Science topics: Social ScienceRural Sociology
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Rural Sociology - Science topic
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Publications related to Rural Sociology (1,732)
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A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo examinar as políticas e programas do setor agrícola em Moçambique, partindo do princípio de que é considerado um pilar do desenvolvimento e uma fonte de alimento nos países da África Subsaariana. Em África, esse setor passou por um processo de modernização usando a abordagem top-down característica dos processos...
Crop foraging by African savannah elephants Loxodonta africana negatively affects farmer livelihoods and support for conservation, yet affordable, sustainable and practical solutions remain elusive. To inform conservation priorities, our goal was to assess the hitherto little explored relationships between farmers’ views on agricultural damage and...
Glehwe, called in Western jargon Ouidah, is a tourist town in the Republic of Benin, occupies a lagoon site, preceded by a sandy coastline that borders the Atlantic Ocean. The city is located 42 kilometers west of Cotonou. The city belongs to the historico-cultural triangle Abomey-Ouidah-Porto-Novo composed of three cities heavily involved in the s...
The growing concern for food security, the environment, and the need to strategize on rural development continues to arise in today's globalized world. This is more so because a sizeable number of the world's population resides in the rural areas in addition to the reality that rural areas remain the food baskets and the repository of usable knowle...
Marginalized groups in the Moroccan Family Code
Women in rural areas and invisible labor
As a case study
Abderrahim Anbi, PhD, Rural Sociology and Development
Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco
The purpose of this study is to examine how the Moroccan family code treats rural women's invisible labor. The central subject of this article...
The paper examines the impact of Henri Lefebvre’s work on the teaching and writing of urban history and urban sociology. Lefebvre’s doctorat d’état was focused on a sociological study of rural France and was conducted under the Occupation in the Campan Valley in the Pyrenées. He was awarded his doctorat d’état in 1954. It was published in 1963 as L...
Background: The rice fields in Sumberlawang District are 1,902 hectares, which are dominated by food crops, therefore the community's main livelihood is as farmers. Farming work has received a poor response from some village youths, young people tend to choose jobs in urban areas by means of urbanization in the hope of earning a high income. The ai...
El propósito central de este ejercicio de revisión es, identificar las estrategias pedagógicas basadas en competencias socioemocionales para su aplicación en población rural de alto riesgo social. La importancia de este ejercicio es la aproximación a los autores que han tratado el tema de las problemáticas de bajo desempeño en población rural afect...
Este estudo analisa traços de ruralidade no vocabulário de brasileiros naturais de localidades do interior de Minas Gerais, do Espírito Santo, do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo, região Sudeste do Brasil. Para tanto, pauta-se nos resultados dos estudos de Fernandes (2021) e Santos (2019) que estudaram denominações fornecidas por 304 informantes do Pr...
Uno de los componentes con mayor efecto en el desarrollo de un emprendimiento es el que respecta a las características del emprendedor. El trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo sondear el grupo etario de los emprendedores agropecuarios en el Paraguay. Primeramente, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica documental tomando datos oficiales con r...
The aim of this research is to determine the development of rural sociology students' competence in analyzing village community life through the application of social inquiry learning methods. The research method applied in this study is the action research method. This research is included in the applied research category which integrates knowledg...
Change is the law of nature; what is today shall be different from what it would be tomorrow because social
structure is in a state of flux. Things we see today may not be the same things we see tomorrow and this could be as
a result of social change. In the light of this, Sociology was developed to study and understand the changes that
occurred in...
The question of gender equality is increasingly being raised today and is present at all levels of society. The topicality of the issue on farms is particularly evident, due to the particular inheritance processes on farms, the clear division of labour, and intergenerational cooperation that characterise the agricultural sector. In this research, a...
The accessibility of appropriate land for private development has become of significant concern to, essentially, residential property developers. With Ampabame in view, the aim of this study is to examine the prevalent challenges pertaining to the acquisition of land; the high-land-value effect of land service delivery on residential development; a...
The present paper includes a comprehensive bibliometric and altmetric analysis of the Indian Journal of Extension Education (IJEE), the first and only Scopus-indexed Indian journal from the discipline of Extension Education employing VOSviewer and R-packages. As the official journal of the Indian Society of Extension Education, IJEE covers diverse...
This paper examines the multifaceted phenomenon of land grabbing, encircling both forcible takeovers without due process and acquisitions with owners' consent but lacking fulfillment of compensation and resettlement requirements. It also interrogates the underlying motives and consequences of large-scale land takeovers, particularly in poor and dev...
Prof. Sajogyo is one of the founders of rural sociology in Indonesia. He concerned himself very intensely with the problems of rural communities, especially rural poverty. In observing the current phenomenon of coastal communities, which are still highly characterized by poverty and social conflict, retracing Prof. Sajogyo’s conception on rural dev...
Emerging Trends of Sociological Studies in the Post-Covid era.
Society is made up of individuals so it can be said that the individual is at the center of society. Relationships, interactions, and behavior play a crucial role in forming society. Society is changing and changing society can not be analyzed from a particular perspective. There can b...
São Pedro/SP é um município do Estado de São Paulo, com cerca de 35 mil habitantes. Com o status de Estância Turística, localiza-se a 30 km do município de Piracicaba/SP, sede da Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, da Universidade de São Paulo. Desde 1989, os agricultores familiares do bairro do Alto da Serra de São Pedro/SP receberam...
The article continues the authors’ thoughts about the necessary conceptual frameworks that would help rural sociology provide more reliable insights and data in the study of such a relatively new (in the conceptual-analytical perspective) social phenomenon as rural human capital. In the previous article, we presented a brief overview of such half-f...
La tesis científica más importante del X Congreso es la siguiente: cada sociedad posee un centro y una periferia. En las sociedades capitalistas avanzadas, se atribuye a la cultura rural un lugar periférico en relación a los valores dominantes del sistema urbano. Esta distinción puede ser aplicada asimismo a la relación a la madre patria y la colon...
O livro Trajetórias de vidas entre rupturas e continuidades: histórias de mulheres assentadas em Sidrolândia/MS, de Claudia Delboni, é resultado da pesquisa de doutorado desenvolvida no Programa de Pós-Graduação em História (PPGH) da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD) entre 2013 e 2017. A pesquisa é uma importante contribuição para a hi...
This theme section editorial introduction presents a collection of papers brought together under the heading Rural transformations, rural futures. The papers are elaborations of work presented at a European Society for Rural Sociology 'satellite event' entitled Transitioning Rural Futures. Contributions to the theme section add to the emerging corp...
O presente artigo discute as formas de legitimação das ações das famílias engajadas no acampamento Marielle Vive, localizado em Valinhos/SP. Considera-se em particular o papel do turismo comunitário como estratégia para maior visibilidade dos argumentos justificativos que fundamentam as reivindicações do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra...
O presente trabalho visa apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre “Cartografia existencial” e “Juventude Rural” e teve como objetivo pensar a juventude rural a partir da cartografia existencial. Essa discussão é parte integrante da tese de doutorado “A Cartografia das Juventudes Rurais: uma investigação no município de Rio Verde-GO” (em andamento...
The phenomenon of language acquisition among immigrant populations carries significant sociological implications, particularly in multicultural societies where linguistic diversity is prevalent. There are lots of northern Ghanaian immigrants living and working in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis. The acquisition of the Fante language by the immigran...
A professora e pesquisadora Maria Aparecida de Moraes Silva tem mestrado e doutorado em Sociologia pela Universidade de Paris 1, Sorbonne, na França, e graduação em Ciências Sociais pela UNESP (Araraquara), na qual atuou como docente entre 1981 e 1997. Possui pós--doutorado e livre-docência pela UNESP.Com fôlego e disposição em fazer ciência, nos ú...
O presente artigo tem como objetivo principal colaborar na construção historiográfica do desenvolvimento do Planejamento Regional na América Latina, compreendido enquanto campo de pensamento e área de atuação possíveis na interface entre a Sociologia Rural e a Sociologia Urbana, no contexto do subcontinente a partir da segunda metade do século XX....
actores, productos lácteos, sistemas agroalimentarios, sociología rural.
Bangladesh's rural life is greatly impacted by economic changes, which present both opportunities and challenges. Development is brought about by easier access to markets and technology, yet urban migration may put pressure on traditional farming lifestyles. In Bangladesh's changing economic landscape, maintaining cultural and agricultural legacies...
This study deals with problems and phenomena of rapid urban developments in the city of Kamza after 1990. The purpose of the study is to explore some of the features of the urban developments of the city of Kamza on many levels. He has focused on the city of Kamza for the reason that he is faced with the largest population in the Republic of Albani...
Maria Moraes se notabiliza como uma das principais referências no Brasil no campo dos estudos da Sociologia Rural, contudo, ao longo das próximas páginas não abordaremos diretamente a trajetória intelectual da docente/pesquisadora sobre o mundo rural, nos deteremos aqui sobre o seu ‘‘começo’’, passando por sua formação na UNESP de Araraquara ao lon...
Sustainable development is a new way to achieve human aspirations while preserving scarce resources and making opportunities for the future. Water resource management is an important issue, especially in the European Union where most of the countries experienced a diminishing trend in their per capita renewable water. Therefore, the key goal of our...
The development of Curug Parigi tourism in Bekasi City is intended to create a beautiful Bekasi City tourism and build a better community economy. This research aims to discover the mechanism for developing Curug Parigi tourism in Bekasi City and the results of Curug Parigi tourism development in Bekasi City. The theory used in this study is the th...
Although Russian society is strongly connected with the countryside and has deep ‘rural roots’, agrarian issues have always been somewhat marginal in the national scientific tradition, mainly in its social-scientific branch. Today the situation seems to change due to at least two globally urgent issues - sustainable food-security patterns (agricult...
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields that are dominated by men and masculine have historically been shown to lead to poor representation and discrimination of women and gender diverse scientists, managers, and leaders. This in turn negatively impacts inclusive innovation processes and outcomes. We claim that crop breeding...
First paragraphs:
What is farming for? What are the objectives? How should it relate to nature and wider society?” (p. 121) asks Jan Douwe van der Ploeg in his new book, The Sociology of Farming: Concepts and Methods. As an accomplished interdisciplinary scholar making significant contributions to the fields of rural sociology, agroecology, and pe...
Estratégias de desenvolvimento rural mais sustentáveis têm sido
pensadas em várias partes do mundo como forma de combater a crescente
escassez dos recursos do planeta, o que também tem ocorrido no âmbito do
Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST). Esse movimento
construiu um Projeto de Desenvolvimento Agroecológico para o
Assentamento An...
This research departs from the problem of the decreasing level of community participation in cooperation such as to maintain what already exists; in other respects, it can be said that drainage or ditches are not cared for so that water freely finds its way, causing damage to the main road and unstable soil conditions and broken roads. This study a...
Estructura y dinámica social, cultural y económica del área P.A.T. In: Zonificación Ambiental para el plan modelo Colombo-Brasilero (Eje Apaporis - Tabatinga : PAT)
Palavras-chave: Assentamentos humanos, Cultura, Sociedade, Urbanização, Colômbia, Amazônia Áreas do conhecimento: Teoria do Desenvolvimento Regional,Sociologia do Desenvolvimento,Sociol...
Based mainly on archival documents gathered from Bahir Dar University (BDU) record office and the UNESCO Head Office in Paris, this qualitative study chronicles and analyzes the history of the Academy of Pedagogy from its inception until it transformed itself into Bahir Dar University. The establishment of the Academy of Pedagogy was the result of...
Resumen Este artículo se propone dar cuenta de las principales fiuerzas que inci-den actualmente en la reconfiiguración del sistema agroalimentario do-minante a nivel global y, en diálogo con difierentes perspectivas, pre-sentar algunos de los interrogantes y discusiones que la emergencia de circuitos alimentarios alternativos a los hegemónicos pla...
Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology
In this review, we first assess the state of agricultural health and safety research as it pertains to the dynamic challenges facing automating agriculture on a warming planet. Then, we turn to social science fields such as rural sociology, science and technology studies, and environmental studies to leverage relevant insights on the introduction o...
T his article offers a critical approach to the historical trajectory of peasant studies in Cuba during the last six decades. It is a new approach that places in perspective and evaluates the theoretical-methodological and epistemic developments achieved in this field of study from the interdisciplinary links forged between Rural Sociology and Marx...
The study identified permaculture practitioners and determined how network relationship patterns can help in the mainstreaming of permaculture in the Philippines. Social network analysis was conducted to determine network structure and discover relationship patterns. Results of the study identified 204 permaculture practitioners with 75 individuals...
This study investigated the impact of rural sociology on rural development in selected rural communities in Delta State, Nigeria's Ethiope East Local Government Area. A total of 400 rural dwellers were chosen at random from a population of 362,753 in Ethiope East, Delta State, Nigeria. Out of the 400 copies distributed, 287 were retrieved and analy...
Os seguros rurais surgiram para mitigar os riscos associados à produção, amparando os produtores com o pagamento de indenizações em caso de sinistros. Objetivo é descrever os principais limitadores que impedem o desenvolvimento do seguro no Norte, com foco nos produtores rurais do município de Alenquer-Pará. A base de dados utiliza informações a da...
A presente pesquisa objetivou identificar e caracterizar os sistemas adotados na recuperação das áreas degradadas nas propriedades da agricultura familiar, que aderiram ao Projeto Rural Sustentável (PRS). As entrevistas foram realizadas com três Agentes Técnicos e 18 famílias, com análise de documentos e observação direta nas propriedades. Trabalho...
Breaking Passivity. Social and peasant activists in the »Young generation of the villages of Polish People's Republic«
Antonina Tosiek in the paper ‘Breaking Passivity. Social and peasant activists in the »Young generation of the villages of Polish People's Republic«’ (1964-1980) proposes reading the written works of young peasants that have been...
The published correspondence reveals the professional ties of the RussianAmerican sociologist P.A. Sorokin (1889–1968) and the German publisher and sociologist
Salomon (1892–1964, Salomon-Delatour since 1947). It substantially complements
the knowledge about Sorokin’s priorities in professional contacts and scientific interests. In addition to th...
La avicultura de traspatio es una práctica productiva tradicional de la agricultura familiar que aporta a la nutrición de las familias, el empoderamiento femenino y la cohesión en los territorios. Este estudio tuvo como objetivos caracterizar y tipificar a los sistemas de avicultura de traspatio (SAT) en el área periurbana de Tunja (Boyacá-Colombia...
Em consonância com parte do debate estabelecido pela Sociologia Rural e pela Sociologia Ambiental - difundido, também, nos dez anos da Revista Áskesis -, objetivamos neste ensaio tratar sobre a exploração do ser humano e da natureza no processo de produção capitalista da mercadoria agrícola. O capitalismo, como organizador do tecido da vida, carreg...
El empleo transitorio es un rasgo estructural que afecta a los mercados de trabajo en el sector agrario y una de las mayores fuentes de vulnerabilidad social de los hogares rurales de América Latina. Sin embargo, en Uruguay las características de los trabajadores transitorios y sus condiciones de vida han sido poco abordadas. En este sentido, el ar...
This research is different from previous research where this research specifically wants to describe and reveal what the existence of the ceramic craftsman community is like, which incidentally is still a lot of people who use traditional methods in a modern era and its relationship with the level of education of the community where the people can...
Este relato aborda sobre a construção do conhecimento sociológico pautado no diálogo, visto que, é necessário a partir de uma multiplicidade e interdisciplinaridade de saberes permanentemente, e que desafia o pesquisador o tempo todo frente os contextos sociais, impulsionando-o a elaborar modos e leituras contextualizadas com a realidade no/do Camp...
doctoral thesis Comunidades subsumidas. Persistencia y crisis de los vínculos locales de reciprocidad en el Valle medio del Alberche sociologically analyzes the changes that the municipalities of the middle Alberche Valley (Ávila) experienced in the relations between their inhabitants in the heat of the double process of urbanization and tertiariza...
O professor da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE), Moacir Piffer, completa 40 anos de cátedra. Para celebrar a data, a Revista Informe GEPEC produziu um perfil sobre o professor, abordando aspectos de sua carreira como docente do ensino superior, a implantação dos estudos em Ciência Regional e seus desdobramentos, a visão de Piffer...
O livro Ser alguém na vida: Juventude, migração e projetos de vida aborda questões importantes para compreendermos a juventude contemporânea. Se por um lado a discussão dos projetos de vida vem ganhando centralidade nos discursos pedagógicos, por outro, a questão da mobilidade humana, seja dentro do país, seja cruzando as fronteiras internacionais,...
Abandono de tierras agrícolas: causas de un fenómeno complejo en el Valle del Famatina, La Rioja, Argentina. El abandono de tierras agrícolas es considerado un cambio de uso del suelo, de gran interés y complejidad. Sus principales causas son de origen ambiental, socioeconómicas o productivas. Las consecuencias pueden ser negativas (impactos en pro...
Increased urbanisation in recent decades has created a knowledge gap between farming and the Irish public. Mainstream media has begun filling this gap through reports on farm animal welfare (FAW) incidents that sometimes frame farming in a negative way. This negative framing can influence how farmers perceive the information communicated in these m...
As relações de trabalho do século XXI foram impactadas pelas novas tecnologias. O mercado de trabalho e emprego vêm operando a partir de novas dinâmicas, as quais desafiam os direitos fundamentais do trabalho. A partir “construção por síntese”, propõe-se uma conexão das sociologias rural, jurídica, do conflito e do trabalho, transpondo a categoria...
Los capítulos del presente libro representan un conjunto de reflexiones, saberes, análisis y, desde luego, propuestas que se derivan de avances y resultados de investigaciones presentadas en diferentes eventos (como seminarios, simposios y congresos) que el equipo de la Red Temática Ibero-Latinoamericana de Investigación e Intervención en Educación...
In supermarkets in the Netherlands, well over 150 potato products are displayed. They can be distinguished by heating characteristics (boiled or fried), appearance (e.g., intact tuber pieces or formed hash browns), dehydrated (e.g., snacks and flour) and storage temperature (e.g., ambient and frozen). Fancier products (frozen formed versus chilled...
O presente artigo investiga a consolidação histórica da civilização caipira, o seu desmantelamento a partir de mudanças estruturais da sociedade brasileira e a resiliência de características de uma antiga cultura rural. O objetivo é acompanhar as mudanças nos usos do termo “caipira” para compreender o significado atribuído a ele hoje por aqueles qu...
C on el nuevo gobierno se han desarrollado acciones que tienen como propósito, que los beneficiarios de los apoyos que brinda la política social, sean asignados directa-mente a los beneficiarios, eliminando con ello las posibles fuentes de mal uso de los recursos públicos. En general, este es el propósito de la política social, sin embargo, existen...
Worldwide, hundreds of potato dishes exist, originally composed by cooks in traditional kitchens. Gradually cooks more and more applied processed products as ingredients to save time and to widen their range of dishes. The products are classified according to their features, ranging from thickeners in soups to ready-to-eat snacks. Besides cooks, al...
Wheat, the most important food crop, can be stored for a much longer time than potato. It is ground and made into flour or pasta that can be turned into bread or a dish at any time. Potato is only storable for a limited period, so it floods the market at harvest. Major benefits of processing for growers include regulating the availability of market...
O presente artigo tem como objetivo compreender as tendências do desenvolvimento rural no Brasil no século XXI. Para isso, foram analisadas 4 revistas científicas de Geografia Agrária, Sociologia Rural e Economia Rural, entre os anos de 2001 e 2020, que totalizou 101 artigos. Levou-se em consideração para a análise dos artigos, os atores sociais, o...
Rural consumers are fundamentally different from their urban counterparts socially, psychologically, physiologically and literally. There is mass consumption among them regarding a particular product or brand since they are homogeneous at the village or regional level. Health and well-being have become two important parameters of human consumption...
En este artículo las autoras presentamos los primeros resultados del proyecto de investigación: “Desafíos actuales de la Sociología Rural: Tensiones en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje en la formación de los ingenieros e ingenieras agrónomos”. El mismo se basa en el análisis de los programas de estudio de los espacios curriculares de Sociolo...
The article discusses the most significant elements of knowledge production around Algerian rural society, by conducting an evaluation of the teaching of social sciences and sociology within the Algerian University. The teaching of sociology shows a strong relationship between the University, the political power and the society, where a notable ten...
Resenha da obra MAKINO, Rogério. Sociologia Rural: um guia introdutório. Curitiba: Bagai, 2022
As mudanças em curso nas dinâmicas sociais, econômicas e culturais do meio rural exigem uma reflexão sobre as categorias em uso por considerá-las insuficientes contemplar a diversidade e a complexidade atuais. Após realizar uma revisão das principais linhas desse debate, com base em Marc Mormont e Jean Rémy, sobre "categoria operatória", e Bourdieu...
The idea of self-determination through independent state formation served as a crucial political principle for groups and organisations resisting colonial domination and the capitalist world system during the post-World War II era. Kurdish political movements and parties were no exception. They embraced the idea that, as a nation, they were entitle...
A finales del siglo XX y comienzos del siglo XXI B. de Sousa Santos lan-zó, desde su instituto en Lisboa, la idea de "epistemologías del sur". Verosí-milmente se trataría del soporte teórico o epistemológico para los planes del Sur Global. Un amplio y vasto movimiento alter-nativo al capitalismo salvaje. La verdad es que lo de Sousa Santos se quedó...
O artigo discute de que forma a sociologia rural da socióloga Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz funda-se numa dupla articulação entre análises sócio-históricas e considerações teórico-metodológicas acerca desse ramo disciplinar da Sociologia. Para tanto, argumenta-se que, segundo Queiroz, a avaliação das possibilidades heurísticas da sociologia rural...
Scholarship on boom-busts cycles in resource extraction often assumes that affected resource-rich communities are at best reactive, at worst helpless, in the face of the large, exogenous shocks this cycle visits upon them. Researchers infrequently examine what communities themselves can do to improve their economic prospects and residents' quality...
Öz: Çalışma Türkiye tarım politikalarında yasal-yönetsel çerçevedeki değişimin izlerinden yola çıkmakta ve önemli kırılım noktalarını ön plana taşımaktadır. Bu değişimin izlerinden hareketle öncelikle kurumsal yapıların köy toplumuyla geçmişte kurduğu bağlar ana hatlarıyla incelenmiştir. Günümüze doğru geldikçe özellikle kırılımın yaşandığı fay hat...
The chapter elaborates on the changing approach to rural development in policy and academia and the engagement of the chair group rural sociology at Wageningen University..
The following article contains a PowerPoint documentation of fifteen Agricultural Extension journal abstracts.
40 references of Agricultural Extension journals were relatively embedded in this publication.
El agronegocio como modelo productivo supuso un desplazamiento en prácticas y formas de concebir la actividad agropecuaria de los actores que conforman el heterogéneo mundo rural argentino. En la actualidad, numerosas investigaciones, en particular las ancladas en el campo de la sociología rural, han procurado explicaciones de estos procesos cuya c...
Por unas ciencias sociales relacionales. Investigaciones y enfoques contemporáneos resume en sus doce capítulos reflexiones multidisciplinares del Grupo de Estudios Relacionales (GER) del IDICSO (Unidad Asociada al CONICET), producidas a lo largo de una serie de seminarios de investigación llevados a cabo en 2018 y 2019. Así, nos convoca a reflexio...
Em dezembro de 2019, os casos de pneumonia na cidade de Wuhan, na China, oriundos de um novo coronavírus, levaram à declaração da pandemia da Covid-19 pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. Seus desdobramentos estão em curso e já trazem mudanças sociais e econômicas significativas, com grande insegurança sobre o futuro e o rearranjo econômico e social...
Community supported agriculture (CSA) is a producer–consumer union that aims to shift the predominant paradigm in agriculture towards a model based on social justice, fairness, and participation. However, the long-term existence of CSA initiatives, and their ability to build the social capital envisioned by the initiators, can be challenged by a st...
In current nature valuation efforts, sociocultural values are often overlooked. Calls for the importance of including these values often advise to use a mixed‐method approach; however, restrictions concerning budget and time often prevent researchers from doing so. In this study we offer a compromise—a questionnaire that aims to capture sociocultur...
السوسيولوجيا القروية مبحث أكاديمي بقدر ما يسعى إلى الدقة في تحديد موضوع اشتغاله، الذي هو القرية، بقدر ما يُعَرج نحو جعل هذا المجال غير منفك من حتمية العلاقة الطبيعية الرابطة بينه وبين المجال الحضري؛ ذلك لأن ثنائية القرية والمدينة لا تتوقف عند حدود التسييج المفاهيمي أو المصطلحي، وإنما يتعدى الأمر هذا كله في سياقات تمليها الظرفية التاريخية الراهنة عل...
This article refers to Gerd Vonderach’s publications showing the relevance of discovering and (re)using the existing output of the social sciences. With reference to the terms Pioniere and Ideengeber , this paper introduces selected classic figures of the social sciences in German-speaking countries and the discussions and controversies that have a...
Entrepreneurship is an important issue in Indonesia because it is considered to be able to overcome various development problems, such as creating new jobs and supporting the realization of economic growth. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that encourage farmers to start new business activities, both farming and non-agricultura...
OBJETIVO: potenciar el aprendizaje significativo en los estudiantes de Sociología rural de primer año de agronomía, situada en una línea de investigación de aprendizaje, educación y desarrollo de la educación superior. MÉTODO: fueron necesarios métodos teóricos y empíricos sustentados en el método dialéctico-materialista, que es un método general e...
The path to address social problems and phenomenon that can be observed specifically in the rural setting has given rural sociology the responsibility, as a social science discipline, to explain, interpret, study human behavior, social conflict, and social structure. This paper seeks to introduce how rural sociology turned to be a formal discipline...
Küçünlü Village (KV) is a village located in the Thrace Region of Edirne Province. This region is very important for Turkey's grain and oil sunflower production. In this research, the assumption is set out that "producers in KV cannot do agriculture at the size of an economic enterprise". With this assumption, it has been resolved by considering th...
In this article, we discuss the participation of US rural sociologists in technical missions in Latin America during World War II as part of the Inter-American cooperation programs under the Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations. We argue that the political and intellectual context of the Roosevelt Era as well as the communitarian thought style...
Resumo: O artigo tem como objetivo analisar a imersão social da economia em distintos mercados agroalimentares brasileiros a partir de uma perspectiva institucionalista. Embasado em um conjunto de autores, referências bibliográficas e entrevistas, visa complementar o debate sobre mercados na sociologia rural e econômica que tem privilegiado nas sua...