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River Ecology - Science topic

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Publications related to River Ecology (116)
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In this study, a spatially distributed reaction-diffusion-advection (RDA) model with harvesting is investigated to signify the outcome of a competition between two competing species in a heterogeneous environment. The study builds upon the concept presented in literature \cite{tisha2}, applying it to river ecology in the context of harvesting activ...
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Water is a vital resource essential for the survival of humans, animals, and ecosystems. Its inclusion in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) underscores its importance. Effective management and regulation of water resources are critical for achieving development across key sectors. However, freshwater scarcity is an increasing concern, partic...
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We aimed to assess the impact of damming on the abundance, diversity and dissimilarity of microcrustaceans (Cladocera and Copepoda) along a large tropical river, in the context of the Serial Discontinuity Concept (SDC) and the River Continuum Concept (RCC). Over a two-year period, samples were collected bimonthly at six sites along a 750 km longitu...
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El Maestrazgo y la Sierra de Gúdar en Teruel tienen una gran diversidad de ecosistemas, entre los que destacan, además del bosque de ribera y los ecosistemas acuáticos sobre los que nos centraremos en este trabajo, ecosistemas forestales repartidos en varios pisos bioclimáticos. El objetivo de este trabajo es doble. Por un lado, se pretende evaluar...
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Conservation plans to protect Gopher Frog (Lithobates capito) populations commonly include headstarting to improve recruitment to the juvenile stage. Headstarting is being used across multiple federal, state, non-government, and academic organizations to augment and/or reintroduce Gopher Frog populations. In 2021, 99% of the 332 Gopher Frogs headst...
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Malir River which is the major seasonal river of Karachi once supported the market gardening practiced in Karachi. Its valleys and plains, once comprises the cultivated lands of vegetables and fruits that fulfilled the local market demand. But with a shift in rainfall characteristics, the cultivation also started to recede slowly as many of the cro...
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Presentación de la ponencia impartida en la 'Jornada de Generación Hidroeléctrica para Periodistas', organizada por Iberdrola y la Asociación de Periodistas de Información Ambiental, con la colaboraciónd e GeoCyL. Elaborada con un lenguaje divulgativo adaptado a profesionales de ciencias de la información. La Directiva Marco del Agua de la UE (DMA)...
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El río Bembézar, con una cuenca próxima a 2000 km2 de superficie y una capacidad de agua embalsada de 355.5 hm3, presenta evidencias de alteración hidromorfológica en su tramo bajo. A partir del estudio de series de caudales (2000-2019) aportadas por el Sistema Automático de Información Hidrológica del Guadalquivir y del análisis de las fotografías...
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Oh Mother Goddess Ganga! I Salute To You! Your waters are becoming unbearable like tears flowing! How can I see this as I am your child? You are my mother and it is my duty to respect you! I salute to You, Oh Mother Ganga! I salute to You, Oh Mother Ganga! Namami Gange Anthem ( Namami Gange Program...
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Zusammenfassung Der Rhein und seine Zuflüsse zeigen eine wechselvolle hydrologische, biologische und kulturelle Geschichte. Menschen leben seit mindestens 600.000 Jahren am Flusssystem. Das Kapitel beleuchtet ihre wechselvolle Beziehung zum Rhein, der für sie Barriere, Grenze oder Verteidigungslinie, Nahrungslieferant, Waren- und Personentransportw...
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Construction of Barriers, barrages or dams across a fluvial river negatively affect the ecosystem by altering aquatic ecology and hydrology both in upstream and downstream. Such construction may lead to dramatic loss of fish, collapse of fisheries or sometimes elimination of highly important species from the environment. Dams are hampering the popu...
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Abstract The purpose of this research was to analyze the quantitative changes and statistical comparison of the hydrological river flow indices due to dam construction in the upstream and downstream hydrometric stations during 2004-2013 period at the Ardabil Province. For this purpose, the flow duration curve (FDC) and 30 hydrologic indicators in t...
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This study analysed impacts of climate and land use changes on potential ecological alterations of the Bonsa River in Ghana, West Africa, using the Agricultural Catchments Research Units (ACRU) hydrological model. Five 8.5 Representative Concentration Pathway (8.5 RCP) climate change scenarios (wet, 25th percentile, 75th percentile, dry and a multi...
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Considerado como el "peor desastre ambiental de la historia minera de México" el del derrame de tóxicos sobre el río Sonora, proveniente de la Mina Buenavista del Cobre, en Cananea, subsidiaria del Grupo México, es tratado de manera interdisciplinaria en esta investigación. Se conjugan la perspectiva de la antropología social con la ecología políti...
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Se desarrolló una propuesta preliminar de un Índice Multimétrio de Macroinvertebrados para Ríos del Departamento de Boyacá (IMARBO) con el fin de valorar el estado ecológico de cinco ríos y quebradas de las cuencas alta y media del río Chicamocha. Se caracterizaron parámetros fisicoquímicos y biológicos de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados acuátic...
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All terrestrial organisms are subject to evolutionary pressures associated with natural sources of ionizing radiation (IR). The legacy of human-induced IR associated with energy, weapons production, medicine, and research has changed the distribution and magnitude of these evolutionary pressures. To date, no study has systematically examined the ef...
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Los ‘paradigmas generales’ de ecología fluvial son importantes para entender, desde una perspectiva determinista, el comportamiento de la comunidad acuática, dichos conceptos se basan en atributos espaciales como la zonación, la conectividad, temperatura, dependencia de materiales alóctonos o autóctonos, etc., y su relación con la comunidad present...
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Small hydropower is a renewable energy technology that is used for electricity generation worldwide, but still has potential for further development. However, during the installation of small hydropower, the ecological impacts of the power plants need to be thoroughly investigated. In addressing the challenges of energy production and minimizing th...
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This study investigated the water pollution impact of mine drainage from an underground colliery that had stopped mining 3 years earlier. After more than a century of operation, the mining stopped, pumping ceased and groundwater accumulated, causing the flooding of the deepest sections (c. 15%) of the mine workings. The mine then began free-drainin...
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Geritz, Gyllenberg, Jacobs, and Parvinen show that two similar species can coexist only if their strategies are in a sector of parameter space near a nondegenerate evolutionarily singular strategy. We show that the dimorphism region can be more general by using the unfolding theory of Wang and Golubitsky near a degenerate evolutionarily singular st...
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The 52-ha Brunot Island is home to the Brunot Island Generating Station, an underused, peak-demand natural gas power plant owned by NRG Energy Inc. The island’s strategic location, moderate scale of industrial infrastructure, dwindling energy mandate and (thus) likely redevelopment, and broad scope for ecological restoration present a now-or-never...
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This technical report present the results of the activities undertaken during the project "Inventory of Italian Wetlands", which started in December 2007 and pursued in May 2009 with the institution of a technical table on Wetlands - joined by 15 Regions, 2 Provinces, 15 ARPAs, 9 Basin Authorities, the State Forestry Service, 3 National Parks, 9 Re...
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In the pre-Nathpa Jhakri Hydroelectric Project (NJHEP) and pre-Rampur Hydroelectric Project (RHEP) conditions, the Satluj water quality index (WQI) is found to be higher than Satluj WQI standard (47 and 55, respectively for rainy and lean seasons) at all the locations (upstream and downstream of Natha dam and Jhakri power house). The water quality...
Conference Paper
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Los restos de vegetación que se acumulan en los cauces son un componente esencial en la dinámica geomorfológica, en la ecología fluvial y en la restauración de cursos de agua. Sin embargo, en España la percepción social de este material en los ríos es en general muy negativa. Se considera como una fuente de peligro, y se demanda habitualmente su el...
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The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) is a continental-scale infrastructure project designed to provide open source data to address the impacts of climate change, land-use, and invasive species on ecosystem structure and function. Using a combination of standardized continuous in situ measurements and observational sampling, the NEON A...
Conference Paper
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FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGICAL MAPPING AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE ČERNÁ OPAVA RIVER Lenka Ondráčková Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic * Corresponding author’s e-mail: Keywords: the Černá Opava River, fluvial forms, channel sediments, geomorphological mapping, str...
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el libro aborda el reto de la integración de los valores y principios ecológicos, sociales y éticos en la gestión del agua; los enfoques institucionales de la gestión bajo el paraguas de la Directiva marco de agua europea; metodologías y herramientas para una planificación y gestión más eficiente y sostenible, así como aspectos teóricos del ciclo h...
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El libro aborda aspectos sobre ecología política del agua, gobernanza, el reto de la integración de los valores y principios ecológicos, sociales y éticos en la gestión del agua; los enfoques institucionales de la gestión bajo el paraguas de la Directiva marco de agua europea; metodologías y herramientas para una planificación y gestión más eficien...
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Large river ecology has evolved through time, from perceiving rivers as big streams to accepting rivers as spatiotemporally diverse and complex ecosystems spanning terrestrial, aquatic, and socio-political realms. This review summarizes past and present concepts in large river ecology and highlights uncertainties facing the science and management o...
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Fluvial systems in Mediterranean areas are subject to strong precipitation seasonality, characterized by a low flow period, and, in severe conditions, the complete disruption of surface flow continuum. The Fuirosos is a Mediterranean intermittent stream that has been monitored since 1998. It is located near Barcelona (Spain) in a catchment almost u...
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RESUMEN Los bivalvos dulceacuícolas son un componente importante de la ecología fluvial, fundamentalmente por el papel que desempeñan como organismos filtradores y de remoción del sedimento. Además son un grupo zoológico diverso y amenazado a escala global, en el que se incluyen algunas de las especies invasoras más dañinas. El estudio de sus pobla...
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The manuscript reflects the opinion of the authors about the need for a hydromorphological approach for the management of Chilean rivers. A brief state-of-the-art of the recent scientific advances on hydromorphological approach to river management is presented, as well as a general overview of the conditions of Chilean rivers and the mayor disturba...
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To determine the effect of acute high dose X-rays on the direct and bystander response of chronically exposed medaka in vivo using the fish communication model. Medaka were obtained from the Low Dose Rate Irradiation Facility (LoDIF) located at the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL), University of Georgia, Aiken, South Carolina, USA where the...
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Large scale ecosystem restoration is an important societal issue because significant risks, costs, and benefits can accrue on large landscapes. It is important to understand baseline ecosystem conditions, existing condition, and to the extent possible estimate ecosystem response to alternative management scenarios. Incorporating ecosystem process a...
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Abstract Mining activities causes many kinds of environmental impacts over environment. In this paper we describe the research developed in the Capivari watershed, in the Curitiba metropolitan region, Paraná, Brazil. Alkalinity and pH changes in Capivari stream over 12 years were observed. The sampling program was performed in 387 sampling day’s se...
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China is planning to transfer water from the upper Yangtze River basin to the Yellow River to ease the water shortage in northern China and solve the sedimentation problem in the lower reach of Yellow River. The Dadu River is one of the main source water sources for the project. To study the effects of water transfer on the river ecology, field inv...
Technical Report
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The existence of problems with wild pigs (Sus scrofa) is nothing new to the Western Hemisphere. Damage by these introduced animals was reported as far back as 1505 by the early Spanish colonies in the Caribbean, where wild pigs were killing the colonists cattle. Droves of these animals also ravaged cultivated crops of maize and sugarcane on islands...
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Turtle populations are decreasing dramatically due to habitat loss and collection for the food and pet market. This study sought to determine hematologic values in two species of turtles to help assess health status of captive and wild populations. Blood samples were collected from 12 individuals of the Pascagoula map turtle (Graptemys gibbonsi) an...
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English title: Sediment entrainment from patches of fine material in a gravel-bed river: Measurements and Experiments Este trabajo analiza el inicio de movimiento en parches de material fino en un río de gravas a partir de experimentos de campo realizados mediante un canal de ensayos portátil. Se trata de un proceso relativamente frecuente y que ti...
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The paper reviews the present ecological and biological conditions of the rivers in India, and also states management practices and conservational approach. Works on the various rivers of the country have been surveyed and analyzed so as to identify the constrains and problems related to management and conservation. For effective management, it is...
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La clasificación de los ríos tiene un papel importante en el manejo y conservación de los ecosistemas fluviales, y representa una fase inicial en la implementación de la Directiva Marco del Agua. Según han ido evolucionando los conocimientos científicos de la ecología fluvial y las técnicas informáticas para la caracterización espacial de las regio...
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Dr. Jeff Lang for information about the Blanding’s turtle in Nebraska and Michael Pappas for information on breeding behavior of the Blanding’s turtle. Janet Hostetter, Owen Kinney, and Roy Nagle provided photographs. Nancy Dickson made comments,on earlier drafts of the report. AUTHORS’ BIOGRAPHIES Justin Congdon is a Profe...
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The Water Framework Directive is a major regulatory reform of water resources management within the European Union. Integrated catchment management plans must be prepared for all river basins, in order to achieve 'good ecological status' in all EU waters. Ecological status is a broader measure of water quality than the chemical and biological measu...
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We formulate a new mixing model to explore hydrological and chemical conditions under which the interface between the stream and catchment interface (SCI) influences the release of reactive solutes into stream water during storms. Physically, the SCI corresponds to the hyporheic/riparian sediments. In the new model this interface is coupled through...
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Stream aquifer hydrology and nitrate removal were studied, over a period of 2 years, in an unsaturated riparian zone, bounded by an intermittent Mediterranean stream, (Fuirosos, northeastern Spain). The riparian groundwater system is characterized by drastic hydrological changes and by mixing of stream water with hillslope groundwater. The hillslop...
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Flooding remains the most common and one of the most costly categories of natural hazards in the United States. Historically, the United States has relied on structural mitigation, insurance, and disaster relief to mitigate the harm done by floods. However, experience has shown that structural mitigation and related policies can fail to protect liv...
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En aquest treball es descriuen les estretes relacions que la ciutat de Girona ha mantingut amb els seus rius al llarg de la seva història. Unes relacions que es poden estudiar des de diferents enfocaments (hidrològic, urbanístic, etc), però que en aquest cas se centraran específicament a resseguir la relació entre els rius gironins i el desenvolupa...
Conference Paper
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Knowledge of the basic concepts of river ecology is fundamental to understanding the nature of human impacts on river systems and articulating sound restoration strategies. This article reviews the fundamental elements and processes that structure fluvial ecosystems: the physical setting, living organisms, and inputs and flow of energy. It also hig...
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This article reviews the current concepts on how flowing water, or lotic, systems function and suggest ways to expand these concepts to increase understanding of large river systems. Topics covered include the following: past and present approaches to physical and biological concepts of stream organization; the river-continuum concept; the flood-pu...
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John C. Seaman is an associate research pro-fessor with the Savannah River Ecology Labo-ratory, located on the Savannah River Site and operated for the Department of Energy by the University of Georgia. Seaman received his B.S. (1987) and M.S. (1990) degrees from Texas A&M University in agronomy and soil science, respectively, and his Ph.D. (1994)...
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Two forested wetland mesocosms containing organic soil (a sapric histosol) and cypress seedlings were constructed in the rhizotron facility at the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory. A different hydroperiod (continuous versus periodic) was designed and implemented for each mesocosm. A vertical litter bag technique was used to...
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AssrR4cr. -occurrence of second broods in Wood Ducks (Aix sponsa) was studied during 1982-1986. Successful second nests comprised 7.6% (21 of 275) of all nesting attempts in which females were identified and 9.6% (21 of 219) of successful nestings. Length of the nesting season averaged 157 days. Average initiation dates of the first and second nest...
This paper is to study the population dynamics of a single species model and a two-species competition model from river ecology with inflow. One interesting feature in these models is that species can flow into the river through the upstream end due to advective movement while both diffusive and advective movements will cause population loss at the...
Conference Paper
This laboratory study is aimed to assess the impact of different plant types and varying rainfall levels on the runoff and sediment erosion on slopes. The study employed a 2m×1m soil bed in conjunction with a rainfall simulator. Various plant layouts were tested including scenarios with no vegetation, full vegetation coverage, and distinct patterns...
This volume explains the basic concepts of the ecology of streams and rivers, visualizing the system as a continuum in which the upper headwaters are intimately linked with the lower river, including and part of the estuary. It discusses how rainfall in the upper watershed combines with geography and geology to shape the physical river ecosystem, t...
Does environmental flow (E-flow) work for maintaining the hydro-ecological regime in Tamakoshi River Basins of Nepal? The flow regime of 15 spatial and temporal locations of main and 17 tributaries was examined through the area velocity methods and Pigmy flow meter in the year 2014 and 2015. Moreover, observations and socio-economic survey of 412 h...
This paper investigates the ecological resource services such as water, fish, drifting wood, and river sediments available to the inhabitants around the Tāmākoshi River in the central mountain region of Nepal. Data for this paper were gathered from the extensive field surveys, acquiring information from the people living in the riparian settlements...
Biological diversity in nature is being viewed as a product of ongoing evolutionary events on existing biotic communities. Diversity found within and among keystone predator populations can have the potential to influence the future direction of diversity at three levels of eco-biological processes such as biological organization, from the lowest l...
This chapter examines fifteen major river basins, six being transboundary, that encompass the biogeographical mosaic of the Balkan Peninsula and deliver over 80% of river flows into the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Apart from a number of mountain river sections with spectacular wilderness landscapes still remaining intact, the majority of the Balkan...
This book is part of a two-volume set that offers an innovative approach towards developing methods and tools for assigning conservation categories of threatened taxa and their conservation strategies by way of different phases of eco-restoration in the context of freshwater river systems of tropical bio-geographic zones. The set provides a conside...
This book is part of a two-volume set that offers an innovative approach towards developing methods and tools for assigning conservation categories of threatened taxa and their conservation strategies by way of different phases of eco-restoration in the context of freshwater river systems of tropical bio-geographic zones. The set provides a conside...
Blue Catfish Ictalurus furcatus is a mobile, large-river species native to the Missouri River and its tributaries, including the Kansas River. Historical data regarding the Kansas River population is negligible, limiting managers’ ability to appropriately manage this population. Multiple anthropogenic barriers along the Kansas River create a gradie...
Technical Report
Kabul River is a major river of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. Its water is widely used for irrigation in Peshawar, Nowshera and Charsada districts. At the same time it receives wastewater directly from various industries situated in the mentioned district. This induction of waste water has deteriorated water quality and adversely affected aquatic fl...
The exploitation of river water by man, and the associated impact on ecology, can be placed into five broad categories: supply, disposal of waste, transport, leisure, and physical alteration. Monitoring the ecology of the river is able to overcome all these issues and is used throughout the world to assess the quality of our rivers and stream. The...
The chum salmon of the Amur River (the mainland part of the Far East) and the Poronai River (Terpeniya Bay, Sakhalin Island) are historically related to one another, as the drainage basins of these rivers are the remnants of a formerly single river system, the Paleoamur, which existed when Sakhalin Island was a part of the continent. Both river pop...
The Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program has enabled me to conduct more broadly relevant science by addressing questions within an interdisciplinary framework and to unravel the causes for surprising ecological phenomena through persistent studies and collaborations. Educational opportunities within the LTER program have connected me to stu...
Between 1687 and 1702, the Euphrates River changed course and jeopardized the stability of the eastern Ottoman Empire when a large segment of it changed course. The abrupt channel shift became entangled in a complex web of troubles (climatic, epidemiological, political, and financial) that reinforced each other and left behind a profoundly altered...
During the 1970s in the southeastern part of the United States, and especially North Carolina, a series of red sore epizootics occurred in several lakes and estuaries. This chapter presents information on Professor Gerald Esch's research focus that was directed at a bacterium, Aeromonas hydrophila, the causative agent for red sore disease in fish....
This chapter presents information on Professor Gerald Esch's research that began in Gull Lake during the mid-1960s and soon linked to work at the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL) near Aiken, South Carolina. It involved several of his own students and also a graduate student at Michigan State University from Alabama by the name of J. Whitfie...
The biological community of a river ecosystem is determined by the characteristics of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The terrestrial ecosystem depends mainly on the plant community and the aquatic ecosystem comprises aquatic plants, benthic invertebrates, and vertebrates. The main ecological functions of rivers are habitat, conduit, filte...
Rivers have many service functions such as water supply, food production, sightseeing, and shipping, hence playing an important role in people’s living and agricultural production. During the last decades, intensive human activities have been threatening river ecosystem. A better understanding of ecological stresses and assessments of river ecosyst...
We conducted a 10-year study (1998-2007) of the Mid-Continent Population (MCP) of sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) to identify spring-migration corridors, locations of major stopovers, and migration chronology by crane breeding affiliation (western Alaska-Siberia [WA-S], northern Canada-Nunavut [NC-N], west-central Canada-Alaska [WC-A], and east-c...
The basis of analysis of the ecological health of the river is taken into account, including water quantity, water quality, riparian zone, the physical structure of organisms and other elements to explore a new method based on factor analysis of river ecosystem health. 21 typical reaches along villages of Tang River in Beijing are measured using th...
This project aimed to provide the client, the Huron River Watershed Council (HRWC), with a framework for assessing flow alteration and its impact on the biological community of the Huron River. Within the watershed, analyses on annual, monthly, daily and sub-daily hydrological data, precipitation, land cover change, and fish and benthic invertebrat...
I re-examine the phenomenon of delayed timing of emergence from the nest by hatchling turtles (known as overwintering in temperate climates) within the context of the original summary of the topic in an article by Gibbons and Nelson in 1978. I base the overview on cumulative data from research at the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory since 1968 and...
River ecosystems are four-dimensional systems, with longitudinal, lateral, and vertical components, relationships, and processes; temporal vectors add the fourth dimension. The overriding importance of dynamic flow patterns in streams and rivers is captured in the Natural Flow Regime Paradigm. More general hydro-ecological principles conceptualise...