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Research Papers - Science topic
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Questions related to Research Papers
Is there any way to find how many outliers were removed while presenting data. Or the exact sample size or n.
Interested one's please connect
What are the key considerations and best practices for publishing research papers on an academic website to ensure maximum visibility and impact in the scholarly community?
I have many medical research papers that need to be published in medical SCIE journals indexed by WOS. Is there a journal reviewer or editor who can give me some advice? If there is special care the article can be 100% accepted by the journal, I am willing to pay the remuneration
I would like to research on Monopoly markets in Maldives - for example would STELCO (State Electric Company) fit into Monopoly market structure? If so what sources can i refer to for research?
I am a new student to the study of Business Economics and Economics itself so i would appreciate help, thank you!
Publishing your research paper in a journal is a paramount action inside the scholastic group. It permits you to system with different researchers and to further refine your plans and examination. Scholastic diaries are most likely the most widely recognized spot for researchers to distribute their examinations.
lets learn more about research paper publication here.
I would love to hear from you on this topic.
I would like to inquire whether it is feasible for an individual without affiliation to a university, research center, or academic institution to publish research papers. Furthermore, how do academic journals typically approach submissions from unaffiliated researchers? Are there specific journals besides ResearchGate, arXiv, or other similar archives known for publishing research work from independent researchers, and could you provide examples of publications where such authors have successfully contributed their work?
I am looking to contribute in research/review papers in the field of AI/ML
If anyone out there is researching on any topic I am willing to contribute as co-author, I want to gain experience so that I can conduct my own research.
I have many medical research papers that need to be published in medical SCIE journals indexed by WOS. Is there a journal reviewer or editor who can give me some advice? If there is special care the article can be 100% accepted by the journal, I am willing to pay the remuneration
Model consisting of 1 independent variable(IV), 1 dependent variable (DV) and two moderators(underline mechanisms)
I have many medical research papers that need to be published in medical SCIE journals indexed by WOS. Is there a journal reviewer or editor who can give me some advice? If there is special care the article can be 100% accepted by the journal, I am willing to pay the remuneration
What do you know about soap making with oils? Is it safe to use them? Is there any good references about this topic?
Dear Editor
I am sorry but this e-mail but this paper: "An annotated catalogue of the Procridinae of the World (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae)", it's not present in the research paper of the authors K. A. Efetov and G. M. Tarmann.
Also this paper it's not present in the first page of Research Gate recent papers (SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 207, 30-IX-2024).
Please, could you send me information about these questions?
With many thank in advance.
Best regards.
Dr. Antonio Vives
How can you verify that the authors listed on the research paper published on the ResearchGate site actually contributed to the work?
I hope you are doing well!
I am currently looking for any research or co-author opportunities in machine learning, cybersecurity and data analytics.
Can anyone let me know how I can find any research opportunities to collaborate with other researchers on writing the research papers?
How to synchronize my research papers with those published on Google Scholar?
Hi, I am looking for co-author for a research paper in the filed of AI and agriculture. Those want to collaborate in this research can reach out to me at
i am a third year student and i am working on my research paper, ASSESSING MICROPLASTICS IN URBAN WATER SOURCES. I have found a number of studies wherein they do similar studies but while they are good, the processes are too complicated and my school does not have necessary resources. are there any simpler or less complicated ways of assessing microplastics? methodology-wise
Could anyone do me a favor by sharing the full text of this research paper? Thanks!
Weak base amines can inhibit class I MHC-restricted antigen presentation.
M T Michalek;
B Benacerraf;
K L Rock
Author & Article Information
J Immunol (1991) 146 (2): 449–456.
Differences between a research paper and a review paper
What is the difference between a research paper and a review paper?
Share your interesting research that others can cite in their own works!
Recently I analyzed some of my vermicompost samples on Uv-vis spectrometer at different ratios i.e. 472 nm and 664 nm to calculate the humification index as Q4/6. However, the value of Q4/6 has increased with the number of days after composting. How does this affect the maturity of the vermicompost? As in most of the research papers, it is portrayed that the value of Q4/6 decreases with the increase in number of days after composting.
There is no specific range i got from DSC analysis. I searched in many research papers but still didn't get any clue about possible defending reason for crystallization temperature ranges between 250 to 320°C.
It's urgent
What antenna types should i consider and would greatly appreciate if you could send research papers to help me with this. I am not allowed to design planar antennas for this.
Hello everyone, I’m planning to publish a research paper on the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in Digital Forensics. Can anyone guide me on where to begin with the literature review and the best practices for structuring my research? Any recommendations for key areas or resources to focus on would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Academic writing is the core of all writings. If you want to improve your academic writing skills, it’s better to learn from experts. Striving for the best will help you grow. To aid you in that, I have prepared a set of tips with the help of professional research paper writers. Let it be the base of your improvement journey.
What Tips do you want to add here? I would love to hear from you:
In recent months, I’ve noticed that my publication (Early lymphocyte levels ..., has generated a significant number of views and downloads, prompting me to reflect on how such interest might influence future citations. I understand that the number of citations often depends on various factors, such as the relevance of the topic or the visibility of the study in relevant channels. In your experience, can a high number of views and downloads shortly after publication actually lead to a higher number of future citations? Or are there other variables that play a more substantial role in driving a publication’s citation rate?
I would be interested to hear your experiences and insights regarding the relationship between audience interest and the subsequent impact of a scientific work.
unable to recognise the variables whether dependent or independent ,in a research parers i m reading of others.
Looking for a free consultant for our research paper of undergraduate students ?
الورقة البحثية Research Paper تتكون من ..
1. عنوان البحث Title
يجب أن يكون بسيطاً ومحدداً، ويجب أن يكون قصيراً قدر الإمكان، ويعبر عن المضمون، بحيث يستطيع القارئ أن يأخذ فكرة جيدة عن مضمون البحث ومحتواه من العنوان. إذا لم يكن العنوان واضحاً، فإن ذلك قد يسبب مشكلة لدى القارئ، بحيث لا يتشجع على قراءة البحث، أو يظن أنه غير مناسب له، أو أنه ليس البحث الذي يريده. يمكن استخدام عنوان يلخص النتائج..
2. المستخلص Abstract
النقطة الثانية التي سيتم الاطلاع عليها بعد قراءة العنوان، وهنا يجب أن يقوم الباحث بتلخيص أهم الجوانب، وأهم النقاط المتعلقة بالبحث، وهدفه، والنتائج التي توصل إليها. يعتبر البعض أن المستخلص هي أهم فقرة في البحث، لأنها يجب أن تقدم فكرة كاملة عن أهمية البحث ونتائجه. غالبا ما ينشر المستخلص منفصلا عن المقالة أو الورقة.
ويفضل أن تكون مفرداته أقل تخصصية من مفردات الورقة، ويتكون من 100 - 250 كلمة.
3. المقدمة Introduction
هي أول فقرة أساسية في الورقة العلمية التي تصف البحث، ويجب أن تبرز سؤال البحث، وأهميته، وتستعرض الخلفية التاريخية للبحث، والأبحاث السابقة في المجال العلميّ الذي كتب البحث ضمنه، ويجب أن تستعرض الطرق والأبحاث الأخرى التي تجرى في نفس السياق، وصولاً إلى البحث نفسه وما يقدمه..
4. الطرق والأدوات Methods & Materials
هي توصيف لمنهج البحث الذي استخدمه الباحث في بحثه وطريقة حصوله على النتائج. هنا يجب أن نتذكر أن الورقة العلمية ككل هي تلخيص لبحثٍ علميّ قد يمتد لعدة سنوات؛ لذلك فإن الإسهاب في شرح التفاصيل مرفوض. يجب أن يتم استعراض الطرق بشكلٍ موجز ولكن كافٍ، ويجب أن تكون كل طريقة أو منهجية أو خوارزمية مستخدمة واضحة من حيث المفهوم والمبدأ ونتيجة التطبيق. ولكن يجب أن تكون التفاصيل كافية ليتمكن المحكّم أو باحث آخر متوسط الخبرة من السير وفق المنهج ذاته والتوصل للنتائج نفسها..
5. النتائج Results
في قسم النتائج، يجب أن يقوم الباحث بعرض النتائج التي حصل عليها مباشرة من بحثه، ويجب هنا الاستفادة من الرسوم التوضيحية والمخططات البيانية إن أمكن، لأنها تغني البحث وتجعله أكثر سهولة للفهم والاستيعاب. يجب أيضاً ذكر الطرق التي تم عبرها الحصول على النتائج، سواء كانت برامج حاسوبية، أو داراتٍ إلكترونية، أو عيناتٍ إحصائية، أو صور مخبرية، أو غيرها..
6. مناقشة النتائج Discussions
هو القسم الذي يقوم فيه الباحث بتفسير ما حصل عليه من نتائج، ومقارنتها مع الأهداف الموضوعة للبحث والتي تم عرضها في الخلاصة بشكلٍ مختصر، وفي مقدمة البحث بشكلٍ مفصل..
7. الاستنتاجات Conclusions
أخيراً، فإن قسم الاستنتاجات والتوصيات: هي مغزى النتائج وتطبيقاتها عملياً في الميدان. ومن المفيد هنا أن يكتب على شكل نقاط 1، 2، 3 ... يجب أن يوضح الباحث هنا ما هي القيمة المضافة من البحث الذي قام به، وكيف يمكن الاستفادة من البحث في مجال التخصص..
8. المراجع References
قسم أساسي لا بد منه، وأي بحث بدون توثيق للمعلومات بالمراجع والمصادر هو بحثٌ بلا قيمة. النقطة الأهم، أن المراجع نفسها يجب أن تكون من مصادر موثوقة، مثل دور النشر العالمية، أو المجلات
العلمية المرموقة. كما أن المراجع يجب أن تكون حديثة قدر الإمكان، ويفضل أن تكون من أوراق علمية وكتب منشورة في السنوات الأخيرة وصولاً لسنة إصدار البحث نفسه..
وبعد #الانتهاء من كتابة البحث، وقبل إرساله بشكلٍ رسمي للمجلة العلمية..
يجب أن يُراجع عدة مرات، والتأكد من خلوه من أي خطأ، سواء كان علمياً أو لغوياً، ويفضل أيضاً الاستعانة بالزملاء والأصدقاء للحصول على تقييماتٍ تساهم بجعل الورقة العلمية للبحث بأفضل صورة وشكلٍ ممكنين.
Assume I create a new model similar to Bostan Consulting Matrix. I need to validate it, what is the approach needs to be taken. Without interviewing participants and candidates (Qualitative approach). Then How should I write the (Research approach & Findings and analysis section). Thanks for the advice.
As a first-year civil engineering student ,I have a some kind of interest in the field of structures and i am eager to publish a research paper on this topic, which I believe would be a significant boost for my future . Could you suggest some research topics suitable for an undergraduate student? As this will be my first research paper in any field, so can offer me some guidelines for accomplishing it.
Additionally, I plan to pursue my master’s degree in structural engineering in the foreign country like USA etc
Where we can publish our research paper for free?
I want to to publish an impactful research paper on a good journal.
My ResarchGate profile names were correctly captured but the photo and research papers belong to another researcher. Can someone help me correct it?
Research Paper vs. Conference vs. Review Paper. Suppose someone read 10+ research papers and drew new conclusions and findings from all those papers! Then, will that be a research paper or a review paper?
Surprisingly, in Google Scholar some of my papers are being listed under this name. While accessing my papers through Google Scholar, instead of my profile, this profile is opening up. If you have any knowledge on this matter, please help me out.
Asking for help on how to publish a research paper, and how much will it cost me? Thank you!
I want to publish a research paper but don't want to list my graduate university as an affiliation. Journals require authors to select an affiliated institution/organization. How can I introduce myself as an independent researcher if no such option exists in the specified journal options?
I want to publish a research paper but don't want to list my graduate university as an affiliation. Journals require authors to select an affiliated institution/organization. How can I introduce myself as an independent researcher if no such option exists in the specified journal options?
I am working o molecular dynamics simulations
hello everyone,
please help me with my research paper. I am looking for questionnaires that can help me. particularly about insurance co-payment. can be about acceptance or willingness to pay. I am using health belief model. the research pool is the general population.
thank you
Hello there,
I need your help finding primary research papers looking at the ecological impacts of invasive plants in African freshwater ecosystems.
Please forward any references to me @
Thank you,
Dr N.C.Baso
These are a few things that come to my mind.
Approach 1 - Highly Cited Papers
Read only important research papers (say only highly cited) from the point of doing Mind Mapping to find out narrow gaps (Bibliometric cluster analysis will also confirm the gaps) and reach to research questions and objectives.
Approach 2 - Future Scope
Read all the research papers from point of view to read future scope (in discussion and conclusion) for other researchers to carry ahead - This will give a list of research questions and objectives. Choose one of them.
Approach 3 - Industry Feedback
To hear from industry, what are the pain points or gaps that need to be addressed in terms of solution, find out if someone has written a research paper about it if not take narrow if further for research questions and objectives.
Approach 4 - Established Concepts, Constructs, and Theories
Read only important research papers (say only highly cited) from the point of finding out the established concepts, constructs and theories (and laws), find out if there is any area which is weak or has gaps where new concepts, constructs and theories (and laws) can be developed.
Approach 5 - Questionnaires and Surveys
Go through the various questionnaire of thesis topic/subtopic from thesis and dissertations written by others, find out if there is any area in which survey is not done or questionnaire is not asked, but there is potential to get insight and data in that area, read those thesis and dissertations come up with list of research questions and objectives.
After following one of the approaches (or combo) literature review will follow, which will then help on research design & methodology, research type etc . Based on which 3 thesis related research papers and thesis can be written, Is my understanding correct? Are there other more approaches?
i want to exclude people from research paper and only study environment as sample of my manuscript , is that possible to exclude personnel as sample size and replace it by environment at workplace to be a sample not setting
In which cases the environment be the sample ?
This question is being posed because there is undue pressure from unrealistic expectations in academia. This culture of publish or perish is driving an unfavorable work ethic and declining attention towards teaching. This problem is being fueled by ranking and accrediting bodies. Good research is definitely a metric for excellence. Where do we stand with excellence and decline?
I want to use ReverseDock for off-target analysis in molecular docking. How authenticate and reliable are the results of ReverseDock and can I put those results in my research paper ?
I know the term Co-generation and CHP are similar things. I used the term Co-generation in one of my research papers. However, I got a comment from a reviewer asking for using CHP instead of Co-generation. So I would like to know, is there any difference when the use of those terms in different situations.
Hello everyone,
Does anyone know of any research papers on experimental drug effect analysis using deep learning? If so, I would appreciate it if you could share the name or link with me. That would be greatly helpful.
Additionally, I would love to hear your thoughts on experimental drug effect analysis and what key points should be included when writing a paper on this topic, especially when I'm not allowed to share the dataset or details of the experiment itself.
Thanks in advance!
I need to do a literature critical review and I am in need of research papers related to Introduction to chemical thermodynamics and chemical potential, Entropy and Enthalpy e.t.c
Kindly help.
Thank you!
I want a research paper that was done on the topic role of technology on literacy skills specifically by Malawian scholars
I have authored a research paper and want to publish it. Please guide how to go about it?
Hello, my name is Rishav currently doing engineering side by side lot of interests in physics and doing some research, reading over it. I have recently done new research over photon energy, shape and its properties taking huge time to think and develop some new formulas and new ways to understand it. I need researcher that can assist me, evaluate my research, have experienced in publishing research paper and at last can publish my research with as a partner.
i would like to publish a research paper through research gate
1- Egypt journal of Netherland “Impact of Emotional Violence among School Students on Society” (2020).
2-. Presented Research Paper in (international conference on Teachers ‘Professional Development in Federal Collage of education Islamabad’ and in process of publication) “Performance in an Open Classroom Climate between Islamabad and Quetta” (2021)
3-. Published research Paper in Egypt journal of Netherland “Impact of Emotional Violence among School Students on Society” (2020).
4-Published article invol 3 Pakistan studies ISSN:2311-6803” Factor Influence the Failure Rate of Students at Secondary School Level in Quetta”, Balochistan” 1st January (2016)
5- Published article in(vol 3 Pakistan studies ISSN:2311-6803 “Factors of
Failure in Secondary Schools Board Examination Affecting the Career of students in Balochistan” 2nd July (2016)
I would like to know why it takes nearly 6 months to 1 year to publish my research paper in a scopus-indexed journal?
You are invited to submit a research paper on MJEER Journal?
please suggest the research paper related to the instrument is used in it.
I am looking for an author working on a research who requires a co author to help him in his research. It will benefit both since it will decrease ur workload and I will be able to use it for my MS profile.
I am pleased to inform you that I have completed my studies in the civil engineering department. I am currently seeking an opportunity to collaborate with a seasoned professional in the field of research. My areas of particular interest encompass transportation engineering and water resources engineering.
Dear colleagues
I know that we testing the null hypothesis. However, I noticed that some students and researchers write their research papers using alternative hypotheses! Is this a correct practice? why? and why not? should we always write our hypotheses as null hypotheses because those are the ones we test?
Please elaborate on these points
Thank you
I want to submit a manuscript to a scientific journal. But I am not a member of the paper and my name is not written on it (author or co-author). I will submit it on behalf of the corresponding author because he does not know how to submit and does not have an account.
Well according to me, theres no end or beginning of the universe.
The universe came from a big bang of a hot dense black hole.
It expands into a cool less dense universe.
Then it breaks down due to expanding too much and becoming too fragile as the density becomes soo less that the gravitational forces make it crumble into a black hole again
and then the cycle continues
big bangs again and again
the research paper is on my profile
Should researchers be paid for peer review of research papers, given that journals charge for publication and access heavily while scientists/ professors volunteer their expertise? Should not a fair remuneration also be part of the review system?
I am searching about research papers and action research in this topic to collect the field experiences, challenges, benefits, attitudes and reactions towards it.
I'm looking into doing qualitative research on the catalytic effect of life crisis on how we humans learn and live. I'm curious if there has been art- based / autoethnographic research done on life crises as rites of passage using indigenous research framework .
Can anyone help me with the FEM coding for Buckling of composite plates using the FSDT or HSDT
- Source or the helping material (textbook, research paper etc)
- Geometric stiffness matrix formulation
posting on 04/01/2021
How do I know my research paper is published globally? Is this researchgate worth as arXiv?