editor Churchill Babington to the year 334 BC, while the second editor, Domenico Comparetti, places the possible date of composition almost ten years later, to the period between 330 and 324 BC. According to Comparetti, the orator could on...
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Polygenic scores (PGSs) are being rapidly adopted for trait prediction in the clinic and beyond. PGSs are often thought of as capturing the direct genetic effect of one's genotype on their phenotype. However, because PGSs are constructed from population-level associations, they are influenced by factors other than direct genetic effects, including...
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This study aimed to explore the adjustment and relationships between adolescents of typically developing siblings, deaf siblings, and blind siblings. One hundred and forty typically developing adolescents (50 adolescents of a typically developing sibling, 46 adolescents of a profoundly deaf sibling, and 44 adolescents of a profoundly blind sibling)...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara kualitas hubungan saudara dengan flourishing di masa dewasa awal. Beberapa variabel seperti, tinggal terpisah atau bersama, intensitas kehangatan dan konflik yang dialami antar saudara dapat memberikan dampak bagi pertumbuhan flourishing seseorang. Partisipan yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini...
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Pisauridae are a global and heterogeneous assemblage of spider genera with diverse morphologies and lifestyles. So far, the monophyly of Pisauridae and the inclusion of fishing spiders ( Dolomedes ) in this family have not been thoroughly tested. Here, we amend the systematics and classification of these lineages within a UCE phylogenomic framework...
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Studying genetic diversity in endangered species has become an important component of conservation science over the past decades. Thanks to recent developments in sequencing technologies and bioinformatics, genetic parameters of conservation relevance such as neutral and functional genome‐wide variation are now routinely estimated. Since inbreeding...
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Background The survival rates for children with cancer, particularly in developing countries, remain low. A key factor contributing to these poor survival rates is the late diagnosis of pediatric cancer, which is often due to insufficient treatment-seeking behaviors by parents. This study aimed to explore the factors that influence the treatment-se...
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Background: The codon preference of chloroplast genomes not only reflects mutation patterns during the evolutionary processes of species but also significantly affects the efficiency of gene expression. This characteristic holds significant scientific importance in the application of chloroplast genetic engineering and the genetic improvement of sp...
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Sinocyclocheilus is a group of cyprinid fishes endemic to China distributed in the karst region of southwest China. In this study, the complete mitogenomes of Sinocyclocheilus guilinensis Ji, 1985 and Sinocyclocheilus huangtianensis Zhu et al. 2011 are reported and characterized. Both genomes contain 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs, 2 rRNAs, and...
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Background/Objectives: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants and the leading cause of infant hospitalization in the U.S. and worldwide. The risk of experiencing at least one other medically attended lower respiratory tract infection (MA LRTI) following an infant RSV hospitalization is l...
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Transdisciplinary research represents a paradigm shift in healing practice. This paper deepens the theme of the article, titled “The usefulness of integrative medicine in contemporary society”, that was published in Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering&Science (TJES). Thus, this paper aims to highlight the role of consciousness and spirituality...
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Although the literature has provided a large body of evidence about the impact of having a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), studies on how this influences typically-developing (TD) siblings are scarcer and less consistent in their findings. Moreover, fewer studies have included TD siblings from non-English speaking countries as informants...
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Tattooing has become increasingly common in recent decades, yet little is known regarding factors that influence tattoo behavior. Sources of influence will be important, for instance in aiding studies of long-term health effects. From the population-based Danish Twin Tattoo Cohort established in 2021, the study included 9,173 randomly selected twin...
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Mountains have highly heterogeneous environments that generate ample opportunities for lineage differentiation through ecological adaptation, geographic isolation and secondary contact. The geographic and ecological isolation of the afroalpine vegetation fragments on the East African mountain tops makes them an excellent system to study speciation....
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The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Adverse Family Experiences (AFEs) frameworks have been employed extensively in research. However, to date, no such studies have considered both frameworks concurrently, nor have they explored the similarities and differences in resili-ence between siblings with ACE and AFE exposed parent(s). In doing so...
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Background FIGLA is a transcription factor gene which plays a critical role in folliculogenesis. Consistent with this, FIGLA variants have been identified in females with non‐syndromic primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) in both autosomal‐dominant and autosomal‐recessive forms. Case Description We encountered two Japanese sisters who had secondary...
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The research subject of this article is the Istanbul tour of Azerbaijan Turkish Drama-Operetta Troupe during the 1919 play season. As a result of the investigation of the cast, it was understood that the touring troupe consisted of artists from the Turkish Theatre of Tbilisi. Istanbul's cultural and artistic circles who regarded the touring troupe...
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Starting from a common stage experience, the two authors analyze in parallel the two versions of the "Lodron" Concerto, looking for differences that can determine the option for one or the other. A historical framework, interpretive suggestions and aesthetic preferences complete the analysis, which reaches a personal, but not obligatory, conclusion...
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Reading and teaching the Koran is a practice that can make a Muslim the best among other Muslim brothers. Apart from getting good rewards, reading the Qur'an is also a source of comfort and guidance for Muslims in living their lives. The Fatimah Ar Royyan week end Islamic boarding school is the only boarding school that implements the week end syst...
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The mitochondrial genome of three Trachemys medemi was sequenced and annotated for the first time. The mitochondrial genome is a circular DNA molecule of 16,711–16,810 bp in size, with 60.9% AT content. It includes 13 protein-coding genes, two rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes, and the non-coding control region. The genome composition is characterized by a...
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Altricial species rely on parental provisioning for early-life sustenance, and a larger brood size leads to higher levels of competition between siblings for food provided by the parents. Early-life stress can have severe and lifelong effects on Darwinian fitness. Indeed, it is well established that being reared in a larger brood impairs growth and...
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Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan menyorot pemikiran Sayyid Qutb dalam konteks idealisme yang dikembangkannya dalam gerakan Ikhwan al-Muslimin. Fikrahnya mempengaruhi secara meluas jaringan aktivis dan penggerak Ikhwan di setiap peringkat dan menyumbang kepada penggemblengan dan pembentukan saf dan lapisan kader yang kental yang membentuk kekuatan dan...
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Asthma is a chronic disease affecting millions of children worldwide, and in severe cases requires hospitalization. The etiology of asthma is multifactorial, caused by both genetic and environmental factors. In recent years, the role of the early-life gut microbiome in relation to asthma has become apparent, supported by an increasing number of pop...
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In the community of Buru Island, the muka ptukar tradition is a practice of exchanging women as a substitute for dowry. In this tradition, the groom's sister is exchanged with the bride’s brother. The purpose of this tradition is to ease the groom’s family in paying dowry and as a recognition of self-identity. This study aims to describe and analys...
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In this conceptual paper, we argue that the assumptions behind laboratory and field studies are that chemical and compositional analysis may reveal structures unseen by means of human observation. However, replacing human observation to make it obsolete is not the purpose of science; if something can be seen, but is not measurable, that does not ma...
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The composition of a plant’s neighbourhood shapes its competitive interactions. Neighbours may be related individuals due to limited seed dispersal or clonal growth, so that the ability to recognize and respond to the presence of kin is beneficial. Here, we ask whether plants plastically adjust their floral and clonal allocation in response to thei...
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The Harnischia generic complex, a significant assemblage within the tribe Chi-ronomini, extensive global sampling and the integration of multi-characteristic data for comprehensive analysis are essential to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships within the Harnischia generic complex. We sequenced, assembled, and annotated the mitochondrial genome...
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Background Modeling studies suggest that hundreds of thousands of U.S. children have lost caregivers since the COVID-19 pandemic began. However, few studies have directly evaluated changes in mortality in the families of U.S. children using patient-level data, characterized adult decedents and their surviving children, or accounted for the loss of...
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In the 25th chapter of their art world novel, Manette Salomon (1867), the Goncourt Brothers fictively imagine the process by which a 19th-century artist, obsessed with the mime Jean Gaspard Deburau, produces a painting that recalls Antoine Watteau's famed Pierrot (now in the collection of the Louvre). Peppered with real-world details, the Goncourts...
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Every spring, hiding roe deer fawns Capreolus capreolus in meadows are injured or killed by mowing activities. To assess the temporal overlap between mowing activities and the fawning period, and thus help reduce the risk of mowing death, we have determined the average parturition date in three regions of Bavaria, southern Germany. Data on physical...
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Mainland Southeast Asia, also known as Indochina, is recognized as a global biodiversity hotspot for freshwater mussels, hosting a significant number of species and exhibiting high levels of endemism. Recently, the monotypic genus Songkhlanaia was described from the Songkhla Lake Basin in southern Thailand. In this study, two additional lineages ar...
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Background Environmental factors play a role in the pathogenesis of complex traits including atopic eczema (AE) and a greater understanding of gene-environment interactions (G*E) is needed to define pathomechanisms for disease prevention. We analysed data from 16 European studies to test for interaction between the 24 most significant AE-associated...
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Bipartite reciprocal phrases are common in Indo-European, Indo-Aryan, and Semitic languages. When occurring with a case particle (K) or a preposition (P), K/P intervenes between the two units of the reciprocal phrase, producing an otherwise exceptional K/P-medial KP/PP. While diachronic descriptions successfully trace the origin of the two units to...
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Objectives: The objectives were to quantify the contributions of internal (self) and external (familial) sources to the recolonization of the bacterial content of the subgingival plaque following professional prophylaxis and assess the effect of close-contact activities on modifying this contribution. Materials and Methods: Families, each consistin...
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A major topic of discussion within political science is the perceived decline of the major (Ishiyama 2019). Over the last decade, institutions have seen declining enrollments in terms of student headcounts bachelor degrees conferred. Demand for political science as a major has not diminished, but the needs of its student are evolving, especially po...
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Background Due to medical advancements the number of children living with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions is rising, meaning more children and their families will require palliative and end-of-life care in the future. While ‘home’ is often the preferred place of end-of-life care, the evidence around best practice for decision-making a...
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In 1206 Chinggis Khan replaced the warring factions of Mongolia with a single polity, the Great Mongol Realm ( Yeke Mongqol Ulus ). The ulus was ruled by a khan, who allocated pastures, households and revenues to his relatives as shares ( qubi ). Chinggis granted the first allocation to his brothers and senior sons in 1207 but many more redistribut...
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Detecting temporal synchrony in audiovisual speech in infancy is fundamental for socio-communicative development, especially for language acquisition. Autism is an early-onset and highly heritable neurodevelopmental condition often associated with language difficulties that usually extend to infants with an elevated likelihood of autism. Early susc...
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Introduction Metabolic dysfunction‐associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) has been linked to pancreatic diseases, but evidence from population‐based studies with liver histology is lacking. Aims and methods In this population‐based cohort including all Swedish adults (n = 8563) with biopsy‐proven MASLD, we aimed to investigate incidences of pa...
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The fossil record of lorises and pottos (family Lorisidae) potentially dates back to the late Oligocene of Namibia, but a later moderate diversification of this family occurred during the Miocene of Africa and Asia. In the African Miocene, the family Lorisidae is represented solely by one genus: Mioeuoticus. The phyletic position of Mioeuoticus has...
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Globalization has both cost and benefits, but the results of some studies have shown that the costs of globalization for Nigeria have outweigh its benefits. The objective of this paper therefore is to asses the impact of globalization on the country’s economic growth, the level of capacity utilization, the GDP per capita and the development prospec...
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Dynamic High-Level Synthesis (HLS) uses additional hardware to perform memory disambiguation at runtime, increasing loop throughput in irregular codes compared to static HLS. However, most irregular codes consist of multiple sibling loops, which currently have to be executed sequentially by all HLS tools. Static HLS performs loop fusion only on reg...
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Beyond basic spatial relations (e.g., teddy on table), we know little about how children learn to talk about Mechanical Support events (e.g., objects attached/hung from a surface via tape) and map them onto linguistic structures. Moreso, the majority of the research that has been done focuses on children learning English - a language that has sever...
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During the fifteen months it took to be completed, the gigantic canvas by Veronese for the congregation of San Giorgio Maggiore ended up being a quite eventful enterprise on a very busy scaffold. It had been commissioned by the Venetian monks few months after the last convocation of the Council of Trent, and was delivered two months before its conc...
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Among the Brontë Sisters, Anne Brontë is the least studied, and the bulk of literary scholarship is on her novels. Most of the critics agree on the fact that her literary production is autobiographical. Taking my cue from the existing scholarship on Anne Brontë, I will study the poems Anne wrote when she was employed as a governess in Thorp Green b...
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Background/Problem considered: The clinical symptoms and biochemical data are the most important factors in determining the diagnosis of Wilson's disease (WD). To reduce morbidity and mortality, it is required to establish the diagnosis effectively for its management. Therefore, the study aimed to determine the prevalence of WD and to measure coppe...
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A dental anomaly is any deviation from normal tooth development, affecting the number, size, form, position, or structure of one or more teeth. Examining affected family members can enhance our understanding of the genetic factors involved in both normal and abnormal dental development. Hypodontia is a common dental anomaly characterized by the con...
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Malvales is a diverse order of flowering plants, economically and ecologically relevant, and it is known for its broad morphological variability. Recent phylogenomic studies have revealed a complex evolutionary history for the order, including localised phylogenetic discordances among nuclear loci. However, since the late 1990s, Malvales classifica...
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Background Childhood mental health conditions typically affect the entire family, including siblings, however there is a lack of research investigating interventions supporting siblings. Methods The review was prospectively registered with PROSPERO (CRD42022377163). We conducted systematic searches of 7 databases (Medline, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Child...
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Background: Infant mortality rates still remains high, particularly in low- and middleincome countries. Several factors account for these high infant mortality rates. These factors require context-specific policy interventions to reduce the high level of infant mortality rates. This study seeks to examine the effect of household characteristics on...
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This chapter explores some of the implicit and explicit cross-border collaborations and circulations that characterize the contemporary North American circus scene, notably focusing on Les 7 doigts de la main (7 Fingers), a collective based in Montreal made up of artists from Québec, France and America. There is a long history of cross-border circu...
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This essay examines Boromir’s character in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, focusing on his internal struggle with the Ring’s temptation and his tragic downfall. Boromir is portrayed as a deeply flawed yet noble figure, whose desire to protect Gondor leads to his momentary betrayal of Frodo. Despite this, his journey is one of redemption, as...
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What unconscious elements fuel the ‘radioactive atmosphere’ of psychoanalytic institutions – those unconscious sources of the chronic conflicts that sometimes plague the relationships among members of psychoanalytical societies and obscure the path of a constructive resolution of conflicts, creating a toxic climate that stultifies members’ creativi...
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We study a practical centralized matching problem which assigns children to daycare centers. The collective preferences of siblings from the same family introduce complementarities, which can lead to the absence of stable matchings, as observed in the hospital-doctor matching problems involving couples. Intriguingly, stable matchings are consistent...
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This story began as a conversation inspired by music—Above & Beyond, Cosmic Gate, and Walter’s “Creation.” What started as a reflection on the emotional and cosmic dimensions of their work evolved into a deeply collaborative exploration of humanity, spirituality, and the unknown future of technology. Together, we imagined a world where quantum AI g...
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The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is a surveillance mechanism that prevents uneven segregation of sister chromatids between daughter cells during anaphase. This essential regulatory checkpoint prevents aneuploidy which can lead to various congenital defects observed in newborns. Many studies have been carried out to elucidate the role of protei...
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Researchers have established that dreams are intensely social and populated by diverse characters, including important figures from the dreamer’s daily life. This study examines the types of characters that appeared in participant dreams over two weeks. We found that the majority of dreams include strangers in addition to known individuals, and tha...
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This study aims to examine the incorrect pronunciation of specific English fricative consonants (/v/, /θ/, /ð/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/) by Indonesian students, particularly those from East Nusa Tenggara who are studying English as a foreign language. Five male university students from East Nusa Tenggara province, who were brothers of the Society of the Divine Wo...
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Rice (Oryza sativa) is a staple food crop globally, with origins in wild progenitors within the AA genome group of Oryza species. Oryza rufipogon and Oryza meridionalis are native to tropical Asia and Northern Australia and offer unique genetic reservoirs. Here we explored the relationships of the genomes of these wild rice species with the domesti...
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This essay is a personal response to the questions that arose to confront my Christian faith as I attempted to navigate a way forward amidst the impact and consequences of a cancer diagnosis for, firstly, my sister and then my husband. It is a navigation that is still, and in some respects will always be, ongoing, but in reflecting on how the ‘wron...
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LOOKING FOR TRANSWONDERLAND: TRAVELS IN NIGERIA AUTHOR: NOO SARO-WIWA Type of work: Type of plot: Autobiographical/Deadly Impressionistic Realism Time of plot: 21st Century Nigeria Locale: Novel Some Major Cities Across Nigeria (Lagos, Ibadan, Benin, Abuja, Kano, Yankari, Jos, Maiduguri, Calabar, Port Harcourt 2012 First published: PRI...
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Fingerprints hold a crucial position in forensic science, primarily for identification purposes, with thumbprints emerging as the most frequently recovered evidence at crime scenes. The main purpose of the present study was to conduct a comparative analysis of thumbprints of siblings and non-sibling pairs to investigate resemblance and similarities...
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Microendemism remains a poorly studied phenomenon within Brazil’s Caatinga biome, yet recent research has revealed a number of species complexes with diverging lineages confined to narrow geographic ranges. These lineages often inhabit remote and undersampled regions lacking conservation efforts. Notable examples include the flat lizards from the T...
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The mangrove killifish, Kryptolebias marmoratus, can reproduce with self-fertilisation, offering a unique and useful genetic tool for generation of genetic mutants and quick identification of mutated genes. From an ENU-mutated mangrove killifish line R228, we have isolated a novel mutant line, no-fin-ray/nfr in which homozygous mutant of adult fish...
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The 1989 Revolution was an important moment in Romania's history. Today, through the testimonies of those who lived through December 89, we can understand the struggle that people fought to gain access to a better life, a life that they won for us, the people of today. The subject has been a source of inspiration for foreigners, including the Ameri...
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Nigroporus vinosus (Berk.) Murrill, first described from North America, was considered to be a common species in China. The existence of a species complex is confirmed through a phylogenetic analysis of samples examined. Based on morphological examination and molecular evidence, four new species are described as Nigroporus australianus, N. austroas...
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Suppose your evil sibling travels back in time, intending to lethally poison your grandfather during his infancy. Determined to save grandpa, you grab two antidotes and follow your sibling through the wormhole. Under normal circumstances, each antidote has a 50% chance of curing a poisoning. Upon finding young grandpa, poisoned, you administer the...