Science topic
Shame - Science topic
An emotional attitude excited by realization of a shortcoming or impropriety.
Questions related to Shame
I am reaching out to the academic community to seek a collaborator for a research project I am currently finalizing. My study, titled "The Impact of Attachment Styles and Traumatic Experiences on Maladaptive Daydreaming among the Iranian Population: The Mediating Role of Shame and Emotion Regulation", examines the interplay of traumatic experiences and attachment styles in maladaptive daydreaming, with shame and emotion regulation serving as mediators, using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).
The manuscript is currently under review in Frontiers in Psychiatry (an Open Access journal). However, due to institutional financial limitations in my country (Iran), I am unable to cover the publication fees independently. I am seeking an academic partner or collaborator who shares an interest in this topic and can provide financial support for the publication fees in exchange for co-authorship and active involvement in the study.
I would be happy to share the manuscript and discuss potential contributions in detail. I am confident that this collaboration could result in a meaningful addition to the field and foster valuable international academic partnerships.
If you or someone in your network is interested, please feel free to reach out to me via email at or, or message me directly on this platform.
Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to the possibility of working together!
Warm regards,
Maryam Pourmoazzen
Department of Clinical Psychology
School of Medicine
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Tehran, Iran
For those who stand on the pulpit and preach "follow the data...", there should be no question, Covid was a planned bioweapon attack and was a manufactured weapon.
For the field of "science" to be silent in the face of censorship of research, silencing of scientists, ridicule of narratives that do no conform, all of the field of scientists whovremained silent were complicit in a Hitler style attack, and own the guilt, sin and consequences.
What is clear is that the field of "science" has becomecan extension of oligarchy corruption and has failed at its core.
Science and data prove that and the experiments and research support the claims made in this narrative of consciousness.
Science would not allow such denial of data, and would condemn the manufacturing of bioweapons, the forced injections of DNA altering chemical and metallic inventions, and would join the pursuit of truth , not the royalties of sales from the bioweapon attack.
To all "scientists", shame, shame, shame.
When the world needed you, you were silent and afraid.
Way to go- you would have been promoted by Adolph Hitler.
Scientists have abandoned experimental proof of η=1-T1/T2 and instead used experimental data to piece together η=1-T1/T2. Shameful! Please refer to the attached diagram for details:
1) Method A in the figure is a method for verifying Carnot efficiency, which scientists rarely use because the experiment deviates significantly from theoretical predictions.
2) Scientists extensively use method B in the figure, which does not involve theoretical predictions, but instead uses experiments to gather theory. This is shameful, it's data fraud. The enthalpy entropy charts we use are all pieced together using method B.
3) Scientists explain why method A is not necessary. It's because the experiment is not good, which is deceiving. Science has developed for hundreds of years, and even more rare experiments can be conducted.
4) The core is that scientists are unwilling to admit that the second law of thermodynamics is inconsistent with experiments, but this violates scientific discipline and morality.

I am an undergraduate student conducting an honors thesis on how feelings of guilt and shame impact parental confidence when a child is placed in the NICU after birth. I also want to look into what factors contribute to these feelings of guilt and shame. For example, I think mothers are going to be more worried about how their emotional state is going to impact their care for their newborn but fathers will be be more worried about financial burdens and paying for new medical devices. If anyone has any suggestions for how I should approach this research and how I should measure these variables it would be greatly appreciated. I am very new to research and need some guidance.
Why do you presume to give yourself the right to treat me like a servant?
The question addressed many individuals, departments, staff, students, and administrators, including Dr. Rosa E. Coronado, Ed.D., San Jose State University (SJSU), and the California Faculty Association (CFA).
Unfortunately, No one replied to my response to All SJSU Admins (president, VPs, Associate VPs, Sr. Directors, Directors, Managers, Deans, Associate Deans, Departments' Chairs), Faculty, Lecturers, and Students. Except for receiving a phone call of threat from the current dean of the College of Engineering (Sheryl Ehrman) and (Dr. Rosa E. Coronado), they seemed to agree with the discrimination or, most likely, the fear of retaliation.
Second Press Release – First Crime Report
November 30, 2023
Book #7: San Jose State University: An Attempt to Assassinate a Scientist Morally (From 2006 up to now)
First Crime Report Title: Senior Director of Academic Employee Relations Shows that she is the Master of Discriminations.
My Respond to Dr. Dr. Rosa E. Coronado, Ed.D. (She/Her/Hers)
From: Professor Dr. M.E. Fayad,
Full Tenured Professor at SJSU
To: All SJSU Admins (President, VPs, Associate VPs, Sr. Directors, Directors, Managers, Deans, Associate Deans, Chairs), Faculty, Lecturers, Students
Dr. Rosa E. Coronado, Ed.D. (She/Her/Hers)|
Senior Director of Academic Employee Relations
San José State University | University Personnel
One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0046
Direct Line: 408.924.1987 | Fax: 408.924.2425
Email: | Website:
Mr. Ray Buyco
CFA-SJSU Chapter President
I communicated with you in different correspondence via email, and I asked to call you in many unpleasant situations, but you didn't reply.
Do you know why? Because you saw many individuals cutting my neck, and you were as well.
What do I mean by a channel in this context? I will tell you about my entire career and livelihood, as this letter illustrates.
I have nothing against you or anyone else personally, and I am not threatening anyone. I respect everyone in this College and the universe. Please leave your ego aside. I am addressing you in your roles at the u University. So when I say "your" or "you" in this letter, I refer to roles, not actors.
Dr. Coronado, before answering your emails, I want to enumerate some ugly events in which you participated:
[1] Destroying my scientific reputation, teaching experience, career, and research work.
[2] Denying my right to earn money according to your rules and policies and my legal rights as a full professor and well-known scientist and engineer.
[3] Destroying my health, denying my salary, canceling my insurance, and demoting me from a full-time professor twice to a lecturer for two years.
[4] You changed my pension from tenured full professor to a lecturer and stole two years from my service.
You have made false and abusive statements about me in your email. I will focus on the phrase, "As we continue your paid suspension and subsequent consequences." Let me elaborate on its falsehood and illegality.
1) "We continue your paid suspension": You don't pay me; like me, you are an employee of SJSU. You are not the owner of this University. When you say "we," it suggests that I am working for you and waiting for your kindness to pay me. We both get paid by the University supported by the state of California. Wake up. SJSU is a public University.
2) "paid suspension": I get paid because I am a tenured full professor. I am among the foremost in my field and have the best citations in the entire College of Engineering in the CSU system. Do not consider the fake citations of some of the existing faculty.
3) "paid suspension and subsequent consequences': The consequences are based on false allegations and evaluations by people who are not experts in my field–ugly discrimination. I have mentioned this before, and I could elaborate with further details.
4) "subsequent consequences": These subsequent consequences caused catastrophic damages to my health, research work, publications, scientific reputation, and career.
5) "I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the new CFA Chapter President, Mr. Ray Buyco.": He can contact me directly. But of course, whatever I tell him must be top secret. According to the CFA bylaws, communication between me and anyone in the CFA must be top secret.
Here is my question to you and all the administration, faculty, students, and the CFA:
Will you pay me all the money I owe for teaching, travel, advising, research, publication, and employing students?
The SJSU owes me substantial back payments for the following:
1) Teaching large classes since 2002.
2) Travel on a yearly allowance to different countries such as Vietnam, Egypt, Finland, and Hong Kong, as well as travel within the USA.
3) Advising since 2002 for 13 theses and many graduate projects. Many students' projects are "Advisory Points."
4) Research: I published over 200 articles and columns, more than 13 theme issues, more than six books, etc. According to your policies, I should receive money for each publication. Unfortunately, I received nothing. The University rejected all my research support for proposed projects.
5) Hired and supported students and their publications.
6) Denying paying for conference registration fees and accommodation for all my students and me.
7) Promising funds by the previous Provost and Acting Dean and not getting the funds.
8) Do not forget the destruction of my career in the more than 23 years of demotion and suspension with no salary or no salary, isolation, elimination, retaliation, abuse, discrimination, racism, and making traps all the time.
All of the above instances are nasty crimes and are scenarios documented in 18 volumes of Collective Injustice.
Records exist for all the missing back payments and many corrupt parties with the Computer Engineering Department (CmpE), College of Engineering (CoE), and SJSU. The silence of the CmpE faculty is evidence of shame. I promise you and all the participants I will get all the money with damage and indicate who is involved in the scenarios. I will also show many methods of existing ugly corruption within the SJSU, California Faculty Association (CFA), and two CFA volumes on Collective Injustice.
I don't trust you or any other San Jose State University administrator. And yet, you want me to interact with this corrupted CFA. Please refer to my petition against the CFA.
I intend to publicly share evidence of misconduct against me by you and other individuals and organizations. Please remember I have been at this University for 23 years, including the two stolen years. I am working on videos, letters, and live broadcasts about you and all the people who participated with false allegations about my work, job, teaching, and research and who have been part of very abusive actions against me.
You are destroying everything I stood for and worked so hard for. My initial question:
Why do you presume to give yourself the right to treat me like a servant?
I refuse to submit to your judgment of me. The only Being whose judgment I accept is that of my Creator, the almighty God "Allah."

While «hair growth» is an extremely popular item. On February 12, 2013, there were
61,600,000 hits via Google and there were 70,400,000 hits on July 11, 2013?
The interest grows on the web as the number of citations has increased over 13% in less than half a year). The claims on improving growth are quite numerous and barely documented. In contrast, the evidence based information about human hair growth in terms of «dynamics of hair fibre elongation over time» remains surprisingly rare if not completely dismissed in the adverts with a smell of trichoquackery....
Who think that I was right in trying to alert the scientific community about extremenly fats augmentation of HITS containing distorted and pseudo-information on the web?
By analogy marketing ads tell you that "shoe-shine nurters your shoes"...?
Humor “breaks the ice” between strangers, and unites people in different hierarchical positions. It creates a sense of “shared conspiracy” as when gossiping or joking about superiors. The flip side is that those who do not join in the laughter, either because they don’t catch on, or because the joke targets them, will feel left out, shamed, or ridiculed. Joking relationships build group identity and solidarity. They promote communities over hierarchies and reveal ambiguities that enhance and subvert the expectations of people in religious and civic groups.
Laughter always ties into the humor of a particular social group—even if you are laughing by yourself at something you receive over the Internet. Some scholars argue that humor is a social corrective, linked with embarrassment. People learn what not to do when they see who gets laughed at. This goes back to the beliefs of Henri Bergson, who called humor a “social corrective…intended to humiliate.”
In the early 1980’s Emily Toth, wrote about the first “Humane Humor Rule,” “Never target a quality that a person can’t change.” Later Humane Humor Rules Include:
• Target yourself, i.e. use self-deprecating humor.
• Target your own ethnic group or gender, but no other ethnic group or gender.
• Never target the victim.
• Always target a strength so that it empowers rather than humiliates the target.
• Be sure that there is spatial, temporal and psychological distance before making fun of a tragedy.
• Remember: Tragedy + Time = Comedy
I'm writing an essay discussing the role of shame in unhealthy attachment style formation, from childhood to the different types of adult relationships. Could anyone recommend some good resources?
Many thanks,
We all witness the expansion of AI and Robotics intertwined into Trans-humanity effort by some.
What is the point?
Why would Trans-human be of interest?
It is a desire to see the negatives of humanity, not the blessings.
I love the imperfections of humanity that makes life random, enjoyable and dynamic, not programmed.
Can AI robots enjoy life? Only if they are programmed with the programmer's bias. What an awful existence. No freewill. No tolerance for humanity- just programmed algorithms. What a shame.
I do not believe in trans humanity as a desired product, vision or direction for the world to embark on... I view it as an outward expression of anger from within by people who can't adapt in natural life.
Opposing opinions welcomed...
I am analyzing data for my thesis and I'm investigating the relationship between psychopathy and 3 emotions - empathy, guilt and shame.
The IV would be psychopathy as measured by a 32 question inventory with 3 subscales - egocentric, callous, and antisocial. Each question is answered on a four point likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree). The total score was found by averaging the mean of the 3 subscales. The three dependent variable were the three emotions, guilt, empathy and shame. Each of these was asked by one likert style question each (7 points, strongly disagree to strongly agree).
I want to see if there is any relationship between the 3 emotions and psychopathic traits (the 3 subscales and the total).
Am I right in saying a Spearmans Rho correlation would be appropriate here? Because the data would be non-parametric because the DV is ordinal. I would then have 12 correlations - 3 emotions x 4 psychopathic trait variables (total, egocentric, callous, and antisocial). Should I do something else such as a bonferroni correction since there are so many correlations? Am I on the right track?
Thank you!
We aim to build an online space where participants recruited for face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions may further share their concerns and experiences in relation to a sensitive topic. One that is often not discussed in real life by participants, out of shame or fear of stigma.
This online space would contain information and posts curated by the researchers, but also post from participants who may openly share their concerns, experiences, linked content on the topic and who could interact with others facing similar challenges. We hypothesize that this extension of conversation, online, will have positive outcomes in their experiences with these challenges. Using focus group discussions or interviews and surveys we aim to co-construct the online space (pre-access) and evaluate its usefulness for participants (post-access).
Before presenting options to participants we would want to shortlist the platforms compatible with the project. Which platforms would you recommend using? It should include the following features:
- allow the creation of a private group
- allow for the creation of pseudonymized accounts for participants (not the case for FB, for instance, nor WhatsApp which shows user's phone number)
- allow for the deletion of all conversations/posts once the project is over
- be easy to use for participants of different backgrounds
- (optional) allow conduction polls or simple surveys
- allow the exporting of data (usage, poll/survey results)
In advance thank you for your suggestions
Today being World Mental Health Day
The main objective of this day is to raise awareness of mental health cases around the world. It is even more important today as we still struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, some of the challenges our unjust and unequal world is facing are inequality coupled with corruption, especially in the developing world. It is our responsibility irrespective of how small or big our individual or collective contributions could be, do the very best that we can do to educate ourselves on mental health issues. Accordingly, we can support those we know who are affected by mental health issues of any kind. Some of the limiting factors to offering support are ignorance, unconscious bias, discrimination, stigma, and shame. Therefore let us come together as one in the spirit of common humanity to support our fellow humans! Thank you so much for your time.
What activities can we implement to raise awareness of mental health issues? How can we support those who are affected and vulnerable?
I run SDS-PAGE gel to detect protein expression from genome reduced E. coli strains. I observe SDS-PAGE hall of shame consistently these days. I use NuPAGE 4-12% Bis-Tris Gel and run the gel in MOPS SDS running buffer (1X). Did someone come across the same problem and find a solution to fix the problem?

If everything was the same except George Floyd was white, the police officers would have done the exact same thing. The police officer would show up at the scene, see the white suspect, and think, "There's the bad guy", and feel himself justified in treating him badly. He would have used this same horrible restraining technique that they teach in police academies. When the white guy said, "I can't breathe", the police officer would just assume that the bad guy was lying and ignore him. What would be different is what would happen afterwards. Nobody would criticize the police. People would make excuses for the police like saying, "Oh, he must have had a pre-existing medical condition". Everyone would assume the white victim was a "bad guy", and nobody would have any sympathy for the victim. The police officers would not be arrested. The police officers would not be fired. There would not be thousands of people marching down the street carrying signs. There would be no protests. There would be no demonstrations. There would no riots. Nobody would say "White Lives Matter". Businesses would not close for the day to honor the victim. We know this because none of those things ever happen when police murder an innocent unarmed white person.
Here are objective statistics.
Of all the people killed by on duty police in the United States from 2009 to 2012, 52% were white. If you include all races, including Hispanic, Asian, Native American, etc., the majority of all people killed by police are white. The percentage of blacks killed is higher than their percentage of the population, but that's attributable to the fact that they are more likely to be poor or live in high crime areas, and perhaps they are more likely to commit crime, and thus have an encounter with the police.
When a white person is murdered by the police, the police are not arrested, the police are not fired, nobody marches down the sidewalk, there are no protests, there are no demonstrations, because the murder victim made the mistake of being born with the wrong skin color. Of course you don't believe that white lives matter. That's why you say "black lives matter", as opposed to white lives. The APS engages in open unapologetic racism with the so-called Bridge Program and National Mentoring Community where they give extra help to students only if they have the correct skin color. You are not allowed to apply if you have the wrong skin color. I am sure that a lot of white students (and Asian students) would love to get that extra help, but if they tried to apply, they would be told bluntly that they are not allowed to apply because they have the wrong skin color. I could list hundreds of innocent unarmed white people who have been murdered by the police, but you don't care about that because they made the mistake of being born with the wrong skin color. I have been assaulted by police even though I am white. I remember once in my town, a police officer walked up an innocent unarmed man sitting in the front seat of his car, put a gun to his head, and blew his head. You don't care about that because the victim was white. Why do you assume that the murder of George Floyd had anything to do with his race? Maybe the police officer would have done the same thing if he was white. If everything was exactly the same except George Floyd was white, the police would not have been arrested, the police officers would not have been fired, nobody would be marching down the sidewalk. There would no protests. There would be no demonstrations. The reason is because you are so racist that you only think that black lives matter. You literally admit that you believe this when you use the racist phrase "Black Lives Matter". When you use the phrase "Black Lives Matter", you mean as opposed to white lives. If you think the lives of people of all races matter, then why specify the race of the people whose lives you think matter? If a white person was murdered by the police, would you close your business for the day? Would post a message saying "White Lives Matter"?
For example, here you can read about an innocent unarmed white woman shot and killed by a black police officer.
Nobody responded by marching down the street in protest. You did not have thousands of people marching down the street across the country. There were no protests. There were no demonstrations. There were no riots. Why? Because the victim made the mistake of being born with the wrong skin color. Nobody protests when an innocent unarmed white person is mudered by the police. When they say "Black Lives Matter", they mean as opposed to white lives. That's why they never protest when an innocent unarmed white person is murdered by the police.
Look at the following statements by APS.
They only mention black victims of police violence, and nobody else. It assumes they were killed only because they were black which we don't know. The letter literally starts by saying
"We are horrified and deeply saddened by the killing of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery, and other recent acts of violence, particularly against Black people."
Wait a minute. They said they are "horrified and saddened" by murder and "and other recent acts of violence, particularly against Black people." You mean as opposed to white people? They are admitting they are "particularly" "horrified and saddened" by the murder of black people, as opposed to the murder of non-black people? The use of the word "particularly" indicates that they think the murder of a black person is worse than the murder of non-black people. What if someone said "We are horrified and saddened by the murder of innocent people, particularly white people"? Everyone would condemn that as a shocking racist statement. Well that's the same thing as these official statements put out by the APS. If you put a statement condemning murder, but only listed the names of white murder victims, people would call you racist for that. The APS statements only list the names of black victims, and nobody criticizes them for that.
I received the September issue of the Planetary Report, and it contained the most shocking unapologetic open racism that could possibly exist. On page 4, was a paragraph titled "Working for Space for Everyone". Never in the history of the human species has anything more racist ever been written. Every single sentence contains the most extreme racism that could possibly exist. I will go through it line by line.
"In June, the entire planet saw communities gather to demand an end to police brutality against Black people".
As opposed to white people? None of these communities are gathering to demand an end to police brutality against white people because they are in favor of police brutality against white people. Since this article does not criticize the communities for only demanding an end to police brutality against black people, and not white people, the Planetary Society is also in favor of police brutality against white people.
"As protests spread around the world, more people became aware of the deep systematic roots of the problem".
The problem that more people became aware of is the extreme anti-white racism demonstrated by the fact that the protests were only protesting police killing black people, and not police killing white people. None of these people protest when an innocent armed white person is murdered by the police because they do not believe that the life of a white person is worth anything. They admit that is what they believe when they use the phrase "Black Lives Matter". If you thought that the lives of people of all races mattered equally, you would not specify the race of the person whose life you think matters.
"Racism is an issue that affects every facet of society, including humanity's endeavor to explore the cosmos".
The racism exposed by the George Floyd incident is anti-white racism since none of those protesters ever protest when an innocent unarmed white person is murdered by the police. The way it affects humanity's endeavor to explore the cosmos is because the Planetary Society is openly racist, and endorsed this shocking unapologetic racism in their magazine.
"The Planetary Society is committed to working against racism".
The most stomach-turning offensive part of this racist diatribe is when they had the gall to insert that sentence in the middle of the most shocking offensive unabashed open racism ever written. It is the same as Hitler said that he was committed to working against anti-semetism.
"We made public statements in support of the Black Lives Matter movement..."
which is the most racist thing that could possibly exist. They literally say, "Black Lives Matter" as opposed to white lives which they do not believe matter. If you believe that the lives of people of all races matter equally, then you would not specify the race of the person whose life you believe matters. None of these people ever protest when an innocent unarmed white person is murdered by the police. The Planetary Society believes that the life of someone of a specific race matters more than the life of a person of a different race.
"...and the justice it seeks for the murder of citizens like George Floyd..."
You would not be using the word "murder" if George Floyd had been white. If George Floyd had been white, the officer would have done the same thing, but then afterwards, the police would not have been arrested, the police would not have been fired, nobody would use the word "murder" to refer to the killing, there would be no protests, no demonstrations, no riots. Nobody would say "White Lives Matter" because they do not believe that white lives matter.
"...and Breonna Taylor."
Police arrived at Breonna Taylor's apartment to serve her with a warrant, her boyfriend opened fire on the police, and then after that, the police returned fire, and Breonna was killed in the cross fire. Nobody disputes the fact that her boyfriend fired first. Are you saying that police should not return fire when fired upon? What you do if someone was firing a gun at you?
Now think about this. The Planetary Society does not use the word "murder" to refer to police murdering an innocent unarmed white person for no reason, but the Planetary Society does use the word "murder" to refer to police returning fire when fired upon by an armed black man.
"We began engaging in public discussions about racism in space exploration including a powerful conversation between our CEO, Bill Nye, and retired astronaut Leland Melvin."
The "public discussions" and "powerful conversation" was Bill Nye proudly expressing his own racist views similar to the racist views in the article that I am quoting. The worst racism you are ever going to hear is anti-white racism coming out of white people. They believe that all white people should be filled with burning shame. They are filled with such self-hatred and self-loathing, they are in a contest with each other as to who can hate themselves the most.
"In August, our staff took part in an intensive training session to confront how racism functions in society, in the space sector..."
I cringe and shudder to imagine what was in this so-called "training" that they forced their employees to endure. Inside the liberal Democrat brain, racism = anti-racism and anti-racism = racism. Imagine that you are an employee of the Planetary Society, and unlike the leadership, you are not racist, and then you are forced against your will to attend some "training" where they are trying to indoctrinate you and brain-wash you into sharing their own extreme racist beliefs. If you refuse to repeat their racism, you are fired.
"...and even well-intentioned individuals."
This is the part where they claim that all white people are racist against black people, and if you deny that you are, then you are a "well-intentioned individual" but you still are.
"This is on-going work, and it is every bit as challenging as it is important. We will continue to update you on our work to ensure an equitable future in space exploration for every human being on Earth".
If you want an "equitable future" then why are you are not "equitable" in your response to people of different races being murdered by the police? The Planetary Society is supposed to be about space exploration but they are so racist that they printed this shocking offensive racism in their magazine. They are going out of their way to brag about how racist they are as if that was something to be proud of.
Jeffery Winkler
In support of #DrBiden, I decided to use Dr in front of my name wherever possible. We gained our degrees and there is no shame about it!
Science posted a news today: "IEEE, a major science publisher, bans Huawei scientists from reviewing papers"
I was really shocked by this news. How can Trump bring the trade war to this sacred field. It is a great shame on the scientific world of America.
Totally ruined the saying that "Science has no borders."
We saw how politics can affect science today.
What science says about weight loss pills?
Is the body shaming is big reason behind good market for such pills?
Kindly enlisted the reasons why market of these pills is increasing day by day.
Anxiety is a conscious process, the primary negative emotion. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa3245
Anxiety is the sensation we experience when we imagine or predict an unwanted future.
It is reasonable to conclude all other negative emotions are adjectives describing a particular quality of the unwanted future.
Stress, for instance is an unwanted future outcome of a specific event, eg. exam failure
Sad - loss
Anger - imagined threat, unfair attack.
Shame - caught doing something wrong
Depression - helpless to change a hopeless future
When a kid is looking at an athlete who is jumping over a 2 meter high bar, it says: "Wow, how spooky!". But after looking it for hundred times the kid finally says: "Well, whatever. It happens all the time. And it is in accordance with the laws of physics."
When a physics student encounters correlation in entanglement for the first time she or he is virtually bound to say: "Wow, how spooky!". But after looking at it for hundred times the student finally concludes: "But wait, it is not really an "action" since no force is involved nor is any information exchanged, right? And they (Alice and Bob) only see correlation in their measurements *after* they exchange classical information (at the speed of light or slower) that contains results of their measurements, don't they? I mean, before that, they only have a random gibberish. So, by the time the experiment finishes, light had enough time to travel between them. Well, whatever. It happens all the time. And it is in accordance with the laws of physics."
The only way to feel spooked here is to let be tricked by a story teller (a Magician). The Magician starts his story at the moment when entangled pair is generated and ends it when Alice and Bob realize that their measurements are completely correlated. Then, the Magician starts recording time at the moment of entanglement generation and stops its clock at the moment when measurements are done. He then tells you that this time is too short to explain correlations. Which is true. But note: at that moment Alice and Bob are NOT spooked yet: they only see a random set of their own data and no correlation whatsoever. It is funny that this trick has, over decades, fooled generations of physicists, and that apparently no one has figured out the false logic yet! Well, here it is - exposed! By the time Alice and Bob can see the correlation (the allegedly spooky part) they have to exchange classical information, and in that there is action, force and information travel, and more time lapse than required for light to travel between them. This is the second and final part of the experiment, duration of which, conveniently, the Magician forgot to take into account. And we fell for it! (Shame on us!)
So I believe that the best way to alleviate this spookiness madness is to teach quantum entanglement to kids in kindergarten, right next to teaching of colors and animals, or even before that. Then, no one will get spooked ever again!
Find Likert scale items to measure
Guilt or Shame after doing unethical behaviors?
I am currently doing my master's dissertation on the effects of flight shame on the choice of eco-labelled flights in a discrete choice experiment.
However, I am looking for a suitable and validated scales to measure the constructs shame and guilt. I am aware of proneness scales such as the TOSCA-A scale , but am unsure whether or not proneness scales would be suitable for my research as I am trying to figure out if they experience any shame or guilt while selecting their flights during the choice experiment.
Many thanks.
Dear all,
I have been using the online software mathFISH for a while now to predict the stringency conditions for FISH, always with very reliable results. However, I have not been able to use this tool since the beginning of the new year anymore, the page will not even start! Anyone else using it and experiencing the same problem? If yes, do you have any idea why? It is such a shame, because it is an amazing tool, which also offers a link to many other useful websites for FISH.
While research may typically be published, this often resides within an academic sphere and may have little impact on the day-to-day lives of children, young people, parents and teachers. The proposed series of books has moved beyond concept and has already begun a process of filtering research informed knowledge into an accessible format. The series of books presents an opportunity for other researchers to channel their empirical work into a directly impactful and educationally engaging format. Consequently, this can be impactful at the local (initially) and national level.
‘Noodle’ is an excitable family Jack Russell on a series of learning adventures, from making a mess to learning how to connect with nature. Noodle leads her owners into comical and sometimes difficult situations that challenge children to think about feelings, consequences and the right course of action. Yet with an always happy ending, children witness Noodle helping to rectify situations, which reinforces morals, values and the particular focus of a particular book.
Through Noodle’s adventures and learning, key research findings surrounding a wider range of issues are broken into a format that not only supports grown-ups in approaching and educating various topics, but is also accessible and fun for all children, for example:
[1] Promoting resilience.
[2] Overcoming educational anxieties.
[3] Connecting with nature (wellbeing).
[4] Managing feelings of guilt and shame.
[4] Promoting awareness of eating disorders/healthy eating behaviours in children.
The ever-expanding series is visually exciting and will continue to grow and support children in an ever-changing world.

People are being tracked with their data in every possible manner.
This has led to nations/states using data to discriminate, bully, and condemn citizens and used as a means to pre-judge, punish and cutoff citizens from access to all of the benefits of citizenship. China currently uses a "Social Scoring system ", a manipulative and coercive attack on society to force homogenization and brainwashed acceptance of standards set by corrupt people who are in power.
This, in turn, makes the discriminated people become prisoners against their will and for arbitrary purposes with no rational or legal process. It also makes them to be slaves, economically and physically.
Is it just for other humanity to sit idle and observe this form of Hitlerism, or should all forms of Social Scoring be called out as violations 9f human rights.
For the record, I clearly view this as as an animalistic manipulation against human rights and condemn China and all others who use a social scoring system to abuse humanity. It is shameful, globally illegal and a violation of human rights.
My question is: what is Plato doing in the following passage? Is he modifying his own concept of the human soul in comparison, for instance, to Republic IV? Is the condition of the human soul worse in Republic IX than in Republic IV? Read the passage and tell your opinion, if you like to.
“In my opinion we haven't adequately distinguished the kinds and number of the desires . And with this lacking, the investigation we are making will be less clear.”
“Isn’t it, he said, still a fine time to do so?”
“Most certainly. And just consider that aspect of them I wish to observe. It’s this. Of the unnecessary pleasures and desires, there are, in my opinion, some that are hostile to law and that probably come to be in everyone; but, when checked by the laws and the better desires, with the help of argument, in some human beings they are entirely gotten rid of or only a few weak ones are left, while in others stronger and more numerous ones remain.”
“Which ones do you mean?” he said.
“Those – I said – that wake up in sleep when the rest of the soul – all that belongs to the calculating, tame, and ruling part of it – slumbers , while the beastly and wild part , gorged with food or drink, is skittish and, pushing sleep away, seeks to go and satisfy its dispositions. You know that in such a state it dares to do everything as though it were released from, and rid of, all shame and prudence . And it doesn’t shrink from attempting intercourse, as it supposes, with a mother or with anyone else at all – human beings, gods, and beasts; or attempting any foul murder at all, and there is no food from which it abstains. And, in a word, it omits no act of folly or shamelessness.”
“What you say,” he said, “is very true.”
“But, on the other hand, I can suppose a man who has a healthy and moderate relationship to himself and who goes to sleep only after he does the following: first, he awakens his calculating part and feasts it on fair arguments and considerations, coming to an understanding with himself ; second, he feeds the desiring part in such a way that it is neither in want nor surfeited — in order that it will rest and not disturb the best part by its joy or its pain, but rather leave that best part alone pure and by itself, to consider and to long for the perception of something that it doesn't know, either something that has been, or is, or is going to be; and, third, he soothes the spirited part in the same way and does not fall asleep with his spirit aroused because there are some he got angry at. When a man has silenced these two latter forms and set the third—the one in which prudent thinking comes to be — in motion, and only then takes his rest, you know that in such a state he most lays hold of the truth and at this time the sights that are hostile to law show up least in his dreams.” “I suppose,” he said, “it’s exactly that way.”
“Well now, we have been led out of the way and said too much about this. What we wish to recognize is the following: surely some terrible, savage, and lawless form of desires is in every man, even in some of us who seem to be ever so measured. And surely this becomes plain in dreams . Now reflect whether I seem to be saying something and whether you agree with me .”
“I do agree.”
God created Adam with a particular (pure) "Nature". When Adam ate the forbidden fruit in the Heaven, did it alter the nature in any sense? Since before the event, there was no sin, no guilt, no shame. Did the sin change the nature of human response? I am specially interested in the explanation given in Islamic, Christian and Jewish scriptures.
What is the basic biophysical mechanism responsible for the leaves of the “touch-me-not plant” showing fascinating shaming response against any kind of physical touch?
Whether we resolve the moral and ethical questions around public shaming, mob justice and internet scolding aside, do they challenge the idea of gamification as a natural direction to take for modelling consensus?
400 researcher positions opened, for the entire CNRS, in 2010;
300 positions in 2017 and 2018 ;
250 positions in 2019...
Will there be any scientist left in public science in the near future?
Who feels alarmed & frustrated by this shameful betrayal by the institution and the French government?
A serious text about it, in French, in LeMonde:
In Christie's, New York, they just sold it for 31 millions Us dollars, to an unknown buyer. It's a shame.

I'd like to get some publications on the shame and poverty in urban modern cities under a sociologica point of view. Thanks!
As occidentals, slavery themes drags us to a funded shame. But this is not a reason to forget about their main contribution to Humanity culture. Literate slaves were a main component of Roman culture and society. As far Romans used slavery as a war weapon, killing the Kings and bringing to Rome, hands tied-up, the sons. That's how young educated princes from different cultures entered Roman society. Thought at first to be slave preceptors and entertainers, with their lascivious way of life, Roman ended up lazy about culture, as far they had live encyclopedias as slaves. Soon, literate slaves went on charge copying and translating ancient books, that way accumulating even more knowledge. The literate slave system hold on after Rome's destruction, and survived until 18th Century. Manutius, which name means: slave with tied-up hands, invented edition in Venice in 1490. Maybe because he was a descendant of a slave, he's almost unknown in Europe even if we all use its inventions on a dairy basis: Italic character, pocket book, comic, editorial committee. Let's call it a shameful hypocrisy. Let's discover our slave cultural roots.
In India there are 3 types of employees in govt sector
1. Regular
2. Contractual
3. Out sourced
Only regular employees can be considered are independent others are having life miscerable, still they have not got independence......shame on such a system.....
Nigeria in the present age is in disarray. Quite a lot has gone wrong in the psyche of almost every Nigerian. The Nigerian mentality is strange and obscure. Many people no longer think critically to assess the situation they find themselves in. This is quite shameful.
The stormy waters started being coloured right from the beginning. Children in primary schools now watch blue films at the mercy of the house maids, and at times try to practice what they have watched. They can educate an adult on what sex is. Is that the civilization that we are preaching about?
Then when they enter secondary school, they start wearing mini - gown and skirt uniforms and bare bottom trousers with spaghetti hands, and the boys wear ash level torn trousers. They now start having boy friends and girl friends, and now practice the bedmatics of sex openly and fearlessly.
At the end of their senior - WAEC, their parents pay huge money for them to take their exams at "Special Centers" where mercenaries write the exams for them with the connivance of the Invigilators and Supervisors with a fat sum of envelopes to go home with. They eventually pass with flying colours. This is at the detriment of a society that wants to be progressive.
They now enter higher institutions of learning. They have no stuff in their heads to carry on with university learning. They now resort to "sorting of lecturers, who will give them robust grades according to what they have paid." Some even go as far as sleeping with the lecturers to maximize grades. That was why I formed "The GOUNI ANTI - CORRUPTION VANGUARD," in 2016 to make the students "watch dogs" in reporting and combating crime in higher institutions of learning, and in the society in general.
When they now graduate, the government and some private employers stress on certificate level one has acquired from the higher institution . They have 'god fathers or god mothers' who push them in to high seats in government to avoid the rigorous exercise of interviews of competency. People who claim to have first class or even otherwise from higher institutions have absolutely nothing to offer the government and society where they are working. it is ironic and ridiculous.
They now join cult groups to protect them from their shame and incompetence. The cult masters and heads now tell them to make blood rituals and sacrifices so as to preserve their highly placed positions in office and to make them higher above their mates and to have the wherewithal to vie for political positions. They now kill their fathers, mothers, wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, children, their friends or very close relatives, nobody is exempt. What an irrational society?
When they get into public elective offices or appointed offices, they start embezzling and siphoning money to have valuable assets in Dubai, United Arab Emirates or Switzerland. The majority of the poor masses are languishing in poverty, pain and penury. There is no middle class in Nigeria. You have the super rich and majority poor.
For the poor who want to get rich by all means, they resort to kidnapping, armed robbery, ritualism and blood sacrifices, terrorism, witch practices, and fraudsters. How can you tell over 168 million Nigerians, that they will be given N10 million Naira each to empower them? Then the extortion of these mindless and vulnerable Nigerians begin. They pay N500.00 to purchase the empowerment forms and fill them with two passport sized photographs.
Then after three months, they are being called up again to pay N2,700.00 to process the forms in Abuja. They are being brain - washed that these monies are coming from World Bank, being proceeds of looted monies being repatriated back into the country. And these people are so hopeless, they have failed to ask the question - why can't the organizers of these so called empowerment schemes deduct N3,200.00 from the purported N10million Naira they have promised to give to them?
Yet, many people are so desperate to reap where they have not sowed, and are desperate to part with the little divine providence have given them. This is 'big and perilous sin' number one.
That is why I always write that 95% of the people are not great, and will continue to fail the success test. Can you imagine the robbing of Peter to pay Paul? Unbelievable and unimaginable.
It is widely argued that the contemporary city is becoming an increasingly hostile environment for homeless people. As basic street survival strategies are criminalised and public space ‘purified’ of those whose spoiled identities threaten to taint fellow members of the public, city authorities seem to have turned from a position of neglect to more
obviously punitive measures designed to contain and control homeless people. Less widely acknowledged but equally prevalent, however, is a parallel rise in the care system; evident in the growing number of shelters rooms, kitchens and many other services for homeless people. These spaces of care springing up in theinterstices of a revanchist city, act as important sources of material
resource and refuge for a highly stigmatised group. However, what for one person may operate as a space of care might, for another, be experienced as a space of fear, shame and further stigmatization. Do these spaces help people to get out of the homelessness ?
I've been really taken with Michelle Schoenleber and Howard Berenbaum's paper on "Shame Regulation in Personality Pathology", and I'm developing a bit of a bias toward their 'solution'. But I am curious what other researchers make of the idea that dysfunctional shame processing in particular is a central or core problem for this population. What do you think (and why do you think it?)
The medical profession allows nutty trials, fooling the participants who are already over-stressed. This is nothing but a SHAME and a SCAM.
I would not be surprised if there were to be a trial of MUSIC AND PAINTING AND IKEBANA AND PAPER CRAFT - ORIGAMI going on somewhere for benefit of patients with ALZHEIMER's DISEASE, MOTOR NEURON DISEASE, < MIGRAINE>, PARKINSONISM, HUNTINGTON's where patients generally outlast the limited time (never more than 3-6 months?) trial therapy unlike most outcomes in Oncology.
- As an entirely independent researcher -- not receiving any research grant from any Organization in the World -- active in several fields in Medicine, including Cardiology, Neurology, Neuro-Ophthalmololgy, Neuro-Endocrinology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Immunology particularly occult sarcoidosis with published research in these and other fields, and, a reviewer of manuscripts from several prominent medical journals, I have found that scientific letter writing has the power to remove scientific clutter from the desk of the avid researcher, remove the dross and the flotsam that necessarily accompany human efforts, demolish long-cherished assumed areas of knowledge, and bring to the forefront "that which really matters".
- I quote straight from my 1996 article in the Journal of Medical Ethics: "Critical letter writing entails the abilities to: maintain rational scepticism; refuse to conform in order to explain data; persist in keeping common-sense centre-stage; exercise logic to evaluate the biological significance of mathematical figures, including statistics; and, the ability to sustain the will to share insights regarding disease mechanisms on an ostensibly lower research platform"--see attachment.
- For almost a decade, the journal "Neurology"--AAN, refused to accept scientific correspondence in response to published articles from scientists who were not members of the AAN and thus did not directly subscribe to the journal. This was clearly written across over the relevant pages of the issues of Neurology.
- Talent is not a monopoly of advanced countries particularly the U.S.A., a land populated by immigrants of all hues and varieties. Neither is it the sole purview of the American Academy of Neurology and it voice -- the journal NEUROLOGY.
- History must record this shameful and woeful editorial journal policy, as well as our responses to it, so that the future does not see such carbuncles of bias and outright prejudice in science.
- Writers of critical Letters-to-the-Editor are a prized commodity -- the wealth of the scientific enterprise, with the ability to read between the lines -- an ability that is gifted only occasionally by Nature -- see attachments of Letters-to-the-Editor. I have published over a hundred of such pearls over the last three decades.
- The science of Medicine is too important to be left to Editors and Reviewers or to the so-called Original Researchers flush with research funds, Institutional support, and knowledge to navigate the complex business of research. The paper claiming that aspirin had anti-platelet activity and prolonged bleeding time was initially rejected -- Desforges JF. NEJM 329, 14, 1038-1039, 1993 -- the very pillar of modern cardiovascular and cerebrovascular therapeutics.
- Nothing in Medicine cannot be improved (Popper KR. Conjectures and Refutations. London: Routledge, 1978, p.47; The Logic of Scientific Discovery; Lancet 342 (8879); 1063-1064,1993). The human quest for perfection will never cease -- the imperfect human seeking the Ultimate, the paradoxical enterprise that keeps our heads high and our spirit higher, to soar where our mind is no longer shackled, the finite existence in tango with the Infinite.
I want to understand the place of self-worth, sense of responsibility, guilt, and shame, in possibilities of a decision to engage in alternative development-enhancing actions.
Do you know studies investigating whether shame is basic to the human condition? Whether all humans experience shame? Or are there cultures where people live without this emotion?
In my research about shame, I made up some scenarios designed to induce the participants’ shame emtion in experiment. When participants read these scenarios, participants would experience the shame. But, how to get the validity of scenarios? How to assese these scenarios?
I am researching on what I titled 'Ontology of Shame'. I am trying to explore as well as understand whether all known cultures can be said to provide equally a framework that makes shame possible: that is, are some human beings capable of feeling shame whereas some others cannot? I am interested, also, in understanding through this research work, whether shame is always the last bit in a crushing experience of disappointment with oneself and/or below a society's expectations from an individual. I am imagining that there can a converse connection between a sense of shame and a re-bounce to be a better citizen.
I will gladly appreciate comments, answers, and reference to texts, authors, and/or websites.
Hi - was wondering if anyone may be examining the neural substrates of moral emotions particularly shame and guilt. I'm particularly interested in any new research using imaging studies. Many thanks.
Peer exposure groups are not uncommon in DBT phase 2-4 settings, yet, it seems, there is little research assessing such groups. What are your thoughts on prolonged exposure (or other exposure techniques) as a group process for experiential avoidance of emotions, particularly shame, guilt, and anger? What are your thoughts on structuring sessions in such groups? How important do you think psychoeducation is in preparation for participating in DBT oriented exposure groups? Is there any research underway in this area or can you direct me to any relevant literature that may provide insight on the topic?
NOTE: The attached handout/worksheet packet is a work in progress and has not been formally used in a treatment setting. Your critical feedback is appreciated.
I am doing research on face- boosting and face-threatening attributes in Iranian context. Can anyone introduce any articles on this topic?
The study is by N. Rüsch, M. Müller, V. Ajdacic-Gross, S. Rodgers, P.W. Corrigan and W. Rössler. (2013).
Thank you!
Some of the most frequently used scales include strange items with questionable face validity.