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Renewable Energy and Space Power - Science topic

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Questions related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
57 answers
What types of eco-innovation are being developed in your country?
What kind of ecological innovations should be developed in your opinion?
How should they be finansed, whether by the industry from commercial enterprises funds, or by the state from public funds or in the framework of public-private partnership?
What types of renewable energy sources should be refined and developed through new eco-friendly innovations? What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of ecological innovations?
Please reply. I invite you to the discussion
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Dear Dr Dariusz Prokopowicz . The topics including: carbon capture and storage systems, more efficient irrigation methods, essential medicines, household water purification devices, and manufacturing processes that minimize waste and pollution.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
80 answers
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Renewable energy sources?
Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Renewable energy sources.
Please reply.
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
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A very hot question today. Thanks to the colleague Chinaza Godswill Awuchi for the interesting information in this area. I fully support him.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
19 answers
Renewable energy sources based on solar energy belong to those types of renewable energy, which should be developed in the next years in the energy sector, because it is the production of clean energy.
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
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Due to the development of renewable energy sources and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, is it possible that in 2030 most of the world's electricity production will come from solar energy, or will significantly diversified energy sources continue to dominate?
Thank you, Greetings,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
10 answers
In which large pro-ecological investment projects many new jobs can be created and in the long-term, new economic added value will be generated, and revenue will be increased and economic growth will be improved?
In what undertakings, types of economic activity should a pro-development sustainable development policy be used to generate additional jobs and improve economic growth for the period of forecasted slowdown in economic growth?
In my opinion, an example of this type of large pro-ecological investment projects is the construction of large power plants producing electricity as part of renewable energy technologies.
What other large pro-environmental investment projects can generate new economic added value, increase in revenues and improvement of economic growth in the long-term perspective?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Best wishes
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The key issue is interventionist support for the development of these pro-environmental investment projects implemented under public-private partnerships or by fully commercially operating economic entities, which in the coming years will become profitable and / or will contribute to the increase in the scale of sustainable development and pro-ecological transformation of the economy. with the aim of transforming the classical social market economy as much as possible into a circular social, sustainable, green economy. It is a formula of the ideal model for the development of civilization in the twenty-first century, which may never be 100 percent. achieved, but due to the ongoing processes of climate change, the global warming process and environmental pollution should be developed as much as possible.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
20 answers
Every year new sources of clean energy and technologies are created. New, innovative technologies in the field of renewable energy are being created. The existing technologies of renewable energy sources have been successively improved in the direction of creating more and more economically efficient and energy-saving technological solutions. New patents and innovative technological solutions are being created. New types of materials used in new energy sources devices are being discovered. The main determinant of technological progress in this field should be the process of implementing the most energy-saving technologies on the industrial scale and promoted for industrial implementation and the transport sector should be sources of energy under RES that will emit the least harmful external effects to the planet Earth environment.
In view of the above, the current question is: Will man manage to create and develop on a mass scale in industry and energy innovative technologies of renewable energy sources, through which will stop the greenhouse effect on Earth?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Yes. A lot is being done. Have a look for the Boston project and the flow battery under development. The Green house has curve can be flattened, however, everyone must begin to see ghg emmssion as a collective responsibility. If nation A goes green and nation B continues, the problem will only be half solved as emmssions the knows no international boundary lines.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
58 answers
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Sustainable pro-ecological development of the global economy?
Probably the future of humanity depends on the next decade. If, over the next few years, renewable energy sources replacing traditional energy based on the burning of minerals are developed on a massive scale, it might be possible for humankind to avoid a climatic catastrophe in the 21st century. The international climate agreement that currently (December 2018) concluded in Katowice in Poland may be a late and insufficient agreement, because most countries do not intend to develop high-budget projects for the construction and development of power plants based on renewable energy sources. In addition, changes in the automotive industry, changes leading to the development of motorization in the direction of electromobility are too slow. The problem is serious because it concerns the future of all humanity in the perspective of the next two to three generations, yet the necessary changes and reforms in the implementation of economic principles of sustainable pro-ecological development are too slow. With the current pace of changes, there may be a shortage of time to implement the necessary pro-ecological undertakings, and then the problem of global warming will become an irreversible process and will constantly accelerate!
Please reply. I invite you to the discussion
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Pro-ecological economic development is a pretty mouthful term.Both economic development and environment in a given economy are important. The balance between them is difficult. Finding a suitable model with respect to different economies( which are at different stages of development) is the need of time.An interesting ideas can be: "Finding a Sustainable Model for a particular industry or sector in a particular country or region". The sector may be power,agriculture,mining, forestry...anything.If it addresses the real problem of that society, it will be a great contribution. The issue of pro-ecological development rests on two things: first, the balance between our need and greed; second, local people participation.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
22 answers
There are many possible applications and reasons of utilization of renewable energy.
Please share your opinion where and how renewable energy utilization can be increased?
Also, share your opinion, why renewable energy sources are not accepted significantly?
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Renewable energy is, without a doubt, one of the main energy sources used by many countries for electricity generation and the cleanest type of energy source available in the world. However, and despite practical and convincing technologies on renewable energy available for its use for elctricity generation, the process to switch from the use of non-renewable energy sources to the use of renewable energy sources has been quite slow and uncertain especially in the developing nations. Some of the main barriers to be faced in this process are, according to Dorcas Kariuki, the following:
· over-reliance on fossil fuels (coal),
· political and regulatory barriers,
· technical barriers,
· market-related barriers,
· social-cultural barriers,
· financial and economic barriers,
· geographical and ecological barriers.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
39 answers
In many countries, energy based on renewable energy sources is being developed. This development is determined by many economic, ecological and geographical factors. This development results from the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the scale of air pollution by exhaust from mechanical vehicles. The development of energy based on renewable energy sources is indispensable due to the faster global warming process. Therefore, energy based on renewable energy sources should be developed.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
What are the main determinants of the development of renewable energy sources?
Please reply
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Thank you very much
Best wishes
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The determinants of renewable energies are -
1. The cost of renewables are high and many governments give subsidies to run their renewable energy production. So the cost of renewables must be lowered
2. Non-renewables are cheap and make lots of profit. But renewables are not profitable. But a high carbon emission tax is imposed on the non-renewables and more subsidies to renewables then the shift towards the renewables will accelerate
3. People still dont really know or care for the environmental problems that non-renewables cause. Public awarness should be raised in this regard.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
13 answers
Green Electricity refers to Electricity produced from renewable energy sources. It may be Co-generation also.
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It is the only figured soloution for the energy supply road map. So it must and therefore it will.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
18 answers
For the classical power industry to be replaced with renewable energy sources, it is necessary to have the right policy at the state level but also at the supranational level.
The supranational organization of common markets on the example of the European Union is perfect for this issue. In the European Union, successive reforms are being undertaken to motivate the development of modern energy solutions and environmental protection.
Please reply. I invite you to the discussion
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Therefore, in the context of the above considerations, the following important question appears:
How to increase the effectiveness of environmental protection programs, natural ecosystems and biodiversity?
Protection of the environment, natural ecosystems and biodiversity should be an integral part of the concept of sustainable pro-ecological economic development?
In the context of growing and increasing environmental pollution and declining areas of natural ecosystems, the importance and need to improve environmental protection systems, natural ecosystems and biodiversity is increasing. Biodiversity is one of the most important issues of natural ecosystems and life on Earth. Maintaining high biodiversity on Earth should be a challenge and one of the main goals of human functioning on the Earth in the 21st century and in subsequent centuries.
In connection with the above, protection of the environment, natural ecosystems and biodiversity should be an integral part of the concept of sustainable ecological development. In some countries, the concept of sustainable pro-ecological economic development is implemented successively, primarily in the field of renewable energy sources, improvement of waste segregation techniques and recycling development. However, in many countries these issues are still insufficiently developed.
Still too small financial resources are allocated in many countries for the development of renewable energy sources, improvement of waste segregation and recycling techniques. In addition to the private sector, besides enterprises implementing ecological innovations, it is necessary to increase expenditures and develop strategic pro-ecological reform projects, including restructuring of the mining industry of minerals supplying classic energy sources and development of energy based on renewable energy sources. This development should be supported and coordinated by environmentally friendly state intervention, and due to the high investment costs of construction of power plants producing electricity from renewable energy sources should be co-financed from the state public finance funds.
In this way, it will be possible to slow down the ongoing global warming process in the 21st century and thus slow down the process of devastating the natural environment, draining green areas characterized by high biodiversity. Biodiversity is a very important issue in the context of the analysis of ecology, sustainable development and the protection of the natural environment, including, in particular, the natural positions of biologically complex ecosystems, i.e. those that are characterized by high biodiversity. Maintaining biodiversity of natural ecosystems is one of the most important problems and tasks for people in the 21st century.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In the context of the above considerations, the following question is still valid:
How to increase the effectiveness of environmental protection programs, natural ecosystems and biodiversity?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
47 answers
What actions should be taken to remove or replace these barriers to the chances of developing renewable energy sources?
Are the main barriers to the development of renewable energy sources the lobbying of enterprises in the energy sector producing electricity and heat based on traditional energy of burning minerals? Is there a lack of financial resources in the majority of countries regarding the financing of high-budget pro-environmental projects from public finance funds? Should there be new, new ecological innovations, new technological solutions in the field of renewable energy sources, electromobility in the automotive field, new generations of batteries, photovoltaic panels, energy storage and transmission stations, hydrogen engines, etc. to produce and use electricity generated on the basis of renewable source of energy has become profitable to become a profitable business? If this process lasts for a long time, there may be a shortage of time to implement the necessary reforms aimed at disseminating in the global economy a model of sustainable pro-ecological development based on the concept of green economy. If this process lasts much longer than by 2030, there may not be enough time to carry out the necessary reforms to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and, consequently, the planet's warming process will accelerate considerably, this process will be irreversible and will continue to accelerate and towards the end of the 21st century century will lead to a global climate disaster that threatens the life of all humanity and most other forms of life on Earth.
In view of the above, the current question is: What are the main barriers to the development of renewable energy sources?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
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In my opinion the basic barriers in most countries for the development of renewable energy sources is the lack of financial resources in state budgets and lobbying of the mining sector of energy raw materials and the energy sector based on classic energy sources.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
5 answers
is it bioenergy an efficient fuel . can we totally supplement non- renewable energy by bioenergy such as electricity, vehicles gases, cooking fuels etc.
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  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
17 answers
as Hydrogen production currently not renewable sources.
way forward ........................
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Yes Albert you are true.. why dismount the overhead cables which were installed almost everywhere (costly operation)? It looks folish and quite stupid. However please have a look on the mass of CO2" transported in the electric cables" Have a look please on how is produced electricity in most of the countries... Europe (Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Serbia)... America (USA, Mexico etc...) Asia (China, India, South Asia countries etc...), Africa (Nigeria, Morrocco, Algeria)...
More than 63% of energy we dispose originate from fossil resources, almost 30% of this energy is distributed as electricity... So most of the "clean" trains are very dark.. why not try changing? A big challenge in terms of energy dispatch is the national, even international grid networks... which appears less and less inadapted to the growing and growing number ReN capture systems. Local collapses (Canada-USA-California) had still occured and major chaos is possible... One has to maintain large grids for efficient mass production and efficient mass distribution, provides generation of electricity is made cleaner and cleaner, but one has to consider as well local ans smaller size production and consumption, which are mode adapted to renewable energy resources (sun, wind, wood, water falls) leading also to some economy in terms of network disposal and management.
I am not so GREEN and Ecolo, since I consider as well interesting the future of high temperature (but small size) nuclear plants able deliver efficiently heat (for electricity production and H2O dissociation).
Here the main idea is to de-fossilize the energy for manking, expecting that presently we have kept enough strategic reserves of ores and minerals aiming overpass more quietly the next centuries for.... billions people...
I have a direct question to you Albert.. since you belong to the Boeing company: Can you say me, please, how many aircrafts are moving per unit of time above us and how many MegaTons of CO2 they produce a year? Let me say that I have nothing against the marvellous aviation, but effectively the efforts made to propel trains with hydrogen, the invitation to use clean-electrical cars, the incitation to use bikes, also to walk a little more could really appear quite ridiculous.
Kind regards
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
19 answers
What will it take for the mainstream energy community to look at space based solar power?
The greenest of all green energy sources.
Unlimited safe clean energy 24/7 daily delivered anywhere.
The best hope for displaced aerospace workers (short of world war 3).
The only power source with all these attributes is space based solar power.
Unlimited energy -> solar energy is unlimited
Clean energy -> solar energy is clean. Zero emission. Less waste heat than any other energy source. Minimal environmental impact.
Constant - 24/7 - a solar panel in space is constantly illuminated at full power, no outages due to weather or night time or seasons. No Storage needed.
Delivered anywhere -> the receiving array can be located anywhere on Earth for a fraction of the land area from a conventional solar array. No new power grids needed.
No technical breakthroughs required
What is the catch?
The main problem is the high cost of launching hardware into orbit. With economies of scale these costs will fall rapidly.
Next step: Need to design and build a demonstrator.
Space-based solar power can be developed into a source of clean energy to augment power grids around the World, on the Moon, and anywhere else humans are likely to go.
Space-based solar power already powers our satellites and space stations in orbit around Earth. The trick is to collect enough solar energy on orbit, convert it into a form of power that can be broadcast safely to Earth, and to do so economically.
Figuring out how to do this has been the subject of a number of studies over the past few decades. All of them concluded that space-based solar power as a source of clean energy on the Earth is scientifically feasible, but not technologically or economically viable at the time of those studies, the last occurring in the 1990s. However, the studies also find that space-based solar power is becoming more viable as time progresses because related technologies are making huge strides forward in many cases.
In 2007 we arrived at a general and growing consensus among most of humanity that the global demand for energy will soon exceed our ability to produce it. Complicating matters is environmental contamination brought about by the consumption of our traditional carbon-based fuels. Many believe our consumption of these fuels has irreparably damaged the environment though global warming.
If the technical hurdles associated with space-based solar power can be overcome, it will provide a clean alternative to carbon-based fuels. We do NOT want it to become the one-and-only energy source. We think prudent energy policy should dictate that numerous clean energy sources be developed and should be coupled with appropriate conservation efforts.
There are three basic reasons why going to space is preferred to ground-based solar power:
1. The sun is many time more intense on orbit than on the surface of the Earth. This means there is more energy to be collected. **(See note below)**
2. Unlike ground-based solar power systems which spend roughly half of their time in the darkness of night, space-based systems can be perpetually bathed in sunlight. This is an instant doubling of efficiency.
3. Ground-based systems suffer from weather phenomena such as clouds, precipitation, and dust. These are not worries in space.
Space-based solar power also has three major drawbacks:
1. Despite fifty years of spacefaring experience, getting to space is still hard and expensive. It costs thousands of dollars per pound to lift anything into space from Earth.
2. We have no experience assembling and sustaining objects on orbit of the scale that space-based solar power will require. Some designs suggest systems that are literally several square kilometers in size.
3. Although the efficiencies of collecting power on orbit are many times greater than what can be done on the surface of the Earth, there are significant power losses in converting energy and broadcasting energy both in orbit, during transmission to Earth receivers, and from the receiver into terrestrial power grids. Some calculations suggest space-based solar power can deliver only ten percent of the original collected power.
To make space-based solar power viable, the benefits have to outweigh the costs at a rate that ultimately makes it profitable for a commercial venture to take over such an enterprise.
Reprinted with permission from:
**Note: sunlight in space is only slightly more intense than sunlight on orbit, that phrase in the report could be clarified **
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In addition, I note the interesting discussion inspired me to the following considerations:
Is solar energy safer for people and the environment compared to nuclear energy?
When comparing, for example, solar and atomic energy, many significant differences can be shown.
Solar energy is safer than nuclear energy. There are no environmentally hazardous radioactive waste in solar energy. In addition, solar power plants can be of any size, while nuclear power plants are usually very large investments and require huge financial outlays for the construction of a modern nuclear power plant.
But besides, many other energy technologies are being developed, energy innovations are being developed in the field of renewable energy sources, such as wind, water, or sea waves.
In addition, geothermal energy and the development of energy storage technologies. This is an important issue because the consumption of electricity is growing in many developing countries. In the future, electricity consumption may increase even more when electromobility starts to spread, ie electric cars will be produced and sold on a massive scale.
In view of the above, I am asking you: Which type of energy should be developed in the future?
Please reply. I invite you to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
2 answers
Dear members.
You are invited to participate in a interdisciplinary Global Research Project. Credits will be given to ALL PARTICIPANTS.
Subject: Economy / Ecology interaction , the Non - Monetary values.
Soon on the group will be debated issues of Global Interest that we encourage to participate, to contribute as well.
Proper credit will be given on the upcoming volume based on your participation, suggestions, ideas. Articles, as the time comes, will also be collected from the authors interested to publish or to be cited.
Ecology & Economics and Non-Monetary Values. The Roll of States and Governments
See you on the group! - See perhaps your contributions as well.
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An interesting combination of innovations, i.e. in the field of ecology and economics.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
2 answers
We rely heavily on your participation in our pro-activeinternational symposium Mediterranean in its second edition with a carrier theme "Sustainable Development in the event of Renewable Energy in Agadir (Grenier Global Sustainable Development) from April 11, 2011 .
Please also ensure wide dissemination in the Mediterraneanscientific event in its second edition.
Subject: International Congress of the MediterraneanRenewable Energy
Grand Prize: Oscar for associative Mediterranean AGR RES
Grand Prize: Oscar for businesses Mediterranean EnR
Location: Agadir, Morocco North Africa
Date: April 11 to 14, 2011
Conference Chair: Rachid BOUTTI
Holder of the Chair of the Euro-Arab Sustainable Development
Again many thanks.
Greetings Agadir
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The issue of this Congress is very important for the development of civilization, for humans, for the planet Earth and for the development of life on Earth. Strange that there was no discussion about such an important topic.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
54 answers
Taking into account the increasing global problems related to the progressing environmental pollution, depletion of mineral resources and the greenhouse effect, the need to create and develop new, innovative RES technologies and clean green energy sources is gradually increasing.
In view of the above, the question is becoming more and more current: What sources of clean energy and RES technologies will dominate in the future?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
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Future energy generation technologies to take us all forward in perpetuity - must be those which deliver massive, enduring, clean, safe and low cost power for all peoples.
This technological challenge is in the hands of the world’s best and brightest scientists, physicists, engineers and researchers who quite rightly are focused clearly on reaching the pinnacle of energy generation possibilities known to science – nothing less is acceptable.
Fortunately the world of science already understands well the immutable laws of thermodynamics underpinning energy dense generation concepts, so we are well advanced on the subject. Importantly, we can all expect to see these very low footprint, versatile, and scalable modular generation technologies start to “pop up” and be put into service progressively and everywhere globally within 30 years for sure.
There are four imperatives that any energy technology suitable for future use must satisfy fully to qualify as a forward thinking and enduring new era technology.
(1) New age generation must be at the peak or near the peak of the energy density and generation scientific pyramid;
(2) New age generation must generate massive, clean, safe, low cost power cost effectively, and be of a modular, scalable, and easily reticulatable everywhere globally, form factor;
(3) New age generation must be one that provides low cost and abundant power for all peoples ad-infinitum, sufficient to power new age energy intensive industries much needed to elevate all peoples globally through new technological opportunities and incremental prosperity advancements for all;
(4) New age generation most importantly at the same time as achieving points 1 - 3 above, must eliminate greenhouse gasses GHG currently generated by fossil fuels generation in all forms to insignificant levels permanently and quickly, and consign climate change issues to posterity going forward.
So a better question is this: “Can We Generate 100% Of Our Energy from New Age Clean Generation Technologies by 2100 Eliminating Greenhouse Gasses at the same time?
Yes of course we can, as we must
Lawrence Coomber
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
6 answers
High-penetration of renewable power generation throughout the network might increase transmission/distribution congestion. What are the effective tools in both transmission and distribution level for managing congestion due to renewable penetration?
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Pena, I., Martinez-Anido, C. B., & Hodge, B. M. (2018). An extended IEEE 118-bus test system with high renewable penetration. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33(1), 281-289.
Burchett, S. M., Chow, J., Kar, K., Zimmerman, R., Swider, M., Marwali, M., & Zhang, G. (2018, June). Investigation of Generator Ramp Rates in High Renewable Penetration Systems using an Academic New York Network Model. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Schermeyer, H., Vergara, C., & Fichtner, W. (2018). Renewable energy curtailment: A case study on today's and tomorrow's congestion management. Energy Policy, 112, 427-436.
Zakeri, B., Price, J., Zeyringer, M., Keppo, I., Mathiesen, B. V., & Syri, S. (2018). The direct interconnection of the UK and Nordic power market–Impact on social welfare and renewable energy integration. Energy.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
8 answers
I am currently searching for a cheaper alternative for household appliances and power needs as there is a huge shortage of power in Chennai, India at present. Please suggest how well I can leverage solar energy to run my absolute needs like using light bulbs, ceiling fans, and smaller appliances on a daily basis. The total power wattage needed is close to 1000 watts.
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Dear respected Sudharshan S,
Solar powered systems are good sources of energy that are reliable and can provide you with continuous power without failure if well size. The components of the solar powered system for optimum usage are solar panel, solar charge controller, solar battery and solar inverter.
Best regards.
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  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
2 answers
Hello Friends,can anybody tell me a innovative idea for generating renewable energy?
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10 answers
I am trying to model wind turbines using DigSilent and when I increase the active power the turbine tries to pull the power back to its previous value. Does anyone know how to fix this issue. Thanks
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
2 answers
Can anyone advise on the formula and preparation process to make green brick or geopolymer brick?
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  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
3 answers
"Venus holds warning for Earth"
Injecting our atmosphere with sulfur droplets to mitigate climate change may not be a good idea as once thought.
By ESA, Noordwijk, Netherlands — Published: December 1, 2010
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
3 answers
can anyone pls download this for me?
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Volume 43, Number 3, 466-469, DOI: 10.1007/BF00218450
γ-Linolenic acid production from Spirulina platensis
G. Mahajan and M. Kamat
please send it to:
i badly need it... please help!
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Please find your paper
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
33 answers
Air temperature from LST (day and night).
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it exist the formulas from landsat using zenithal angle and insolation angle to retrieve the values of AIR temperature. it's very usefull and i will send you letter.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
45 answers
Most of the Paris COP21 attending delegates presented their countries Renewble energy fraction  target meanly around 30% for 2030. Are we ready for a 100% target now??? Do we really need an energy transition?
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 That was a very interesting discussion (March 2016) which is still relevant today (July 2016).
Here in Canada we are still trying to convince people to get away from fossil fuels. The last government was totally behind fossil fuel developments and that is why it lost power (a few months ago). Now, the work to change into renewables can continue.
In my location hydro power is the chief source of power. Solar power is being tested for energy and hot water, but it is difficult due to the winter's below zero temperatures. However, the new fashion is "geothermal power": Getting heat from the ground for the winter and coolness for the summer. It still needs a bit of electricity to function using the "heat pump", but in the long run it is relatively cheap source of energy. The source of this heat is just normal ground temperature at a depth of just 2 m below surface.
This "geothermal power" can be used in other countries as well and can be carbon-neutral if one used solar power to drive the pump, for example.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
2 answers
How to coat copper or any metals on transparency (plastic) sheet. to make it as flexible electodes. Please if you know by any source, please answer me.
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you can use electroless coating technology- it is a good method to coat non-conductive materials.
good example for this method is the coating Nickel taps by Nickel electroless plating technique
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
9 answers
I found a solar cell block in Matab. Now I have to use it as an array so how should I connect this block? Otherwise I have my designed model of a cell, which will be better for an array of 10 KW.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
7 answers
hi , I am searching on "Inverters used in PV systems". I will be really grateful if someone can help me to get more details on the advancements in the fields.Also what are the project possiblities in this area which can be completed in maximum of 4 months. ?
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You can have a look on this publication:
The analysis of different PV power systems for the determination of optimal PV panels and system installation—A case study in Kahramanmaras, Turkey
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
5 answers
I am trying to find out the degree days , heating degree days and the cooling degree days for Abu Dhabi. My question is how do I determine which base temperature value to choose for my calculations. I have come across different base temperature values for different regions. For Saudi Arabia I came across a base temperature value of 18.3, for Scotland the values were different for CDD and HDD values, any help in this regard would be helpful. 
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I suggest to take into account the ASHRAE or other standards and make your calculations not only for one case, regarding the base temperature, but for two, at least. So, you can also have a comparative perspective.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
10 answers
We are experimenting on a solar absorption air conditioning system which uses LiBr-water solution. We want to get generator temperatures as high as possible. We used evacuated tube collector and we reached up to 72 C from an ambient of 39 C. 
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Dear prof kamal,
i dont think so you need to change the collector. you need to check you collector direction and tilt angle. these are two important factors for collector performance. for you location you can check best direction and angle these from NASA SSE data.
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7 answers
In Spain the reguralization is not too equal than other countries. There are some taxes which are not correct. This is slowing the integration of the Renewable Energy Sources in the households. Although Spain has much renewable resources, the government keeps off the development of RES. The auto-consumption is now viable and it needs inversion to improve the technologies and the payback.
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Dear Ibán
In Brazil we have no law for enabling consumers to produce their own energy. Regulation is granted by governmental agency of electric energy, called ANEEL, which is in charge of manage transmission and distribution of energy all over the country. Each distributor has the right to increase the rate once a year, according to Federal Law. We have several distributors, some of them public, other private, but they have limited geographic range, also definied by laws of the late 1990's. As now we have lack of water in Southeast region,hydropower reduced their participation in the electricity generation matrix from almost 90% to less than 70%, and we are using coal and oil for power generation. It caused increeasing taxes, because the costs of generation are not more expensive. Our electricity bills we are being labeled with green, yellow, or red flags. Green is when the situation of generation is at normal costs. Yellow means "beware", indicating that we are operating with higher costs, and each 100 KW consumed is burdened with R$ 3,50 (more or less US$ 1). The red flag, that is the flag we are being labeled now, means that we are operating with the highest costs for generation, and each consumer must to pay R$ 5,00 (more or less US$ 1,50) for each 100 KW spent . However, we have also problems of lack of investment in transmission. 
Summarising: we as citizens cannot produce or own energy. There is no regulamentation for such initiative. Furthermore, we would need Environmental Impact Asssessment. I see it as lack of governmental planning, because we have abundant solar (natural) resources available during the most part of the year.
Besides, we pay high taxes in our electricity bills. We pay State taxes (around 25% of the bill payment goes to State authority),and we pay Federal taxes (more or less 1-2%) that are inverted to health insurance, social contribution, and funds for technological development os electricity sector, but I particularly see this amount as too low compared with our needs of investment. 
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There are claims that it is. I would like to learn what you all think.
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Thank you. I'll read it soon.
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What the best title to a paper with this abstract:
This paper presents the relationship among energy, economy and society. It discusses about the development of societies and energy; energy and structure of societies. It also characterized the environmental impacts from the use of energy sources derived from fossil and renewable resources. Human evolution is closely linked to energy, since the beginning of time man has to know it and seeking it ever more on the environment. He began to enjoy and benefit from its potential fossil and renewable resources. It is discussed the environmental impacts from energy production and utilization, contribution to greenhouse gases and other pollutants emissions. The use of more efficient technologies, along with the application of sustainable energy policies has contributed to a general reduction in the intensity of CO2 emissions by energy production and consumption.
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Now a day we know  that every house there is Dish TV  sum way every house wind HUB just as Dish TV may be possible which supply engery  to the home
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8 answers
How to improve solar cell efficiency?
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8 PrintedOrganicSolarCells
ClaudiaHoth1,AndreaSeemann1,RolandSteim1,Tayebeh Ameri2,HamedAzimi2andChristophJ.Brabec
For better understanding of efficiency obstracles and limitation read the above givn book chapter it will help you to understand the concept
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4 answers
Solar thermal water heaters for getting hot water upto 70 degrees celcius are well developed and are efficiency wise pretty good compared to Photovoltaic. If we use a solvent like Di ethyl ether or methanol or suitable refrigerant in solar thermal heater instead of water we can have high pressure system whhich can drive mini turbine to generate electricity which will be more efficient way to produce electricity than photo-voltaic.
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What kind of efficiency can you get with the thermal turbine configuration?
Doesn't it depend on the expansion co-efficient for the fluid involved?
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I work on testing a segmented HAWT blade of 7 m length. I want to submit my work to an international journal. Because I'm not an expert so I want a good journal but with suitable Impact Factor.
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Climate Modeling for Renewable Energy Applications,Hindawi Publishing Corporation, IF=1.2
Some other Journals:
Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics [elsevier, IF= 1.3]
Wind Energy, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. , IF=1.4
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, IF=1.5
You can Go through this:
Best of luck
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
10 answers
I've found a lot of Sources which say that maybe Urine can (not solve but) ease our energy problems. Like:
What does the scientific community say to this?
Thank you.
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Thank you for the post, some interesting contributions.
A part of my project covers the research into chemical energy from human body and a possibility of powering portable devices. In this case using a human urine to activate a galvanic cell. In contrast to the ladies from Nigeria with a price of 64$ for the set up, I have looked into designing a very cheap and sustainable an urine powered cell on a budget ~ £2 max.
The urine is a rich source of electrolytes, i.e. sodium, potassium see:
Therefore the urine was used as electrolyte solution in a galvanic cell.
The lab experiments with 100ml of human urine have shown 0.67W decreasing to 0.53W after 12 hours.
The Japanese company APSJ have actually marketed a standard AA battery that runs on any liquid including urine, see
Another link to urine tech
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3 answers
I have done static stress analysis of trough which includes modal analysis, static structural analysis. But I am not able to understand what is dynamic stress analysis. How can i calculate theoretically dynamic stress of PTC.
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Dear Awadhesh
Unfortunately my knowledge on the structural part are superficial, however I will try to contact colleagues who understand the subject far better.
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Effiiciency of solar panel is the major concern for the AC and DC users
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Depending on he Insolation levels falling on the PV panel, per sq.m, we can estimate the input power as sampled data over a period of time. ( using measurement devices) From an energy meter connected at the output terminals of the PV panel, we can find the output energy.
The time period of analysis should be same.
and now efficiency = Output / Input powers.
I think, Application point of view doesnot afftect the efficiency of a PV module.
For overall efficiency, we should include the efficiency of the following depending on the topology.
1. DC - DC converter
2. Inverter
3. Battery efficiency
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I want to use that data in my simulation. I am looking for the data on hourly basis for about 4 to 5 years.
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How to resolve the existence of microclimates in the country subject of these calculations? Is there any model for this kind of problems ?
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For serious applications, like energy policy making and regional development, you need solar resource maps (particularly of mean annual global and direct irradiance) obtained with the best methods using satellite-derived data. There are many commercial vendors offering such services now, but only a couple of them cover the whole globe.
The nominal spatial resolution (imposed by the satellite sensors) is currently about 4 km. This is the current limit up to which microclimatic features can be resolved. Interestingly, however, one vendor has developed a downscaling technique that takes terrain shading into account, so that a resolution of 90 m is now achievable. This high resolution is important in areas with complex topography (i.e., mountains). Below is a sample map of mean annual direct irradiance (DNI) for Namibia, to the development of which we collaborated last year.
Contact us for more details...
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  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy and Space Power
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Can you please suggest the latest scientific papers explaining with details the mathematical model of the doubly fed electric machine, voltage = function (current)?
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Hi, Find the pdf file in the attachment.
Hope it will help you.
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159 answers
Self citation can help paper reviewers to check on the history of the author(s) and research topics.
Any comment or opinion are welcome.
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Say, you are active in a research field for some time and your present work is often a continuation of previous studies. In such case the author cites own papers. And this is quite obvious. However, in fact, there is a limit of self-citation. And this limit is decency...
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2 answers
What should be the roadmap for sustainable energy ?
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You need to identify what the objectives are. In many countries (like South Africa), sustainable energy is linked to poverty reduction through increased local employment. This means you don't simply import the best technology and put it up in your country - you examine the expertise of local companies and universities, the needs of the rural communities and then find technologies and partners that give you the best balance of Renewable Energy and Jobs at a reasonable cost.
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Finally I received the results confirming the practical development in 1985 and 1995 theoretical assumptions prove the benefits of the vortex power for high-speed air flow in a high tower. True results are obtained on a mathematical model of finite element analysis program ANSYS CFX and to implement a physical model is still too early to say, but we can already assume that the idea of Co “Adrian Smith & Gordon Gill Architecture” air thermal establish power in the body of a skyscraper "Kingdom Tower" is outstanding achievement in the construction of scientific thought, as I wrote in 1991 in an article “Mamulashvili G. The Energy Alternative Source - Air-Thermal Power Plant - The problems of installation in Georgia Science and Technology, The Journal of Georgian Academy of Sciency, number 6, ISSN 0130-7061 | May 9, 1991”, which I handed to Professor Jorg Schlaich “Schlaich Bergermann und Partner” personally. Unfortunately the owner of the skyscraper "Burji Chalif" and "Kingdom Tower" HRH, Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal Al-Saud has not yet resumed negotiations on a draft of the first prototype of the cyclone air thermal power for a new skyscraper, which will provide clean energy for a small town.
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Mamula, there is also a paper from Taiwan (sorry I for got the Journal name) tha proposed the cyclone on the top of the solar tower. The cyclone do reduce the pressure, thus the combination of the tower and the cyclone do give a better efficiency to the solar tower, of the height could be reduced to compensate the attachment of the cyclone.
Wan Zaidi
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willows are plantd by state forest department at density of 625 trees per ha and harvested after 14 years of rotation age. Most of these areas are water logged
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Do you have any publications in English on wetlands in Kashmir, or at least photos?
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3 answers
Space Power, Wireless
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RF(microwaves) Harvesting using :RECTENNA:
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HVAC or Heating Ventilation and Airconditioning is a growing Engineering Sector which basically relies on Human Comfort. I would like to discuss the concept of Using Alternative Resources as Source Power.
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Matt, your idea is really good. It is a fact that the building itself is an energy store, for either heating or cooling. A concrete wall (especially that facing the sun in the afternoon) would store some heat to continue heating the space inside through the first half of the night. But so far I have not seen any report on the "time constant" of the walls. For cooling the, the old arab technique that have water pool at the foot of the wall (I presumed letting the capillary of the wall suck the water up the wall) would cool the wall by evaporation due to the sun shining on the walls, thus cooling the space within the walls. These ways actually bypass the electricity requirement in the whole HVAC chain. This idea can be applied to specific chemicals that evaporates at lower temperatures lower than the comfortable room temperatures. In Malaysia, the room comfortable temperatures is 24 degree C. We should be alerted to the ice making technology by solar energy utilising ammonia. This system is intermittent, such that during the day, the ammonia was charged/heated away from it storage and flows to a heat exchanger where heat is released to the atmosphere. During this process, the ammonia condensed into a pool in the ice making box. during the night, the ammonia evaporates and flows back to its storage which would have cooled after the sun sets. The evaporation process takes the heat from the ice making box, enough to produce ice. No mechanical or electrical energy involved here. As such I think the whole thing could be adapted to the space cooling.
Again, Matt the processes I am proposing is slow, but as you said the human response would also be slow.
Well these are my thinking. I hope this makes sense. To me it does. Any one agree with me?
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31 answers
A country like India is in dire need of these resources. Is it due to political set backs or practical implementation problems?
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In the US, Energy Lobby (oil, gas, coal & electric) contributes millions of dollars; one of the strongest lobbying arms politically. Additionally, they run high end, expensive ad campaigns designed to “appear” environmentally friendly and persuade the general population who do not fully understand the issues. Turkey, on the other hand, has become the leader in solar domestic hot water systems; which are visible all over rooftops, primarily thermo-siphon systems. In fact, they export systems to the US and other countries. Additionally, Turkey has effectively passed a progressive Renewable Energy Law in 2010. Given their proximity and relationship in the Arab/oil producing world, this intrigues me. Further research into Turkey’s transformation from a state-led to a market oriented economy may hold a key to navigating the political quagmires in sustainable energy development in other countries.
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All the goverments & public have the thought to take the solar & other renewable energies for usage
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Solar energy certainly has a place in our energy mix. More efficient in equatorial latitudes and reducing in efficacy in northern latitudes. it is used extensively in outer space where there is no cloud cover and perpetual sunlight. the drawback is in the small electrical D.C. output from each cell requiring larger panels to produce sufficient power plus the infra structure (rectifiers) to change the output from D.C. to A.C, and transformers to boost the voltage to our standard operating voltages. If installed in a house, e.g. it may take up to 20 years to break even financially. Hence the incentive is to find alternative energy sources that incorporate reliability, cost effectiveness, and small size.
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9 answers
I am sure that wind would affect climate.
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wind is generated by the sun's energy on this planet and by virtue of the earth's rotation, and disparate temperatures on the Earth's surface. All we are doing is harnessing this phenomena (energy) via windmills to generate electricity. Hence we do not have to use any carbon based fuels to generate energ, and therefore climate change effects are reduced or eliminated. There are other sources of energy we can use that do not affect climate change e.g. tidal power, water falls, and nuclear power.
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Can we xtract any oil from the plastic....?
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many plastics are manufactured from petroleum and natural gas.As there are high density of organic polymers, I think they can back-process it. It will reduce the environmental harm. Its a good Idea.
check this sites
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I am enthusiastic in finding whether light has any magnetic propertic.
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Thank You Sir, I will study about it and will reply you soon.
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7 answers
Sea water desalination
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We can collect the water vapours of the salt water by xposing it to sun outside of that v can desalinate knw
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17 answers
Any focused research in this direction?
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Mr. Gayner & Mr. Reddy, the point I made is that even if we could solve all the engineering problems and harness ALL the energy of ALL the lightning in the world, the total would be insignificant. So let's devote our talents to developing energy sources that can, at least in principle, do some good.
If you can present calculations that show me wrong and that total annual energy of lightning amounts to more than a couple of parts in a million of our annual electrical demand, we can then discuss the technological problems and possible solutions.
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Looking for resources for my paper.
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We rely heavily on your participation in our pro-activeinternational symposium Mediterranean in its second edition with a carrier theme "Sustainable Development in the event of Renewable Energy in Agadir (Grenier Global Sustainable Development) from April 11, 2011 .
Please also ensure wide dissemination in the Mediterraneanscientific event in its second edition.
Subject: International Congress of the MediterraneanRenewable Energy
Grand Prize: Oscar for associative Mediterranean AGR RES
Grand Prize: Oscar for businesses Mediterranean EnR
Location: Agadir, Morocco North Africa
Date: April 11 to 14, 2011
Conference Chair: Rachid BOUTTI
Holder of the Chair of the Euro-Arab Sustainable Development
Again many thanks.
Greetings Agadir
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The question that remains unanswered ........ till date right from the beginner of time, ever since science started to develop ........ "Why do +ve and -ve charges attract each other? And how? Even when there is no media or any means of conveying force"
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Yes Kiran, previously Sidney posted about matter anti-matter darkness within darkness and many such incredible knowledge and thios further proves the fact
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Why do we consider the speed of light as the refrence? And why a moon does not follow sun instead of rotating around?
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I propose my new-made discovery"First-created principle Alpha" new aspects of astronomy please see part NATURE.
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Need help with the software (DigSilent) slightly stuck at a point.. will appreciate if anyone will help me out :)
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I am trying to model wind turbines using DigSilent and when I increase the active power the turbine tries to pull the power back to its previous value. Does anyone know how to fix this issue. Thanks.
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i can't access science direct in our country...can anybody download this for me? Biodiesel production from heterotrophic microalgal oil by Xiaoling Miao and Qingyu Wu...thanks! please send it to: