Science topics: Clinical PsychologySex
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Sex - Science topic

The totality of characteristics of reproductive structure, functions, phenotype, and genotype, differentiating the male from the female organism.
Questions related to Sex
  • asked a question related to Sex
4 answers
We do not believe that the happiness of individual men, and the good of the total social organization, is ever furthered by the perpetuation of ignorance. (Alfred Kinsey)
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Thanks for commenting Bosede! I have found that sex education based on the research findings (rather than what we see in pornography) is hugely unpopular in every country regardless of any religious influences. In fact I get a much more positive response from men in Muslim countries, for example, because they are not exposed to the misleading portrayal of female sexual response in porn. They are grateful to have even the reproductive facts and do not have the preconceptions that men have in other more liberal countries. I post quotes from Kinsey, Hite & other sex experts every day on and twitter (the only places I can talk freely about sexuality) to contrast with porn. But men see female orgasm as a result of their own efforts during lovemaking & women are content to allow men their fantasies due to the rewards they obtain from men in return for offering regular intercourse. So no one is willing to accept that women are much less sexually responsive than men. Yet Kinsey, Hite & Basson all agree on this point. Only the findings of M&J have been accepted as they ASSUMED that the women they observed had orgasms from intercourse. This approach of cherry-picking research that supports popular beliefs is not scientific but is followed by sexologists.
  • asked a question related to Sex
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… there was no correlation with frequency of orgasm: women who did not orgasm with their partner were just as likely to say they enjoyed sex as women who did. (Shere Hite)
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Stanley, I am promoting my work which addresses the nonsense that is promoted elsewhere about female sexuality. Women please men in return for the rewards men offer women who offer regular intercourse - love, marriage, affection, companionship & money. Orgasm has nothing to do with it.
"major components of women’s sexual satisfaction: trust, intimacy, the ability to be vulnerable, respect, communication, affection, and pleasure from sensual touching" (Basson, 2000)
“women’s motivation (or willingness) to have a sexual experience stems from a number of ‘rewards’ or ‘gains’ that are not strictly sexual, these rewards being additional to, and often of far more relevance than, the women’s biological neediness or urge.” (Basson, 2000)
“Orgasmic release is extremely variable and is not essential for sexual satisfaction for women.” (Rosemary Basson)
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I would not have answered honestly without anonymity… (Shere Hite)
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Women obtain substantial rewards from men for offering regular intercourse - love, affection, support and money. This is at the root of the sexual politics between men and women. Men want sex and women want other relationship rewards. Men don't want to feel that they owe women anything when it comes to sex even though they always pay directly or indirectly for sex. So no one wants transparency or honesty when it comes to sex. Men have to believe that women want it as much as men do. No woman will admit that sex means little to her. Sex is purely an indication that a man might love her.
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4 answers
… it is the emotional warmth shared at this time, and the feeling of being wanted and needed (not the plain physical act) which are the chief pleasures of sex and intercourse (for women). (Shere Hite)
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Thanks Antonio for commenting. Any person who is the receiver of a thrusting penis does not need to pay for sex. There are more than enough men looking for the pleasure of thrusting into another person's body orifice - vagina, mouth or anus. The receiver is compensated for offering the penetrating male this erotic pleasure either by money, love or simply the emotional reward of feeling admired and needed. No one needs to be penetrated by a penis or any other object.
  • asked a question related to Sex
1 answer
Dear colleagues! With a great delight would love to ask your support in how to correct rats intake with body weights, if I have 2 experimental conditions (control and experimental), and the experiment is done on both males and females? Should I correct the experimental animal's intake with the controls, and then with the other sex? or else, please enlighten me. Thank you!
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To correct rats' intake for body weight while considering sex and experimental conditions, follow these steps:
1. Group by factors:
Organize the data into groups based on sex (male, female) and experimental condition (control, experimental).
2. Statistical modeling:
Use a statistical method that accounts for both factors:
- Perform a two-way ANOVA with sex and experimental condition as independent variables and normalized intake as the dependent variable.
- Include interactions between sex and condition if necessary.
3. Comparison approach:
- Compare normalized intake within each sex (male-control vs. male-experimental, female-control vs. female-experimental).
- If comparing between sexes, ensure the normalization is appropriate to avoid sex-related confounding due to body weight differences.
4. Alternative adjustment:
If normalization alone isn't sufficient (e.g., when intake-body weight relationships are nonlinear), consider using covariance analysis (ANCOVA), treating body weight as a covariate to adjust intake.
This approach ensures intake correction accounts for body weight differences while allowing valid comparisons across sexes and experimental conditions.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
This is my first sexual relationship. I am eighteen – almost nineteen. I must say that I had expected much more. … When I am having sex, I don’t really feel anything. Sometimes I feel him in me but not usually. This I don’t understand. I really thought that I would be able to feel his penis in me but I usually don’t. (Shere Hite)
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I have decades of sexual experience, thank you. I wonder where your confidence comes from. Are you a woman or are you a man telling a woman how she is supposed to respond? The research of Kinsey, Hite and Basson clearly shows that women have sex to perpetuate an emotional bond. They please men through sex to get other rewards such as financial and moral support for family. Female orgasm is associated with clitoral stimulation and women's solitary masturbatory activities. Before Kinsey couples were unaware that women were even capable of orgasm by any means.
  • asked a question related to Sex
3 answers
Dear all,
I am looking for a partner lab or company in Europe specialized in molecular sexing based on feather samples. If you have any recommendations or contacts, I would greatly appreciate your guidance.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Best regards,
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Yes, there are several partner labs and companies in Europe that specialize in molecular sexing from feathers. One notable company is TARGAN, which has launched an automated feather sex identification system in Europe that uses AI-powered advanced imaging technology. Additionally, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is a prominent institution with multiple locations across Europe that conducts extensive research in molecular biology, including molecular sexing of birds. Another relevant source is Surescreen Scientifics, which offers DNA-based bird sexing services using feather samples.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
Hi there,
I am looking for a free copy of Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire. Please, could you help? If no free copy, would you guide me where I can buy?
Thank you so much,
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Thank you Michael
  • asked a question related to Sex
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Certainly no aspect of human biology in our current civilization stands in more need of scientific knowledge and courageous humility than that of sex. (Alan Gregg)
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Thanks Runte for commenting, although this question has nothing to do with the transgender issue. Some people object strongly to the social stereotypes and customs associated with being male or female. But no one can change their sex. We are born male or female according to our reproductive anatomy. Intersex babies are rare and the only exception. Men and women are fundamentally different both sexually and emotionally. Dressing as the opposite sex and even having surgery cannot change this.
It is men, much more than women, who are aroused by identifying with the opposite sex. Most transvestites are heterosexual. Society, especially women, approach men with caution because of the male tendency for violence and aggression. Some men try to avoid this treatment by presenting themselves as women.
"It is well known that most sexual and violent crime is overwhelmingly committed by men and that’s why women and girls sometimes need their own safe space away from men. Not because all men pose a danger but because saying no to all men is a simple and effective way to keep women and girls safe." Nicola Williams
  • asked a question related to Sex
10 answers
Hi, I have six treatments (0,20,40,60, 120, and 180). I used Male and female sex to test and compare each sex on different treatments using the HSD test. Now I want to compare both sexes on each treatment separately i.e. Male and female at 0. Here I want to know should I use an independent t-test or a pair t-test.
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Do you have a pre-test for each group? If not, provided your data is normally distributed, you can go on with an independent-sample t-test. Still, if the assumption of normality is violated you may consider the use of Mann-Whitney. However, if you have a pre-test score for the two groups, you can consider using ANCOVA. You can use the pre-test scores as covariates in the analysis.
  • asked a question related to Sex
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And yet, too many folks choke on the fact of innate gender differences in libido. Feminists equate a lower sex drive with inferiority. Feminism equates a vigorous libido with a healthy, even dominant ego. (Joan Sewell)
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Thanks Jirachai for your support! Please look at the information I provide via and my other websites. I have also published many articles on ResearchGate. Please let me know your specific questions here or via messaging! Jane
  • asked a question related to Sex
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The fact is -- and it’s a big one – across every culture and every eon it’s been shown in myriad ways that women are far less sexually driven than men. (Joan Sewell)
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Not sure what you mean, Luca, but I hope you are supporting the fact that men are much more interested in discussing sexual topics than women as can be seen on this website. Men are much more likely to engage than women if the topic is sexuality. But that does not mean that men understand female sexuality. Lack of understanding is due to male confidence and female timidity on a topic that holds little interest for women.
  • asked a question related to Sex
1 answer
… many of the females in the sample who had overheard discussions of reproductive and sexual functions when they were children, or even when they were adults, had not tried to understand what was being discussed, primarily, as they asserted, because they were 'not interested' in sex. (Alfred Kinsey)
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It’s an oversimplification to say that “most women” have little interest in sexuality. Interest in sexuality is deeply individual and influenced by a range of factors, from personal experiences and education to cultural and familial norms. Historically, many societies discouraged women from exploring or openly discussing sexual topics, often associating sexual interest with shame or inappropriate behavior. These messages can lead to internalized disinterest or avoidance of sexual topics, not necessarily a lack of innate curiosity.
In studies like Kinsey's, responses often reflect the context of the era and the social pressures at the time, which discouraged women from expressing sexual curiosity. However, contemporary research shows that women’s interest in sexuality is diverse and can be just as strong as men’s when social constraints and stigmas are reduced.
Furthermore, having access to comprehensive sexual education and supportive environments enables women to explore and express their interests in all aspects of sexuality more freely. This is evident in how we, as women, are engaging in discussions in this forum, highlighting our desire for knowledge and openness about women's sexual experiences.
4o mini
  • asked a question related to Sex
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I’m an intelligent and educated person. My sexual experiences have almost nothing to do with how female sexuality is portrayed in our society. So maybe I’m unique but when there is no one can explain any of the anomalies and contradictions I am highlighting, I am suspicious. There is clear evidence that women are less responsive and less interested in any aspect of sexuality than men are. Our society needs to adjust the information it is disseminating to reflect the experiences of real women.
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It’s great to bring realism into discussions about sexuality, but let’s be careful with generalizations that don’t apply universally. Women’s experiences with sexuality are diverse, and research has shown that women’s responsiveness and interest vary widely and are influenced by many factors, including societal expectations. Assuming women are “less interested” or “less responsive” ignores that our culture, based on the patriarchal male gaze, has long constrained female sexual expression. Adjusting information is important, but it should reflect the full spectrum of experiences rather than reinforce stereotypes or downplay the complexity of women’s sexuality.
  • asked a question related to Sex
4 answers
… it is the male who has most to do with determining the rate of coitus in marriage. (Alfred Kinsey)
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Thanks Antonio for commenting - so much negativity when it comes to sexual discussions! I believe that censorship of sexual content is due to women's dislike of eroticism. They prefer not to hear about men's sexual urges. This is because women do not have the same experiences and prefer their own more emotional responses. So even men talk of love when they tend to mean sex. I have found that men are much more positive about sex and also more willing to enter into constructive discussion.
  • asked a question related to Sex
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The idea that women should orgasm from intercourse is due to men wanting to know that women will accept intercourse as a key means of achieving male sexual release. But equally it is very clear that women do not orgasm by other means with a lover (through clitoral stimulation) because if they did, why would they ever cooperate with men’s need for intercourse? Intercourse is relatively effortless for a woman and is an act that can be viewed as lovemaking.
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Thanks Stanley for your support!
  • asked a question related to Sex
6 answers
David Game College in London is preparing to launch the UK’s first “teacherless” classroom in September. Roboteachers will create personalized lesson plans for each student based on their strengths and weaknesses, constantly assessing students and adjusting their learning methods accordingly. However, human teachers will still be responsible for teaching subjects like art and sex education.
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Yes, so far, the trainings have been a hybrid teaching experienced in line with the development of the information age, but it is mentioned that the next teaching will be done completely by robot teachers, we do not know what the experienced and fictionalized way of life will be and how it will be fictionalized. Probably working in this way will serve their purposes. But what worries us is how much will human reflexes, behaviors and values be affected and will society be freer or better?
  • asked a question related to Sex
1 answer
“Affirmation of Harm Avoidance, Reciprocity, Gender, Sex, and Transgenderism: Conventional wisdom is that positive affirmations are highly important as one's thinking often affects that same person's actions. The more left one goes on the political spectrum the more that individual emphasizes harm avoidance and reciprocity over purity, authority, and in-group loyalty as far as moral roots. Gender is definitely a social construct. A man can become a transgender woman simply by identifying as much. Likewise, a gender can change based only on self identity. Transgenderism (the state of being transgender) is when gender does NOT match stereotypical sex. Since gender is completely a social construct, surgeries to reassign sex are costly and completely unnecessary”( ).
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Trans rights, as rights of all people, require support and protection in all spheres of life.
Thus how any individual person is able to support and protect trans rights will depend somewhat on their sphere of influence and expertise, as well as generally within day to day life.
Access to gender affirming healthcare, and general healthcare which is not discriminatory are fundamental to health and happiness. Ensuring that this is enshrined within legislation by voting accordingly is an important element to this - as well as, where necessary, pushing for legislative change.
A great deal comes down to treating people as they wish to be treated, even if they are not in the room - using correct names and pronouns, and gently correcting others if needed.
  • asked a question related to Sex
3 answers
de nos jours, les gens interagissent sur les réseaux sociaux (veille numérique), utilisant la langue selon l'âge, l'origine géographique, sexe, etc. (facteurs sociolinguistiques). ne pas aussi perdre de vue que ce gens peuvent être aussi issus des milieux multilingues et multiculturels dans lesquels les langues sont en concurrence.
si c'est possible, j'envisage écrire ou corediger un article qui répondra à cette question quant à la méthodologie des récolte et analyse des données.
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Bien sûr, nous avons effectué des recherches similaires sur les sociolectes. Nous avons étudié la présence d'expressions associées à l'argot militaire dans les mémoires d'un vétéran de l'armée. Nous en avons fait plus, mais cette étude est en français. Elle vient juste d'être publiée. N'hésitez pas à me contacter et je vous l'enverrai lorsque j'aurai la version finale.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
Many motivators drive behavior from temperature and sleep regulation to water and food sustenance to the avoidance of predators (Mogenson 1977), but there are few drives as powerful as sex, which evolutionist would say is central to maintaining the future of a species (Darwin 1809-1882; Dawkins 1976). That sex is a major driver even for humans is substantiated by the following cases: Jeffrey Epstein, Larry Nasser, Ghislaine Maxwell, Harvey Weinstein, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, and I am sure you have your own list of notoriety. If you have ever read the Old Testament, the rape of a defeated army and people is used as a form of retribution, followed by the killing of all males (Trump 2024).
In 2003, Nielson et al. conducted a study on the quality of dreams experienced by 1,181 university students from the universities of McGill, Trent, and Alberta in Canada (Neilson et al. 2003). The average age of the students was twenty. The most common theme was being chased or pursued with no injury (82%) and the next most common theme was sexual experience (77%). The former (i.e., being chased) was evident amongst women (83% for females vs. 78% for males) and the latter (i.e., sexual experience) was common amongst men (85% for males vs. 73% for females). Other themes reported in 50% of the subjectsincluded falling, studying, arriving late, remembering a dead person, trying-and-trying-again, soaring through the air, failing an exam, and physical attack. Perhaps not surprising, the themes cover many of the four-F’s of evolutionary biology: fleeing, fornicating, and fighting, but (less so) of feeding (Dawkins 1976). Memories are consolidated during both slow-wave sleep and rapid eye movement sleep or dream sleep (Boyce et al. 2016; Girardeau et al. 2009; Louie and Wilson 2001; Wilson and McNaughton 1994). That the sleep state is dominated by fleeing, fornicating, and fighting (but less so by feeding, see Footnote 1) should not be surprising, given that humans like all animals must ultimately deal with the drive to survive: humans are expected to attain a population of 10 billion by the end of this century, well out competing most other animals whose numbers are in decline [UN Report, 2019, Nature’s Dangerous Decline, May 6]. Thus, as proposed by Sigmund Freud (1899) the purpose of dreaming (a putative pathway to the id) is to remind the organism of its basic motor drives [also see Jouvet 1962, Peever et al. 2014, Porte and Hobson 1996].
Footnote 1: The absence of dreams of food by the students is perhaps because Western students are typically well-fed. My oldest adopted boy who experienced extreme hunger while growing up still has dreams of food and its absence.
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Thank you very much for your piece. I will share it with colleagues.
Ed Tehovnik.
  • asked a question related to Sex
12 answers
Anyone who is economically and legally dependent on another person, as women traditionally have been, and in the majority of cases still are, is put in a very vulnerable and precarious position when that person expects or demands sex or affection. (Shere Hite)
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I am a married woman - decades of experience. Having intercourse for the first time was the greatest disappointment of my life. The hype is unbelievable. Women faking orgasm is the greatest hoax ever. My lifelong quest is to highlight the deceit and manipulation over sex that helps no one. Long-term relationships, including an active sex life, depend on the sexes understanding the fundamentally different needs of the opposite sex. Men have sexual needs. Women have emotional needs.
  • asked a question related to Sex
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Women often complain that their husbands never touch them unless they want sex. (Michele Weiner-Davis)
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Men have a sex drive (of varying intensities according to the individual) to obtain intercourse due to their regular arousal. Women do not have a sex drive. It makes no sense to say that a person has a drive to be penetrated by a penis or any other object. Most women need to feel an emotional connection before sexual contact is welcomed or even acceptable. Many men are happy to have sex with a complete stranger who is attractive to them as evidenced by prostitution that caters to men's sexual needs. Women don't have sexual needs but they do have emotional needs that men rarely understand or accept. They don't understand that when the affection dies, sex dies because a woman is no longer motivated to please a man.
  • asked a question related to Sex
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Women look for a loving and supportive relationship rather than for sex itself. Effectively, they offer intercourse in exchange for platonic love or other rewards.
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Women offer intercourse to a man over the longer term to encourage emotional bonding - keep a man tied into a relationship with them. Women accept that men's interest is sexual and that if a man does not get the sex he needs or wants then he is likely to go elsewhere. In the short-term women hope for lifestyle rewards or just a free dinner. Some women are much more choosy than others. It's a matter of personality as much as moral standards and has nothing to do with responsiveness. No woman is responsive with a partner and most women never orgasm throughout their entire lives. That is clear from women's ignorance over sexual response.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
Women associate affection with love. … Men associate affection much more directly with sex. … Men see affection of any kind as a sexual invitation. Many women find this bewildering. (Kramer & Dunaway)
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Men are usually deprived of attention (on their emotional well-being, sexual interest and physical attractiveness apart from the exceptionally beautiful ones), apart from social recognition of their abilities and performances at work or in social activities. Whereas women are receiving lots of sexual (unwanted, mostly) attention and when they have a good support system, affection. Therefore, the feeling of lack of different kinds of attentions is opposite according to gender. Now that support systems for women are tending to fail, the balance seems to be shifting a little.
  • asked a question related to Sex
3 answers
Can someone suggest a robust and reliable PCR protocol for sex determination from mouse genomic DNA?
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Hello there
I suggest you to read this useful article which has detailed procedure about how carry out this.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
Women associate affection with love. … Men associate affection much more directly with sex. … Men see affection of any kind as a sexual invitation. Many women find this bewildering. (Kramer & Dunaway)
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Thanks Aribowo for your informed answer! In general men are much more easily aroused than women by a multitude of different erotic turn-ons. My conclusion is that women are not aroused with a lover and neither are they aroused by real-world erotic triggers as men are. This is because women are always receivers of male ejaculate and that only the penetrating male is aroused by the prospect of intercourse. This is natural because orgasm is a vital aspect of male reproductive function while women are impregnated without ever needing to be aroused or capable of reaching orgasm.
  • asked a question related to Sex
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Women also often find it easier to fantasise when self-pleasuring than in sex with a partner. The immediacy of someone else’s needs actually inhibits the expression and satisfaction of their own. Some also say they have to imagine that the person making love to them is not the person they know so well. (Sheila Kitzinger)
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Personally, I have concluded that eroticism and arousal depend on assuming the perspective of the penetrating male. The role of receiving male ejaculate is not arousing. It is merely a question of remaining in position until the male has ejaculated. This explains why women do not orgasm with a lover. Masturbation when using explicit erotic fantasy is the only way for a woman to ever experience erotic arousal. Most women never discover this.
  • asked a question related to Sex
12 answers
To be fair women are also guilty because she does not feel confident or comfortable to say to her partner, 'Hey, sex needs to be about what I want. And tonight it’s going to be an all-about-me-night; which means a full body massage and no intercourse. Next time we’ll focus on your fun.' (Trina Read)
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Women are not aroused with a lover. No one can name even one female erotic turn-on. If they are not aroused, they are not having orgasms. But also the lack the motivation to seek genital stimulation. It has nothing to do with culture. It is the same worldwide. Women's lack of interest in sex is due to biology. The clitoris is much less responsive than the penis but also women's minds respond to many fewer erotic triggers. Female arousal is largely subconscious so most women never discover orgasm by masturbating.
  • asked a question related to Sex
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To us men, sex is sex. We want it, let’s do it, we’re done. For many women it isn’t always that simple. You need to be in tune with her emotionally if you want to make her more receptive sexually. (Stephan Labossiere)
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The point is that men don't need a relationship to enjoy sex. Neither are relationship issues a priority for men as they are for women. Kinsey noted that educated or imaginative men have a much greater desire to engage in activity outside intercourse. But he concluded that the vast majority of men only want intercourse. They have little interest in women as companions.
  • asked a question related to Sex
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The way sex is portrayed in the media and in films often provides us with a base of comparison that is not always realistic for the individual. (Andrea Burri)
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Men are certainly more likely to fantasise about real women or women they have seen in pornography or on television. Men are also more likely to fantasise about scenarios that they would like to engage in for real. But women do neither of these if they are aiming for orgasm. Women's fantasies are surreal because eroticism relates to the role of the penetrating male. The role of the receiver is not arousing and explains why women talk of romantic fantasies. They are not aiming for orgasm. Instead they talk of lovemaking.
  • asked a question related to Sex
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Sex is only one way in which people give and receive love, so although it is very important, it is not the only way to develop or express intimacy. (Jonathan Lenbuck)
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Thanks Rohit for commenting. I also think that men's sexual responses are so strong that they block out any more sentimental feelings. Men have sex to obtain sexual relief. Women have sex to please a partner but these female emotional responses do not equate to male sex drive.
  • asked a question related to Sex
5 answers
Most couples who rate their sex lives highly say they are proactive in sex. They think about when, where and how they’ll have it and think up new things to try. (Tracey Cox)
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Thank you for your question! Here are some suggestions for couples looking to explore adventurous sex play:
Role-Playing: couples can explore different fantasies by acting out various roles. This could range from simple scenarios like "teacher and student" to more elaborate storylines. The key is to ensure both partners are comfortable and excited about the roles they choose.
Exploring New Locations: sometimes, a change of scenery can add excitement. This could mean different rooms in the house or even a romantic weekend getaway. Outdoor locations, where privacy can be maintained, might also be thrilling.
Incorporating Toys: there is a wide range of adult toys available that can add variety and excitement to a couple’s sex life. Whether it is vibrators, blindfolds, or handcuffs, toys can enhance sensations and introduce new dynamics.
Sensory Play: engaging the senses can heighten the sexual experience. This can include using scented candles, soft fabrics, or even edible body paints. The idea is to stimulate multiple senses for a richer experience.
Spontaneity: planning spontaneous encounters can keep things fresh. This might mean surprising your partner with a romantic evening or being open to intimacy at unexpected times.
Erotic Literature and Movies: reading erotic stories together or watching erotic films can be a fun way to get ideas and set the mood. It can also serve as a starting point for discussing fantasies and preferences.
Workshops and Classes: many places offer workshops on various aspects of sexuality, from tantric practices to BDSM basics. Attending together can be both educational and a bonding experience.
Communication Exercises: regularly setting aside time to discuss desires and boundaries can help both partners feel more connected and understood. This might include dedicated “check-in” times where you talk about what you enjoyed and what you’d like to try next.
The most important thing is that both partners feel comfortable and excited about whatever they choose to try. Open communication and mutual consent are key to ensuring a positive and enjoyable experience.
I hope these suggestions help!
  • asked a question related to Sex
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Kinsey talked to thousands of men and women. He found that intercourse frequencies were directly correlated with men’s own sex drive. Regardless of whether a woman thinks she has orgasms or not, she is no more enthusiastic about sex than any other women. Basically, women respond to what men are ready to insist on. So all this political manoeuvring and promotion of female orgasm by men and women makes no difference whatsoever to how much sex men get. It just causes taboo and silences everyone.
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What do you suggest? You imply that there is something that can be done. But what exactly? Can you name any female erotic turn-ons?
  • asked a question related to Sex
8 answers
Men, remember, feel good as a result of having sex. Women want to feel good before having sex. (Kramer & Dunaway)
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The function of dating and romance extends beyond mere companionship; it plays a crucial role in human emotional and social development. Dating serves as a foundation for building intimate relationships, where individuals learn about each other's personalities, values, and life goals. It is a process of mutual discovery that helps partners assess compatibility and build trust.
Romance, on the other hand, adds a layer of emotional depth and connection to a relationship. Romantic gestures and expressions of love foster a sense of closeness and affection, reinforcing the emotional bond between partners. Romance can act as a catalyst for deeper emotional intimacy, making partners feel valued, cherished, and understood.
In terms of gender perspectives, as highlighted by Kramer & Dunaway, men often feel good as a result of having sex, while women generally prefer to feel emotionally connected before engaging in sex. This difference underscores the importance of emotional readiness and connection in romantic relationships. For women, feeling emotionally secure and loved can enhance their sexual experience, making it more fulfilling.
Moreover, dating and romance contribute to personal growth. They teach individuals how to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and navigate the complexities of human emotions. These experiences shape one's ability to form and maintain healthy relationships throughout life.
In essence, dating and romance are fundamental aspects of human interaction that facilitate emotional bonding, personal growth, and the establishment of meaningful and lasting connections.
  • asked a question related to Sex
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The problem I’ve heard most about over the years … is the problem of mismatched desire … which is the issue of sex-starved men and reluctant women … (Bettina Arndt)
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Thanks Stephen for your refreshing honesty. Media portrayals are becoming more influential than any mere facts. We believe what we see. But women's silence on sexual topics tells a story loud and clear. Only men talk of female orgasm with any explicitness. Women boast about it to sell sex to men.
  • asked a question related to Sex
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Sex is the price women pay for marriage. Marriage is the price men pay for sex. (Allan & Barbara Pease)
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The implicit contract of marriage encompasses unspoken expectations and assumptions about roles, responsibilities, and mutual support that partners often bring into their relationship. These expectations are typically culturally influenced and may not be explicitly discussed, leading to potential misunderstandings or unmet expectations if not addressed openly. Despite its importance, the implicit contract of marriage is often assumed rather than explicitly acknowledged, influenced by cultural norms, personal beliefs, and communication challenges within relationships.
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1 answer
I'm currently working on a project involving group-based trajectory modelling and am seeking advice on handling multi-level factors within this context. Specifically, I'm interested in understanding the following:
  1. Multi-Level Factors in Trajectory Modelling: How can multi-level factors (e.g., individual-level and group-level variables) be effectively addressed in group-based trajectory modelling? Are there specific methods or best practices recommended for incorporating these factors?
  2. Flexmix Package: I’ve come across the Flexmix package in R, which supports flexible mixture modelling. How can this package be utilised to handle multi-level factors in trajectory modelling? Are there specific advantages or limitations of using Flexmix compared to other methods?
  3. Comparison with Other Approaches: In what scenarios would you recommend using Flexmix over other trajectory modelling approaches like LCMM, TRAJ, or GBTM? How do these methods compare in terms of handling multi-level data and providing accurate trajectory classifications?
  4. Adjusting for Covariates: When identifying initial trajectories (e.g., highly adherent, moderately adherent, low adherent), is it necessary to adjust for covariates such as age, sex, and socioeconomic status (SES)? Or is focusing on adherence levels at each time point sufficient for accurate trajectory identification? What are the best practices for incorporating these covariates into the modelling process?
Any insights, experiences, or references to relevant literature would be greatly appreciated!
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Addressing multi-level factors in group-based trajectory modeling (GBTM) is crucial for accurately capturing the hierarchical structure of the data. This often involves accounting for individual-level and group-level effects, which can significantly influence the trajectory analysis. Here, we’ll explore different methods for addressing these multi-level factors and discuss the role of the flexmix package in R.
Methods for Addressing Multi-Level Factors in GBTM
  1. Hierarchical Linear Models (HLMs) or Multilevel Models:These models explicitly account for the nested structure of the data, allowing for random intercepts and slopes at different levels. Useful when you have nested data (e.g., students within schools, patients within hospitals).
  2. Latent Class Growth Analysis (LCGA):This method identifies distinct trajectory groups without accounting for nested data structures. Useful when the primary interest is in identifying distinct groups of trajectories but less effective for multi-level data.
  3. Growth Mixture Modeling (GMM):Extends LCGA by allowing for within-class variation in growth trajectories. Can incorporate random effects to account for multi-level structures but can be complex and computationally intensive.
  4. Multilevel Growth Mixture Modeling:Combines features of multilevel modeling and GMM to address hierarchical data. Allows for the inclusion of both individual and group-level random effects.
  5. Two-Stage Approaches:First stage involves fitting individual-level growth trajectories. Second stage models the extracted parameters (e.g., intercepts, slopes) as outcomes in a higher-level model.
Role of the flexmix Package in R
The flexmix package in R is a powerful tool for finite mixture modeling, including GBTM. It allows for the specification of various types of mixture models, including those with multi-level data structures.
Key Features of flexmix:
  • Flexibility: Can handle different types of mixture models (e.g., normal, Poisson, binomial).
  • Customization: Users can define their own models and likelihood functions.
  • Integration: Works well with other R packages, enabling complex modeling frameworks.
  • Addressing multi-level factors in GBTM requires careful consideration of the hierarchical structure of the data. Combining tools like flexmix for trajectory identification with multilevel modeling packages can provide a robust framework for analyzing complex data structures. By leveraging the strengths of different methods, you can achieve more accurate and insightful results in your trajectory analysis.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
Men want more sex than they usually get. … It’s no wonder, then, that couples argue most often about sexual frequency… (Kramer & Dunaway)
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Margolin, Leslie. "Eros under patriarchy: A study of Basson’s ‘sexual response model’." Psychology & Sexuality 13.5 (2022): 1204-1213.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
Tell her she’s important to you. For a woman to feel the desire for sex, she needs to feel loved, adored and significant. (Allan & Barbara Pease)
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Grown women also spend hours on enhancing their looks and buying clothes that display their bodies. This is more than a development stage. It is a passive sexual behaviour that women (and some gay men) use to attract men. Adolescent boys spend time in the bathroom to get the privacy for masturbation. This is the contrast of the sexes where the male focuses on his own sexual response and the female focuses on attracting male attention. Both of these go in the same direction - facilitating reproduction through the male response. Nothing to do with female responsiveness.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
However we feel about fantasies, it is clear that sex is not, for most of us, just a rubbing together of bodies, but involves our minds … We take our minds with us into each sexual encounter.(Sheila Kitzinger)
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Thanks Sandeep for commenting. I have concluded that male arousal seems to be automatic especially with a lover. So it has been assumed that women are similarly aroused. But this is an assumption that leads to unrealistic expectations for female orgasm. Masters & Johnson ignored the psychological aspects of sexual response in their research that has formed the basis for all subsequent research into female sexual response.
  • asked a question related to Sex
1 answer
"And, of course, there is syphilis. Nietzsche's letters from 1867 until his breakdown provide a vivid account of the suffering of secondary syphilis. He complains of the pain, skin sores, weakness, and loss of vision that typify the repertoire of the disease. In his last year, his letters give evidence of euphoria"(Margulis 2024).
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While Nietzsche's struggles with syphilis are well-documented, it's important to approach discussions about his reproductive choices with sensitivity and respect for historical context. While there isn't definitive evidence linking his reproductive decisions directly to his contraction of the disease, it's essential to consider the multifaceted nature of his health struggles and the various factors that may have influenced his choices.
Rather than speculating on personal matters, it's more productive to focus on Nietzsche's enduring intellectual legacy and contributions to philosophy. His ideas continue to provoke thought and inspire discourse in philosophical circles, demonstrating the lasting impact of his work.
In discussions about Nietzsche's life and legacy, it's crucial to prioritise evidence-based reasoning, acknowledge the complexities involved, and maintain respect for historical figures' privacy. By emphasising Nietzsche's philosophical contributions, we can engage in a more meaningful and constructive dialogue about his enduring relevance in the field of philosophy.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
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The norse god ODIN dates back to the second century BC, and he was worshipped through to the 8th-11th century AD.
Attila the Hun died in AD 453, therefore ODIN could not possibly be based upon him.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
Yes, so they should follow DEI.
Preprint Nuance
Preprint Nuance 2
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Reconnecting by Reading: A Selection of Books About Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Part 2
"Today we continue our recommendations for reading about diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility... As we continue to reconnect, it is our hope that you have books you may wish to recommend for continued growth and learning. Please post them in the comments and we thank you in advance for sharing them. In 2020, SSP “Reaffirmed our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” and will continue on that path via the work of the SSP DEIA Committee and our active and engaged membership..."
  • asked a question related to Sex
5 answers
Many females consider that male genitalia are ugly and repulsive in appearance, and the observation of the male genitalia may actually inhibit their erotic responses. … there seems no doubt that these reactions largely depend upon the fact that most females are not psychologically stimulated, as males are, by objects which are associated with sex. (Alfred Kinsey)
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Women can have sex with a conveyor belt of men because they never orgasm. Providing an orifice for a man to ejaculate into is hardly onerous. Men always pay for sex either directly or indirectly. Some women feel that they are using men because of men's dependence on intercourse with women. They enjoy the power they have over men and the vanity of being admired. Most women, especially over the longer term, would not have sex with a stranger even if they were paid. Young women have something to prove and many of them are looking for a mate or a committed relationship.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
Most guys feel like they are always the initiator and that sets up disequilibrium on the passion scale in the relationship. (Les Parrot)
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Women display themselves to attract male attention so that they can choose the man they want. This is a passive behaviour because a woman has to wait for a man to approach her. This is because male arousal is crucial to a man's desire for intercourse, which is his motivation for making a sexual advance. Women are looking for platonic admiration. They are insulted if a man refers to his sexual urges. Women tend to interpret male sex drive in terms of romantic passion as a sign of male devotion, which of course is not always the case. Hence why dating exists to allow a woman to assess a man's motives beyond a one-off opportunity for intercourse. Women want to be sexually desirable to men because of the rewards that men offer. They do not have a sex drive to be penetrated because of the risks involved.
  • asked a question related to Sex
4 answers
There are some who advocate the perpetuation of our ignorance because they fear that science will undermine the mystical concepts that they have substituted for reality. (Alfred Kinsey)
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Navigating a challenging area of research
"Fraught societal debates, particularly surrounding gender identity, are raising questions about how to best take sex and gender into account in research, both in studies of human health and in other contexts. At the same time, scientists are increasingly recognizing that they must move past assumptions that findings from mainly male individuals will apply to everyone. The articles in this special collection, with contributors who work in fields such as neuroscience, psychology, immunology, cancer and global health, explore the value of considering sex and gender in research, as well as the perils and pitfalls. They explain why progress in this long-neglected area of research is crucial — and consider how differences between individuals can be explored responsibly, inclusively and for the benefit of as many people as possible..."
  • asked a question related to Sex
3 answers
Preprint Nuance
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I don't see a question, but there is a relevant observation to be made: Dealing only with genetics any black or white males are closer than any male and female. By the way, the color pigeonhole society employs are simplistic to the point of stupidity. 'Whites' are pink, not white unless they happen to be albinos. 'Blacks' are almost always some shade of brown,and Asians have a remarkable range of color tones.
  • asked a question related to Sex
5 answers
Is knowledge of reproductive biology, contraception & sexual disease truly sufficient for a heathy life-long sex life?
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Sex education should cover a broad range of topics to ensure individuals have a comprehensive understanding of their bodies, relationships, and sexual health. Here are some key topics that should be included:
  1. Anatomy and Physiology: Understanding the reproductive system, including both male and female anatomy, and how it functions.
  2. Consent: Teaching the importance of mutual consent in all sexual interactions and how to recognize and respect boundaries.
  3. Healthy Relationships: Discussing the qualities of healthy relationships, communication skills, and how to recognize and address signs of unhealthy or abusive relationships.
  4. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Exploring the diversity of sexual orientations and gender identities to foster acceptance and understanding.
  5. Sexual and Reproductive Health: Providing information about contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), pregnancy prevention, and reproductive health care.
  6. Emotional and Mental Health: Addressing the emotional and psychological aspects of sexuality, including self-esteem, body image, and coping with feelings of desire, attraction, and rejection.
  7. Pornography and Media Literacy: Teaching critical thinking skills to navigate media messages about sex and relationships, including understanding the differences between pornography and real-life sexual experiences.
  8. Sexual Pleasure and Communication: Encouraging open and honest communication about sexual desires, preferences, and pleasure, and promoting the idea that sex should be enjoyable for all parties involved.
  9. Consent and Boundaries in Digital Spaces: Educating about the importance of consent and privacy in online interactions, including sexting, social media, and online dating.
  10. Cultural and Religious Perspectives: Acknowledging diverse cultural and religious beliefs about sexuality while promoting tolerance and respect for differing viewpoints.
  11. Reproductive Rights and Responsibilities: Discussing reproductive rights, including access to contraception and abortion, as well as responsibilities related to sexual activity and parenthood.
  12. Sexual Violence and Harassment: Providing information on sexual violence, harassment, and how to prevent and respond to these issues, including resources for survivors.
  13. Safer Sex Practices: Promoting safer sex practices to reduce the risk of STIs and unintended pregnancies, such as using condoms and getting regular STI testing.
  14. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Exploring the diversity of sexual orientations and gender identities to foster acceptance and understanding.
  • asked a question related to Sex
4 answers
The average male … has a greater need than most females have for a regular and frequent sexual outlet. (Alfred Kinsey)
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Orgasm is a characteristic of male reproductive function. Human reproduction relies on male orgasm to trigger ejaculation of sperm. Men's sex drive ensures that this event is most likely to occur within a vagina. Without male orgasm and male sex drive, the human race would not be where it is today. Female orgasm has nothing to do with reproduction. It is a private pleasure that a responsive woman enjoys alone. But clearly very few women are responsive. Otherwise, Kinsey and Hite's work would not be ignored.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
I was told to use metamean function in R which I'm not familiar with to work out the mean values of PCB concentration in cetaceans . I would like to compare across species and sex .
However some papers report the total PCB concentration in an individual mammal and some report a mean concentration value for a sample size eg 7 mammals . Can I use both these data to work out an overall mean or is it not possible
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Thankyou very much. Is there any webpage that has easy to follow code for metamean. also I'm not sure if I can actually do a statistical test on the results as PCB'S are made up of different parts which not all studies look at the same ones
  • asked a question related to Sex
7 answers
… it’s time to talk about what most men could initiate more of, and that is non-sexual intimacy. … It involves any kind of intimacy that isn’t centered around sex. It can include making time to talk, cuddling, engaging in fun activities together, and so on. (Stephan Labossiere)
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The online Cambridge Dictionary gives the following definitions of intimacy: (i) a situation in which you have a close friendship or sexual relationship with someone: Intimacy between teachers and students is not recommended.
(ii) things that are said or done only by people who have a close relationship with each other: It was obvious from their witty intimacies that they had been good friends for many years.
(iii) the state of having a close, personal relationship or romantic relationship with someone: He was always polite, but he shunned intimacy.
At least two definitions include sexual and romantic relationships. I don't think men insist on interpreting intimacy as involving sex, but it is the socio-culturally acquired acceptation of intimacy deeply-rooted in the mind of Anglo-Americans that includes sex as part of its meaning. If you like, the problem is linguistic or more precisely semantic tightly linked to the meaning attributed to intimacy. In cognitive linguistic terms, the root problem relates to social cognition.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
I want to see if there is a difference in age structure between male and female fish so I have ages from 0.5 to 8.5 and the number of each sex at that age but I dont know which variables I use in the chi squared
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Yes Amy, you have to put your ages into categories.
  • asked a question related to Sex
4 answers
The so-called sex instruction which is given by parents and schools usually consists of a certain amount of information concerning the anatomy and mechanics of reproduction. (Alfred Kinsey)
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Sex education, if it is to be comprehensive, should cover all aspects of sexuality including orientation, sexual response and sexual pleasure. These topics are omitted from what we tell children because it is assumed that everyone has access to erotic literature and pornography. But since these sources are fictional, they do not constitute an authoritative source of information about human sexuality. Women's objection to any sexual content, even when it is educational in nature, is an obstacle in providing sex education that refers to any of the erotic stimuli that cause orgasm.
  • asked a question related to Sex
1 answer
Forensic science
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One of the tests could be a PCR test of blood to identify the sex of the cattle.
  • asked a question related to Sex
3 answers
Men often feel very angry with women who never initiate sex and too often don’t want sex. But this anger has a tone of alienation, guilt, and insecurity: men feel instinctively on some level that sex does not involve an equal sharing, especially when they are having an orgasm and the woman does not – and this puts them on the defensive. (Shere Hite)
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There is decades of research conclusions that indicate very clearly - beyond any reasonable doubt - that men are much much more sexually motivated than women are. Men have a sex drive. Women don't. Women, most of the time, make a conscious choice to offer intercourse in exchange for a loving relationship. Otherwise it is just ego, money and vanity - women make money out of the male need for sex. But women don't need sex at all. Sex becomes a bargaining chip in relationships that men resent. The mismatch in sex drives is what causes misunderstanding and conflict in couples sex lives. Please see my work via if you have any interest in the reality - rather than the fiction - of sexuality. Few women ever comment or show any knowledge of sexual phenomena.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
Men will do anything for sex, and will behave quite out of character to achieve it, such as spending several hours being romantic, and paying attention to what a woman says. (Anthony Mason)
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I am asking people to suggest the answer to the question. I am pointing out that there are many questions that go unanswered when it comes to sex. The silence out there is deafening. Yet everyone thinks they know everything there is to know. If you don't know the answer, I would have thought you might be interested to understand the answer. Men have a strong sex drive especially when young. Women don't have this biological urge so they find it difficult to accept but it explains why men approach women and generally initiate the dating and mating processes. Men are highly motivated to seek women out and keep them happy until men get what they want or are reassured that a woman will offer regular intercourse in exchange for the loving relationship most women seek. Please see my work on sexuality via If you are interested - most women have zero interest in understanding sexuality. Hence all the ignorance.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
Biologically and hormonally, men are MUCH MORE driven to be sexual than women are. (John Gray)
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As a woman, you are clearly unaware of the male sex drive. Many men, especially when young, experience a strong, almost irresistible urge to engage in intercourse with a woman they are attracted to. It has nothing to do with a relationship. It is about responsiveness - a mental response to eroticism. It is almost impossible for a woman to imagine how this works given we are not aroused consciously in the same way by real world erotic triggers. This explains why some men pay for sex but very few women ever do. Women are looking for a relationship rather than for sex itself. Women are shamed for promiscuity because most people appreciate that they don't need sex in the way that men do. Women make a conscious choice to offer intercourse - they are not erotically driven to obtain it as men are.
  • asked a question related to Sex
4 answers
I am new in running multilevel modeling and running a "Simple Multilevel Models. Level 2 Predictors" using Mplus but the result shows....
"*** ERROR
One or more between-level variables have variation within a cluster for
one or more clusters. Check your data and format statement.
Between Cluster ID with variation in this variable
Variable (only one cluster ID will be listed)
BLM 26
EDB 26
and my syntax was
TITLE: Simple Multilevel Models. Level 2 Predictors
DATA: FILE IS hpe level1.v4.dat;
VARIABLE: NAMES ARE group ctype sex age
pp abs hpe blm edb ;
USEVARIABLES ARE group abs blm edb;
BETWEEN ARE blm edb;
CLUSTER = group;
abs ON blm;
abs ON edb
Can anyone help me please how to check the between level cluster variation using spss? and what is the value range to understand the discrepancies...
***I have checked and read repeatedly the Mplus discussion but couldn't understand them..
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It's done..! I'm incredibly grateful for your support, Sir...
  • asked a question related to Sex
5 answers
Sex is important because when there is a feeling of understanding and appreciation between two people – sex can make life together something special. It shows ‘you mean more to me than others do’. (Shere Hite)
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I would like to emphasise that my work (like that of Kinsey and Hite) focuses specifically and explicitly on female sexual response. This has nothing whatsoever to do with platonic love. Sexual response is an instinctive (cannot be consciously fabricated) reaction of the brain to erotic stimuli. The resulting erotic arousal causes blood to accumulate in the genitals (the phallus) and makes orgasm possible.
  • asked a question related to Sex
31 answers
Sex drive is experienced by a male who anticipates penetrative sex. It is a significant urge that can be difficult for a man to resist. No one has an urge to be penetrated by a penis or any other object. The urge to penetrate arises in the brain of the penetrating male. Women enjoy platonic love, affection and a lover who demonstrates caring behaviours. The balance between these two objectives is encapsulated in the idea of consent. A woman enjoys sex when her emotional needs are met.
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First, nobody here claimed the male and female orgasm are identical. In fact, there is a fairly large collection of evidence to suggest that sexual drive, sexual pleasure, and sexual experience differ between males and females. For instance, different sets of brain structures show heightened activity when a male orgasms than when a female orgasms - as indicated by fMRI. You're arguing with yourself moreso than anyone here.
Second, that male and females experience orgasm differently AND females never orgasm from vaginal penetration are two entirely different statements. The latter is demonstrably false. That your personal experience differs from other women's does not refute this fact. I cannot insist the earth is flat because that's how I experience it - even if I find a handful of people who agree with me. Either share (non-anecdotal) evidence or nobody is inclined to give any credence to the outrageous claims you make.
Third, I'm unimpressed with your 'fans' and 'followers'. L. Ron Hubbard has a following of tens of thousands worldwide. I guess that means his views are true?
Lastly, I'd appreciate if you stop with the misandry. The sex of a researcher has no bearing on the validity of their measures or evidence. That notwithstanding, as Rainer Duesing pointed out the first author of the article I shared is a woman and all the participants were themselves women.
*It's pretty absurd to complain that no one will discuss with you, and when someone does you tell them to leave you alone because they disagree with you (see confirmation bias) - then you're shocked why most folks won't converse with you on these posts? That's a pretty common consequence of living in a dogmatic echo chamber.
  • asked a question related to Sex
8 answers
I am researching the relationship between social media and the sexual behaviour of secondary school students. One of my null hypotheses is that "There is no moderating impact of sex in the relationship between social media and sexual behaviour"
What method of analysis can I use? and how do I go about it
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The Fisher-Z statistical method can be used to study the null hypothesis you proposed. In this case, your research focuses on the relationship between social media use and sexual behavior among secondary school students, with a particular consideration of gender as a potential moderating variable. The Fisher-Z method can help you assess differences in the correlation between social media use and sexual behavior across different gender groups.
First, you need to calculate the correlation coefficients between social media use and sexual behavior separately for male and female student groups. This can be done through correlation analysis, such as using Pearson's correlation coefficient.
Then, use the Fisher-Z transformation to convert these correlation coefficients into Z-scores. This step can be completed using the formula previously mentioned, which involves applying the following transformation to each correlation coefficient:Z=1/2ln[(1+r)/(1-r)]
Here, r represents the correlation coefficient, and ln is the natural logarithm.
After obtaining the Z-scores for the two gender groups, you can use a statistical test (like a z-test) to compare these scores. This can help you determine whether the impact of social media on sexual behavior shows a significant difference between genders. If the test results show a significant difference between the two Z-scores, it suggests that gender moderates the relationship between social media use and sexual behavior. If there is no significant difference, it supports your null hypothesis that gender does not moderate this relationship.
So,the Fisher-Z statistical method is suitable for your research needs, as it can help determine whether gender plays a moderating role in the relationship between social media use and sexual behavior.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
Without the protection of reliable contraception, few women would volunteer for unprotected intercourse. The idea that women have a sex drive to be impregnated is ludicrous. Women offer sex to a man who supports their family goals and who, hopefully, provides loving companionship. The receiver of intercourse can never have an orgasm because the stimulation of intercourse only lasts as long as a man has an erection. Specifically, the stimulation of intercourse does not continue until the receiver's orgasm.
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Thanks for commenting! I think it is evident to any objective observer that men obtain an erotic reward from sex that women never do. The fact that sexologists do not promote this view is evidence of the politics involved. Men offer significant rewards to women who provide regular intercourse.
  • asked a question related to Sex
1 answer
One of the aspects of the impact of strength sports on the strength of family relationships
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The most commonly recommended training programs are based on exercising pelvic floor muscles, as they seem to have the largest impact on sexual function
  • asked a question related to Sex
1 answer
I am looking for internationally comparable data, if possible from a single source, giving the number of employees by ISIC sector. If possible in full-time equivalent, 1995-2020.
To my surprise, I looked into ILO and World Bank database, found a lot of data by sex, skill level, unemployment or even informality, but nothing related to the industries these jobs were located (except agriculture and services).
I must have missed someting: it looks quite a basic and important information deserving to be highlighted.
So far, my second best is to use OCDE STAN for developed countries and Groningen University data for developing countries. But the data may not be comparable.
My Google search did not return any better options.
Is there a comprehensive database you may suggest?
Thanks. Hubert
PS. By the way, I may not have looked properly at ILO data, or the data are not made available. Anyone has an idea why it is hidden (or help me finding it)?
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I found some more comprehensive ILO data, classified by economic activity. Interestingly enough, you will find Afghanistan in most series, but Belgium or UK in only a few of them…
  • asked a question related to Sex
4 answers
During eighteen years of marriage, we did everything but stand on our heads, but there were few orgasms for me … Masturbation has always worked. (Shere Hite)
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I am following your contributions on Instagram dear Jane Elizabeth Thomas .
I do not agree with your statement: "Women dislike any sexual references anywhere in society. It is certainly not men who object to discussing sex!"
I would say: "Women mostly dislike any sexual references anywhere in society. It is certainly that not the most of men who object to discussing sex!"
  • asked a question related to Sex
9 answers
It is not female sexuality that has a problem (‘dysfunction’) but society that has a problem in its definition of sex and the subordinate role that definition gives women. (Shere Hite)
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A woman will offer her body to a man simply to be accepted.
  • asked a question related to Sex
13 answers
I have concluded it is because there is no alternative - comprehensive and authoratative sex education is non-existent!
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The works of W. Reich are still of relevance, with respect to an early scientific approach towards sex education; am in agreement with your observation.
  • asked a question related to Sex
4 answers
Throughout my adult life, I have been surrounded by a portrayal of female sexuality that has nothing in common with my own experience. Moreover, I have not found anyone who can explain this belief that erotic fiction that is supposed to reflect the reality of sex for every couple. No one can explain the silence from women or the world-wide censorship of eroticism. No one else seems to care about these contradictions and anomalies. I am attempting to correct this universal sexual ignorance.
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Happy to hear more about it. It's time we draw a more realistic picture of female sexuality.
  • asked a question related to Sex
1 answer
Good morning. I am working on integration in a species of insects. I am checking if there is integration between the wings and the body, and while conducting analyses in Morpho J, I found integration between these two structures. Then, I separated the data by sexes and performed integration again for both structures. As a result, I found that there is integration, and it is significant for both sexes. However, the RV of one sex is greater than that of the other sex. Is there any statistical test to determine if these differences in RV between the sexes are significant? Thank you very much.
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What do you mean by VR?
There are some test possibilities that you can use to determine if these differences in RV between the sexes, for example, ANOVA, test-t, etc...
  • asked a question related to Sex
4 answers
Sex is initiated by a man because the motivation for sexual contact comes from male responses.
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I am simply asking why is is men's role to define female sexuality. Wouldn't you think it odd if only women commented on male sexuality? I don't know why you think, as a man, that you know the first thing about female orgasm. What erotic turn-ons are involved in causing female mental arousal? What anatomy is involved in female orgasm? What specific technique do women use to achieve orgasm? If you are familiar with female orgasm, these facts should be known to you and millions of others. The fact that no one can answer these questions (that would be easy for a man to answer for himself) indicates the rarity of female orgasm. You are referring to 'quality sex' - what does that mean exactly? The diversity in how women achieve orgasm is because they are sexual passive with a lover. Consequently men stimulate the female anatomy that arouses them. Then men assume that women must orgasm from some of this stimulation that men supply. Hence all the porno orgasm we see promoted as if real women can achieve them. But there are no research findings that indicate that women orgasm through intercourse, cunnilingus or masturbation with a partner. No one can name even one female erotic turn-on with a lover. So if they are not aroused, they are not having orgasms are they? I am talking about REAL women not porno ACTRESSES. You are basing your sexual knowledge on pornography rather than the research findings that clearly indicate that women look for emotional rather than erotic rewards with a lover. Hence the need for dating and romance.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
Please understand and note that I am not involved or interested in any preference of anybody at all .
The question is just only about very critical decision in relation with very expansive & risky surgery/surgeries & also hormonal with other chemical procedures which may even be fatal on short or long run !?
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It's Psychological illness.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
I would not have answered honestly without anonymity… (Shere Hite)
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I have talked to women of all ages that I know or meet over many years. I have also spent over 10 years talking about sex on the internet. Most women refuse to comment. I get political mantas and ignorance. Sexologists have refused to engage. Most women seem to want to be paid to talk about sex. In general, lesbians have been just as reticent as other women.
  • asked a question related to Sex
3 answers
Is knowledge of reproductive biology, contraception & sexual disease truly sufficient for a heathy life-long sex life?
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Please note that my work focuses on sex education for adults. Most people have had no sex education at school or from parents. The sexual ignorance in our society starts with adults. The age at which children are given sex information depends on their social and sexual development. But by the time they are 18 years of age (in most countries) they are expected to be ready to engage in intercourse and other activities. Therefore they should have covered all aspects of sex by then. However they are unlikely to appreciate issues that arise in long-term relationships and certain other aspects of sexuality until they are much older and have acquired some personal experience. Some people never acquire this experience and are not open to learning about a topic that they view as a purely emotional experience.
  • asked a question related to Sex
6 answers
Synthetic sex dolls are presently sold on global scale to replace human commercial sex workers in brothels, where the dolls can be used by multiple users. Can the use of these products increase the prevalence of STDs? Because, the dolls could be used by multiple users, serving as fomite for indirect transmission of STDs from an infected inanimate object to a susceptible person. Are the synthetic sex dolls safe at all?
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Regarding your question, there are a few points to consider:
  1. Material and Cleaning: Modern synthetic sex dolls are typically made from materials that are easy to clean and maintain. Most manufacturers provide guidelines on how to properly clean and disinfect these dolls between uses. If proper cleaning protocols are followed, the risk of direct transmission of STDs from the doll itself may be reduced.
  2. Indirect Transmission: However, there is a potential concern for indirect transmission of infections through contaminated surfaces, commonly known as fomite transmission. If a user with an STD comes into contact with the doll and leaves infectious bodily fluids or cells on its surface, there is a theoretical possibility that subsequent users could be exposed to those pathogens. This risk could potentially increase if cleaning protocols are not strictly followed or if the cleaning agents used are not effective against certain pathogens.
  3. Limited Research: At the time of my last update, there was limited scientific research specifically focused on the impact of synthetic sex dolls on the transmission of STDs. The risk of transmission would likely depend on various factors, including the material of the doll, the thoroughness of cleaning procedures, the specific pathogens involved, and more.
  4. Safe Practices: To mitigate potential risks, it would be important for brothels or individuals using synthetic sex dolls to establish and follow strict cleaning and disinfection protocols. These protocols should be designed to minimize the risk of both direct and indirect transmission of infections.
  5. Regular Updates: Given that this is a rapidly evolving field, it's recommended to consult with health authorities, public health experts, and relevant research for the most up-to-date information and recommendations regarding the safe use of synthetic sex dolls in terms of STD transmission.
  • asked a question related to Sex
2 answers
Women who claim to orgasm but then insist that men must always ask permission if they want sex.
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Sexology is a science as much as any other science. Where do you think sexuality can be discussed as an intellectual topic? The point is that the concept of consent is directly contradictory to someone having a sex drive. Women give consent. Men have a sex drive.
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6 answers
Men are certainly not offended by sex. It seems to me, that one way or another, the silent female population has its say.
The overwhelming majority of women answered that sex meant a great deal to them, and the reason almost always given was because it was a wonderful form of intimacy and closeness with another human being. (Shere Hite)
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I agree. Men are sexual. Women are emotional. That means that women are not aroused with a lover and not having orgasms. Hence why they are sexually passive and why we think that women should orgasm from the stimulation that men provide. But orgasm depends on the mental arousal of the person having the orgasm. Not their partner's arousal.
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2 answers
What are the biological differences between Sex and Gender?
How can we classify animals according to Sex and Gender?
How can teachers in schools in some countries explain Gender and sex for children? is that brainwashing or not? Can we teach children anything out of their awareness?
I am happy to share your ideas.
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Quan Thuong Pham , my friend:
Children do not have correct levels of hormones and they can not aware of the actual situation of their behavior and psychological tackling with this type of ideas, and with time and changing hormones will be known.
If gender is psychological behavior, animals have psychological behavior and adapted to different conditions during their life. Also, animals have levels of hormones and different sex, Why is difficult to distinguish animals using the same tools and parameters as humans?
  • asked a question related to Sex
3 answers
Dear colleagues,
for a project regarding AI-based phenotyping of 24-hour BP profiles, I am looking for an available ABPM dataset, which offers individual BP data as well as biometric patient data, such as age, sex or size.
I would be very glad for any recommendations!
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Accurate office blood pressure measurement remains crucial in the diagnosis and management of hypertension worldwide, including Latin America (LA). Office blood pressure (OBP) measurement is still the leading technique in LA for screening and diagnosis of hypertension, monitoring of treatment, and long‐term follow‐up. Despite this, due to the increasing awareness of the limitations affecting OBP and to the accumulating evidence on the importance of ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM), as a complement of OBP in the clinical approach to the hypertensive patient, a progressively greater attention has been paid worldwide to the information on daytime and nighttime BP patterns offered by 24‐h ABPM in the diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic management of hypertension.