Science topic
Requirements Engineering - Science topic
Requirements engineering (RE) is a systems and software engineering process which covers all of the activities involved in discovering, documenting and maintaining a set of requirements for a computer-based system.
Questions related to Requirements Engineering
Under the following heading, can you provide a meaningful explanation to understand the importance of requirements engineering?
- The software engineering
- Role of software engineer
- Components of a software system
- Software types
- Generic view of processes activities
- CASE tools
- Software Requirement Process Model
- Do you design software when you “write” a program? What makes software design different from coding?
- If a software design is not a program (and it isn’t), then what is it?
Dear All,
I want your valuable suggestions based on experience in the filed of software requirements specification in academic research/ industry practice.
Quality standards are costly and are incomplete/static may not contain some quality attribute information.
What if we a semi-automated tool that capture the application specific quality requirements and provides its formal specification? What kind of company get benefited? what feature list do it support practically?
Please provide your opinion regarding current practice handling quality requirements and quality models/ what are the lacking regarding the same.
Hopefully waiting for the responses.
Thanking you,
- I am a beginner in the research field. Kindly suggest narrow down and concise research domain, topics, or gaps in that mentions domains and I will be able to do in Master degree 1-year thesis.
- Domains: Software Engineering, Software Requirements Engineering, Software Testing.Software Project Management, Web-Based Software Engineering, Applications of Machine Learning Approaches in Software Engineering, Search-Based Software Engineering, Component-Based Software Engineering.
Hi all,
What are the major online collaborative requirement gathering techniques in specifically software requirement engineering? As we can see many of these like; Questionnaire forms, E-mail, Discussion Board, and conducting Polls etc.
The currently earliest paper I found containing the term is by Yeh and Zave (1). In (2), Zave speaks of non-logical properties.
(1) R. T. Yeh and P. Zave, “Specifying software requirements,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 68, no. 9, pp. 1077–1085, 1980.
(2) P. Zave, “A comprehensive approach to requirements problems,” presented at the Computer Software and Applications Conference, 1979. Proceedings. COMPSAC 79. The IEEE Computer Society's Third International, 1979, pp. 117–122.
(3) J. Mylopoulos, L. Chung, and B. Nixon, “Representing and using nonfunctional requirements: a process-oriented approach,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 483–497, 1992.
Am I on the right path? Different suggestions are welcome.
There are so many subtly different definitions out there. Which one is your favorite? And why? Because it was «first»? Because it is «best»? Let's create a word cloud from all unique answers!
Plan-driven and agile methodologies have different prescriptions for software development. What are the advantages and drawbacks of combining these seemingly incompatible approaches in software development projects?
Lean as in Lean Six Sigma is a very structured and mature approach. In software engineering there are few attempts to re-invent the wheel by resurfacing techniques used for over 50 years in manufacturing as "new approaches".
Although a laudable initiative in many cases it is just a smoke screen for certifications and training courses.
Hello Everyone, From past few days, I am planning to write a research paper on (Requirements Engineering + Fintech/Digital Financial Systems/Banking Systems + Agile Model). I need some suggestions from your side on the topic.
More than 40 years later, and there is still no standard for the ER model. Both researchers and industry say that is a popular database design tool, and it is still a must-taught topic in almost every basic database course. So, there is a need for clarifying the motivations for this state of affairs.
However, it is fair to say that it is not clear yet if it is viable to have an ER model standard as a design language. Therefore, I could ask: is it?.
QA Automation Tools such as cucumber, selenium, etc check the quality of code. Is there any tool available that provides knowledge regarding software quality requirements (a.k.a. Non-functional Requirements) analysis at early stage of Requirements Engineering.
Please share your experience.
I would like to know if there is a relationship between RE artefact and culture.
My preliminary data analysis is available here. Hope to get response from SoftwareEngineering Communities in here.
I need to draw a feature tree. I have been trying to use Feature IDE for Eclipse. But it is not working. Please suggest me some other tool that I can use for creating the feature diagram of a Software Product Line. Dependency relations such as optional feature, mandatory feature, cardinality etc. should also be shown in the diagram.
We are performing a scientific study in order to explore the current attitudes of researchers and practitioners towards video as a medium in requirements engineering and software development.
The survey covers the following three main topics:
- Demographics
- Attitude towards the medium video including advantages, disadvantages, potentials and concerns
- Application of video including creation and usage
We would appreciate if you participate in our survey and also forward the study to other potential participants:
Best regards
Oliver Karras
I sent a paper on 3rd March 2016 to CMES journal. Till now i am not getting any response from the editor.
I wonder if anyone has contact or knows any specialist/experts (either from academia or industry) working in the are of requirements engineering and big data?
I need to compile a list of experts who would agree to help to validate my model. The model is not ready, but I think it's a good time to start looking for help on this matter.
I appreciate that a lot. Any help is very much appreciated. :)
Verification: process of evaluating steps which is followed up to development phase to determine whether they meet the specified requirements for that stage.
Validation: process of evaluating product during or at the end of the development process to determine whether product meets specified requirements.
Difference between Verification and Validation:
- Verification is Static Testing where as Validations is Dynamic Testing.
- Verification takes place before validation.
- Verification evaluates plans, documents, requirements and specifications, where as Validation evaluates product.
- Verification inputs are checklist, issues list, walkthroughs and inspection, where as in Validation testing of actual product.
- Verification output is set of documents, plans, specifications and requirement documents where as in Validation actual product is output.
I am searching for different methods used to calculate the cost of errors/defects during SDLC but can only find one method. I Need more techniques for evaluation.
For the above question, there is a need an agile approach for requirements engineering while using semantics in globally distributed setting.
Within business analysis and requirements engineering responsible persons need to collect requirements regarding a new or changed IT system. In this process they also talk to end users about their ideas and needs. However, the procedure can be very time-consuming. The necessary efforts may also hinder end users to address the IT department in case of new IT needs and lead them into an own implementation of shadow IT.
To reduce related efforts and problems, are their any criteria that provide what level of detail is at least necessary in the process of requirements defintion? What minimum of requirements do, e.g., agile processes start with?
The level of detail may be dependent on the kind of IT solution. Therefore, I'm looking for a holistic method or model to derive the necessary level of detail from related assumptions.
Analysis of software development processes such as waterfall, agile etc and maybe each individual element such as requirement engineering or software design would be a great help. Thanks
I'm doing my Masters thesis and I'm trying to develop a toolkit which would suggest designers what requirements methods to be used based on the participants human capability. Is there any similar toolkit developed. Please let me know if you know any.
I have to define fitness function for next release problem in requirements engineering. I have to define sub set of requirements from given set of requirements which best meets user needs for next release.
Is it possible to change to software quality like performance, security and etc. after its deployed?
Now we have cloud computing, which makes it possible for fast publishing the service and change its environments based on what the user need, does it sound to say that is also possible to plug in quality to existing service to meet the user non-functional requirements?
In literature, I found many approaches that deal with NFRs including Ontology based approach. I found issues related to ontology engineering viz. merging mapping, expressiveness, among others and issues in NFRs viz. conflict, integrity, etc. but I have some confusion regarding issues in ontology engineering in NFRs elicitation and specification. I am not clear what kind of issues regarding ontology in NFRs that we can consider as a challenging task for research work. Please provide your valuable guidance regarding this. Hopefully waiting for your reply. It will help me a lot.
Thanking you,
Models are considered as requirements. A new set of models known as specification models in Simulink by mathworks are introduced. My question is can we use these specification models as requirements rather than having requirements in the form of text.
Actually I am working in Security Testing, so how to get some data set for validation. The data set that I require must contain the threats/attack with their frequency and point of attack for a particular organization/website.
A technical Review or a Summary note needed!
I Found some roadmaps in Pressman& Sommerville books.
I am looking for a tool that automates the classification of requirements (into categorise like functional requirements, data constraints, usability requirements, security, look-and-feel...). I've seen a number of papers in requirements engineering describing classification techniques. However their tools are not made available.
I am wondering if you know any of such classification tools available to download?
Data flows modelling and analysis, risk and impact assessment, heuristics, etc. are some approaches proposed in the literature to elicit privacy requirements. There are pros and cons for all of them so, what approach do you think is the best and why? Any widespread (methodological) solution in the industry (not just at research level)?
Is there a methodological approach that can enable us extract possible implicit requirements (Unspoken or assumed) from a requirement document?
How can we learn them (Implicit Requirements)? Are there mechanisms or a set of steps that we will need to follow such that if A follows that step it's going to produce Implicit Requirements and If B follows that same step, it will end up with the similar Implicit Requirements?
I am starting a RG Project to work through an example for developing an approach to using requirement pattern concepts, UML profiles, and a UML CASE tool to generate requirement statements.
If interested please let me know, this will be open to anyone who wants to participate, or check on our progress,
Few of these tools support transformations from use case models to another analysis or design model. What is your opnion on why?
I want to know about the cost estimation techniques used in software cost estimation at present. What are the early, immediate, instant or emergency cost estimation techniques?
The paper said that the need for the collection of software cost estimation is a problem before.
In the requirements engineering field, the use of boilerplates is a way towards controlled natural language.
What are the software tools that help a tester to generate test cases from requirement specifications?
Software development is a big issue in the price of the software. For example, say someone asked how much money it took to make a shop management software (or any software). They did not say anything about this software but asked only how much it cost (without requirement). But what could be the answer, because without the necessary information it can't be answered. In the case of software development many have a cost estimation but have no way to do a software development cost estimation without requirement collection. Is this also a problem you have come across? What is your advice on this situation?
I'm interested in the link between knowledge elicitation and requirements analysis/elicitation and, in particular, the role of 'soft' or 'non-functional' requirements.
As you may have noticed, inclusion of business vocabularies (also referred to as glossaries) into the project activities is trending, yet this process is often lacking objective feedback and consolidated opinion from the experts and industry. Do we really need specialized/additional solutions for that? If you are working in the field of business analysis, business modeling, requirements engineering, IS design or development, I would like to hear your opinion!
Or better yet, please consider filling out an anonymous five minute survey that is being conducted by the Center of Information Systems Design Technologies of Kaunas University of Technology and is available at
On the last page of the survey, there is an option to leave extended feedback, if you wish to do so. Each answer is extremely valuable to us!
We would appreciate your response by March 24th. Feel free to also forward it to your fellow colleagues, both academicians and practitioners. And big thanks to all of those who have already contributed!
I must also add that this survey is part of research that we plan to publish in the form of a paper, if we get enough feedback (which is harder to achieve than we thought). So you will be the first to know when it happens!
I am currently working on a process to take a statement (e.g., a paragraph from a PWS (Performance Work Statement - part of a government software development contract) and engineer the sentences into a series of "engineered" statements.
The process would be (for each statement in the paragraph):
1) Separate each sentence onto it's own line.
2) Standardize the terms using the project or domain's structured business vocabulary (SBVR).
3) Deconstruct the sentence into standalone sentences (e.g, ... and ...) being aware of implied structures (e.g., for government staff and consultants - government staff, government consultants).
4) Reword 'gently' to standardize sentence forms.
... etc.
Does anyone know who the first (systems-, software-, ...) engineer was to coin this term? Merriam-Webster says the term has been around since 1662.
I will soon be looking at the paper titled “Conceptual models for determining information requirements” by J. C. Miller, 1964, but I don't know if this is a match yet.
The first software engineering paper to implicitly define the term was presented by Royce in 1970.
W. W. Royce, “Managing the development of large software systems,” presented at the IEEE WESCON, 1970, pp. 1–9.
The first software engineering paper to dedicate a section to the term was the one by Bell and Thayer of 1976.
T. E. Bell and T. A. Thayer, “Software requirements: Are they really a problem?,” presented at the 2nd international conference on Software engineering, San Francisco, California, United States, 1976, pp. 61–68.
Do you know earlier ones?
The aim of the question is gather from your opinion the models/proposals/framework which are used to measure/define a certain quality level of modeling language for requirements engineering. So far I have a few ideas like QM4MM to evaluate the maturity of the metamodels of these languages or SEQUAL (ant works of Krogstie.)
Implicit requirements are the hidden or assumed requirements that a system is expected to fulfill though not explicitly elicited during requirements gathering.
I am preparing a course on requirements analysis and was looking for some examples on stakeholders interests conflicts and how they have been resolved from real software projects and was wondering if you can share some of your experiences on this topic with us.
I am seeking an interesting topic in that field for my master thesis.
The Purpose of this survey is to assess the impact of Implicit Requirements (IMR) on the success or failure of requirements engineering during software development. IMR are the hidden or assumed requirements that usually do not get mentioned by stakeholders during requirements elicitation but which a system is expected to fulfill, in order to be wholly accepted by users. Some opinions seem to suggest that IMR throw up substantial challenges during software development, this survey seeks to empirically investigate the impact of IMR on software development.
I'm searching for some tools that help me to formalize the analysis, something more than just an UML editor.
To measure the effort of NFR we usually use historical data. My question is: how can we determine if a requirement X is the "SAME" as a requirement Y specified in previous projects?
Is there any methodology that deals with this?
In human computer interaction, users of software can provide feedback on the performance of a particular software. What role does usability evaluation play in ascertaining the production of high-quality software?
Looking for a set of specific Problems to work on for my doctoral work
The aim of the question is gather information about the Modeling Languages used by Requirements Engineering community and in particular for Software Product Lines in Domain Engineering phase.
Service based system usually specified by WDSL, BPEL..However, these models do not rich enough for reasoning about change from requirements. A requirements model is more relevant in this situation. The question is what are the suitable requirements model for a Service Based System?
I am searching different methods to calculate/measure the defect cost in RE.
Can you provide references of publications on how to find out and define non functional requirements at the requirements elicitation stage? Is there any IS development methodology that deals with this aspect?
Analysts must be facing a lot of problems with regards to requirements elicitation. I wish to know what were the exact problems faced, especially in cases of software requirements gathering. Is there any work on classifying or ordering such problems?