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SCM - Science topic

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Questions related to SCM
  • asked a question related to SCM
4 answers
We invite abstract submissions for a special issue of Studies in Communication and Media (SCM), an ICA affiliate journal, on the topic: "The age of synthetic media" by Jan 31, 2025.
You're welcome to submit and share this call! :-)
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Dear Sureshkumar Somayajula , thank you for your interest in the special issue! Please submit your abstract until January 31. :-)
  • asked a question related to SCM
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What are the Blockchain Implications of SCM in the Fisheries Industry in the Global Market?
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Dear Doctor
Go To
Designing supply chain models with blockchain technology in the fishing industry in Indonesia
S Larissa1 and J Parung
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1072 (2021) 012020 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1072/1/012020
"The fishing industry contributes to the national economy and has a high risk of being traded because it has a long shipping time, limited time to consume, and the amount traded varies depending on the season. This risk can reduce the potential profit of players in the fishing industry. To reduce this risk and maximize added value, blockchain technology is used to change the supply chain of the fishing industry. Blockchain technology is a ledger database that is distributed to record transactions among parties that can be verified and permanently.
Blockchain is a promising technology in providing a transparent fish product supply chain, but many obstacles and challenges still hinder its popularity in the fishery supply chain. However, blockchain with its main characteristics: decentralization, anonymity, transparency, and traceability, can change the traditional fishing industry for the better. Blockchain can be combined with other emerging technologies (big data, robotics, IoT, RFID, NFC, etc.), for higher automation of the fishery supply chain, resulting in full transparency and tracking. Blockchain also has economic benefits for all users because it can make production more efficiently at lower costs."
  • asked a question related to SCM
3 answers
Hi! I need some help with the analysis of AAS results.
We're analyzing the Ca and Mg content of soil and water samples. As means of determining the amount of metals in ppm (mg/L and mg/kg), we conducted the standard calibration method and the standard addition method. We already made a standard calib. curve (absorbance vs conc) for SCM method beforehand.
Sample details: SCM
1. 15g soil digested to 100mL (acid = aqua regia), 500 mL of water samples digested to 100 mL
2. We took 50mL alqt. each, then diluted it to 100 mL
3. Direct measurement of sample was taken using respective lamp, then recorded.
4. ppm in mg/L of metal in sample was determined using SCM curve with x=(Absorbance-b)/m
5. conversion to ppm in mg/kg for soil: im unsure how to go about this and where to include the dilution factor of 2
Sample details: SAM
1. flask volume = 25mL, solvent = aqua regia, standard conc. = 200 mg/L
2. sample volume = 0.100 mL was taken from the 50mL alqt. diluted to 100 mL (we used a micropipette for accuracy. due to very high absorbance upon spiking w/ standard, we were not allowed to use aqua regia in larger quantities by our professor bec. of safety issues, so we were not able to dilute samples further)
3. sample spiking: 6 solutions with 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 mL each of 200 mg/L standard
4. we measured the absorbance and plotted standard addition curves (absorbance vs amt of added std.
5. overall, the SAM dilution factor is (100/50)*(25/0.1) = 500
6. mg/L of metal in sample = -(-b/m)(dilution factor)
7. conversion to ppm in mg/kg for soil: im also unsure how to go about this and where to include the dilution factor, or if i even need to include it
We had the calculations down beforehand, however, since our AAS in our institution broke, we took a pause from the experiment, and some handwritten solutions were lost 😅 we also lost a lot of volume for some water samples since we had to filter some more than once. so in one of our water samples, the dilution factor is (100/15.5)*(25/0.1) and the mg/L of Ca is 2000+. it doesn't match up with our other samples.
Thanks in Advance!
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Thank you for your guidance Dr. Yunus Shukor and Sir Zbigniew JońcaZbigniew Jońca
  • asked a question related to SCM
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A 10,000 words research paper using a survey methodology
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Yes, effective project management can play a crucial role in limiting the risks associated with the successful application of supply chain management (SCM) projects. SCM projects involve various complexities, stakeholders, and potential risks. By implementing robust project management practices, organizations can enhance their ability to mitigate risks and increase the chances of project success. Here are some ways in which effective project management can help in managing risks in SCM projects:
  1. Risk Identification and Assessment: Project management practices involve conducting thorough risk assessments to identify potential risks and their impacts on the project. This includes evaluating risks related to supply chain disruptions, technology implementation, stakeholder coordination, resource availability, and change management. By systematically identifying and assessing risks, project managers can develop appropriate risk mitigation strategies.
  2. Risk Mitigation Planning: Effective project management involves developing risk mitigation plans and strategies to address identified risks. This may include contingency plans, alternative sourcing strategies, backup systems, and communication plans. By proactively planning for potential risks, project managers can minimize their potential negative impacts on the project and the overall supply chain.
  3. Stakeholder Engagement and Communication: Successful SCM projects require effective collaboration and communication among various stakeholders, including suppliers, vendors, logistics providers, and internal teams. Project managers need to ensure that there is clear and open communication channels, stakeholder engagement, and alignment of goals. This helps in managing risks associated with miscommunication, misalignment, and resistance to change.
  4. Project Monitoring and Control: Project management involves continuous monitoring of project progress, performance, and risks. Project managers should regularly track key performance indicators (KPIs) related to the SCM project's objectives, timelines, budget, and quality. This enables early detection of potential risks and deviations from the planned outcomes. Timely corrective actions can be taken to address issues and prevent them from escalating into significant risks.
  5. Change Management: SCM projects often involve changes to existing processes, systems, and workflows. Effective project management includes proactive change management practices to ensure smooth transitions and minimize disruptions. This involves engaging stakeholders, communicating changes, providing training and support, and addressing resistance to change. By effectively managing changes, project managers can reduce risks associated with resistance, delays, and unintended consequences.
  6. Continuous Improvement and Lessons Learned: After the completion of SCM projects, effective project management practices involve conducting project reviews and capturing lessons learned. This enables organizations to identify areas for improvement, document best practices, and incorporate lessons learned into future projects. This iterative approach helps in refining project management processes and mitigating risks in subsequent SCM projects.
By integrating effective project management practices into SCM projects, organizations can enhance their ability to identify, assess, and mitigate risks. This ultimately increases the likelihood of successful project outcomes and contributes to the overall success of the supply chain management initiatives.
  • asked a question related to SCM
4 answers
For my undergraduate thesis, I want to work on, "The application of Artificial Neural Network -(ANN) in the development of a SCM distribution network". Want some opinion about the trend/future of this topic & some suggestions as a beginner.
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Mahie Islam, Pretty quiet to deploy the AI family to the supply chain problems that are mostly being addressed using the classical black-box modeling of supply chain optimization at the strategic decision.
SC is an area that is highly vulnerable to such advent of information technology and revolution that is mainly characterized by the proliferation of data, economic globalization, and dynamic customer expectation. A yet powerful full predictive method has become mandatory for data-driven than model-driven decision making in order to expose underlying uncertainties.
While possible to have a surrogate model through simulation, this approach still is expensive and doesn't give a clear cut for decision making. The importance of AI through the Machine learning method, however, helps to have either an interpretable, accurate, or both if some like support vector machine are likely to deploy.
  • asked a question related to SCM
5 answers
Dear fellow researchers,
I am currently searching for empirical works that compared two different theories / theoretical views (ideally, but not limited to the OM/SCM domain) and therefore developed opposing hypotheses. Can you give me any suggestions?
Any help would be much appreciated.
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If you have questions, let me know. The theoretical foundation for that work is developed by C. West Churchman in his book, The Design of Inquiring Systems. He explores five different approaches to determining the truth of a scientific assertion which he labels with their philosophers: Lockean Inquiry, Leibnizian Inquiry, Kantian Inquiry, Hegelian Inquiry and finally Singerian Inquiry. Churchman is a Singerian. Singer argues that science, ultimately, must be eclectic. He suggests that multiple disciplines must be addressed to answer complex questions. The book discusses a particular question: Is there life on Mars? It was published in 1972 before we sent the Viking lander to Mars. I am also something of a Singerian. My book is unintelligible because it bounces between far too many disciplines.
  • asked a question related to SCM
1 answer
In my opinion,
  • the configuration in SCM(software configuration management) refers to management of resources,
  • and the configuration in configurable software refers to the combination of configuration options and corresponding values.
Any suggestions are welcome.
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Dear Yuan Liu,
Software configuration management (SCM) is a software engineering discipline consisting of standard processes and techniques often used by organizations to manage changes to their software products. SCM helps identify individual items and configurations, track changes, and select, control, and define baseline releases.
SCM is also known as Software Control Management. SCM aims to control changes to large, complex software systems through reliable selection and version control.
Software configuration management is a discipline of software engineering whose purpose is to answer the question: someone got a result. How to reproduce it? Most often, it is not a question of reproducing identically, but of reproducing with incremental modifications. The question is therefore to compare results and analyze their differences.
You can set up integration with various Software Configuration Management (SCM) applications and share Rational Integration Tester projects with your teams. You must install plug-ins to enable synchronization of your projects with software configuration management systems.
Managing software configurations is a reliable way to share projects among multiple users without having to manually provide version control and rollback capabilities. Support for various software configuration management systems is provided by installing Eclipse Team Provider plugins.
For more information about this subject, I suggest you to see links on the topic.
Best regards
  • asked a question related to SCM
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(SCM) supplementary cementitious materials
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Also the ball bearing effect of fly ash helps strength gain of concrete by densifying the paste and by improving packing. Hopefully we'd work on this topic further in near future.
Kindly invite you to keep in touch
  • asked a question related to SCM
3 answers
Is it possible to use the Synthetic Control Method in the firm-level study?
Currently, I am trying to measure the impact of environmental regulation (state-level emission trading scheme) on a firm's green innovation. I have used DID and PSM-DID but want to use SCM with firm-level data, is it applicable? I found most of the paper used state-level data. Expecting your kind opinion in this regard.
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In principle, you could use it. The reason for the application you mentions has to do with the number of treated units. The SCM can reach situations where the rest of the methods are not adequate (e.g., a single treated unit). This is often the case of state-level policies vs firm-level events (we usually have many observations and treated units in the latter case).
You can have a look at Cunningham's Causal inferente: the mitxtape (, which can be of some help here.
All the best,
  • asked a question related to SCM
2 answers
Hello Everyone.
I am trying to apply stresses in the ReaxFF module of SCM and compute the stress strain curve for the same. The molecular structure has a tusk like shape with a sheet like structure connected at the base. Every time I set up the model using the desired lattice vector strains, the model ends up rotating around an axis rather than straining and failing in the specified direction. Volumetric strain is also yielding the same results. Has anyone got any suggestions or previous experience regarding the same? Can you please share the method you used with me?
Thanks in advance,
  • asked a question related to SCM
9 answers
Without transportation, an SCM (Supply chain model) can not run.
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I once worked on a project for a business that provided analysis and research reports to its customers - the "raw materials" were data from various sources and the "products" were reports. To improve performance I treated the whole operation as a "supply chain" and implemented a Sales and Operations Planning process. No transportation involved! Although, I recognise that this may be "the exception that proves the rule"!
  • asked a question related to SCM
2 answers
In the optical fiber transmission systems, the data can send as several channels together, whether via WDM or SCM system. Can we say that the common analog two-tone transmission is called the SCM system?
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Dear Dr Alaa
Maybe yes, in some of literature papers two-tone (multi-tone) intermodulation and the SCM system has same meanning.
For example:
[1] J. Capmany, E. Peral and D. Pastor, "Formula for two-carrier intermodulation distortion in wavelength converted subcarrier multiplexed signals via cross gain modulation," in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 278-280, March 2000, doi: 10.1109/68.826913.
[2] P. A. Rosher, "Analysis of laser overmodulation techniques in subcarrier multiplexed optical fibre systems," IEEE International Conference on Communications, Including Supercomm Technical Sessions, 1990, pp. 415-418 vol.2, doi: 10.1109/ICC.1990.117114.
[3] M. Arief, S. M. Idrus and S. Alifah, "The SCM/WDM system model for radio over fiber communication link," 2008 IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference, 2008, pp. 344-347, doi: 10.1109/RFM.2008.4897427.
  • asked a question related to SCM
29 answers
I am interested in the field of SCM and looking for emerging topics to write research articles.
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I propose the following emerging research topic in the field of supply chain management: The impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic on supply chain management in internationally operating corporations and the effects of the pandemic in this regard in the next few years.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to SCM
11 answers
Need expert discussion
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Dear Dr. Aref Wazwaz Thank you very much for sharing the link
  • asked a question related to SCM
1 answer
I have an atomic force microscope (AFM) with scanning capacitance mode (SCM). I would like to find a known good sample that lets me check if my tip and microscope are working correctly. For topography we have gratings. For magnetic force microscopy, we have magnetic tape. What is the equivalent for SCM?
Beyond a quick check, are there specimen or best practices for calibrating the capacitance measurements?
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SCM) is a contact mode variant of atomic force microscopy (AFM) in which changes in tip–sample capacitance are imaged simultaneously with surface topography. Samples for SCM analysis are generally covered with a thin insulating layer that serves as the capacitance dielectric between the tip and sample. The spatially mapped capacitance variations can be attributed to changes in the dielectric thickness, changes in the dielectric constant, or variation in the local charge carrier density underneath the dielectric. In the most typical application of SCM, which is the characterization of semiconductor devices, capacitance variations are converted via a theoretical model into a dopant concentration profile in the semiconductor underneath the dielectric.
  • asked a question related to SCM
16 answers
I am looking for a colleague or a supervisor to write an ISI Article about the area of SCM and Machine learning that I am keen on it
Anyone is interested to help me or colloborate with me just message me here
I am looking forward to your reply
Thank you
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Dear Miss Neda Ghorbani, I am ready to cooperate with you
  • asked a question related to SCM
3 answers
I need to perform some Scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM) & Spreading resistance profiling (SRP) on some samples. Thus I am looking for labs that offer this service.
thank you!
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Contact Aystorm Scientific Ltd ; We ll be delighted to help
  • asked a question related to SCM
3 answers
Hello everyone,
Using the spectral collocation method (SCM), I have successfully obtained the complex wavenumber k, displacement U and stress field S of different LAMB modes.
However, when I used the obtained k/U/S form the SCM method to solve the LAMB wave edge reflection problem, I had trouble with the calculation of energy reflection coefficients.
The sum of all the non-zero energy reflection coefficients (corresponding to the propagating modes) should be equal to 1, but I failed to get that right and the sum of those coefficients turned to be variable.
Power flux has been calculated as described in Mode-exciting method for Lamb wave-scattering analysis (JASA, 2004) by Arief Gunawan, and Sohichi Hirose in the form:
<P> = Real ( -iw/2*intgrate(sigma*·(du/dt), -h,h) )
If anyone has ever met this problem or knows how to solve it? Or, if there is any program available online for us to use and study?
I have been checking my program over and over again for half a month, but I still can't find the causes. Thank you so much for spending your time reading my question. I would really appreciate it if you can help me with this problem. 
My program was written with reference to the article of Prof. Pagneux and has been attached as NromalIncident-Vincent Pagneux, in which the LambDispersionValidation.m can be run to check the basic results of my program (compared with the online program from, as shown in the figure below).
To help you understand my program and save your time, I want to tell you some details about my codes:
  1. I can get the dispersion curves (as shown in the figure below). So I think the results of complex wavenumber are right.
  2. For LAMB waves propagating in +x direction, the displacement field was assumed as u = U*exp(i(kx-wt)). The numerically obtained k may have the form a + bi, a - bi, -a + bi, -a - bi (a and b are positive real numbers). In the GetkInOrder.m, I have kept only those k with positive real part (+x propagating) and positive imaginary part (physically decaying with propagation).
  3. For LAMB waves propagating in -x direction, the displacement field was assumed as u = U*exp(i(-kx-wt)), so the k will be still kept k = a+bi.
Best regards,
Hao Qiu
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Hi, I am actually working on the problem of energy reflection/transmission coefficient in case of piezoelectric material using the Poynting vector formula.
Can you check the work of Zaitsev please, he give the formula of power flow.
flow of pure mechanical power:
PM = 1/2 Re (ω2/v) Cijkl nk Ul Uj ,
  • asked a question related to SCM
4 answers
Even though my institute has licenced version of TOPAS, but my access to it is quite limited. A free software would provide me with the freedom to work at any time.
I am still in search of a free database which I can use for the purpose of unhydrated and hydrated cement.
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Link will be helpful to smooth XRD data by removing signal noise
  • asked a question related to SCM
2 answers
For direct modification if possible.
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Hi...Idont have this version
  • asked a question related to SCM
19 answers
Dear Colleagues,
I just wanted to share some interesting insight from an "experiment" with open access. Recently I published a paper about Blockchain and SCM with Emerald Publishing. The paper was online for several weeks and I had roughly 15 downloads a day:
Fortunately, the publisher offered me to make the paper open access (I do not have any specific funding for that):
After that, the downloads tripled with roughly 40-50 downloads a day. Of course, this does not say anything about how often the paper will get cited, but it clearly shows that OA fills a need. It might also widen the gap between those institutions who can afford to pay for it and those who can not. In other words: research from affluent institutions might also get cited more, since it is simply easier to access it.
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This will not only uplift the paper and the authors but will definitely raise the impact factor of the journal. I think they should have considered your APC waived or rather they are formally expecting your official request, please do this with a reasonable excuse, possibly accompanied with a letter from your institution giving reasons why you cannot shoulder the cost. Many people always say those reputable journals do not charge, but I disagree with this standpoint, even though some give a long time embargo before being openly made accessible. The cost of publication, following huge expenses on researches for researchers, is huge especially without grant or other sponsorships.
  • asked a question related to SCM
7 answers
Dear Researchers,
I have recently been thinking to research on the above given topic, however my difficulty is I don't want to make it technical. Involving statistical and algorithm based interpretation is the last thing I want to incorporate in my research as I wanted to study 'how efficient use of Big Data can optimise the supply chain operations'.
Requesting the experts here to suggest how I can make my research specific without making it technical? is it really possible to exclude the algorithms from my research based on the topic?
If No then please suggest any other similar topic?
Thank you,
Best Regards,
Sapna Nayyar
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Distinguished Sapna Nayyar, I understand that you want to do research on a subject that seems to have a quantitative approach (Big Data), but wants to do it from a qualitative level. Having understood correctly, we did a research with Industry 4.0, in general, which we related to the Logistics Model Based on Positions (MoLoBaC). We did the analysis from the qualitative and quantitative point of view. But the quantitative approach was using very simple and easy to handle multicriteria models.
I hope this suggestion is of some help and many successes in your research.
Best regards,
José Hernández.
  • asked a question related to SCM
3 answers
I realize that Structural Equation Modelling is currently used in many fields of SCM and Logistics, such as Supply Chain (SC) agility , Sustaintable SC, Disaster Response logistics, and some others.
Why is the use of SEM becoming popular among Logistics and Supply Chain researchers?
What can be wrong when using SEM in logistics and SC?
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SEM is used in many contexts in SCM, but many studies lack validity and reliability, often relating to the genaralizability of the sample, the nature of data collected (cross-sectional vs. longitudinal data), or single response biases (only one respondent per firm vs. multiple respondents), among other possible biases or limitations. Therefore, SEM studies must be well designed, it is a method that requires almost more time in study design than in the evaluation of the results. Please see, for instance:
Flynn, B., Pagell, M., & Fugate, B. (2018). Survey research design in supply chain management: the need for evolution in our expectations. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 54(1), 1-15.
  • asked a question related to SCM
1 answer
Many companies have their subsidiaries in WW. We can visualize their relationship including the location/country via SNA (social network analytics) . It can give us a insight if there is any issue and secure our supply chain well management.
For example, there are many HDD suppliers located in Thailand. Unfortunately, 2011 Thailand floods did a big impact to PC industry. Can we combine this kind of social network and weather FCST and predict the next disaster on which chain node?
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Absolutely it is next best thing and i am interest to work on such projects
  • asked a question related to SCM
3 answers
Adding of SCM's to the grout mix is helping a bit. Is there any other more effective methods?
Any specific nano particles? polymers? to add to the grout mix. or any other means.
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you may find valid information from above link
  • asked a question related to SCM
10 answers
In the last 25 years, outsourcing has emerged as one of the key globally focused supply chain strategies . After the mid-1990s, the importance of supply chain management (SCM) increased noticeably among practitioners. As a result, the study of supply chain and outsourcing has increased exponentially. In developing markets, with increasing customer demands, outsourcing non-core business
functions has become a commonplace supply chain strategy for many companies and organisations.
DOI 10.1108/BIJ-04-2017-0066
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1. Not clear about the extent of business that the company wants to outsource.
2. Not treating the other company as a business partner.
3. Not sharing information and knowledge with the other company.
  • asked a question related to SCM
13 answers
Industry 4.0 is changing the labor needs and market trends rapidly. Up to how much extant it can change the future canvas of business. Which areas in particular(HR, Finance, marketing, SCM, etc) ?
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Dear Michel Héry , I agree that the transformation of workforce and human-machine interaction will be of particular importance. Further, and adding to the second point of Timothy P. Munyon , horizontal interconnection across the supply chain and data consistency from product development to recycling are two virtal points. This has many potentials for more efficient value chains (economically and ecologically), but requires new forms of collaboration across the supply chain, as power shifts will occur and SMEs have to be integrated. All those factors differ worldwide. For further reading, please see some of our work below:
  • asked a question related to SCM
5 answers
I am an MSc in Supply Chain Management student, and I am about to start my dissertation on Social Sustainability in the electronics sector. Any SCM or member of a sustainability related ONG that can help me with an interview?
It would be in February, I promise I wont take too much of your time.
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Panagiotis Tsiakis sorry for my late reply, the interview design took longer than expected, but is ready now. Would you still be interested? I can send the questions in advance and it would take less than 45 minutes.
  • asked a question related to SCM
3 answers
Can we use only WDS attachment without EDS attachment with SEM? we have to require EDS to run WDS?
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I don't know about your setting, but WDS and EDS are two different detectors, right? They can be used independently, but often (or at least in case of Oxford Instruments) they will use the same software GUI. On second thought, due to the high current I would advise against simultaneous use of EDS and WDS detectors. At least I prefer to retract EDS while preparing for WDS...
  • asked a question related to SCM
13 answers
I have recently started studies in Bcom Hons in Supply Chain Management. Any suggestions as to where I could find relevant reading material?... For now, I am particularly looking for articles, journals, papers on Strategic SCM.
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Please see a number of others:
6. Supply Chain Management: More than a new name for logistics:
7. Performance Measurement for Green Supply Chain Management:
8. From a literature review to a conceptual framework for sustainable supply chain management:
9. An empirical investigation into supply chain management A perspective on partnerships
10. A fuzzy approach for supplier evaluation and selection in supply chain management
11. Characteristics of supply chain management and the implications for purchasing and logistics strategy
12. Supply chain management integration and implementation: a literature review
Hope these help, all the best with your research. If you want to discuss further, please feel free to DM me.
  • asked a question related to SCM
6 answers
As SCM has diversified into green supply chain and riskmanagement across the supply chain has become another hot topic in recent researches, we need to see that which companies are moving to resilient supply chains
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Dear Mehreen,
I suggest you to see links and attached file on topic.
-(PDF) Creating More Resilient Supply Chains - ResearchGate
-Major Companies Join Forces to Drive Climate Resilience in Supply ...
-How To Make Your Supply Chain More Resilient - Forbes
-Understanding Supply Chain Resilience - Supply Chain 24/7
-Making the Move from Supply Chain Risk to Supply Chain Resiliency ...
-Business Action for Climate-Resilient Supply Chains - BSR
Best regards
  • asked a question related to SCM
4 answers
Suppose in a three layer supply chain there are three different profit function TPs, TPm, TPr then total integrated profit is TIP=TPs+TPm+TPr, if we put TPs=0 then is it reduce to two layer supply chain or not?
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Yeah I mean Supply Chain Management prof. Bruno Durand
  • asked a question related to SCM
6 answers
The followings are my research questions:
A. How does the adoption of digitisation in supplier collaboration enhance the effectiveness of supply chain management?
a) What are the deciding factors which predict improved performance through digitisation of supplier collaboration?
b) What are the most beneficial SCM KPIs when taking also into account the digitisation of supplier collaboration?
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Vishnu C Rajan Thanks a lot.
  • asked a question related to SCM
13 answers
The use of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) is increasing rapidly as they can be used to partially or totally replace OPC in concrete.
The most common types of SCMs are fly ash, slag, metakaolin and silica fume. However, the supply of some of these SCMs will be limited in coming years.
What are the other types of emerging SCMs that can be used in concrete?
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Limestone powder also can be used as partially replacement.
  • asked a question related to SCM
7 answers
I'm currently designing a case study and are exploring how to make a rigor case study design. Therefore, i'm interested in identifying key references on how to conduct case studies within operations- and SCM research?
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Besides these positivist type of case studies (Eisenhardt; Yin) there are, of course, also other types of case studies, see for example the other types mentioned here: I believe that it is time that SCM becomes more open to alternative methodological perspectives when it comes to case studies.
  • asked a question related to SCM
9 answers
SCM experts and Industry manager working in SCM.
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Imparting sustainability in our life covering TBL
1. Social aspects
2. Economic aspects
3. Environmental aspects
  • asked a question related to SCM
18 answers
I want to start my research in the area of Supply Chain Management.
please give some suggestions to select the topics related to them.
The end use of my research is helpful to our society.
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Internet of things and artificial intelligence are getting more important than ever. Studying how IoT and AI can enhance SCM will be something very useful. I supposed you can get better suggestions from other researchers if you could share more about your SCM research scope.
  • asked a question related to SCM
3 answers
What is the exact position of supply chain strategy in the general strategy classification?
We proposed a general classification of strategies. What is your point of view about the attached framework?  
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The current SCM approach is to create values and enhance key outcomes (in terms of efficiency and effectiveness) that drive firm performance. Please refer to Ketchen & Hult (2007). 
  • asked a question related to SCM
7 answers
The major contribution towards strength development in OPC or blended cements containing SCMs is from C-S-H gel. Does C-A-H phases contribute towards strength development? If in calcium aluminate cements C-A-H phases are the only phases that contribute to the strength, then the C-A-H must be having some contribution in the development of strength in OPC or blended cements containing SCMs
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Usually what you observe in systems with high alumina SCMs (meta kaolin, fly ash) is an increased uptake of aluminium by CSH, compared to normal OPC systems. Therefore, in this cases is more accurate to talk of CASH rather than just CSH. The amount of aluminium incorporated in CSH varies with age, and also depends in the amount and quality (in terms of aluminium content) of the SCM used. A second interaction would be the formation of AFm phases. When you also have limestone in the system, the alumina phases provided by the SCM can react and form monocarboaluminate and hemicarboaluminate, which further contribute to space filling and therefore, to strength. The publication below can provide some further insights regarding this interaction mechanism. 
  • asked a question related to SCM
3 answers
I understood that Successive corrections methods (SCM) and Optimal Interpolation (OI) method/Least-squares methods are used for merging data. but I don't know they are good for this subject or not. if yes how can I do that and if not what is the other method?
best regards
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There is no "best" method for every application but there are two general methods. One is regression and the other is cokriging. See the literature (e.g. J. Hydrology, WRR) for applications of cokriging to precipitation data (rain gage vs Doppler radar)
Ground data is generally "point data" whereas satellite data pertains to pixels, the assimilation must take into account this change in "support and how it affects spatial correlation
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15 answers
I am facing difficulty while collecting the data because the my target population are quite difficulty to be reached i.e. Supply chain professionals. Any idea or suggestion for the collection of data through questionnaire?
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Take the time to learn exactly who you are addressing your request to and personalise it.  "Dear Mr/Ms XXX" is much more effective than a generic email.  Explain that your request is targeted and briefly explain the importance of their response.  You could also ask them to pass on your survey to others who share a similar position, both within and outwith their organisation.
Finally, offer to share your results if they are interested.  That means that (if they are interested in the subject matter) they have an active interest in your research being successful.
  • asked a question related to SCM
4 answers
when it comes about nerve supply of SCM and Trapezius, it was written that" since both are the derivatives of branchial arch so both are supplied by spinal accessory nerve."  but in embryology text book describing derivatives of branchial arch i donot find these muscles in the list. so i want clear picture about developmental source of these muscles and functional components of spinal accessory nerve.
thank you.
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thank you Emmanouil sir for useful answer. what i got from your answer is that in straight point, these two muscles are not the derivatives of sixth arch rather they derived from mesoderm lateral to 6th arch. on the basis of this fact i can assume that the functional component of 11th cranial nerve which supply these two muscles (spinal root of accessory nerve) should be general somatic efferent (GSE) not special visceral efferent (SVE). am i right sir?
  • asked a question related to SCM
13 answers
Many SCM are tested to lead the idea of sustainable construction.Re-cycled materials except fly ash are the interest of my research.Long term performance of these type of cement is also a matter of my interest.
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paper industry waste (hypo sludge)
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4 answers
What is the maximum current rating of SCM PIC or SCM PIT  tip coated with PtIr normally used for conductive AFM? Is it possible to measure ~mA current with this tip?
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In my esperience yes but it's not just a matter of tips, it's also a matter of electronics. What kind of AFM are you using?
  • asked a question related to SCM
6 answers
What is the role of information systems in agility of Supply Chain Management (SCM)?
Can information and knowledge sharing affect agile SC? How?
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Dear Akbar
Some seminal work from an important author that you might found useful is as follows:
Martin Christopher, 2000, The Agile Supply Chain: Competing in Volatile Markets, Industrial Marketing Management 29, 37–44
Martin, Christopher; Towill, Denis R, 2000,  Supply chain migration from lean and functional to agile and customised, Supply Chain Management 5. (4), 206.
Best regards
  • asked a question related to SCM
7 answers
The fashion retailer Zara (Inditex) is always used as a case study for good Supply Chain Management (SCM). Sometimes Zara´s SCM is even referred as its main core competency.
I know from other papers (e.g. Ghemawat, HBS case 9387018) that researchers have tried to quantify the impact of their competencies on their performance (e.g. Wal Mart´s Brand reputation and employee loyalty is supposed to lead to operational savings  of 3.0% of sales, compared with the competitors).
So my question is: Zara is successful, no doubt, and it has an excellent SCM. But how important is Zara´s SCM really for its overall success? Can anyone help me to find a good source where it was quantified?
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Dear Alfred
I regret I don't have any pratical data regardin ZARA, but I can supply you some hints from a survey I executed some years ago in the same sector among around 10 Italian producers. Many of them are smaller competitors of ZARA.
1). Setting at 100 the retail price of one average product, we have that the whole supply chain spends around 14,5 in logistic costs (including: obsolescence, inventory, setu-ups, defects and trasportation).
2). Almost 2/3 of that cst is concentrated on ponts of sale and more than half that cost is obsolescence, which occurs when one product is unsold at the end of the season, and has therefore to be sold undercost. Note that ZARA's model of shortnening the traditional collections seasons to 2-3 weeks of course yields a sharp reduction of this component.
3). 12% of sales volumes on average are lost when customers give up their purchase intentions because they can't find the serahced for product or size (stock-out). This effect affects all tiers of the supply chain. On top of this, 13% of customers decide to switch store when they don't find the searched for product or size (brand loyal behaviour) and 20% of them, instead turn to another brand in the same point of sale (store loyal behaviour). Note that the ZARA model, by shortening seasons also minimzes stockouts, and the store loyal behaviour is not a problem, resorting to monobrand points of sale.
This is all I know about this topic. Please note it does NOT concern ZARA data. I hope it can be useful.
  • asked a question related to SCM
4 answers
A few experts scored some risk factors based on the likert scale. Now, I want to classify them in a few classes.
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SVM maybe
  • asked a question related to SCM
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The constituents of the mix are cement, fly ash, silica fume, hydrated lime. JPEG image of the DTA curve is attached.
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I see you have answers enough to begin the interpretation of your DTG. If you have a XRD pattern of the sample you could identify the DTG peaks as lost of mass of  the crystalline phases.
Good luck
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4 answers
I am working on an experimental involving fly ash (that has 0.01% CaO content), lime powder and Cement. I have to perform thermogravimetric analysis on my samples to ascertain Ca(OH)2 content to relate it to hydration activity in the binder paste. Just wondering how the results having (i) cement and fly ash (ii) cement, fly ash and hydrated lime powder can be normalised to the control mix i.e. cement paste. 
My main concern is if a mix design has high volume fly ash content (that has 0.01% CaO content), say for instance 60% fly ash and 40% cement, it will have relatively very low Ca(OH)2 content as compared to OPC mix (that contains very high lime content). Comparing these two mixes based on their Ca(OH)2 content at a certain age wouldn't be a true comparison because of a big difference in their respective lime contents.
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best to normalize it to g Portland cement, in that way you can see directly how much Ch has been consumed due to the reaction of the FA. In addition normalize all measurements to dry weight (corresponding to the weight recorded at high  temperature (either before or after the carbonate peak), as the total weight of your solid increases during hydration
  • asked a question related to SCM
6 answers
Is the concept of less space and manpower in SCM effectively implemented in warehousing activities?
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Hello Adam and Good Day to You.  Thank you for your response to my comments. I understand your dilemma in your statement, "The worst part when the blame is put to the warehouse for being incompetent in handling the planning and  storing materials".  First of all, to put things into perspective, SCM is a tool that has to be managed properly or it creates inefficiencies and poor customer service. That is like blaming the hammer for poor construction of a house.  The hammer is just  tool that when used properly, can help build mansions and large structures.  When not used properly, creates disasters  when structures fail.  I would suggest that you consider evaluating the processes in place, the skill level of the people involved, the established procedures, and how each processes is accomplished based on the written procedures, to determine the failure points and breakdown in the efficient storage and movement of materials.  Areas that I believe maybe suspect and should be evaluated are: supervision experience and knowledge of each process involved, competency of personnel to perform their jobs, use of technology to aid in inventory management,  frequent refresher training of personnel to cover safety, proper procedures for handling material, and proper use of material handling equipment to name a few key areas for study.  You did not mention the use of metrics to assist in identifying problems within warehouse operations.  These are basically management tools that will help identify issues in each functional area of the warehouse fairly quickly, so that corrective action can be implemented.  If there is a problem of inefficiency, the first area I would look at is supervision. There is an old saying, "It is a poor craftsman that blames his tools for poor workmanship".  Just a few thoughts that you might want to consider. 
  • asked a question related to SCM
10 answers
We're interested in blended cements with slag and fly ash, and we'd like to define an effective protocol to determine chloride freeing in the binder matrix in order to predict binder resistance of the binder, and carbonation related issues. Which experimental techniques do you think could be better to obtain significant differences between different binder mixes?
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Hi Susana, the Cl binding capacity is defined by more than one parameter, as a function of the total chloride concentration. Usually it is described as bound Cl concentration as a function of free Cl concentration. As for the effect of slag and fly ash on Cl binding capacity, my group did a similar study on this:
Shi, X., Yang, Z., Liu, Y., & Cross, D. (2011). Strength and corrosion properties of Portland cement mortar and concrete with mineral admixtures. Construction and Building Materials, 25(8), 3245-3256.
  • asked a question related to SCM
3 answers
I need an article about a single facility problem or multiple facility problem in rectilinear distance or euclidean distance, or an article about a tree network problem or cyclic problem ( 1 median problem or 1 center problem or n center problem ).
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Thank you Nishant
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16 answers
Business to Business applications usually deal with the logistics between the interested businesses. However, Supply Chain Management applications are playing a major role in fixing and managing that relation too, so are those application separate or integrated?
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Agree with both Tomascz and Mathias. Not sure I would concur with Frans. Why must SCM necessarily involve more than two business entities? It is conceivable that a firm is interested in only managing the link between itself and Tier 1 supplier or there are no further links in the chain (i.e., a single Tier). An SCM system is one kind of B2B system.