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River Bed Sediment - Science topic
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Questions related to River Bed Sediment
Hello Everyone, I am working on paleoclimate of northwest Australia. I have been searching for the sediment discharge/sediment load of ''Ord River'', ''Victoria River'' and ''Fitzroy River'' but cannot find it anywhere. Can anyone guide me where can i find the sediment discharge data of the mentioned rivers?
Thank you
Dear All,
I have an issue regarding a sediment transportation simulation. I have computed the sediment transport rate based on a 20 years wave climate, and simulated the sediment drift for the total time span and either by monthly filtering of the data, the monthly sediment transport is also computed. However there is a problem that the summation of monthly sediment transport is much more than what I have calculated for the total time span. Is it possible this happening? Is there any reason behind this?
I appreciate it if you could share your Idea with me.
These two images are 1.15 mm wide. Both types of magnetic particles have been extracted from river sand- the rounded ones from construction sites and more irregular ones from dried-up riverbeds. The rounded-grained samples have been subject to mechanical smoothing action pre- and post-extraction, while more irregular-shaped magnetic particles have not undergone any severe mechanical erosion. Both sand samples are need not be chemically the same. The rounded magnetic particle samples are likely to be magnetite as they are strongly magnetic. But the more irregular-shaped grains are weakly but certainly magnetic. What they can be - chromite, ilmenite, zircon, garnet, amphibole, pyroxene, or any other mineral?
Even if the exact mineral name cannot be said, can the mineral family be identified by observing its fracture and cleavage?

Dear colleagues,
I struggle to identify these sediments, which I suspect to be fluvio-glacials deposits alluvial from melting glaciers in Eemian.
The area where this conglomerate is exposed have a bed from recent Riss and located 500 km from the Alps (eastern France)...
I'm not expert, so I would be grateful for anyhelp.
In the geological map, I cercled in violet the light yellow area (Recent Riss).
Thank you !

I want to map these river geoforms with as little subjectivity as possible. I have a high resolution DEM generated by drone data.
I need to analyze the movement of a river's curves and predict its behavior in the future.
Please suggest a high graphical resolution software for River Bed Modeling for high and regular flows. Thank you.
I would like to have a case study on river bed sediments.
I have been searching for some articles which may address the problem mentioned above. I could find some excellent papers dealing with origin of red beds in sand dunes but hardly any dealing with fluvial deposits of Holocene or Late Pleistocene.
Any help in this regard is welcomed.
i am doing research in runoff and sediment yield for kabul river basin in Afghanistan by SWAT model but i am new in using SWAT can you help me how to solve the problem of the attach ?

I need your help in finding literature on the evolution of a river bar in the tide-dominated delta. Also, I want to know about the methodology which I can follow to know about the evolution/formation of a river bar.
Thanks in advance
ASTER DEM and SRTM images are widely used to measure the topographic variability around the globe. Although when it comes about the River bed variation, the measurement looks different for different images. So, are they really useful source for River bed measurement? and if yes, Which one show better result?
In order to control frequent flooding in small rivers (width in ranges of 100-300 ft) what steps are to be taken.
I have read about extraction methods of organochlorine pesticides in sediments and fish tissue using microwave for specific organic compounds, but I don't have this equipment at my institution. Could you direct me to another method with good recovery?
Hi Dear researcher
Could you please offer me any reliable reference regarding estimating the age of a lake considering the entrance of constant salt rate in a certain year and existing the amount of salt equivalent to amount of salt solved within lake as precipitated on its bed?
What is the best method to analyze the water quality in a river using "pollution loads".
What equations can be used to derive the parameter? I am only aware of ks = 6.8*D50.
Any article suggestions?
Does anyone have or know of any long-term temporal records for sediment grain size (and sorting) on sandy beaches.
We have produced a model that was found to be applicable on a number of the high-energy, cross-shore dominated, sandy UK beaches:
and would be interested in evaluating its applicability to other sandy sites.
Kind Regards,
River morphology, Hydrology, Sediment load,Geomorphic process
I need paper upon sequence stratigraphy of offshore indus basin, can anyone help?
What are the main differences and similarities between Functional and Structural sediment connectivity?
Can we say they are acting in watersheds independently?
I am trying to estimate discharge for ungauged river basin and I have two or three measured discharge data and daily suspended sediment concentration of the river for past six months.
Specifically focused on damage created by ohv use.
Unfortunately I have only the winter months to compile data.
I currently read studies about hydraulic River Geometry. In the context of Erosion Rates in Alluval Channels, the term Control Point was mentioned.
The wording is, "...alluvial channels may erode their beds through time if their downstream control point lowers."
Does it have to do something with the base level?
Because some of river stretch unreachable/not accessible to do kick-sampling due to high/fast flow, too high to go down and etc.
Hi, I am working on bridge-scour phenomena under different hydraulic conditions. The main goal is to propose a practical way for estimating the temporal-evolution of local-scour depth under complex scenarios. Is there anyone interested in share pier-scour data? (steady, quasi-steady, unsteady or natural data will be much appreciated).
Is it feasible to separate/isolate the heavy metals (or inorganic compounds, in general) in riverbed sediments? And if it is, what is the best/cheapest way to do so? We are planning to measure the toxicity of the isolated compounds by exposing them to bioluminescent bacteria.
Does anybody know how to calculate the intermittency in the river?
I would like to discuss with anyone who has studied and surveyed water mills and their interactions with the river beds, or I would have some suggestions of publications to read or download from the network. It would also be nice to be able to exchange research experiences gained in the different countries of origin. Thank you.
I am carrying out a research on flood hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment for a rural community in Nigeria using Remote sensing and GIS techniques. I'm looking specifically at 2 extreme flood scenarios in 1995 and 2000 respectively. interaction with the villagers prove that serious sedimentation has taken place in the major river there. This reduction in the channel volume puts them at risk of flooding anytime they experience a particular rainfall intensity. How can I estimate the degree of sedimentation in this river using GIS. More so, any other counsel that will help in this study is welcome. Thank you.
I have been coming across this term for more than 10 times still do not understand it, I have not found any simple or comprehensive meaning of the term, but it appears a lot in the literature I read for my research.
This piece of material is curved, however I thought it was 'natural' originally, but the marks on the inner curvature appear to human-made and unlikely to be made by any natural process. It was found in the Tolka river in Griffiths Park, Drumcondra 53.369719, -6.261221
Can anyone shed any light?
I am looking for any research that has been already done to develop and establish the Environmental Quality Standards for priority substances for freshwater sediments matrix across Europe (EU-Member States in particular). Any papers, links, guidelines produced so far would be of great help to me. 2013/39/EU Directive gives MS the possibility to use EQS values for sediment and I am trying to find out if any MS has done any activity in order to apply those EQS values. Thank you for your help in advance.
For my Senior thesis I am conducting sedimentation and deposition research on the Chattahoochee river in West Point Ga. There is a particular creek that brings in a large load of sediment into the river and I am trying to determine how much of that sediment gets dropped immediately after the confluence, up to 500 meters. I've placed sediment traps, one before the creek and one every 100 meters after the confluence. Once data is gathered what would be the best statistic to use in this research.
Which part of the sediment particle size is the most important? Clay or silt? why?
In literature some times to account for semi-pervious sediments at bottom of stream, streambed leakance also called retardation coefficient (L) is used which is equal to ratio of conductivity of aquifer to streambed multiplied by thickness of streambed. On other hand another term seems to describe the effect of same less permeable sediments on bottom of river named as " Riverbed conductance" (L2/T) used in MODFLOW, which is equal to KA/L, where K is conductivity of riverbed , A is area of cell and L is length. Is this the only difference between these two terms?
I need some information about the sediment characteristics vs season to justify my research findings.
Just like in water, there are many national and inter national authorities (USEPA, BIS, WHO, CPCB etc ) which publish the permissible limit of various physico-chemical as well as heavy metals in water for drinking or irrigation purposes. River water sediment also contain nutrients, trace elements and heavy metals. Any maximum permissible limit for that?
Scientific literature constantly cited, among mangrove services, the role of sediment trap and water epuration. In the Lesser Antilles mangrove ecosystems mainly consist in fringe mangroves with few examples of riverine or deltaic mangroves. Moreover, in most of these riverine mangroves, channels were dug and waters no longer flow in their natural riverbed. In these current configuration, I am wondering if riverine mangrove along these artifical channels are effectively playing a role as a sediment trap.
I am looking for experimental protocols to assess the amount of sediments that are trapped in various geomorphological conditions in mangroves of the Lesser Antilles. Could you give me references that describe precisely experimental monitoring or methods for evaluating this ecosystem service ?
Equations and methods to estimate the total sediment load in bedrock rivers.
I need to know if am using salt as tracers if boating will affect the dispersion coefficient as I will be required to paddle from one point to another to take electrical conductivity readings. Also, I need a well-explained document on how I can do measurements like velocity, discharge, slope, depth, bed roughness on a river.
I was wondering if it is possible to find papers concerning lateral variations of dissolution due to sedimentary loading. I have found some works at a micro-scale but nothing at meso-scale. Thank you very much in advance for your help.
I am starting from Jorgen Fredsoe paper in Feb. 1978 entitled "Sedimentation of River Navigation Channels" in Journal of Hydraulics Division.
Do new ways of obtaining analytical solutions to this process exist?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
How does the geomorphology effect the River hydrodynamic regime during flash floods?
I am looking for any agri-environmental indicators that I can calculate or work with using data from monitoring of sediments in lakes and rivers (monitoring of heavy metals, PAHs, PCB). Any relevant papers or guidance would be of great value to me.
We are planning to collect ditch sediment from Rio Grande do Sul region, RS, Southern Brazil in soils receiving high amount of pig slurry and manure under no-till. Could anyone recommend a sampling depth?
I am planning to write an article on the topic "Comminution age technique and its application in the sediment records to reconstruct the fluvial activity in response to climate variability". Since I am unable to access the required materials online, I need favor on this. Can any one elaborate something on this?
Would higher sediment diversity lead to higher crab species diversity?
Does anyone know of any publications that specifically research sediment deposition downstream of culverts or other flow focusing structures to determine how far downstream the effect goes? There are perirheic zones where the water just goes and sits without moving, collecting large organic debris from my observations, but how far until the deposited sediment regains normalicy?
I have collected few sediment sample from drain and riverbed and analyzed for metals and other parameters. I want to compare my findings with respect to some standards, like published by US EPA etc.
It is known that building dams will accumulate water to a certain head and then the potential energy of this water is converted to kinetic in hydraulic turbines. Some of this energy is taken away as electricity thus reducing the energy required to move the water downstream. What is the effect of this on flow velocity?
This is required for my Ph. D research
I am looking to purchase a Glew mini corer or another mini gravity corer for recovering lake surface sediments.
Could anyone recommend a good company that may deliver to the South Pacific region?
At the catchment closure of the stream an automatic hydrological station (ISCO, 6700) is installed to measure the water flow of the stream and collect water samples to determine quantity and quality of sediments.
Samples are collected on time and volume base: one sample every 24h and every 3000m3 of flux, to follow both base flow and large events that could occur within a 24 h interval, and may transport the majority of sediments.
As a conseguence, I have flow data every 30', but the frequence of the sediment concentration data depend on the flow event. When the flow is low I have a single concentration per day, while when the flow is very high I have also 4-5 sediment concentration data per day. I need the concentration every 30 minutes.
Thank you!
I am interested to develop depth profile of rivers with low cast input. Can any band or combination of LE 8 be used for for depth measurement in river or shallow water bodies?
I'm interested in studying river flows related to rainfall-runoff events. The river channel that I'm focused on has straight flow types at upstream and braided types at downstream. I place 2 water level gauges, 1 is at the boundary of straight flow type before it braided and 1 is at the braided reach downstream. I do this in order to try to build a flow routing in the river reach between station gauge 1 and 2. Is this treatment possible? Or can anyone give suggestions as to how to develop a hydraulic model for this condition?
Can anyone share resources available online (such as excel spreadsheet or software or anything else) able to estimate the bed load transportation in fluvial river using formulas like Peter Meyer an Muller or Parker 1990 or Schoklitsc?
I am studying the distribution of heavy metals in water and sediments in the upper Mekong River. I need the background value of the water and sediments.
Load is one of the controlling factors of river erosion, however, how does rate of erosion minimise when a river has maximum load?
Relationship of fluvial erosion and river load.
I am studying the contaminated river bed sediments (Cuenca Matanza Riachuelo) with 15% of organic matter and I have to evaluate what to do with them.
Now I only have the discrete wave parameters, such as wave height, wave period and wave direction. How can I use these parameters to calculate the sediment transport rate caused by wave actions on the tidal flats, an extreme-shallow water boundary with small bed elevation gradient and large width of tidal flats ? If I do not consider the wave breaking, is there any simplified formula or model can be used to calculate the sediment transport rate ?
River flows along surface depression which is caused by tectonic forces. Many faults e.g. Brahmaputra fault, Kaladan fault follows the course of rivers and named accordingly. Can we say in general that a river will follow a fault?
How can I to determine the factors the dominant in sediment yield.
Clay and non-clay minerals.
I am trying to find the REE concentration in marine sediment and river sediments. I would like to know what the most suitable spectroscopic technique is? Can we efficiently analyse REE using ICP-OES?
The Government of India and the World Bank had signed three agreements to for cleaning Ganga River and to Strengthen Rural Livelihoods and Biodiversity Conservation in India. The River cleaning project is to the tune of US $ 1 billion (approximately Rs 4,600 crore) loan and credit that will form part of the Bank’s long-term support for cleaning the Ganga River. Two Biodiversity Conservation agreements are for a credit of US$15.6 million and US$8.14 million grant. The river project will be the greatest source of transport and can hold the suitable infrastructure for food supplies in situ that has been responsible for reviving many south american nations from the point of extinction. The Amazon serves as a multinational highway for Venezuela, Columbia and Ecuador that has given a very efficient project for food distribution to remote parts of the globe. I would like to get suitable suggestions from your end about the feasibility of the project and how plans can be energized in reducing the carbon foot print.
Firstly , I would ask what are the steps that can be incorporated in improving energy efficiency, benchmarks for specific energy consumption etc. can be shared and adopted by amongst each other.
Secondly based on my ideas I would like to develop a remote monitored river transport system which will have a beacon attached with buoys that tell how the water level may be rising or falling. Secondly flood forecast along the levels and also developing a coordination system. The analysis will be that if two boats are in separate streams, the boat can send a small buoy and get to the other boat and get the job done. Thirdly , the government plans to set up 11 terminals along the stretch of the Ganga from Allahbad to Hooghly. The system may require a monitor of the identifying small boats and alarming if a large cargo if that is reaching shallow waters.
I have some plans but need your ideas on river transport and how it can be made fluid in Indian conditions. I would also like to learn from the seniors who may have worked in such a kind of project.
I have completed my phd thesis on "Earthquake Genesis Mechanism and Earthquake Warning System Design".During this period I have been able to complete coursework related to integrated model development study.I have published 17 research publications in various peer reviewed journal.I would be greatly helped if the forum can help me in formating my thesis.I would like to apply for post doc or a research Engineer in various international labs across Europe who are constantly trying to develop a Geodynamic model in identifying Earthquake triggering basins.I would like to format the writing of my thesis in such a way that it provides a hollistic approach to Earthquake forecast and genesis. I would like to know what is the way of writing the thesis for European Universitites to accept.