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Rotorcraft - Science topic

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Questions related to Rotorcraft
  • asked a question related to Rotorcraft
4 answers
1) What exactly is the definition of a control law and what is the difference between control laws and controllers in the context of aerospace vehicles ?
2) Is the use of the term flight control law specific only to aircraft (fixed wing & rotorcraft) and UAVs, for in my experience the term is not actively used in the context of Launch Vehicles or spacecraft ?
(examples of FCLAW's: images 1 and 2) [1]
A few questions regarding the control laws of combat aircraft -
3) The Eurofighter(EF 2000) seems to use an interesting control structure - the Differential PI Algorithm, which is also a controller that is being actively used by the naval version of the Indian LCA. My question is, as the controller seems to be quite advantageous, why has'nt the Differential PI structure been used in other flight controllers ? [2](refer to image 3)
4) The testing of combat flight control laws has made use of test aircraft for in-flight simulation, for example the use of the F-16 VISTA (now X-62 VISTA) to test flight control laws of the Indian LCA. How does this work ? How is useful information to validate & certify the control laws of one aircraft obtained from the flight performance and input responses using these same control laws but on another aircraft ? (refer: VISTA.pdf)
Note: This is not exclusive to aircraft as such, the control laws for the SLS have also been tested on an F/A 18 Hornet.[3]
[1] Balas, Gary J.,"Flight Control Law Design - An industyr perspective", European Journal of Control, Vol. 9, Issues 2–3, 2003,
[2] Osterhuber, R.,"Realization of the Eurofighter 2000 Primary Lateral/Directional Flight Control Laws with Differential PI Algorithm", AIAA GNC Conference and Exhibit 16 - 19 August 2004, Providence, Rhode Island
[3] "Flight Testing of the Space Launch System (SLS) Adaptive Augmenting Control (AAC) Algorithm on an F/A-18", NASA/TM-2014-218528
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1) Control laws (or controllers) can be applied to any plant (aircraft, vehicle, spacecraft, missile, etc.).
2) The term of flight control law applies to all air vehicles.
3) The flight control law design concept is diverse. Each control concept has advantages and disadvantages. While the differential PI control you asked about has some advantages, it has the disadvantage of being susceptible to noise due to differential effects. And while the NDI (Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion) control applied to the F-35 is sensitive to model uncertainty, if the model is accurate, it has the advantage that it can be commonly applied to A, B, and C versions with one control structure. This is because only OBM (On-Board Model) needs to be replaced. In addition, sensor-based INDI (Incremental NDI) is a method that is quite robust to model uncertainty, but it is difficult to obtain the measured angular acceleration, and the use of a filter that minimizes noise is essential when the angular velocity is differentiated from the IMU sensor. is. And although it has the characteristic of reducing the stability margin of the system (especially the phase margin), the stability margin is quite robust against uncertainty. Hybrid INDI, which takes advantage of these two control methods, is sometimes used.
4) IFS (In Flight Simulator) is a method that can be safely verified with an aircraft platform that has already been tested when developing a flight control computer or a new flight control rule. In other words, new functions can be efficiently verified while ensuring flight safety by using the already verified flight control system for take-off and landing and verifying the function with the newly developed flight control rule in a specific flight condition.
  • asked a question related to Rotorcraft
1 answer
Hello everyone,
I want to learn performing Structural Analysis for rotorcrafts and looking for some instructions on how to plot V-n Diagram and perform Loading Analysis, Stress Analysis, Damage Analysis, Fatigue etc..
Some references like AMCP 706-202 helped me out but I'm still looking for some more help.
And how can I get "ADS-29, Structural Design Criteria for Rotary Wing Aircraft"? Will it help?
Best Regard
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  • asked a question related to Rotorcraft
3 answers
Hi everybody
In order to solve Reynolds equation to find the pressure distribution could we use commercial software such as ANSYS?
Thanks a lot.
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As vladimar said and also this article may be helpful to you:
  • asked a question related to Rotorcraft
5 answers
Everybody talks about UAV (personal or Taxi service) being a game changer to our way of traveling and commuting.
Looking at ongoing research activities and some early flight demonstrators I notice that most of them have multiple, unducted/open, and interacting rotors. Solely from a system noise point of view I would assume that this will probably be the least successful approach.
Are there any new conceptual designs that will even stand a chance if community noise exposure and annoyance is really a topic (aside of "certification" or legislation issues)?
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I think this is a good question. Noise is a drawback for rotocraft.
But it is unavoidable, like helicoper. But we can reduce it with low rotation speed. Increase the dimension and number of blades is good choice. If you want to eliminate the noise, maybe you can try fixed wing or flap wing.
  • asked a question related to Rotorcraft
4 answers
Hi, my group has just started working on active cryogenic system for small satellites. Your solution can be very valuable to make our system working.
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I mean a fluid loop working on the condenser of a active cryogenic cooler.
  • asked a question related to Rotorcraft
10 answers
In order to determine my upper and lower limits l could use the "quartiles method", however in this case l am restricted to using error bars. As l am grappling at straws l decided to calculate the standard deviation and instruct excel to use the standard deviation to superimpose error bars on a scatter plot of the data.
Now, my question is, is it sensible to use these error bars to single out data points which lie outside the region demarcated by the error bars as outliers?
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I fully agree with Jochens concerns and rather recommend you use "non-invasive" methods for outlier control:
  1. Robust regression (t-distributed error term) reduces the influence of far values on the estimate by assigning more probability to far-off values. Sounds paradoxical only at first.
  2. Weakly informative priors in Bayesian regression can be used, when the researcher has somewhat an idea in which range to expect the outcome variable. The shrink outliers towards the estimate.
  • asked a question related to Rotorcraft
1 answer
My trivial problem concerns the calculation of so-called "Grass Tetany Factor": My own calculation according to the formula: GTF = K/39.1/(Mg/12.15+Ca/20.04) is almost always lower compared to the data in the original papers. Where am I making mistake? Many thanks for kind advice
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Your formula is correct. But some papers simply use K/(Mg + Ca), and some use soil cations whereas others use forage cations, so these factors may be the cause of the discrepancy :)
  • asked a question related to Rotorcraft
13 answers
There are various methods to estimate these temperatures theoretically but in the absence of experimental data one cannot check its correctness.
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Filament is of tungsten so possibly around 2200 C. May be Wiens law lambda T=0.29cmK will help. Common wavelengths are infra red and visible. 
  • asked a question related to Rotorcraft
6 answers
I am trying to determine surface roughness of a curved surface of 100 micron length. I wish to segregate it into five equal parts and then determine the surface roughness of each part. The surface roughness should be of the order of <=1 um. As per theory, the cut-off length should be minimum 0.08 mm. However, the sample is not that large enough. What should be the proper way for measuring surface roughness in such case?
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You can also take a look at ISO 4287 and 4288.
I remember there was a table referring to the required minimum profile length.
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Rotorcraft
15 answers
why my computer shutt down suddenly
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I have general question about my computer, it was shut down suddenly ?
There can be numerous reasons like your computer might be overheated, computer hardware failure, OS / software corruption, computer virus / malware infection etc.  You can try reboot your computer & if it still can't reboot, you might want to bring to some computer technicians for further diagnosis & repair.  You can also refer to the following link for possible reasons of  your computer's sudden shut down:
  • asked a question related to Rotorcraft
3 answers
when frequency increase from 1 to 1000Hz and very small change in blocking temperature.
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in this blocking temperature is change very small with respect to frequency which change from 92 to 93 K with 1 to 1000 Hz
and i fit arhenius law in which spin flip time is 0s and expectation energy is very high why????? 
  • asked a question related to Rotorcraft
2 answers
In the calculation of asphalt cement temperature susceptibility according to the following formula   
                  A=log (pen at T1) – log (pen at T2) / (T1- T2)
Why we convert it to the following expression
                     A=log (pen at 250C) – log 800 / (25- TR&B)        ?
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  • asked a question related to Rotorcraft
4 answers
I need to run a simulation of Solar Cells on the surface/wing of Airplane. Any Idea about a software, which will help me do that?
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Although CATIA will let you do most simulations, you might want to look into more specialized softwares depending on the type of simulation you're trying to run
  • asked a question related to Rotorcraft
4 answers
Please how can i Center vertically à tabular in lyx??
Thank you
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Dear khouloud;
you can follow the attached file. It explains step by step how you can center you tabular in lyx
good luck;
  • asked a question related to Rotorcraft
7 answers
I want to calculate (or approximate) mass loading by dividing a mass of emissions by a particular area. The units work (as in aerosol mass loading is in g/m2 and so is mass of emissions/area) but i want to confirm whether this is a valid calculation and if not why not. 
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The aerosol field in the atmosphere is a function of three spatial variables (latitude, longitude and hight above the terrain), size of the aerosol particle, and time. This field describes mass of the aerosol particles (with a given radius) per unit volume. The evolution of this field is governed by the advection diffusion equation with terms describing scavenging, nucleation, stochastic coagulation, and chemical reactions. In addition you have to specify the surface and volume emission rates, as well as the boundary conditions. The problem of solving such an equation is not trivial and most often we refer to the numerical methods. Most of practical solutions for the tropospheric applications are obtained within the framework of an air pollution transport models such as WRF/CHEM
(For the simple option of dust particles please see section 4.3.1).
Alternatively you can try to perform some simplified estimates based on the analytical solution of the equations which could be obtained for the idealized meteorological conditions. If you specify more details of your problem I can assist you by providing some practical formula to be used for this purpose.
For the case of the stratospheric aerosol all equations are derived and discussed in the paper High-Resolution Modeling of Size-Resolved Stratospheric Aerosol (J. Atm. Sci., Oct 15, vol. 55, pp. 3127-3147) available at:
The paper is also useful as a general introduction to the problem of aerosol in the atmosphere.
  • asked a question related to Rotorcraft
4 answers
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As such air gap, between rotor and stator is increasing the reluctance( decreases permeability) of magnetic circuit completed. To avoid this, nowadays some oil filled motor comes in existence, which reduces reluctance and friction with better cooling, but increases the maintenance and cost of machines, compare to machines with air gap between stator and rotor.Refer my answer,' can oil be used in air gap......'.