Science topics: Clinical PsychologySex
Science topic
Sex - Science topic
The totality of characteristics of reproductive structure, functions, phenotype, and genotype, differentiating the male from the female organism.
Questions related to Sex
We do not believe that the happiness of individual men, and the good of the total social organization, is ever furthered by the perpetuation of ignorance. (Alfred Kinsey)
… there was no correlation with frequency of orgasm: women who did not orgasm with their partner were just as likely to say they enjoyed sex as women who did. (Shere Hite)
I would not have answered honestly without anonymity… (Shere Hite)
… it is the emotional warmth shared at this time, and the feeling of being wanted and needed (not the plain physical act) which are the chief pleasures of sex and intercourse (for women). (Shere Hite)
Dear colleagues! With a great delight would love to ask your support in how to correct rats intake with body weights, if I have 2 experimental conditions (control and experimental), and the experiment is done on both males and females? Should I correct the experimental animal's intake with the controls, and then with the other sex? or else, please enlighten me. Thank you!
This is my first sexual relationship. I am eighteen – almost nineteen. I must say that I had expected much more. … When I am having sex, I don’t really feel anything. Sometimes I feel him in me but not usually. This I don’t understand. I really thought that I would be able to feel his penis in me but I usually don’t. (Shere Hite)
Dear all,
I am looking for a partner lab or company in Europe specialized in molecular sexing based on feather samples. If you have any recommendations or contacts, I would greatly appreciate your guidance.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Best regards,
Hi there,
I am looking for a free copy of Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire. Please, could you help? If no free copy, would you guide me where I can buy?
Thank you so much,
Certainly no aspect of human biology in our current civilization stands in more need of scientific knowledge and courageous humility than that of sex. (Alan Gregg)
Hi, I have six treatments (0,20,40,60, 120, and 180). I used Male and female sex to test and compare each sex on different treatments using the HSD test. Now I want to compare both sexes on each treatment separately i.e. Male and female at 0. Here I want to know should I use an independent t-test or a pair t-test.
And yet, too many folks choke on the fact of innate gender differences in libido. Feminists equate a lower sex drive with inferiority. Feminism equates a vigorous libido with a healthy, even dominant ego. (Joan Sewell)
The fact is -- and it’s a big one – across every culture and every eon it’s been shown in myriad ways that women are far less sexually driven than men. (Joan Sewell)
… many of the females in the sample who had overheard discussions of reproductive and sexual functions when they were children, or even when they were adults, had not tried to understand what was being discussed, primarily, as they asserted, because they were 'not interested' in sex. (Alfred Kinsey)
I’m an intelligent and educated person. My sexual experiences have almost nothing to do with how female sexuality is portrayed in our society. So maybe I’m unique but when there is no one can explain any of the anomalies and contradictions I am highlighting, I am suspicious. There is clear evidence that women are less responsive and less interested in any aspect of sexuality than men are. Our society needs to adjust the information it is disseminating to reflect the experiences of real women.
… it is the male who has most to do with determining the rate of coitus in marriage. (Alfred Kinsey)
The idea that women should orgasm from intercourse is due to men wanting to know that women will accept intercourse as a key means of achieving male sexual release. But equally it is very clear that women do not orgasm by other means with a lover (through clitoral stimulation) because if they did, why would they ever cooperate with men’s need for intercourse? Intercourse is relatively effortless for a woman and is an act that can be viewed as lovemaking.
David Game College in London is preparing to launch the UK’s first “teacherless” classroom in September. Roboteachers will create personalized lesson plans for each student based on their strengths and weaknesses, constantly assessing students and adjusting their learning methods accordingly. However, human teachers will still be responsible for teaching subjects like art and sex education.
“Affirmation of Harm Avoidance, Reciprocity, Gender, Sex, and Transgenderism: Conventional wisdom is that positive affirmations are highly important as one's thinking often affects that same person's actions. The more left one goes on the political spectrum the more that individual emphasizes harm avoidance and reciprocity over purity, authority, and in-group loyalty as far as moral roots. Gender is definitely a social construct. A man can become a transgender woman simply by identifying as much. Likewise, a gender can change based only on self identity. Transgenderism (the state of being transgender) is when gender does NOT match stereotypical sex. Since gender is completely a social construct, surgeries to reassign sex are costly and completely unnecessary”( ).
de nos jours, les gens interagissent sur les réseaux sociaux (veille numérique), utilisant la langue selon l'âge, l'origine géographique, sexe, etc. (facteurs sociolinguistiques). ne pas aussi perdre de vue que ce gens peuvent être aussi issus des milieux multilingues et multiculturels dans lesquels les langues sont en concurrence.
si c'est possible, j'envisage écrire ou corediger un article qui répondra à cette question quant à la méthodologie des récolte et analyse des données.
Many motivators drive behavior from temperature and sleep regulation to water and food sustenance to the avoidance of predators (Mogenson 1977), but there are few drives as powerful as sex, which evolutionist would say is central to maintaining the future of a species (Darwin 1809-1882; Dawkins 1976). That sex is a major driver even for humans is substantiated by the following cases: Jeffrey Epstein, Larry Nasser, Ghislaine Maxwell, Harvey Weinstein, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, and I am sure you have your own list of notoriety. If you have ever read the Old Testament, the rape of a defeated army and people is used as a form of retribution, followed by the killing of all males (Trump 2024).
In 2003, Nielson et al. conducted a study on the quality of dreams experienced by 1,181 university students from the universities of McGill, Trent, and Alberta in Canada (Neilson et al. 2003). The average age of the students was twenty. The most common theme was being chased or pursued with no injury (82%) and the next most common theme was sexual experience (77%). The former (i.e., being chased) was evident amongst women (83% for females vs. 78% for males) and the latter (i.e., sexual experience) was common amongst men (85% for males vs. 73% for females). Other themes reported in 50% of the subjectsincluded falling, studying, arriving late, remembering a dead person, trying-and-trying-again, soaring through the air, failing an exam, and physical attack. Perhaps not surprising, the themes cover many of the four-F’s of evolutionary biology: fleeing, fornicating, and fighting, but (less so) of feeding (Dawkins 1976). Memories are consolidated during both slow-wave sleep and rapid eye movement sleep or dream sleep (Boyce et al. 2016; Girardeau et al. 2009; Louie and Wilson 2001; Wilson and McNaughton 1994). That the sleep state is dominated by fleeing, fornicating, and fighting (but less so by feeding, see Footnote 1) should not be surprising, given that humans like all animals must ultimately deal with the drive to survive: humans are expected to attain a population of 10 billion by the end of this century, well out competing most other animals whose numbers are in decline [UN Report, 2019, Nature’s Dangerous Decline, May 6]. Thus, as proposed by Sigmund Freud (1899) the purpose of dreaming (a putative pathway to the id) is to remind the organism of its basic motor drives [also see Jouvet 1962, Peever et al. 2014, Porte and Hobson 1996].
Footnote 1: The absence of dreams of food by the students is perhaps because Western students are typically well-fed. My oldest adopted boy who experienced extreme hunger while growing up still has dreams of food and its absence.
Anyone who is economically and legally dependent on another person, as women traditionally have been, and in the majority of cases still are, is put in a very vulnerable and precarious position when that person expects or demands sex or affection. (Shere Hite)
Women often complain that their husbands never touch them unless they want sex. (Michele Weiner-Davis)
Women look for a loving and supportive relationship rather than for sex itself. Effectively, they offer intercourse in exchange for platonic love or other rewards.
Women associate affection with love. … Men associate affection much more directly with sex. … Men see affection of any kind as a sexual invitation. Many women find this bewildering. (Kramer & Dunaway)
Can someone suggest a robust and reliable PCR protocol for sex determination from mouse genomic DNA?
Women associate affection with love. … Men associate affection much more directly with sex. … Men see affection of any kind as a sexual invitation. Many women find this bewildering. (Kramer & Dunaway)
Women also often find it easier to fantasise when self-pleasuring than in sex with a partner. The immediacy of someone else’s needs actually inhibits the expression and satisfaction of their own. Some also say they have to imagine that the person making love to them is not the person they know so well. (Sheila Kitzinger)
To be fair women are also guilty because she does not feel confident or comfortable to say to her partner, 'Hey, sex needs to be about what I want. And tonight it’s going to be an all-about-me-night; which means a full body massage and no intercourse. Next time we’ll focus on your fun.' (Trina Read)
To us men, sex is sex. We want it, let’s do it, we’re done. For many women it isn’t always that simple. You need to be in tune with her emotionally if you want to make her more receptive sexually. (Stephan Labossiere)
The way sex is portrayed in the media and in films often provides us with a base of comparison that is not always realistic for the individual. (Andrea Burri)
Sex is only one way in which people give and receive love, so although it is very important, it is not the only way to develop or express intimacy. (Jonathan Lenbuck)
Most couples who rate their sex lives highly say they are proactive in sex. They think about when, where and how they’ll have it and think up new things to try. (Tracey Cox)
Kinsey talked to thousands of men and women. He found that intercourse frequencies were directly correlated with men’s own sex drive. Regardless of whether a woman thinks she has orgasms or not, she is no more enthusiastic about sex than any other women. Basically, women respond to what men are ready to insist on. So all this political manoeuvring and promotion of female orgasm by men and women makes no difference whatsoever to how much sex men get. It just causes taboo and silences everyone.
Men, remember, feel good as a result of having sex. Women want to feel good before having sex. (Kramer & Dunaway)
The problem I’ve heard most about over the years … is the problem of mismatched desire … which is the issue of sex-starved men and reluctant women … (Bettina Arndt)
Sex is the price women pay for marriage. Marriage is the price men pay for sex. (Allan & Barbara Pease)
I'm currently working on a project involving group-based trajectory modelling and am seeking advice on handling multi-level factors within this context. Specifically, I'm interested in understanding the following:
- Multi-Level Factors in Trajectory Modelling: How can multi-level factors (e.g., individual-level and group-level variables) be effectively addressed in group-based trajectory modelling? Are there specific methods or best practices recommended for incorporating these factors?
- Flexmix Package: I’ve come across the Flexmix package in R, which supports flexible mixture modelling. How can this package be utilised to handle multi-level factors in trajectory modelling? Are there specific advantages or limitations of using Flexmix compared to other methods?
- Comparison with Other Approaches: In what scenarios would you recommend using Flexmix over other trajectory modelling approaches like LCMM, TRAJ, or GBTM? How do these methods compare in terms of handling multi-level data and providing accurate trajectory classifications?
- Adjusting for Covariates: When identifying initial trajectories (e.g., highly adherent, moderately adherent, low adherent), is it necessary to adjust for covariates such as age, sex, and socioeconomic status (SES)? Or is focusing on adherence levels at each time point sufficient for accurate trajectory identification? What are the best practices for incorporating these covariates into the modelling process?
Any insights, experiences, or references to relevant literature would be greatly appreciated!
Men want more sex than they usually get. … It’s no wonder, then, that couples argue most often about sexual frequency… (Kramer & Dunaway)
Tell her she’s important to you. For a woman to feel the desire for sex, she needs to feel loved, adored and significant. (Allan & Barbara Pease)
However we feel about fantasies, it is clear that sex is not, for most of us, just a rubbing together of bodies, but involves our minds … We take our minds with us into each sexual encounter.(Sheila Kitzinger)
"And, of course, there is syphilis. Nietzsche's letters from 1867 until his breakdown provide a vivid account of the suffering of secondary syphilis. He complains of the pain, skin sores, weakness, and loss of vision that typify the repertoire of the disease. In his last year, his letters give evidence of euphoria"(Margulis 2024).
Many females consider that male genitalia are ugly and repulsive in appearance, and the observation of the male genitalia may actually inhibit their erotic responses. … there seems no doubt that these reactions largely depend upon the fact that most females are not psychologically stimulated, as males are, by objects which are associated with sex. (Alfred Kinsey)
Most guys feel like they are always the initiator and that sets up disequilibrium on the passion scale in the relationship. (Les Parrot)
There are some who advocate the perpetuation of our ignorance because they fear that science will undermine the mystical concepts that they have substituted for reality. (Alfred Kinsey)
Is knowledge of reproductive biology, contraception & sexual disease truly sufficient for a heathy life-long sex life?
The average male … has a greater need than most females have for a regular and frequent sexual outlet. (Alfred Kinsey)
I was told to use metamean function in R which I'm not familiar with to work out the mean values of PCB concentration in cetaceans . I would like to compare across species and sex .
However some papers report the total PCB concentration in an individual mammal and some report a mean concentration value for a sample size eg 7 mammals . Can I use both these data to work out an overall mean or is it not possible
… it’s time to talk about what most men could initiate more of, and that is non-sexual intimacy. … It involves any kind of intimacy that isn’t centered around sex. It can include making time to talk, cuddling, engaging in fun activities together, and so on. (Stephan Labossiere)
I want to see if there is a difference in age structure between male and female fish so I have ages from 0.5 to 8.5 and the number of each sex at that age but I dont know which variables I use in the chi squared
The so-called sex instruction which is given by parents and schools usually consists of a certain amount of information concerning the anatomy and mechanics of reproduction. (Alfred Kinsey)
Men often feel very angry with women who never initiate sex and too often don’t want sex. But this anger has a tone of alienation, guilt, and insecurity: men feel instinctively on some level that sex does not involve an equal sharing, especially when they are having an orgasm and the woman does not – and this puts them on the defensive. (Shere Hite)
Men will do anything for sex, and will behave quite out of character to achieve it, such as spending several hours being romantic, and paying attention to what a woman says. (Anthony Mason)
Biologically and hormonally, men are MUCH MORE driven to be sexual than women are. (John Gray)
I am new in running multilevel modeling and running a "Simple Multilevel Models. Level 2 Predictors" using Mplus but the result shows....
"*** ERROR
One or more between-level variables have variation within a cluster for
one or more clusters. Check your data and format statement.
Between Cluster ID with variation in this variable
Variable (only one cluster ID will be listed)
BLM 26
EDB 26
and my syntax was
TITLE: Simple Multilevel Models. Level 2 Predictors
DATA: FILE IS hpe level1.v4.dat;
VARIABLE: NAMES ARE group ctype sex age
pp abs hpe blm edb ;
USEVARIABLES ARE group abs blm edb;
BETWEEN ARE blm edb;
CLUSTER = group;
abs ON blm;
abs ON edb
Can anyone help me please how to check the between level cluster variation using spss? and what is the value range to understand the discrepancies...
***I have checked and read repeatedly the Mplus discussion but couldn't understand them..
Sex is important because when there is a feeling of understanding and appreciation between two people – sex can make life together something special. It shows ‘you mean more to me than others do’. (Shere Hite)
Sex drive is experienced by a male who anticipates penetrative sex. It is a significant urge that can be difficult for a man to resist. No one has an urge to be penetrated by a penis or any other object. The urge to penetrate arises in the brain of the penetrating male. Women enjoy platonic love, affection and a lover who demonstrates caring behaviours. The balance between these two objectives is encapsulated in the idea of consent. A woman enjoys sex when her emotional needs are met.
I am researching the relationship between social media and the sexual behaviour of secondary school students. One of my null hypotheses is that "There is no moderating impact of sex in the relationship between social media and sexual behaviour"
What method of analysis can I use? and how do I go about it
Without the protection of reliable contraception, few women would volunteer for unprotected intercourse. The idea that women have a sex drive to be impregnated is ludicrous. Women offer sex to a man who supports their family goals and who, hopefully, provides loving companionship. The receiver of intercourse can never have an orgasm because the stimulation of intercourse only lasts as long as a man has an erection. Specifically, the stimulation of intercourse does not continue until the receiver's orgasm.
One of the aspects of the impact of strength sports on the strength of family relationships
I am looking for internationally comparable data, if possible from a single source, giving the number of employees by ISIC sector. If possible in full-time equivalent, 1995-2020.
To my surprise, I looked into ILO and World Bank database, found a lot of data by sex, skill level, unemployment or even informality, but nothing related to the industries these jobs were located (except agriculture and services).
I must have missed someting: it looks quite a basic and important information deserving to be highlighted.
So far, my second best is to use OCDE STAN for developed countries and Groningen University data for developing countries. But the data may not be comparable.
My Google search did not return any better options.
Is there a comprehensive database you may suggest?
Thanks. Hubert
PS. By the way, I may not have looked properly at ILO data, or the data are not made available. Anyone has an idea why it is hidden (or help me finding it)?
During eighteen years of marriage, we did everything but stand on our heads, but there were few orgasms for me … Masturbation has always worked. (Shere Hite)
It is not female sexuality that has a problem (‘dysfunction’) but society that has a problem in its definition of sex and the subordinate role that definition gives women. (Shere Hite)
I have concluded it is because there is no alternative - comprehensive and authoratative sex education is non-existent!
Throughout my adult life, I have been surrounded by a portrayal of female sexuality that has nothing in common with my own experience. Moreover, I have not found anyone who can explain this belief that erotic fiction that is supposed to reflect the reality of sex for every couple. No one can explain the silence from women or the world-wide censorship of eroticism. No one else seems to care about these contradictions and anomalies. I am attempting to correct this universal sexual ignorance.
Good morning. I am working on integration in a species of insects. I am checking if there is integration between the wings and the body, and while conducting analyses in Morpho J, I found integration between these two structures. Then, I separated the data by sexes and performed integration again for both structures. As a result, I found that there is integration, and it is significant for both sexes. However, the RV of one sex is greater than that of the other sex. Is there any statistical test to determine if these differences in RV between the sexes are significant? Thank you very much.
Sex is initiated by a man because the motivation for sexual contact comes from male responses.
Please understand and note that I am not involved or interested in any preference of anybody at all .
The question is just only about very critical decision in relation with very expansive & risky surgery/surgeries & also hormonal with other chemical procedures which may even be fatal on short or long run !?
I would not have answered honestly without anonymity… (Shere Hite)
Is knowledge of reproductive biology, contraception & sexual disease truly sufficient for a heathy life-long sex life?
Synthetic sex dolls are presently sold on global scale to replace human commercial sex workers in brothels, where the dolls can be used by multiple users. Can the use of these products increase the prevalence of STDs? Because, the dolls could be used by multiple users, serving as fomite for indirect transmission of STDs from an infected inanimate object to a susceptible person. Are the synthetic sex dolls safe at all?

Women who claim to orgasm but then insist that men must always ask permission if they want sex.
Men are certainly not offended by sex. It seems to me, that one way or another, the silent female population has its say.
The overwhelming majority of women answered that sex meant a great deal to them, and the reason almost always given was because it was a wonderful form of intimacy and closeness with another human being. (Shere Hite)
What are the biological differences between Sex and Gender?
How can we classify animals according to Sex and Gender?
How can teachers in schools in some countries explain Gender and sex for children? is that brainwashing or not? Can we teach children anything out of their awareness?
I am happy to share your ideas.
Dear colleagues,
for a project regarding AI-based phenotyping of 24-hour BP profiles, I am looking for an available ABPM dataset, which offers individual BP data as well as biometric patient data, such as age, sex or size.
I would be very glad for any recommendations!