Science topics: Quantitative Social ResearchResearch Analysis
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Research Analysis - Science topic
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Questions related to Research Analysis
I am comparing approaches used in resolving disputes.
How do I intend to integrate quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques to comprehensively examine the intricacies of English and Arabic teaching and learning processes in second language acquisition, ensuring both depth of understanding and statistical rigor in my Ph.D. research?"
For research analysis, we log only dependent variables and no log for independent variables. Is okay? Does anyone provide some references?
Thank you
I am a civil engineer. I would to like involve in ongoing research related to "Delineation of ground potential". Is there any way to find professor, with whom I can share and contribute in their research related Hydro-logical Research Analysis .
For research analysis, we log only dependent variables and no log for independent variables. Is okay? Does anyone provide some references?
Thank you
If we have a research (analysis of factors affecting on sustainable agriculture...) in order to analyze its data, most previous researches have used techniques such as regression. To identify effictive factors, Is it possible to use the exploratory factor analysis technique?
What fundamental concerns need to be kept in mind when we compute research analysis in the fields of Statistics, Biostatistics, and Epidemiology? Will we consider only significant variable for our model building? Will we think about the biological factors, whether it is substantial or not ? Is it necessary to check the assumptions for different models as some papers do not mention them? Were interaction terms always essential to check?
My question is about the tools used in analyzing qualitative research...
I am performing a research work in "Girardinia diversifolia and its products role in climate change mitigation" which can be done estimating the amount of carbon emission in live plants and after conversion from thread into products.
Hi Everyone,
I am planning to do a Fetal ECG analysis from existing recorded data. How can I collect fetal ECG data sets (Raw data) from other research work for my analysis ?
Hello experts, as part of my course work, I am exploring "the impact of workplace culture, leadership and employee engagement on employees’ productivity with the mediating effect of employees’ mental health and wellbeing" and i am in analysis phase. I need help in selecting correct measure for each of my questionnaire variable which are, gender, age group, experience level, qualification and many questions who have a scale to choose from strongly disagree to strongly agree (5 options).
My other question is how to analyze variables? (since I have one mediating variable as well, with 1 dependent and 3 independent variables.)
Any help in this regard would be appreciated.
Hi everyone, I am new to qualitative research and this is my first time doing a research rely only on secondary data (required). My research aim is to explore the the relationship between social media activities and offline hate-crime conduct against non-binary races. I had found existing studies that support the argument but they aren't quite necessarily in the same filed. The literature I found are in fields like social media and social fragmentation; online racism; online intergroup interactions associate with offline physical violences.
Can anyone tell me what method could I use for the analysis to get valid findings, please? Thank you!!!!!
I am currently pursuing PhD in Architecture and wish to perform CFD simulation on existing buildings as part of my research analysis. I have been reading research publications on this topic, the information in them describes the use of CFD but does not specify CFD software used.
Guidance is welcomed from anyone working in this field.
Thank you.
I conducted a semi structured interview on the experiences of parents in the new modality of education in the times of pandemic. We also would want to follow Moustakas' steps of analysis. I would like to ask if how bracketing is really being explained and presented in research papers?
Thank you in advance!
As part of my research, I intend to hold a training course on consecutive interpreting for 8 students. I am going to be observer as the training is delivered by another person. My research relates to the incorporation of some neuroscience findings into the development of training material. Throughout the training, the trainees are expected to construct their knowledge. It is they who decide on the speed, content and presentation of the audio-visual material.
I am looking for a constructivist classroom research analysis tool. Any help?
If in many research works, for the purposes of conducted scientific research, the analysis of information collected in Big Data database systems is already used, more and more attempts will be made by various research centers to use data processing in the cloud data collected in Big Data database systems. The data mining technology, artificial intelligence, business intelligence and other advanced information and analytical technologies will also be added to this.
I invite you to the discussion

The use of computer and research related softwares have made research analysis quite easy and saves time and efforts. I apply MS Excel, AMOS and SPSS. Not much familiar with EViews, ATLAS-ti. All of you may be using one or another statistical softwares. May I request you to share your practice.
I am looking into the benefits of using programming skills for data coding and analysis. This stems from the need for highly technical skills when considering roles outside academia. If you have used Python for research, what was the experience like and would you advise a budding researcher to learn the skill?
Most of the articles are not cited because of poor visibility of that paper. The Journal policy may play a vital role in the article visibility. Some Journal without authentication we are not able to view that research papers. So If I want to improve the visibility of my research papers means what step I have to follow?
How can we effectively convert literature review content text into empirical data for research analysis for dependent variable values?
Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well and staying healthy at home during this time. We may feel uncertain about the direction of humanity as we adjust to the "new normal". It's going to be ok because social distancing is working well to flatten the curve. The more we practice introversion now, the sooner we can be ambiverts again in the future.
Naturally, conducting research has become even more challenging, so I am reading articles in preparation for writing a research paper.
My question to you is: Are there major companies (Baptist, Google, Amazon, etc.) working with nearby graduate programs to hire Exercise Research Analysts who can lead their employees to increase productivity?
Hope you can assist me on my quest. I'm looking for research and analysis on crypto currency exchanges, preferred on security aspects.
So far I have this: and
For me, this is to have a more holistic view on crypto exchanges and just a general interest to have more "data" on exchanges.
So if you know any research papers, company analysis etc., please share our links.
Have a great day!
I am conducting a survey which consists of 3 dimensions of Supply Chain Practices as the independent variables and organizational performance as the dependent variable. I have 6-9 question in each dimension and for the dependent variable. The questions are based on a Likert scale, 1-5 Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree.
For comparing the relationship, how shall I organize the data? Shall I use the mean for each dimension and compare it with the mean of the dependent variable? or I compare responses of the question with each other?
Hey there
I would like to know about any technique (if) which can be implemented in qualitative research (analysis) alike meta-analysis of quantitative research.
Can I use meta-study or ethno-analysis like "meta-analysis"?
Is there any other technique?
If, YES, then kindly let me know about it's procedure.
Thank you in advance.
Papua New Guinea has vast array of mineral ore exaction operations currently active within this island nation. Due to its complex terrain coverage it would be highly educational for its raw data sets to be made available for research and analysis purposes.
R stat is gaining popularity and is very powerful. While I already have some knowledge on R, I would like to go down to the basic to understand all the basics/fundamentals which will help me as I use it for my research analysis......
I'm trying to make these similar concepts clear in my mind but it's not easy. Let's make a brainstorming together!
Although there are some differences the related literature says:
the intent of a meta-analysis is to aggregate the findings of quantitative studies and analyze this for a true effect;
the intent of a meta-synthesis is to synthesize the findings of qualitative studies and reinterpret the data;
On the other hand, when we need to examine both the quantitative and qualitative studies, we have to prefer a different method. However, what is the the correct option for us?
Is examining both the qualitative and quantitave studies at the same time a wrong approach?
Do we need to use meta-integration (aka mixed-meta synthesis) or systematic review? What are the differences between these two methods? What are the procedures that we need to follow?
Of course there are lots of studies in the literature but lets make it clear: which one is the "right" one? Let's share, discuss and try to make a consensus on this issue!
If a study take a post-positivist approach to qualitative research and analysis, what would you say are the limitations? I would be interested to know people's thoughts on this whatever field of research you are in.
Topic of my research is analysis of different materials to improve the heat transfer rate in automobile radiators. So i want to use different materials comparing their properties with silver, aluminum and copper
One Week Workshop on Advanced Research Analysis Tools and Techniques Being Organised by Department of Commerce (SAP, DRS-III), University of Jammu, Jammu (J&K)
Research provides new domain of knowledge, new theories and laws, solution to a problem and open new areas of thought. Further, it has the potential to question and analyse the existing theories in accordance to the present circumstances. Research involves answering unanswered questions or exploring something which currently does not exist (Goddard & Melville, 2004). Hence, it is important for educational/ professional academicians and scholars to be acquainted higher order research techniques. In the recent past, many new dimensions of research have emerged catering to the vast changes taking place in the present day social situation. The quality of research depends on the understanding of the research problem, the attendant research methodology and the appropriate tools used for the analysis. This one week workshop will focus on qualitative research techniques, experimental research design and partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM).
I think that step length and step width from gait analysis can use for decide the dimension of running belt's treadmill. That's more efficient for the space of treadmill when we use it but, i'm not yet to see the research that analysis about gait cycle for it. Anybody can help me? maybe you ever see the research about that. Thanks before.
If so, when will new telescopes be constructed, thanks to which you will be able to see what is on the planets of other planetary systems in other constellations?
Every now and then more and more perfect telescopes are being built thanks to which photographs of other constellations and other galaxies are created.
Thanks to these photographs, the cognitive abilities in the field of astronomy are increased, among others the estimated amounts of stars, planetary systems and planets in specific constellations, galaxies.
Besides, thanks to these photographs, more and more perfect maps of the blue vault, collections of galaxies and specific segments of the cosmos are created.
For example, studies conducted in recent years based on new cosmic photographs show with previously unattainable accuracy the distribution of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, in which there is a solar system with our Earth.
In April 2018, astronomers prepared a much more accurate than the current three-dimensional map of the Milky Way Galaxy.
This was done as part of a research project with a million dollars budget. As part of this research project and thanks to the space mission launched in 2013, the Gaia probe was developed a very accurate map of the Andromeda Galaxy and a new research material was created for the purposes of research into the analysis of the past and future of our Galaxy.
The research project was implemented by the European Space Agency. Based on this research project, the latest astrometric data set containing positions and self-movements of over a billion stars was made available.
Placed on Earth's orbit, the Gaia Probe has two optical telescopes and three scientific instruments that also allow to determine the brightness, temperature and chemical composition of individual stars.
In addition, the latest data set contains star colors that provide vital information about their surface temperature and age.
The Gaia probe also provided new data in the area of 13,000. asteroids circulating within the solar system.
In view of the above, the current question is: If so, when will new telescopes be constructed, thanks to which you will be able to see what is on the planets of other planetary systems in other constellations?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.

I am conducting hierarchical regression - my 4 IV's are continuous and my 3 DV's are dichotomous. I have tested all assumptions and all are met but I am stuck with normality, linearity and homoscedasticity of residuals assumption!
Tabachnich (2013) states that the dependent variables are required to be computed against the residuals in P-P plots and scatterplots to test this assumption - however when I do this the residuals are no where near the diagonal! Instead, they are slightly scattered in straight lines elsewhere.
I can get this to work if I split my SPSS file by one of the DV's and then enter the IV's into the model instead of the DV's, and all relationships look as they should. However, I really do not think I am doing this right. I have not read anything to state that I should be doing this either - this was just me trying to make this work.
Can anyone assist me, please? I understand logistic regression is the preferred analysis for my research, but this is not the analysis I am going with (for various reasons) and I would really like to try make this assumption work so I can test my hypotheses.
Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thank you so much in advance!!
Hello Researcher research on analysis of hot weather on skin diseases using machine learning ..will you guys suggest me a good journal .. with NON ZERO TR journal and fast reply from journal.plz help me out ..i will be more thankful to you young Researchers waiting for you positive response..
Abdul khalandar
VIT University
Having many interviews, observations and documents it accumulates to a lot of text data. Can you share basic guidelines and pitfalls on how conduct effective coding using Nvivo? How to identify themes, constructs, trends or relationships in text data? Should it be very detailed or more high-level coding?
Please share your experiences.
Hello everyone, I am doing research analysis on transport factors contributing to cost of doing businesses in South Africa. My problem is finding data
I am looking for IRB approved protocol approaches on how to handle Incidental Findings (IFs) in EEG research. Starting from Wolf, et al. (2008). Managing incidental findings in human subjects research: analysis and recommendations. The Journal of law, medicine & ethics, 36(2), 219-248. who mainly refer to fMRI and genetic studies where the problem seems to be clear(er), I try to find prevalence for IFs in basic EEG research and clinical EEG research (e.g., epilepsy research).
Are there any established protocols how to handle IFs in EEG research?
Prior to my study I had determined a small sample size for my research analysis. As a result of my dataset and research questions, a larger sample size was necessary to run my analysis. My urr is stating that using a large sample size is not permitted and that I should justify. I have done so using other research articles and even had statisticians say that is weird of him to ask me to justify. Please any thoughts and directions is appreciated
i am doing my research analysis and i want to apply simple slop test but dont know how to conduct it. anybody can help me?
thanks in advance
Why research activities get less priority in developing countries?. How international researcher help on this aspect in order to improve research activities?
Who is your go-to for answering questions or for other guidance on qualitative data collection and analysis?
i have already established the following regulations in the kenyan petroleum supply chain management
1. Economic regulations
2. Enviromental regulations
3. helath and safety regulations
4. operational; transportation, licencing, storage, materials handling, importation etc
kindly help me identify the parameters to measure in each variable?
I have a hard time to understand what is an empirical questions based on the book Design a Research Project from Verschuren and Doorewaard.One of my teacher said that an empirical question should result to analysis.Should my questions follow exaclty the suggested Framework in the empirical part or i can use more generic terms that describe all the empirical parts? For example the departements that involve in order fulfillment to refer to them in general by using the generic name Order Fulfillment.
I am wondering how styles of leadership, motivation, etc., impact on the behavior and effectiveness of the company's staff. I would like a new research and analysis.
What kind of approaches do you use in order to prove your hypothesis in a research is related to a global problem? I am doing a research about two different topics and I need quality (strong) data which will support my hypothesis in both of them. Until now, I used case study, area reports, scientific researches, manual testing (personal insight). What else can be used? Any advice will be helpful.
most of the researcher feels their responsibilty ends by publishing scientific papers but most of the researches are done for comman man
dear researchers,
what I mean is what are the recognized ant the international minimal norms for a researcher to be classified as a good researcher, quite good, weak researcher (in terms of the number of articles, conference papers, total impact factor, the referred journals in which he publishes, etc.).
I'm a junior research candidate (M.Phil in English literature). I presented my first seminar on 8th of February, 2016. My one teacher pointed out my language specially my words and clauses like "disclose", "to voice the voiceless woman" and "study endeavors" . I'm pasting here two points of my presentation slides. Kindly clarify my idea regarding the use of language in literary research.
The present study aims to voice the voiceless rural women of Sindh portrayed in the selected fictional and real short stories.Following theoretical insights of Guha (1983) and Spivak (1988) the study endeavors to:
1.disclose the oppressive factors against the target rural women by critically analysing the process of construction of subalternity in their (the women) lives.
Several years ago, I came across a paper that introduces a decomposition approach to moderation analysis. I believe the paper appeared in Organizational Research Methods. I have been trying to locate the paper since, but failed. Does anyone know what paper I refer to?
The approach is as follows. When one has a moderator variable D which is a dummy, the equation with interaction effect is Y = b0 + b1X + b2XD + e. The decomposition approach would test the following equation: Y = b0 + b1X(D-1) + b2XD + e. These are functionally equivalent, and particularly useful when the D variable is not a dummy but nominal with a few values instead. I find the approach very neat and have recommended it to students, but cannot provide them with a reference.
I'm an undergraduate student and I'm doing my dissertation on food insecurity in Ireland. I will use questionairres to gather my data and SPSS to analyse it. I will be researching single headed households.
I'm trying to recruit families with teens ( age 10 -17) for research studies happening on a university campus. Do you know successful strategies to attract this population segment? Our research team went to local festivals / events and posted on various social media accounts. We also tried mail lists. These efforts haven't resulted in more participants than usual. Any help is appreciated.
I would like to analyse my non-participant observations by writing vignettes of each session before coding