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Road Safety - Science topic
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Questions related to Road Safety
This question examines the role of advanced lighting systems in reducing accidents caused by poor visibility, emphasizing the need for innovative solutions that enhance road safety for both drivers and pedestrians
DEAR COLLEAGUES!We invite you to take part in the InternationalConference "Intelligent Transport Systems:Ecology, Safety, Quality, Comfort", which will beheld on November 26–27, 2024
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Affiliation: National Transport University.
1. Smart cities and sustainable development
2. Intelligent Transport Technologies and SmartLogistics
3. Smart Mobility and Road Safety
4. Infrastructure of ITS and Construction
5. ITS development in the post-war recovery of thecountry
The proceedings will be evaluated for publicationin Springer Lecture Notes in Networks andSystems (book series). The books of this series are indexed by SCOPUS.
I am currently working on a project that involves analysing and understanding the distribution of wheel wander within a lane. Specifically, I am interested in identifying the probable positions of wheels within a lane, considering various factors such as lane width, speed environment, geometry, and more. To aid in my research and analysis, I am seeking relevant documents, standards, guidelines, articles, or any other resources that provide insights into this area. Whether these resources are from international standards, guidelines from specific countries, academic articles, or industry publications, I am keen to gather comprehensive information. If you have access to or can point me in the direction of such materials, it would greatly assist me in advancing this project and ensuring its accuracy and effectiveness. I appreciate your assistance in this matter and look forward to any guidance or information you can provide.
Do you have any idea about the measurement of the roads surface quality with acoustic methods?
Can we understand by acoustic methods whether the roads surface is oily, snowy, dirty etc.?
Which acoustic method can we use?, is the method already developed?
Any standard, guideline, photo can help :)
I recently posed some common cannabis-impaired driving questions to ChatGPT. For example, "does cannabis affect my driving" "can police detect if I'm high" and "is driving high safer than drinking and driving". I've been asked these questions countless times by young drivers. I was astonished by the timeliness and accuracy of the responses and thought... can we use this technology in behavioural interventions? Or has anyone done this already?
I'm looking for thoughts/ resources/ experiences/ recommendations. Thanks!
Dear colleagues, we have developed and placed on the road a 3D billboard aimed at agitating drivers to comply with speed limits. How to evaluate its contribution to improving road safety? Any ideas or articles on this topic?
Asphalt roads can be damaged due to the effects of rainfall due to moisture infiltration, coupled with traffic loads. In areas where asphalt roads are laid especially rural areas where there are animal farms nearby, and cattle drives are common on the roads there is a very high chance that there is dung on the road and it is not cleared for a long time.
What are the effects on the road surface besides causing a runoff with high nutrient content to enter the waterways and causing an odour nuisance?
I want to conduct a research about the impact of the road safety manuals on pedestrians and drivers.
Accidents involving motorcycles are responsible for over 50% of open fractures of the tibia and can be associated with other lesions and the victims, in the vast majority, are youth and young adult (Brazil epidemiological data). What preventive measures could be taken to reduce this type of accident?
With the increasing number of push and electric powered bicyclists and the increased uptake in micro-mobility devices such as electric scooters there is a need on many corridor for either a third speed corridor (for those doing 15 to 30km/h) or the operating speeds on the roadway or footpath/sidewalks need to lowered through speeds limits.
Q1 Has anyone had experience with setting footpath/sidewalk speed limits?
Q2 Is there any experience dropping speed limits to 30km/h on roads because of micro-mobility demands? - in conjunction often with bicycle boulevards
Q3 What changes need to be made to footpaths to make them micro-mobility/bicycle friendly (e.g. around heights of fencing etc)?
Q4 Has anyone come up with a suitable name for this third lane? Also possibly changing the name of footpaths - other than shared paths!
From Civil Engineering point of view, for the protection of community in society and workers in construction industry.
I have one independent variable (gender) and five different dependent variables which are the score of five driving tasks. That is, if the driver does not perform any error while performing those tasks then he/she got 0 (no errors). However, when the driver does not manage to perform any of those tasks, 1, 2, or 3 are assigned (not properly performing some tasks means a danguras situation and that's why we assigned 2 to it).
I did use t-test/Mann-Whitney test to compare how each group perform each task.
Now, I would like to compare the scores of those driving taks for each group to know which driving tasks are more difficult than others for each group.
And, I would like to know which group should we focus on for better road safety (a group with fewer dangours errors, I guess).
Any suggestions?
please help me with this question
I've been trying to model three-layer pavements (one rigid and one flexible) in Canada and I'm quite new to the design of pavements. My problem is the input. Do you have any suggestions as to where I can find the input data for pavements in Canada? I've been navigating the LTPP website, but it seems the data are not complete for the pavements. For instance, for one particular pavement, say SHRP_ID 0901, the input data are complete for all the layers but not for the Base Layer.
Thank you so much in advance!
I have a project on the impact of speed cameras on traffic flow and road safety performance in urban areas
Can you give me the types of simulation software used to study road safety problems in urban areas?
I am looking for guidance, white papers and scholarly articles about road diets on an arterial street with an annual average daily traffic (AADT) above 45,000 and a peak hour volumes of 4,000 and greater.
Does anyone know any criticism of systems theory and approaches, and point me to supporting references?
I have a draft paper on an assessment of road safety strategies, based on systems criteria.
But one of the reviewers raised an interesting question;
“The conclusions, while good, could be expanded by describing the limitations and complexities of systems work.”
Could you let me know if you can suggest any literature that could inform this question.
Thanks for any help.
Regards, Brett
I am doing a qualitative study on Road Safety Involving various stakeholders. I have done indepth interviews with them. I need a standard proforma for writing the qualitative study. Can anyone suggest me the guidelines for qualitative research.
I'm looking for definitive references on road infrastructure, traffic and operational crash risk factors for urban local roads. By local, I mean non-arterials (access streets, collectors) and low-order arterials (some call them distributors). Generally, the roads are in the 50 - 20,000 vpd AADT range, although there would be rare exceptions.
I want to establish the relationship between the accident rate m such features as gross domestic product, the auto industry, the number of inhabitants, the density of the road network, etc.
Can someone give me information of a capacity, geometry and safety of an Unsignalized U-turns. Thanks
TIA comes with the legal background. Therefore it has been allowed normalize traffic level for all. But there are significant road segments that cannot allow the legal level.
If there any article journals related this please let me know. I like to make a framework for my study. therefore I need the base that other localities use.
Thank you,
My colleagues and I are exploring to what extend Safe System / Vision Zero objective of minimising death and serious injury can be supported by modal shift.
For example, do you know of reputable studies correlating change in severe injuries with change in percentages of trips (or VKT) taken by public transport, bicycle, motorcycle or walking? What about user-specific outcomes, such as changes in pedestrian or cyclist safety with changes in proportion of travel? (...please no research on health benefits of cycling, well covered)
Australian Road Research Board have carried out past studies reviewing the subject and providing some high-level modelling. I am interested in some more in-depth studies providing newer and more robust relationships. Any trusted references will be greatly appreciated.
The specific number of roundabouts (on the unit of territory, population, length of roads) affects to road safety. Where can I see publications wich assess the impact of the number of roundabouts to road safety indicators? Or maybe there are such statistics for different countries?
Hi, I was working on TRANSCAD and had confusions about creating the link O-D matrix for the larger networks based on the data obtained from the trip tables. I wanted to work on the Chicago Regional Network and I downloaded the trip tables from ( But somehow I am unable to make O-D matrix for the network. Any help would be appreciated.
not only on speeds but also on travel times,route choices, model split on the level of traffic operations,road safety, and air pollution.
any relevant answer or materials to read will be very helpful to me.
Dear fellow researchers,
I'm looking for the best method that is available to allocate/distribute funding for road safety management which would cover aspects such as engineering, enforcement, education & emergency response plan. Perhaps maybe someone can share their experiences/knowledges regarding this matter. Thanks in advance.
The Chilean traffic signs standard recommends criteria for advisory speed and to place chevrons, but have no criteria for warning sings in sharp curves and how should be placed in roads with advisory speeds signs.
Does anyone know of any paper or research work related to the efectiveness of reducing the road wide within urban areas with the purpose of reducing speed and increasing safety? Thank you!
For a new research project dealing with the safety of young cyclists, I am looking for publications or in-depth studies related to bicycle accidents of children aged between 8 and 14 years. Any hints to publications or other material would be appreciated.
In my activity within ABRAM (Autonomous BRAking for Motorcycles) project, I am trying to evaluate the potential benefits of an autonomous emergency braking system applied to motorcycles (also known as MAEB). Currently the potential benefits are expressed in terms of impact speed reduction.
Common sense suggests that a reduction in the impact speed may lead to a reduction in the severity of the crash outcomes. However, only a proof of a correlation between some crash parameters and injury outcomes would provide the fundamental support for assessing the potential benefits of MAEB.
My research study is focused on MOVES application to compare different type of intersection.
I am interested in finding out details of road classification, hierarchy and design standards in Egypt. I would be grateful for any help or suggestions.
Essentially, this relates to the mathematical problem of naturally poor correlation between low value continuous values (e.g. 0.003) with discrete values (0, 1, 2, etc). Has anyone come up with a workable solution to this in road safety?
I attach a map of local road crashes in parts of Melbourne, Australia, to demonstrate. The local roads (within the squares defined by arterials) have hardly any crashes. Models come up with low values no matter how good the model is. Poor correlation/model fit is guaranteed. Solution?

What is the relationship between knowledge in road safety and attitude towards road safety? Do respondents' age, sex, and socio-economic status moderate the relationship between knowledge of and attitude towards road safety? Empirical studies or literature on the above relationship is sought.
Could you share with me this documents to compare characteristics like classification (primary, secondary, etc.), road width, lane width, separators, sidewalks dimensions, etc, with the real conditions of the roads in my city?
Thanks for your help!
For long term trend of the number of crashes in a country, the weather conditions (long hard winter, warm spring and/or autumn) definitely are relevant.
Besides this, I have read about the relevance of the state of the economy as a further determinant of a rise or decrease of crashes several times. But the evidence always was from the US. I am curious if there is European evidence available, also.
I anybody aware of research from Europe, dealing with the influence of the weather and economic indicators on road crashes?
In my country road safety information campaigns have not been used as a tool to reduce road accidents. Therefore, I assume that such a measure will have a good effect. However, we have experience in the development of such information campaigns. Where can I read the literature on the development of information campaigns, about the content, effectiveness evaluation, etc.
I have evaluated visibility level of drivers between two poles at the distance of 80 meters from the driver (having both road lighting and car headlight) using Adrian model. However, VL values are very small, compared to the French standard (VL>7), they are around 1. Could you please guide me about that. Thanks a lot in advance.
I am seeking information in regards to a new research project I am undertaking. It is an International and National (NZ) review of the available literature on ‘alternative interventions for youth traffic offenders’. Youth in our project covers those between the ages of 14-19 years of age. I am seeking information on interventions that have been proven to have a more positive impact on both reoffending and road safety than the traditional sanctions of custodial sentences, fines and licence demerit points. I will be reviewing information that covers three key areas:
· Graduated Driver Licence System (GDLS) breaches and Unlicensed Driving
· Drink/drug driving
· Other offending (Speed, careless/reckless driving and restraints)
If you are able to furnish me with any information regarding the above or point me to any resources where such information may be available or put me in contact with anyone you believe would be of help in such matters I would be extremely grateful. Kind Regards,
I am aware of several methods/tools for measuring the ease with which a pedestrian can traverse urban environment. While they make good sense, none of them is based on any traceable research references. Please let me know if you are aware of such 'walkability' assessment methods which have solid basis in empirical evidence. Regards.
Self-reported driving behavior may only predict self-reported accidents and not those that are actually known to have taken place.
I'm trying to calculate the exposure to risk of horse riders in the UK when riding on road to collisions i.e. collisions per rider per km.
Does anybody have any values of the average amount of riding in the UK; similiar to what is found for pedestrians and pedal cyclists in the national travel survey?
In road safety, treatment of crash locations (black spots) is typically addressed with a single treatment for the most common crash (accident) type. For instance, if there are multiple cross intersection crashes, you install traffic signals (an oversimplification). There is a crash reduction factor (CRF) for this (or CMF in some countries).
My question relates to treating a given crash location with multiple treatments to increase effectiveness (???). For the example above, it could be installation of traffic signals, high-level street lighting and reducing the speed limit. CRFs are available for each treatment type in isolation. How does one confidently estimate the overall crash reduction factor for such multiple treatment? Is there any robust research on such method?
We have published on this subject previously, but the method is very simple and not adequate for many situations.
I am conducting random parameter multi-vehicle crashes modelling and found my data has 96% of zero crashes. What are the best method in solving excess zeros data and on the same time to capture unobserved heterogeneity?
Hi, Who has experience calculate elasticity and partial effect manually for random parameter negative binomial? I have tried many times but didn't get the same value with software. I am using Nlogit 5 software to run my model.
Best Regards,
We are studying the feasibility of using rumble strips to reduce the ROR accidents in Chile. We are looking for research and standards in Europe, South America and Oceania about this device.
I am going to develop and validate a questionnaire to study pedestrian unsafe crossing behavior based on extended TPB. After conducting qualitative phase for eliciting salient beliefs I will use the results to develop a questionnaire. In addition to standard constructs of TPB, one of the extended predictive variables would be past behavior. I would also be measured unsafe crossing behavior as an independent variable using a self-report questionnaire. Could anyone please help me how to formulate questions to measure past behavior as a predictive variable and behavior as an independent variable?
Driver physiological measurement (hear rate, eye blinking, sweating....)based workload measurement methods for evaluating road geometry
what steps must I do for implementation of haddon method?
I am working on a report to investigate the possibility of developing models of remaining life prediction from the measurement of road roughness
Perceived danger acts as a major barrier to the uptake of cycling as a sustainable mode of transport. Therefore, a greater understanding of how these perceptions arise and how they are overcome is necessary.
After doing preliminary research scan (lots and lots of semi-relevant research), I am still looking for research on motorway conditions where pavement quality generally good, and the variation in roughness (IRI), regulation, micro- and macrotexture are fairly small. Is there still a detectable effect on safety outcomes? If so, for which crash types? Seminal and leading research leads will be appreciated.
I think it's possible to apply internet of things to ensure safe driving. For example, you can watch the video of Samsung Safety Truck. Now I would like to do a research something like that but I couldn't find any paper on that project. In that case, how can I cite them in my work?
It would be also helpful if anyone can suggest some relevant papers.
Hello everyone,
I am now trying to simulate crashes in VISSIM 7.0. I know VISSIM could not generate crashes during the simulation. So I am looking for some alternative measures, such as add one public transportation stop, signals or parking lot at a given crash location. Does anyone has the similar experiences with VISSIM and I am looking forward for your suggestions.
Thank you very much.
I already have known the driver education of Sweden, but I need it more detailed.
For example:
Once I read that there is 4 hours obligatory skid training, and in other report there was 6 hours mandatory risk education.
Which is right?
i wanna do research about mesoscopic traffic flow parameters which affect crash severity in urban highway. i know that mesoscopic parameters are combination of macroscopic & microscopic parameters. but what kinds of variable should i consider for making a crash severity models
thanks for your time and consideration
There are many contradicting views on the impact of pre license training on skill development and safety of novice drivers/motorcyclists. Do they agree on any particular skills improvement or anything?
I am working on pavement performance so need to determined PSI.
In order to fill wheel rutting with micro-surfacing mixture, I need some references or useful papers to study.

I would like to know data from foreign countries.
For example in Hungary it is about 56-57%.
This formula is used to specify whether their is a need to provide pedestrian crossing facility or not. Its value is taken as 10 E+8 for undivided road and 2x10E+8 for divided road.
Why is it doubled in the case of divided road?
What are the best method to compare frequency of two crash locations?
I am referring the code IS : 15592 : 2005 and it is claimed that it is identical with ISO 8608 : 1995 ‘Mechanical vibration — Road surface profiles — Reporting of measured data’.
The road profiles are classified A-H according the degree of roughness which is the PSD G(n) m^3/cycle at reference frequency no = 1/(2*pi) cycle/m or in circular units G(w) m^3/rad and reference frequency wo = 1 rad/m.
The relation between the two PSDs is: G(n) = 2*pi*G(w) = 6.28*G(w).
Now referring to the attached sheet it, the degree of roughness are expressed in both the units which is not confirming to the above relation, the relation seems to be G(n) = 16*G(w). This confusion is also seen in many standard journal papers.
Which one is correct Table C.2 a) or b)?
Can anyone provide clarification regarding road profile classification by ISO 8608?. Available from: [accessed Mar 31, 2015].
For national (or regional) road safety evaluations and comparison we have been using two safety performance indicators (SPIs):
- direct (crashes, fatalities, injuries...)
- indirect (speed, speeding, seat belt use, daytime running lights use, cell phone use...)
Now I am trying to find some correlations between them. And I ask, for example: Should percent of speeding correlate with crash counts? or with fatalities? or injuries?
All is done on the level of country (or regions) - so direct SPIs are from national/regional statistics. Indirect SPIs are from surveys, typically 7 locations per region, once per year.
And lots of other questions, for example: when surveys are done in weekdays, spring/autumn, dry weather, should crashes to correlation also come only from the same conditions? (or possibly even only in the days/hours of survey?)
I will welcome any ideas on how to do these analyses, references, etc. Thank you in advance.
What is the suitable ITS plan for traffic problems in developing countries with dense traffic jams and absence of traffic control plans. In such cases, is the environmental dimension considered in planning a new ITS system for developing countries societies? Or, just to focus on the operational performance of the street network.
I am referring the code IS : 15592 : 2005 and it is claimed that it is identical with ISO 8608 : 1995 ‘Mechanical vibration — Road surface profiles — Reporting of measured data’.
The road profiles are classified A-H according the degree of roughness which is the PSD G(n) m^3/cycle at reference frequency no = 1/(2*pi) cycle/m or in circular units G(w) m^3/rad and reference frequency wo = 1 rad/m.
The relation between the two PSDs is: G(n) = 2*pi*G(w) = 6.28*G(w).
Now referring to the attached sheet it, the degree of roughness are expressed in both the units which is not confirming to the above relation, the relation seems to be G(n) = 16*G(w). This confusion is also seen in many standard journal papers.
Which one is correct Table C.2 a) or b)?
Is anyone have the original ISO 8608 code?
I'm trying to relate speed selection behaviour with crash occurrence. There have many research on that in literature but I still don't found any suitable method on that.
The most usual way to do this is the ratio (crashes) / (billion vehicle km travelled). But what if we don't have AADT data? Is it right to calculate the ratio (crashes) / (road length) for 2km road segments? The 2km is an example of course.. Thank you in advance!
A road passes through/towards populated areas. How can we determine the importance of this road? One way is of course by measuring the road safety it offers to the local society. Another way to do that is by determining the importance of these areas (number of citizens, existence of airport etc). Can you suggest me a scientific way to do that? Thank you!
By skid car training I mean a post license training, especially for young/ novice drivers using a specially prepared car without a fixed rear axle, but with a construction using 360 degree rotatable wheels.
I have been developing various regression models for road crash frequency. I use generalized linear models (SPSS GENLIN or SAS GENMOD procedures), negative binomial (NB) distribution, log link function. For example: annual crash frequency on road segment = a x (traffic volume)^b x (curvature change rate)^c etc. Now I am trying to assess individual impact of variables, let's say traffic volume or curvature change rate. From literature I am not aware of any standard procedure for that. I have seen various charts (predicted crash frequency on Y-axis, traffic volume on X-axis) or tables with "impact coefficients" (example: standard traffic volume equals impact 1.0, increased traffic volume = impact 1.5, etc.). I also saw calculations of elasticity or marginal effects, but usually only for Poisson regression and I am not sure whether the same applies for NB. I would like to find some specific paper dealing with this issue AND dataset used so that I would do calculations myself to obtain the same results to make sure I know how to do it. Could somebody help me with this, please? Thank you.
I am aware that a large sample will be needed, but I am not aware of a formula to compute the sample size.
I am interested in this area especially in the field of road infrastructure, both on highways and urban roads.
I have to compare the crash characteristics two roads at two different geographical conditions, A and B. A have their own segments A1,A2,A3 and A4. B also have their own segments B1,B2,B3,B4 and B5. Every segments have their own crashes, length and average annual daily traffic(AADT). Should I compare the total of crashes (by consider total length and AADT) for both roads or doing separately by segments and after that compare the average?
What are plausible explanations for these results which seem to contradict most other traffic safety studies (that have consistently found higher risks for men and for older cyclists).