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Science Education - Science topic
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Questions related to Science Education
Hello Everyone,
In long years of teaching and researching I found out that there are a lot of topics worth for research, for PhD thesis and beyond I am to share them here, one by one, I encourage other researchers to do so, if they have something valuable in this regard.
2025 2nd International Conference on Arts, Education and Management(ICAEM 2025) will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on February 14-16, 2025.
Conference Website:
---Call for papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
(1) Art
· Art
· Xiqu
· Design
· Animation
· Cultural Industry
· Music and Dance
· Theatre and Film and Television Studies
(2) Education
· Pedagogy
· Psychology
· Science Education
· Special Education
· Physical Education
· Intelligent Education
· Sports Rehabilitation
(3) Manage
· Safety Management
· Public Administration
· Business Administration
· Safety Science and Engineering
· Agricultural Economic Management
· Information Resource Management
· Management Science and Engineering
All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers will be published in Journals and will be submitted for CNKI,Google Scholar.
---Important Dates---
Full Paper Submission Date: January 25, 2025
Registration Deadline: February 1, 2025
Final Paper Submission Date: February 1, 2025
Conference Dates: February 14-16, 2025
--- Paper Submission---
Please send the full paper(word+pdf) to Submission System:

Dear colleagues,
We are very pleased to invite you to submit your latest research results, developments, and ideas to the 2025 2nd International Conference on Arts, Education and Management(ICAEM 2025) ,which will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on February 14-16, 2025.
Please visit the official website for more information:
***Call for Papers***
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
(1) Art
· Art
· Xiqu
· Design
· Animation
· Cultural Industry
· Music and Dance
· Theatre and Film and Television Studies
(2) Education
· Pedagogy
· Psychology
· Science Education
· Special Education
· Physical Education
· Intelligent Education
· Sports Rehabilitation
(3) Manage
· Safety Management
· Public Administration
· Business Administration
· Safety Science and Engineering
· Agricultural Economic Management
· Information Resource Management
· Management Science and Engineering
***Important Dates****
Full Paper Submission Date: January 25, 2025
Registration Deadline: February 1, 2025
Final Paper Submission Date: February 1, 2025
Conference Dates: February 14-16, 2025
***Paper Submission***
Please send the full paper(word+pdf) to Submission System:
Dear colleagues,
We are very pleased to invite you to submit your latest research results, developments, and ideas to the 2024 International Conference on Education, Management and Art and Culture (EMAC 2024)will be held in Datong, Shanxi,China on December 20-22, 2024.
Please visit the official website for more information:
***Call for Papers***
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
◪Art and Culture
· Art
· Design
· Animation
· Communication Science
· Music and Dance
· Chinese/Foreign Languages and Literature
◪ Education
· Pedagogy
· Psychology
· Science Education
· Special Education
· Physical Education
· Intelligent Education
· Sports Rehabilitation
· Safety Management
· Public Administration
· Business Administration
· Safety Science and Engineering
· Agricultural Economic Management
· Information Resource Management
· Management Science and Engineering
***Important Dates****
Full Paper Submission Date: November 20, 2024
Registration Deadline: November 30, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: December 10, 2024
Conference Dates: December 20-22,2024
***Paper Submission***
Please send the full paper(word+pdf) to Submission System:
The demarcation between philosophy and science is defined by the validation of ideas through experimentation. However, what happens when loopholes are created that allow unsubstantiated thoughts to re-enter science under the guise of scientific rigor? This, in fact, was achieved by scientists like Einstein and has since been embraced by the scientific community. Below are three specific examples of such loopholes. I invite you to comment on them:
- Thought Experiment: Einstein reintroduced a core philosophical concept by renaming it, substituting real experimentation with hypothetical scenarios. This approach has significantly altered the scientific landscape.
- Thought Instrument: Einstein also introduced the idea of the "thought instrument," exemplified by constructs like the "light clock" and the "graphene-thick windowless laboratory (GTWL)," to support his thought experiments.
- Handicapped Experimentation: The most striking loophole was the deliberate exclusion of key observations in experiments, which allowed for experimentation within the confines of the GTWL. This last loophole is the hardest to detect but becomes obvious once revealed. Imagine being given two identical bottles containing two transparent liquids. You're told that no experiment can differentiate between the two liquids. However, when informed that one smells like white vinegar and the other does not, you're instructed not to use your sense of smell in the experiment. This is similar to the rationale given to justify the "equivalence principle" and, subsequently, general relativity.
For more on the intersection of religion, philosophy, and science, please refer to the attached presentation materials.
Presentation God: Valid Scientific Conclusion
Dear ReserchGate
Can you please add Journal of Social Science Education [JSSE] among the journals possible to enter when you add new research! JSSE (ISSN: 1618-5293) is an important journal in the field of social science education.
Kind regards
Mattias Björklund, Stockholm University
2024 3rd International Conference on Science Education and Art Appreciation (SEAA 2024)will be held on June 28-30, 2024 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Conference Webiste:
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
1. Education
◆ Science of education, history of education
◆ Educational psychology, teaching practice
◆ Physical education, physical mental health
◆ Pedagogy principles, Curriculum and pedagogy
◆ Preschool education, higher education
◆ Psychology, physical education
◆ Vocational and technical education
◆ Special pedagogy
◆ Educational Technology
◆ Humanities and sociology of Sports
2. Art
◆ Language, art theor
◆ Art, animation
◆ Drama, film and television management
◆ Design, art design
◆ Music and dance
◆ Broadcasting
◆ Landscape planning and design
◆ Literature, fiction appreciation, The international literature
◆ History spread
◆ Translation aesthetics
All accepted full papers will be published in ASSEHR-Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ISSN: 2352-5398) and will be submitted to CPCP/CNKI for indexing.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Date: May 28, 2024
Registration Deadline: June 08, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: June 18, 2024
Conference Dates: June 28-30, 2024
For More Details please visit:
Invitation code: AISCONF
*Using the invitation code on submission system/registration can get priority review and feedback

Research in Agricultural Science Education
International Conference on Arts, Education and Management(ICAEM2024) will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on February 23-25,2024.
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
(1) Art
· Art
· Xiqu
· Design
· Animation
· Cultural Industry
· Music and Dance
· Theatre and Film and Television Studies
(2) Education
· Pedagogy
· Psychology
· Science Education
· Special Education
· Physical Education
· Intelligent Education
· Sports Rehabilitation
(3) Manage
· Safety Management
· Public Administration
· Business Administration
· Safety Science and Engineering
· Agricultural Economic Management
· Information Resource Management
· Management Science and Engineering
All accepted papers will be published in Clausius Scientific Press (CSP) and will be submitted for CNKI,Google Scholar.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Date: January 25, 2024
Registration Deadline: January 29, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: January 29, 2024
Conference Dates: February 23-25, 2024
For More Details please visit:

Environmental problems in the age we live in require us to think creatively, to question them, and to do something corrective. What is the role of science education in the transformation of education and its adaptation to the age?
Relationship between Agric Science Education and Soil Science
Does energy have an origin or root?
When Plato talks about beauty in the "Hippias Major", he asks: "A beautiful young girl is beautiful", "A sturdy mare is beautiful", "A fine harp is beautiful", "A smooth clay pot is beautiful" ....... , So what exactly is beauty? [1]
We can likewise ask, Mechanical energy is energy, Heat energy is energy, Electrical and magnetic energy is energy, Chemical and internal energy is energy, Radiant energy is energy, so what exactly is "energy"?[2]
Richard Feynman, said in his Lectures in the sixties, "It is important to realize that in physics today we have no knowledge of what energy is". Thus, Feynman introduced energy as an abstract quantity from the beginning of his university teaching [3].
However, the universal concept of energy in physics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can only be transformed. If energy cannot be destroyed, then it must be a real thing that exists, because it makes no sense to say that we cannot destroy something that does not exist. If energy can be transformed, then, in reality, it must appear in a different form. Therefore, based on this concept of energy, one can easily be led to the idea that energy is a real thing, a substance. This concept of energy is often used, for example, that energy can flow and that it can be carried, lost, stored, or added to a system [4][5].
Indeed, in different areas of physics, there is no definition of what energy are, and what is consistent is only their Metrics and measures. So, whether energy is a concrete Substance**, or is just heat, or is the capacity of doing work, or is just an abstract cause of change, was much discussed by early physicists. However, we must be clear that there is only one kind of energy, and it is called energy. It is stored in different systems and in different ways in those systems, and it is transferred by some mechanism or other from one system to another[9].
Based on a comprehensive analysis of physical interactions and chemical reaction processes, energy is considered to be the only thing that communicates various phenomena. Thus, "Energism" was born*[8]. Ostwald had argued that matter and energy had a “parallel” existence, he developed a more radical position: matter is subordinate to energy. “Energy is always stored or contained in some physical system. Therefore, we will always have to think of energy as a property of some identifiable physical system”. “Ostwald regarded his Energism as the ultimate monism, a unitary "science of science" which would bridge not only physics and chemistry, but the physical and biological sciences as well”[6]. This view has expressed the idea of considering "pure energy" as a "unity" and has assumed the process of energy interaction. However, because of the impossibility to determine what energy is, it has been rejected by both scientific and philosophical circles as "metaphysics" and "materialism"[10].
The consistency and transitivity of energy and momentum in different physical domains have actually shown that they must be linked and bound by something fundamental. Therefore, it is necessary to re-examine the "Energism" and try to promote it.
The relationship between energy and momentum, which are independent in classical mechanics, and their conservation are also independent. the momentum of the particle does not involve its energy. but In relativity, the conservations of momentum and energy cannot be dissociated. The conservation of momentum in all inertial frames requires the conservation of energy and vice versa. space and time are frame-dependent projections of spacetime[7].
Our questions are:
1) What is energy, is it a fundamental thing of entity nature**, or is it just a measure, like the property "label" of "beauty", which can be used by anyone: heat, light, electricity, machinery, atomic nuclei. Do the various forms of energy express the same meaning? Can they be expressed mathematically in a uniform way? Is there a mathematical definition of "energy"? ***
2) Is the conservation of energy a universal principle? How does physics ensure this conservation?
3) Why is there a definite relationship between energy and momentum in all situations? Where are they rooted?
4) If the various forms of energy and momentum are unified, given the existence of relativity, is there any definite relationship between them and time and space?
* At the end of the nineteenth century, two theories were born that tried to unify the physical world, "electromagnetic worldview" and "Energism". We believe that this is the most intuitive and simple view of the world. And, probably the most beautiful and correct view of the world.
** If it is an entity, then it must still exist at absolute zero. Like the energy and momentum of the photon itself, it does not change because of the temperature, as long as it does not interact with each other.
*** We believe that this is an extremely important issue, first mentioned by Sergey Shevchenko( )in his reply to a question on Researchgate, see; SS's reply.
[1] Plato.
[2] Ostwald identified five “Arten der Energie”: I. Mechanical energy, II. Heat, III. Electrical and magnetic energy, IV. Chemical and internal energy, and V. Radiant energy. Each form of energy (heat, chemical, electrical, volume, etc.) is assigned an intensity. And formulated two fundamental laws of energetics. The first expresses the conservation of energy in the process of transfer and conversion; the second explains in terms of intensity equilibrium what can start and stop the transfer and conversion of energy.
[3] Duit, R. (1981). "Understanding Energy as a Conserved Quantity‐‐Remarks on the Article by RU Sexl." European journal of science education 3(3): 291-301.
[4] Swackhamer, G. (2005). Cognitive resources for understanding energy.
[5] Coelho, R. L. (2014). "On the Concept of Energy: Eclecticism and Rationality." Science & Education 23(6): 1361-1380.
[6] Holt, N. R. (1970). "A note on Wilhelm Ostwald's energism." Isis 61(3): 386-389.
[7] Ashtekar, A. and V. Petkov (2014). Springer Handbook of Spacetime. Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
[8] Leegwater, A. (1986). "The development of Wilhelm Ostwald's chemical energetics." Centaurus 29(4): 314-337.
[9] Swackhamer, G. (2005). Cognitive resources for understanding energy.
[10] The two major scientific critics of Energism are Max Planck and Ernst Mach. The leading critic of the political-philosophical community was Vladimir Lenin (the founder of the organization known as Comintern). But he criticized not only Ostwald, but also Ernst Mach.
Learning in Science Education deals with the process of ensuring positive and permanent changes in the learners characteristics as a result of interaction with the environment and resources including human such as a teacher(Babalola, 2023).
Changes in the learners' behavior include the psychomotor, Cognitive and the affective domains. Adequate knowledge of each of these domains of learning provides for Science Education variables. The knowledge of such variables often reorients the teacher focus of what to achieve in the learners and the suitable innovative methods required to achieve that during the classroom activities. Consequently, what are these important Science Education variables that Chemistry Education researchers need to pay more attention to other than academic Achievement and why?
Necesito publicaciones o los nombres de quienes hayan o estén trabajando en ensenanza interdisciplinaria de las Ciencias Naturales. Particularmente me interesa sobre formación docente y currículum para el nivel medio de enseñanza (secundaria).
Muchas gracias, Gastón
I am looking for collaborators to conduct a broad field study of acceptance and rejection of evolution in biology majors that is comparative across regions of the United States and abroad. Please respond if you might be interested. Instrumentation is already prepared/validated and reliability tested.
Dear fellows,
Maybe you have done interesting measurements to test some model?
I can always use such data to use as examples and tests for my regression analysis software, and it's a win-win, since I might give you a second opinion on your research.
It's important that I also get the imprecision (measurement error/confidence interval) on the independent and dependent variables. At this moment, my software only handles one of each, but I'm planning to expand it for more independent variables.
Thanks in advance!
Dear fellow academicians, firstly I wish the health & safety of you and your relatives during this pandemic; and present my kindest regards from Turkey. I am working on a research project that is orientated towards the pre-service training of science teachers through the utilization of low-end VR (Virtual reality) materials. Although bearing a humble background regarding this topic, I am also aware that there is still much to go before sufficiently rationalizing it and inferring any potential conclusions as a result of such an intervention.
Therefore, I am asking for your thoughts, backing, and counter-arguments against the use of VR in the training of pre-service science teachers. As a tentative outline, I am proposing the basic elements as follows;
The central educational gap that will be addressed: I plan to address the artificiality of the science instruction in the classrooms, which have been torn apart from the actual context that modern science is concerned with. My preliminary target in this manner is the facilitation of the instructional practices of pre-service science teachers.
Underlying theoretical perspective: I plan to adhere to the Contextual learning theory as my central perspective of research. In the research on VR-assisted science education, the most prominent tendency is the lack of theory, particularly in manipulative interventions. Apart from that, the Experiential learning theory appears as the dominant choice in the relevant literature, which primarily is in-line with high-end VR materials. However, I am keen to believe that the nature of contextual learning is compatible more with low-end VR materials, which I plan to utilize for this intervention.
What is the nature of the intervention that you plan to develop?: During the micro-teaching practices of pre-service science teachers, I plan to require them to use their mobile phones as VR headsets with the phone shell that I will provide. The reflections of this intervention will be evaluated with the focus group interviews and the quantitative queries regarding the technology acceptances of the participants as well as the peer reviews between the participants and the initial feedbacks of mine for them
Who is the target group of the intervention?: The target group of the intervention thought to consists of the pre-service science teachers from a state university that enrolled in the "Instructional Technologies" course.
What kind of setting will you use?: I plan to train and encourage the participants to use low-end VR during their micro-teaching practices during the approximately 12-week semester, first three weeks allocated for the necessary training. The required hardware power is abundant as the participants will use their devices, as the VR interface framework named Google Cardboard is compatible with most of the consumer devices. The head-mounted displays that I will provide are low-cost tools that just contain two biconvex optic lenses and an area that the smartphones from different sizes can be embedded. This even can be DIY' ed using regular cardboards, as the name suggests.
What kind of learning outcomes do you plan to target?: Technology acceptance of pre-service teachers, primarily through the mixed-method evaluations, in order to ensure the triangulation(s) of data, method, inferences resulting from these.
What I am requesting from you resembles a pre-peer-review for such a construction. For example, I would be flattered if you would propose alternative learning theories to take as the basis of such an intervention, sharing your ideas, the suitable VR-based materials, resources and tools to use in the process and may even propose an adequate educational design research framework for me to adhere to.
Let such a conversation to flourish, which would not only guide me during this process but also serve as a convalescent topic of discussion for relevant emerging research! As this encouragement implies, I intend to keep this discussion alive until being incapable of doing so :-) Let us brainstorm together and assemble as the "Avengers" of the science education literature!
👨🏫 Are you teaching in primary, secondary or higher education? Do you usually use videos as complementary resource in your classes? I would like this ResearchGate space to serve us to enhance our classes, by discussing on the main benefits and inconveniencies encountered when trying to integrate videos as pedagogical aids. Let's share our experience!
👍 As per my experience in integrating videos in STEM disciplines, they have noticeably increased the interest of students in the subject, as well as their motivation. When using videos for both conceptual and procedural learning it is expected to find an increase in performance (which is reported in literature). In my case studies I haven't been able to isolate their effect because it was developed during covid-19 pandemics and there were many factors affecting students' performance. However, a combination between quantitative and qualitative data collection led us to infer that videos did imply a mitigating effect for the adverse effects of lockdown (this case study is part of my research publications).
👎 In terms of disadvantages, I find that the main drawback is the time and resources that teachers need to invest in the creation of such videos. In order to overcome this difficulty, it is true that the internet is full of audiovisual resources that we might take profit from. They are mostly coming from informal education (dissemination, outreaching activities...), but many of them comply with main quality standards described in literature for pedagogical use.
🔈 What is your experience in these regards? Do you count on additional resources or criteria when selecting video material? Is your experience it the classroom indicating any interesting phenomenon of video effects in students' motivation or performance? Please, share in this discussion. Let's build knowledge and share our experiences to enhance our teaching activity.
📚🔍 My research in STEM education is focused on some of these key aspects. I am open to collaborate in future case studies that might complement our experience and expertise fields. Don't hesitate contacting me through my ResearchGate profile.
Thanks for sharing!
I am doing an Education Research in Goettingen University and would like to have an example of reports. How they should be done in Germany?
Have been working here for three months.
Which should be the contant, volume ( how many pages), how picutres should be presented
1. You use Material 1 in Biology and after using it, you recycle it in Chemistry to come up with Material 2.
2. You use Material 1 in Biology and then its product is used in Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science.
3. Or any related activities that make use of similar or related ideas.
If you can share also your related studies, I highly appreciate it. Thanks!
The classroom is comprised of different individuals, each of them with their own uniqueness, and having been admitted into the institution of learning gives them access to learn, and also right to enjoy that learning just like every other person.
In the variety of students in our classrooms are brilliant, gifted and talented children. However in the same classroom are physically challenged persons whose desire is also to learn, and gain quality knowledge. In some situations, some teachers see those physically challenged as burdens, and they do nothing or less to carry them along thereby denying them access to adequate learning.
With the advancement of science and technology comes with solutions to how those learners can also learn, and also help teachers who couldn't help them to actually carry them along, and that brought the introduction of assistive technologies.
What are some of those assistive technologies that a teacher can advise those learners to get in order to learn adequately just like others even as he/she helps in anyway possible?
How can those technologies be used?
Do those technologies have merits, and demerits?
Remember everyone have the best they can contribute, likewise the physically challenged, and if we don't do anything to help them, how can the best in them be activated?
Your response is needed.
e-laboratory came up as a result of COVID-19 lockdown.
Researchers in Science Education usually study Students' perceptions of Science subjects like chemistry and their topics. Why are they doing this? What did they want to gain? Is there any relationship between Students perceptions and Academic Achievement?
Dear RG community,
I would like to open this thread in order to have some feedback gain about the importance of creating and developing a virtual teaching portfolio (VTP).
According to Wikipedia [1] an Electronic portfolio - EP has the following definition, I unquote:
"An electronic portfolio (also known as a digital portfolio, online portfolio, e-portfolio, e-folio, or eFolio) is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. Such electronic evidence may include input text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks. E-portfolios are both demonstrations of the user's abilities and platforms for self-expression. If they are online, users can maintain them dynamically over time."
In this thread, we aim to understand the differences between a virtual teaching portfolio-VTP and a scholar blog-SB where not only we share written documentation---but also learning and teaching experiences, becomes crucial for a teacher`s career.
Thank you all.

Looking to collaborate with other academicians in the field of Science Education. Lets get going at it
Dear and Distinguished Fellows from the solid-state physics RG community.
Does have anyone read after 20 years the preprint from Prof. Laughlin A Critique of two metals?
I read it when I was a PhD student. I think his opinion after 20 years deserves more attention. Please, feel free to follow down the link to the arXiv preprint if somebody has an interest and please leave your opinion:
Article A Critique of Two Metals

I have a Case / Control genotype study (one qualitative phenotype). so I carried a genetic association analysis with PLINK (logistic)
and I've identified hundreds of SNPs with very low Pval (<5x 10 -8) and a good OR.
Until there everything is good, but I block for the next. infact, I want to select a small number of SNPs to create a predictor and creates a like a test to predict the sample class according to genotype(Case or Control)
How to make the selection?
How to calculate the weight of each SNP in this test?
How to calculate the score that includes these weight?
How to set the score threshold to say if the sample is Case or Control?
Thank you
STEM fue el tema principal de la conferencia internacional ASTE 2019, con al menos 8 pósteres, 27 presentaciones orales y 3 talleres que promovieron las aulas STEM, la instrucción/enseñanza STEM, las lecciones STEM, los campamentos de verano STEM, los clubes STEM y las escuelas STEM sin proporcionar una conceptualización o definición operativa de lo que es STEM. Algunas presentaciones defendían la integración de las disciplinas, pero el ejemplo proporcionado fue principalmente prácticas "indagatorias" y de "diseño de ingeniería" que de hecho no diferían del tipo de actividades en el aula hands-on/minds-off mal conceptualizadas y epistemológicamente incongruentes.
Por lo tanto, vale la pena considerar:
(1) ¿Por qué lo llamamos STEM si no difiere de las prácticas aplicadas durante décadas (por ejemplo, indagación, actividades hands-on)?
(2) ¿Qué beneficios (si los hubiere) puede aportar esta mentalidad/tendencia de STEMinificación a la educación científica y su investigación?
I need free or low cost SCOPUS Journal in Science Education or Education please
At the moment it is very much a lab based follow the recipe type approach. I want to change to a series of mini-projects based on the content of the course. However, the primary focus is on establishing the relevance and importance of chemistry for health sciences students. At this stage I envision something theoretical, with a small aspect which can be demonstrated physically - the students need to explain the theory and link it to a specific practical activity.
Hi guys,
We've run a study using the Delphi method. Now, at the end, we'd like to conclude with a bigger implication. Does it make sense to you to have the results assessed by another, bigger group of respondents to confirm the study's results?
Thank you for your opinion.
Best wishes,
I am interested to know more about the ICT tools (including websites, applications, devices) that are adopted to facilitate science education inside and outside the school context.
Good morning, I'm doing a review of the literature on initial training of teachers in Africa, in particular science teachers (Biology, Geology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics).
So far, research conducted at Scopus resulted in a limited the numbers of articles (16 for pre-sercice teacher and 4 for science teachers in particular).
Moreover, the identified research is mainly from South Africa (a country which is according to HDI 2018, in the category of high human development, but it was intended to give a broader view, including research from African developing countries.
Can you help me with the indication of databases where I can perform this search with the broader results? Or identify important research/researchers, in particular from African developing who I may contact?
Bonjour, je fais une revue de la littérature sur la formation initiale des enseignants en Afrique, en particulier des professeurs de sciences (biologie, géologie, chimie, physique et mathématiques).
Jusqu'à présent, les recherches menées à Scopus ont abouti à un nombre limité d'articles (16 enseignants en formation et 4 pour ceux de sciences notamment).
De plus, la recherche identifiée provient principalement d'Afrique du Sud (un pays qui est selon l'IDH 2018, dans la catégorie à haut développement humain,
Pouvez-vous m'aider avec l'indication des bases de données où je peux effectuer cette recherche avec des résultats plus larges? Ou identifier des recherches / chercheurs importants, en particulier africains en développement, avec qui je peux contacter?
Bom dia, estou a fazer uma revisão da literatura sobre formação inicial de professores em África, em particular de professores de ciências (Biologia, Geologia, Química, Física e Matemática).
Até agora, das pesquisas realizadas na Scopus, resultaram um número limitado de artigos (16 para professor em formação inicial e 4 para professores de ciências em particular).
Além disso, na pesquisa realizada surge principalmente África do Sul (país que é de acordo com o HDI 2018, na categoria de alto desenvolvimento humano,, mas tinha como objetivo dar uma visão mais ampla, incluindo investigação em países africanos em desenvolvimento.
Podem ajudar-me com a indicação de bases de dados onde eu possa realizar esta pesquisa com os resultados mais amplos? Ou identificar importantes investigações/investigadores, em particular do desenvolvimento africano com quem posso contatar?
Currently, I collected data from science teachers to Understand their intention to use augmented reality: using some behavioral theories. I prepared the method and results sections.
I am looking for a colleague who has knowledge of the use of technology in education in particular science education and has work experience to test psychological theories (e.g., TPB, NAM, UTAUT, and UTAUT 2). You can contact me for detailed information about the study.
I expect the colleague I am looking for
- to assist me in completing the introduction and discussion sections of the work.
- Having articles on this subject in journals previously indexed in SSCI, SCI, or SCI-expanded.
The colleague who wants to work with me can contact me via my e-mail address (
Considering the context of the COVID-19 pandemic that requires remote teaching activities. In the case of Chemical Education, which requires a high degree of abstraction and the use of visualizations can effectively contribute to the student's learning process, how does the teacher deal with the relationship of macro, micro and symbolic representations, in online teaching?
Hi, I'm preparing a candidature for a post as Associate Professor at the University of Aveiro. I have to choose among your publication 5 articles. This is one that I choose since it is the corollary of the project IPEC - Research and Practices in Science Education. That project aimed to increase the relationship between research and practice. From several theoretical approaches, we develop a model for the professional development of teachers. It was a very productive interactive project, that involved the collaboration between researchers and teachers to develop curricular modules being the subject of sustainability, for secondary schools. We would like to have feedback to reinforce your choice. All the comments are welcome.
What are constraints and possibilities from the critical analysis of the secondary level Science curriculum in Myanmar?
As you&I know, each country has its own education system. It is not possible to reach the curriculum of some countries. or i know that is. Particularly, it is more difficult to find the course gains of primary schools and primary schools. Can you help me find the curriculum for science education in primary schools and secondary school? Thank you
Meeting my grade 7 class once a week for 60 mins (really short) how can I assess them without using their books or any summative type of test?
What are the measures that science teachers could practice or contribute to the community or the curriculum as vital players after the covid crisis?
Importance of resources in science education
Hi, I'm preparing a candidature for a post as Associate Professor at the University of Aveiro. I have to choose among your publication 5 articles. This is one that I choose since it is the corollary of the project IPEC - Research and Practices in Science Education. That project aimed to increase the relationship between research and practice. From several theoretical approaches, we develop a model for the professional development of teachers. It was a very productive interactive project, that involved the collaboration between researchers and teachers to develop curricular modules being the subject of sustainability, for secondary schools. We would like to have feedback to reinforce your choice. All the comments are welcome.
I found this quotation of Steven Jay Gould on the internet. I am pretty much intrigued by this quotation. Please share your thoughts about this quotation.
How severe is the case in your country that many potential scientists and researchers could not achieve success and got derailed in their lives (due to lack of proper education, training, facilities, government sponsorship, poverty, vulnerability, etc.)?
(I mention my student Samir Ashraf, who gave some first thoughts about it).

Active vs. passive matrix is explained in popular science websites as simultaneous turning on-off, one row or one pixel at a time or power efficiency. But how are they related to "matrix" active or passive? Besides, not all LED were turned on along a single line in any given time in PMOLEDs' picture. Why?
Also provide some suitable textbook or research reference to introduction to organic electronics, And more importantly, mention prerequisite knowledge.
The article link makes not much information, and meaning of "active" and "passive" matrix
The misconception of Cloud-cloud collision is unable to show continuous triboelectric effect and charge differentiation of clouds. Rather, now charge exchange. Rather, wikipedia mentioned charge exchange between uprising supercooled water and ice droplets and Graupel (soft haill).
But both are nearly same material (water and ice)- why and do they exchange charge? even if they dow, how only state and crystallinity change of a material can change its triboelectric properties? Is there any structure-property justification of triboelectric series, anyway?
There's a large discrepancy in the number of citations I've received on Google Scholar and Research Gate. For example, Research Gate shows only 15 citations for my book The Science Education of American Girls, but according to Google Scholar, that book has received 188 citations since it's been published.
In science class room constructivist approach is useful
STEM was the main topic at the 2019 ASTE international conference, with at least 8 posters, 27 oral presentations and 3 workshops promoting STEM classrooms, STEM instruction/teaching, STEM lessons, STEM summer camps, STEM clubs, and STEM schools without providing an operational conceptualization or definition of what STEM is. Some oral presentations advocated for disciplines integration, but the example provided were mainly "inquiry based" and "Engineering Design Process" practices which in fact did not differed from the overly used, poorly conceptualized and epistemologically incongruent hands on/minds off type of classroom activities.
Therefore, it is worth considering:
(1) Why do we call it STEM if it does not differ from practices being implemented for decades (e.g. inquiry, hands on activities)?
(2) What benefits (if any) can this STEMification mentality/trend bring to science education?
Hi everyone,
I was just wondering if anyone was interested in eye-tracking as a method in science education research being a Special interest group in ESERA.
There are several conditions we need to meet in order to be acknowledged and supported, nevertheless, the idea seems appealing.
Please, let me know in case you'd consider joining us.
Best for now,
Martin Rusek
Our citrus industry can be related to the concept of ecosystem in Biology course. Here, I can explain that the citrus tree is a home to various insect and a substrate to some mosses; in which these insects and mosses may develop ecological relationship with one another.
If you can share me teaching materials or researches that relates science teaching with your local industry, that would be of great help to my study as well.
In the Philippines, some (if not most) of the science concepts are contextualized to promote local industry. Example is in ecology, the local industry of rice planting involves pest or insect control. The teacher can illustrate the roles of natural enemies and parasitoids to control the pests that could harm the rice plants.
In your country, what are your strategies that involve education in the promotion of your local industry and products?
The Inquiry-based Learning (IBL) approach involves various levels: Confirmation, Structured, Guided, and Open Inquiry. This approach is suitable for laboratory teaching.
Please recommend some of your strategies/researches that employ IBL approach in teaching the science course.
How is it effective? Are there problems you encountered while implementing?
I am currently working on instructional materials that are zero-waste or that can help reduce wastes in science laboratory activities. To share your journals, articles, and research/es to help me in my study is highly appreciated. Thanks!
The project aims to examine chemistry students’ gender awareness and assumptions about a gender-inclusive chemistry curriculum at a UK university.
I am a prof. at Istanbul University College of Education Department of Science Education. I had a PhD at University of Iowa and my study subject are nature of science, scientific injury, epistemology and argumentation.
I would like to part of this study. Because, last couple of years middle school students’ demographic information in Turkey dramatically changed because of migration from Syria. This demographic changes is seen in mostly in city of Istanbul and Gaziantep because of increase population of Syrians.
Result of this, number of students in classroom is increased, classroom management become difficult for teachers and application of scientific inquiry sometimes become harder to instruct for them. Because of this most teachers start to use traditional teaching methods.
I believe this situations have a negative effect of students’ views on scientific inquiry.
The study focuses specifically on chemistry, but any papers related to gender-sensitive science education at university level would be much appreciated.
What are the pressing issues in Science Education based on PISA Results?
I would like to know if it makes sense to perform a statistical analysis to evaluate how to improve the learning process and the teaching process during teaching. When teaching physics, chemistry or mathematics, does it have any utility to evaluate additional data to test scores and to the fulfillment of the program in class?
How does the teaching process in the best teaching centers, the statistics that work for them, make sense, or is it simply a matter of quality in the knowledge and appropriate strategies?
In reference to the three attached articles in which it is shown that
- The theory of length contraction and time dilation are based on a simple oversight. When analyzing the Michelson & Morley experiment, both FitzGerlad and Lorentz only examined the movement of light and proposed the theory of length contraction. They, however, failed to explore the movement of the half-silvered-mirror to realize that length contraction is not a viable idea. One of the main result of the oversight was the introduction of Lorentz Transformation Equations. Later on, special relativity (SR) accepted and adapted Lorentz’s ideas and mathematics.
- An imaginary instrument, the light clock, was created and used as the clock of choice for SR. Examination of the working of the clock, as described by SR, shows that the supposed time dilation is correct for only one positioning of the clock. Any other orientation creates irregular ticks and overall longer unit of time, which is linked to the orientation of the clock. Finally, the direction of the clock movement influences the unit of time.
- The laws of physics are not always binding to an outside observer moving with a constant speed.
Making a mistake in science is common and unavoidable, but science has an honourable practice of not insisting on it when the error is found. The longer it takes for the mistake to be discovered and discarded the more damaging it would be to the integrity and reliability of science.
This question is a test for upholding the acclaimed integrity of science. Either the correctness of each case above and Lorentz transformation should be defended or all the theories and claimed experiments based on the mistakes must be banned in textbooks and classrooms, except as a lesson-learned case in the history of science.
From my own experience I would say that both of these forms of publishers should be phased out for the sake of scientific advancements. One doesn’t seem to have enough resources to do their job properly, and the other just blindly follows the leaders to barricade their doctrines, as in the case when reviewers of a mainstream journal on general relativity tell you that all that you need to do is to solve Einstein field equations. If we label journals that don't do peer-reviews properly predatory then what about some famous mainstream journals that have also done the same, a well-known example is the case of Myron Evans.
I wonder whether it is possible to convert the current peer-reviewed system into a professional business so that everyone, professionals or not, can do a professional research and all forms of journals, mainstream or non-mainstream, are formally assured to be professional peer-reviewed journals.
In the meantime, I think the best is to submit our works to ResearchGate, and probably viXra if you don’t mind.
what is instructional television? Advantages and disadvantages of Instructional TV?
The extremely interesting and topical questions below were about the rift between digital and analog circuits
But the human aspects engendered by this "war" are even more important for us, human beings, living and working in this continously changing environment. This "digitalization" makes a tremendous impact on the electronics, particularly on electronics education. In addition to all the positive sides of this process, there are negative aspects as well...
First of all, this tendency has imposed the domination of the formal approach in technical education. Making circuits digital, miniaturizing and enclosing them in packages, and interacting with them by means of software (e.g., FPGA) has apparently eliminated the need of technical abilities, a natural aptitude to technics (simply, the vocation for mastering something material, e.g., real circuits, with his/her own hands). This gives a chance to students that are averse to technics to enter technical universities at the expense of those having a technical vocation. For example, students graduated mathematical, philological, trading and other non-technical schools can easily enter Technical university of Sofia by solving a few mathematical problems without any proof of their technical aptitudes). In the Computer systems department, where I teach basic, digital and microcomputer circuitry, our students become sooner a kind of "informatics" specialists than real engineers...
Of course, the same sorry truth can be said about teachers and university lecturers. The abstract digital ground gives an excellent opportunity for those of them having no technical sense, abilities and vocation, to work in technical departments where to build "brilliant" courses and to carry out "striking" lections analyzing circuits by applying sophisticated formal methods without understanding circuit phenomena. I have noted the sorry truth that I can talk with my colleagues about anything but only without circuits...
This topic is considered in the interesting materials below kindly given by Prof. Lutz von Wangenheim:
It is interesting to predict what will be the results of this process...

We are planning to conduct a training for elementary science teachers on making improvised instructional materials to improve the quality of science teaching. Most of the science teachers in our city are non-science majors which prompted us to organize a training-workshop. What are improvised science instructional materials you can suggest that we can do?
Here is an example of what we want to do. An improvised microscope