Science topics: DentistryRetreatment
Science topic
Retreatment - Science topic
The therapy of the same disease in a patient, with the same agent or procedure repeated after initial treatment, or with an additional or alternate measure or follow-up. It does not include therapy which requires more than one administration of a therapeutic agent or regimen. Retreatment is often used with reference to a different modality when the original one was inadequate, harmful, or unsuccessful.
Questions related to Retreatment
My papers indicate how harmful the first if these is, its money based ambitions and the power it gives to doctors, but although the therapeutic effects of Freud can be debated it still provides understanding and prevents the harm done by drugs. The intellectual aspects of the first are hard to find, based mostly on technical thinking with unproven conclusions, and at least Freud's ideas add dignity to human suffering.
Keywords that may be inspire your thoughts:
1. Fulfillment
2. Purpose
3. Raising consciousness
4. Enlightenment
5. Retreat
6. Temple
7. Ancient
8. Cosmic
9. Awareness
10. Wisdom
11. Awakening
12. Love
13. Joy
14. Peace
15. Past Life Regression
16. Astrology
17. Yoga
18. Pure Food
19. Happyness
20. Emotional Intelligence
21. Psychic Intelligence
22. Conscious leadership
23. Nature
24. Shared purpose
25. Natural technology
26. Gift economy
27. Inspiration
28. Energy
29. Innovation
30. Creativity
31. Relationships
32. Experiences
33. Inner world
34. Harmonious Civilisation
35. Meditation
36. Excitement
37. Music
38. School
39. Work place
40. Online Platform
41. Framework for retreats
42. Documentary
43. Books
44. Podcasts
45. Core Community
46. Global Community
47. Healing the past
48. Guided meditation
49. Wellbeing
50. Life force
I'm researching about side effects of meditation and another spiritual practices (like reiki). Sometimes call me patients with these kinds of problems: emptiness, kundalini emergence, dark night of the soul, anxiety crisis or depression symptoms after a meditation retreat, etc.
For these reasons I write this article:
But there are not many works in this way, and less about treatment of these patients. Do you know about it?
Maybe we need to look back at Roman Concrete and modernise it for present day use.
Material flow during FSW varies from one zone to another in the SZ depending on the FSW tool profile and significant heating caused by tool material interaction. Similarly, the distribution of precipitates in the SZ is not similar. The appearance of precipitates is found mostly different in the advancing side, retreating side, top middle zone and bottom of the SZ. Hence, is there any significant correlation between the nature of precipitation with material flow during friction stir welding of materials?
Since 2001, warming increasing repeatedly as global average temperatures in 2015 were 1 degree Celsius or more above the 1880-1899. The rapid declining of Arctic sea ice both the extent and thickness, over the last several decades and retreating of glaciers i.e. the Alps, Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, Alaska and Africa around the world. Does pollutant or increasing GHG is the main reason for changing in temperature globally?
Hi all, I am starting to develop my undergraduate dissertation, which is looking into how the morphology of glacial-fed rivers respond to aspects of glacial retreat - e.g. change in sediment flux, flow etc. I hope to quantify these inputs through remote sensing methods, and want to be able to input these varying scenarios into a model that will produce an image of how the channel will change. I have seen videos of such things but have no idea how to create this! Any help or suggestions is much appreciated.
"Climate change is causing the net shrinkage and retreat of glaciers and the increase in size and number of glacial lakes", Absolutely true, if we conclude so?
Tsho Rolpa is a Lake located in Nepal.
Hi Everyone
I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion for a short (10-15 question) scale that measures if a mental health intervention (in this case a healing retreat weekend) had any affect on improving clients' ability effectively cope with their mental health illnesses? We are trying to assess if we should continue with this intervention and want to collect from empirical data both from participants both pre and post the retreat weekend.
If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated!
In general across Australia regional campuses are in retreat. From having been viewed at one stage as a dynamic component of universities' participation and expansion agenda they can sometimes be framed as out-of-touch with a vision of world class universities in the neo-liberal competitive world of university league tables. Faced with the challenges of a shift towards on-line learning and the centrality of competitive world class research agendas, regional campuses - from once being viewed as success stories - are now sometimes viewed as a drag upon performance and an economic drain upon resources. They are often staffed by more junior and casualised faculty members.
I work at a regional campus of a university currently reflecting upon how central 'place' and place-based pedagogies are to its future vision. How do others view this question from their national settings?
Scholars and practitioners have identified numerous factors that are critical to organizational productivity and employee well being: meaningful and purposeful roles for employees in the work environment, employee empowerment and engagement, continuous personal and professional development and growth for all employees, and opportunities to contribute ideas to improvement in workplace practices. Yet executives are increasingly implementing centralized and
bureaucratic structures, policies and procedures that restrict meaningful roles for employees to contribute to the strategic goals of the organization. This is particularly the case of front line and junior level supervisors/coordinators in the organization. Why do executives often retreat to the insular world of the executive board room and fail to value and encourage the voices of people in front line and mid level people in their organizations? .
Have you considered the possibility that as an ice sheet advances it pushes molten mantle ahead of it, raising the land? By the time the ice sheet retreats, the uplifted molten mantle has solidified and so does not sink back to its former altitude.
I suspect that the chalk ridges in Southern England were formed in this way, by successive glaciations (ice advances), rather than as part of the Alpine Orogeny.
I can't see how the Dorset Crumple, next to Lulworth Cove, could have been formed by geological events on the other side of the English Channel.
Yes. Observations show a global-scale decline of snow and ice over many years, especially since 1980 and increasing during the past decade, despite growth in some places and little change in others. Most mountain glaciers are getting smaller. Snow cover is retreating earlier in the spring. Sea ice in the Arctic is shrinking in all seasons, most dramatically in summer. Reductions are reported in permafrost, seasonally frozen ground and river and lake ice. Important coastal regions of the ice sheets on Greenland and West Antarctica, and the glaciers of the Antarctic Peninsula, are thinning and contributing to sea level rise. The total contribution of glacier, ice cap and ice sheet melt to sea level rise is estimated as 1.2 ± 0.4 mm/yr for the period 1993 to 2003.
where should i place the tool with respect to advancing/retreating side during FSW of dissimilar metal HSLA-Al6061 combination for sound welds? i'm thinking advancing side on HSLA with tool offset towards Aluminum side from the weld line. your comments and thoughts are much appreciated
thank you
After immunotherapy in GBS (plasmapheresis or IVIG) no immediate improvement occurs and sometimes it takes 1-3 weeks for improvement to begin especially in axonal variants so when to take the decision to retreat with another course of plasmapheresis or IVIG?
I know that ethanol is used to stabilize chloroform. Can I do it by myself, by putting 97% ethanol to chloroform, or I need to by already stabilized solution.
If I can do it myself, what concentration?
I found some information that 1% of ethanol should do the effect.