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Romanticism - Science topic
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Questions related to Romanticism
Women’s top 5 turn-ons. 1. Romance 2. Commitment 3. Communications 4. Intimacy 5. Non-sexual touching (Allan & Barbara Pease)
I have a question. I made a comparison between women and men on a series of attitudes concerning romantic relationships. Significant differences were found in a line of T-tests, but I also wanted to say something about the great similarity between the two groups in relation to many issues such as recovery time from separation, responsibility for keeping in touch, and more.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the places where similarity is found, or no difference is found between women and men, is an important finding no less than significant results in a t-test for differences
Now here is the question
What measure of similarity between groups do we have? Is there is a procedure in SPSS that can give an idea of the extent of similarity
Or should I assume that everything that has no difference has similarity? And how do you claim it?
11כל הרגשות:
From an evolutionary biological perspective, should women breastfeed their male romantic partners? I think it depends on the following articles: Work Cited
Ohnemus , Alexander . "Why Women Should Breastfeed Their Male Romantic Partners." . Accessed 8 Sep. 2023.
Ohnemus , Alexander . "Erotic Lactation Reduces Toxic Masculinity Theorem "ELRTM Theorem" (Group Theory)(Dynamic Systems)(Differential Equations) A theorem." . Accessed 8 Sep. 2023.
Ohnemus , Alexander . "Differential Equations of Erotic Lactation (Group Theory)(Dynamic Systems)(Differential Equations)." . Accessed 8 Sep. 2023.
Both ethically and sustainably, joining the LGBTQAA+ community as an aromantic is better than membership as either Men Go Their Own Way(mgtow) and or involuntary celibacy ( incels). Particularly, because both the mgtow and incel movements tend to unjustly blame women for male struggles to obtain romantic companionship. Also because the category of incel only implies self-pity due to the concept being too faulty. No one knows for sure whether or not he, she, or any other pronoun are involuntarily celibate because too many potential partners exist. Thus, the term Incel should be renamed discouraged into celibacy or DECEL for short.
What do you think?
What I think:
At least, by and large, incel cisgender males blame the opposite sex(cisgender females) for romantic hardships. While aromantic cisgender males,much more respectfully, abandon the entire concept of romance without blaming anyone. Incel philosophy is excessive cynicism. Aromanticism is a healthy blend between idealism and cynicism.
My complete opinion:
The hype over female orgasm is so extreme that all logic are lost. The sex toy companies have capitalised on this confusion and ignorance. But they never say that their products give anyone an orgasm. Neither do men use them for orgasm. Men know that once mental arousal is achieved (they have an erection) applying the required stimulation is relatively trivial. But women are believed to have orgasms without ever being mentally aroused. Women themselves assume that romantic factors cause orgasm.
Hi All,
I am writing about wellbeing tips in marriages or romantic couples and I need studies with the related outcome.
Can you please share yours?
Thank you.
Unlike the romantic attempts to be one with the world through imagination, modernist writers argue that one should abandon this independence of the ego and attempt to look at the world objectively. However, some poets like William Carlos Williams (in his early poetry) presented a kind of romanticism that could be thought of as being in reverse; a poet who tries to be one with nature through self-suppression rather than through imagination.
Mario Praz in his The Romantic Agony (1956) suggests that there is "no opposite pole to 'romantic'" which imlplies that romanticism could be understood as a set of ideals or a style that could emerge as a climax or a revolution, thus it is always in progression and could emerge at any time as a culmination of the intellectual process.
It is said that experimenting with more subjective modes of expression was one of the reasons behind the emergence of Romanticism in Germany (Sturm and Drang movement), where writers like Goethe presented works with a character who is ardently following his passion and individual creativity (like Faust). Faust in the play attempts to come up with a subjective interpretation (his own theory perhaps) of the Bible, disagreeing with theologians. how did this work influence the emergence of romanticism as a literary theory?
What should my sample size be for content analysis? I want to run an open ended qualtrics survey to come up with a list of behaviours associated with romantic felt love.
I am looking for factors that achieve satisfaction and contentment in romantic relationships.
Hello All!
I am currently writing my dissertation on the maladaptive repercussions of childhood emotional maltreatment (psychological maltreatment) on adult attachment systems and romantic relationships. In general most measurement tools are inclusive of all forms of maltreatment. At this point I'm considering extracting the specific items from established questionnaires (eg. FEQ, CATS, CTQ). Other than ECR (ECR-R), are there any other valid scales that predominately focus on adult CEM and attachment? If so, what are they and do they require permission? Thank you in advance for your help!
Hey, I am looking at empathic accuracy in romantic couples across three phases of an interaction
I have 2 hypotheses:
1) if there’s a difference between phase 2 compared to no phase 1
2) if there’s a difference in phase 3 vs phase 2
when I ran t-tests doing this I got a significant difference for my second hypothesis, HOWEVER, when I do an ANOVA I don’t see any significant differences between these 3 phases.
Should I report the ANOVA even if I’m not looking for a difference in phase 3 vs phase 1?
I am also looking at neuroticism and genders moderation on empathic accuracy scores in phase 2. should I do a simple moderation analysis or is there a statistical test which can be done in a more smart manner?
This question does not relate to philosophical romanticism applied to science that had some currency in the 1800s. Roughly it seems that scientific romanticism differed from enlightenment by inserting humanity into nature and seeking union via human consciousness and problem solving.
The romantic aspect of physics I allude to shares some features of the medieval tale relating to chivalry, such as Don Quixote and qualities of adventure into unknown parts remote from settled life, such as the adventures of Richard Burton, who translated the Arabian Nights.
The mystery is: how has nature contrived these things we observe?
The remoteness is that the answers may require extrapolation in size, microscopic or cosmological, or in length of time, short or long, or in eons past or yet to arrive, remote from human experience, or principles that defy and challenge human perception, such as universal gravitation, or the nature of time, curvature of space, or quantum particles.
The adventure involves all the steps to solve the problem.
It seems to me that theoretical physics is a romantic quest. If the physicist arrives at a partial or provisional understanding of some mystery, then that is a great romance.
Your view?
I have been looking into previous literature, however, I haven't come across any model pertaining to manipulative partners in romantic relationships. If anyone know of any related research of model, please share.
I observed that most people enjoy courtship because love is active during this period. But in marriage, there seems to be conflicts because here love is passive. I discovered that most marriages collapse because men are pretenders in courtship period. Most of them are no more who they used to be during courtship- a romantic period. They grow traditional and more authoritative whereas women want to be romantic forever. Men should not tolerate in courtship what they cannot tolerate in marriage- a classical period. My understanding of Romantic Period and Classical Period is that of Courtship Period and Marital Period.
By Progressive Rock I'm primarily but not exclusively considering the British element of late 1960s/early 1970s. By Romanticism I'm essentially meaning the European Romantic era of the late 18th century/early 19th
Classicism is a philosophy of conservatism, imitation of the famous experts and mentorship whereas Romanticism is a philosophy of freedom, intuition, quest for adventure and realization of individual dreams, aspirations or imagination. Both manifested historically in Literature, Arts and Music. But nowadays, the interact of these two concepts leads to a conflict as it occurred in France during premiere of Victor Hugo's Hernani in Paris in 1830. I observed through about a decade research on Romanticism that Classicism and Romanticism are two variable factors that determine a social change. This is as a result of conflict that occurs between the classics and the romantics in all spheres of life. Collaborative research will be welcomed ; articles on this is yet to be published. Any journal on Romanticism, Literature, Comparative Literature, French Literature, German Literature , Psychoanalysis Guardian & Counseling and Adolescence?
People often think that feminism in literature is limited to both male and female writers who defend women in the society. However, they fail to realize that the first generation of romantic writers were French female romantics such as Germaine de Stael and George Sand, a female who used a male pseudonym to write in 19th century. Les Miserables of Victor Hugo and Notre Dame de Paris were two works that portray female characters positively. Even Stendhal's Madame Bovary, a realist-romantic novel is another example. So, one can say affirmatively that the romantics were the first feminists. Let modern feminists critics and writers take note otherwise there would be a vacuum in knowledge being dispatched.
Can someone explain to me the benefits from having a relationship with AI? And also the things we should worry about?
When I was a teenager , I used to witness a man and his wife fighting and tearing each other's clothes. They would beat each other mercilessly outside and rubbing each other's body with muddy water of the gutter. later , that very day, they would go to bathroom together which was outside, bathe and would sit outside on a mat drinking beer. they must of course sleep together that night. They used to do this many times without anybody settling their dispute and without considering divorce for once. It is now clear to my after my study of Romanticism and courtship relationship that they were just both romantically compatible partners.
The same adjective " romantic" is used for the two nouns. So majority of people associate being romantic with romance , that is love affection and courtship experience. However, to literary critics , romantic love is impossible love that seeks freedom in a rigid society. Romance Literature is 17th century English Elizabethan period whereas Romanticism Literature is 19th century literary of rebellion in Europe.
Is this related to their attractiveness, social status, etc?
Can you please suggest a list of readings or names of the most important scholars in the area of domestic violence research? I am particularly interested in adolescent romantic abuse but anything relevant to it would be highly appreciated. Who (as in scholar or paper), in your opinion, should/not be missed, overlooked, or perhaps even criticized.
I know sexologists study human sexuality but is there a name for someone who studies just human courtship/romantic relationships?
Good day.
To make sure I am on the right path, would anyone care to chime in on what they consider to be the major historiographic issues associated with Romantic era historical scholarship in western Europe. So far I have been focusing on Germany and Denmark - but, I would appreciate any and all input, suggestions, direction etc. that you can provide as regionality is not an issue.
Thanks and keep well.
Hypo 1 : Individuals with secure parental attachment will on average have higher levels of trust in adult romantic attachment
Hypo 2: Individuals with insecure parental attachment will on average have lower levels of trust in adult romantic attachment.
Parental attachment as the IV (Paternal and maternal) & Trust as the DV
Hypo 3 : In insecure parental attachment categories, males will on average be more dismissive/avoidant than females
Hypo 4: In insecure parental attachment categories, females will on average be more anxious/preoccupied.
This is where I get a little confused because parental attachment now becomes the DV and sex/gender becomes the IV
I am not sure if I need two different analysis for 3&4 or is there a way to analyse all 4 in one
I hope all of this makes sense!! Any direction would be appreciated
Thank you for any advice in advance!!
Dear all,
I'm actually working in a study in which I propose an alternative structure underlying romantic attachment in couples facing breast cancer. I used a short version of the well known Experiences in Close Experiences measure developed by Brennan and Shaver.The analyses that I conducted (multiple CFA, EFA, etc) suggested a different structure underlying this self report. Specifically, instead confirming the well know structure which presents anxiety and avoidance as the underlying factors, it suggests a third structure organisation, in which I am still working on. I early published a study in which I mention this finding (Ávila et al., 2017). I was wondering if anyone here is familiar with self report measures of attachment like this and have found alternative findings with regard to the organisation of this construct. Your input is very welcomed! Really appreciate your time here.
I am working with the research about Southeast Asian students' perception about homosexual in romantic relationship. I am worried whether it is possible to mix the sampling technique and total population sampling or not since I have a large population from my Filipino respondents from my institution but have a very small sample population from other Southeast Asian nationalities.
Given a text, is it possible to clone (i.e. write something similar) a given text, while mantaining constant the difficulty of the text itself?
I know that is possible to use LSTM to generate text, but that involves training the network with some training data (lets say Shakespeare poems) that will result in something similar to Shakespeare itself as output.
If we want to create a framework that given a specific text (something short like "Adam and Jane are going out for dinner and are having a dessert and a bottle of wine") give us back something similar to the input (that will not be "Two boys in their 30s, going out during a full moon evening for a romantic dinner......" - too complex) LSTM is not the best idea since we have to train again the network every time we want to change the "context" we are working with. This is not scalable.
Do you have any ideas on how to create something that mimics input sentences and does not require hours of training?
I was thinking that maybe NER or POS could help, but I do have still some difficulties on seeing how so far.
Dear all,
I'm actually working on a validation study which examines a self-report measure of romantic attachment. I was quite surprised to see a huge increment of the correlations between the dimensions of the measure when I tested multiple Confirmatory Factory Analyses (CFA) in Amos. The first glance of the matrix of correlations in SPSS showed moderated values between the dimensions of the scale (values around .35). When I conducted CFA in AMOS some dimensions showed to be highly correlated with a substantial increment in the value of the correlation (from .35 to .87). This value questions the interdependent nature of these dimensions. I am aware that AMOS estimation produces a more robust examination of the data but I don't remember seeing such a huge change at the level of the correlation values. Is this common? And how can this be explained? Than you so much for your attention!
Romanticism and Psychoanalysis have revealed that every philosophy has to start with a stage, then grows to another stage, then to another stage and finally becomes a recognized philosophy. These stages are puzzles for researchers in literary movement of Romanticism and Psychoanalysis in any discipline.
Need references about modern cinematographic Romantism to testify a new Mal du siècle in Lav Diaz's work. Somehow relate to romantism or so-called "black romantism" from which a singular aesthetics leads to a degenerescence in the political background, that finally creates an active discourse on today' social issues.
I am detecting psychology traits from a very large set of text and so far, I am able to extract the big 5 personality traits(extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism). Therefore, I am trying to extract extra traits from the text, such as self-esteem (texts about romantic partners) trait and narcissists(texts about personal achievement).
So I am trying now to come up with new traits from the texts such as sense of purpose (, is there any way to extract this feature? Also, is there any personality traits you can propose to include
PS: any recommendation for extracting new personality traits will be highly appreciated :)
The twentieth century witnessed two devastating wars which made the earlier style of living upside down. Men became wild, and sadness gripped human psyche. Against this backdrop, T.S. Eliot discovered 'hollow men'. However, the earth is not going to perish tomorrow, so we must live. It is an eternal paradox that despite misfortunes which come not as single flies but in battalions men rise up and strive to start life afresh - enjoying the morning sun, listening to the cuckoos and the nightingales, having sunbath on the sea beach, singing songs, being in love, writing poems, growing crops and breeding children. This attitude of man has generated a new kind of Romantic mood in English poetry in the 21st century. I believe Romanticism shapes the earth more beautifully than any other creed.
I have reformulated my earlier question because the answers I have received, although very interesting, referred mostly to violence in the performing arts, or to periods later than the one I am researching presently.
I am specifically looking for literature that discusses the subject of violence as a recurring theme in painting, from the Baroque to the Romantic period.
For example paintings such as Rembrandt's "Blinding of Samson", Titian’s The flaying of Marsyas, Poussin's Massacre of the Innocents, Caravaggio's Judith and Holofernes, Rubens' Rape of the Sabine Women, Goya's Third of May 1808 or Delacroix's Death of Sardanapalus, discussed from the point of view of the violence they represent.
I'm looking for articles on the subject of reflection through technology. Such as:
-Lovers’ box: Designing for reflection within romantic relationships (Thieme et. al.)
Maybe there is something interesting about APPs (runtastic) or other technology (SenseCam) for reflecting behaviour and/or attitudes.
Best regards,
Moritz Gwiasda
There are two pillars of consciousness, that of intentionality, which includes thoughts, ideas, desires, motives and goals. The other side of consciousness is that of phenomena, which includes sensations, perceptions and feelings. These are troublesome for philosophy of mind philosophers because things such as color vision, the redness of red is not physical but is mental; the experience of a red rose is different from the physics of it all, this is related to the "Mary Problem" and what Goethe was pointing out, which is that Newtonian vision theory gives us everything about the theory of light but what we actually see and also perceive as beauty. Another example would be pain. One can pinch another and watch the physics and the biology of it all, but never will that observer 'feel' that other person's pain. The C Fibers can be watched and the damaged tissue, and the signals to the brain but one can't feel the pain of another. Also, ideas and other intentionalities aren't like tables and chairs that you can poke, prod and measure. They seem mental. like perceptions of color and feelings. Furthermore, reasons seem different than physical causes in that if you take a brain, blow it up to the size of a building and walk in what one would see is fat, protein and water, which translates into mostly dendrites, axons and synapses. No where do we "see" and idea. I don't want to debate my metaphysics or my epistemology though please.
However, what I want to know is if these two categories, that of intentionality and phenomena, as described above, fit into what Kant would call the noumenal realm.
Thank you ever so much for any help you may give.
e.g. rhythmic or melodic gestures, nuances or general elements of Beethoven's music which might be considered as combining to give an overall impression of the heroic, or being indicative of Beethoven's heroic style.