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Sensor Technology - Science topic

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Questions related to Sensor Technology
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
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会议征稿:IEEE第五届消费电子与计算机工程国际学术会议(ICCECE 2025)
Call for papers: IEEE 2025 5th International Conference on Consumer Electronics and Computer Engineering (ICCECE 2025) will be held on February 28- March 2, 2025 in Dongguan, China.
Conference website(English):
提交检索:IEEE Xplore, EI,Scopus
Track I:消费电子发展与应用
Track II:计算机与网络信息安全
Track III:人工智能与机器学习
Track Ⅳ:物联网与传感器技术
ICCECE 2025所有投稿文件都将进行严格的审稿审查,审核结果和修改评论意见都将在审稿过程结束后返回给作者。 最终所录用的论文将以 IEEE(ISBN: 979-8-3315-3311-3)出版,会议录用的文章出版见刊后由期刊社提交至 IEEE Xplore、EI Compendex和Scopus检索。目前该出版社EI检索非常稳定。
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ieee explore
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
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I did a piezoelectric test with a digital oscilloscope and when I hit it with my hand only once I saw it rise and fall several times instead of just once. Immediately after the impact was stopped, the output was stable, but during the impact, it seemed as if there were several impacts. Does anyone know why? Why are multiple outputs recorded? And what is the solution?
The image on the left of each peak shows the increase in output during each hit. In the enlarged image on the right, you can see the image on the left that the voltage has reached its maximum and minimum in each stroke about 10-12 times.
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It is coming from the electric line frequency. If you will do FFT of this data you will get the corresponding frequency. Find proper grounding and device isolation for minimal stray signals.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
2 answers
I'm doing Surface Plasmon Resonance for a series of samples with different concentration starting with lowest concentration. Binding is so strong that I cannot reach the baseline after washing step with running buffer. Each time just part of binding dissociate. And then I test the next concentration. Several regeneration solutions have been tested but nothing could bring the signal to the baseline.
I use a Reichert SPR device and use Scrubber for analyzing the data.
How can I interpret these data in Scrubber, without a complete dissociation and/or regeneration?
Any thought would be highly appreciated.
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Hi Nelly. I think it is going to be difficult. Without regeneration and complete dissociation you are basically performing a so called single cycle kinetics experiments which is a patented approach and therefore, data analysis is not available. You could run low but non-zero concentrations in between your concentration series and use TraceDrawer. Alternatively, you could use Interaction map for data analysis. Best, Jos
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
5 answers
i am searching for new sensors that is used in cars for effective performance of motor.
can you give me a book or paper or introduce me a site?
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There are couple of sensors might be used for different purpose in automobile, for temperature, rain, speed, fuel, break and stability direction, knock, transmission, oxygen, proximation, traffic etc. depends on your requirements. You can use all or call on car is inbuilt with which sensors.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
4 answers
I enrolled for a PhD Programme in Computer Science. For my research work I am looking for a topic to choose which could make an impact and solve a Business problem.
my area of interest are Data Science, Ecommerce, AL, ML Sensor technology.
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Great to hear that you are pursuing a PhD in Computer Science and looking for a research topic . Research topics that can make an impact and solve a business problem include predictive analytics for e-commerce, anomaly detection in sensor data, fraud detection in e-commerce transactions, personalized products, optimizing supply chain, and optimizing logistics. These are just a few examples to consider, and you can explore and refine these topics based on your specific interests and goals. Make sure to consult with your advisor and industry experts to ensure that your research is impactful and relevant to the business problem you are trying to solve. Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
2 answers
We know that for each and every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. For advanced wireless sensor technology, I developed a formula: “Due to the active sensor technology, every human, animal or object is affected by the processed radio frequencies of its movement through electromagnetic transmission within the boundaries of the body in the GPS positions and GNSS distances. This effect is proportional to its weight factors and disproportionate to its GPS positions and GNSS distances. As a result, the person, animal or object is damaged by the changing waves and for recovery systems, the living object should change instantly from the existing location with tightly closed eyes”
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Stomach cancer has an unimaginably important place in the incidence of cancer and cancer-related deaths worldwide. Different studies have different opinions about its origin, some say it is due to alcohol and smoking, others say that it is due to fried food, some say it is due to Helicobacter pylori. But no one mentions the main reason, which my research has revealed. Today we can explain about Stomach Cancer with ISNAH (Impact of Sensor Networks towards Animals and Humans), CASSID (Common Acute Sensor Sudden Infection and Disorder) and CDRAST (Cancer Disease Recovery through Advanced Sensor Technology), which will help to know the theme of in-body GPS sensor.
Dr Md Rahimullah Miah
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
I need to know the best type of bi-potentiostat instrument?
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A potentiostat is the electronic hardware required to control a three electrode cell and run most electroanalytical experiments. A Bipotentiostat and polypotentiostat are potentiostats capable of controlling two working electrodes and more than two working electrodes, respectively. In order to measure the I-V of the electrode one drives a constant current in it till the required potential between the electrode and the reference electrode is reached this is accomplished by the potentiostat. Since the reference electrode does no conduct any current and its function is to sense the potential of the electrolyte only, the current in the working electrode must continue flowing in the counter electrode.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
I have several sensors which are interfaced with the help of ROS and are synchronized with the ROS time(ROS1). The sensors and their nodes are fully functional. Each sensor does some processing ,after it senses a detection in it's environment, before eventually timestamping this data in ROS. Since the sensors are of different kinds, and have their own processing before eventually timestamping it's data in ROS, there is an expected delay between the detection and the timestamping and also a delay is expected between the different sensors.
I am interested in the delay that takes place between the sensor detecting an event and eventually timestamping this data in ROS. The image shows the different processing for each sensor that takes place before timestamping.
When searching for this specific problem not much could be found, so any advice would be appreciated.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
11 answers
Dear Colleagues,
If you are researcher who is studying or already published on Industry 4.0 or digital transformation topic, what is your hottest issue in this field?
Your answers will guide us in linking the perceptions of experts with bibliometric analysis results.
Thanks in advance for your contribution.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
This is my industry production problem. In the air conditioner heat exchanger coil bending process, There must be a polyester film between the 2 layers of heat exchanger coil for preventing deformation of aluminum fin plate. It's inserted by a man and be removed by a man.
I'm thinking to make a foolproof system for a forgetting remove this film but can't figure out what kind of sensor would suitable for this situation. Could anyone here suggest any product or method for this situation ?
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perhaps it would be possible to make a resistance measurement with a simple digital tester, keeping one tip on a conductive part and moving the other by placing it on the parts to be investigated ....
Simple but it could work.
My best regards, Pierluigi Traverso.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
4 answers
I am currently working on a soft strain sensor having a wavy fluidic cyclic channel. To get data in the form of electrical, I have to attach electrodes to both ends of the fluidic channel of the soft strain sensor and it must be properly attached so that fluid in the channel may not come out of the channel. But I am confused, which electrodes should I use for this sensor?
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Thank you so much Mr. Cuff, your answer helped me to think more widely. Thanks for telling me about your experience, it is really helpful.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
5 answers
We are looking for the equipments/tools to find out the composition of gas mixtures for one of our projects on gas separation.
Do you have any idea of how it may impact the following -
What are Health effects ?
How it effects sustainability ?
Is there any study on growth impacts ?
What about energy and environment ?
How it impacts the ecology and environment ?
How it impacts the local economy ?
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You appeared to be a wise person, however you too started making spam on RG.
I highly depreciate it. This is not a news channel or platform.
So here is my feedback:
Do not make spam here and your posts are reported.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
I'm looking for high temperature (~750 C) die attach epoxy/resin which is thermally conductive and electrically insulator.
Example: Temperature sensor epoxy/resin coating. The image is attached for reference (Source:
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You must think of high nickel base alloy or conductive ceramic cover for the temperature measuring sensor for 750 C. There is no epoxy coating to withstand such a high temperature.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
1 answer
I am considering a Kistler 9317C piezoelectric sensor, but I suppose the 5 kHz natural frequency (which limits the usable frequency) will prevent me from measuring this force which should go to around 1 N in 10μs.
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I would look at devices like PN5FC2 from Thorlabs:
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
8 answers
I want to measure the curvedness of that solar mirror , and i have this idea of putting several distance sensors on the line to get different distances on those positions so i can put them on a graph .
The difference between them is very smal (around 1mm each ) so maybe i should go for more accurate sensors
Is it the right way to do it or you can suggest me other methods or other better sensors ?
Thanks in advance.
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take a small led with a wide output angle and place it behind a small hole in a screen. then shine the LED onto your mirror and look for the reflection of the LED on the screen. Change the distance between the screen and the mirror until you get the smallest image line of the reflected LED light on the screen.
You of course will not get a spot but a line because you have a cylindrical mirror
Hold the screen so that the reflected beam comes back close to the hole you have made for the LED to shine through.
When you have the narrowest line, your screen is in the plane at the center of he curvature of the mirror.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
112 answers
As recently concluded in a parallel discussion, see reference below, LIGO is unable to exclude that mirror displacements as observed along their interferometer arms in fact result from much larger mirror displacements of similar profile along the vertical.
This is because mirror suspensions act along the vertical which over a distance of 4 km varies by an angle of about 2 arc min (a nautic mile = 1,852 m by definition corresponds to 1 arc min of angular distance at sea level). So every vertical mirror displacement will exhibit a displacement component about three orders of magnitude smaller along the connecting interferometer tube.
As LIGO is unable to directly measure vertical mirror displacements with adequate sensitivity they cannot distinguish whether horizontal displacements such as assigned to gravitational wave interaction are due to horizontal excitation or to vertical excitation at three orders of magnitude larger amplitudes.
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Dear Johan, it´s my pleasure to contribute with the discussion.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
Ultrasonic sensor design parameters, materials etc.
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I concur with sivanathan
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
5 answers
There are a large number of sensor technologies available to detect a particular type of analytes.
I understand every platform has some limitation and some advantages among others.
In current situation which type of biosensors (FET/elctro-chemical/luminescent-based/electro-luminescence) provide more reliability to become a part of future point-of-care?
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Third generation of Biosensors (Amperometric enzyme electrodes) should be the choice of future because of no interferences and their attractive performance.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
9 answers
i am currently trying to approximate the distance of a sensor when being moved. I am recording all the raw sensor data for later analysis with python.
Those values are 16bit for XYZ-axis as well as an timestamp.
I am working with a discrimination window to neutralize all values which are below a calibrated threshold-value. Also I am using a butterworth lowpass with a 6Hz cutoff frequency.
When integrating the acceleration data twice my distance value is very far off.
I read a lot of the filtering already and that its very application-oriented but I am not really sure where I should start from right now.
Thanks for your help already.
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To get position you have to integrate the acceleration twice. Each time you integrate you introduce a constant, the first time the starting velocity, and the second time the starting position. The integration does not know what these are and unless you specify or force them to be the correct value then they could be anything, and you will get a drift velocity and a position offset unless you are very lucky.
If you are using a filter to do the integration, it will introduce its own offset, so you need to find out what that is and if it is wrong, put in a correction term. If the filter is not DC coupled the velocity offset will be the negative of the mean acceleration times the time, minus whatever the starting velocity was.
The same will happen with the second integration, but you probably are not worried about where the start position is, yet, as you are mostly looking at the velocity.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
1 answer
When testing a biosensor with different concentrations of antigen, it is said that the electrode should be flushed with PBS. Is PBS alone sufficient or the washing protocol with PBS+Tween 20 and PBS should be completed each time?
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Doesn't Tween-20 will wash out the antibodies from electrode completely?
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
6 answers
I'm looking at the datasheet of the MiCS-6814 from Sensortech, and it says it measures Ammonia, Carbon Monoxide, Ethanol, Hydrogen, Iso-Butane, Methane, Nitrogen Dioxide, Propane but it has only 3 sensing elements (RED, NH3, OX). Looking at the profiles, there's multiple gasses there at different or sometimes overlapping ppm concentrations.
For example, for the NH3 (Ammonia) sensing element, it also overlaps hydrogen. Do I need to calibrate the sensors to sense only that type of gas using a gas chamber? Is it possible to sense all of the gasses in a 1 hour period? For example first 5-10 minutes Ammonia, then Hydrogen, etc.?
P.S. I'm new to this, so I know this question may sound stupid
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There's certainly utility in building this - and I'd have an array of electrochemical sensors. Sure, they're consumible (and so have to be replaced every so often) but they do allow for more specific detection.
(but even here, it'll sense other airborne amines (!))
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
2 answers
I'm working on micro-grids and V2V energy transmission controlled by the blockchain. Kindly help me regards simulation tools that can help in this research work.
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Dear Hamza,
could you be more specific? do you need some works on the field? Or do you have a precise model you want to simulate?
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
5 answers
As industry 4.0 means a wireless and sensor technology,then how 3D printing and additive manufacturing comes under industry 4.0? Kindly someone elaborate i will be very thankful
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3D Printing is a 'standalone' production technology that can be integrated in the concept of Industry 4.0, but not neccssarily. Industry 4.0 describes digitally-enabled, horizontal and vertical interconnection (across the supply chain and across company functions) and data interconection from product development, production, usage, to recycling. 3D Printing (or more generally, additive manufacturing technologies) can be integrated here, having for instance effects on supply chains and spare parts logisitcs:
Oettmeier, K., & Hofmann, E. (2017). Additive manufacturing technology adoption: an empirical analysis of general and supply chain-related determinants. Journal of Business Economics, 87(1), 97-124.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
5 answers
In our studies we are using different sensors
We would like to hear from researchers and industry experts about sensor data dashboard, storage platforms and analysis tools.
What are the technologies and tools used to store and visualize real time sensor data? The answers can be in different application areas from automative and manufacturing to health domains. What are your recommendations for sensor data capturing?
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Thanks for answers and comments Jerimiah Westly Dickey , C K Gomathy , Ankush Rai , Albrecht Michler
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
7 answers
I would like to make an array of piezo electric touch sensors. I would like to know which piezo electric materials can provide 3 - 4v of potential on touching an object.
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You should be able to get a 4 or 5 volts from a PVDF-TrFE film by touching.
Make sure that your sensor is small enough that the finger entirely covers it, else the capacitance from the untouched part will load the transducer down and you'll only get fractional volts out.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
2 answers
Hi,, To test the selectivity of a molecular chemosensor toward anions, Tetrabutylammonium salts are used, is it okay to use other salts for the same anions, for example is it okay to use sodium acetate instead of tetra-n-butylammonium acetate?
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why sodium salts not used in anion sensing
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
In my openion, the chemical industry is one of the most important industries in the world. Not only do 90% of our everyday products contain chemicals, but the industry also employs approximately 10 million people. Naturally, they were one of the first to embrace digital technologies such as process control systems or sensors which have a long tradition in production.
A continuous digital transformation plays a crucial role in several key aspects of the industry. Accenture has identified the six most influenced areas.
  • Higher Levels of Efficiency and Productivity
Increase competitive advantages and further decreases the costs through operational optimizations.
  • Innovation through Digitalization
Helps boost the productivity in R&D and thus decrease the time till market entry.
  • Data Management and Analytics
An improved understanding of customer needs and so the optimization of offerings are integral contributors to any company’s success.
  • Impact on the Workforce
Tasks and opportunities, as well as the job requirements, will experience a change with digital transformation. “Finally, technology will take an even greater role in upskilling and training employees, and in knowledge management.” (World Economic Forum & Accenture, 2017)
  • Digitally enhanced offerings
An increasingly important aspect of product performance especially for close-to-end customer markets.
  • Digital Ecosystems
Being separated into Innovation, Supply and Delivery, and Offering Ecosystem.
Industry 4.0, however, does not only include aspects of digitalization but mainly artificial intelligence, robotics, Internet of Things (IoT) or advanced materials. In the table below their impact on chemical products is illustrated.
Please elabotate are your thoughts about it also.
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Thanks, clear!
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
2 answers
In general, RGB cameras are using for surveillance purpose. With the advancements in sensor technology, cost effective depth sensor like Kinect are available in the market. Can we use them for surveillance purpose?
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Basically you can use whatever you like (cameras, PIR sensors, ...). It's more or less a question of your surveillance objectives.
So, if using a Kinect is advantageous, why not. (Although, IIRC, the useable area of depth measurement is quite limited.)
Hope this helps ...
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
4 answers
I just doing research about LoRa sensor technologies, setting up, will be built Early Warning System for Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction. Your project is quite the same and similar. Would you share me the detailed-system block diagram about IoT infrastructure for Metropolitan EWS?
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LoRa is a spread spectrum modulation technique derived from chirp spread spectrum (CSS) technology.It is based on wireless radio frequency technology (LoRa Technology) is a long range, low power wireless platform that has become the de facto standard for Internet of Things (IoT) networks worldwide. LoRa Technology enables smart IoT applications that solve some of the biggest challenges facing our planet: energy management, natural resource reduction, pollution control, infrastructure efficiency, disaster prevention, and more.
This article and link might help you...
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
Just for confirming that whether vibrating wire earth pressure cell (rst instrument)provides accurate result or not, I put 2 kPa pressure (taking weight of a sample and divided by its area)in one sensor but in data acquisition system it shows only around 0.8 kPa. I have calibrated all the five sensors using the calibration file provided by the provider. What would be the possible solution to get proper value?
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Unqualified comment: Such instruments are very intelligent and inherently wrong. Understand definitions. Calibrate it to communicable scale or calibrate/understand your "subject" limitations.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
4 answers
I am an undergrad student of Biology and Chemistry. I work for a Bioinformatic and Biomolecular lab. We are interested in an early tuberculosis diagnosis method based on free lenses microscopy and MODS, using CMOS sensors technology from a french company.
Unfortunatly, the algorithm provided by the company is not good in the reconstruction of images for the recognison of Mycobacterium cords. Because of that, we want to desing a new algorithm specifically for this aim to work with the equipment.
Does anybody have an idea (or know someone who) of algorithms to reconstruct photos from difracttion patterns?
We can work together and publish a short report or maybe an article. My e-mail address is
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I cannot provide you with algorithms directly, since those that I have written in the past are property of the company that I worked for. However, what you are generally looking for is some software for reconstruction of digital in-line holograms. A relatively simple approach would be to use angular spectrum propagation, however, there are some more sophisticated approaches. If you look for these terms, you can very likely find some source codes online. Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
Given the current advances in Green IoT and Sensor Technologies, the practical applications in farming and agriculture are more common.
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I think the Big technical challenge for Measure & Estimate the Humidity and Rain Drop for Farming is "Design ultra-low power and cost-effective wireless sensor node".
Also, system designer needs think on following points.
1. This system is always deployed outdoor location and needs to measure Open Air Humidity. It is hard to find weatherproof humidity sensor, Only SHT20 I2C Temperature & Humidity Sensor (Waterproof Probe) is available but this is not cost effective because the user is a farmer and for farmer need the cost-effective solution. low-cost alternative for this is weather/ instrument shelter but it should have very good air circulation then we get perfect humidity.
2. Expected battery backup is more than 9 Months so that solar panel cost will be reduced. To develop ultra-low power designer needs to implement dynamic sleep and data transmission algorithm.
3. if we consider power consumption is the main factor then GSM is not a good choice. NBIoT, LORAWAN is the best choice for that. NBIoT not launched yet in all countries.
4. network latency, QoS, Sensor reliability and accuracy and overall Sensor node cost and size.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
Which is good for gas sensing testing of metal oxide.
Can 5 and 1/2 digital multimeter is sufficient for testing
or do we need higher resolution digital multimeter.
If so which company is good for this purpose.
Can someone name model number and company name
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In a common case (the sensor response is from 0 to 10....) you have to verify, in this order, that:
- at least one of the measuring range of the instrument covers the measured values range (sensitivity criterion)
- the input impedance of the instrument is high enough to be compatible with the impedance/resistance of the sensor/measuring circuit (impedance compatibility criterion); a "basic" instrument may fail this criterion,
- the resolution/readability of the instrument is the observed response precision of the sensor (consider here the relative standard deviation of the recordings) plus 1 digit (resolution criterion),
The difficult case is when you have to measure a small variation
Δx of a high value X. The best solution is to use a differential measurement (in this case you will also measure from 0 to 10....); if this is not possible, a high resolution (many digits) instrument is needed.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
4 answers
We are looking for highly accurate and stable low pressure sensor for a new sensor design. We need to have very low temperature effects and high linearity.
Regards Bern Mark
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Hello, Bernd.Mark Markd !
For your application, I advise you to purchase this type of sensor
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
5 answers
Working on Industrial Application of force sensing robot grippers
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Hi Deyire, Depending how robust and accurate the robotic control system you want to be. In terms of robust and accurate, I have done my previous research on the nano-positioning robust might be useful for you. Good luck - Ning
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
I am looking to construct and install a weather station to measure the solar irradiance, wind speed and direction, ambient air and water temperature, relative humidity in air using all the necessary sensors (if available) with a Raspberry Pi computer, also how do I develop a simple interfacing circuit to monitor and record the data as in a data logger to read the stored data in a memory using a console/monitor? Also can the entire unit including the data logging circuit with the Raspberry Pi and the weather parameters measuring sensors be kept in a weather proof cabinet outside in a desert location? 
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We build our weather stations around the Arduino microcontroller boards, because we need self powered stand alone solutions:
for details on the logger itself see: (open access)
Because of the many different I/O options, some Pi based builds actually use an intermediate Arduino promini board between the Pi and the sensors. Then they use an RS232 serial module to send data from the sensor node to a base station logger than can be up to 1Km away.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
9 answers
I'm looking for anyone with experience using an Arduino-based data logger for outdoor sensor measurements (i.e., no mains power available). What Arduino board are you using? What size batteries are you using? Are you incorporating energy harvesting (e.g., solar or wind power)? How long can you run autonomously? What hardware/software implementations are you using to improve battery life? Do you have any deployment suggestions or recommendations?
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We've had great success with the 8mhz 3.3v Pro-Mini style boards as the basis of a data logger, with DIY underwater housings built from PVC:
Cave Pearl Data Logger: A Flexible Arduino-Based Logging Platform for Long-Term Monitoring in Harsh Environments
It's not hard to pass one year on AA batteries when you sleep the logger between readings, and units with RTC pin powering usually reach >24 months.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
my research is multi mobile agents itinerary in WSN. I want to know how to inject the mobile agents automatically.
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I think, If you use IEEE 802.15.4 module, you can just get it through a code line. You don't have to calculate it.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
1 answer
We use a Compior SP system (ALAM  Medical) for PWV measurements, which is still operational. The problem is that ALAM does not support this system anymore and also the pressure sensors are not available anymore. The pressure sensors can only be used for 300 measurements. We have a limited number of measurements left, but we have no additional set of sensors. So my question to you is whether there is someone who worked with the SP system and still has a set of (used) sensors (with the corresponding codes) in house. Hopefully you can help me! Thanks in advance,
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Dear Marjo
Did you finally find some sensors? Unfortunately, we have a similar problem now. If you have some working sensors available , we would be interested in them.
Kind regards,
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
In case of a crowdsourcing app for monitoring the ambient sound for example. Can we rely on one smartphone or many are required?
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Thank you so much
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
8 answers
I need to know what industries are doing with accelerometer except monitoring. Do they use for product quality? If they use, what do they control using Acoustic sensors? Can we measure viscosity and density of fluid from Acoustic Sensors data?
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Dear Munshi,
Yes you can. There is a quartz crystal microbalance based method for measuring the viscosity and density of various liquids. You may check the following articles: Martin S. J., Frye G. C. and Wessendorf K. O. “Sensing liquid properties with thickness shear mode resonators”, Sens. and Act. A, Vol. 44, no. 3, 1994, pp. 209-218.; Doy N., McHale G. and Newton M. I. “Separate density and viscosity determination of room temperature ionic liquids using dual quartz crystal microbalances”, IEEE Sens. Conf., 2009, pp. 287-290.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
4 answers
I want to use 4 accelerometers in an experiment. I will be using a raspberry pi. How can I distinguish the data from each sensor?
This is the accelerometer I am using
There are 2 addresses... does this mean that only 2 accelerometers can be connected to the raspberry pi?
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Minor correction to Bhaskar Ghosh's post:
  1. You can have only 2 of Adafruit's accelerometers at a single I2C line (as the I2C addresses of this accelerometer differ only in a single bit).
  2. As the RPi has got 2 I2C interfaces, you can connect 2 * 2 accelerometers - 2 at each I2C line (provided there's nothing else attached that's interfering with these).
The differentiation between every 2 of these accelerometers is via the address bit in the communication frame (for details see the Adafruit / accelerometer chip documentation): your commands are issued for one of the two accelerometers - depending on the address bit. The accelerometer addressed will "answer" while the other one will stay "silent".
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
4 answers
How to calculate dpi or resolution for capacitive fingerprint sensors?
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Thank you very much.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
Hello. Our lab is looking to do similar non-invasive monitoring of plant tissue culture medium. Could you tell me what kind of sensors you plan on using? 
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Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
4 answers
Tools of made a new sensor hardware and software for purpose of Underground wireless sensors network?
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Optimal placement of sensor nodes.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
1 answer
i am looking for EM device with resalable price can detect ground water at higher depth like 350 m and it could be used for other applications such mining exploration etc?
what do you think about
Protn47 from Geonics Limited ?
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In conjunction with a ground-based PROTEM system, the BH43-3D provides three-dimensional time domain electromagnetic data from boreholes. With a 500 x 500 m transmitter loop at surface, data can be received from boreholes to depths of 2.5 kilometres. (At developed mines, the transmitter loop can be laid out within the underground workings.) The BH43-3D probe has three sensors that measure orthogonal components of decay. Measurement intervals are determined by the resolution required; along the hole, spatial resolution as fine as 1 m can be obtained. The wide bandwidth of the probe, coupled with the excellent temporal resolution and large dynamic range of the PROTEM system, provides maximum diagnostic information and a high degree of rejection of powerline and other sources of noise.
The BH43-3D probe is available separately, or as a complete borehole system with cable, main winch, dummy probe, test cable and winch, and retrieval tools.
MAG43-3D probe is an ideal tool for the survey of highly conductive targets such as nickel sulphide ore bodies. While such targets may produce very little decay to measure with an induction coil, strong secondary magnetic fields can be readily detected with a fluxgate sensor. As with the BH43-3D, measurements from depths to 2.5 km are achievable.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
2 answers
Dear Sir/Mam,
Recently I have completed my PhD in Physics (SnO2 as a gas sensor). Now I need to write some project. I plan to work further in the field of gas sensing. Offcourse, I understand that I need to write a project on my own. My expertise in gas sensing is probably lesser then many in the field. Can someone suggest me some ideas (problem statement) so that I can write a acceptable project which can contribute to substantial improvement of present sensing technology?
Thanks and regards
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The most important problem with SnO2 gas sensors is some lack of sensitivity to the individual gases - eventually paired with some lack of robustness (and eventually sensitivity) in oxygen-depleted atmospheres. If you feel you can contribute to either or both of these topics: be invited!
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
Available CCD image sensors is restricted to 400-1100 nm range. Is it possible to get a this for 2 um range. What difficulties it encountered to develop such sensor ?
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Mercury Cadmium Telluride is probably the go-to material at this wavelength. InGaAs imaging arrays are also available, though MCT are "state of the art," I suppose. The ordinary ones, with the spectral sensitivity in the 400-1100 nm are based on Silicon.
The difficulties with both MCT and InGaAs are much higher noise than Silicon, and sensitivity to background thermal radiation. They generally require cooling (down into cryogenic range) and shielding. They are also difficult materials to work with, so processing is much harder than for Silicon.
Another established manufacturer in this area is Teledyne.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
2 answers
I am trying to increase the range of an IR thermopile sensor to suitably track human movement. I can understand that Ge lenses are the most suitable, but it is not economically viable in my application. Any ideas or suggestions is much appreciated.
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You could pick a glass Fresnel lens that is to be used as a pattern, make a reverse copy using molten tin and press virgin Teflon into the copy using moderate pressure, 25 psi and temperature 375 C.
See for Transmissivity
Surface will be a bit self cleaning as well as UV resistant
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
Am working on Robot Grippers using sensors
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Thanks. I have finally gotten it in full.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
Is there a difference between applications(App)  for better sensitivity in the measure of acceleration and time?
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Thanks Aparna,
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
5 answers
What could cause damage to the sensitive layer in mt-500 gas sensor?
and how we can fix that?
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Was the sensor packaged "hermetically sealed" - eventually with some desiccant bag? 60 °C shouldn't damage the device and dirt should not be an issue if packaged in some plastics. Humidity could be an issue if not hermetically sealed.
Another topic: is the device "completely dead" ?
I looked into the manual and found that it should suffice to connect the supply (24 V DC, connector position #4) and ground ("0 V", pos. #11). While the sensor might be reverse polarity protected, it will not work if polarity is reversed. Depending on the state of your wire connection, it might help to check the supply directly at the connector with a multimeter.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
Distributed acoustic sensor for pipeline monitoring
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Can you make your question clearer?
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
5 answers
In many applications we must detect anomaly in data gathered from the behavior of an agent for example in a smart home with some simple sensors. so, is deep learning method useful for this type of problems, and for detect anomalies?
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Thank you Ronald, very helpful and complete information
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
I am looking for a sensor that can send indication the moment it touch the water surface. The indication can be in any form.
Thank you in advance
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Hello Marc,
I read your answer. The solution sounds good, but I have an issue with its installation. I cannot attach anything in the bottom part of the device. Or if, in case, I can, I have to check its size and weight. If you have anything (document, photograph, etc.) then please share it with me. So that I can take a look and decide.
Thank you for your help.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
1 answer
I modeled a track with 12 sensors and I want to measure static load when the train is passing through the track. I wonder if anyone kindly can propose me a method to obtain the static load due to dynamic load measured by sensors on the track.
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Where your model to revise it with you
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
4 answers
I done my research work by considering bearing measurements in passive target tracking. If i also get frquency measuremnts my solution will be better. So can anyone explain how frequency measurements are obtained in Underwater Scenario for Passive Target Tracking.
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Thank you sir for your kind reply to my question Srikanth Kavirayani
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
2 answers
Out of TSM, SAW, FPW, SH-SAW which one is ideal for Gas sensing??
What are the factors to be considered to choose a Acoustic mode??
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I could not understand. Kindly elaborate
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
6 answers
what is the imaginable distance using underwater LIDAR?
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
1 answer
I am working with a CS105 pressure sensor and I would like to exactly how changes in capacitance are measured, communicated via an electronic signal, and then interpreted as a change in pressure. I understand the principles of the device but I cannot find documentation that has information about how a signal is generated after a reading, and how signals differ based on different readings.
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Regarding the "raw" capacitive pressure sensors, the sensing capacitor typically is part of a tank circuit oscillator. Thus any change in capacitance results in a change of the frequency of the oscillator that can be measured.
Regarding the CS105, there is obviously more electronics inside to evaluate the signal - most likely some microcontroller that does signal evaluation/conditioning.
Data sheets and application notes of pressure sensor chips (more or less all big semiconductor manufacturers have such) might helps you to understand the complete signal chain. Use google or the search engine of your choice to proceed...
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
4 answers
What is detection limit of a humidity sensor. How it can be measured
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I am agree with Mr. Barrie alternative suggestion, the simple way is to calibrate your humidity sensor. You may also know better characteristics of your sensor, such as the accuracy and the linearity.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
Algorithms regarding drives are needed. Thanks in advance!
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Mr. Razi Jabur Al-Azawi has suggested a good book.
You can also follow the following link.
And as Suhaib Ahmed suggested about research papers, it is good to follow some new researches matching query.
Hope the link may be helpful for you.
Best wishes Debottam. :)
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
7 answers
I have been trying to plot the detection efficiency of polyethylene (the conversion layer we are using to detect fast neutrons >1 MeV) for various thickness (1300 and 2000 microns) and compare the detection efficiency when no conversion layer is used (Silicon) from the simulated data obtained by scoring the energy deposited in every pixel of a hybrid detector modeled in FLUKA. 
I am scoring the total energy deposited by ionizing particles on the silicon sensor layer and storing the hits in a text file in the following manner
Primary number (neutron) | Xpos of the pixel | Ypos of the pixel | Energy deposited in the pixel |
For eg.
(157, 95, 131, 0.11980814999999995)
(164, 95, 125, 0.11980814999999995)
(207, 95, 130, 0.11980814999999995)
(531, 95, 124, 0.11980814999999995)
Then I plot the intrinsic detection efficiency defined as: (total number of pixel excited above a threshold to the total number of primaries registered) *100
I observe that the detection efficiency seems be increasing upto a point and then falling down while ideally it should be increasing linearly before plateauing (image attached).
Could somebody please help?
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No worries Jan. I will post the question in the FLUKA forum for help.
Thanks very much for your continued support. 
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
4 answers
to study the relation between physics and biology should go to bacteria and microwave since we use mobile every day and sure bacteria every where
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Except for radiation resistance organisms (Deinococcus radiodurans e.g) most microorganisms both absorb and attenuate gamma radiation. In most cases the effect is lethal.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
10 answers
I need to gather the diminishing wave graphs of water ripples (height over time), as caused by a water droplet or other central disturbance, in a circular tank of water.  The points I'd measure would be along an arbitrary line that originates at the center and goes to an edge of the tank (because I'm assuming the central disturbance will generate circularly symmetric waves).  How could I gather the data necessary to generate the diminishing wave graphs at each point?  Using bobbers/floats and aiming a high-speed camera perpendicular to the water's surface with a grade scale behind the clear tank won't work because the bobbers/floats likely would move freely around in the tank and not stay still.  I only want them to move up and down--to measure the height of the surface of the water as it ripples.  Would multiple lasers be able to detect the water's height?
Alternatively, if there is a (preferably free) software that can simulate simple ripples and generate the needed data, I would gladly be open to that route.
Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
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Definitely a good idea, Michael; I was hoping that I could get away with using a single line laser, so I wouldn't have to invest in multiple lasers.  And yeah, if I could find an accurate simulator that I could pull data from, I would definitely love that approach (would save a lot of time and labor)
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
8 answers
For high power applications we need a sensor which sensor is good. 
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alternate, you can use current transformer(instrument transformer) for  high power measurement. 
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
4 answers
I would like to know whether someone has used a PreSens oxygen sensor in strongly alkaline solutions. It would be good to establish a contact with the groups/labs, which have purchased it for a possible trial, before making a final decision on purchasing it myself.
Thank you in advance for any info related to this matter.
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We use different oxygen sensors from Ocean Optics. I would advise you to look at their products. They custom made for us the probe for strongly alkaline solutions. I know the person from Ocean Optic who can help you. If you are interested, send me an e-mail.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
Current sensoring technology for water management.
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  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
5 answers
We are interested in measuring the light availability for coffee plants under a range of different adaptation practices (shade, cover crops etc). We want to ensure that the measurement can be automated (i.e. a sensor that can be left for a number of months) and covers the three relevant aspects of light for plant growth. That would be quality (the wavelength), quantity (intensity/concentration) and duration. 
Does anyone have any recommendations based on their research?
Many thanks for any advice
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Multiple sensors based on PAR will serve your purpose.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
1 answer
how can i increase relative sensivity in c4d detection for electrophoresis?
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Is this for capillary electrophoresis or capillary electrophoresis? What analytes are you trying to measure? Which instrument, CE and C4D, do you have?
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
Do you know any a high magnification MACRO/MICRO LENSES designed for large format sensors such as Full-frame or APS-C, which is used for observation of my experiments. I am searching the lenses with optical magnification larger than 20X and long working distance (>3 cm).
Less than 5 µm object should be seen by using combination of the lens and a DSLR camera.
One candidate was found as shown by the attached link. Its maximum magnification is 16X. I am expecting to find a better one. Pls tell me if you know any better solutions.
Thanks a lot.
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How important is working distance? 
The Infiniprobe TS-160 achieves 16x magnification at 18 mm working distance.  At 28 mm working distance, magnification is only 4x.
Have you considered using a long working distance microscope objective - either with a suitable tube lens, or projecting directly onto the camera sensor.
The Olympus SLMPN 20x has a shorter (25 mm) working distance, but appears to be specified for a larger image circle (26.5 mm).
There could be some loss of resolution without a tube lens, but you should have no problems imaging objects less than 5 microns.  If there is significant performance drop-off in the corners of an APS-C or FF sensor, you could use a 1.4x or 2x teleconverter on your DSLR, but this may not be necessary.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
5 answers
We used a sensor in a pebble that when it moves we could have acceleration statistics. but the outputs are labeled with some titles which I'm not sure how I can use them to produce a graph (time series graph; Acceleration-Time) with these outputs.
some of the outputs are:
Time - %int(ChipTimeUS) - %float(OrientPitch) - %float(OrientYaw) - %float(OrientRoll) - %float(GyroQuatX) - %float(GyroQuatY) - %float(GyroQuatZ) - %float(GyroQuatW) - %float(CorrectedAccelX) - %float(CorrectedAccelY) - %float(CorrectedAccelZ) - %float(LinearAccelX) - %float(LinearAccelY) - %float(LinearAccelZ)
I would appreciate it for any helps.
Thanks in advance
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I know g=9.81. the thing I meant was about the gravity affect on the pebble acceleration not the constant
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
1 answer
I am using DHE to detect superoxide in non-biological system. Unlike biological system, its not working at low concentrations of superoxide (nM). Where as, in biological systems, it can detect concentrations of pico molar order. Any suggestions related to its working mechanism will be of great help. Thank you
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First you need to understand physics or chemistry passing to the limit: there is a sensitivity or no sensitivity. Not at all.
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
3 answers
For monitoring tool or work piece we use sensors to measure many parameters(Thrust Force, Torque, Acoustic Emission etc) during machining operation. And I'm also interested to use vibration signals as the tool for monitoring hole quality during drilling operation, Therefore I want to know about different applications of vibration signal ant their analysis.     
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Dear Dibyanshu,
Monitoring systems heath using vibrations has been already done (for electric machines monitoring). In this context, you may have some information about the vibration signal features (frequency and so on) about the monitored items (in your case hole quality). A first step should be to characterize the the hole quality regarding the vibration signal. Afterwards, you may proceed with the on-line monitoring.
We dealt with monitoring issues using electrical measurements but the monitoring approach is almost the same. In this context, you can have a look on my tutorial posted in researchgate (see the given weblnk).
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
1 answer
The Australia-India Strategic Research Fund, Round 10, offers an opportunity to undertake joint R&D work in the area of "Smart cities and infrastructure technologies (including urban design, sensor technologies, real time data and spatial analysis, transport systems, cold chain logistics and storage, and waste management)" ( default/files/Indo-Australia- call-for-proposal-Round-10- from-Indian-side%20%28Final% 29.pdf).
We want to seek support for a bilateral collaborative research project in the above listed priority area and develop 'Urban Design strategies for Smart Cities', with a focus on Community Capacity Development, Economic and Social Resilience and Smart Neighbourhood Design.
We are looking for an Australian research partner from a premier research institute to undertake the project activities with us.
If you are interested and you think you can meet a very tight time line for developing a viable proposal, then please read the Guidelines (attached or on the Dept of Science and Technology website: international-st-cooperation)
Arindam Biswas, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Department of Architecture & Planning
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Roorkee 247667
Uttarakhand, India
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good luck 
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
6 answers
i have an alumina substrate for making sensor and i have sno2. i want put sno2 paste on the alumina substrate. i did this experiment but there is a problem.  when i put  this in the furnace, the materials are separated from each other.
what should i do to solve this problem and get the correct result?
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Dear Sajjad
If you can use  thermal evaporation technique, which will give you very good results.
with the best regards 
  • asked a question related to Sensor Technology
4 answers
we fabricate one optical sensor with good response and reproducing  .
we want to package that for commercial application.
what is the parameters and requirement in optical sensor packaging?
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