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  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
# 183
Dear Ljudevit Krpan; Ivan Cvitković ;Tanja Poletan Jugovic; Ines Kolanović
I read your paper
Application of Multicriteria Analysis in the Selection of the LNG Terminal Location
My comments:
1- In the abstract you say : “best compromise location” based on system characteristics, available data, set criteria, and limitations”
It is refreshing reading a title like this, since many papers use the word ‘optimization’ when definitely there is not optimal solutions but a compromise solution, or locations, as in this case. This gives a reader the feeling that the authors of the paper know about what they are talking about.
2- “The method of weighted sum values was used. Weighting factors are determined partly in an exact way (where possible) and partly based on the application of Delphi group decision-making methods”
I am afraid that I do not concur in what you say. There are no doubts that weights are essential since not all criteria have the same importance, but there is not and exact way, even using entropy weighting. Why?
Because subjective weights are useless to evaluate alternatives since they are not connected with the content of criteria (a consequence of Shannon Theorem), they are only good to find criteria importance and trade-offs, and because they cannot be constant along the process, due to the fact that they depend on the alternatives, which are not selected at the sometime. This is not my opinion, but algebra and common sense.
As an example, suppose that you have two options to spend your money: By purchasing fruit for dinner, or gratify yourself by going to a coffee shop for coffee and pastry.
The option A (fruits) is a basket with bananas and cherries, and you can make a preference using criteria “cost” and “benefit”; assume that for you, “cost” is always more important than “benefit”
But you have in mind another alternative B, as visiting the coffee shop to enjoy a coffee and a pastry and use the same two criteria. In this case, it could be that you prefer the benefit or enjoyment in going to the coffeeshop over the cost. As you can see your preferences or weights changed, because you are a human being and able to take your decisions and change them if needed.
3- Unfortunately in some paragraphs you use the concept of optimal location, when you specified at the beginning that you are looking for a compromise solution, or if you want, the most convenient location. You also rightly use the word ‘limitations’, something that most methods and papers ignore and thus assuming that resources are unlimited.
It proves that the authors think, reason, research and common sense. For the same token, you are using expressions like harmonize, balance, stakeholders, interest group, that I have rarely seen, if ever, in more than 500 papers I have read and analyzed on MCDM along the years. This makes, in my opinion, a remarkable paper, based on real things, showing reasoning and professionalism, and ma only showing how a MCDM problem MUST be addressed
4- On page 4 “…..a multicriteria analysis of the evaluation of variants is carried out which with its methodology guarantees functionality, reliability and objectivity in determining the location of the LNG terminal”
In complete agreement
A personal remark
Dear authors: I do not criticize a paper that I read, I am neither a reviewer nor a judge, and nobody asked me to do this. I limit to point out some correctness or lack of it that I might encounter with the sole purpose of help the authors, no more than that, and thus, I do not opine if a paper is valuable or not.
However, I will make for first time an exception with your paper, because really surprised me for the professionalism, the reasoning, the experience, the process in studding all the potential sites, the technical conditions, it transpires responsibility, common sense, and the feeling for a reader of a work very well done.
Please, accept my congratulations
Nolberto Munier
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Dear Hamdi
Thank you for your response.
I agree about the utility of MCDM and believe that is the only tool able to analyze complex scenarios like site location, but certainly not using AHP. As a fact there are very few MCDM methods that can address this complex issue. Why?
Because most methods are not able to model reality, most are approximations.
You say: "Different MCA methods, including the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), have proven effective in identifying optimal sites by integrating expert opinions and objective data"
AHP algebraic structure might be good for simple problems like selecting a place to dinner, but not for complex problems. Simply because it was not designed for it. You cannot find a site solution where there're playing many interrelated factors that can be managed by a network, not by AHP, that only works with a lineal structure and does not recognize interdependencies as its creator Saaty said, and he was right
Other factors as you mention are essential like the use of GIS, which by the way, cannot be considered in AHP, because there could be relationships between the different levels revealed by GIS, that again, cannot be managed by AHP. This is possibly the reason by which Saaty designed ANP, which can do that
Finally, you say that these methods have been proved effective.
Well, that is what we expect, but we cannot say that they find the right solution because we do not have, in any MCDM method, the way to make comparisons with reality.
By the way, there are not optimal solutions in MCDM, only a compromise, a balance.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
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Please suggest me something if I have to use Ai as a moderator
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Yes Alexa is powerful knowledge base and voice assistant that helps user discover best deals what they want to buy and many associated activities. Actually it is a good subject of research. You should carry out.
Research Questions:
  • Does Alexa improve or hinder online shopping convenience?
  • How do Alexa's personalized suggestions impact consumer trust and loyalty?
  • Are users more likely to make impulsive purchases via voice assistants?
  • asked a question related to Shopping
4 answers
Famous SnO2 dispersion(15%) from Alfa Aesar was discontinued.
What alternative products can you suggest?
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  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
How the damages of building and shopping centers affected the south African economy?
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The damage to KwaZulu-Natal's economy Iviwe bandile Kazi was estimated to be R20 billion ($1.4 billion) according to Ntshavheni. 40,000 businesses and 50,000 traders were affected overall in KwaZulu-Natal, while stock worth R1. 5 billion was lost and 150,000 jobs were stated to be at risk.
KZN is the country's main producer of timber as it produces over 50% of all timber used in the country and accounts for a significant percentage of the country's wood exports; as well as sugar cane (0.84% of SA GDP), with some of the country's largest sugar processing plants.
Poverty and race form the bedrock of most riots. People who lack economic opportunity often participate in a riot because they have nothing to lose by doing so, whereas middle- and upper-class people tend to stay away from these violent events that could sully their livelihood.
The economy in South Africa was racially structured for many decades, if not centuries.
Jacob Zuma
  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
My Research Topic is Empowering Consumers Through The Metaverse: Exploring How FMCG Brands Are Adapting To Enhance Your Shopping Experience.
Research Objectives:
• To investigate the opportunities and challenges presented by the metaverse for FMCG brands in effectively reaching a diverse global audience.
• To analyse the influence and effectiveness of the metaverse in enhancing FMCG brand engagement with consumers.
Data collection: primary data with questionnaire (closed end).
So depending on the topic my research philosophy will it be pragmatic approach ?
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ليس من السهولة ضبط مفهوم فلسفة البحث ، لكن يمكن تحديد بعض عامله المحفظة منها:
- أغراض الباحث تتحكم في خيارات البحث
-إمكانات الباحث وقدراته تضع حدود رؤيته
-أدوات البحث ووسائله المتاحة تجعل النتائج متوافقة مع طرائق المعالجة
-استجابة العينة وتعاونها بإمكانها تقديم إضافات جيدة للباحث
ليس شرطا أن نبحث في إطار إشكالية علمية ، فقد نبحث عن سلعة معينة في السوق ، فيتطلب منا هذا فلسفة محددة ننتهجها للوصول لغايتنا. البحث عملية نحتاج إليها في كل خياراتنا الاجتماعية قبل الاحتياج إليها في محيط المعرفة والفهم وطلب العلم.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
4 answers
How can I analyse the following data.
Each of 30 people have answered 10 questions (each question has 3 response options). Each person has completed these questions in real time while in specific places (such as a cafe or a shopping centre). They chose the places where they record this data. Each person can choose to do this for 5 to 15 places. The data records how welcoming or inclusive the places are. We want to find out for each person and for the whole dataset, how inclusive places feel. Any advice?
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I agree with Hsin-Yuan Chen. Additionally, I would calculate the Intraclass Correlation to find out whether indiviual differences play a role in the evaluations of the places or not. Lastly, you could use a multi-level model, but you would have to specify somehow that it is not a linear model, but instead a type of categorical regression (preferably with optimal scaling) and a nominal predictor (place). This would make the best use of the variance and account for within-person trends (as your measurements are not really independent of each other because the places were evaluated by the same people). I'm not sure if that is implemented in any major stats packages yet, though.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
what are the negative impacts of foreign owned spaza shops on local economic development including the historical background?
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The negative impacts of foreign-owned spaza shops on local economic development can vary depending on the context, but here are some common concerns:
  1. Undercutting Local Businesses: Foreign-owned spaza shops may sometimes undercut local businesses by selling goods at lower prices due to various factors such as lower operating costs or different supply chains. This can lead to the closure of local shops, especially those unable to compete on price, thus reducing economic diversity and potentially leading to monopolistic practices in the long run.
  2. Repatriation of Profits: Profits made by foreign-owned businesses may often be repatriated back to the owners' home countries rather than being reinvested in the local economy. This can lead to a drain of capital from the community, limiting its capacity for growth and development.
  3. Limited Job Creation: While foreign-owned spaza shops may create some jobs, these are often low-skilled and low-paying positions. Additionally, there may be a perception that these businesses prefer to hire workers from their own communities or countries, leading to tensions and resentment among locals who feel marginalized in the job market.
  4. Reduced Tax Revenue: Informal foreign-owned businesses may not always contribute their fair share of taxes to the local government, either due to lack of enforcement or deliberate evasion. This can strain local government resources, leading to a lack of funding for essential services and infrastructure projects that could benefit the community as a whole.
  5. Social Tensions and Conflict: Economic competition between foreign-owned and local businesses can sometimes escalate into social tensions and even conflict, especially in areas with high levels of unemployment and poverty. Xenophobia and resentment towards foreigners may increase, leading to a breakdown of social cohesion and trust within the community.
Historically, the negative perception of foreign-owned businesses in many countries has roots in colonialism and economic exploitation. Colonial powers often established extractive economies that prioritized the interests of the colonizers over those of the indigenous population. This legacy has contributed to a deep-seated distrust of foreign investment and a desire to protect local economies from external influence.
In post-colonial contexts, policies aimed at protecting local industries and promoting economic self-sufficiency have sometimes resulted in restrictions on foreign-owned businesses, including spaza shops. However, globalization and trade liberalization have led to increased foreign investment and the proliferation of multinational corporations, challenging traditional notions of economic sovereignty and national identity.
In summary, while foreign-owned spaza shops can bring benefits such as access to goods and services that may not otherwise be available, they also pose challenges to local economic development, including competition with local businesses, capital flight, and social tensions. Balancing the need for economic growth and investment with the protection of local businesses and communities requires careful policy formulation and implementation.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
literature review on consumer Behaviour, focusing specifically on Generation Z and their shopping habits in india
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Hi, take a look at my google scholar profile. You will find some papers related to your area of research. Especially my papers recently published in Journal of Promotion Management, South Asian Journal of Marketing, and Journal of my marketing theory and practices are closely related to this theme.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
1 answer
We academics love our coffee and our computers, but we are also supposed to think critically. With this is in mind, should coffee shops ban laptops?
Some folks are saying they should:
The question is which arguments emerge as most compelling, so what are your thoughts?
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No. I see no reason why they should ban them. For some people also, this is the only feasible place to work. But I can see the argument to restrict the time a table is occupied, or to dedicate some tables for laptop use.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
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I do have some samples (coronary arteries) stored in OCT ( Can I use those samples to western blot?OCT could damage proteins?Thanks.
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Did you tried? Any advice? I'm about to do it.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
1 answer
Are there any public sample datasets of sensors' data measuring CNC machine parameters on a shop floor? I am looking for basic parameters such as vibration, temperature, humidity, tool wear, etc... to train a simple ML model.
Appreciate your help.
Kind regards,
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  • asked a question related to Shopping
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Universal question: - Can diabetes & metabolic disorders be cured by any medicine and substitute? For answer: - सार्वभौमिक प्रश्न:- क्या मधुमेह और चयापचय संबंधी विकारों को किसी दवा और विकल्प से ठीक किया जा सकता है? उत्तर के लिए:-
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Yes, gout is considered a metabolic disease. It is a type of arthritis that results from the buildup of uric acid in the body, typically due to the body's inability to process or excrete it properly. This condition is often associated with metabolic factors such as diet, obesity, and genetics.
The metabolic cause of gout is primarily due to deficiency or alteration in the enzyme called xanthine oxidase. Xanthine oxidase is responsible for catalyzing the conversion of hypoxanthine and xanthine to uric acid as part of the purine degradation pathway. This enzyme plays a critical role in the final step of purine metabolism, leading to the production of uric acid. An excess of uric acid in the body, often due to factors such as diet, genetics, or kidney function, can contribute to conditions like gout, where uric acid crystals can accumulate in joints, leading to pain and inflammation. Drugs like allopurinol like allopurinol can be used to treat gout. Allopurinol is a medication commonly used in the treatment of conditions like gout and hyperuricemia (high levels of uric acid in the blood). It works by inhibiting the enzyme xanthine oxidase, which is involved in the production of uric acid. By reducing the activity of xanthine oxidase, allopurinol helps lower uric acid levels in the body. This, in turn, can prevent gout attacks and reduce the risk of uric acid crystal formation in joints and other tissues. Allopurinol is typically taken orally as a prescription medication and is considered a long-term treatment for managing conditions related to excessive uric acid production.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
1 answer
1. Gilroy and Cooper (2017) on “the impact of Health and Safety regulations on shopping centre management with health and safety experts”.
2. Ramanathan (2018) on “the impact of Health and Safety regulations on operations within Shopping centres”
3. Bandyopadhyay et al. (2021) on “the impact of Health and Safety regulations on the use of technology in Shopping centres”.
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health and safety considerations are integral to the role of shopping center managers. They must navigate a complex web of regulations, security, and risk management to create a safe and enjoyable environment for shoppers, tenants, and employees while also safeguarding the property's reputation and value.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
the impact of gamification on online consumer as in the use of gamified mechanics on consumer experience during online shopping also the ethics and buying decision under the influence of gamification. and its relation with consumer retention and purchase decision.
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Sorry Sir but can can you please explain is there a problem and what should i do Mahafizur Rahman Jim
  • asked a question related to Shopping
1 answer
Something like this:
Would want to be able to check on my phone or computer to see if there were any issues with CO2/temperature/humidity in the cell culture incubator. The problem with the above monitor is it requires a monthly subscription. Looking for options that don't require a subscription.
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I you don't want to pay someone, then you're going to have to write the code yourself. I used these with good luck There should be a silicone plug somewhere in the back of your incubator that allows you do insert it. It spits out plain text comma delimited UART characters from the USB cable. You can see them immediately with putty, and use any programming language of your choice to parse them & push them to the internet.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
3 answers
Hello experts,
I am looking for a scale for the 'overall fairness perception' of consumers on e-commerce/ online shopping platforms.
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Sachin, that helps. Now I can see that I don't have sufficient knowledge or expertise to comment on this but hopefully someone else will.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
Besides checking for Hep B lab reports etc, what are medical aspects should be checked for certification. Also what should be an ideal method of disposal of used blades?
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You are welcome
  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
I want to dissolve silicic acid precipitated powder (H2O3Si) in water to make 1mM solution but it is insoluble in water. How to solubilize silicic acid precipitated powder in water?
Link for the silicic acid
Thank you
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It is not clear for what purpose you want to make solution .At room temperature it s rate is very very low. You may call it slow leaching. That is why silica is available in underground water.
Hot water is one option to accelerate dissolving rate.
Second way is using sodium bicarbonate and get these reacted with water. More details your college chemistry technician may give
  • asked a question related to Shopping
4 answers
During this time of intense pressure on general practices and local hospitals, could practitioner assistants (equivalent to F1 doctor qualification) and/or practice nurses be employed to contribute to the pharmacy environment with personal, social and therapeutic health management, including being qualified to prescribe some medications and thus be able to support pharmacists and to relieve some of the footfall in General Practices and Emergency Departments of their heavy workload?
The main hurdle to overcome would involve providing financial support to the chemist shops to enable this kind of employment. Also to consider would be the change in culture within the medical professions would be a paradigm shift in the inter professional roles that professionals play in the healthcare environment.
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Interesting question. Before I retired, I was a nurse practitioner (actually, advanced practitioner, but that was not a title that informed people very much about what I did) for bladder and bowel health.: (
I used to carry out assessment and treatment, often after general practitioner (GP) referral, and would be involved in assessment and treatments that GPs felt that I would be more able to carry out than they (as generalists) could.
At the moment - probably owing to the legacy of COVID-19 - the local practices where I live seem to be very busy and use locums quite a lot.
So, I feel that to increase the clinical care available from pharmacies would be a very positive step. At the moment, practice nurses and pharmacists within the GP practices take on a lot more responsibility than they used to be given, including prescribing. And in the chemist shops, pharmacists now carry out vaccination.
I am not sure about the monetary perspective; would the NHS be able to employ these practitioners? I really don't know how this would work out or be allowed. There would also be the aspect of who were the nurses - for example - be managed. There would be the need for clinical supervision and support in the way that we had a (marvellous) manager, who was at one grade higher than we were, who we looked up to (in more ways than one). And she, likewise, had a manager and so it went up.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
1 answer
Component shown in Fig. below is to be manufactured from a C45 steel bar stock of 100 mm
diameter. A batch of 10 such components need to be manufactured using the general purpose machines available in the shop. Mention the machine tool used along with any accessories and
tools needed.
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Figure is missing. Could you provide figure
  • asked a question related to Shopping
1 answer
I currently studied acceptance of mobile grocery shopping using Extended TAM for my thesis. One of my hypothesis was Subjective norms significantly positive affecting perceived usefulness but it was rejected. I try to find a valid answer for this but I have no luck finding it. Can someone give some insight or reference according to this issue? Thank you in advance
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The probable valid answer is as follows;
The perceived usefulness variable has a regression coefficient (beta) and a significant value. The significance level of the perceived usefulness variable would be higher than alpha (α) 0.05. Thus, it could be concluded that the perceived usefulness did not affect intention to use mobile grocery shopping. Therefore, the hypothesis is not supported and rejected.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
11 answers
Question closed. Project done
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Am I the only one here who knows how to interpret a simple regression? Your effects are not negative, instead they are effectively zero.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
3 answers
I want to plot a layout of a machine shop in 2D/3D to make one mass-production assembly line and one intelligent manufacturing system. For this, I have to show numerous machine tools and AGV, ASRS, and UAV. For this purpose, I am looking an appropriate software and if its freely available online? For a rough idea, I have attached a picture here.
Thank you so much
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Dr Mohamed-Mourad Lafifi Thank you so much for your kind suggestions.. appreciate your efforts
  • asked a question related to Shopping
10 answers
Can anyone indicate similar manipulation in any marketing journal.
Looking to do an experiment between two groups (Shopping alone Vs Shopping with others), to explore the difference between consumer evaluation of aesthetically high products.
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Shopping others is better. Your best friend can add to the fun of shopping and offer options about what's the perfect match for you. Your best friend makes you feel good about yourself, especially when you're feeling low and not so good. They will cut off all the negative comments you make about yourself.21 Jan 2019
  • asked a question related to Shopping
3 answers
I am doing smart shopping trolley project in that I am searching literature surveys. I want last 10 years literature survey papers
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Do you mean literature review?
Start with formulating a purpose of your research, keywords. Search for the previous research in different databases using your keywords. It will help you a lot.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
3 answers
I'm getting stuck in finding the research papers to match with the data below. It does not need it to match 100% but has to the relation with the data. The topic is "Social platform influence on Shopping".
if anyone has the paper or has specialized in this field, please help me.
Thank you very much!
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Thank you for your suggestion
  • asked a question related to Shopping
4 answers
So for the project, we conducted a survey through google forms in which we asked them their spending in online shopping pre covid and post covid. The income was asked in intervals that are up to 1000, 1000-3000, 3000-7000, etc.
Can you suggest to me a method to analyze the same?
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You can conduct a paired-sample t-test using SPSS
  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
If anyone has bought items how did you go for it, credit card or band transfer? How is the experience?
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  • asked a question related to Shopping
10 answers
The idea is for people who are overwhelmed by the huge amount of products when they come into a store/ supermarket and do not know where to find the products they want. Usually, they will have to find a staff member to ask for directions. Therefore, I'm finding a solution which can help them view their locations on their own phones and search for the place of/ direction to their expected products. The data collected from this activity (such as what products they purchase most, how often they go shopping etc) can then be used by machine learning to figure out the shopping behaviour of customers so as to improve their shopping experience and provide retailers with better business strategy.
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La negociación vía online, necesariamente las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas, tienen que hacer análisis de la situación los negocios en las nubes, y asesorarse con los analistas de sistemas para que direccionen con algoritmos apropiados y solucionen el problema de búsqueda de productos por parte de los clientes, lo más sencillos posibles , fáciles de ingreso,...,
  • asked a question related to Shopping
4 answers
Actually for my thesis bg11 medium sample in scientific shop are unavailable. So for that any alternative to bg11 medium
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You could prepare BG11 from salts in your lab (
  • asked a question related to Shopping
5 answers
Does anyone use 4F3 antibody for detecting gluten protein in foods by ELISA? ( ) I want to know if 4F3 antibody show similar sensitivity for gluten protein of wheat, barley, and rye. Thanks a lot.
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  • asked a question related to Shopping
6 answers
Do you see the pandemic accelerating technology orientation within industries such as retailing? For instance in retailing do you see online shopping being the primary channel of shopping and the physical store being the second choice due to this pandemic or will that happen because online shopping is truly giving a better experience than physical shopping? Please have your say.
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Technology Orientation in Retailing has been introduced in the business world and it was on continuous growth. but sudden spread of Covid -19 pandemic has forced business organization to introduce contactless delivery mechanism in the product delivery and this has offered opportunity for accelerated technology application in retaining.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
1 answer
Can mirt exploratory factor analysis method be used for factor structure for marketing/management research studies because most of the studies that I have gone through are related to education test studies? My objective is to extract factors to be used in subsequent analysis (Regression/SEM) My data is comprised of questions like: Data sample for Rasch Factors Thinking about your general shopping habits, do you ever: a. Buy something online b. Watch product review videos online RESPONSE CATEGORIES: 1 Yes 2 No Data sample for graded Factors Thinking about ride-hailing services such as Uber or Lyft, do you think the following statements describe them well? a. Are less expensive than taking a taxi b. Save their users time and stress RESPONSE CATEGORIES: 1 Yes 2 No 3 Not sure
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The Mirt package generally concentrates on Item Response Theory. You can perform the Exploratory Factor Analysis you want more easily with the "fa" function in the "psych" package in R. You will also find many different and up-to-date estimation methods of factor analysis in this package.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
10 answers
Does anyone have experience and maybe recommendations on conferences on retail, private labels and national brands? Maybe also looking at future development and online topics?
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  • asked a question related to Shopping
17 answers
Due to digitalization and globalization there is an increase in online retailing.
But what does that mean for brick and mortar stores? Will there still be offline stores in about ten years? For instance, to purchase our daily groceries?
Researchers agree that offline stores should focus on shopping experience in order to crease an added value in comparison to online settings. Is that key to survive? However, will only big players be able to survive in long term by starting their own online stores? Is an overarching and neutral platform-based solution for future retail maybe a further direction, especcially for small retailers?
  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
Good evening, I'm looking for a way to make ethyl cellulose soluble in water. I read about a low ethoxylated formulation with a DS around 1-1,5 but I cannot find it in any shop. Is there anyone who knows a way to increase EC solubility using GRAS compounds?
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I have the same issue! Did you find the solution?
  • asked a question related to Shopping
13 answers
Hey Guys,
I would like to grow two types of cells in a single 96 plate well and allow for secreted factors to pass between a vertical permeable membrane. I want to use robotics so it would be easier to have a vertical separation as opposed to a stack or insert like the transwells. Please let me know if anyone has encountered such a piece of plasticware.
These Corning Transwell don't really work that well
or Millipore millicell also are not vertically separated
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Hi Constanze,
I dont have the option or using gel separation since there will be pther compolenents in the media that will aggregate in gel.
I was thinking about just puttinf a nitrocellulose filter in the tranwell insert
  • asked a question related to Shopping
4 answers
I’m doing a Ph.D. to design tools to make it easier for people to review the literature. Can you help me make it better? Please answer this questionnaire which will take around 10 minutes only, and you can choose to enter a prize draw to win one of five Amazon shopping vouchers, each worth £50:
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I have published a literature review - on a Masters' level, here on Researchgate - maybe it could be useful for your research
  • asked a question related to Shopping
5 answers
my research has a market survey from cosmetic shop owners to identify the most popular skin whitening creams and analyze heavy metals in it plus an online survey to determine KAP on skin whitening among Sri lankans. since this is a combined topic , is it ok if i write the methodology in separate sub sections?Becuase study population and sampling method id different.
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From all the indications it seems your claim is that the skin whitening creams sold by cosmetic shop owners may contain heavy metals that pose harm to the population using it and if that is the case, why did you not explore the KAP of the said population towards the use of skin whitening creams and have a section of their demographic information capturing the cream details ranging from the type, the content (if they know) and if possible the market where it was bought(Although this might require you providing the details of cosmetic selling shops available in the region).
With this you can use the information from this population to achieve your objectives of interest towards the cosmetic selling shops and save the problem of contrasting approach to your research design.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Shopping
4 answers
Hi all,
I am working on a Linked Transient Thermal Analysis. Temperature output of one transient analysis becomes the Initial Temperature to the next Analysis and output of the next analysis becomes the input to the third analysis. I have successfully accomplished the analysis for 2 or 3 steps. If I want to do this for 100 cycles, for example, how can I manage this cyclic repetition? I have attached the screen shop of the Project Schematic to support my question.
Your help will highly be appreciated.
Farrukh Najmi
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Hi Farrukh,
In this case, which values did you write in the command lines?
Did you use the 'Commands (APDL)'-option in Mechanical or?
And how long did it take to simulate comparing one simulations with the 100 steps you wanted to calculate in one step?
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Shopping
3 answers
When I tried to measure online fresh food shopping customer experience, I collected my data from consumers who have shopped "within the past three months", does anyone know any work that can support this "three months" time constrain? I set this time frame based on the discussions with consumers and supervisors but is there any work that can support this "three-month" constrain is reasonable?
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Recall can also differ depending on how specifically a question is structured. "Did you buy any desserts in the last 3 months?" vs. "Did you buy any chocolate-coated donuts with banana cream filling in the last 3 months?"
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9 answers
Following Hummer's method,I prepared Graphene oxide and the final product was like this in the file attached below. After centrifuging,it looked this way(also attached below). It seemed pretty much like the predicted outcome as in the video below
But i am not sure about the shining particles at the below of the tube after centrifuged. It seems like clay particles as the impurities. I couldn't find the most pure graphite while i bought it. But the owner of the shop said it was about 95% pure. Now I don't know how to remove those impurities. Could anyone suggest me any idea if possible?
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If it's in the vaccine how to get rid of
  • asked a question related to Shopping
3 answers
I am trying to figure out whether language can help in avoiding the frauds in online shopping particularly in Pakistan, It has become a common practice in Pakistan that the sellers are doing frauds by not sending the ordered stuff rather they send low quality or used stuff and then block the buyer.I am trying to analyse the language of these sellers that they use in ads. or in communication with the buyer , whether it shows any similarity or any particular pattern. That might help people to understand not to buy from such sellers. My query is that, is my work relevant to forensic linguists in any way? if yes, which method of analysis should i acquire for my research?
Asma Saif Ullah
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Perhaps, this research domain falls in the field of forensic linguistics.
Registered branded companies usually use good and formal English which the fraudulent groups may not be doing.
I think forensic author analysis will help you. Comparing the authorial styles of the fake companies and the branded companies will be helpful in this regard.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
I am looking for examples of interesting SMART solutions in rural areas - for instance, vending machines, direct sales, self-service shops, etc. Please send me examples - along with short descriptions and pictures - of any interesting SMART solutions you may have come across.
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I have seen milk-o-mats and egg-o-mats in villages in Istria, Croatia, as specialized vending mashines
  • asked a question related to Shopping
4 answers
hello everyone!
is someone using an MRI compatible touch tablet? and where do you get yours from?
I read that many studies used that one from Tam et al (2011), but somehow I am not able to find any shop where to purchase it or to get any more details about it.
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dear all,
thank you for your answers. i believe I was a little bit naive, thinking this technology would be more accessible by now :)
we managed to change out setup, so a touchpad is not necessary anymore.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
15 answers
What are they and how will it work?
What effect will it have on day-to-day shopping, travelling/holiday, socialising, working, economy, etc.?
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I dont think that vaccine passport is coming.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
I am currently working on my master thesis and have faced some problems in designing a survey. The goal is to analyze a transition from ordinary offline retailing towards physical showrooms effectuating fulfillment of products through an online shop. I use as dependent variable customer satisfaction (reaching from 1-10) and as independent variables the following ones: F= fulfillment (1/0) 1=now 0=in 3 days A=assortment (from 10 to 20 units per shop) P=price (from 25 to 25*0,7discount->17,5) Is it possible to design a survey/ experiment in a way to get the needed data for this equation?
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I am also interested to the answers of this topic.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
Hi, thanks for reading and answering this question.
Here is the description of the question.
Basically, I want to adopt "Emotional Exhaustion" as a latent variable in a new field. But I find that the scale items of the Emotional Exhaustion only concentrate on the job field. There are 5 scale items in total for measuring emotional exhaustion. For example, the scale of I feel fatigued when I get up in the morning and have to face another day on the job. And I feel used up at the end of the workday. These may not be used in the online shopping field.
So, can I just keep the other three scale items for adopting in the online shopping field? However, I am afraid it will destroy the EFA and CFA of the whole construct.
Also, if you have any variable that could express the tired and emotional drained or the negative attitude in the online shopping field, and if possible and convenient for you to tell me, please leave your answer.
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When you delete items, check your reliability so that the coefficient stays above .70; the lowest you can go is .65 for an acceptable reliability. You can also check with McDonald's Omega.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
6 answers
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Thank your everyone
  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
I am the owner of a luxurious mall which caters to the luxury segment (sells only branded goods with high prices) in one of the posh areas in the city. I have given the space to rent on a quarterly basis based on the a) possible revenue generation potential b) rent the shopkeeper is willing to pay per square feet c) how many customers they shop draws to the mall. Since the past historical data I have is just an estimate for all these factors I decide to treat the information as prior knowledge with the prior mean being computed using past historical data. Now what type of prior pdfs shall I use? I have to think on the line of a Bayesian and create a strategy for giving space for different shops in the mall so that I see long term profit.
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Dear Gopal,
this sound somewhat more complex than it looks at first sight... Anyway, in addition die Andrew's suggestion I would like to mention, that the type of distributions should be different between these factors. With:
revenue (probably Normal, Exponential)
rent (probably normal)
Coustomer Count (Poisson, most likely with over-dispersed error term, because people often do not go shopping alone, but with a friend, such that 'if the shop draws one customer, another one joins automatically'. In other words, you have a third 'unknown' variable which leads to correlated events, thus overdispersion)
Now I am speculating about what you actually try to do:
If your goal is to generate "predictions" about the revenue of a potential shop and use it as criterion to decide whether to give space (yes vs no), then the first step probably would be to define some model, which uses space, customer count and rent-willing-to pay as predictors, and revenue as predicted variable. Then optimize the model (fit) based on existing data. With this, you have an estimate the above mentioned distribution characteristics (mean and variance). This gives you a range of posterior predictions (e.g., marginal posterior of each predictor's influence, or combined). How much revenue is enough to decide, is of course, your decision. But with this model (and the estimated predictor weights, including all their posterior uncertainty), you could use the distribution posteriors directly to predict revenue with any constellation of the predictors you give into the model, and see wether the credible interval (i.e., the range of the predicted revenue) passes your decision cut-off. The priors for the predictors then directly come from the posteriors (i.e., you can use the samples from the fitted posterior distributions, as if new renters are from the same renter-population).
Hope this helps.
Ps: If you make profit based on my suggestion. Thankful donations are welcome ;))
  • asked a question related to Shopping
5 answers
Dear All,
This survey is about your online shopping experience and security concerns. Please take five minutes of your time and fill up this form. This research will help in online shopping experience and reducing security threats.
Thanking you
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The Most Common 7 Security Risks of Shopping Online are as follows:-
Adware. Malicious websites often contain pop-up ads that advertise some incredible promotions (like saying you won a free PS4 or so). ...
Fake Online Stores. ...
Identity Theft. ...
Unencrypted Data. ...
Fake Apps. ...
Data Breaches. ...
Unsecured (And Potentially Secured) WiFi
  • asked a question related to Shopping
4 answers
I am looking for some available datasets where features of different activities like going to a shop, doing leisure activities, going on a walk, riding the bus have been extracted. I need this so that I can cluster similar activities so that I can use them for further analysis . I have found a lot of papers for activity recognition but I am trying to find some some datasets (if already available) in human-human interaction or human -object activities and its extracted features which covers a vast portion of the activities.
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Thank you all for your help. Are there any studies which clusters activities which are similar in nature. Like sitting in my room or taking a walk in the park alone is similar as there are not a lot of people involved. But maybe sitting in a classroom or giving a lecture falls in another cluster.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
3 answers
I would appreciate if you answer my DBA research questionnaire.
Thank you all in advance!
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ok I ll
  • asked a question related to Shopping
8 answers
In our research on customer behavior towards online shopping we're using a number of constructs such as perceived behavioral control, perceived efficiency of e-commerce marketplace, sustainable consumption, economic benefits, customer satisfaction level, intention, etc. Any share of evidence or guidance would be extremely appreciated. Thank you.
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Thanks a lot, Oliva M. D. Martins, Karen Bayne, Zubair Nawaz, Gonçalo Rodrigues Brás for your valuable contributions.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
5 answers
The open meat shops are responsible for many diseases because many types of microbes grow in the stomach of the animal and the waste of meat harvested by meat shops in India is thrown out in the open and it is not eliminated well.
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Maybe if you following healthy protocol, it will be helped to reduce that thing
  • asked a question related to Shopping
7 answers
I am currently working for a start-up. We provide restaurants and coffee shops with reusable packaging for to-go-food. What's the main reason to use reusable packaging besides the environmental impact?
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  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
I want to study the impact of Social Class on Online Shopping Intention or Behavior but it seems inappropriate to ask the social class directly, is there any possibility to determine social class through income or property etc?
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The middle class has no commonly agreed definition. Much empirical research tries to operationalize the concept of the middle class employing occupational schemes such as the European Socio-Economic Classification (ESeC) known as the Erikson-Goldthorpe-Portocarero (EGP) Scheme (Erikson and Goldthorpe 1992; Goldthorpe 1987).
Much of the recent comparative research on the middle classes relies on income-based definitions. Typically, being middle class is defined as having an income within a scale constructed around the median and which has typically been symmetric. The definition of the lower cut-off point has a natural link with the poverty threshold, which is set at 50% (OCSE) of the national median equivalised disposable income. Lester Thurow, the first author that adopted this approach (1984), defined the middle class as including households with an income between 75 and 125 per cent of median household income.
Many authors, using a different range of median income, divide the broad category of the middle class into two groups: the lower middle class and the upper middle class (Atkinson and Brandolini 2011; Bigot et al. 2012). Whelan et al. (2016) take those between 60% and 75% of the median to be “precarious” or on the ‘‘margins’’ of poverty. The middle class can then be said to be those not in poverty or in the margins of poverty, between 75% (lower thresholds) and 166% of the median (upper thresholds). Within this they distinguish a ‘‘lower middle class’’ between 75–125% of the median and an ‘‘upper middle class’’ between 125% and 166% of the median. Those whose incomes are at least 167% of the median are considered as the affluent class.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
26 answers
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted consumers' buying habits. With lockdown and social distancing, consumers’ alternatives are restricted and shopping experience is shifting.
In addition to: Hoarding, Improvisation and Embracing Digital Technology, what are the other changes in consumers' bahavior that could be observed during this pandemic context?
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Food and non-alcoholic drinks will be a key consumer spending priority area in Iran in 2020 as consumer purchasing patterns shift in response to the spread of Covid-19 in the country. While movement restrictions are being eased and non-essential retail is permitted to reopen we expect consumers to avoid public areas out of fear of contracting the virus. Iran's macroeconomicand geopolitical challenges are likely to persist post-Covid-19 and we expect consumers to remain cautious, allocating their spending to staples such as bread, rice and cereals and in-expensive non-alcoholic drinks.
Iran Food & Drink Q4 2020.
In addition, It is highly unlikely that people can contract COVID-19 from food or food packaging.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
13 answers
Which dimensions and indicators we should include inquiring consumer buying behavior in online shopping in a questionnaire? What should be the questions for those dimensions and indicators?
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all depends on the variable position of consumer buying behaviour, also aims of ur research and object of research (Situations).
  • asked a question related to Shopping
4 answers
Researchers always share info about different statuses of journal submission. Little is discussed about journal shopping. I am not a massive author, but have much journal shopping experience - interdisciplinary researcher and with no research funding to collect data with desirable properties. For me, hitting the first journal willing to revise my paper in two months is a lucky event. I once experienced immediate rejections for nearly 4 years. Then a reviewer accuse me of being a self-plagiarist. I asked for further details. The feedback was "rejection" is rejection; nothing else can be discussed. In the end, I submitted the paper to another journal. I knew that the editor was a leading expert of the field. As expected, he could see that my ideas were brand new. I got my paper published in that respectable journal of the field after 4 1/2 years.  I hope it is the worst publication experience.  What is your shopping experience?
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Want to know how long it will take to get your article published? Today added an additional 2.1 million records to its database, taking the total to beyond 3.2 million records. Visit the website and view the new journal acceptance/publication speedometers. Just tap in your preferred journal nae and compare its performance with subject related titles. We tell you how long to expect your article will take to be published! And if you cannot find what you are looking for - just ask us and the team will be happy to help! Speed of publication may not be your Number 1 priority, but In addition to speed of publication, conpher collects verified author publishing experiences. Rating the quality of the peer-review and the reviewers’ comments and reports; the quality the communication received from the editors and publishers; why they selected to publish with that particular journal; whether they will submit future articles to the same journal and whether they would recommend a colleague publish with the journal. So visit now, search and share advice with your colleagues around the world.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
4 answers
Although with in-store shopping which is fun, the shopper can immediately discern the quality of the item, avoid waiting for a long time to avoid any size mistakes. It goes without saying that online shopping made life easier for all shoppers. Online shopping vs in-store shopping is a debate that became prevalent over the past few years, mostly due to the advent of online stores. As a direct result of retail and e-commerce combining efficiently, online retailers grew in popularity all around the world.
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İt is also about being rational. So, you can see lot of information on single screen. Same time it is about feeling rational.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
4 answers
Polythene banned by the Indian government at district level in the shops of small retailers is a good initiative, but is it possible to overcome plastic pollution by this until unless large manufacturers will continue to manufacturing of polythene and poly bags? Should this type of manufacturing unit also be banned? If the origin will be banned , local public will never be able to use such kind of plastic bags which are hazardous for environment. Justify please.
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  • asked a question related to Shopping
7 answers
If plastic disposable spoons from shop are used to take food after handwashing, but without washing the spoon, can it spread COVID 19, if spoon is contaminated?
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Sure, it may be spread infection.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
6 answers
How the consumer are planning to adopt new changes in their shopping behaviour? Will the consumer will return to the old traditional buying process?
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By reading reality, not studies, the Arab consumer is gradually turning to behaviors of contemporary technological consumption..
Given that the observation is the result of my work on cultural studies in the Arab world.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
4 answers
I am currently working on my master thesis and have faced some problems in designing a survey. The goal is to analyze a transition from ordinary offline retailing towards physical showrooms effectuating fulfillment of products through an online shop.
I use as dependent variable customer satisfaction (reaching from 1-10) and as independent variables the following ones:
F= fulfillment (1/0) 1=now 0=in 3 days
A=assortment (from 10 to 20 units per shop)
P=price (from 25 to 25*0,7discount->17,5)
Is it possible to design a survey/ experiment in a way to get the needed data for this equation?
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You need to design items to measure the constructs (customer satisfaction, fulfillment and assortment) that you have. How do you get price data from a survey? Is it over time or for 5 years? Survey data is at a pt. in time unless you want to do longitudinal data which is not easy to survey.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
3 answers
I live in Mila, Lombardy, one of the most affect zone in Italy and in Europe
i’d like to ask to all experts, if a treatment to clothes in the shops, using cabinet with UV-C 185 nm and Ozone, could prevent expanding of the pandemia
Related to the previous question, I’d like to know if you have evidence of the possible contagious trough the clothes in these shops, if they will be not sanitized properly
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Ozone prevents the passage of ultraviolet radiation into the atmosphere
  • asked a question related to Shopping
8 answers
I have found smart shopper self-perception / emotions / feelings scales. However, I am not able to find any scale for the cognitive part of the process: beliefs about smart shoppers (identification?). Although Green et al (2011) seem to conceptualize & measure the term smart shopping by supporting evidence about three constructs (time-consciousness, right purchase and money savings), the items related to these constructs are not exactly beliefs but shoppers' experiences. I would like to know if there is some research about beliefs by attributions such as "The smart shopper is..."
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I am not informed on the topic!
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Shopping
3 answers
In the digital age, students choose more and more elarning. I would like to know more about those students. So I would like to set up an experiment in order to identify various profiles of learners base on their own learning space, the one they use while they study. For example, some student will work at home with mobile technologies. Other, will go to a coffee shop and will use collaborative technologies... I want to categorize those students into various profiles base on their behaviours while they are learning.
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  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
The variable volume pipettes in my lab are driving me nuts!
We have a regulatory obligation to calibrate them quarterly and the cost is getting excessive.
So, I am shopping for a 10 ml FIXED volume pipette with disposable plastic tips.
They are manufactured by Guangzhou MeCan Medical Limited. Anyone know where I can buy them in the United States?
Thank you
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Thank you
  • asked a question related to Shopping
5 answers
I live in Mila, Lombardy, one of the most affect zone in Italy and in Europe
i’d like to ask to all experts, if a treatment to clothes in the shops, using cabinet with UV-C 185 nm and Ozone, could prevent expanding of the pandemia
Related to the previous question, I’d like to know if you have evidence of the possible contagious trough the clothes in these shops, if they will be not sanitized properly
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  • asked a question related to Shopping
7 answers
Usually on earth day we do the following activities
  • Go on a beach clean.
  • Plant a tree.
  • Buy a bag for life.
  • Don't eat any meat.
  • Go microbead-free.
  • Walk or ride a bike.
  • Give up chewing gum.
  • Shop at a local farmers market.......and many more ....Virtual Celebration is the option...suggest the activities.....
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Lets try to save our people first and then we will have ample times to celebrate The Earth Day. Stay safely at home.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
5 answers
"Advent" means "arrival", this is the time of the four weeks before Christmas, the feast on which, according to Christian tradition, Jesus is born. Today, the religious background is often pushed back by the Christmas market, hot tea, Christmas cookies, and the shops try to encourage customers to buy Christmas presents through a rich offer. Is that the case with you - or is it completely different?
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Sir, our context is completely different. "Advent Sunday" or similar celebration is not in practice in our country. Christmas the greatest festival of Christians is observed here in a festive mood as in all most all countries of the world.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
3 answers
job shop scheduling problem using dynamic programming
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Make sure to record both CPU time and memory requirements - if one uses too small instances the conclusions will be wrong.
  • asked a question related to Shopping
6 answers
So i have these function for crossover, mutation and initial population generation. But i do not know how to integrate the likes of these by using genetic algorithm tool in MATLAB.
Specifically, what should be the syntax of the functions that i have to follow so the toolbox can cal call those function and implement it
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@akash Bhatia: can you please share your code with me at
  • asked a question related to Shopping
4 answers
Hello RG community,
I am looking for a reflective scale to measure (general) perceived benefits.
There are some formative sales, e.g. in Forsythe, S., Liu, C., Shannon, D., & Gardner, L. C. (2006). Development of a scale to measure the perceived benefits and risks of online shopping. Journal of interactive marketing, 20(2), 55-75. But these scales are content-related, e.g., online shopping.
There are also a lot of reflective scales to measure perceived risks, for example:
1.      Would be risky.
2.      Can lead to bad results.
3.      Can have uncertain outcomes.
4.      Would make me feel anxious.
5.      Would cause me to worry.
Source: Thelen, S. T., Yoo, B., & Magnini, V. P. (2011). An examination of consumer sentiment toward offshored services. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(2), 270-289.
However, I do not find a scale to measure the opposite, i.e., pereceived benefits (in general).
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Yes there are reflective scales on perceived benefits.A efa cfa and chronbach can only be done on a reflexive scale and not on a formative one
  • asked a question related to Shopping
3 answers
RR chips sell various types of sweet potato, banana, sweet potato, crackers, traditional and modern cakes in wholesale and retail. However, this shop has insufficient space and poor arrangement techniques. What do I need to see first when starting a six sigma in RR Shop?
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Thank you for answering Mr. Khaled MG Almaz. I'll apply it on my project
  • asked a question related to Shopping
2 answers
What is benefits, drawback, and future of online shopping, does online shopping have impact on students life, how to promote it, does it is a trust full way of dealings, what is it impacts on general public?
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I think that you may look at the drawbacks of students online shopping for lifestyle products including muscle building medicines
  • asked a question related to Shopping
3 answers
I am looking for case studies of actual privacy risks. At the core of privacy and data protection impact assessments, we find the concept of 'risk' meaning - in this case - the probability of a threat to personal data and the possible harm or damage caused by this threat. E.g. I fall victim to a phishing attack and the attacker gains access to my bank account, the actual harm being that my account is emptied. Another example would be that my account at a social media platform is hacked and my identity is used to "go shopping".
Now, one finds a lot of literature on privacy (PIA) and data protection impact assessments (e.g. the edited volume by Wright and De Hert (2012) on PIA), on the potential risks of low levels of data security (e.g. Rosner, Kenneally (2018): Clearly Opaque: Privacy Risks of the Internet of Things), on technological and organization standards (e.g. ISO 27001 on Information security management), or on the regulatory frameworks of privacy and data protection (e.g. everything on the details of the GDPR in the EU). But I have a hard time to find research results evaluating actual risks similar to your risk to fall victim to a traffic accident, have your home being broken into, or get cancer.
I would welcome any hint to empirical publications on actual privacy risk analysis be it from medical, social, internet-based or any other research that you consider as most important. I am *not* looking for literature on how to conduct privacy and data protection impact assessments or standards for this purpose. Thank you.
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This is a great question, and inspired to me to look for some quantification of the risk and probability of data breaches and harm. Found the following reports which may be of interest. They are largely from security companies and insurance companies, which would have access to this kind of data and might need data like that to set insurance policies.