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Sexual Dysfunctions - Science topic

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Questions related to Sexual Dysfunctions
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
2 answers
We are using logistic regression analysis.
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Child birth may result in nephropathy due to pressure of the head of the baby on the pelvic floor nerves while repeated vaginal child birth may affect the integrity of the pelvic diaphragm.
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
8 answers
FSFI questionnaire does not assess female sexual function, but primarily assesses vaginal intercourse. In fact, the decline of desire, decreased interest in sex and reduced ability to achieve orgasm are associated specifically with penile-vaginal intercourse. To assess sexual function in women, the words “intercourse” and “satisfaction” must not appear in the questions. The questionnaire must assess the presence or absence of orgasm (a function of the human body, which must be assessed in the subject) with masturbation. The female orgasm is caused by female erectile organs: clitoris (glans, body, crura), vestibular bulbs, corpus spongiosum of the female urethra, and labia minora. Effective sexual stimulation allows orgasm and multiple orgasms in women. The clitoral sexual response is not affected by aging and for this reason women have the physical capability of being orgasmic at all ages. Is Female Sexual Function Index questionnaire constructed by sexual medicine experts under the influence of drug companies?
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Il questionario (FSFI) più usato dai sessuologi e ricercatori per fare diagnosi e sondaggi/statistiche sulle disfunzioni sessuali femminili non ha basi scientifiche, perché indaga principalmente il rapporto pene-vagina, quindi non misura la funzione sessuale/orgasmo femminile… per questo moltissime donne credono di essere “malate”, ma non lo sono… le disfunzioni sessuali femminili sono così diffuse nel mondo (e sono un grande business, vedi anche i farmaci per l’eiaculazione precoce), perché si basano su qualcosa che non esiste, l’orgasmo vaginale… dopo la menopausa (la vagina non serve più per la riproduzione e fisiologicamente va lentamente in atrofia)… sono i sessuologi/psicologi che gli fanno credere di essere malate, inoltre questo “calo del desiderio” forse è normale se con il rapporto vaginale le donne non provano niente o solo fastidio/dolore, e poi perché se una donna non pensa spesso al sesso dovrebbe essere “malata”?... Le disfunzioni sessuali femminili (e maschili) si “curano” e prevengono principalmente con una corretta educazione sessuale, e la definizione di rapporto sessuale completo deve essere… nel Fatto Quotidiano
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
4 answers
By comparing total scores (better the score, better the sexual function) or by determining the rate of dysfunctional women in each group using the cutt-off of 26?
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Did you try to use my questionnaire "Libido Scorring System" in the literature. You can find my full text article free of charge and this questionnaire is very user friendly.
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
3 answers
Since one of the main side effect of abusing drugs is sexual dysfunction and the false belief of addicts of the opposite studying this point in arab cultures will help in correcting this mess
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
2 answers
or subdermal implants
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This website is very usefull 
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
3 answers
Trying to see the role calcium ion channels may play in rare causes of sexual dysfunction. When people are suffering from hyperparathyroidism their symptoms are thought to be caused by calcium channel overload. Is this also the same reason for the sexual symptoms? Developing research for the role of Calcium Channels and Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction Syndrome (PSSD).
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YES it may be this will be  a fine study
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
4 answers
Hi I am doing a lit review on this topic, any suggestions welcome!
Thank you!
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Brilliant! thank you again
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
6 answers
I'm interested in SAST (or any version.. SAST-R etc.) in language other than English and Polish.
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Thanks gals and guys!
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
3 answers
I suspect that there's lots of good practice across Europe but that it is not being translated between settings and healthcare systems. Is anyone working on improving primary care diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunction? There are networks for primary care, cancer, sexual dysfunction but what about a network for primary care identification and treatment of sexual dysfunction following cancer?
Such a network could engage clinicians from primary, secondary and tertiary care, not only with an interest in cancer, academics from a range of disciplines, patients and patient groups, policy makers.
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Woet Gianotten Netherlands presented at the World Congress for Sexual Health July 2015 (Singapore) 
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
4 answers
Substitution strategies could highly alleviate patients with serotonin-related sexual dysfunction but are non serotonergic drugs so effective in these patients?
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Hello! (The question was posted some time ago, but in case this is still pertinent)
I've recently read this paper on the effects of saffron (Kashani et al, 2013) that "may safely and effectively improve some of the fluoxetine-induced sexual problems including arousal, lubrication, and pain".
Of course saffron's pharmacological mechanisms are still not completely understood, but it seems to have opioid-like actions and you might want to look into that!
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
3 answers
Want to evaluate sexual dysfunction in CKD and improvement after kidney transplant. Does anyone have a validated questionnaire for the patient on this?
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Dear Dr Vishal,
There are several questionnaires available in the litterature but they were developped in patients with others conditions. I think the IIEE questionnaire (full or abridged version) has been well assessed in different populations with CKD. (see attached file)
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
2 answers
Now, I am afert my PhD defense and I am looking for articles relating to sexual dysfunctions in patients with ED. I would like to prepare a new research project concerning these problems
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Contact Per Södersten <>
He is an expert in both areas
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
2 answers
What is the cutoff score for the individual items on Nowinski and Lopiccolo's Sexual History Form? And for the Global Sexual Functioning (Creti et al, 1998) score, what is the normal functioning score and poor functioning score? Where can I find the normative scores?
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  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
4 answers
In the last year i have had four male patients complaining of persistent sexual dysfunction (> 6 mos) marked by erectile difficulties (partial erections/diminished nocturnal tumescence), penile numbness (genital anesthesia), and diminished orgasm following SSRI and SNRI therapy. All of the side effects were present during therapy. All of the patients report not having had sexual dysfunction prior to initiation of therapy with one case being corroborated by the patient's wife. The literature has case reports and a least one review article on the subject. If this is true, it is counter to the informed consent we typically present to patients, namely that discontinuation (or additional time on therapy) leads to side effect resolution. My question is has anyone else had similar cases or assessed for such symptoms? If so how long did such side effects last and did any interventions work?
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In the last years me and my colleges have seen few patients with long duration of sexual side efeects due to the use of SSRIs.
Most reported is the reducation of sexual interest and loss of desire.
Some theories are postulated including psychogenic causes. I'm not sure that psychogenic is the only explaination. We are not  aware about the chemical or structural changes due to SSRIs use.
Recentaly publications appears about the DNA fragmentation due to SSRIs use. I assume that more should be published and patients need to be inform about these possible conseguences
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
16 answers
We submitted our manuscript to PlosONE. However, the journal has a hard time to find peer reviewers. Therefore, I decided to post the manuscript here and make it available to all of you for open review. How to review? On the manuscript page, you can click the button "Review".
Substantial contributions will be acknowledged in a revised manuscript that may be submitted for regular publication.
Thank you
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Frederik: what is the status of your ms with PLOS ONE? I would liaise with the editorial office and highlight how you have improved the manuscript by open review and perhaps even submit a traditional rebuttal  to reviewers (from ResearchGate) to the PLOS ONE academic editors  for their review via the office, I.e. Comment - response - comment - response. Perhaps the AE would then make a decision by themselves.  Make sure you document everything carefully and even direct PLOS ONE to ResearchGate to expedite the decision making process. You're breaking new ground, that's for sure! 
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
1 answer
I'm developing a program to help women assess and improve the quality of their sexuality regarding self image and with partners.
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I am sure I have something to contribute here. I have been researching and writing on more-or-less this same topic for a couple of years. Can you be more specifc about exactly what you are looking for - e.g. measurement tools, methodology, research articles ... shop talk?
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
18 answers
I am looking for a simple screening tool for sexual dysfunction in general practice, to be administered as part of a comprehensive health assessment for older veterans. Thanks for your help.
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HI Stacey, I am doing research involvig older men with prostate cancer and we are also considering the IIEF, but was unaware of the IIEF-5, which we will consider. The other option for this group which may apply (but perhaps not to your group) is the EORTC30 P25 prostate module which gives sexual interest and sexual function domain scores.
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
7 answers
Many psychotic patients have predominantly masturbation sexual activity without sexual relationships with a partner. Sexual dysfunction could lead to drop-outs. Would you prefer non hyperprolactinaemic drugs (aripiprazole, quetiapine, ect.) instead of hyperprolactinaemic ones (risperidone, paliperidone and amisulpride) in these patients?
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This is an excellent and inspiring question. It opens your mind to a set of unwanted effects that we clinicians frecuently don't take into account, particularly in dealing with long-term antipsychotic treatment.
  • asked a question related to Sexual Dysfunctions
42 answers
If you were in charge of doing research in females with sexual dysfunction, what question/s would you ask and what information would you want from them?
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Fist thing should know the physiological status like hormonal level, menstruation problem, previous sexual activities, frequency, sex posture, abortion history , body weight, BP, Food routine, Sleeping time table...etc....then have to inquiry about Psychological mood, choosing partner, satisfaction orintation...etc....