Science topics: GynaecologyScreening
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Screening - Science topic

Screening, in medicine, is a strategy used in a population to detect a disease in individuals without signs or symptoms of that disease. Unlike what generally happens in medicine, screening tests are performed on persons without any clinical sign of disease.
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Publications related to Screening (10,000)
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Immunotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) has been increasingly employed for the treatment of many malignancies, and endocrinopathies are one of their most frequent side effects. This case report describes a 70-year-old man who faced many endocrinopathies (primary hypothy-roidism, secondary adrenal insufficiency, and diabetes mellitus) after...
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Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) usually occurs as a solitary lesion but occasionally presents as multiple lesions. The proportion of multiple BCCs is 5.9%-7.1% in Asian patients. We conducted BCC screening in April 2021, focusing on the presence or absence of multiple lesions. Patients examined between April 2021 and March 2022 (161 lesions in 136 patie...
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The positive impact of nature on human wellbeing is well-established, while lack of access to natural environments can negatively affect mental and physical health. In today's digital age, challenges such as excessive screen time and strained relationships emphasize the need for digital wellbeing and balanced technology use. This study explores the...
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Despite the complementary strengths of short- and long-read sequencing approaches, variant calling methods still rely on a single data type. Here, leveraging harmonized Nanopore and Illumina data from the genome in a bottle consortium, we explore the benefits of combining Illumina and Nanopore data through a hybrid approach based on deep learning....
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Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is a theoretical framework used to assess information teaching. However, its application and popularity in practice is limited due to usability and accuracy issues. This study presents a quantitative model called TPACK-Venn, which is based on the graphical calculation of a Venn diagram determined...
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Given two sets of vertices \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$S_a$$\end{document} and \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysy...
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Together with industry experts, we are exploring the potential of head-mounted augmented reality to facilitate safety inspections on high-rise construction sites. A particular concern in the industry is inspecting perimeter safety screens on higher levels of construction sites, intended to prevent falls of people and objects. We aim to support work...
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Cyclic peptides are potentially therapeutic in clinical applications, due to their great stability and activity. Yet, designing and identifying potential cyclic peptide binders targeting specific targets remains a formidable challenge, entailing significant time and resources. In this study, we modified the powerful RFdiffusion model to allow the c...
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The adaptation of technology by organizations often leads to techno-overload, a situation where technology forces users to work faster and longer, resulting in decreased performance and increased stress. This research aims to identify the relationship between techno-overload to performance, and emotional exhaustion of employees through the theoreti...
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The Screening Tool of Older Person's Prescriptions (STOPP) is used to detect potentially inappropriate medication. Version 2 includes 80 criteria, whereof two can be considered implicit as their detection primarily relies on the assessor's expertise: (A1) drugs without indication and (A2) drug treatment beyond recommended duration. To explore the i...
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SETTING This study is a retrospective review of a large-scale systematic TB screening project conducted in six states of Nigeria. OBJECTIVE To determine the magnitude and characteristics of subclinical TB and the relative contributions of bacteriological versus clinical diagnosis in its identification in Nigeria. DESIGN Data were retrospectively...
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Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) involves a decline in episodic memory and, in many cases, language. Taler et al. (2021) developed a set of story recall materials that we expected to be sensitive to changes in language in normal aging and MCI. Here, we examined the lexical (word-level) contents of participants' story recall responses from Taler et a...
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The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), and Frontal Assessment Battery are screening tests for dementia. The go/no-go task offers an alternative approach for evaluating dementia patients. However, its role in screening for dementia remains unclear. We aimed to explore the feasibility of using the go/no-go tas...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi peningkatan pembelajaran fisika berbasis mobile learning menggunakan video presentasi terhadap kemampuan argumentasi ilmiah siswa. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah perubahan sistem pembelajaran akibat pandemi Covid-19 yang memaksa penggunaan teknologi dalam pendidikan. Systematic Literature Review (...
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Objectives To assess the performance of five osteoporosis clinical risk assessment tools (SCORE, ORAI, ABONE, OST and OSIRIS), in a subgroup of young postmenopausal women aged 50-64, who underwent DXA screening. Methods The above-mentioned osteoporosis risk assessment tools were calculated for 258 young postmenopausal women (aged 50-64) who had a...
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SETTING Three health facilities: Chongwe Health Centre (CHC), Chongwe District Hospital (CDH), and Ngwerere Health Centre (NHC) in Chongwe District, Lusaka Province, Zambia. OBJECTIVE To describe the epidemiological trend of TB in 2015–2018, with the 2014 data as baseline. DESIGN This was an observational study. RESULTS At CHC, CDH, and NHC, 457...
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La escala de valoración funcional Functional Movement Screen (FMS) ha sido estudiada en múltiples deportes mostrando resultados poco claros sobre su capacidad predictiva de lesiones. Se ha relacionado una puntuación <14 en FMS con la aparición de lesiones. Sin embargo, en el contexto del baloncesto la capacidad predictiva de lesiones de esta prueba...
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This paper characterizes extreme points of the set of incentive-compatible mechanisms for screening problems with linear utility. Extreme points are exhaustive mechanisms, meaning their menus cannot be scaled and translated to make additional feasibility constraints binding. In problems with one-dimensional types, extreme points admit a tractable d...
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Latar Belakang: Keterlambatan perkembangan motorik halus dapat berdampak negatif pada kesehatan anak, sehingga diperlukan stimulasi yang tepat untuk mendukung perkembangannya. Teknik usap abur adalah salah satu metode stimulasi yang diyakini dapat mendukung perkembangan anak. Pentingnya keterlibatan orang tua dan guru dalam mendukung stimulasi perk...
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In-person presentations commonly depend on projectors or screens, requiring input devices for slide transitions and laser pointing. This paper introduces a glove-based pointer device that integrates these functions, offering an alternative to conventional tools. The device leverages accelerometer and gyroscope technology to enhance precision and us...
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Screen performer Silvia Calderoni is characterized by an androgynous body, slender and muscular, an unmistakably feminine voice able to scan crystal-clear diction, pale skin, bleached hair broken up into a leonine mane, a look poised between punk references and street style, fiercely queer.
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AIM: to develop and validate hemorrhoidal disease (HD) specific national questionnaire. MATERIALS AND METHODS: the Russian questionnaire, which included questions on the most typical HD symptoms, was developed by leading national specialists-proctologists. The regression analysis was used to evaluate linear and nonlinear relationships between the f...
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On January 15, 2022, Margherita Buy turned 60 years old. This celebration often entails an evaluation of ageing stars’ past and present careers in the media. By looking at accounts of Buy’s 60th birthday in Italian online periodicals, this chapter argues that her prestige is constructed by referring to both extraordinary—Buy’s status as one of the...
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Introduction: Catatonia is a neuropsychiatric disorder marked by significant disturbances in motor, cognitive, and affective functioning and that is frequently under-diagnosed. To enhance clinical detection of catatonia, this study aimed to develop a rapid, sensitive Catatonia Quick Screen (CQS) using a reduced set of catatonic signs to facilitate...
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Latar Belakang: Screen time diartikan sebagai waktu lama penggunaan layar (screen) media elektronik atau gadget. Salah satu kekhawatiran terkait kesehatan adalah potensi penggunaan layar terhadap gejala Gangguan Pemusatan Perhatian dan Hiperaktivitas (GPPH). Perilaku yang menandai terjadinya GPPH berupa gambaran inatensi, impulsivitas, serta hipera...
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What's next in Digital Pathology and AI?: Digital Cytopathology, AI-molecular screening, Generative AI, LLMs, and Foundation Models Lecture at the First International Digital Pathology Symposium and Slide Review Meeting Hosted by the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China
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Montessori educators face increasing demands to support growing numbers of students who have developmental delays or disabilities, and early detection and support are essential. Yet, detecting developmental delays is a complex task, and early childhood educators do not typically receive specialized training. The Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ)...
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This chapter addresses the challenge of designing research methods to empirically study the platformization of the family. In order to move away from simplistic definitions and discussions like “screen time”, we need rigorous and imaginative methods for capturing everyday family life and understand how platform logics are structuring relationships...
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The process of operational planning and hospital decision making is assisted by the SIMRS system. Based on a preliminary survey conducted in the Medical Records section of RSUD doctors, R. Soedarsono found 400 SIMRS patient data and 300 manual patient data. Because staff members enter the same patient data multiple times, some of this data is dupli...
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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) requires careful evaluation due to underrecognition, difficulties in determining correct analyses, and the necessity for extensive therapy. We look at the approaches currently used to evaluate OCD in adults, such as quick or web-based screening tools, consistent investigative and other scientific meetings, unstan...
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Pemerintah memberikan tugas kepada Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional sebagai inovasi baru upaya program penurunan stunting dengan meluncurkan Aplikasi Elektronik Siap Nikah & Siap Hamil yang ditujukan kepada calon pengantin, balita, Pasangan Usia Subur, Ibu Hamil, dan Ibu Pasca Nifas sebagai alat screening untuk mendeteksi faktor r...
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The light, strange baryons have been studied through various approaches and attempted to be looked for rigorously in experiments. The screened potential has been applied to heavy baryon sector as well as meson systems in earlier works. Here, this article attempts to compare the results for linear and screened potential for light strange baryons. Al...
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Objective: To investigate the impact of multidisciplinary team (MDT) intervention for early mobilization (EM) of patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) in the intensive care unit (ICU). Methods: A retrospective uncontrolled before–after observational study was conducted to assess patient outcomes before and after introducing MDT in...
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Following the discovery of the CRISPR-Cas technology in 2012, there has been a growing global call for public engagement regarding the potential use of human germline gene editing (HGGE). In this systematic scoping review, we aim to evaluate public engagement studies considering the following questions based on three points of attention: 1) Inclusi...
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Zusammenfassung Patienten mit systemischen autoimmunen rheumatischen Erkrankungen (SARD) haben ein erhöhtes Risiko für die Entwicklung einer interstitiellen Lungenerkrankung (ILD), die häufig prognosebestimmend ist. Richtlinien zu Screening und Monitoring, die aufgrund des hohen Mortalitätsrisikos und der wachsenden medikamentösen Therapieoptionen...
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Introduction: The incidence of various types of cancers in India are set to increase thereby putting an increased burden on the health system. There is a need for people to know sufficiently about cancer, the various types, the risk factors, the early symptoms and signs etc. so that they can come for professional diagnosis early. However, the fear...
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The electrostatic correlations between ions profoundly influence the structure and forces within electrical double layers. Here, we apply the modified Gaussian renormalized fluctuation theory to investigate the counter-intuitive phenomenon of repulsion between two oppositely charged surfaces and discuss its relationship with overcharging. By accura...
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Number sense refers to a set of numerical processing skills that develop before entering primary school and evolve with age and experience. Research has shown the importance of these skills for mathematical achievement. Therefore, early identification of students who have difficulty in numerical processing is the key to early intervention to reduce...
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Since the beginning of the pandemic, clinicians and researchers have been searching for alternative methods of sample collection to improve the screening and diagnosis of the SARS-CoV-2 infection. At present, the most reliable method for identifying the virus involves combining nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs (NP/OP). However, whether the vi...
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This meta-analysis examined how focus guided the allocation of readers’ attention in natural reading of Chinese and English. After the literature search and screening, 15 eye movement experimental studies were obtained, and Cohen’s d effect values (consisting of 480 subjects and 552 groups of experimental materials) were extracted to explore the fo...
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Purpose This study aimed to clarify whether there is a relationship between vessel deviation during stent retrieval and successful recanalization in stent-based mechanical thrombectomy (MT) for M2 occlusion. Methods The video of the MT was reviewed for each of the 25 included patients with M2 occlusion. The vertical distance of vessel deviation at...
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Peptide drugs are experiencing a renaissance driven by technological breakthroughs and the success of recent blockbuster drugs. A versatile peptide chemistry toolbox, modern synthesis techniques, and powerful discovery platforms are addressing many inherent roadblocks in peptide drug discovery and development allowing complex diseases to be targete...
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Introduction Urgent calls for research on the relationship between climate change concerns and eating disorder risk have been made. This study aimed to validate an Italian version of the Eating-Related Eco-Concern Questionnaire (EREC), a brief unidimensional measure of eating behaviors related to eco-concern. Methods Six hundred and sixty-three ad...
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Introduction: The rapid development of software tools to assist systematic reviewers has led to varying degrees of adoption and selection among researchers. However, the actual usage patterns of these tools, their preferred features, and the criteria for selecting the most suitable tools remain unclear. Methods: To understand these aspects, we col...
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This study aimed to elucidate the risk of developing breast cancer (BC) by reproductive and hormonal profiles to suggest risk‐adapted starting screening ages and to investigate risks after negative mammography results to inform screening intervals in the Korean setting. Participants who performed health examinations between 2002 and 2023 at the Nat...
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We report three unrelated cases of Hermansky-Pudlak (HP) characterized by novel mutations in HPS3 (compound heterozygosity for c.1457G>A and c.1813G>T), HPS6 (homozygous c.210_211insGGGCC), and HPS8 (homozygous c.299dupC in BLOC1S3) genes. No spontaneous bleeding tendency was observed despite the presence of several platelet function abnormalities....
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BACKGROUND Currently, intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) poses a continuing, significant health challenge, but the relationship has yet to be established between ICC and the proteasome 26S subunit non-ATPase 6 (PSMD6). AIM To investigate the protein expression and clinicopathological significance of PSMD6 in ICC. METHODS The potential impact of...
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Background Uncertainty is a widespread phenomenon experienced worldwide. The bulk of existing research to date has focused on transitory or acute experiences of uncertainty, often in the particular context of illness. The current study evaluated the psychometric properties of the cross-contextual 40-item (long) and 20-item (short) Chronic Uncertain...
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Objective The objective of this study is to describe the impact of rapid and ultra-rapid whole genome sequencing (rWGS/urWGS) on the care of neonatal intensive care (NICU) patients who require extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Study design This is a retrospective cohort study at a single-center NICU in a tertiary children’s hospital. The...
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In order to accurately evaluate the safety risk level of converter station operations and reflect its changing trends, an evaluation method based on dynamic fuzzy theory is proposed. By constructing an initial Work Breakdown Structure-Risk breakdown structure (WBS-RBS) coupled matrix, identifying risk factors, and using the vague set screening meth...
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In low-resource areas of China, enhancing the quality of cervical and breast cancer screening is essential for effective prevention and control. Systematic training and technological empowerment can strengthen these screening programmes, optimise processes and improve diagnostic accuracy. For cervical cancer screening, it is crucial to employ appro...
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Hypertension is one of the main health problems faced by people around the world, including Indonesia. Hypertension is known as a "silent killer" because it often does not show symptoms until it reaches a serious stage. At the Tamansari Health Center in Tasikmalaya City, hypertension is the highest disease most suffered by the community with a tota...
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Package spar for R builds ensembles of predictive generalized linear models with high-dimensional predictors. It employs an algorithm utilizing variable screening and random projection tools to efficiently handle the computational challenges associated with large sets of predictors. The package is designed with a strong focus on extensibility. Scre...
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Since 2014, Artificial Intelligence (AI) image detection has developed rapidly in the medical field, while the global incidence of diabetes has increased rapidly. As an early sign of diabetic retinopathy (DR), the detection of diabetic microaneurysms is particularly important for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Therefore, the artificial i...
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Carpenter et al. add to the body of evidence demonstrating that irradiated head and neck cancer survivors are at high risk for carotid artery stenosis. In this editorial, the concept of screening for asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis in this subpopulation is explored.
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Zusammenfassung Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) rief den Plan zur Eliminierung des Zervixkarzinoms bis 2030 aus, der in drei wesentlichen Aspekten umzusetzen ist: 90 % der Mädchen weltweit sollen bis zur Vollendung des 15. Lebensjahrs (LJ) vollständig gegen HPV geimpft sein; 70 % der Frauen sollen vor der Vollendung des 35. LJ und des 45. LJ...
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We examine statistics of fluctuations of the light beam intensity at its propagating in a turbulent atmosphere. We are interested in the probability of relatively large values of the beam intensity. The model of a phase screen is considered. We find the tail of the probability density function characterized by the stretched exponent with power 7/12...
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Reproductive genetic carrier screening (RGCS) provides information about people’s chance of having children with certain genetic conditions, to inform reproductive decision making. RGCS at population scale requires a robust and streamlined program that is purposively designed and formally implemented to ensure equity and consistency. There are many...
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Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre las Funciones Ejecutivas y la Satisfacción con la Vida en personas con discapacidad. Se trabajó con una muestra de 40 participantes de entre 20 y 64 años, pertenecientes a un centro diurno de discapacidades en Tungurahua. La investigación presentó un enfoque cuantitativo, con alcance desc...
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Terry Gilliam’s 2018 film, The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, reimagines Cervantes’s timeless tale. This précis examines how Gilliam’s (2018) film not only adapts but also, to a lesser extent, appropriates the original text to create a narrative that resonates with contemporary viewers.
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Objetivo: Cuando las personas reciben información sobre los beneficios y daños de la mamografía, no siempre la aceptan al pie de la letra y, en cambio, expresan escepticismo. El propósito de esta investigación fue identificar los impulsores psicológicos de este escepticismo. Se consideraron dos hipótesis basadas en teorías: una hipótesis propone qu...
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Cancer is the second cause of death in kidney transplant patients in most Western countries. The excess risk of cancer after kidney transplantation is two to three times higher than in the age and sex matched general population. Once cancer develops, the outcome is generally poor, particularly for melanoma, renal cell carcinoma and post-transplant...
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During the pandemic and in subsequent years, we observed that COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus affected the paediatric population in different ways. In certain groups of children and adolescents, social isolation, changes in family dynamics, increased exposure to technological screens and changes in diet, among others, have affected their de...
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Screening plant imports for potentially invasive species is key to preventing new invasions. To aid this process, we compiled an inventory of Bermuda's flora, which contains 1587 species, from 886 genera in 162 families. Only 9.5% of the total flora are native, and 89.8% are introduced. 52 species were classified as invasive.
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Fragment‐based drug discovery is a well‐established method for the identification of chemical starting points for development into clinical candidates. Historically, crystallographic fragment screening was perceived to be low‐throughput and time consuming. However, thanks to advances in synchrotron capabilities and the introduction of dedicated fac...
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Myopia is a type of clinical refraction, a form of spherical refractive anomaly in which the eye has a relatively stronger refractive power for the corresponding length of the anteroposterior axis. The focus of this optical system is far in front of the retina. Myopia can be congenital or manifest later, most often at school age. It can be stationa...
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This news section offers Cancer readers timely information on events, public policy analysis, topical issues, and personalities. This issue features Dr Quynh‐Thu Le, who confronts the difficult challenges of improving the efficacy and safety of radiation therapy in the treatment of head and neck cancers. In addition, molecularly guided therapy impr...